The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 23, 1889, Image 3

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In the matter of culling a SjKjcial Election of the electors in and
lor din county, Nebraska, for the jwrposo of voting upon the ques
tion of whether the county ot Ca, in state of Nebraska, shall lfsue
bonds, for the purpose ot building a court houfee, and for ihe levying
a tx tr the payment of the fcaiue. lie it
Jii'-Holrt-zl, JJy the County Commissioners ot the county of Cass
and ntate ot Nebraska, in regular adjourned session assembled, this
Oth day of May A. 1S:I, that the county clerk of said county be
and hu hereby is notilied and directed to call a special election in and
tor the county of Cass in the state of Nebraska, at the following
places in said county, to-wit:
Tipton i'recinct, Tidball & Fuller's lumber ollice, Eagle.
Creenwood I'recinct, Town House.
Salt Creek Precinct, Coleman fc Mcl'herson's lumberofliee Green
wood. Stove Civek Precinct, (J. A. 11. hall, Elinwood.
El in wood I'recinct, itliuwood Center School Uouse.
South I'end Precinct, ollice of South Platte Lumber Co., South
"Weeping Weeping Precinct, School House District 83.
Weeping Water City, Dr. J. W. Thomas' ollice Weeping Water.
Center I'recinct, Mauley School House, District 90, Manley.
Louisville Precinct, Seth 1 Rockwell's oflice Louisville.
Avoca I'rtcincf, O. Te tit's oflice, Avoca.
Mt. Pleasant Precinct, Cilmore School House, District No. 80.
Eight MileCrove Precinct, i lei l's School House, District No. 88.
Liberty I'recinct, Leidigh fc Donaldson lumber office, Union.
Jiock IJluils Precinct, Murray School House, Murray.
Plattsirouth I'recinct, Taylor.s School House, District No. 41.
First Warl, County Clerk's office.
Second Ward, Old Foundry office.
Third Ward, Kichey Pro's, lumber office.
Fourth Ward, Waterman's lumber office.
Filth Ward, Filth Ward School House
To be held on the 8th day ot June, 1889, for the purpose of sub
mitting to the legal voters ot said county the question and proposition
of voting and issuing the bonds of 6aid county in the amount of
Eighty Thousand Dollars lor the building of a County Court House
at the city of Plattsmouth, in said countj of Cass, and lor causing to
be levied annually a tax on .'ill the taxable property of said Cass
count v, sufficient for the payment of the interest on said bonds, and
for causing the levying annually a tax on all the taxable property in
said Cass county sufficient to pay live per centum ot the principal of
such bonds; and at the tax levy next preceding the maturity ot such
bonds levying a tax on all the taxable property ot said county to an
anount suffieieut to p;iy the principal and interest due on 6aid bonds,
and that at such special election so called and held the said question
and proposition be submitted to the legal voters ot said county in the
torm hereafter set forth. Said question and proposition so to be sub
mitted is in words and figures, following :
Shall the county ot Cass in th? state of Nebraska, issue and put
upon the market Eighty bonds of sai.l county, of the denominations
i) One thousand dollars each, said bonds to be dated January 1st, 1890
and to be paid at 'the liscal agency of tbe state of Nebraska, in the
city of New York, the state of New Y'ork, twenty years alter date there
of ledeemable at any time on or after ten years from the date thereof
at the option ot said county ot Cass, and bear interest at the rate of
live per cent per annum payable annually on the first day of January
in each year, for which interest coupons shall be attached payable at
the fiscal agoiicy, aforesaid.
And shall thJJoard of County Commissioners? of the said county
of Cas.J, oL.other person'or' persons, charged by law with the levying
ot taxes for said county for the time being in addition to the annual
taxes, caused to be levied annually a tax on all the taxable property
of said county sufficient to pay the interest on sid bonds as tjie saine
hall become due and payable, and also cause to be levied each year
upon the taxable property of said county a tax sufficient to pay five
per cent of the principal of said bonds and that at the tax levy pre
ceding the maturity ot said bonds, levy a tax on all taxable property
of said county to an amount sufficient to pay the principal ad inter
est due on said bonds, and taking such action as .the requirements of
law and the provisions of the statutes in such cases made and
provided, "and the interest of said county and the public may demand.
