The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 01, 1889, Image 3

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Notice of Special Election
Notice is hereby given, that on Satur
day, the 8th day of June, 1M!, hpecial
flection will he. held in ami for V.-.isa
county, in the Stat.? of Nebraska, for the
purpose of bubniitting and to submit to
the legal voter of (Jam county, in the
State of Nebraska, for their acceptance or
rejection, by vote and ballot, mid allow
inj; the legal voteru of aaid Cass county
to vote upon the following queMion and
proportion, to-wit :
Shall the County of Cas., in the State
Vf Nebraska, issue and put upon the inar
kt Eighty Honda of uil county of the
. denomination of One Thoimr.d Dollars
each, said bonds to be dated on the firht
day of January, lsyf), and to be payable
at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ne
braska, in tho City of New York, State
of New York, twenty years after the date
thereof, redeemable at any time on or af
ter ten years from date thereof, at the
option of said County of Cuss, and to
bear interest at the rite of five per cent
per annum, payable annually on the fir
day of January in each year, for which
. interest coupons shall be attached, paya
ble at the Fiscal Agency aforesaid, and
hall the County Commissioners of the
said county of Cass, or other person or
persons charged by law with the levying
of taxes for said county for the time be
ing in addition to the annual taxes, caus
ed to be levied annually a tax on all the
taxable property of said county, suflicient
to pay the interest on saitl bonds as
the same shall become due and payable,
and also cause to be levied each year up
on the taxable property of said county,
a tax sufiicicnt to pay five per cent of the
principal of said bonds, and at the tax
levy preceding the maturity of said bunds,
levy a tax on all the taxable property of
said county to an amount sullicicnt to
pay the principal and intercut due on said
bonds, and taking such action as the re
quirements of the law and the provisions
of the statutes in such cases made and
provided, and the interest of said county
and the public may demand, prodded
that proceedings shall be commenced for
the erection of said Court House on or
before the first day of April, A. I)., 18'-0,
and shall be continued without unneces
sary delay until the same shall be com
pleted. Such special election is to be held and
5aid question and proposition is to be
submitted thereat in accordance with the
terms of an order of the Board of County
Commissioners of the said County of Cass,
made at a regular adjournd tsessiou of
said Hoard, duly convened and
htlcl at . the City of Flattsmouth,
the county seat of said Cass
county, on the lUli day of May, A. D.,
Ibt), uud in accordance with the law and
statute f Nebraska in said case
.rnade and provided and ns set
fortli, in its question and prop
osition so to be submitted and therein set
forth and made a part of this notice, and
according to t lie terms thereof, anil that
said question mid proposition be tubmit
ted t a vote of the legal voters of said
J'ass county, and the fallowing shall be
the form of the Lallots to be used at said
election favor of said question ami
proposition, to-wit :
"For the? ;-"ue of the Bonds of the
County of Cu -r the purpose of build
jng x County Court House and the levy
of a tax to pay the principal and interest
of such Hot. da."
And the form of the ballots to be used
at said election agninst said question and
proposition, shall be as follows:
"Against the issue of Bouda of the
County af Cass-for the purpose of build
ing a County Court House and the levy
ofa tax to pay the principal and interest
of such Bonds."
Which election shall be opeucl :t S
o'clock on the morning of said day, and
will continue open until C o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day, that is to say
tho polls at such election shall be open
.at S o'clock in the forenoon and continue
opb-1 until fi o'clock in the afternoon of
rsaid J a.
Anil l' County Clerk of siul county
of CasssuSi at least twenty days previous
to such flectJa iiiJL'c out and deliver to
the Sheriff of fcid couity three notices
thereof of Mich election, for each Election
Precinct. District and Ward, in
which such election in ;aid County
of Cass, is to bo field, and the
said SheriiT shall po u in three
of the most public places in each Election
Freciuct. District and Ward, in
which the elcctiuu jn said County
of Chsl is to b held, the
gaid three notices thereof at least ten days
before the tiin-? of holding such election,
and at least one copy of tiie question and
proposition mi to be submitted and above
set forth shall be posted up iu ft conspic
uous place at each of the several places
of voting during the day of such election.
It is further ordered and declared that
this notice of such election and of such
question and proposition ao to be voted
upon and of the form iu which said votes
Js to Jo takv'n, including a full and com
plete '-py of this notice shall he given
Ey publication thereof in the Flattsmouth
1 1 eh a mi. Fiat turnout h Journal. Weeping
Water Ilepuhli'-mi. Cass County Eayle.
