J" THE DAILY IIEIlALD : FLATTSMOOTB 'NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JUNE S, 1689. i f f CHOKING UP WITH WASTE. INFORMATION CONCERNING THE BODY'S DRAINAGE SYSTEM. , Tlie Proper Work of tho Httveo Million 1'ort-o In I he fcklu Iit-ncfiu of )fultliy I'erppirliig FfTVoU v-ie of Turkish Rntlift How to Krei In liowl Condition. The generality of people enjoy much letter health during summer than in winter. This unquestionably the rule with those of sedentary occupations who Are 1i-nieil tmflicient excrciae. Probably the principal reason is that during the warm wason the skin ii much the most active, ami sweating lx always tnore or lews profuse. Perhaps it is too much to lay that thoso who do not 6weat easily Urid orteu cannot Iks healthy; hut it cer tainly would Iks letter for all could they by some means the lest ij exercise Cianao to work themselves Into a per ipiratioii every day. TWr.NTY-FIVE MILES OF DRAINAGE. It i.s roughly estimated that there are 7,000,000 pores in the skin which oien on its surface. They are .1 very largo part cf the body's sewerage system; and come one with patient calculation has reached the solution that these pores are el u ice gates for over twenty-five miles cf drainage. It is very evident that health largely depends upon the good working condition of .this drainage sys tem, and if the outlets the pores are blocked up, the waste matters mubt le diverted into other channels. Other avenues notably the lxwels and Kidneys have lecn provided by na ture for the discharge of wasto from the system, but they have sufticient work of tUcir own to do and, while they would patiently reswnd for a time toany extra .'.iii.in.l 3 uon them, sooner or later, un less r liovod of the unusual burden, they would shows tigus of distress, and be come so crippled they would 110 longer . be able to perform properly even their own legitimate wxrk. The wasto which should le thrown off through the skin r;mnot Ik; entirely diverted and sent out throug h other channels; much of it must remain locKed up in the system. When its natural outlet is oljstructed, some of it permeates tho tiui-s of the body, enters the blood, and is distributed about in the y-teui, and sn produces diseased of vari (.Mis kind-?. JJy frequent bathing the pores are kept fairly well opened, but it will be c lear to all that tho little tubes can only bo kept ierfectly free by frequent Hush ing. When a jicrson gets into a good pweat th-: outflow is considerable and the channels nre well washed out. If that, lialutary process takes place every day, and the Ixxly is duly cleaned by ono or two baths a week, in that direc tion at hast about all is being done which can be done to keep tho skin ac ;ive and healthy. Daily exercise, to meet .-.11 requirements, should be carried far t noxtgh to produce quite a free perspira tion. It is unde!iub!ya fact that a very large proportion of the Ills which man sulfers from are due to olsti-y.etjoi in the skin t,y st em of drainage. That fault is almost riwnys present in thoso who take cold easily and in tlo?e who are victims to neuralgia, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, bil iousnes, out, etc. And this class is largely made up of people who live in active or sedentary lives. Were thi3 liability cf tho system to choke up with vvasle luliy aifociatcd by people gen erally, and means to obviate it conscien tiously taken, infinitely less medicine would be ;:r-cdd in tho world than is jiow used. THE EATHS THE THINGS. Vi'herc sufficient exercise cannot be taken to obviate the defect, tho next best means is tho hot air bath. Such a bath can, of course, be taken in one's own home, something after the same method us the old fashioned rutn sweating pro cess. Put any domestic arrangement must bo incomplete in the absence of the f.hower bath, the hand rubbing, etc. All the essentials arc- found in the Turkish bath, which some physicians have even gone so far as to say is the most power tul and certain, and at the samo time the gafebt and most agreeable therapeutic agents in existence. One of them quite ri.ehtly says that a person can remove as much of the oisonous and effete matter from tho lxly in one hour in a Tuikish frath as can be removed by other means i:i twenty-four hours. In this form of fcath, as Professor Erasmus Wilson says, "the skin acquires color, freshness, firm ness and elasticity; it loses the muddy and faded hues of ill health and tbe rarched and wrinkled aspec t of infirm ity and age, oad it procures for the Labituil bather exercise, health and life." As