Provided, that proceedings shall be ponpnenced fop the ejection
Of the said court house on or before the first day pf April 18fi0, and
shall -be continued' without .unnecessary delay until the cam o shall be
completed; and that at such special election so called and to be held,
the -said question and proposition above set forth shall be submitted
to a vote of the legal voters of said county in the following form and
manner, that is to say, the form of the ballot to be used at such elec
tion in favor of said question and proposition shall be as follows ;
;;l or U.j issue of the bonds of thp' county 'of' Cass for the" pur
pose ot building a county court house and the levy Qt a ta? tg pay
the principal and the interest of such bonds."
And the form ot ballots to be used at such election against said
question and proposition shall be as follows:
.'Against the issue of the bonds of the county of Cass tor the
purpose of building a county court house and the levy of a tav pay
fLc-principul and intttec-t o said LchdV ' " ' -
It U further ordered that the following notice of said special elec
tion shall be made out by the eonnty clerk of said Cass county and
clerk ot this board, which shall be signed by the chairman of the
board of county commissioners ot said Cass county, in the state ot
Nebraska, and the ccunty clerk ot said Cass county and the clerk of
tbi hvXrd, to-wit r
Notice of Special Election
Notice is hereby giyt-n, that on Satur
day, the btU day uf June, 130, n special
election will be held in and for Cass
county, in tbe State of Nebraska, for the
purpose of submitting nnd to submit to
the legal voters of Cafs county, in the
Stnte of Nebraska, for their acceptance or
lej ciioo, Ly yolf and badot, and allow
ing the lcgnl voters of said Cass county
to vote upon the following question and
proposition, to-wit :
Shall the County of Cass, in the State
of Nebraska, Usuu and put upon the mar
ket Eighty Donds of said county of the
denomination of One Thousand Dollavs
ench, said bond to bo dated on the f rst
cjay of .January, lUQ, nd to be payable
i't the Fiscal Ac ncy of the State of N;e
LraAa. in the City of New York, State
of New York, twenty years after the date
thereof, redeemable at any time on or af
ter ten years from date thereof, at the
option . of sai.l County of Cas, and to
bear interest at Hie rate of five per cent
per annum, p-iyaMe annually on the first
day of Jmury iu each year, for which
interest coupons shall be attached, paya
bla at th Fiscal Agency aforesaid, and
shall the County Commissioners of the
sad county of Cuss, or other person or
persons charged by law with the levjing
of taxes for said county for tic irne be
ing in addition to the annual taxes, caus
ed to le levied annually a tax ou all the
taxable property of said county, sufficient
to pay the interest on said bonds as
the same shall become due and payable,
and also cause to be levied each year up
on the taxable property of said county,
a tax sufficient to pay five per pent of the
firiutipaf ' of said bonds, and at the tax
evy preceding the maturity of said bond,
levy a tax on all the taxable property of
said county .to an amount sufiicient to
pay the principal and interest due on said
bonds, and taking such action us the re
quirements of the law and the provisions
of the statutes in such case made And
provided, and the interest of said counfV
rpd the pdliljc may demand" provided
that proceedings shall be comnu-iiped for
the erection of said Court ioue on pr
before the first day of April, A. jj.; 1&J0,
and shall le continued without unneces
sary delay until the same shall be com
pleted. Such special election is to he hld and
said question and proposition is to be
submitted tiiereat in accordance with the
terms of an order of the Board of County
Commissioners of the said County of Cas,
made at a regular adjourud es-jcu ot
said Hoard, duly ' convened and
held at the City, of Plattsmouth,
the county seat of said Cass
county, ou the 0th day of May, A. D.,
lHs'J, and in accordance with the law and
statute of Nebraska in said case
made and provided and as set
forth in its question and prop
osition so to be submitted and therein set
forth and made a part of this notice, and
according to the terms thereof, and that
said question and proposition be submit
ted to a vote of the legal voters of said
Cass county, and the following shall be
the form of the ballots to be used at said
election iu favor of said question and
proposition, to-wit :
"For the issue of the Uouda of the
County of Cass for the purpose of build
ing a County Court House and the levy
of a tax to pay the principal and interest
of euch Bonds."