"Wabash Weekly ftern, Ehnwood Echo.
"Louisville AJrlrfunr, Unien .c-J'tJ'and
C.roen'xuod Uazctte, newspapers printed
and published and of general circulation
in the said County of Fas., for at least-
four weeks next tlie tlay of
said election.
It is further ordered that such election
shall take place and be held at the fol
lowing nim;-il polling pi '.c s anil voting
placein said County of Cu?, to-wit :
In Tipton lVi-cmet. at Tidball & Ful
It's lumber om- Egle.
In Green wood Frecinct, r.tTown II.ue
In S dt Creek Frecinct, at Coleman &
3IcFhrrsons hi mix r ffi-e.
In Stove Crei k Frecinct, at Grand Ar
,T hall. Elm wood.
"in Elm wo d Frecinct, L. niwood Cm
tcr School House.
In South B nd pr.-rinct. at South Plutlr
lumUr cilice. South lit nd.
In Weeping Water Frecinc t at school
lioii,e in district No. 83.
Weeping W:ter City at Dr. J. W
Thomas' fiffici". Weeping Water.
In Center -Frecinct, at Manley.chool
li.e, Manb'V. ,
In L"-wvil!c Freeinct, t Sah.Fock
well's office, Louisville.
In Avoca Frecinct, at O. Tcfft a office,
In ML Fleasant Frecinct. at Qilmore'
seh"ol house, district No. 80.
In Eight Mile Grove Frecinct, at lleil
school house, district No. S.
In Liberty Frecinct, at LeidigS & Don
aldson's luuilM-r ofliee, Union.
In Bock Bluff Frecinct, at Murray
School house, Murray.
In Flattsmouth Frecinct, nt Taylor'a
school house, district No. !17.
In the City of Flattsmouth:
First Ward, County Clerk's office.
Second Ward, old foundry office.
Third Ward, Kichey Bros. Lumber
Fourth Ward, Waterman' lumber of
fice. Fifth Ward, Fifth Ward school house.
And that at such election the votes
shall 1ms received and returns thereof
made and the Bame shall le canvassed by
the same officers and in the same manner
ns required by law at each general elec
tion, and it is further ordered that the
County Clerk prepare and deliver to the
proper officers of such election duplicate
poll Books and necessary tally lists for
use at such election.
By order of the Board of County Com
missioners of Cass county, Nebraska, this
8th day of May, A. D. 18S9.
Chairman of Board of County Commis
sioners of Cass county, Nebraska.
Witness my hand as County Clerk and
Clerk of the Board of County Com
missioners of Cass county, Nebraska, and
seal of said county hereto affifed
this 9th day of May. A. D. 1889.
County Clerk and Clerk of the
Board of County Commissioners
of Cass county, Nebraska.
A Traveling Man Creates Great Ex
citement in the Empire House
Independence, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1S8S.
Rheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, ilich:
Gents: Your Mr. Brooks came here
tonight and registered as agent for Ilib
bard's Rheumatic Syrup, and as he did
so it awakened in me an interest neyer
before realized in a guest at my house.
Y.ou will uot wonder at it when I tell
you the story. For years I have been
greatly afflicted with inflammatory rheu
matism, the pain and soreness of the
joints at time3 being almost unbearable;
could move about onlv with the aid of
crutches. In addition to this my stomach
became badly diseased, and neuralgia set
in, which threatened to end my day. A
traveling man stopping with me gave
quite a history of your Syrup, and the
peculiarities of its combination, which
induced me to try it. I have taken six
bottles and no act in my life affords me
greater satisfaction than in writing you
I am a well man.
It will be a pleasure for me to answer
any communications, for I believe it to
be the best remedy ever lormulated.
A. S. Bowlet, Pioprietor,
Empire House, Independence, Iowa.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Dep artnent of the Interior, Cen
sus Office.
Washington, D. G., May 1, J8S9.
