XHE DAILY UEItALD i PJ-AlTSMOUlii KEBliASKA, Fill DAT, APRIL 20,18Si). Tne Kvening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalUbarjr. Talephoae Sm. 'ti Oratlut, UorkMOoJ Baildiag, Dr. Wlthrra. DralUt. t'aioa Illork. CITY CORDIALS. - For authurity on forms for verdict Ex-wnrdcii Myers is recpmmcdccL. Tin Kate Benslerg opera cotnpanj ' played to a email audience at the opera house last night. Mrs. P. P. Oass has been very ill since last Saturday, when she was taken down with pneumonia. All members should remember lin eal 1 of the meeting of the Business Men' Association at the Riddle house parlor tonight at X:.IO. Byron Clark today filed in the dis trict court an answer to the injunction against the city forbidding the removal of the trees on Main street in front of lot 7, block ."0. The costumes for the gentlemen who take part in the Washington Inaugural entertainment were received from Chica go last night and arc now at J. P. Young' store. The Presbyterian church today pur chased the three lots on Granite street for the erection of their new church, one from O. M. Straight and two frm C. II. Purm le, nil for $1,700. A game of ball has been arranged for to-morrow between a couple of shop nines. The carpenters with F. Browne as captain play the machinists with Qeo. Copeland. captain. The little folks' concert given at the M. K. church last night was a beautiful and entertaining affair. The attendance was not large, but the little ones highly pleased those who were present. W. S. Wise, secretary of the Cuss County Agricultural Society, will soon call on the business men of the city for adds, for the premium list of 1889. A well supported premium list is a boomer for a good fair. Messrs. Parmele & Newell last night shipped to South Omaha two car loads of fine cattle, of their own feeding, and went up this morning to attend to the selling of them. They vere doubtlt-s the finest bunch of cattle received there this spring and will adyertise Cass coun ty's stock qualities. Dr. T. P. Livingston was called to the farm of Nicholas Hoi mas last evening to attend a seriously injured little girl. The three-year-old daughter of Frank Spencer, who lives on the farm and is in Mr. Ilolmas' employ, received a kick in the forehead from a young colt which fractured the frontal bone. Mr. Vanarnaman, o f Omaha, who was in the city yesterday, went out on the Platte bottoms in the afternoon to have a hunt. He brought down a good number of fine specimens of Virginia rail, which he took home with him tbit? rnorning to show to the Omaha gun club ta induce them to come down on a hunt. Tiie several car loads of stone which have been in the city several days for th--Riley hotel, from Parmele, Murphy & Co.'s quarry at Cedat creek, are pro tiounced by those able to judge, as first class foundation stone, of good finish. Cass county stone has a state reputation. and every car load used spreads her no toriety. A young man named Churchill came up from Rock Bluffs yesterday with u a horse to trade. Of course he knew it all and could make a better trade than Anyone else. He traded. He gave his horse for a brisk young colt and a $30 mortgage on the colt. He was in town this morning, sought out the owner of the colt he had traded for anc) begged that the trade be declared off. The partv of the second part to the trade is an up-1 right and fair man and observed the young man had learned a lesson (although the trade was a flood one, the young man had get scared " ) and after giving him advice which he will be wise to heed, sent him to the barn to get his horse and leaye the colt instead. (DIM We will offer for the next Thirty clays Lot3 in South Park to the number ot Une Hundred. Cash payment on each Lot 510. De ferred monthly payments $5, with only 5 per cent interest. This is the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur chase cheap and desirable Real Estate. The-fact that the city is building up for a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east and west sides of the addition is steadily increasing the value of this handsome property. IN COUNTY COURT. A Jury Case of Two Verdicts First one a Mistake- The Bartos vs. Todd- The case of Bartos vs. Todd which was tried before a jury in the county court yesterday, as mentioned in last night's Hekalu, resulted in a peculiar manner inbe way of a verdict. To state the case briefly, as gleamed by the llfcitALD scribe, from the evidence of fered, it was as follows: In February, 1 888, Doom Brothers, of Ashland, rented to one Alvin Todd, of Greenwood, a farm four miles south of Plattsmouth, representing to him that there were 90 acres of broken land, 20 acres of pasture, and 20 acres of meadow with good house and corrells. For the rent of this farm Mr. Todd, without visiting it, gae notes to the amount of $350, and secured them with a mortgage on his chatties valued at $4G0. In the spring