And the form of the ballots to be used
at said election against said question and
proposition, shall be as follows :
"Against the issue of Bonds of the
County of Cass for the purpose of build
ing a County Court House and the levy
of a tax to pay the priucipal and interest
of such Bonds."
Which election shall be opened at 8
o'clock on the morning of said day, and
will continue open until 0 o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day, that is to say
the polls at such election shall be open
at 8 o'clock in the forenoon and continue
open until G o'clock in the afternoon of
said day.
And the County Clerk of said county
of Cass shall at least twenty days previous
to such election make out and deliver to
the Sheriff of said county three notices
thereof of such election, for each Election
Precinct, District and Ward, in
which such election in taid County
of Cass is to be held, and the
said Sheriff shall post up in three
of the most public places in each Election
Precinct, District and Ward, in
which the election in said County
of Cass is to be held, the
said three notices thereof at least ten days
before the time of holding such election,
and at least one copy of the question and
proposition so to be submitted and above
set forth shall be posted up in a conspic
uous place at each of the several places
of voting during the day of such election.
It is further ordered and declared that
this notice of such election and of such
question and proposition so to be voted
upon and of the form in which said votes
is to be taken, including a full and com
plete copy of this notice sliall be gi.Yen
by publication thereof in the Plattsmouth
llKKAI.p, Plattsmouth Journal, Weeping
Water llepuhlumi. Cass County Eagle,
Wabash Weekly Netcs, Elinwood Echo,
Louisyille Advertiser, Union Ledyer and
Greenwood Oazette, newspapers printed
and published and of general circulation
in the said County of Cass, for at least
four weeks next preceeding the day of
said election.
It is further ordered that uch election
shall take place and be held at the fol
lowing pained polling place a and voting
places in said County of Cass, to-wit :
In Tipton Precinct, at Tidball & Ful
ler's lumber office, Eagle.
In Greenwood Precinct, r.tTown House
In Salt Creek Precinct, at Coleman &
McPherson's lumber office.
In Stoye Creek Precinct, at Grand Ar
iqy hall, Elmwood.
In Elmwood Precinct, E!mwood Cen
ter School House.
In South Bend Precinct, at South Platte
lumber office. South Bend.
In Weeping Water P,recipc$ afc school
house in district Ho, 63.
Weeping Water City at Dr. J. W.
Thomas' office, Weeping Water.
In Center Precinct, at Manley school
house, Manley.
In Louisville Precinct, at Peth qck
well'8 olLce, Louisville.
In Avoca PYeciiict; at Qr. Tefffa office,
Avoca.'' '
In Mt Pleasant Precinct, at Gjiluiore's
school house, district No. $Q.
In Eight Mile CjrovePrecinct, at Ileil's
school' bouse,' district No. 8.
In Liberty T'.recjniit, at Leidig'i & Don
aldson's lumber office, Union.
In Rock Bluffs Precinct, at Murray
School house, Murray.
In Plattsmouth Precinct, at Taylor's
school house, district No. 37.
In the OitV of Pattsnioui'n.-
fcirst'War'd. tfpubty Cle'rk'.s office.
Second Ward, old foundry office.
third Ward, Ichey Jiros, JiUOluer
oiTica - ,
Fourth Ward, Waterman's lumber of-
Fifth Ward, Fifth Ward school house.
