The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 31, 1889, Image 1

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- 4
i'ljAiiiJOlil, AMxii.01V.L, U'ltilJV liVlJJNliXjr, 31 AV 31, 1889.
... J, -1 j J
Baautlful Weather and Most Ap
propriate Recognition In
Cass County.
On Farm and iu tin Business Circles of
Town and City, Labor is R- sted from
and Celebration Attended. .
Tbe .'aliou'M .VobJe Oeadat Weeping
Water Hut liulaiifttlly lle
iiiviuhcred. May 30, 1839, In Old Cass.
For favorable circumstances on every
hand, no better day for Decoration Day
could have been desired than yesterday.
The sun rose clear and bright in the
morning; the early part of the day was
very cool, but by. noon out door fur
rouudings rrere most pleasant. The
banks, school.-, i rinting :nnl some other
offices jvere closed :ill day, ami business
generally done was lit t!e, and t lie B. fc
M. s'iojm were shut down in the after
noon and th- c!!r.loM given Hie benefit
of the oecn.-ion. A giivit uutiiber of
country people weru iii t;, ari l the
streets were f:i'nly c-i.nvd.d with their
inacy vthich-s. All bu-in-ss homes
were handsomely decorated with na
tional colors at half n::;st.
At 2 o'clock t!-i protes-iiou started for
Oak Hill cemetery in order, as follow:
Martial band, (J rand Army of the lie
public, Sons of Veterans, Hoys' Martial,
b ind, Woman's Rjli-f Corps in Coaipro
mise. draA-n bv four Une horses, and
then followed a great number of private
and livery conveyances. J. W. Johnson
was comm mder of the day. Hundreds
also walked to the cemetery and rode on
the street cars. At the cemetery the pro
cession and citizens assembled before
the speaker's stand. McConihie Post
Commander M. A. Dixon, delivered the
opening address according to tins Grand
Army service provided. Chaplain Cur
tis then offered the prayer for the day.
Hon 3. M. Chapman was 'hen introduced
by Comm inder Johnson, who addressed
the large assembly. Speaking of
his promise to say but a word or
two on the occasion, said he was embar
rassed by the announcement that he was
to be the ''orator of the day," aud with
the few nifinieiitJ this morning for prep
aration, h'.s iv:n n Hs would occuoy but a
few moments' tim-. Among other
things ia speaking of the true signifi
cance of Memorial D.iy, he said:
It would be a strange neglect of the
beautiful anil approved custom of this
land of ours did we fail to meet together
today to btrew flowers upon the graves
of our departed comrades aud the der
ones who have gone from us. There is a
deep significance in this observance of
this day. It is no ordinary holiday to be
celebrated by the blare f trumpets, the
waiving of banner's and the ringing of
bells amid the trumpet of a popular
careless joy. It is not the anniversary of I
a singie day nrwe illustrious in our xNau--
oual history by the accomplishment of
some national event. It is a day set
apart in solemn commemoration of the
achievinents of the meu who, by their
herorie deeds saved to us and to man
kind all that is embraced in the acheiv
inents of the fathers and the establish
ment of constitutional iiberty upon this
continent. "The Tea party" at Boston
harbor, the event of Concord Court
House, the Declaration of Idopendance,
Bunker Hill. Wiiite PI tin. Trenton,
Prineetown. B-andywiae, Valley Forge.
Monmouth Plains, Cov.ppns, and York
town; the surreuder of the Confederation
WZzen yta
Men' Custom Made Siuts,
Men's lllack Imported Cork Screw
Men's Business Snita - -
Men's Clieviat Suits - -
of the Colonies and the adoption of th;
Federal Constitution and the- establish
ment of aceutral government: The long
stubborn cotitekt iu the civil war of 1SC1,
its elimination from our republican ionn
of government, the end of the constitu
tion of compromises by the amendments
to that constitution which left it to us a
document of principles bold and wise in
it utterances and conception; which
left the American republic in fact, as
well ns name, a government of the peo
ple, by the people and for the people.
All these achieyments, my fellow citi
zens, are epitomized ir the bservance of
this Memorial Day, in memory of the
men who took part in that most eventful
drama of the world's history. So my
friends all other events and all other
day that particularly mark the years of
our national progress, with its perils and
triumphs are largely embraced in this
holiday of memorial observance.