for the effects of tbe Turkish bath upon tho disordered liver and kid su'ys, they are very marked indeed. Not only does it Hit no small part of their work, and ed give then a chance to re c up:-rate, but it draws the blood from l hem to the surface of the body, and so relieves congestion, and, hence, obviates a strong tendency to disease. Turkish baths are efficient in reducing weight; therefore, it is held that they are contra indicated for those who are thin. Dut, strange as it may seem, they act both ways. Where a person is what is so aptly termed "soft and flabby," and is overloaded with fat, they reduce him; whereas a person in poor health and thin, they, by restoring the system to a normal condition, increase the bodily weight. Boston Herald. A Woman's Scrap Hook. Jt is quite tho thing in aristocratic cir cles for ladies to collect fashion plates and compare ancient and modern styles. There is a lady living in the West End who has a 6ma.ll library of scrap looks filled with nothing but dress designs. Tho collection has been made purely for pastime, but it is really very valuable. A careful study of it affords another Iroof of the saying that there is nothing new under the 6un. The so called new est fasHons arc, nine time3 out of ten, jalpablo modifications of designs dis carded many years ago as out of date. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. BEAUTY IN THE FOOT. Mvt an Unimportant Matter In the Make up of a I'crfect Woman. "The girl of the pertoU' generously says a prominent chiropodist, "is devot ing herself more and more to tho study of her foot. She has found out that this instrument is capable of almost as much development for strength and beauty (really synonymous terms) as her hand. She knows that the splendid exercise of piano playing, in which each finger and every muscle of the hand, wrist and arm is developed to the greatest state of elas ticity and to beauty's own moldings, con tains tho very hint she wants to follow in the development of tho foot. No, she is not going to play tho piano with her feet, but she is going through a lot of gymnastic exercises with them. She sits on the bed every morning working her toes, then she walks around the room on her bare toes, and straightening out her ankle, like a ballet girl, with every 6tep. She linds at first that she can hardly raise herself 011 tho bulls of her feet and walk on them. "Presently that becomes easy. In a week or so tho exercise will accomplish that much. Then she grows able to lift herself off even the bulls of her feet on to the very toes alone for moments at a time. Then she sits down on the bed and gives them lighter exercises, just by working them until they will move in dependently of each other. At first she has to pull them with her hands as far as possiblo in all different directions, just like tire pianist practices his hands on tho technicon. They are very awkward at lirst, just as the fingers would have been if not practised, and, indeed, as many people's fingers are. She is no longer a victim to tho foolish prejudice against spreading her foot out on tho floor. She is no longer a victim of tho illusion to the eye, ignorant of art, that littleness is beauty. She no longer desires a set of cramped toes, but spreads them out on the floor and tries to make them assume tho square, beautiful proportions of the baby's sweet foot. "In fact the foot development craze with the fashionable progressive girl of tho period may be called the baby foot' craze. These exercises of tho foot and toes make them able to spring twice as far off their feet. Sho is constantly seek ing better shoes. She is doing just the reverse of what 6he used to do when she fought with her shoemaker because the shoe was not light enough. She is now constantly fighting with him to get them broader at tho toes, and many a girl who is proud of her new sensible, progressiva idea will hold the toe of a broad shoe in iew for you in the street cars, at home and elsewhere. "Many jokes arc cracked on the corn doctors in tho papers, but wo always ad vise people to wear anything but pointed shoes. The foot and toes should have all tho freedom of the hand and fingers. A great many girls also ask us for advice about curing pigeon toe. It is a curious thing that many girls live all their lives and are laughed at by the boys for walk ing pigeon toed, when they never notice that they walk differently from other people. Hut those who have it can cor rect it to a great extent by practice. I advis&d several young ladies in a practice which they say ha