And that at such election the votes
shall be received and returns thereof
made and the saaie shall be'eanvassed by
the am'e outers and in the same manner
as required by faw at each general elec
tion, and it is further ordered that the
County Clerk prepare and deliver to the
proper officers of such election duplicate
poll Books and necessary tally lists for
use at such election.
P(y order of the Hoard of Ciouny Com
missioners ot 'Cass cbufnty, Nebraska, this
8tii day ot May, "A- JV 1880.
A. B. DldvSQJT,
Chairman pf oard, of ("aunty uoiamis-
tioners of Cass eounty, Nebraska.
Witness my hand as County Clerk and
Clerk of the Board of County Com
missioners of Cass county, Nebraska, and
seal of 6aid county heretp affised
this fith day of May. A. V- 1889.
" ' Couqty Clerk apd Clerk of the
Hoard of County Commissioners
of Cass county, Nebraska.
President ....Robt. B Windham
1st Vice President A. B. Tfidd
2nd Vice President 'M 'Neville
Secrtaky ........ '.".......'.'.. P- Herrmann
Treasurer ....F. K. Guthman
J. C. Richev. F. E. White, J C. Patterson.
J. A. Conner, B. Elon, C. W. Sherman. MPT
dr. J. V. Weckbach.
M. A.DiciCo! .Commander,
Bk.nj. Hfmplk Senior Vice
8. Carkioan Junior "
iio. Adjutant.
A. Shipmax Sure .
A. Tabscr Officer of the Day.
Jamrs Hicksox . " ord
Sergt Mjor.
ANDKRfOif (3. Fby.. .. Quarter Master thrift.
L. n;Ti -..IPost Chilaiu
Meeilnir Saturday evening
j If all so-called remedies have failed,
Dr. Sagft's Catarrh Remedy cures. .
To Urgln With, II La Dalit Tliat Way
' Exlrrlorly Tlieu, Its Is a IlninorUt of
tlie Flint Water Furthermore, a I'ro-t-u
ArtUt of SplemlUl Equipment.
It is nowhere of record that the alle
gation, "The funniest tiling's n frog,"
has ever been denied, ulthough there is
no evidence that the man who made it
really knew how funny a frog actually
is. The probabilities ore that he had
been impressed with the frog's comical
pre-eminence simply by observation of
his external architecture as he posed in
adult picturesqueuess on a log. He
noticed, of course, that a frog is so built
that all the neck he has us the top of his
head, fie couldn't have failed to ob
serve that the frog's mouth begins where
his shoulders leave oil. If the observer
didn't note that the frog has to watch
out when he sits down or he may poke
his eye out with his big toe, he failed to
enjoy one of his favorite's best low com
edy hits.
And when it dawned upon him, as it
it must have dawned, that the drum of
the frog's ear is worn on the outside of
his head, being attached to the gable end
of his upper jaw, he was of course satis
fied that no further ovi'lwr '
sary, and he was rcuuv ii-c v. t...-.i
into his confidence and utter that famous
declaration about the frog's incontest
able claim to be placed on record as the
funniest thing that is. Yet even the
halo of drollery that surrounds the frog
at this ripe period of its existence is as
funereal gloom compared to the humor
of his younger days.
This observer, whoso sententious com
mentary lias passed into a proverb,
shouldn't have been content with the
humor of which the mere physical con
tour of the completed frog is capable.
He should have gone back to the time
when the frog was but a protoplastic
atom, involuntarily cruising along the
border of some marshy pond, where the
muskrat burrows among the logs and
the wild flag waves its lances to the pass
ing breeze, and whose presence is worth
at least $2.50 a day to the adjacent dis
penser of quinine.