I cannot dwell further upon this
thought to these living comrades in the
presence of their dead. This day is par
ticularly sacred. It is not alone the few
dozen mounds in this Oak Hill cemetery
that we honor from this God's acre. To
every battle fi.ld of the republic where
our unknown comrades rest, our hearts
go out. 1 ho broken heights of Dominion.
the tattered forests of Shiloh, the naked
Wilderness, the barren sands of Charles
ton Harbor, everywhere, where th. saber
gleamed and the musketry rattled, and
tho Union soldiers fell and sank to rest.
m fume s eternal camping ground is
remeinb?r-d here to day. You. my fel
low citizens, native and foreign born
who were not permitted to participate in
the war of the Rebellion, honor aud ob
serve Memorial Day and the men whe
fought the battles of the late war: not
so much for the perils they passed
through, for the sacrifices they generous
ly made, not for their sufferings in camp
aud held and prison pen. but for the
substantial benefits and blessings they
achieved and handed down to you and
yours. Their contest was with treason
and rebellion in favor of law and order
the men who sought to destroy the
Union, I speak ot the brain of the
Confederacy must not be excused on ac
count of their acts of personal courage
and the sacrifices they made. It will
not do, if we are honest with ourselves
and with history, to overlook the Caa
suslitUi. We nr.ust not allow this pros
perous period of 1880 to obscure the crisis
of 101. Honestly we must face the pe
riod of war days in dealing . with the
problem of the rebellion, and we must
fix our eyes on the dark problem which
was then written on the blackboard of
our nation for solution. It was human
slavery, perpetuated by the original com
promises of the Federal constitution,
against universal liberty and equality
before the law. The statesmen of the
South, blinded by the social and sec
tional status of that portion of the Uuion
brought about by the hated intrusion of
slavery, desired, and plotted to, destroy
this Union because that peculiar institu
tion could not flourish under the same
paternal form of government, with free
schools, free pulpits, free press and free
peech. Hence to the statesmen of the
Confederacy, honesty of conviction can
not lessen the crime of their treason
against our free institution. Depots
may believe in their right to rule and
oppiess in the divine right of Kings
yet their acts of oppression are none the
less excusable in the sight of their suf
fering oppressed subjects. The offense
of the leaders of the rebellion of 1801
was a crime against human liberty, and
as sucn it must stanu so ioug as msiory
is honestlv written and read and with
out feelings of sectional hate, influenced
by sentiment, we can thus, more than
a quarter of a century, removed from the
scene of the war of the rebellion, hon
estly speak of the great crisis in our na
tional life, and, in my opinion, to speak
less frankly would be to fall short of
that patriotism which prompted our no
ble dead to bare their brows to the con
miming fires of battle that the republic
might live, and while thus speaking to
the misguided and mislead men of the
South who were our enemies :n 1S61 and
who are our friends and brothers in 1889,
can buy a tait of (Clothes for a mere song? S3
Tliis (Kreat EMscount Sale will only continue a short time longer.
25.00. 33i per cent off, $l6.G7.
3 6.C5.
we can extend the full hand of fellow
ship, remembering the lessous aad loi
gettiug the animosities of the late war.
Following the address of the day th
procession marched about tue grave
yard, and beautiful wreathes and flowers
were placed upon the old soldiers graves
by the G. A. R., in remembrance of their
heroic service in the cause of the Union.
Flowers were spread upon the graves in
the cemetery in abundance, and flowers
woven into emblems of remembrance
and love, were strewn everywhere, where
there was the last resting place of some
loved one. After the proceedings at
the cemetery the people re turned to the
At8:15 o'clock in the evening the W. R
C. gave their entertainment at the opera
house. The curtain rose at 8:15 and the
choir, composed of Mrs. G. E. Dovey
Misses Ella White and Rose McCauly
Messcrs Clayton Barber and John Moore,
sung a song entitled, "Requiem of the
Dead." Miss Agn-s Kennedy gave a
declamation "Four Hundred Thousand
Men They Died for you and Me,
which was a peace of beautiful sentiment
Another song, "Lay Your Garlands o'er
Their Grave," was sung by the choir, aud
then an instrumental solo was given by
the pianist, Henry Herold. The curtain
rose again and the fcrty little boys and
girls dedicated the monument to the
memory of the unknown dead. They
each carried a flag and wreath aad mar
ched about the stage and around the
monument, and formed a semi circle
about the monument. Then in re-spouse to
the call of a state or territory a boy or
girl would respond atternaly with
verse commemorating some battle, hero.
or army and place upon the monument,
which bore the inscription "In Memory'
their offering of flowers. After this fol
lowed a declamation "You put no Flowers
upen my Father's Grave" by Allie Burns.
