The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 18, 1889, Image 1

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    S-rn, O
What trve Board of Trado wore
y Shown for Kaarney.
The City Made of Eeal Estate Prices,
Location and Additions with
Proposed Futures.
Nome Fine IInlldiiig nntt KnterprlnCH
JiitfrjnliiKletl 'Therewith.
Committee Returns Encouraged.
All aboard for Kearney: We saw no
ox trams or white coTcred wagons, heard
no poiinz of whips or swearing of
drivers. The rou-gli, uncouth dress of
pioneer life was absent, and each indi
vidual waa not a battery. A quarter of
a century has passed away since such
scenes were familiar upon the streets of
l'lattsinouth and instead, four of the
highest types of modern civilization, to
wit: The mayor. Pres. board of trade,
one county commissioner, who wore well
supplied with a corouor and commissary
department, walked down to the depot
and Loarded a vestibule train on the great
Burlington route, where they found
themselves in charge of Conductor Carter.
They were a committee from the Platts
ruouth board of trade, appointed to in
vestigate Kearney water a place which
L'W b-jen noted as the last resting place
of those who die with their boots on, and
this Hcco'jnts for the curonor being pro
vided. But times haye changed there,
too. Instead of meeting death by the
red Indian, as in the days when our com
missioner and wagon frequented its
haunts, they now lay dowa to pleasant
eternal dream by the water (1) electre
cal route.
It createil no s-nsation when we steam
ed away, as the departure was taken in
secret. We p issid Omaha without at
tracting attention, except a few of the
more curious citizens gazed in the sleep
ing car window where we were encased.
When we pulled into Lincoln Conductor
Carter remarked: "Sullivan and elec-
tricity have done their work, boys, you
are found out." A band was playing on
the square, flags were flying and crowds
gathering; the mayor and Pres. of the
board of trade each buttoned up their
coats; the mayor mounted a corner stoue
of Fitz'a new block, and the Prest. claui
bered upjr a pile of B. X 31. tjes, each
ciclaimiag, " that meaus me." But alas !
for hum in ambition. The band
wa colored, and advertising a slow that
night to be at the People's theatre; the
gentlem in thej supposed to be mayor
Graham, was the drum major. Slowly
gin) sally we tiirned t the sleeper and
(he only remarks made, and which were
emphatic, were from th-j coron or. lls
spoke in a foreign tongue, hence th-y can
not be repent!, d. We lost our dinner by
waitirg to receive the band, and when
we were ag iin rustling through space on
whirling i. hecl.s the officials betook them
ijtdv tt to Ue rfmibg car ar,d whiled away
three hours ten miuutes and sixteen sec
ciiid. creating n.t only havoc, but con
sumption. 1 hope the board of trade j
will not allow the bill. I would suggest
it allowance by the city council, were it
not for a " S?'.ir:u hi in the field of econ
OUIJ."l ?)
We pr.swec! pretty towns aud well tilled J
fttjlds, all brought into existence by the
Why will Tom TJhurow Away
Wflieia you
"Mam's Custom Made Suits,
Men's r.laek Imported Cork Screw
Men's Business bmts - -
Men's Cheviat Suits -
grinding monopolies, and, finally we
glided into Hastings, now made attrac
tive by our former esteemed citizen,
Hartigan, but on account of the crowds
the train was run through the city and
we wero transferred to the Kearney train
one-balf mil beyond.
Seven e'clotk, p. m., and we were met
at Kearney, the home of booms, by four
carriages, each provided with a colored
footman, which we supposed were spec
ppccials from the Midway hotel, but
learned afterwards they were the regular
hacks. Midway, a name peculiar and
suggestive, and can be explained only by
a Kearney real estate man, who will tell
you that the Midway is a hotel whose S.
U. corner stone stands exactly 1,734 1-10
miles from San Fraucisco and New York.
Its exterior is pretentious and the ground
floor is occupied by real estate office
with flying show bills announcing that
West Kearney is the only real estate slot
in which to drop vour money. On the
walls of the office was the West Kearney
depot of Swiss design.
They too, had remembered the centen
nial, as a real live cherry tree with the
original hatchet decorated the wash room.
The lobby was crowded, as we thought
at first, with real estate dealers, but from
their conversation we dotted them down
as base ball men. The dining room was
spacious and in charge of ushers in swal
low tailed coats and the tables, twenty
two in number, waited upon by a dozen
bonnie lassies, as the commissioner pro
nounced them.
