T&E DAILY 11EIIALD i RLAKCSHntH, imilAjyiA, JRfttDA. &kVfl, lIp. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPEROF THE CITY. A. SIlhrj, DrslUt, Kuckwood Baildln, TcIrpMoa . Jj. Ilr. Wither. lratlt, I'alon IMor. CITY CORDIALS. County Surveyor Schmidt made purvey of the Riley lota today for the corners of the hotel to be erected. The IIkkald job rooms have just completed a neat circular containing the by-laws of Mystic encampment No. 31, I. O. O. P. Louisville has another newspaper, this time it sails under the name of Ad vertiser and starts out modestly as a six column folio. Jim Allison, Sil. Crosser and J. I'. Becker cume up from Union today with a fine lot of cattle which were sold to Dick Oldham to be shipped to South Omaha. The filling of Viue street between Sixth and Seyenth was completed today, and is now up to grade and of full width there, which is a great improvement in appearance. J. F. Johnson received this week from the McFarland carriage company ol Indiana, a handsome and valuable phajtcn. It is one of the most btautifu ard finely finished vehicles in town. Wiley Black today bought of F. Young fifty head of hogs which averaged in weight 283 pounds They are nnir months old and will be shipped to South Omaha tomorrow by Mr.' Black with other stock. An injunction case, B. A. Gibs n vs. John A. Carter and II. D. Travis, Weej ing Water parties, was argued before Judge Chapman today, and submitted to tle court. Tiie injunction is to restra;i. Carter and Travis from interfering with lands owned by Gibson. The case of Mathew Gering vs. the C. B. iS: Q. It. IS. was heard before Jus tice PotUuger this afternoon. Flaintifl claims about $15 damages for a used-up trunk. Defendant only transfered the trunk from Omaha here and previous to that it came from Sioux City, and ciaiuie they received the trunk damaged. A dispatch was received from Weep ing Water this morning by Deputy Slier iff Miller, stating that there was a crazj person in their town and enquiring what to do with him. The message wn for warded toiSheriff Eikenbary at Soutl Omaha. County court house electioneer ing lias doubtless been too great a bur den. The Herald scribe was today shonn a copy of the first edition of a newspaper published in Oklahoma, named The Ok lak una Capitol, and was dated "Guthrie, Indian Territory, April 27th, 1889." The population of the new born town was given at 20,000. The paper looked is though it had been put together in a hurry. Under the law passed at this session of the legislature, it only requires a majority vote to issue bonds for the building of a court house, but it requires a three-fifths maj rity t divide the county. Under tuis law, Cass county will be maintained in its integrity, and a new and much needed court house will be one of the things of the no distant future. The Council Bluffs and Omaha Cha tauqua Assembly have issued circulars for first session to open June 18 and con tinue till July 4, closing the last day with a grand army reunion. The assem bly owns about 125 acres of beautifully parked land two miles east of Council Bluffs on the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & Sf. Paul railways. The grounds have wattr vrorks, fountains, etc., and are aupplh d with a beautiful lake fed from springs. These grounds promise to become one ;f the most beautiful and noted western at tractions, having location and surround ings and natural advantages that make it possible, while capital and influence are pushing its popularity. I mwm AVe will offer-for the next Thirty days Lots in South Park to the number ot One Hundred. Cash payment on eacli Lot 10. De ferred monthly payments $5, with only 5 per cent interest. This is the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur enase cneap anu uesiraoie iveai rsiaie. iuu uiut ium uie cny is building up for a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east and west sides of the addition is steadily increasing the ralne of this handsome property. i i ,t j ii t.- PERSONALS. J. C. Eik'inhary and wife are visiting at South Omaha. J. I'. Antill will open his ico cream parlors tomorrow, Saturday, May 1. Mrs. IS. IS. Liyingston returned from Glcnwood last evening where she has been listing. Mis. W. II. Baker ana Miss Sarah Baker left this morning for Ottumwa, Iowa, to yisit. Judge S. M. Chapman returned this morning from Nebraska City, court hay ing closed there. D. J. Pittman, of Murray, assessor for iSock Bluffs precinct, was in town today to make his returns. Mrs. ISev. Amos II. Ilause, nee Miss Laura B. Graves, returned last night from Kiverton, Iowa, to visit. Mrs. J. P. Taylor and daughter, Miss Nellie, who have been visiting in the city left for Lincolu last night. J. S. P. Weeks, chief engineer, and .Master Mechanic Salisbury, of the B. & M., were in town yesterday. Mrs. Zahn and daughter, Mrs. Allen, of Denver, who have been visiting it the city, left for home last night. Mrs. Belle Campbell, of Omaha, who has been visiting at the home of D. A. Campbell, returned home last night. Dau Pittman. of Nehawka, was in town today and presented six wolf scalps at tii3 couuty clerk's office for the bounty. Walt Holmes went up to Omaha this morning and took his cab, which he in- ten Is to have completely renovated to furnisli first-clais accommodations to his patrons in this city. A,1et eorological Record. SUMMARY FOR AI'RIIj 1889. Mean temperature, tri-daily, Highest temperature, 81; date. Lowest temperature, US; date, 50.3. 