J. THK DAILY 11E11AL1) : i'LATTSMOUTIJ, NKIJKASIvA, TUESDAY, JUNK 25. 18SJ.. 0 0 n SB P -4 it. fU J V r - ' 1 u TO H 5 I J'-'r 1 m m ie n A t 3 I 1 1 3 t 19 1 ' tit a PI 147 Parlor Sets ed ISoom. Sets 9 JtJSBBEKg4ffl tsiU i: e e urmture9 Or if you are in need of a fr r i Vi a B a flie inost com- plete in Cas fiJo. Hfjfg Mearge always Sleady for use. beatstital Antique lEtDeker BlLat isclis. op Sice ariiiture v anyOiins in 41ae lisae f siriaitnre tlmt yon siaay iieed9 S invite yon to exainine my tocSi la Ml P T? to is p I1?