To the Medical Profession:
The various medical associations and
the medical profefcfcloa will be glad to
learn that Dr. John S. Billings, Suigeon
IJ. S. Army, has consented to take charge
of the repQrS on the mortality and vital
statistics of the JJuited fjUtes fL returned
by the Eleventh census. As the linked
States has no system of registration of
vital statistics, such as is rejjed upon by
other civilized nations for the purpose of
ascertaining the actual movement of
population, our census affords the only
opportunity of obtaining near an ap
proximate est. mate of the birth and
death rates of iii lf tlje larger part of
the country, which is entirely unprovid
ed with any satisfactory system of State
and tj;cncipal registration. Ia view of
this, the census ofiice, during the month
of May this year, will issue to tlie inedi
cal profession throughout the country
''Physician's Registers" for the purpose
of obtaining mote iCrate returns of
deaths than it is possible for the enu
merators to make. It is earnestly hoped
that physlclarjs in every part of the
country will co-operate wlh tl census
oSjce in this important work. The rec
ord should be kept from June 1, 1S89,
to May 31, 1800. ijerjy 26,000 of these
registration books were filled up acd re
turned to the office in 1880, and nearly
all of thorn used for statistical purposes,
It is hoped that nearly doublo this num
ber will 1)3 obtained for thi Eleventh
census. Physicians not receiving regis
ters can obtain fJiera by sending their
names and addresses to the cuis office,
and, with the register, an official envel
ope which, requires no stamp will be pro
vided for their return t Washington.
If all medical and surgical practltiouers
throughout the country will lrxd. their
aid, the mortality and vittl statistics of
the Eleventh census fil be more com
prchensive and complete thaft t;ey haye
ever been. Every physician should take
personal pride in having this report as
fall and accurate as it i possible to make
it. It is hereby promised that a!l infor
mation obtained through this source
nhall b held strictly confidential.
Robert t. Pmriku, S'-ipt. of Census.
S- f,. e 0 A MONTH e-a be m1e
t ft l O'"''" w.rxmi for im Agents
r eferred !h c:n fur:.Wh a lior-e ami Rive
ilr whole time t the buslnM. Hjinre mom
put m r bp rBiaMv employed al-o. trw
Ti'Cie in r-v, ns :uul rill-. 11 K .tOHN
OV & C low M -ln-t.. Va.
jV. It. V'eaite ttnte age and f)u.idCvd erper
tiVrire. A'twr mind about fending ttdmp fur re
urn. B. F.J. A Co.
"Her little Xtoj grow up o fast,
Raid KraiitlniA, "that autue nuriojr da.
He'll wako and tx a n an at InMt, .
And wander frctn hiT far away.
Oh. then, what whall his poor old grandma dot"
"Ivm't worry." nakl he. "I'll take care of youf
"I fenr hfr boy may bodo forget,
K'g'iixl fcratidina. 'theme who loved him here.
And l-ave them with one M-arve regret.
Maybe without one Kin or U-ar "
A (coder look beamed in hi rym of blue:
if whiMiered. "Grandma. I'll take care of your
"But crau('"a I very oil.
And only in the way. nhi fears:"
11 In chubby anna her neck enfold.
His earnuMt eye are full of tears,
''And oft we Rive the old love for the new I
"But, grandma," said he. "I'll take care of you!"
"Til build for you a house so fine:
And you nhaJl have six easy chairs;
Dozens of Hervanta wben you dine.
And lot of comforts every wheres!"
While grandma Hiniled her knitting through.
"Don't fret." said he. "for I'll take care or you!"
bear grandma softly shades her eyes
The sunlight, maybe, makm theiu weep;
Clows to her heart her darling Uea,
Koc-ked in a calm and gentle sleep.
And kisses fall upon the lips, no true.
That said: "Don't worry; I'll take care of you!
George Cooper In The Independent.
Mr. James Hartley, a well to do mer
chant doing business in tho city of New
York, resides in ono of the numerous
suburban towns of New Jersey. The
train takes him to his business in the
morning, and returns him safely to his
home at night.
Last Thursday evening a surprise
awaited him on his arrival home. The
usually peaceful suburb presented a
scene of extraordinary excitement. Sub
stantial and staid citizena were patrolling
the principal streets armed with shot
guns and revolvers, and tho whole vil
lage appeared to be as if on the eve of a
sanguinary revolution. On inquiry Mr.
Hartley learned that this unwonted con
dition of affairs was occasioned by the
escape of a largo Bengal tiger, said to be
of the man eating 6pecies and very
fierce, which had that afternoon made
its escape from a traveling circus which
had been encamped just outside tho vil
lage for the last two days. Up to that
time, G p. ni., no trace of the animal had
been discovered.
