. it At WEBlianAY, CJAY 1, 1880. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. ' KalUbarjr. Telephone Jfo. 3o DeatUt, Uockwood BaiMlng, Or, irithrr, Drallst, I'aloa Block. AT THE BALL PARK. The Plattsmouth Team Cets a Came on Council Bluffs. The liase bull game yesterday at the ball park proved a great attraction for lh ioo)lc, and hundreds of theiu made their way to the grounds after the street parade, street cars and hacks being in great demand. It was the opening of the ball season for I'lattsmouth and win nn all around success. The Council Blurt team, named Odell Bros., arrived in good time on the morning train from Omaha, and promp'Iy at 2 o'clock both teams re paired to the ball park west of the city. The game opened at 3 'clock sharp, and lasted two hours. The following is the score by innings. 1234 5 0789 Plattsmouth C 2 4 :$ 1 0 0 0 U Odell Bros 0 030101 01 - The game was a good one for Platts mou tli's first day. The boys played goad all around and many high compliments were passed ou them by base bal lists in the ampatheatrc. The Odell Bros, were apparently unable to hold their own against Plattsmouth, though the c-itch-r and dumb pitcher were at times highly complimented. The game might be calltd a pleasant one from the fact then was no wrangling, disputes or guyin fr om the crowd. PERSONALS. W. B. Shryock was in from Lou:svillt to attend the banquet last night. Diyison Supt D. E, Thompson, of tin 11. & M. was in the city last night. lion. W. J. Broatch and wife of Oma ha, visited last night at the home of S II. At wood. Mrs. C. Furlong, of Rock Bluff, re turned home yesterday from a visit to Valpariso. Elias Witte returned bonis last night culled to the bed side of his dying bio- ther, from Omaha. Miss Laura Russell and brother-in-law, Mr. Otoe Mutz, left yesterday to visit at his home in Keya Paha county. Mr3. B. A. McKinley, sister of P. P. G.iss, of Olathe, Kansas, and Miss Ida Goodell, of G'enwood. arc visiting at the home of P. P. Gass. Entered Into Rest. Willie Witte, son of Rev. F. W. Witte, who has been alllicted oyer a year, went home in peace this morning, about 7:30 o'clock, aged 19 years and 18 days. He has for some time longed to be with Jesm, where all sufferings, sorrows and afflictions will hare an end. The sorrow of those who feel his loss is soothed by the blessed thought of the new life upon which he has entered. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. ni., at the residence, southeast corner Eighth and Main streets. Card of Thanks. Mr. P. P. Gass and family desire to r. turn their most heartfelt thanks to th friends who rendered such kindly sym pithy and aid during the late sieknrs' and death of the beloved wife an 1 mother. A new record case has been raad an I placed in the district clerk's offic for his conyenience and to relit ve some of the overcrowded boxes. This may furnish a ''relief of crowded re records, but for safety and respectability, only a court house with fire proof vault" will give satisfaction, and insure the safety of county records. Dick Hunter General Agt. of F. J. Taylor.s great American 25 cent ciscus, dies urn and menagerie is in the city secur ing the way for the show which is to ex Libit here on May 14. We will offer for the next Thirty days Lots in South Park to the number of One Hundred. Cash payment on each Lot $10. De ferred monthly payments 5, with only 5 per cent interest. This is the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur chase cheap and desirable Keal Estate. The fact that the city is building up for a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east and west tides of the addition is steadily increasing the value of this handsome property. Windham & The Banquet