He should have sought out that gluti
nous molecule. He never would have
suspected it a frog. He never would
have believed that one day tliat inert
globule would be humped up on a bog
snapping at flies and voicing basso pro
f undo serenades to the stilly night. He.
would as soon have looked for the evo
lution of a thoroughbred . racer from a
wooden saw horse. But that is just
what that globule is there for, and if this
insullicient observer had only gone back
and watched it grow up with the coun
try ho would have seen how doubly for
tified against cavil he would have been,
in declaring that a frog's plaae is a$ the
head of all emjdiixiejit of humor, ani
mate, pf. inanimate, conscious or uncon
scious. "
The frog's erhbryoric idea of fun is to
do a number of interesting lightning
changes. His masterpiece as a ujoleculay
comedian, and his lat ac in that line of
business., is 1q transform himself into the
living likeness and granular structure of
a mulbeiry. It is whilo making this hor
ticultural display of himself that the
whimsical creature is preparing for pn.
of his most droll surpriea, and he next
appears n the lively and grotesque char
acter of a fisli that has a 'mouth and rowf
of teetli' like ' sheephead's, tTTy ojther.
mouths like a sucker's, the, tail of an eck
nostrils three times as big as its mouh,,
a pair of gills that branch, frqn its. h,eac
like the antlers pf a, deer, and trie diges?
tive apjiaratus of a grasshopperl All
three of its mouths are In a row on the
under side of its chin, the one with the
teeth being in the middle.
This screaming presentation is known,
to the snall boy a3 the jpplllwog and to,
science as;ith'e lid pole. It is the f rp"'
first ambitious attempt a being ready
funny. Jt is. an instantaneous nnd cy
clonic success. But it is followed in
good time by other changes in the bilL
First, the frog, in his character o4 polli
wog, calls in his antler like gills and
stows them away inside pf his head
somewhere. Then he springy a pair o
legs on you. "They isprout out on eacl
side of his ' body, just aft pf the spot
where his gills soaked in, and the con
vulsed observer says;
"Hello! There's his'fore legs!"
That is evidently just what the frog in
his ludicrous character wants the ob
server to think, for it adds to tle humor
ous surprise tha he has (n store, for Iiiin.
wlifen he 'suddenly sprouts another pair
of legs, and the observer finds Vhat, al
though the first onea had their roots
ploa behind the polliwog's ears, they
were, nevertheless, its hind legs, and
that the new legs pop out ahead of them,
and, of course, are the fore legs them
selves. This joke of the frog's is so good
that he adds still another change to" his.
make up. sp that he cari'enjo' it himself.
He gets rid 'of 'the little sheepshea
niouthi and the two sucker ruputh.i, and
takes on a new niouth, that veaches clear
across hia face! and he looks up and
smiles an expansive smile.
During all the time that the frog mas
querades as a polliwog he gorges himself
on a strictly vegetable diet, and if he Vad;
been scooped out of the waver arid " kept
out a few vivos death 'would liave
f claimed him for" its own!. But when be
las' got through with his leg shpY m
trades' off his gills for pair pf lungs,
changes his fish heart for the heart of a
reptiie, discards his grasshopper intt&tt
nal arrangement for a regular set of ani
nial digesters, and hauls himself out of
the water on to a bog, or upon the shore
among the rushes, and cocks his bulging
eye up at you in a rollicking way, plainly
informing vou that he would be pleased
to know what you think of him as a full
blown lizard. He hasn't got a th.u
with him that he started a with as
polliwog except his eelV taill ' -He hasn't'
Lpvii iong a land lubber before he begins
to hump himself on the back, and to de
velop the inou that is to become the
great attraction of his features w hen l.
graduates as the finished frpj, Nv
York Suii, - "
Itcuiarli.lMo Instrument l'mnl by the Mod
em I"jclioloclt.
Ilobiu Good fellow" might ljast th?.t
he could put u girdle round the earth in
forty minutes, but modern iychologits
are learning to accomplish fur more e
mni Uable things. In the world of mat
ter they are of little worth, but they have
gotten hold of the mind's loading htrings,
and ha vo contrived no ingeniously that
"all thoughts, all passions, all delighlfl"
have Ix'como reducible to mathematical
formula. Not only have they learned
to express the ioet's dream in prosaic
millimetres, and affairs of the heart in
cold, unfeeling decimals, but the inten
sity of a etroke of lumbago and the rate
of speed of a dyspeptic twinge they now
calculate with numerical exactness.
