The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 07, 1889, Image 4

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Tine Kvening Herald. I
Dr. 4. Sallnlturf lln rxrluotff rlicht to nsr
Dr. SIclnau'M l.oml A nn-l bri Ir fur the i'ninlt'kM
K.trartlon of Tft-th In thin rllj. Ofllrc Uurknood
Itlurk .
Ir. Wither, Ix-ntlkt, In Ion II lock.
The M. II. church was being strub
lcl and renovated today.
Notwithstanding tlie heavy rain last
night tlic luy hs been a sultry one.
Sij; I'olk acted today as principal of
the high school, in the absence of Prof.
The 1$. & M. have got the "weed
burner" ready for service and it is now
out on the road.
KUewhere we publish a proclama
tion ly Lieut, (iov Meikkjohn. Got.
Thayer is attending the lexus Spring
Palace at Fortt Worth.
Tiik IIekai.u frce acknowlcilge
with many thanks the receipt of a basket
of good things from the noonday surprise
party on Mrs. J. Hikcnoary.
According to the Weening Water
Jiepiihficiin the junior hall nine of that
city who played here May 31, challenge
the Urowns a game on any day of this
month to he played on ncutal ground at
$.0 a side.
The old tide walk in front of the
Fitzgerald block was torn up today and
a new one will be built.
The Missouri river presented a quite
fcmooth surface today with a clearness
of reflection that made it beautiful from
the city.
Sunday a special elfort on behalf of
young men is to be made by all the
Young Men's Christian Associations in
the state. It will be so with the Platts-
inouth Y. M. C. A., and all men are in
vited to come.
The rain of last night did consider
able damage by caving the excavations
for the Kilev hotel and the trenches for
raising the water mains on Sixth street.
One or two of the streets were guttered
in the roadway quite badly, especially
where the dirt is fresh. This speaks for
pavement, two more miles of which
of which would be a good thing.
F. Carruth was in Louisville today.
I). O. Dwyer visited in South Bend to
Geo. K. Chatburn and W. L. Urowne
were in Lincoln today,
IS. 15. Windham expects to start for
Hot Springs, Ark., tomorrow.
Mrs Campbell, of Omaha, returned
home last eveuinir after visitinir at the
The Hellevue nine to play ftie Hrowna home of her son, I). A. Campbell, in this
got here today. They had come a piece city
of the wv at a time. From Hellevue to
Orcnpolis they rode down on u hand car
and then telegraphed the Browns to send
a teiim after them, which was done
If every citizen in town who could,-
would oav the attention to their lawns
i rf
and leutifv them after the fashion of
W. II. Pickens, strangers of taste would
strike such a paradise when they come
here, they couldn't be induced to leave.
At 1 o'clock this morning a storm of
hail wind and rain broke upon the city,
after threatening several hours. The
hail fell in large stones forfiivc minutes
in the eailv nartof the storm and driven
- j t
Mr?. John Waterman, Miss Alma
Waterman and Mrs. W. J. Warrick and
family went to Omaha today on a picnic
Mr. Adam Boeck and wife, of St Louis
left this morning to'visit in Omaha and
Iowa towns, having visted Henry and W.
A. Boek of this city.
Free! Free! Free! FreeX
A Genuine Crayon Por
trait fiipn Auavl
u uu A I U v i 1 VVUJ I
Commencing to-day we will
to all persons buying goods to the
amount of $25. OO or more,
an order for one of our
Genuine Crayon Portraits
Of yourself or any person you
may select.
a frame , at all, or you can purchase
it at some other store.
We do this to Advertise our Business,
Many people wonder how we can afford to give away a work of
line art like this with so small a purchase of goods. We answer that
it is done for a big advertisement. No other such inducements can
or will be offered by any other house in this city. Come now ami
avoid the rush that will be sure to take place for these Crayon
E&cnicmber that you need not
purchase worth of goods
at any one time, but at differ
ent times, . aggregating: that
A sample of our work is now
on exhibitioac at our store
Johnathan Hatt &. Co , IButchors of
th City, Civen to Enterprise
Of all the things that delight the
housewife in her culinury arts, and af
fords her delight in the grandest of all
by the wind broke several west windows i,ouseiloij duties, pure white lard lard
about town. The lightning whs very t, t ; nn.i 8wet;ti9 worthy to be
brilliant also.