great!; iniprsyJ them. That is to get before a mirror hi their dressing rooms and walk toward it, stepping high and extending the leg straight out toward the glass at every step. They thus find when the foot lights how it crosses in upon the vertical plane which the other foot must reverse for its movements. They thus see how the legs are net hinged quite projeiiy, and learn to move them in parallel planes. Step piug forward and backward toward the mirror will frequently correct piereon toed walking." Philadelphia Inquirer. rtSHerjr iu the Future. As tho range of guR3 in the field . is augmented battles will more than ever be prepared by cannon, batteries will open Gre at distances of miles, and the adversary's batteries must, at least, be weakened before infantry can yentura to advance, except under very peculiar circumstances. The power of modern cannon is so tremendous that, when hos tile batteries come jnto conflict at any thing like reasonably near distances, viz., from 1,500 to 2,500 yards, tho duel can scarcely last long. We shall see no can nonades like that directed against La Haye Sainte, which lasted for jiour?, and the victory will belong to the artillery chiefs who, with anything like an equal ity of force, lay their guns best, take most accurate sip?, avoid 6alvos and wild discharges, take care that their met are not hurried, and, above all, can en filade their enemy a process now more than over destructive. For the reasons to which we have re ferred before the system of artillery re serves should be given up as completely obsolete; no efforts should be spared to bring forward every available gun as quickly aa pocsjble, nnl the organization of the three arms- should be so arranged as to secure this object, the pieces and their trains being always kept in close contact Tyith the rest of the army and capable of rapid moment; to jhe front. For the rest artillery should be always ready and equal to contend in the field with infantry; it should consider itself a more powerful errn in anything like an equal struggle, and once it has been placed in its true position it should, if possible, never fall back. At the same time, in our judgment at least, artillery, owing to the vast spaces of battlefields in modern war, may on many occasions be greatly imperiled. The Academy. 1 . - Hot Aixioo for tle Jolt. "John, wake upl I hear a noisa p the kitchen. There's somebody in the house!" (Jumping out of bad.) "Doa't be afraid, Maria. I'll drive him out! Bo calm, darling." "Don't go down that steep stairway with your revolver cocked, John. It might go off before you are ready." (Crawling back into bed again.) "Mrs. Bill us, if you haven't any confidence in my management of burglars you can take the revolver and go down yourself." Ciiicago Tribune. A THOUGHT AWAKENER. Dr. Philalcthes Sparkle was a great man in a small way He was tho vicar of an important suburban church, where in a highly respectablo and not wholly unintelligent congregation was wont to assemble for worship. In tliat congrega tion the pastor had no enemies, whllo he could boast of a largo number of thor ough going and ardent admirers. The man was admittedly well fitted for his post. He was kind hc-arterl, liberal minded, quick witted, a fluent speaker and, in the opinion of many, a thought ful as well as an eloquent preacher. I3ut, in truth, "thoughtful" was just what Dr. Sparkle was not. Ilia great difficulty and one that increased weekly was about ideas. When he knew what to say he could say it well. No man could produce a more brilliant "coruscation" or effectivo Hare up from a paltry amount of material; hut then tho fuel had tocouie from somewhere, and that was tho doc tor's difficulty. lie bad a reputation to maintain, and he was fully, almost pain fully, conscious of the fact. When Mr. Grundy, the people's warden, invited a friend homo for Sunday he would say, "Tho missus will do tho best 6he can to provide n bit of dinner, and we can prom ise you a good 6ermon, at all events." Grundy, who Was a good fellow though a jerry builder, used to repeat his fittle joke to the parson, and no doubt he was a fair representative of many others in the congregation. Under these circumstances, and being sorely harassed by the recurrent drying up of tho well spring of his ideas, Dr. Sparkle had his attention arrested one morning by an artfully worded circular which ho found among his letters. It began as follows: "Strictly Private Ad Clerum. "Moved by tho spirit of sympathy and actuated, as ho humbly hopes, by a de sire to promote tho highest ends, the