--y 1 53- ifS ff fir b II 1 tr1 SKCOXl) ViJAlv lLATr,S3IOUTl, Mii;i:ASivA, FIiIIAY EVEXIXG, 3IAV :i, lStSI). MJ3ii5i:u mm; i4r -HMk kx4i if ilk) ."J','rrv.--..l," Absolutely Pure. Th j p ..v l r ikv r v -ri -i. A in ii v-I .f pur 1 1 . tur-nat :i if i , ii. i ..... Iili:d t Ti ,n t'i.. .i,-.li.,:iry r.Mii!-. tniit r iir id he " " 'o -Liiiii it:i t!ie itMili -t -I l trnt sU .ii w. j ,,, ,, ,,r pho-i.i.ii'e ...w..'l S.tl ur.ln inrtt... -. .. ; vkim; lYwiKe to.. lx; v iiii .-u v. Mavor. r!-rk. Trrii;rir. t..ri-v. H.l'll'l r. ft !!; - i -2i I HI; Ii Oi'TiGKtlS. F. M. '!' if K K. - .1 ':;. : I'ah'ki"-os,,ih '". i: N ' I. :k it t: m iv. hit .S I 'i ! t-n:! I. II lt S ,, .. Ml '-II 1: V " ' M - I l: I K I v yr 1 .. I I I IMA.- i i !:. -. ' ' .- ; ':e: y " I-'' A . ii SMTH. l : ' 'I i n m ) e. i- r i.i f n. ) .f 1 - IMISC.X, t i. mi.. A i -N-t .I'llMK.VAX I .1 V .1 i .'..,1 lioaid I'uti.V.'ui ;..- ; i: r : ity I 11 II AWKs'.VoTtrir Treasurer. ItMuly froiisut. r, - Clerk. tteputy t'lrk. Krcunler of lie."N lipuiy IIc.i'-! r Cierk or Ii.-tiic; ' ;rp, fheriil. SurTeyor. -Attorney. Ruot.of lui e '.-'. County J utlite. HOARD I'I'i'l' A.B.Todd. Louis Hi.t7., A. B. DirKSi'X. 1 A. vO AM I'M r. I.I. - Tll.w. l-:lI.i K i ICITl-HKIFI.n t'KV.VK Plt'KMON V.'. M. I'.miL .lOTI N M I.KVDA V. SillV A LTKB J.' KlKKNIiAIII II. hfllMIIT MATT'IKW CkKI.NC )hV)llSPIXK pr.nvis'iits. ri.Tttsitioiith WVi-piiii' Water - t mwood GI VIG SOGI rtJEk liS. C1ASS LODttK '- I. O. O. F. Meets 'every Tne'!:y ev'.i'i of e:-'.cl wvrk. All tranpient brt.it: is ae r: ii.'cifully iuvited to &tteod. 1LATTV. L': !i E'.AIVV.V.ST N.. 3. I. O. O. ".. !ci ' " V :i!"n' . - hri.lay in sMh ri;f-'t'.i ! " t:- iH mi- M .l!. Visiung Krotbc:s ;ir i uio-l ' .'t ;... of A Oi'iiM r lnU -u "w- ' ?. 'I 'OriJN vil'tDMFS ' ami fii'irl ii Ioii . " !.:! ATI !i;i.l."i.'lM ... ;. i w'.-!i i-1. i-. . :::. -, V. :t, ;:. A. M ! i n.'-s !:t ff e-l-h ramjet b;: tiers NEORASKA SENCERBUND. Doath Without Warning. An acci.ltut' o("curii:.l ut IvU luick- Meets at Grand Isiand From Juno I T,.r,i T'lursdav of Tint wi. k. w!( ri-lT f Mr. TlitMJiis Cash, th j fuit nnin. l-t his Lare pohtera ittlTfrtUintheN'cbirbkii ifu A cart to which v;is liitt iied u SifaurhuuJ, to be yiveu lj the Xc!m3- j )lintl ,or,e) j4 employed .in the y mis, kaStitc Sjcietj at Gruuk 14aml Juno J aud on the day int-ntiuiied, was ltin 13-lC hve lccn id.iced up about the , usctj to tiraw rul,bis!i from tho yard, city. Sjcietiei to be represented, mid partkipiite in tiie sinin are tlio M:u:i nerchor, of Columbu-s, Oertnnnia Manner ciior. Lincoln, Li:id.:rkrunz, Ntlraska City; M;r!inerc!ior, Omaha; Lciderkrunz. rintti uouth; Turt M;i-iinerchor, Seward; Lsi'ierkranz. Grand Island. The officers for the occasion are L uin Vt it, first prea ideut; John Wallickn, president, ich. Go'-hrinif, vice president; II. C. Held, treasurer; I'r. It t'.i, ceirt-BiJondiug secre tary; H. I). lit nnins. secretary. Iliduced r.ttis will lo iven the socie ties utUu liur, the tienj;erbuiid. A clioicj muaical programme 1ms been pre pared uud a lire attend. mce ia expected. ThoCioccry cn the Corner- Tne linee net comedy, the "Corner Grocery," was prisent il at the M tsonic temple thratie l-trt niht to an excellent .lUdKiu o. ll was sucli an audlruce as ime rarely ai-ca in Louisville on .Monday ..ilit. 1'lie play i certainly funny, nd it ke.t the audience i- ujjiinir. 1 lie bad f jry.llui buy ia the lite ot the play. He (d.tjM prauUa u;i ever Ijoily benieet.- ilia litlin r, mother, brother, his lirotljer'a swtfllit ai t, the ptilicetn-jii, and, above ull mi t'ie jjruceryinau. He ia never out of UiJ.