Splendor Continued row 1st Page. elementary education, and may be in structed in the knowledge of their duties as citizens, and may be elevated thereby to a contemplation and comprehension of those great truths on which a govern ment like ours can be successfully con conducted; and may be enabled to know and to appreciate that "the true ideal of our American government is a govern ment founded not on the traditions of remot ages, not on usurpations, not on conquest, but on things older and firmer and better than any of these the equali ty and brotherhood of men." "The Revolutionary Soldier," was re sponded to by Gov. John M. Thayer. At the mention of the Governor's name great applauo was given from all the h use. lie first extended thanks to the ladies for their hard efforts in preparing the programme and feast for this happy occasion. Speaking of he Revolution ary soldier he recalled the awful and severe trials with which their loyalty and patriotism was tested, under their brave leader George Washing ton; and called attention to the mighty nation which has sprung up in power, wealth and freedom, from the sufferings and hard battles of. the revolu tioiiiry sol. Her, and this nation is the liv ing monument to their trials. He closed imid great applause. All stood and joined in singing "America" and the centennial of the Grand Inaugural Banquet of Georg Washington, as held in Plattsmouth closed. THE CHARACTERS. Mrs, George Washington Mrs. ft. E. Dovey Mm John Adams. ..Mrs Annie M O'Knurke Wi s Alexander H t mil ton Mrs it K Windham Mr (iouveriiiir Mori-la : iir Ktl in ii 1 Kaiidolptl.. Mrs It U l.ivh'g-tini. .... Henry Knox ilisn Siil le Fairfax Mrs.lam sOUs Mrs Kiliau Allen Mies Nt-llie Cm tin vlr. l.iiijriiams Jporge Washington John Attain lexan -f r llamilfon (uvernur l orris. . Kilm-'Dil Kandolj)li ' K .ivii)K-ron Henry Kn"x K liiti Allen KenjHiiiin franklin Patrick Henry : Mrs Ono Houseworth Miss l.iilia l'ttennn Mrs l.yoi:.H Mr 11 K l'aliii-r ...Miss H.-lle Kin. bull . . Mis Wauj;h ....Mis4 Alice raton , Mis (iuild ..Mi s UrsuU Wiles John A Davies 11 II Sh dd Geo li iJovey J M I'alte i.s'D Sr 1; McEntee M 11 Murphy .. fchirley (iillilln.d 11 J Sirright A N Sullivan , Ityron Cl;irk i iiouiai) JenuriMm K K windliain General Lafayette TH t'ollock Paul Kevere Geo ii Chatburn Hillv Bishop K A Taite Mr binghaiu Frank Hile TUE COSTUMES. The costumes of the characters wer elegant and costly. Lady Washincton's dress was cream satin, trimed with Span ish lace, court train, low cut corset; dia mond necklace and bracelets, hair poui p id our, with Martha Washington bead dress. The ladies' were all gorgeously c istumed after the style of the eigh teenth century. The gentlemen all wore wiirs and earnients of costly material after the fashion of state of ouc huo dred years ago. VISITORS. Anrong the many visitors from abroad were Hon. W. J. Broatch and wife, Dr, J. W. Harsha, Dr. A. R. Thaine, Miss Belle Kimball, Mrs. Guild, and Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Geo. S. Smith, Omaha; Hon J. B. Strode, Gov. John II. Thayer, Lin coin; Rev. J. G. Taite, Sheldon; Hon. II. II. Shedd, Ashland; Shirley Gillilland, Glen wood; Frank Hill, Chicago; Orlaudo Teft, Avoca. May Festival. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a May festival at Waterman opera house Wednesday evening May 1st. .navpoie, Kindergarten, flowers, music and refreshments. Everybody is cordial ly invited, dmission 10 cents. A burning chimney Monday evening caused an exciting fire alarm from the Second ward. Every thing in the Drug line Album assortment. Wall paper ond Decorations for sale-cheap by E. W. Cook agt. for mortages, at O P. Smith &. Co's old stand tf Don't buy Wall Paper or Paints until you see our stock and prices, we can please you in quality, selection and prices, d-w-lni Will J. Warrick. Eyery thing in the Drug line at away down prices at O. P. Smith fc. Co's old stand, E. W. Cook agt. for mortages. A Rare Opportunity to Purchase. Desirable Lots. Davies, SALE OF DRESS GOODS ! 