writer addresses himself to- his over wrought and 6orely oppressed brethren. Having had an exceptionally wide ex perience of parish work in town and country, 'among rich and poor, educa ted and ignorant, he believes himself to be fully conversant with the tastes and requirements of each separate class in tho community. No pno better than tho present writer knows what it is to have to prepare amid a multitude of other vocations- two, three or more ser mons a week. He has suffered himself, and can therefore feel for his brethren who are suffering. Accordingly he is anxious, at the lowest price that will cover actual outlay, to impart to his brethren the results of a system of ser mon production which has been per fected by himself after years of anxious toil and profound study." After a good deal more of this sort of thing, tho circular went on to explain that clients could be provided either (1) with the finished article, i. e., a litho graphed sermon ready for immediate delivery, and carefully adapted to any specified clas3 of hearers; or (2) with a "thought awakener" or skeleton, con taining outlines, illustrations, applica tions, etc., which could be filled in or amplified according to the tastes and talents of the purchasers. Finally a guarantee was given that the eamo eer mon or body of notes' would never be sent to two clergymen residing within fifty miles of each other, and that 3 far as possible a yet wider area of distribu tion would be observed. Dr. Sparkle smiled as he read the bonibastjc document, and was about to throw it into the waste paper basket when something stayed his hand. "I wonder whether many clergymen avail themselves of- this sort of thing, my dear?" he gaid, tossing the circular to his faith fid wife, who generally eat with him for an hour of a morning. "To deliberately get up and read anoth er roan's sermon seems to me absolutely sinful." "Iut all men are not gifted like you, Lethe, dear, and I suppose there are some who find it very difficult to preach a good sermon," suggested Mrs. Sparkle. "It is the dishonesty of the thing that shocks me," explained the doctor. "If a man can't write a sermon or hasn't time, let him honestly say so. Let him take a printed book and read from it; but to go into the pulpit with a litho graph and deliver it as his own is a tlung I cannot conceive any Christian man daring to do." "It would be different if it were only the notes," said the lady, who had been examining a specimen "thought awak ener" that had been inclosed "with the circuia?, "I don't like the idea at all; it savors of untruthfulness," repUed the vicar in a lofty tone. Mis. Sparkle felt rebuked, not bo much for what she had said as for some thing she had ventured to think. Some time after this the vicar found it necessary to appoint c new curate, tho pld one haying married, o, rich wife and forthwith kicked over the traces. The requirements for the vacant office were a gentlemanly presence, a good clear Toice and just such an. amount of preach' ing ability as would satisfy the congro gation without endangering the vicar's ascendency and popularity. Among the several applicants tho doctor's favorite was the Rev. Jonathan Cribl)er. But as it Was necessary, in, appearance at least, to consult the wishes of the congregation (who were expected to find the funds), it was arranged that, before arriving at a decision, the young man should be in vited to preach on a certain Sunday even- inSTi "?Pt of couisfV trial oemioq," the vicar was careful to explain; "that is a thing I abominate and would always, set my face agajnst, but just to Je you see my people, try your voice, and that sort of thing." Cribber, being a prudent young man, was quite satisfied with tfis way of putting it, Wlien the dsy arrived 00 which Mr. Cribber was "to try his voice," Dr. Sparkle was suffering from a bad cold. In the morning, being single handed, he had no choice but to get through the service as well as he could; and being a man who, when put to. it, was always equal to the occasion, ho acquitted kirn- . -. - t ". - ' -v--- - self very creditably. lie deliveicd a striking and pathetic address from the words, "the foolishness of preaching," and tho physical disability under which ho was evidently laboring only served to heighten the effect of his allusions to tho "earthen vessels" to which celestial treasures were so often intrusted. But in the evening, obedient to his doctor's orders, the good man 6tayed at home, leaving the whole servico to Mr. Cribber, and submitting himself patiently to buch coddling measures