It is an actual fact that psychologists
will soon have ns complete insight into
the oiierations of the mind as have phy
sicians into the functions of tho body.
The University of Pennsylvania is the
pioneer in introducing the mind measur
ing system into America. Professor Cat
tell brought with him from Germany
some quite remarkable instruments,
principally of his own invention, which
are employed in demonstrating his psy
chological lectures. They jerform tasks
which materialists have scouted as im
possibilities, and strongly tend to prove
(!,...-, --, - ". , IJ ': t 1 ' ;)
. i i (.....I. . ..' ; . ...c
One of these insti umt-i.ts will calcu
late to a nicety the traveling speed of an
impression. A chronoscope and a vol
taio battery are tho principal agents in
the solution of this intricate problem.
By their means registration is made of
the exact time that elapses between the
occurrence of an act and the sign given
by the subject operated upon that he has
perceived the act. By a process of sub
traction tho time is discovered which
passes between the moment at which
the impression reaches consciousness
and the moment when the subject knows
he perceives. In this manner a man's
rapidity of perception his ability to see,
taste, smell, hear or feel- inay bo accu
rately determined.
For the measurement of sound tie sub
ject forms a circuit by applying his hands
to the two poles of the battery. On hear
ing a specified noise he instantly breaks
tho circuiL Immediately the hand of
the chronoscope stops short, indicating
iu thousandths of a second the tino that
has elapsed between the occurrence of
the souud and the breaking of the cir
cuit. On this basis man's perceptive
power is calculated.
By analogous means tho comparative
swiftness of Bight is measured. Profes
sor Cattell has ascertained, for instance,
that one-tenth of a second suffices for
him to perceive a color, oce-eighth of u
second is necessary for the peiception of
a letter, and one-Roven,tH pf a beeond for
a word.
The strength of a person's memory is
determined by a complicated machine
which presents to the eye at intervals of
a second flashes of light of varying tfo
grees of intensity. Tho m,oi-o subtle ij a
man's power pf recognition tho more
readily ho distinguishes one light -spot
from another, nnd the longer ho retains
his impressions. In this way tho mind's
concentration and retenti veuesft re
measured in fractions of a second.
By means of tho gravity chronometer
the compsiattve easo or difficulty with
which, letters or words may bo peycvivvd
is demonstrated. In ft fciiding screen
moved by elptricty a elit fivo inched
wido is inserted, behind which fit object
is exposed to view for an infinitessiin&l
space of ti'A.
In. a varies of experiments with the
letters of tho alphabet tho time of expos
ing was one-thousandth of a second.
That of 270 trials W was seen 211 times
while E appeared seen but C3 tim,-4- Of
other capital letters Z, 3d, i and H
ranked in succession after in tho
quickness with which they were per
ceived, while V, F, U and J were o?
served only with great difficulty. Of
thp vUtall letters "d" is the most easily
recognized, and "s" least easily, tho for
mer being perceived three times as often
a3 the latter.
If the several colora. are exposed to
view in like mourner for a fraction of a
second orange and yellow will bo most
clearly perceived. Blue, red and green
follow in tho order named, violet being
the least easily recognized and requiring
two or three times as long exposure as
the bright colors. . This device serves to
measure tho range or complexity of the
mind. Philadelphia IiecortU
A Yjpicnl Enxlikh Rejiort.
If I were asked for an epitome of
American lifo I phould point to a Broad
way tfRPt car. It dashes along, a Jug
gernaut of illegality. The road was built
tlirough bribery and corruption. It
owned, not by New Yorkers, but b.y Philr
adelphia shareholders. Tha $ar is ove
crowded, to the peoavenience and &n
noyaopci of every passenger. On tho
front platform, in open violation of tho
regulations of the company, is a inob of
smokera. Qn tho-back platform, also in
violation of tho regulations, is a mob of
pickpockets. The driver is disregarding
a city ordinance by the Bpeed &4 which
he drives, and there a, iiu trip without
its accident, CVnupt, uncomfortable,
but fait--that is the Broadway tram car,
and it is, I regret to say, in these respeeta
cliaracteristic of the great country which
permits it to, exist. -London Times.