17c. Yard, Double Fob' English Ilenriettes, all popular colors, reduced to 17 cents yard. These goods are usually s Id at 2.jc. - 27c- Yard- 36-inch English Ilenriettes in all new Spring Colorings, worth 3. cents. All-Wool Dofible Fold Suitings, ele gant line of Spiing Mixtures, only 27c yd. 40-inch Striped Suitings Reduced from 3" cents. 39c. Yard. 3rt-inch All-Wool Bromley Suitings, 25 different shades, well.worth 50 cents. 42c Yard. 3G-inch All-Wool French Ilenriettes; full line of colorsjour regular 50c. quality. BARGAINS IN 15s; Ladies' Perfect-fitting Ribbed Vests, Low Neck and Sleeveless 35e. Ladies Balbriggan Vests, High Neck, Long Sleeves. 50 Ladies' Fine Ribbed Lisle Vests with Pink, Blue and 4 Cream Silk Stitching Low Neck and Sleeveless. 60C. Ladies' Balbriggan Ribbed Vests manufactured from the fimst combed Egyptian cotton, high neck, long sleeves. Are You Going to Alaska? If not, you ought to buy one of those economical Alaska Itefrigorators of Hen ry Bocck and keep cool this summer. And furnish your house and office nict-Jy so you can enjoy life; it wont cost yon near as much as you think it wiil. U has his basement, first and second fl ors stocked full of furnishings to select from. Still Inthe Ring. I have purchased and moved to tli3 Riddle House barber shop and combined my chairs to those of thit shop and am amply prepared to do all tonsorial work. dlw Ed Morlet, Barber. lce--lce--lce. We have started our Ice wagon and are readv to contract and deliver Tee in any quantity. Having the best Ice in I il... A; t- ....... 4. .... 4- r : ... .ii 1 me- vc- u. ii since oaLisiaeiiuu t-j mi. l. run r ! II. C. McMakex & Sox. Elegant Suit of Rooms for Rent. Convenient to business, city n-ater, gas and other conveniences for family; those I now occupy. Apply before may 10th to tf John R. Cox. C. E. Wescott is agenr for Munger's Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing and have it done right, it costs no more than inferio work. tf NO SMOKE OR ' MELL To the new COAL 0L. Stove just receivedat Johnson Dros. Call and ee them. They will not explode. UNDERWEAR Fred manii, One ma If you are not a freeholder you ought to be, and there is no excuse. Save half the money you usually expend each month and ap ply it on a Lot. If yon desire a pleasant home in the future invest now. If you wish to build this season buy a Lot in South Park audi have money furnished vou with which your home in South Park you will be you wish pleasant neighbors make your home in South Park. 50C. Yard. 40-inch All Wool Serges in all the pop ular colors never sold for less than G5c. Our price reduced to 50c. 49-iurh Red Fe rn Suitings in all the new Spring Shades and Mixtures reduced to 50c. 52-inch All-Wool Ladies Cloth, Grey and Brown Mixtures, regular !5o. quality, our Sale price 50 cents yard. 62 k. Yard- ' Our Bent Quality of French Iltiiriftte never sold by ih less than 75 cents yard. 75c Yard- Our Debt Quality of French 3.rg s. oi r regular !0 cent iroods. BARGAINS IN BY! Ladies' Brown Balbriggan Hose, rrgu lar made, only 15 cents pair, worth 25. 