St r 1'L.ATTSMOIJTH, NIJHilASKA, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1880. NUM I.Kit SMO i ii is i in n u si Ei LLrn i i i n 11 i n in m 4i f. - MUM ' jr- Absolutely Pure. Tb's p:wder never varies. A marvel of pur It, strf nfitli ami wholcfouieiiess. More econo mical tn-oi-tlie onliuary kind, and cannot lo olil in competition with the luiiltil ude of low tent. shrt welalit Blum or .lionnliae ixiwderii. No.'ti itnhj ill en,,. ItnYAL ll.KIN 1'OWUKH Co.. liMt Wall M. X. V. Mayor, Clerk. Trwjuurpr, Attorney. Kuf:pe-r. Polio- Ju.l F. M. Kit II KT W K Fox Jamm Pattkuson, JR. JIVKO.V t'l.AKK II J. :s-hiiit S Oi l KKOKD Marshall. i. II. Duns Councilman, 1st ward, 2nd " 3rd " J A Samsiiukv 1 C I'.KF.KKM-KI l. t I 'It. A SSHII'MAN I M .JoNKS ( M it Mrupiir 1 Cm ah. lit mm. R. Com (i'Connou. 1 I 4th Mil .1 I SIMPSON, 1 i.i w Kkki 1 W II W JonNSTN.CllAIHM AN board Pub. Works i ;oi:ik.k hEWKLU COUNTY 0lUGinS. Treasurer. Iieputy fre;vsrr, - Clerk. Hepury Clerk, Kecoruer of lierda Itoputy Kecirdt;r Clerk of District Cojrt, Sheriff. - Surveyor. -'Attorney. -SuP(. of t"b School. Couhty Judze. " I.GAHD OC HUi' A, ?. T.-rr. t VUI3 l-Ol.Ti. A. 11. Hi RdO.V, C'h'lil., I). A. CAMPHKI.L. TH04. I'iiLLDCK Hlltl ritlTl-IIKIKI.n FRANK I Ml'KSON W. II. 1'OOL John M. I.kyua W. C. SHOWALTER J. !. F.l KKNHAHY II . ". fiCHM I1T Mattiirw ckkiko Mavxahd Spink C It L' MS ELI. KRISOKS. l'lattsrnoutli Weeping Water E. in wood (1SS l,ll;(i(: o. Ill), l. J. . r.-jiccii , r ..... i-,v rr.imi j of eaeli week. All No. ltu. I. transient brothers aie re-t-ectfuliy invited to 'Xtteud. if iTriMITril KNL'AJIPMKXT No. 3 3. I. O ihiv ill i: ie-:-!. evorv alterant Friday ill IT.. U t'-nt U ' AiAf.IIC FiVthe.s ara invirt'-l to a.t;end Hail. V failing (lis- CVMP M. 3.V.'. MOllHKX VVIIODMK.V Of Arcrio.1 ! pcnl and fomtli .M"t A,'Vvi.i.t.!ir at u. vi V. hall. All t.AiisU-nt tfi'tller r ii::e. to ;lel iviill nc. I.. A. WVwrunietj v'tsnefrtiiltf '..iisul ; . K, Wor'Uy AdvUcr; S. C. Wlldn, luukor ; W. A. BoccVj, Ciork. VEU'HASK.V CHAPTER. NO. 3. K. A. M Meeti w:oml foiirtli Ttiesda of each nionlh at Ma-o!-.V flail. Trauscient brothers are Invited to meet witii ns. K. K. '.Vhite, II. P. V.ii.l.".C-.rt.-ii. Ill A fi-sMO t 'l L'Jinu; no. e. a. v, a a.m. Meets on ti Cf't and lliir.l Monday of each moiifii at ihei' hall. All tranilent broth er arc cordially m il :l to meet with n. J. C. Uiciirv, W. M. WM. Hats. St-cretsry. lLATTSVOl'r M)I)C.R N . A.O. C. W. a. .Meets eviry a'ternate rrtjuy evening ai u.k'c.i.j nii .: 1 -.;.v- c. ti,.i:... vH i-.oin- rr are rstiri-fL:y inviiia i" -.f.ten. 1 AxiMi. M. V. ; ! . Loyd. Komap ; S. I . V Ude, nevuf 4" ; l-e-aard An Jerson, )Vcr5eer. When you Men' Custom Made Suits, - - Men's J'.lack Imported Cork Screw Men's Business Suits - - Men's Cheviat Suits - - WW EVERYTHING MUST A Went em ttory. Brander Matthews tellti a gcxxl btory of tlio ethical influence of the cast on the w ild and woolly west. A young Iios tonian, reared beneath tho brow of Bea con Hill and educated at Harvard, went to Texas and turned cowboy. Ho rapid ly caught the spirit of the country and as rapidly shook off the outward sem blance of tenderfooted eastern habit. Ilough bearded, leather clad, sombrero as wide as the widest, 42 caliber Colts on his hips, ho was wild as the wildest. Yet within his bosom still burned the flame of Boston culture and refinement. One day he was riding with a stranger across the prairie. Turning his head suddenly (lie was slightly ahead) ho saw his companion make a suspicious motion toward his hip pocket. Without hesita tion he drew his revolver and shot him. The stranger dropped like a log. The cowboy dismounted and looked at tho body of his victim. "I wonder if ho was really going to shoot me?" ho soliloquized. "I'll see." Turning the body over, he discovered a flask of whisky protruding from the pocket. "Poor fellow!" ho said in a tone of re gret. "I've made a mistake. I've killed an innocent man, and a gentleman at that. Ho wasn't going to shoot me; he was going to ask me to have a drink. Well," ho sighed, drawing his 6leeve across his mouth, "the last wishes of the deceased shall be respected." Washing ton