AVaUllKMW ' Wants.
In that primitive weekly newspaper,
Tho New York Packet, there appeared in
May, 1789, just after the inauguration of
George Waslungton as president, the fol
lowing advertisements:
A Cook is wanted for tho Family of j
the President of th"? United States. .No
one neeJ apply ho is not perfect in the
business and can bring indubitable testi
monials of sobriety, honesty and atten
tion to the duties of the station.
A Coachman who can. be well recom
mended for us f.kiil to. Driving, attention
to H,araa, and for his honesty, sobriety
and good disposition would likewise find
employment in, the Family of tho Presi
dent - of the United States. Cbica0
Trifcjiw. - . .
Wagon und Bine khiniili Shop.
Wagon, Bulimy,
Machine and Plow
A Specialty. Ho u(s tho
Ilort-ethoe, tho Bent Horseshoe for tho
Farmer, or for Ftit l'riving and City
purposes, ever invented. It is mndc no
anyone can can put on sluup or Hat corks
as needed for wet and ulippery muds, or
smooth dry roads, ('nil and Bxaminu
these Shoes and you will have no other.
J. ffl. Schnellbacher,
5th Sr., Plaltsmoulh, Nib.
The Boss Tailor
Mala St., Over Mer-.s' Slme KUre.
iL.a tho U rt uud most complete fctock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever cumc wet-t of Missouri
river. Note these prices: I'umiuks mits
from $1J to $35, dress nuits, $2? to ?4!5,
pants f 4, $5, $0, $0.60 nnd up-Aurds.
5?Will guarantee a fit.
Prices Defy ComofUilion.
Civil Engineer
Surveyor and Draftsman
Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu
nicipal Work, Maps &c.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
PreervntWi of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthrtic.s given f;r Pain-
Artificial teeth mad'! n Cold, Silver,
liublier or Celluloid Plates, and insetted
as soon as teeth nru extracted when do
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
KlTZOBUALIl'g lilVX'K 1'bVrrsMOUTII, Nicm
K. IS. Windham, John a. 1-avikh.
Notjiiy PitLlip. ot;u y Fiil.JIe,
.ttcmGys - at - X,cix7.
Office over Hiiiik at Cut-b C'otirly.
Tr.VTl'SMOUTIl, - Nlil'.KAKV: A.
Eobsrt Donnelly's
-anon and
vvCKn. Tiitcfiies, Macliinws Quick' y .'rpafrtl ;
ri" Misiri!ic l Uini J.-n;ial
Jxbbint; Done.
Horseshoeing A Specialty
Ilr.rseslioe, whicn tlla5're',, i-lf i wears
away, so there is UPver any rtsiiK.'T ol yur
Ili-ise s!i)r.ijij nntl Imrlii K i'fclf. ;i!l
tiiiil exainine liii M:ochii'J you will
Have bo other. i:ei Slice n:atle.
Wholesale Kefall Dealer In
Shingles, Lath, Sah,
Doors, Blinds.
Can supply every demand of the trade
Call and get terms. Fourth street
In Rear of Opera House.
Cr the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured
it ADywisTEnsa or. maimes' ccitm specific.
It can be given in a cup ct coffee or tea. or in sr
tides ot tood. without the knowledge of the per
son taking it; it i absolutely harmless and will
effect a permauent and Ffieedy cure, whether
tlicu&tieutUa tnodernte drinkcrt-r an alcoholi-,
a complete cure in every instance. 4s page book
FREE. Addrena in confluence. -0lcM
SPECIFIC C0 ISA Rac St, CiaclnnaU, 0.
a e
5 to - Kjm., Fpl ri
9 B H ft S & U c ? r