Mayor Finch, who elegantly presides
oyer the turbulant Kearney council, was
quarantined at home by them on an al
leged case of scarlet fever, but that was
a trumped up charge, and only done to
gain time in which to pass an ordinance
to take the mayor's farm into the city
limits, as he was getting the benefit of
the city's police protection without pay
ing taxes. (The farm was only six miles
out and his lots were selling for one
thousand dollars each.) We were thus
compelled to forego the pleasure of see
ing the mayors on parade. The break
fast gong awoke us to a full realization
of " what fools we mortals be," to travel
with umbrellas instead of our coats. The
morning was cold and misty with a
strong northwest wind. The Prest. and
mayor visted a clothing store and while
the one engaged the proprietor in. a real
estate deal the other lobbed the dummy
on the sidewalk.
At 10 a. m. Coronor Swift, of Buffalo
county, with our coronor, waited at the
sidewalk for the commissioner, while Dr.
Marden, Pres. of Kearney chamber of
commerce, behind a Fpauipj tetim of
sorrels, topk charge of tle mayor and
Pres. (I will never understand why the
coronors hovered so constantly cround
the commissioner.) We were driven to
Kentwood, an addition attractive for its
elegant residences, none costing less than
$2,500. and then reaching away up to
wards $20,00. Isidence lets only
$3,000. tips being more than wet as a
commjttee, were authorized to irjyest.
We asked ta see the suburban lots (Kent
wood is only two miles from Midway
west), and were then driven alony to
Wes' Kearney to look Upon the beautiful
depot which I had bcfor ,"('r? u:
picture hanging in the Midway.
The depot foundation was constructed
to a height of 5 feet, thia being the only
can buy a Suit
TSiis (Kreat EDiscount Sale will only continue a short time longer.
$25.00. 331 per cent off, $ IG.C7.
" S 6.65.
building in process of construction. This
reminds me that the state railrcid com
pany should investigate the outrage of
the Union Pacific at this point perpetra
ted, by refusing to furnish depot facili
ties, as this depot is being erected by the
Geo. W. Funk Improvement Co., at a
cost of $4000, who own West Side. All
that the railroad company would do,
was promise to stop when the dep-t was
put in. Of course no one is residing there
now, but the future should be recognized.
West Side has a park, beautiful in design
flower beds, rare shrubery, nicely graded
Etreets, electric light, water works and
sewerage, all of the latest and most ap
proved plans, were everywhere found,
all for the sole and exclusive use of the
lot stakes, for there are no other occu
pants, except the prices of the lots which
were numerous, ranging from $500 to
$5,000 each, depending entirely upon the
distance from San Francisco as it is so
much nearer and hence effects the value
materialy, although it is laid out as an
addition to Kearney.
From West Side we were driven to the
state reform school and had the pleasure
of meeting the reformer superindendent.
1 have often heard of him before but now
think from the exterier he would be able
to cope successfully with the rankest im
morality of our city. We were guided
from one school to another and saw the
working throughout. I would make one
improvement at the dinner table The
present plan is for the two hundred and
eighty inmates to be scatud and at a
sharp snap of the fiuger to ask a blessing
and to eat with another. This is too
mechanical for religious purposes. After
spending an hour in this home for the
evil minded and which was originally
designed for Plattsmouth by Hon. R. B.
Windham, when our representative, we
visited the object of our visit the canal.
Here we found an excavation skirtiqg
the foot of the bluffs running in and out
as the small stream and valleys were
passed, always maintaining a designed
level in which flowed a stream of water
f an average width of 23 feet and from
2 to 2 feet in depth. It was of a fall
to get a rapid flow, the rate I do not re
member, in crossing the mouth of a small
canon, dams were constructed which
maintain the elevation of the Qaqil, and.
is then conducted on to its mouth. It's
source 13 about 3Q miles tip the Platte
where it is conducted diagonally across
the bottoms to the foot hills, about seven
miles, to a point about 9 feet below its
source, and thence follows the bluffs as
aboye mentioned. Each dam a
lake vary in n depth, from k to 3,5 feet ;
in extent from 10 to 10Q acrea; jtfl of
which are well supplied with fish.
The canal finally terminates in Like
Echo, a beautiful sheet of wat;r supplied
with a boat-house, bath-houses and a
small starmboat. Mure the water is turn
ed over the banks through, a short fl,mn.i
and then falls a. distance of 40, feet in 50,
when it is steadier- for a mouisnt and thaq
hurries over a bank 10 feefc Uigh, wtrl
irjg down a steep tuotine returns to its
Platte, 5 miles away. It is 80 feet above
the Platte at its O'Ulet and a water powf""
of thr-fourth uiilV4ua 'r,Qra pj'wer, of
wh'cft they i,uy utUJug 33 horse
power ta generate electricity.