The Sherwood corner and th; whole
of Fifth street from Main to Vine has
been in bad condition for drainage for a
long time, and especially since the sewer
was put in. The street has been loo high
placed at the head of the list. Johua
than Matt & Co. arc butchers'which need
no introduction to the citizens of Platts
tnouth, or the county, and their efforts
to give satisfaction in all departments of
staple meat goods have not been limited.
to drain to the sewer and the road would Recently they have added to their lard
overflow into the neighboring ground, rendering department the latest method
and especialy into the cellar of Mr. Slier- rendering by use of steam. In this way
wood's budding, who has taken consider the lard is kept free troin burning or
able pains to keep his property near, and even danger of dirt, and comes out from
has recently curbed the sidewalk the trying with a pure whiteness that is not,
whole length of his property. The lay equalled by any other process. The ap-
of the ttreet was investigated the morn
ing and the street w;ll be repaired.
l'earl street was the scene of another
surprise today. When Mr. Kikenbary
im't rn.t 11 n n surmise none other need
c i 1
try. This being his wife's biith.tay he
spread himself and Irs table with an ex
cellent dinner to which a few of their
mnnir fi-irmd wore invited, but all 11 n-
J '
Airs Kikenbarv. Sh was the
recipient of many little tokens of esteem tl,ral and of things mora substan
tial. There were present Mr. a I Mrs.
Byron Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Wescott,
fr .ml Mrs AV. If. Malick. Mr. and
Mrs. P. Loverin and Mr. and Mrs. S. A
Davis. All went away wishing that the
lady might double her present age.
A.bind Le ruler: A rumor has
gained currency, which seems to have
some effect, that Mr. Calvin Parmele,
nf Vlnttsmouth. who owns the corner
where the old Exchange hotel formly
tiV-imr sftens to improve his
paratus has been procured and put in use
at a considerable expense, and will be
hiirhlv annreciated bv customers. Lard
ra w i s.
rendered at home from pure meats and
bv a mire oroeess is errcatlv to be es-
"j i i -
teemed. This enterprising nrm also put
up all their sausages, which are prepared
with the greatest care, and meats that
are cooked, are cooked by steam. This
department is kept pure and clean and
their shop is a model throughout, and
the bkst mk.vts of all kinds are kept to
please their customers aud feed the hun
gry. The people of Plattsmou h will
always remember
Jonathan Matt & Co.
Wc have also made
meats with a large frame manu
factory to mount and frame these
Portraits for our patrons in the
hest style at one-fourth the usual
cost ol such frames or E ou are
however, not ohliged to purchase
Special Drives This Week.
Our Figured French Satines reduced to 27 Ac a yard. Odds
Ends left troin our Hosiery Sale about given away. At 25c
a pair Children'e plain and ribbed Lisle Hose worth
double. At 35c a pair Ladies' Hose in Spun
Silk. English Lisle and best quality
of Ingrains reduced from 05,
75 and .$1.50 a pail.
We have just received another lot of our 15c Ladies
Jersey Ribbed Vests, worth 25c. Ladies Lisle Vests at
50c reduced from $1.00. Full line of Ladies' Gauze and
Balbriggan Vests in Ions dna short sleeves at 2b, 35 and
50c each.
To the People of Nebraska:
Wherkas, The late disaster in Pensyl
vania to life and property is unpreceden
ted, and the citizeus of the devasated
districts are disitute and demanding as
sistance to alleviate their sufferings and
Whekeas, Our citizens remember and
property by the erection of a large build- arc grateful for the generosity manifest
;.,r f nit pvpnti. he has s:oken to -,i tmrnrtla our state bv other common
Mr. Vet. Granger about making an exca- wealths ia time of need and misfortune,
vation Gi.xTO feet, ta a depth of six feet. Therefoke, I, George D. Meiklejohn
on these lots. Mr. Granger t-tutes that Meiutenant and acting as governor of the
the contract to do the work has not been state cf Nebraska, would recommend
made, but that he is authorized to make I tliat liberal donation be made by our
contracts to dipose of that amount of citizens, and a fund raised for the unfor
nrtli from the corner in auction. It I t,,nnt sufferers of Jowhnstown and vi-
begins to look, therefore, in the light of
these facts, as if something is to bo done
by Mr. Parnude. He is well able to erect
any kind of a building there he may
choose, and it ito be hoped these rumors
mean something.