as his wife thought to enforce As the night drew on Dr. Sparkle be came very much depressed, despite all his wife's efforts to cheer him. "I am suro you would have been pleased, dear, if you could have heard the way the people epoko of you when coming out of church this morning. The Grundys .had some friends with them, and they said that they had never heard a better sermon." Generally the vicar was keen enough to listen to any little bit of tittle-tattle of a flattering character, but on the pres ent occasion ho seemed distressed rather than pleased. Turning uneasily on his pillow his wife had made him go to bed early he merely said in a languid voice: "And you, my dear what did you think of it?" "I think it was the most beautiful ser mon you ever preached," replied the lady enthusiastically, "though all your ser mons have been splendid of late. Some months ago, you remember, you com plained of feeling exhausted, and insist ed that the fountain of your i''"-as was drying up. But it bems to mu that ever since your ideas have been brighter and more original than formerly; they have bubbled and sparkled as though to match your namo." This was an old family joke, and it always used to please him. Now, how ever, it seemed to have lost its efficacy. Tho worthy man threw his arms impa tiently on the counterpane, and ex claimed bitterly: "I feel exhausted and utterly dried up to-night anyhow. I'm fit for nothing." "You have studied too hard, Lethe, dear. Your brain has been over wrought," said Mrs. Sparkle affection ately. "We must go for a nice long holiday when the new curate comes. Only last week Dr. Brigg 6aid that if ever a man had earned a holiday you had." "Ah, by the way, I wonder how Crib ber is getting on?" interrupted the vicar, glad, apparently, to chango tho topic of conversation. "I should like to have heard him for myself." . . "You are better where you are, dear, much better," urged tho good woman, as' she carefully tucked him in for the night. "Mr. Grundy will bring us all tho news in the morning, and then we can talk things over." "Tho important thing is what Mrs. Grundy, the mouthpiece of he flock, will say," remarked the vicar, as he settled himself among tho pillows, pleased apparently with his own wit. On Monday morning tho vicar was so far rccoveredthat ho was able to receive Mr. Grundy in his 6tudy Tho worthy church warden was evidently ill at ease. His inquiries as to the pastors health weve profuse and long drawn out; his ob servations on the weather were diffuse and inconsistent. At length Dr. Sparkle found it necessary to bring him to thc point. "Well, Mr. Grundy, I am waiting to hear how everything went off last night." "Oh, first rate, sir, first rate. Large congregation,beantful anthem, offertory above the average.'' "And Mr. Cribber?" "A most excellent young man, as I believe, sir. Fine voice, made a good impression that is, on those who hadn't heard you in tho morning." Tho vicar smiled, and looked well pleased tt what lie deemed to be a neat compliment intended for himself. "Well, my friend, you must remember he is but a young man and without mu.fh experience. Wc ought not to be too criti cal. We all had to make a beginning once." "It isn't that, sir. It was the cph-ici dence that struck the people." "The what?" exclaimed Dr. Sparkle, a vague sense of uneasiness creepinj over him. "The coincidence, sir. He gave Ud "The Foolishness cf Preaching' over agr,in. I mean his text was the same as that which you so ably expounded in the morning." "Rather awkward," laughed the vicar. "I fear it would have embarrassed the poor young fellow had ho known about it; but, after all, the thing might easily happen. Tho words arc in the evening lesson, though I took then for my text in the mprniug, You sec, the arrange ment for Mr. Cribber to preach was t hurriedly made." "But it isn't only tho text it is tho sermon itself the people pre telig about, sir. I didn't pay much attention myself, but Mrs. Grundy will have it that, though the words were different, the substance, the backbone, the skele ton was just the same," "The skeleton!" exclaimed the icar in a horror stricken voice. "Well, that's the word my wife used," said the church warden apologetically. "I didn't quite follow her myself; for, though Pve heard of people having skele tons in a cupboard, I never knew of one in a pulpit." Mr. Grundy laughed at his own smartness, but a dark cloud settled upon the broad brow of Dr. Sparkle. "I think," he at last said gTell. "that the peopje must have been misled by some passing resemblances and