The proprietors of the circus thought
that he had taken to the woods, and
knowing from experience that animals
which hare been long confined do not,
as a rule, wander far from their cages,
they cheerfully predicted his easy cap
ture in the morning.
On reaching liis house the merchant,
In lieu of the warm welcome which usu
ally awaited him, found all the doors and
windows tightly closed. For the first
time in their married life Mrs. Hartley
was not at the front door to meet him.
Instead, he found her with spectral face
peeping timidly through the parlor win
dow. "Oh, my dear, such an awful thing
has happened" r-
"Fve heard all about it," interrupted
the husband. "You needn't be at all
frightened. Tlie beast is miles off by
this time, deep into the woods.'
When the time for retiring; had ar
rived the merchant had succeeded in
laughing away his wife's fears, and by
dint of much verbal soothing sirup had
restored her badly shaken nerves to
something like their normal tranquillity.
Thus reassured, Mrs. Hartley soon sank
Into a sound slumber; but, try as he
would, the merchant's attempts to fol
low his good lady's example that night
proved singularly abortive.
Hour after hour passed, which he had
vainly occupied in going through all the
well known formula ' for producing
sleep, such as counting droves of pigs,
sheep jumping by myriads over impossi
ble fences, oncj running the gamut of
those curious devices' popularly sup
posed to induce slumber, when he sud
denly became aware by that peculiar in
stinct which man shares in common
with the lower animals, and which in
times of danger sometimes becomes in
tensely and abnormally aoute, of an un
seen presence in the apartment.
Another minute crept "lowly by, dur
ing which the merchant lay in a state of
nervous apprehension, ralnly pndeavor
ing to shake off the indefinable feeling
of dread which had taken possession of
him. It was while he thus lay listening
intently that he became for the first time
conscious of a low, deep, ominous whis
per, which 6eemed to issue from" the
further corner of the room, into the re
moter parts of which the rays of the
young moon, but then hardly arisen
from tho neighboring trcp tops, barely
He listened to this peculiar noise for
some moments, the sound increasing in
volume and seeming to move from place
to placerand gradually deepening into a
hoarse and cat like purr, a sound which
sent a cold thrill of horror through his
whole frame, as at the same instant there
flashed through lus mind the words, "The
tiger! ihe tiger!" Hnrdly daring to
breathe, he slowly raised himself on his
right elbow and peered cautiously in the
direction from which the sound pro
ceeded. As he thu3 raised himself, the
moon, which had been for a few seconds
obscured by a passing cloud, broke forth
from its fleecy covering and shot a pale
gleam of light into the' interior of the
The hoarse purring sound still con
tinued, and as the merchant concentrated
his gaze in the direction from which it
came, with catlike and noiseless tread
there slowly emerged into the strip of
moonlight an object which held him
motionless in a sudden paroxysm of ter
ror, as with straining eyeballs he saw,
brought out in full felief against the fur
ther wall, the head and shoulders of a
full grown Bengal tiger. Even in the
extremity of his terror he could not help
noticing it minutely. It was an enor
mous beast. Without a trace of mane,
its-smooth and sinuous form upholding
the small but ferocious head, it seemed
the embodiment of resistless strength.
A bright tawny yellow, its body was
beautifully marked with dark transverse
bands, passing into pure white on the
under parts. The tail was long and full
usd undulated in, snake like movements.
It fang like teeth, lared by tho dropping
under jaw, shone white and cruel in the
moonlight. The expression on its face
as it moved silently forward, and raising
its head sniffed eagerly in tho night air,
was appalling. It was tho expression of
a dmon.
Mr. Hartley does not know what pre
vent him from screaming aloud with
terror. Ferhaps tho thought of the hclj
less woman sleeping in peaceful uncon
sciousness by his side; rhaps sheer in
ability to utter an articulate sound pre
vented him. Fascinated by the beast,
the feeling grew ujion him that if he
should once remove his eyes from the
fierce and glaring orbs which glistened
with such a baleful gleam as they met
his own. that at that moment the animal
would spring ujoii him.
Rapidly, as he became by degrees a
little calmer, he resolved in his mind
the best thing to be done. Ho must
wake his wife, but how to do so without
attracting the attention of the animal
and hastening the impending attack was
a problem dilTic-ult of solution. Some
how or other, as with really brave men
in tho most trying situations when face
to face with danger, his innate courage
nerved him to the emergency.