"Rest from your Labors" was a song be
fitting the day sung by the choir. "Am
erica," sang by the children, was follow
ed by a beautiful tableaux represent ag
the Goddess of Liberty of the Uuion
sustained by the Grand Army and Son's
of Veterans. Throughout, the entertain
ment was a good one, all parts becoming
the occasion, and were well declaimed.
The enthusiastic remcmberance ac
corded the departed Union soldiers at
Weeping Water yesterday is well worthy
full mention. Extensive preparations
had been made, schools were closed and
the day taken as a general holiday, and
the beautiful valleys and the picturesque
hills seemed to join in the sacred memo
ry of the dead in the quietness and
bright sunshine. The whole city and
many from the surrounding country
joined heartily together for the celebra
tion. At 1:30 the procession formed and
started for the cemetery, in the follow
ing order: Ladies band, G. A. R , W.
R. C, Martial band, S. of V.. Odd Fel
lows, K. of P., W. U. of A., and several
hundred school children. Arriving at
the cemetery the procession marched
through, stopping at each grave, upon
which was erected an evergreen cross
with white flowers, and wreaths. The
graves, some twenty in number, were all
yisited, and then the orders and children
of the procession formed a large hollow
square about the monument erected in
honor of the unknown, and all who died
for the Ua.. u cause. A guard of nine
entered the square, and also those to con-
TIefow Away
Men's Business Suits
Men's " "
Men's "Working Suits
Men's Custom Made Pants
duct the ceremony of prayer, addresses
and formally decurat the monument.
The ladies' band also played a national
selection. A salute of three rounds was
fired by the guard and the services at
the cemetery closed by the benediction
pronounced by the Uev. Ilindly of the
Congregational church. The procession
then proceeded to the beautiful grove on
the south side of the Weeping Water,
where stand and seats had been erected
and the orator of the day, Hon. F. E.
Brown, of Syracuse, Neb., delivered a
most appropriate address, paying wor
thy words of tribute to those who served
or died in the Union cause. The me
morial exercises closed in the evening
with an entertainment in the G. A. R.
hall by the ladies of the Relief Corps.
At 12 (noon) all the bells in the city
were tolled.
the ladies' hand
which furnished the mi'o ' T ''
procession is oue ot two or lurm m mo
state, and has won popularity and pruise
for their musical ability as a band.
was organized over a year ago by Pi of.
T. R. Boon, who is a general merchant
in that city and a competent leader in
instrumental music. There are ten la
dies playing ins ruments, as follows:
Mrs. Boon, solo cornet; Miss Bertha Had
sell, first cornet; Mrs. Win. Jamison, solo
alto; Miss Woodard, alto; Miss Barnes,
alto; Miss Sweat inger, tenor; Miss llau
ley, euphonion; Miss My Clisbe, tuba
bass; Mabel Swearinger, snare drum;
Miss Edith Clwbe, bass drum. The band
uniform woru Dy the ladies is blue, with
gold braid trimmings, black felt hats,
with broad rim, and flag rosettes plain
but very becoming. Many selections-
some of difficult rendition were played
with graceful harmony that was admir
Following the seryices at the cemetery
an interesting game of ball was played
on the grounds of the Weeping Water
bottom, between the married and the
single men of the city. The score was
39 to 33, in favor of the married men.
which is their second victory over the
single men. . '
Plattsinouth and Weeping Water held
the principal celebrations in the county.
At other places picnics and social cele
brations were given, and the day was
generally observed throughout the
county, probably more so than ever be
Absolutely Pure.
This Dowder never varies. A marvel of pnr-
tr. strength and wholesomenesa. More econo
mical tnan tbe ordinary kind", and cannot be
old In competition with the multitude of low
test, short weiirlit alum or iliopliaf e powders.
.Wi7i rtnltt 4n ftna Hnv at. It i u'I vii TViwTiiril
Co.. 106 Wall St. N. Y.
$ 8.00. 33 per cent off, $ 5.36.
S G.00. " " $ 4.00.
$ 5.00. " " $ 3.34.
$ 7.00. " $ 4.G5.
Complete in all departments, Handsome line
of .Xeopolitan anil pattern
We cordially invite ladies to call and et prices, we
can save you money.
Moore & Studebaker,
One door west of Joe's clothing store.