Post - Monkey Discipline. Few persons ever have a chance to watch the actions of monkeys in a wild state, and tame ones mimic the life going on about them to such a degree that wo can never feel sure their actions are not a reflection of our own. Mr. Gordon writes of them in India: They were really very like human be ings. I was one day watching an old fe male who had a young one by her side, to whom she was giving small bits of bread which 6ho had evidently just re peived from my cook room, and with which she was regaling herself at tho same time. Occasionally the little monkey wotdd endeavor to snatch a bit of the bread be fore the mother was ready to give it to him, when she would administer correc tion in the shape of a gentle box on tho ear. She was in the act of doing this when one of my servants happened to come out. At once her demeanor changed. She snatched the little one to her bosom with every appearance pf maternal sq Ucitude, and did not put him dovrn again until the man had retreated, youth's CpmprmioR. Not a Jadce. Albert Ilawkins, tho executive coach man; is a broad minded philosopher. Liko the 6un, he shines for all. As the White llouse coach was standing in front of the portico yesterday morning a gentle man came up, looked at the horses with, a critical eyo and remarked, 1 "-ThatHs not as good' ate : team as Cleye- land's, is it?" Albert's black face was covered wit an expression of unutterable disgur I, ah IjO renjarKeu: ,ip.w, upss, ypu puns know more han q bo saying such (ji&gs. like that to mo. You'll get P" in ( rouble. Tho other day I was standing out hero and some ladies came along, and one of them says: 'Albert, I am glad that Presi dent Harrison kept you in your old place.' Thank you, mum,' says I, for ycur kind-nc-3s Then she says:- tAltert,-l!i$.Ha risoh is hot as pretty a lady as Mi s. Clever land, is 6he? There were lota uf' peopjo standing around listening to what fine was saying to mo and what I was 6aying to her, and I tho't I would fall off the box; but I just drew myself up and said: 'Mad ame, I ain't no judge of ladies." Wash ington Letter. -: - . . . . . . i Tiie llF-RAp Job Rooms arc the most complete in the county. Will Totul Tteow Away can buy a Suit H'liis (Rreat Discount ale will ouly continue a FORMER PRICE. NOW. $25.00. 33 per cent off, $l6.G7. $20.00. " $13.35. S15.00. $10.00. 10.00. " S G.65. BTJT Australian linslintngera. The bushrangers of Australia are now extinct. They were highwaymen whom tho love of adventure, quite as much as the desire for gold, allured to the life of outlaws. A writer in Hie Fortnightly Review describes some of them as gifted with courage and invention worthy of a' better calling. A small band of bushrangers in Vic toria manufactured for themselves out of scythes and plows and old iron com plete suits of armor. Each suit was so heavy that Qoliath himself might have fainted under its weight, but on tho Her culean frame of the bushranger it seemed light, and it served its purpose. Several of these suits are in existence, bearing marks of ineffectual pistol shots. Two bushrangers once laid a whole town under contribution. They forced 6hops and banks to pay liberally for the privilege of resuming business. Some of them were as superstitious as Italian brigands, who kneel before a waysidu cress and ask for much booty and little trouble. Once a bushranger gave his victim the usual alternative of his money or his life. When tho victim declined to "hand over," tho robber knelt down and prayed that it might bo put into the traveler's heart to give up all that ho had, and so spare tho bushranger tho necessity of shooting him. Suicide of Scorpions. Bately M. Serge Noirkoff, of Constan tinople, gave an instance of the sort in question. He caught half a dozen of these creatures, he says, and deliberately put the question to tho test. Arranging on the floor a circle of glowing charcoal, having po break in it. a scorpion was placed in the center. Although the circle was large enough to prevent the scorpion being injured or even incom moded by the heat if it remained in the middle, the animal, finding ftself sur rounded, by fire, began to look