Keeping his eyes steadily fixed upon
the tiger, he placed his left hand be
hind him and very slowly and with in
finite caution pressed it gently down over
Mrs. Hartley's mouth. It was a dread
ful moment. If she should cried out tho
ferocious beast, which had nlrondv Ik
gun to show syn;;:t?-:: ' : :.;:-.!
appeared to be gathering itself for a
spring, would undoubtedly
At this moment Mrs. Hartley half
roused herself from sleep. She mur
mured something unintelligible.
"My dear," said the merchant in a
low, constrained voice, "are you awake?"
"Yes," came back the dreamy re
sponse; and again ho pressed his hand,
this time more decidedly, upon the face
of the half conscious woman.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Hush! Do not stir, on your life.
Look over my shoulder. Quietly; be
brave, little woman; remember, your
lifo depends upon your silencel"
Tlie unfortunate man felt his wife
tremble from head to foot, as, in obe
dience to his instructions, she glanced in
tho direction indicated, where their aw
ful foe confronted them.
"I see it," she whispered. But beyond
this, and the involuntary tightening of
her grasp upon her husband's arm, the
plucky woman made no sign. Face to
face with danger, her courageous nature
asserted itself, and tho woman who
would have run shrieking from a mouse
lay comparatively calm and collected in
the presence of almost certain death.
Having thus awakened his wife to the
dangers of their situation, the merchant,
a man of much resource, was quick to
act. Tlie bed upon which they lay was
an old fashioned and heavy one, solidly
built of mahogany. Like most old fash
ioned bedsteads, it stood close to the
floor, so that a man could but barely
squeeze under it. Their one chance of
escape lay in their being able to get be
neath this shelter before the animal
should make the fatal leap, which they
were now every moment expecting.
With admirable coolness, never for a
moment removing his eyes from those of
the tiger, he instructed his wife to creep
out softly on her side and get under the
bed, she being next to the walL In a
few moments, the words "All right,'"
coming from beneath, assured him that
the plucky little woman had successfully
accomplished the feat. Now to get there
Suddenly seizing all the bedclothes in
his hands, with a loud cry the merchant
sprang towards the tiger, and ere the
startled beast could extricate himself
from the coverings thus hurled upon
him, Mr. Hartley had also squeezed his
way in under the bed.
"The corner I The corner l! he shouted
desperately, and realizing the intentions
of her husband., Mra. Hartley assisted
him to push the heavy bedstead up into
tho corner of the room, thus leaving only
two sides of their ingeniously contrived
fortress open to attack. It soon came.
.Y!t!' hlood curdling yell, having dis
entangled himself from the clothes, the
enraged animal gprasg fprwid. Mad
dened at the escapo of his prey, he thrust
ids huge paws again and again beneath
the bed, uttering deep mouthed cries
and endeavoring to force his massive
head and shoulders beneath the bedstead.
Realizing that their lives depended
upon keeping the bedstead upon the
floor, the terror stricken pair clung des
erately to the slats. Twice the animal
.succeeded in forcing the fore part of his
head underneath, arid twice he was com
pelled by the weight above him to aban
don the advantage thus gained. Oh, if
the bedstead was only an inch or two
lower. "Tlie castors, James," 6houted
Mrs. Hartley; "remove the castors."
Quick as a flash the merchant, drag
ging himself to one corner, raised with
his back the heavy piece of furniture and
withdrew the castore, and this he did to
the other three corners in succession as
the opportunity occurred, thus bringing
the bedstead down so low that the ani
mal could no more than get his nose
under the sides. The merchant, however,
was by this time so much exhausted by
his terrible exertions as to be physically
incapable of longer holding the bed down
upon the floor.
Breathing heavily, the perspiration
streaming from every pore, he awaited
with a feeling akin to despair the mo
ment when the huge man eater, which,
baffled for a moment, liad drawn off to
a little distance, should renew his fierce
attempts to reach them. Just then his
foot struck against a hard substance. It
was the sharp edge of a. small box of
tools which he had but a short time pre
viously given to his son, a boy of 12,
then absent on a visit . to a school mate
in New York, and which the little fellow
had. no doubt, placed under Lis parents
bed for greater security during' his ab
sence. Thank heavens! his own gen
erwity to hi3 son now provided a means
t f leliverance. If the tiger would but
remain where ho was for a minute
longer he could screw the bed down to
the floor and thu3 effectually prevent
I rim animal from reaching them, vvitti
trembling hand ho drew tho lxx toward
him. What if it should bo locked?