-icIiiil. and ilia in vent, ve genius keeps. tlie c mmunity II: lives hi very busy. I'lie ba I lioy hteaH. lief, Jts wlupped. oks his father's liest luit in the water butt, soaps t!i di.r ttejs and nearly oreaka ttie old ni m's neck, arrests tli-j policeman, keeps everybody in a state of f'tlling down, and finally unearth the villian ami makes everybody happy. The plot of the play ia brief and unim- port :nt. It hinges On the forgery of a wil1, and an effort to make a rich, pretty nirl marry the son of a forger who was a partner of her father in the grocery 1U' i n ess. lie ia a Jew, and keeps the cor ner grocery. Daddy Nolan is the gn ir- dian of the pretty girl, and Thomas No- iti 1. a clerk in the grocery, is her lover. Jimmy Noland ia the bad, forgetful boy. Louisville Courier Journal. The new feature this season, by adding the $10,000 Challenge band and orches tra, is worthy of special mention, as the music ta grand, few bands and orch?stras that excell shem. Go and see them at the opera house next Monday night. which whs being dumped over a bank 60111C 12 feet high. The driver had home troubl- in unloading, and Mr. Cadi had gone to assist him. lie took th horse by the bit and attempted to turn him around when the animal ,ave a lunge orer the bank carrying Mr. ('. and the cart with him. Mr. Cash's head struck a tree and Ida neck was broken. The cart struck the back of his head mid fractured his skull. Ir. II ill was sent for at once, but it was of no use, as the uufortuuate nun only breath, il a few times. Mr. Cash liyed with Ids wife in the stone houe on Mr. Davis' firm. He lwives beside hia wffe, three daughters, one of which was here ut tho time on a J-oisopoiiA .Nuime-K. It will doubtless surprise ninny to ler.rn that in iiutiiiigs wo find a powciful jx.ison, generally hHicwd to !o of the narcotic order. It in only comp.-irativt-lv recently that cases of poisoning by it have U'cn ivcordt-d i;i this con :i try, prol ably for tho reason that, being to uni versally considered harmless, when dan gerous or fatal consequences have fol lowed its uko tho cause ha:i lcen ovcr looked. Tho quantity of nutmeg which it is necessary to take to produce serious symptoms has never been estimated. In one caso. however, ono and a half nut megs, it ia said, caused in a woman btupor, followed by excitement, with signs of colli pr,e. Dr. Waugh has recently reported the case of a woman who was advised by her neighbors to eat nutmegs for tho relief of dyspepsia clue to constipation. One forenoon slio ato five of medium size. No unpleasant symptoms followed until some niiu or ten hours afterward. Then she bccv.mo sick to her stomach, giddy, and had a chill, accompanied by vomit ing, headache, dryness of the mottt throat, and a sore, .: , tho eyes. Her sight became atfected, and she complained that everything ap peared misty. When the chill passed TO BE . a I 3 TO Bf. mm yn txii!b.iion tvery aaturaay n Front of nnr Btore, an visit; another daughter arrived S.isutay morning from Indiana in answer to a j oil, slight fever and sweating followed, telegram announcing the .-;.d news. The vvit!l intense, throbbing headache. Under - ., .... .'ii- proper treatment this woman recovered, family will leave tor Indiana as soon aw t . , J in iser ca.so narcotic s3 iuptomsappcar- they ciin dispose of their hou,enold goods ; ejf (,ut tluit (loc3 ot lroVi) th:lt Iultm(.g Mr. Caah was a tine molder and wiii be ; are not of tho narcotic order. lioston greatly mi.-sed by Mr. Davis, as well us j Herald. by all who knew him. lie U;iS Ml Odd j The Xicll's Levtraso. Fellow ami that order conducted the! Tha field of the nickel and slot machine remains to their lat rcstini' !1 ice in Oak- ' -seems to be practically limitless. I am Elegant wo.jd cemetery on Saturday, April 'JTlh. iiil'ormed that a St. Louis inventor ia now .-it. wnr!: fin ;i inn-IiJn. iv-l.w-l. i;!l irit-n -Weeping V;'ater Hepublican. I yyl ft eln anJ u of Baatrice Public Imoroyim int Plan future wife, while tho band plays your on mm II.ATI-v:l-rT A M. . ell ., ea-. h n. !:: :-s er- -i- or. WM. Ktrs. ; I;iiI we: .I il -' era i-.r" r;,J':'"' l.xxii' . '' : Wlttle. ti. e.ir i-i .. V.. ii s r;:. II. P . . i'. a .m. .:. : i !.ii .! :v-! of ( : ; s. . i:. W. - i t at ,: : ::;:.. U s. ;. !. i : s, f. . 