- --r i J . ..... i.
Supply your home with Furniture that
t, is easy and comfortable. Bocck's Furni
ture imporium is the place to buy chairs
hard bottom or plush, for office, home
and the parlor. I abbs. Decks, Seere
taries, Baby Carnages, Beds, Dressers and
stands of every description. But keep
your victuals cool and henltliv in an
Alaska Refrigerator. Heniiv Ueck.
uniuier Hlijipern at JOirwooct.
Plenty of feed, flour,
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
graham am'
The Xrw
flier wood.
How, only 25 OO at
House and lot on Ritchie place for sale
on easy payments; enquire at Johnj-on
Biios. Hardware store. tf
A- O. H- Attention !
There will be a meeting of the A. O. V.
in the G. A. R. hall Thursday evening,
May 30, at 7:30 o'clock sharp.
M. J. O'Reilly, President.
To the new COAL Old Move
ust receivedat Jolinxon Tiro.
Call and see tlieni. They ulll
not explode.
your ice cream with the lightning freezer
sold by Johnson Bros. 9wlm
$50. $50.
Fifty Dollars in clean Cash
To be given away by C. E.
Wescott, the Doss Clothier.
Each dollar's worth of goods
bought from our Elegant stock,
entitles the pui chaser to one chance
to draw this GRAND PRIZE.
Drawing takes place October
15th, I8r9. The money is on
Exhibition in our show window.
Our stock is complete. "We
carry only reliable goods. Sell
at the lowest bottom figures have
stri . J,'.e price and no .Monkey
busin c. C. E. Wescott,
The Boss Clothier.
l.-S from marked price of
Boys' Suits - - - - $ 3.50. per cent off,' S 2.34.
Childs' Suits ... $ 2.00. " $ 1.32.
Working Shirts 33 cents. Shirts and Drawers 35 cts. Overalls Ooc.
Call and be con"inced that what we say is true.
Thoroughly cleanse the Mood, which is th
fountain of health, by lining Dr. 1'ierce'a Oold
en Medical Discovery, and Kood digestion, a
fair akin, buoyant spirits, aud bodily tiuaJUi
and vijfor will bo established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all htsmorf,
from tbe common pimple, blotch, or eruption,
to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Es
pecially has It proven its efficacy la ourlnf
Ha't-rheum or Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas,
Fever -sores. Hip -joint Disease. Kcrofuloua
Bores and Hwellinirs, Enlarged Glands, Uol
tre or Thick Meek, and Eating- bore or
u olaen Mefllcal Discovery cures Consump
tion (which is Kcrofula of the Lunin), by iXm
wonderful blood - purifyinu. inviiroratinfl-.
and nutritive propertiea. if taken In tine.
For Weak Luntjs, Hpitting- of Wood, Short
ness of Breath, Catarrh in the Head, Bronchitis,-Severe
CouKhs, Asthma, and kindred
affections. It ia a sovereign remedy. It
promptly cures the severest Coughs.
For Torpid Elver, Biliousness, or "Liver
Complaint' Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it la
an uoeo,ualed remedy. Sold by druaraiata.
Price 11.00, or tlx bottles for t&OO.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Pepporbergo and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 20, 1885.
1st. Viee President
Kobt. K Wlndhjiiii
A. P.. Todd
N in Xevilie
K. Hen -dim; u
K. H. liuilu.ian
2nd Vice President
IMUKi T.'dfi.
J. C. Kichev. V. E. White, .1 C. P.i t re-son,
I. A. Conner, U. Klxon, C. W. .Sliermau , F. (Jor
dei, J. V. Weckbach.
Nrmor Vice "
U. S . PirKov.
UK.v.r. HfcMpr.K
i. CARHtliAN...
. K. NU.I'.H ... .
A. Slill'MAX ...
r O. M.
'il!i-cr of I lie Iii v.
. r Anion..
i v.MKs IHckso.v, ;iinrd
' Pert Mnior.
v.v nr'iov r.m Fitv.. ..Quarter Mast.r Serer.
!,. '. fVitrm p0,t chaplain
.vti inir Saturday eveniii
Collodion Notice.
I r spectfuliy rpqncht nil p.utiei in
(UM( 1 to me to rail and s ttle their ac
counts before June 1st.
Alfred Whitman M. I).
Drink Champaign Mist. Delicious,
Cool and Refreshing. For sale ly E. AV.
Cook at Smith & Black's oll stand, tf