A cold sweat broke out upon him ns it
resisted his clforts to oihmi it. N, he
was trying to open it on tho hinged side.
Tho other! It oHwd readily, and a
little fumbling brought to light four
lmg screws and a good sized screw
driver. A gimlet, also, rewarded his
further search. In two minutes tho bed
was sectnt'ly screwed to tho floor, and
not ti inome' t too soon, for aroused by
the uoiso which this operation rendered
necessary, tho infuriated animal gain
sprang to the attack. Time after time
he savagely thrust his head as far jus he
could reac h under the ln'd, the desperate
man, guided more by tho sound of the
animal's breathing than anything else,
thrusting fiercely at tho bristling muzzle
with the sharp screwdriver.
Suddenly, however, the huge cat
changed his tactics. Taking a rapid turn
around the room as if to reconnoiter,
with a furious bound It sprang upon tho
bed, and with its sharp claws rapidly
stripied the two mattresses from its sur
face. A woven wire mattress and tho
slats now alone interposed an apparently
frail barrier between the enraged animal
and its helpless victims.
Maddened with rage, tho huge man
eater tore fiercely at this fresh obstacle,
its sharp claws, however, failing tomako
any impression upon the teinjiered spring
steel. But it bent dreadfully. Will it
!,.,! i? y. ; i ..... y. : j.: r,, , r-r ,
... ........ t . . . . ,.
they bu, rebound hurmioos lioui llio lii
ery and springy surface. Thank heaven!
It forms n coat of mail through which
tho huge beast cannot penetrate.
After a few minutes of futile endeavor
the tiger, exhausted with its exertions,
lay crouched above them. The man,
white with terror, could see tho saliva
dripping from its jaws and mark tho fe
rocious gleam in its yellow eyes as it
glared savagely down upon them. With
out covering, it was bitter cold.-A deadly
chill crept over him. Would ho and his
wife survive the horrible experience?
His wife! He reached out his hand and
touched her. He spoke to her, low at
first, then louder. There was no response.
Overcome with the horror of their
situation tho unfortunate woman had
fainted. Each minute seemed an hour
as he lay there, tho immense form of tho
tiger above them, while his faco was
turned away to escape tho prurient odors
which its lnxly emitted. In their exjio.s
ed situation his wife would iierish with
cold and fright. Something must bo
done. He Eaw, too, that beneath the re
peated onslaughts of their foo even the
steel mattress showed signs of yielding.
Suddenly the thought struck him, "That
box of tools again."
With the auger and saw it contained
why should he not cut his way through
the floor, drop into the parlor below, and
summon assistance? No sooner had he
hit on thi3 plan than ho proceeded to put
it into execution. Turning over on his
face, he bored with as little noise as pos
sible a series of holes through the soft
pine flooring, and inserted tho edge of the
saw. It was new and sharp, and tho soft
wood readily yielded to hi3 efforts. Soon
he had cut a hole two feet in length in
one plank. The tiger had not moved.
Mrs. Hartley was lying faco down
ward, and groaned from timo to time
uneasily. She had regained conscious
ness, but replied to all her husband's
questions in an incoherent manner, and
the poor man thought piteously that per
haps her reason had given way under the
dreadful strain. The thought urged him
on to renewed efforts.
The second plank was now cut through.
Breaking away the plaster beneath, he
thrust his legs into, the hole thus made,
and hung suspended by his fingers.
Whilst in this ' position the thought in
voluntarily flashed through his mind
that perhaps the tiger might vush down
stairs and seize him. and he gripped tlie
rough boards tighly with his tired fin
gers. Ho would soon have to let go his
hold anyway. He felt his fingers grad
ually slipping from the loards. lie
looked up, a prayer trembling on his
blanched lips. The animal had not
moved from its recumbent position on
the bed. Its eyes were half io&cd, and
it was apr&intiy becoming drowsy.
He let go his hold and fell down,
down, down away into space. It seemed
that ho would never reach the floor.
At this juncture tho merchant's wife
shook him yiqlen.tly by iho bhoulder and
exclaimed in a somewhat irritahlo tone:
"For goodness' sakej James, wake up
and cease dreaming about that wretched
tiger. I believe you are more frightened
about it than I am."