1 v:ri -. - .a. -.-fr. Spasmodic Advertising The New York Clothier and Fur nisher says: "If you want to be healthy yoa must eat regularly, as meat today will not serve you for tomorrow. To be w-11 and hearty eat at every n.ed time. To be prosperous in business advutise r?gularly. Stop one and you starve and lie. Stop the other and your bu-inesa talcn rnnAiiniotion and di s also. Spas modic advertising is like having a- feast j in 1 f unine"- iiusr-' famine than te.it as t a general rule - and is never satisfactory. To take out your card iu dull tiiv.es ia like killing your horse becauss he is a little lam?. Exprtss; '"Speaking of the paving work," said a well kuotvu citizen this afternoon, "I uotice that but two men are laying brick and the city is employing an overseer at $7" per month to watch them and a board of public works at $300 per year to watch him, eight couucil men at $S00 per year to watch tho board and, a mayor at $-00 peryear to watch the council, and tiie taxpayers are paying interest on $70,000 iirt district paving bonds to watch the mayor. Big thing this paving contract." If you want the best smoke you can get for 5 cents, go to J. 1. Young's .-.ml smoke his ' Detroit Free Press," and ' Golden Stars" ? cent cigars, piouounced by competent judges to be the best five cent cigars iu Plattsmouth. "Thero are moments when silence pro longed and unbroken More expressive may be than all words ever spoken." Look at that wan and wasted woman, once the picture of health, now so palid. Orleans ricayune. SUe cannot begin to tell li.-r suireriugs, but as from day to day she goes througli the house, attending to iur m my care, her attenuated form, I' r white face, her stooping should' is, her pin-lied feat tins, all tell that sl.e is a silent m otyr to dis ease. II:T once cheery voice is seldom heard, but h r silence tdis ii-r suffering more than w-nds could do. O! ye silent, iavorito idr asyo i wait. Another ma chine will tell your fortune and polish your shoes ard administer a dose of pills for a nickel; while another will pick the winners of the next day's races and sup ply 3 011 with tho morning (taper. Tho nickel and slot machine fills a long felt want, and has a long career of useful ness before it, and the public is saving its nickels for the next departure with deep interest. St. Louis Republic. riioto-rnphins the Aurora Korcalirt. Dr. Kayser has succeeded in obtaining a photograph of tho aurora boreal is from the summit of Mount Rigi in Switzerland. Tli'u is an interesting fact, it having hitherto been regarded as impossible to photograph the aurora for want of a plate sufficiently sensitive to be impressed by its rays. Gunther, in his well known physi cal geography, declares it to be utterly impossible to photograph tho aurora, the most carefully prepared plate remaining neutral when exposed to the aurora's rays. Dr. Kayser resorted to special precautions and employed a colored dry plate the azalin trocken-platte. New evi:i:v i'itkohasei: of oxk dollar's woiitii of I ; 1 v nulling uuuuoj HA CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, or anything in our Elegant Lino of Goods, mn nr &. irn n h n ia w ft useKHU w h a 1 n 1 1 e e ft- WIS i n ir a T1PIC v Entiteling tliem to a chanco at tiie Drawing wlu'cli will take place October 1st. re sorrov.intr, sullering sit- rr., cur.- for your trouble.--; Dr. Pieire' is a Fav orite Presi-i iption H t soyer-ign rem tiv for tiie derangements and maladies p. cu I vr f. ir.inr.cnv- m :l I n i v."