about for the means of escape. At first its move ments were slow, but soon its move ments increased, and finally it raced in a frantic fashion around the inner cir cumference of the charcoal. After rac ing for some time in this manner, it re tired to the center of the ring, and, de liberately plunging its sting into its back, put an end to its life in a few seconds after a few convulsive movements. The remaining five were tried successfully in the same way, and each with a like re sult. La Nature. A Dot Day. The hottest day that I ever experienced was during the summer of 1859, while aboard a 6hip at Key West, Fla. The sun beamed down upon the deck of the vessel and seemed to be so close that it would almost raise blisters. The fires had gone out in the kitchen, and, as 1 was hungry, I procured several fresh eggs and put them on the deck. The deck was covered with pitch, Tylr.i&u was boiling Tfith lh heat from the sun.' Iri less than; five" minutes 'my ' eggs were cooked hard. This story may seem, in credible, but it is true. t, L.oui3 Globe Democrnt " -- These ilappy Day. Young Man Po.n'i you remember me? Old Gentleman Can't say that I ever saw you before. "Don't you remember little Sammy Bambry, who used to steal your peaches and break your windows, twenty years ago, right hero in Austin?" " "Why, certaiuiy, 1 rehember jou now very i-ell; 'how you. used to steal my peaches, and don't you remember how I caught you just as you were getting over tho fence one day, and how I tanned your little liide for you?" "You bet you didl Ah, those happy days will never come again." Thvc ... Weyv Line of Mlllonery. Just received at J. V. Wcehlmch & Son's, d-12-t of doilies for a Men's Business Suits Men's " " -Men's "Working Suits Men's Custom Made Pants GO IN THIS GREAT DISCOUNT JPlattsmoutli, Mebrasba. ILower Main St, American AVoutcn'a Curvet. There is a uow corset made for horsewomeu out of soft leather which is almost without bono, hut U both firm and flexible and has been fouiul to Ik tho very best tliinj possible for wear with tho habit. This ij an itnjorta tion from India, where corsets of this sort have been in use for hundreds of years. The most expensive corsets kept in btock in tho hops and by the corset makers cost 35, which is indeed about as high as thoy ever Tun, though they can be made to order even more extravagantly, but even Worth's own fcorsetiero, whoso works stand unrivaled in the world, rarely chargvs over $10. Thirty fivo dollars gets one of heavy satin, richly embroidered, and trimmed with real lace. It is lined inside with smooth thick silk, to perfectly cut and sewed that there is not the slightest roughness or fold anywhere to prtas on the delicate flesh of the wearer, and all alori the inner side of the steels is a little lining of tlowu to keep them from pressing upon tho body. Kqually good corsets are to ba had for a smaller sum and with less deco ration, which tlio best dressed woin -n prefer, tho embroidery end h'.ca having u Frou-Frou Ucsbkm which they wish to avoid. A very popular corset with tho c-m.-ttj-t' vo-'n-r woman just now is o.i ...i. a '. i -.. aud docs not come up over the bust at all, lieing merely a sort of cestus which laces around the body and gives smoothness to the outlines of tho waist. This has the effect of lengthening the waist and making it look slimmer and, in short, acquiring that English figure which is the ambition of every Ameri can girL These little corsets are made of satin, and it is the fancy to have them of varying colors and with a silk petticoat to match. Thus a girl who is going to put on a gray gown will first fasten about her waist a little lemon colored satin cestus, slip over her head a lemon silk petticoat trimmed with three pink ruffles, draw on a pair of lemon colored silk stockings and cover her feet with a pair of gray satin slippers, very pointed at the toes and fastened with a little buckle of old paste and then stands ready for her gown. New York World. tHi Serious Fault- A physician wa3 pogotiating tho other day for a borso, which was warranted sound, a good roadster and everythiug that tho heart of a driver could desiro. As a final precau tion bo inquired: "Is he afraid of anything on tho road?" "Well, not much of anything," hesitated .the owner. "Ho shies a little at anything hi-b like the entrance to a ceme tery." And the man did not realize that he had said the wrong thing till tho doctor's quizzical expression took the wool from his wits. Well, wo are all c bit afraid of tho en trance to a cemetery, but, shy as wo may, j thither wo tend. Boston Common wealthy I The effect of using IliUharcl's Rheuma tic Syrup is unlike all medicines contain ing opiates or poisens, U being entirely free from them. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. Notice to Grsders- I will receive sealed bid up till 12 o'clock Wednesday May 22, 18S9, for fil ling old creek bed at the Cannmj fac tory 1500 yards more or cs3. Toe rig'o.t reserved to reject any or all bids. The bids will belopened at 2 o'clock Wed nesday Hay 2!),' 18S9. FjER GofipER, Sec. I7undcrwer at less than half prif-e, genuine Balbiiggan shirt uud drawers goiDg at S3 ceuta each or 05 cents a suit, at Wescott's Boss Clothing Store. Al ways best goods, lowest prices and no j Monkey business. C. E Wescott. Dont make a mlatak and buy underwear, unid yuu see Wea-cott'-s grout bargain in striped Ualbiiggnn Shirts and Drawers at accents each or Go cents a suit, less than manufacturers cost. Allsiz-s tf C. E. Wescott Balbriggan shirts and drawer? of first quality selling at Wcscoty P8 Clotht ing Stor (u.r Ja ceos each oy G" cents a suit. 'A'ake a tumble to yourself and get some while wehaYeallsiises. tf Wescott. If all so called remedies have failed, J Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures' mere song? SS FORMER PRICE. $ 8.00. 33 1 per cent off, $ S 6.00. " $ $ 5.00. " S $ 7.00. . $ NOW. 5.36. 4.00, 3.34. 4.C5. TO BE TOP UlVbll n Exhibition EVERY PURCHASER OF Away Elegant Tun iofsfj C3fip Psiy Clothing, Furriishin HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, or anything in our Elegant Line of GootU Entiteling them to a chance at the Drawing which will take place October 1st. The Leading Clothiers, Buy Furniture at Eoeck's. Those who delight in looking nt fine bedroom suits and upholstered furniture eau be completely gratified by stepping into the furuiture store of Henry lioeck, corner Main and Sixth streets. You c an purchase at this store any furniture from the common chair to the finest uphol stered. See my fine Alaska Refrigerators' and bariinj in odd pieci s. Hesky Boeck. J UTl U SP E PPERBERG. MANUFACTURER of and WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER, IN TUS 'Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds - FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE? aiways in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. il oulf 1-S from iiaarfcesl price of sltort time longer. Boj-s' Suits Childs Suits Working Shirts 35 cents. Shirts and Drawers 35 cts Call and be convinced that what we say is true. TO BE Give: Away Every Saturday ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF VE A TICKET 3 Y&H 5-'. 4T 5th & Main St. I?Q?$500!ES f yj for an incurable ease of Catmrrb UbAbL. M-J la the Head bythe proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of CatarrU. Headache, ebstruction of nose, discburK-9 falling- into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, nnRinjr in ear deafness, difficulty or clearing throat, expecto ation of otTensive matter: breath offensive smell and taste impaired, and peneral debility Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres-. ent at once. Thousands of cases rcBult in eon umption. and end in tho irrave. By its mild, soothing, and healing' properties Dr. Sajre's Remedy cures tho worst caw-s. 60c. The Original UTTLK 4 Liver Pius. Purely Vtoeta-. hit A Ilarmlu TTnainaiml na a I.I ver Pill. SmftHest,cheap St, easiest to take. One Pellet a Doje. Oire Slclt Headache, If lllou lleadache, Dizziness, Con-ilpalion, Indication. Bilious Attacks, and ail deranKeinenU of fe stomach and bowels. 23 eta. by drugirisla. ? o . imonej FORMER PRICE. NOW. $ 3.50. 33 per cent off, S 2.34. $ 2.00. " " S 1.32. Overalls 35c. SALE ! g Goods, WAYPR w a m ia U Kasa iPr iyl mm y