The posters announcing the Xebras
ka Conference camp meeting to be held
-f Pnthrain Park. Lincoln. July loth to
lstth are well distributed about the city
Jlev. J. H. Webber, an eTangelist, will
e tucf and conduct the revival meet
ings durioj the entire season. Cushman
Park is situated four miles west of Lin
coln on the Columbus branch of the 13.
A M. K Railroad, which rvios directly
throagU and hasaitation on the grounds,
I nominate and appoint J. L. Hill,
state treasurer, as agent to receive dona
tions for such a releif fund.
In testimony wdiereof,I have
Jiereunto sit my hand and
seal caused to be affixed tke Great
Seal of the State.
Done at Lincoln, this Cth
day of Junf, A. D., 18S9.
By the Leiuten int and Acting Governor;
The IlRiiA.i,o Job Rooms are the most
complete in the county.
Twenty-four deirable shades of B., T.
Co'a mixed paints, just received.
Vote Tomorrow.
Tomorrow occurs the election to vote
bonds for the erection of a court house
in Cass county. A ballot for ihis much
needed structure should be cast by every
voter in the city. The polls wili open at
8 o'clock in the morning and r losu at 6
o'clock in the evening. The voting polls
in the city and precinct will be located
as follows:
In Plattsmouth Precinct,
school house, district No. 37.
Iu the Citv of Plattsmouth:
First Ward, County Clerk's office.
Second Ward, old foundry office.
Third Ward, Richey Bros. LumDer
Fourth Ward, Waterman's lumber of
fice. Fifth Ward, Fifth Ward school house.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our 'heartfelt
thanks for the sympathy and help ex
tended to the family of II. G. Garrison
during his sickness and death.
Mrs. II. G. Garrison,
Mrs. J. H. Buows.
A New Ball Club.
A ball club has recently been organized
in the city, of boys ranging from 15 to
1 7 years of age, that propose to meet any
club of simular years, in the state. It is
composed as follows: Jacob Beeson c,
John Smith, Henry Mumni 1 b. Frank
Bates, 2nd, Carroll Leonard. 3rd, C,
Grimes, s, Charley Rhode, rf, Ed. Kroeh
ler cb. Frank Robinson, If. If any club
at Tavlor's ! in the state want to cross bats with the
boys they can see or aauress narrow
The best fly paper in tow n, at
ricks. 7-8 w2
According to their circular reduced rates These i.aiot are guaranteed for 5 jears.
l. irimi on all railroads entering
, II. - N. - - -
Tin ri ni followt: From noints within
1JIUV.VUI, - v - t
ridius of 30 miles of Lincoln, au oea
rate of one full fare will be made for
Julv, lOtlv, 11th and 12th. good to re-i
turn until July 19th. Outside of 50
miles' limit, tickets will be sld to Cush-
man Park or Lincoln and return at one
and one-third fare for round trip. Bag- I
ra and cimp equipage properly packed
ill be transported free.
aim x . i.- -
Sample card free ai Warrick's.
7-G w2
Y- W. C T. U
All meiiibers cf Y's are requested to
take flowers to the Methodist Church
Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. where
boqu U will be arranged for Flower
- The largest stock of -vall pper and
paints; the most complete stock of mcdi
1 . . . 1 1 1 . . . . w. m
The B. A M. IUUroa will fell tickets cines; tue purest urugs uu F..
nd ebeck baggage duccl ti? Cushman I always, at
Will J. Warrick's.
Elson, the Old Reliable One Price
Clothier, is the place to get Business or
Dress suits cheap. tf
Try Warrick's poultry powder best
known remedy for cholera- 20c per lb.