! r til 1 . illVli In dull times advertising is I ti , t in' , stient!i to the the most effctjye, ns more notice is then w!u)(. systero.. and to t!i ; wor.ib ni.d its taken of printer's ink than any other append ages in particular. For over-! . worked, "w-irn out." "run -down," debd- "c itated t acln rs, mil liners, dress-makers. Two Strings to Ilia How. "No, William." she said coldly, with a side long glance to note the effect of her words, "I cannot be your wife. You .smoko and you sometimes drink. I have registered a vow not to marry a man who has either of these vices." "All right, Maria." was the humble reply. "And now will you ( lease ask your younger sister Lulu to come down stairs a moment? She said, when she kissed me good-by la.st night, that she Would gladly have me if you refused." Philadelphia Inquirer. Tho Leading Clotliiors, - 5tl & Main St. OFFERED CardofThanks. R.'V F. W. Witt? and family wish extend th-ir most heartfelt thinks to friends who have rendered so th- ir svmo:.lhv and nid during V- nes, death and funeral of ton and brother, t'.K to all kindly sick b. loved S":ttnstresss. "shop-airls." hotiseKeepera. nursing mothers, and feeble worm n gen eral 1 v. "Favorite Prescription" is th greatest earthly boon, un--qu-ded as nn appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. Plenty of feed, fiuur, grnham and meal at Heiscl's niiil. if Ilxpisn.sive Kcpaikfi. Tlie famous cathedral at Cologne has leen under repair for a long time and a largo amount of money has In-en expend ed thereon. Thus far the government has contributed G.o-t.l.a.Vi marks toward the repairs, while enough has been raised by lotteries and otherwise to bring the total expended betweea 1313 and laO up to the enormous amount of 13,400,00!) .u-I.-j. San 1- raiieiscti ( 'hronicle. for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, disctiarpca falling into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, et others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, Woody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringring in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing throat, expecto ration of offensive matter; breath offensive: mell and taste impaired, and peneral debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in tho grave. By its mild, soothing, and liealini? properties. Dr. Sage's Itemedy cures the worst cases. 60c. m. The Original c a s awl I ri'FD Dn i e WWiUUitJ blc&UarmUt. Tlnequaled as a 1.1 ver Pill. Smallest.cheap est, easiest to take. One Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, IliliousIIeadaclie, Itfzzliieks, CoiiMtipaliou, Indiv:eitiou. Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of k9 stomaob ana I towels. 25 cU. by drug-grists. Jl.iu5 ret rLhtitkh, MASUJ'ACTUKIitl OK ANT.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL UKAI.Ell IN 1 llli. 'hoircsl Uicin is -f Ciirars, including our Flor de Pepperbsrgo' and 'Suda Ft'M, LIXE OK TOIiACCO AND SMOXEil.S' ATt'ITCLEH always in stoelf. Nov. i!t. 1SH.1. .9 U- H.IXTSt m H B B S R m y ti a 1 h a j u 9 a m - -u 5 WW Lr tho Liqacr ilslit, Positively Curetf EY ASMi;I5TEr.t::3 DR. WMV.IZ' CnZV. ?ECiFIC. It cr.n Iso given in a cu,- cf coffee or tea. cr ia nr. ti'ri.-S o! tood. without the Unouiedfl of ti:c pe: -mi:i taking it; it ia absolutely liurnn'-s. ruei -v I i 1 e fleet a permanent and speedy eiue. whctlier t tie patient is a moiJerute driiikerm-nii n!eiioil'. wreck, it NEVFR FAILS. We GUARANTEE n eoinnlcte cure in every I ns'aace. 4i pago buoic FREE. Address i n eonfidciire, C0LDEM SPEC'FIC CO., 185 Raco St, Cincinnati. 0 OWT3STC3- TO J COTTBMPLATED OEE-A-Isra-El IIST X'SIE IPTttL, ,jf MUST SACRIFICE HIS $30,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALI3E3, FOR. SPOT CASH ONLY, a 3 k c swsM, 2 Cjiildo Inco Pants 25 cts- ,y3 Wcol Suits 2.65. ,11 Wool Slacl Worsted Zeas Cvsall3 S3 coats. 22oL3 Working Sh.irts 35 etc amicus BIvl STlazmol Sh.irts 75c srckESS' isiiE pthiz: 2Sons Joans 2s ants 85 cts. Blacls Wool Sats 35o. I.lGncJ Caps S'ivo cents.' Msns "Worlsing Shoes 1. Mens Sowed Slioss, Snttn or Lace, SSI 65: Mens Calf Soots S1.90. Usas Shirts and Drawers 25 'gZila s tlte Greatest SIangis4er c vcr seen In (Cass cosieatj. Kt you-want to save 5 i cents aa every iolar buy yoiar ods f OH el.