fan cied analogies. Heat ing the same text, the thoughts of those who were present in the niomiug would naturally run in the lines suggested by my treatment of the subject, and they would tlms, read a meaning and ft reft fence in tho per haps confused language of a young and inexperienced preacher, which were not really .intended to be conveyed by him." Mr. Grundy, who had a profound V?1 Epect for the vicar, was. duly impressed with this exppskion, of the case; but re calling the w ithering criticisms to which the unf ordinate Cribber' had been sub jected by Mrs, Grundy and her friend? at the snpi r table the previous niht, he ventured to make a f urther btaud. "No doubt there is great force iu what you bay, sir, and you ure well 1. lulled in the workings of tho human mind, ns becomes an able minister of tho New Testament; but there are some things Mrs. Grundy and thoso I have heard speak can't cc't over headsand divisions and illustrations all coming iu pat." Poor Dr. Sparkle was in a terrible fix. So far as words went ho had always been truthful, and ho was not naturally a mean man; but what was ho to do now? There was Grundy waiting to bo gulled, and jt was incumbent on him to say something. He gave a littlo sigh and t-poke in his softest accents: "Well, you see, Mr. Grundy, not hav ing heard this wonderful sermon, I can not discuss the matter in detail; nor would I wish to think anything to the disparagement of a young man who has been very highly recommended to me. Several partial solutions occur to me, none of them reflecting unduly on Mr. Cribber. Possibly wo may havo looked into tho same commentary" Mr. Grundy gave a knowing nod. "Possibly Mr. Cribler may have reai some article of mine in ono or other of the religious periodicals treating of this subject. I say jtossiMy, though I do not at this moment recall having written anything about it." Mr. Grundy1 gave another yet more knowing nod. "And there is yet another hypothesis connected with the obscure topic of un conscious cerebration and reminiscence. I tell you cnndidlv I havo f rep chef' . rn that toxt .x. lure at the Ai.l.oy oj.u in.U elsewhere perhaps. Mr. Cribber may have heard me. My thoughts may have passed into an impressionable mind. They may have been reproduced without th3 slightest consciousness on his part that they were not strictly original There havo been remarkable instances of this phenomenon." Mr. Grundy was evidently impressed. "I think," he said, "I can understand how it has happened now, and the expla nation you have given is very interest ing. But perhaps, under the circum stances, you might find some more suit able gentleman for the curacy." "I almost think you aro right, Grun dy," assented tho vicar, eagerly. "Mr. Cribber seems scarcely up to tho mark for such a congregation as ours. There were several other applicants who were highly recommended Mr. I'layfair, for instance." "I am sure lio would bo popular," said tho church warden. "Well, I shall give tho matter my best consideration; and you may rec-t assured it will bo my wish to do what ever is for tho highest interests of tho congregation." Dr. Sparkle spoko in his most dulcet tone, but as soon as Mr. Grundy left the room he sat down and wrote as fol lows to the Rev. Jonathan: "Dear Sir From what I hear of the sermon delivered by you last night, I regret that I am obliged to conclude that you are altogether unsuited to my curacy. My people have become accus tomed to original, or at all events inde pendent thought in the pulpit, and I do not suppose you vould y ourself main tain tho'applieability of either of these words to the discourse with which you favored them. I return the testimonials you sent me, and remain yours, faith fully, I. SiV.IiKLfc." Having sent this ill tempered produc tion to tho post, tho unfortunate man was forthwith ashamed of himself and would gladly have recalled it. He blamed himself for all that bad happened, and became a victim to horrible remorse and abject fear. IIi3 wife, who had learned something of what had passed, had her own suspicions; but, like a wise woman, she kept them to herself, and did her best to comfort her husband. That very afternoon tho Roy. Jona than Cribber, in hot. indignation, sought out the clerical agc-nt who had made uj for his own lack of brains and energy, and bearded him in his den. At first he stated his case without mentioning any names. "I can only say," replied the suave cleric who devoted his energies to help ing his weaker brethren, "that for origin ality of thought and fvtbluiess of treat ment I consider 