And he wub. Austyu W. Granville in
Chicago Journal.
Learning; Well.
A tew months ago an acquaintance
came to a friend of mine and confided,
with tears in her eyes, that her darling
boy, not yet 5 years old. was learning to
swear. She supposed he caught the
habit from the boys playingoqtpf doors,
and she had tiied everything to break
him of it, but all in vain. What should
she do? My friend was much troubled
by the dilemma, but her sympathy
changed to an opposite sentiment when
the next day she was greeted by the grief
stricken mother with thu following
words: "Oh, I must tell you what Ralph
said just now. 1 was sitting here at my
work and he was strutting about the
room in his lordly style, when he spied a
wooden toothpick on tho floor. Well,
what did that child do but strike an atti
tude and exclaim in the most tragic
tone: 'My God! Here's a toothpick !"'
Glasgow on Cbiuit) Luxury.
Tlie inhabitants of Glasgow are begin
ning to regard the established church as
a decidedly costly luxury. They are
blessed with ten city churches, and the
ten ministers thereof have a guaranteed
incrjmp from the rates. The returns from
seat rent3 have been gradually diminish
ing, until now the city has to make up a
deficiency of about 3,200 a year, and
tlie desire of the inhabitants for disestab
lishment has, of course, been much
stimulated by this unsatisfactory etate
of affau-3. London Truth,
Wagon mid UlnckMniih Shop.
Wagon, Buggy,
Machine and Plow
A Specialty, llu uses Iho
7 2S V S: 25 S X X &
Horseshoe, the Best Ilorscslioe lor the
Fanner, or for Fust Fi'iving and t'ity
purposes, ever invented. It h inude so
nnyonc ciin chii put on hhurp or flat corks
as needed for wet mid slippery muds, or
smooth dry roads, ('nil mid Kxuiuiiio
these Shoes and you will have no other.
J. M-Schnellbacher,
.rth St., I'luUsiiiouth, Neb.
The Boss Tailor
Mala St., Over MtTKi-s' Shoe Kloif.
V' -t and iiioi-t CMiiph te stock
v.i s, bulli foreign mid doini'Mic
woolens that evt-r chiik; west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: I'liMiii sn suits
from $10 to :", dress suits, to if 4 5,
pants $4, $5, $;(;.:.( nml iipunids.
CSyWill guarantee a fit.
Prices Defy Comcatilion.
Civil Engineer
Surveyor and Draftsman
F'ans, Specifications and Fsti.i.nti s. Mu
nicipal Woik, Ma j is .Ve.
Eotert Donnelly's
Wagon and
Wagons. Uncles, Miieliinvs Qirekiy l.'f paired ;
I'lowe Sli:ir!ntl kinl CenVial
Jobbing Uoi;e.
Horseshoeing A Specialty
I I'SliTIJr:
Horspslif.e. which sharpens nn It wears
away, so tlieie is never any ;:;uit'-r of onr
ilors slippii'ir aii.i PurtiiiK ilnelf. Cull
and exati'iii" t ii in Slim-and yen will
Have iio other. licet Shoe iutxle,
Wholesale 2ietRil Dea'er tr
Shingles, Lath, Hash,
Can .apply every dcm:md of the t ratio.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
In Hoar of Opera IIou.
;vi!,r. -Public. Notary Fublia,
attorneys - at - la,
Office over V.zuk of Can tVuaty.
Dr. C A. Marshall.
rut J' ; : .
i -ifi 'J ?WjS.s r'
lesidczit Dentist.
Preservation of v Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Aucbthctics yiven for Paix-
Artificial teeth mud; on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
A.11 work warranted. Prices reasonale.
f JTZ'JKIt M.K'.S Jll.'CK Pi. lTrHOUIH. N'FB
Or the Liqucr Habit, Positively Cured
by AoaiJisTcr.ina ca. haihes' oaicti specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea. or in ar
ticles oi food, without the knowledge ot the er
tnn taking it; it is absolutely harmless ami wilt
effect ft viiua:ient and f teeiy cure, whether
the patient id a moderate ctrinkpmran alvholi?
a complete cure in every insr an-e. 4s page book
FREE. Adilif'K in eonfliinc.
tCLDEti SPECIFIC CO, 1 85 acf St, Cincinaati. 0.
mm i