2nd. 24 th. Total precipitation, 1. Number of days on which 0.01 or more of rain fell, 10. Thunder-storms, dates and time, 1; date, 27th, p. m. Clear days, 14; fair, 15; cloudy, 6; still, 12; windy, 5. CASUAL PHENOMENA. Monthly mean temperature last year 40.4. Wild plants blossomed on the 20th, last year on the 22nd; showing this season is some earlier. Vegetation pro gresses 6lowly day by day. This cool weather is fine for small grain. Tho weather on Tuesday, the 30th, the inau guration day. was fine. What will it be a hundred years from now? What was it a hundred years ago? The day of ths week which the inauguration day came on one hundred years ago was Thursday, and one hundred years hence it will be on Sunday, April 30th, 1089. The Burlington Statement. The Burlington statement, for March, shows gross earnings of $2,053,757.95. a gain of $802,560.93 over March, 1SS8 The net earnings were $700,762.14, agaiit a net deficit of $146,415.18 for March, 18S. For the three months ending March, 1889, then was an increase in net earnings or f 8iiU,4b3.0t over the cor responding mouth of 1888. The proper- tie controlled by the Burlington show an increase in aet earnings of $290,526 11, for the first three monli of this year as compared with those of last year. Mt. Olive Baptist church will be ded cated Sunday. May 6, at 3:30 p. m. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Wood Services will also be held in the morning and Sunday school at 2 p. m. Every body is invited. J. P. Young his secured the sale of two new popular aud delicious drinks which he will add to his already popular list of Soda Water aud Milk Shake drinks. He expects to have them on sale tomorrow. Saturday, morning. "Fiuto" is the pure j iice from berries grown in California, and "Orange ilead" is the juice from California oranges. T!trf tlnnrr in tht Di-mr linfi nt nwnv down prices at O. P. Smith &. Co's old stand, E. W. Cook agt. for mortages. mm A Rare Opportunity to tm. .r . . 4.t.4. ii. . ; . Our ?eaf SALE 17c. Yard. Double Fold English Ilenriettcs, all popular colors, reduced to 17 cests yard. These goods are usually s ld at 2.1c. 27c- Yard- 36-inch English Henriettes in all new Spring Colorings, worth 35 cents. All-Wool Double Fold Suitings, ele gant line of Spring Mixtures, only 27c yd. 40-inch Striped Suitings Reduced from 35 cents. 39c. Yard. 30-inch All-Wool Bromley Suitings, 25'different shades, wellvortb SO cents, 42c Yard. 36-inch All-Wool French Henriettes; full line of colors;our regular 50c. quality. BARGAINS IN B 15c. Ladies' Perfect-fitting Ribbed Vests, Low Neck and Sleeveless 35. Ladies Ralhriggan Vest, High Neck, Long Sleeves. 5(R Ladies' Fine Ribbed Lisle Vests witli Pink. Blue and Cream Silk Stitching Low Neck and Sleeveless. 6?c Ladies' Balbriggan Ribbed Vests manufactured from the finest combed Egyptian cotton, nigh neck, long sleeves. Are You Going to Alaska? If not, you ought to buy one of those economical Alaska Refrigorators of Hen ry Boeck and keep pool this summer. And furnish your house and office nicely so you can enjoy life; it wont cost ym near as much as you think it will. I has his basement, first and second & urs stocked full of furnishings to select from. - tce-?lce--lce. We have started our fee wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any rjuantity. Having the best Ice in the city, we guarantee satisfactiou to all. Telephone 72. tf H. C. McMakes 8c Sojt. Every thing in the Drug line Album assortment, Wall paper oncl Decorations for sale cheap by E. W. Cook agt. for mortages, at O P. Smith &. Co's old stand tf Elegant Suit of Rooms for Rent j Conyenient to business, city water, gas and other conveniences for family; those I now occupy. Apply before may 10th co tf John It. Cox. 1 C. E. Wescott is agf-nt for Hunger's Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing and have it done right, it costs no more than interior work. tf loa-f ce--ca. We have started our ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver ice in any quantity. Haying the best ice in the city we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone ?2, tf JI. C. MoM-VKEN & Soy. If yot ti are not a freeholder DRESS Ur excuse. tave bait tjie money you usually expend each month and ap ply it on a Lot. If you desire a pleasant home in the future invest no-,7. If von wish to build this season buy a Lot in South Park nr.H have money furnished you with which to build. If you will make your home in South Park you will be convenient to good schools. It you wish pleasant neighbors make your home in South Park. Slaughter? bOODS 50c. Yard. 40-inch All-Wool Serges in all the pop ular colors neycr sold for less than C5c. Our jjrice reduced to 50c. 40-inch Red Fern Suitings in all the new Spring Shades and Mixtures reduced to 50c. 52-inch All-Wool Ladies' Cloth, Grey and Brown Mixtures, regular .'55c. quality, our Sale price 50 cents yard. G2k. Yard- Our Best Quality of French Hcuriettef never sold by ;is less th in 75 cents yan'. 