time when Todd moved to his farm he found it had been greatly misrepresented to him, there be ing only :50 acres of broken land and no pasture and no stables and the house in poor shape, and refused to pay his notes on the ground of misrepresentation. Meantime Doom Brothers sold the notes to one Paul V. Bartos, who "went to Kansas" and returned the notes to them for collection But the evidence seemed to plainly say "Paul V. Bartos" was a ficticious person and the suit brought in his name that the real parties might mas querade as innocent partis aud avoid the claim of fraud by misrepresentation which Todd could produce. Doom Brothers then brought a replevin suit to force a payment of the notesVy the mort gage on the chatties. The case was ar gued b? Sullivan for the defense and Beeson and Browne for laintiff. The jury was made up of six business men of the city, and the case submitted to them for a verdict after 4 o'clock. At 5:30 they returned a verdict like this: In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska, Paul V. Bartos, plaintiff, vs. Alvin Todd, defendant. We. the jury duly empaneled and sworn in the above entitled cause find that the right of property and right to possess the said property when this tction was commenced was in the plaintiff, and assets his damages in the premises at the sum of $125. R. W. Hyeus, Foreman. By the aboye verdict the jury gave to the plaintiff not only all the chatties, valued at $460, but 125 damages be sides. When the jury reported the ver dict to the court one of the jurymen saw the error and called attention to it (for they had only intended to give plaintiff $125 as the rightful amount due), and the court instructed the jury to again prepare a verdict, which they did. -The second verdict found "that at the com mencement of this action the plaintiff had the right to possession of the chat ties in said writ of replevin to the amount of $125." They also found that defendant had the right to the rest of the chatties valued at $333, which allowed Doom Brothers $125 instead of 350 for the rent of the farm. CITY COUNCIL. An Adjourned Meeting Petitions and Licenses. Last night an adjourned meeting of the city council was held. In the ab - sence of Mayor Richey President McCal len occupied the chair, e All the members of the council were present. A petition from South Park asking that Ninth street be opened to that place was read and referred to committee on streets, alleys and bridges. Petition from citizens of First ward in in regard to a nuisance created by a wash house on Third street north of Main was referred to committee. A petition from a number of citizens asking the council to dig a well and erect a pump at the cemetery, on the west side, was, on motion of Mr. Murphy, af ter much discission, referred to commit tee on cemetery. On motion of Mr. Murphy the city treasurer was instructed to send interest mm A Rare Opportunity to Our- Great III H 17c. Yard, Double Fold English Henriettes, all popular colors, reduced to 17 cents yard. These goods are usually sjld at 25c. '27c Yard- 36-inch English Henriettes in all new Spring Colorings, worth 35 cents. All-Wool Double Fold Suitings, ele gant line of Spring Mixtures, only 27c yd. 40-inch Striped Suitings Reduced from 35 cents. 39c. Yard. 30-inch All-Wool Bromley Suitings, 25 different shades, well worth 50 cents. 42c Yard. oG-inch All-Wool French Henriettes; full line of colors;our regular 50c. quality. BARGAINS IN 15e. Ladies' Perfect-fitting Ribbed Vests, Low Neck and Sleeveless 35c. Ladies Balbriggan Vests, High Neck, Long Sleeves. KA0 Ladies' Fine Ribbed Lisle OVF j Vests with Pink, Blue and Cream Silk Stitching Low Neck and Sleeveless. f-, Ladies' Balbriggan Ribbed fi'Jm Vests manufactured from the finest combed Egyptian cotton, high neck, long sleeves. to the fiscal agency of Nebraaka to pay the interest on the sewer bonds which is due May 1. License committee reported favorable to the granting of licenses to the follow ing saloon keepers, which was don-. : Fred Goos, Wm. Weber. John Blake, Con O'Connor fc Hans Frham, J. J. Mc Vey, N. C. Cunningham, Wm. T. Kieck low, Gustav Law & Claus Spec; A motion from Brekenfeid passed or dering the water company to to put in a new hydrant at the corner of Main and Fifth streets, the old one having been broken. Murphy rnoyed the street commis sioner be instructed to do gve days' work between Gold and Diamond streets on Ninth. Murphy moved the president appoint a committee to ascertain what the right-of-way could be obtained for through Billings' orchard for Ninth street into South Park, apd also of Eleventh street through the ?vest end of this property. The president appointed as such commit tee J. W. Johnson, A. Shipman, D. M. Jones, Con O'CoDaor and A. Salisbury. Council adjourned. Mr. Jim Woods, transient barber, who has been doing work in the city for a couple of weeks, "walked