7-6 w2
The effect of using Ilibbard's Rheuma
tic Syrup is unlike ail medicines contain
ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely
free from them. It cures rheumatism by
purifying the blood. Sold by F. G.
Fricke A Co.
Save money and trade with Will J.
Warrick, dealer in drugs, medicines,
painti, books and jyall paper. 7-6 w2
Special Sale)
of fine French Flowers at Mrs. John
son's. Regular prices $1.75 to $2.30,
now f 1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale in
Infauts' Lace Bonnets. Call and secure
a bargain. tf
Warrick's is the best place to haye pre
scription. .ai fesj'ly recipes filled; pri
ces the lowest; drugs the ver purest,
7-C w!2
Now is the time to buy wall paper.
We leaking special prices and have
a large stock to sejepf from
7 6 w:
Will 4. WAU&itfc.
Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Plas
ters are prescribed by the leading physi-
cans of Michigan, Its Ivqsjo state, and are
remidies of unequalled merits for Jlhejij-
matism, blood disorder and liver nnd
kidney complaint. It comes here wjth
th.. hiirlipat endorsements ana reeonieo
dations as to its curative virtues.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Sensible People
will have nothing to do with ''cure-all"
medicines that are advertised to cure
everything from chilblain to a brken
neck. Read the list of diseases that Dr.
Pierce's Gulden Medical Piscovery will
cure: Affections of the throat and
lungs, incipient consumption, disordered
liver, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma.
catarrh, ulcers, tumors and swellings
caused bv scrofula and bad blood: fevr
and rue and droosv. This seems like
a cure-all but it is not. This great
"Discovery" will realy cure all these
complaints simply because it purifies
the Hood upon which they depend ann
builds up the weak places of the body.
By druggists.
Plusl) Wigwams at Sherwood's
A fine line of Gents furnishing goods
ust received at Elson's the One Price
Clothier. tf
A young woman pan get a good situa
tion by applying to Mrs. H. J. Streight,
at once corner Vine and Fourth streets.
Balbriggau suits the best in the city at
Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf
Dr. Parsell of Omaha will visit Platts
mouth every Fiiday. Rooms at the Rid
die hotel from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Chronic
cases and diseases of women a speciality.
All invalids not beniSted by present
treatment, are inyited to call, physicans
will be weicojae.
At Cos to
Only 60 Days Ellore.
Time, is flying and our goods are selling. Don't
wait until we are out to Pueblo for you will
never get such prices as we are ojferiny.
Ladies Glove Web 25 cent Slipper, will eell for
Kid loe, 7o ct bhppers, will sell lor
" Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for
" Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " "
Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 fchoes, will sell for
Fine Glazed Doneola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will sell for
hand turned 5 VO Mioe, will sell tor 2 40
" 4- 0Q ' S 00
French " " " 4 50 " 3 75
Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell tor 90
We also have a great many bargains in Mens, Boys, Misses and
Childrens, that we have not space to mention.
It will be to your interest to call and get prices before buying
II II I I II I 11 nt
rO- 'er -
Cloud g
Floating Jom
ani Teteivc a a
.1 A
Q-rand Gifts CMrea Away at
ZDa,37-ligrli.t Store,
Every purchaser of (0ue Dollar's Worth of Goods will receive a ticket, and
any person presenting the'numter of tickets as below will receive the gift as "sef
opposite the number of tickets';
$ 1 00
....... .... J 25
.... l 4
. : 3 75
3 75
" " . ; d oo
100 Tickets gives jou an elegant walnut 8 day clock, worth vY
ZTirot-Clooo Goodo at Z3ottom Priooo.
8 Tickets eiyes you silver plated Sugar Shell, worth.
JP Tckejs gives you a gutter Knife, worth. .
12 TiCKejs gives you a nr ic pu, nui i.f4 . . .
25 Tickets gives yoq a set of Hoger's Teapoons, wo
60 Tickets gives you a set of Hoger-'s Kni vi-s, yrorth .
30 Tickets ertves you a set of Roger's fWks, worth .
SO Tickets glyes vou a set of loger Tablespoons, 'prU . .