75c Yard- Our Best Quality of French Serges, oi r regular J!0 cent iroods. BARGAINS IN A Q J EP 13 V f Ladies' brown IJalbriggan Hose, regu lar made, enly ;5 cents pair, worth 25. I ROYAL stainless TRADE-MARK We carry a i i,u- f Ladies' and Children's Royal St unless Hosiery. Ev ery pair warranted Absolutely stainless. Special in Child's Hosiery- Our entire line of Extra Weight, dou ble knee Hosiery reduced to 35c. pair. These goods have never been sold for less than 50c. pair. x I c 3 c t - r - i r- By the way, you no; man, have you seen those beautiful Prince Albert Suits at Wescott's. They are about as perfect in Fit and Makeup as tailor-made, and at a great saving in cos. Von know they are the correct thm this sea son for business o dress, and make a man walk like a prince. You will appreciate them, yoi:k ma will like them, and your win: or best girl will adore the e.vjuieito beau ty and shape of them! i If von wear Flannel Shirts this summer we have the line that will! interest you. Those made by the m i n. i .. t !,111 -da.ihaftan Hurt Company :u'e excellent in style.- and fit. A full complement of shades and and iei v grades just recei ved Spring Summer Uiiderwear and il for men, in all fn-.i chiefs, Neckwear Ies. Handker Collars and Culfs, latest stvies. Reliable goods, lowest. prices. We are in clined to small margins. O. E. WJiSCOTT, The '-iioss" Clothier. Fine Job Work a specialty at The IIehald office. a em f i e-i . . r v.j mm Purchase Desirable Lo you ought to be, and there is no PEC I ALT! zzjsr- Extra Quality Union Silk, 2') inch Paragon frame, assorted wo.ul tli.!:', Gold Cap Mountings, Sl.75 Eac:, compared with any .'p .'.CO .1 j i l in his city. Fast Black Twilled Silk, " ii.d, ';.! igon frame, Horn Handle, $2.00 Each, better than usually sold at 0--50. Extra Quality Union Silk 2: ii:i:h l'.; igon frame, assorted wood M !-ks, (.J ii Cap Mountings, $2.25 E-:cm, compare with any $2.7"j :;ood so: 1 : i Ins city. Our Celebrated Iiarva ! Sii!-, ; ; i. ! 23 inch Paragon frame. ; t. (i WO' sticks, with Gold, Oxy li zed Mounting, from :0 .;:) We lin 1 c;;n save y'ii ;it of goods. Full lines of p! i!n nii.l ; Parasols with very ::v: 1 !.. down prices. Satin and Lae Omvivii Creams and Black, with i linings, at popular priecs. Full Line of ZmVAi .-, Parasols from 40 Cents to 7 Children's Fancy Para.,,, I, to 1.25 each. Para CM. : ii i' f'- '. Hand 6 5 W2 3 l.'-'V v. J f If yon live in the country .ind city, buy a Lot now while it is di- ,:. ion can save mnuiv by i ; ; -. , s m lliii!) Ullli UiJi till fBtZJUH-i brasp a save i..Hoy by inviting it in South Park. Remem ,ly additr.n to I'lv.rh U no longer a spccnlS you wl-Ii to ptach ,, or not if you will ca f on Wind! n will be shown tin, part of the city free of ch.Zt i . . . - . Der that tl;is lovely Whether Ti O m T r t?inn i .j ..... ... i..J ini, it set Di li CM Th celebrated I. C. and C. P. Corseta u -cd to $2 each. These goods are ewr hold, for less than $2.50. j At ; 1.50 we fc ll the well known F. C j .o. French Corset, i At 1 our French wove Cleopatra takes t'i i- 1. ad for a boned Corset. Nothing in j th ui.ii ket fcr the price excels it. Colors ; vi:iw: aiid drab. Loomers Elastic Com- l i t Hip at $1. The peculiar advantages i ' '. j b.' d'.-rived from wearing a Corset that i . ; ; en; uway over the hips tliat it will fit ; an lunn, give freedom of motion to tho bo !y and pi events.bnaking f the utajs it III:: liiliS. : . atlc ibonc Comets nt !fl Boned with i-'ea '! evUi,i:', will not break over the hijp. Ladies Favorite Waists at $1.00. This ..i. t e.-Mi In- woj n villi as much comfort :t- ;n oNiiiirtjy drtst waist, it will give il -Ctr.'-e nt contour ns the he i '; ,t I,, n . f ;t, i'oi.-u-i- Si:niner Coist at 1.00. The very (.-1 Niittingham Nit is used in d-iiiM t liii'l, iifss throughout tho corsit. Z.-;.hr .Suiiiini r Corset at (,0c. This is fie !; -st summer coistt in tha market at 1 Luck Corset at 50c. The best ;st t in the city. E'juiline Corset Waist for Young CO Th Hiea. Healthful and Economical Gar- Adjust.ible Shoulder Straps and Stocking Supporter. Price $1.00 each. Do ar ell- 3 U -WW it r y Dep unity! mm tiS XZiJa jj intend somo rh. J " "'"e w ine ,tll OJ ine .t t- f , I) Windham & Davies, ver Bank f Cass County