1 ROYAL j PURE as DYE STAINLESS TRADE-MARK We carry a tin I lino of Ladies' and Children's Royal Stuinkss Hosiery. Ev ery pair warranted Absolutely stainless. Special in Child's Hosiery- Our entire line of Extra Weight, dou ble knee Hosiery reduced to J5c. pair. These goods have never been sold .for less than 50c. pair. By the way. young man, have those beautiful Prince on seen Albert Suits at Wescott's. They are about as perfect in Fit and Makeup as tailor-made, and at a great saving in cos;. You know they ar.'t the correct thing this sea son for business or dress, and make a man walk like a prince. You will appreciate them, your ma will like thein, and your wife or best girl will adore the exquisite beau- ty and shape of them t . I'm n VOU Weal Flannel Shirts this v ; summer we have the line that will j interest you. Those made by the famous Manhattan Miirt Company are par excellent in styles and fit. A full complement of shades and grades just received. Spring and Summer Underwear and Hosiery for men, in all grades. Handker chiefs, Neckwear, Collars and Cnlis, latest styles. Keliable goods, lowest prices. AVe are in clined to small margins. C. E. WKSCOTT, The "Doss" Clothier. Plenty of feed, flour, graham meal at Ileisel's mill, tf and to build. If von will make convenient to good schools. If Over m SPECIALTIES x 3r- Extra Quality Union Silk, Lj inch Paragon frame, assorted wood MuKs, Gold Cap Mounting, $1,75 Each, compared with any sj'2.00 goods m I.1 in this city. Fast Black Twilled Silk, 2 inch F::r- aoii frame, Horn llandl.s, $2.00 Each, better than usually sold at iJ.5(. Extra Quality Union Silk 2S-inch Pur agon frame, assorted wood sticks, Gold Cap Mountings, $2.25 Eich, CO n pare with tmy if.Ti goods mM in this city. Oar Celebrated Ilai yard Silk, 2 nr.d 28 inch Paragon frame, assorted wood sticks, with Gold, Oxydized and Natural Mountings, from $3.50 to 5.50 Each. We crn save you r.t bast $1.00 on tl i-j linj of goods. Full lines of plain and f nicy Co-ichii.g Parasols with very no vd li.ui Ih ;, at w;iy down prices. Satin and Lace Covered Parasols in Creams and Black, with fmcy colored linings, at popular prices. Full Line of Zmilla and Giny-ham Parasols from 40 cents to 71 cents each. Children's Fancy Parasols from 25 its. to $1.25 each. no Our Fine Hand -Turned ing For i h re e B m If you live in the country and city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap. , . a." IS" T TQ ?y Si Dire is m mWitm Grasp MI u- uiai iueijr awuiuuii 10 i lairsiriotiui is no longer a speculation Whether yon wih to purchase or not if you will call on Wind." ham & Davies you will be shown this p u t of the city free of charge. Bank of Gass County OUR C oiset Dept, The celebrated I. C. and C. P. Cor.eti reduce J to Z each. These goods aro, nevr sold for less than f2.50. At $1.50 we n il the well known P. C. No. 50) French Corset. At $1 our French w.iv e Cleopatra take the 1 -ad for a boned corset. Nothing in the market ft.r the price ex els it. Colors white and drab. Loonurs Elastic Com foit Hip at $1. The peculiar advantages to be derived from wearing a Corset that is cut away over the hips that it will lit any form, give freedom of motion to the body and prevents brcuking of the ulays it the hips. Featheibone Corsets at $1 Boned with Fuaiht rhouc, will not bivak over the hips. Ladies Favorite Waists at $ 1.00. This waM can be worn with as much comfort as an ordinary dies waist, it will give thi!si:ii - e 1 -g-iiife of contour ns the hfavie.-! b !l''d e::s.t. Polarw Siin.nior Corsi t at $1.00. The very b-st Nottingham Net is used in doid.l" thickness throughout the corstt. Z.-phjr Summer Corstt at (!0c. This is the brst summer corset in the market at I his price. Goo 1 Luck Corset at 50c. The best 50 ', co;s(-t in the city. The Equilinc Corflct Waist for Young Ladies. Health fid and Economical Gar- I meut. Adjustable Shoulder Straps and j Stocking Siinnortpr. Iri 1 nn as -aii Four - Dollar .'hoe is Sell Dollars. 4. i.-: iii2 intend some day to move to the tU if in South Park. Kernem- I losiL Opportunity ! ITiTi c;