'The Foolishtress of Preaching' to bo among uiy master pieces. I could show you numerous let ters that I have received in reference to that very seunon. There must, I take it, bo something very unfortunate in your voice or mode of delivery. Now I am about to form a clerical elocution class, and I would stioiigly urge upon you'' - -'My voice is excellent, sir! I have been congratulated upon it again and again,'" roared the Reverend Jonathan. "I do not doubt its power, sir," re pilied the clerical agent, with a depre catory motion of the hand, "but it may need"' "You talk about letters, sir. Read that," said tho irate Cribler, interrupt ing him and flinging Dr. Sparkle's note upon the table. The agent read the tetter, and then, after a few minutes' conversation, he re marked: "Do you mean to say that you gave then 'The Foeli&hness of Preaching' in Pr, Sparkle's church?" "I do; and why not? I paid you for the sermon." "You told me you were in Lincoln diocese when I sent it to you." "And so I was, but I came to town to see after Dr. Sua rule's curacy. I had a perfect right to preach tho sermon," said the Rev. Jonathan fiercely. "Yes, I suppose you had at your own risk," admitted the agent. "But it has lost me an excellent cu racy," continued the irate Cribber. " And you havo lost me an excellent cheat. Good morning." On the following Sunday Dr. Sparkle's pulpit was occupied by Mr. Play fair, and it was announced that the vicar, in obedience to the pcremptvry orders of his medical adicv had gone abroad for a few weeks. The doctor is now. with his faithful wif 3 by his side, recruiting his energies and laying in a. rami no stock of fresh ideas, U'J has uselved for the future to have 110 secrets from Mrs. Sparkle, and to eschew "skeletons." London Truth. K. n. Wikiuiam, John a. Imvikh, Nutaiy 1 uMlo. Koifuy JuUJo Wlllf l A II.1VIKH. Attornoyo - at - Xiaxxr. Olliri; over I'.tinl; of (' County. riATrsMOUTII, - Nr'. I'll AHh A C. F. S M i T H, The Boss Tailor Main St.. vir Mci(;.'i- Slu e Si.tv Ibis the hcit and limit oinph te r-bu k of tfitlnph s, both fori-if.'ii mid I 1 1 e 1 i r wodens tliHt ever euiiu: ui ' t of M i-0111 1 river. Note these prices: liu-incf-H Miit from tlii to f:5r, drom suits, '." to if 4.1, pHntsft, $.", (.', I ) r.nd upward. fSTW'ill 11 11m litre 11 tit. Prices Defy Comnolilion. H. C. SCHMIDT, inn.'STv m rvi 'i) Civil Kntfinoor Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications mu 1 I'. ,thnufe. Mu nicipal Work, M:ips PLATTS MOUTH. - - NEB Dr. C. A. Marshal!. Xlesidont DontiGt. Preservation of the NsitunJ Teeth a Specialty. A uc I li t ics 'i v en fur I'ain- rE"f Fll.f INC OH KXTUMTK.N OK Tl K'l JI. Artificial teeth inside on 'Johl, I'ilver, Rubber or Ylllil..id phile?-, sn:d nu lled as soon as te th are extnuted when dn sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZOFH Vl.ll'M ill.'Ji'K I'l.AT CH MOI, H . ll MIKE SCHKELLBACHER. Viiim and Chick: ii.il h Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Midline inn! Plow A !:peei;iity. lie hm-s the 2cr v & rt s 3. x & IIoiehhoe, the I! ' t I !r. '. doe. tor tho Fannu-, or for Fa.it Pi-ivinf; urn I City purposes, ever invented. It is made w anyone can can ni.t on shaipor )l;it ceiks as uerded for wet :nnl slii.peiy i:id.s, or smooth dry rondn. full iouI I'vimine these Shoes and yon will hnye no other. J. M. Schnelibaeher, 5th St., PMts-moull,, ITel,. 1 iti r v a LUHSUUi Icily. THE CUD RELIABLE. H. 1 WATRRMAH k SON WholenHle hii1 Kelall l-.altr In Shingle, Lath, Sash, 'Oors.BSiiids Can supply every d.-i-i-ind of the tra.bi Call and get terms. Fourth street In Ucar of Opera II.us;. EokDrt Donnelly's Wagon ant! Blacksmith Vagn, Bn!i"i, Mft-h:i.s (ui.ki- !:n-air-.l ; Ho s iiai-f eiiPil an.i Geimii Jol-iin;r f)nv.ff. Horseshoeing A Specially I HK1MK Horsj"lioe, v.hi.fii iliaii.ci.s ;-- ! ? !t wear? away. -in l: i :s cr-vci-n r'n.fr ct voir llors !:pu.i- i;d L'.r,in;i' ( ail t I ai:'l e.vntii::. t ! .-iir.e y. ,; v. ill Have ijo utiiri-. fctM.Mioe made, if; ROBERT DONNELLY SIXTH ST., - - PLATToUOUTH Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured Ef ADMIitlSTCGIRQ DR. HAISfS' GDLBE f PEC!flC. It con be given in a fur. of c(i'a or tea, or in ar-. tielfcS ot food, without me kncsvle'i -e of the -on taking it; it is absolutely hni ml. anl wiil effect a perni&ueot and .s-eeiiv erne, whetliei tiiepatientisa moderate (irinki'i oriii ale nlioli j" wreck. IT NEVER FA ILS. e GUARANTEE complete cure in every instaiice. 4-i page book FREE. Ai'iresin confiiipiicr, iclCf 5PCUFIC CO, i 8a Bac U Cincinnati, 0. Horseshoeing LUMBER