This is done by conductiag the
water from the canal through an iron
tube 3 feet in diameter to a double
M -
of Clothes for a
Men's Business Suits
Men's " " -Men's
"Working Suits
Men's Custom Made Pants
IPiattsmouth, ETetorasEfa. ILower Main t.
turbin wheel at a point 35 feet below,
through which the water pours unseen,
as they are encased. The main shaft is
attached by belts to the dynamo by
which the wizard Edison is moving the
world. The workings here I am too
much of a novice to explain. Sufficient
to say that from this point eclectric wires
extend to different parts of the city to
furnuh electric light, draw clay to the
brick yard of the Pressed Brick Co., run
the press, give light to the city hall,
public and for private use, run the ma
chinery of the Canning Co. and Poik
Packing Co. The Kearnoy Enterprise
is a newspaper which receives the asso
ciated press dispatches, employes 11
compositors, a president, two vice presi
dents, secretary, treasurey, manager and
assistant and four city editors, and sus
tains a weekly loss of $300.00. This
is a material part of the Immn i" i
owned ana supported ... i.. 1..
Here we saw more of the active workings
of electricity than eleswhere. By the
turning of a key, wheels began silently to
move, incandescent burrers are lighted,
the paper folder automatically
reached out for tha newsy page, and
indeed weird like, it seemed with all this
unseen and unfelt power acting in such
close proximity. We here met J. II.
King, formerly city editor of the Journal
of this place. He seems to be recuperat
ing rrpidly and doing well and we all
will ever appreciate his kindness and in
terest. In the morning we boarded the train
for home, a town where booms are
unheard of and where houses do not
appear on shifting sands.
At Echo lake the county commissioner
and President each hired a boat and had
a race, when they landed the coroner had
empaneled a jury but there being rjq
body to set on the coroner came home on
another train and the remainder of the
committee played some game on the road j
home, but the writer does not know the
name of it. In conclusion Kearney's
capacity is large but the practical advan
tage of our own city far supercede it.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnr
t. strength ami w!iolesnienes. Mure econo
mical tn -a the ordinary kind. anJ cannot be
sold in competition witu the multitude of low
test, sh rf. weight alum or jdiospliae ixiwders.
Sold only in carts. Hoyal 1Jaki I'owdkk
CO., 106 Wall St. N. V.
mere sossg? 25S
$ 8.00. 331 Der cent off, $
1 KVutis-vFs
On Exhibition
Clothing, Furnrshin
or anything in our Elegant Line oi Goods,
Entiteling them to a chance at the Drawing which will
take place October 1st.
The Loading Clothiers,
Buy Furniture at Boeck's.
Those who delight in looking at fine
bedroom suits and upholstered furniture
can be completely gratified by stepping
into the furniture store of Henry Uoeik,
corner Jfniu and Sixth streets. You can
purchase at tins store any furniture from
thu common oha'ir to the finest uphol
stered. Sec my fine Alufcka Refrigerators
and bargains in odd pieces.
IIknky Bokck.
Choicest Brands of Cigars
including our
Fior do Pepperfoergo' and 'Suds
I aiways in stock. Nov. 1S85.
1-3 Irooi market!
Boys' Suits
Chiids' Suits
Working Shirts 33 cents.
Call and be convinced that what we
Every Saturday
511' & Main St.
ff vV;f f or an incurabi case of "trri
LifcUL. J&J In the Hed by the proprietors ot
1 Symptom of Catarrh. IJeadach.
obstruction of nose, dmcbarKea fafJtng- into
throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid,
at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent,
bloody and putrid : eyes weak, rintfinff in ears,
deaf new. difficulty of clearing throat, expecto
ration of offensive matter; breath offensive:
raell and taste unpaired, and ireneral debility.
Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres
ent at once. Thousands of cases result In eoa
umption. and end in the srrave.
By its mild, sootbin. and healing propcrtle.
Dr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cases. 6O0.
UnequaledaaallverPIll. Smallest,cheap
Mt. easiest to take. One Pellet a qe.
- $ 3.50. 33J per cent off, S 2.34.
8 2.00. " " S 1.32.
and Drawers 35 cts. Overalls
say is true.
g Goods,
Cure Sic It Me aa acne, nuiuui "7"""' "
XMzzine, Coimtipatloiif Iiidlctlou.