out of town" yesterday, and left some unpaid bills. Bad company and hard luck was the cause of it. SALE DRESS UNDERWEAR Fred Nermann, One Poor East 1 st left lei. sua If you are not a freeholder you ought to be, and there is no exense. Save half the money you usually expend each month and ap ply it on a Lot. If yon desire a pleasant home in the future invest now. If you wish to build this season buy a Lot in bouth Park and nave money furnished yooi with winch to build. If you will make your home in South Park you will be convenient to o-ood schools. It you wish pleasant neighbors make Slaughter GOODS 50C. Yard, 40-inch All Wool Serges in all the pop ular colors never sold for less than (55c. Our price reduced to 50c. 40-inch Red Fern Suitings in all the new Spring Shades and Mixtures reduced to 50c. 52-inch All-Wool Ladies' Cloth, Grey and Brown Mixtures, regular 05r. quality, our Sale price 50 cents yard. 62 k. Yard- Our Best Quality of French Henriettes never sold by us les than 75 cents yard. 75c. Yard- Our Best Quality of French Serges, our regular !0 cent goods. BARGAINS IN HQS Ladies' Brown Balbriggan Hose, regu lar made, only 15 cent pair, worth 25. STAINLESS TRADE-MARK We carry a full line of Ladies' and Children's Royal Stainless Hosiery. Ev ery pair warranted Absolutely stainless. Special in Child's Hosiery- Our entire line of Extra Weight, dou ble knee Hosiery reduced to 35c. pair. These goods have never been sold for less than 50c. pair, Still In the Rir-g I have purchased and moved to thu Riddle House barber shop and combined my chairs to those of that shop and am amply prepared to do all tonsorial work. dlw Ed Morlkt. Barber. Don't buy Wall Paper or Paints until you see our stock and prices, we can please you in quality, selection and prices, d-w-lm Will, J. Warkick. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! Jr S. White's wagon is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw F. S. White. Our assortment of ladies hose is by far the largest in this city. Silk finish lisle-1 i thread hose at Sorts a pair, cheap at 0 cents. J. V. Weckbach x Sqx. ; C. E. Wescott is agent- for Munger's i Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and I received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing and have it done i right, it costs no more than inferior ' work. tf The largest stock and best selection of Wall Paper and Paints in the city at Will J. Warrick's drug store. d-w-lm Special prices in Ladies hose at J. Weckbach & Son's. V, Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf O. II Ballow was in Omaha today. II. C. McMaken was in South Omaha today. EBY! . jl , ROYAL J pureKdye j Purchase Desirable Lots. your home in South Park. SPECIALTIES -x 2xr- Si Dliiiis ! KTtra Oinilitv ITiimn Silk. "IS inch (Paragon frame, assorted wood stuks, Gold Cap Mountings, S1.75 Each, compared with any $2.00 goods sold in this city. Fast Black Twilled Silk, 2(5 inch Par agon frame, Horn Handlm, $2.00 Each, better than usually sold at $2. 50. Extra Quality Union Silk 28-inch Par. agon frame, assorted wood sticks, Gold Cap Mountings, $2.25 Each, compare with any $2.75 goods sold in tliis city. Onr Celebrated Harvard Sillc, 2 and 28 inch Paragon frame, assorted wood stick?. vih Gold, Oxydized and Natural Mountings, from $3.50 to 5.50 Each. V c:m s::v you :;t least $1.0') on tl;is lini of goods Full l::.cs of plain arid fancy Coaching PhmsoIs with very novel handle, at way down prices. Satin and Lace Covered Parasols in Creams r.nd Black, with fancy c olored linings, at popular prices. Full Line of Zinilla and Gingham Parasols from 40 cents to 75 en's cae!:. Children's Fancy Parasols from ''5 els. I to $1.25 each. ins Hand -Turned irsg For Three Mm m3 'Ifm m Grasp the Opportunity! Of mil i y mm the country and intend some day to move to the city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap. . - .You can save money by investing it in South Park Hemr-m ... auuiuuH i lausiiiouia is no longer a speculation . Whether you wish to purchase or not if you will call on Wind ham ifcDavies you will be shown this pu t of the city free of charge" OUR Cofset Dept. The celebrated I. C. and C. P. Corsets reduced to $2 each. These, goods are never sold for less than $2.50. At $1.50 we sell the well known F. C. No. 50a French Corset. At $1 our French wjve Cleopatra takes the lead for a boned rorset. Nothing in the market for the price ex .-els it. Colors white and drab. Looiners Elastic Coin fort Hip at $1. The peculiar ad vantages to bij derived from wearing a Corset that is cut away over the hips that it will lit any form, give freedom of motion to the body and prevents breaking of the ays t the hips. Featherbone Corsets at .?1 Boned with FeathcrboiK', will not break over the hips. Ladies Favorite Waists at $1.00. This wai.-t can b.; worn with :ts much comfort as an oi' lin u v 1 1 r -s - w-.it, it will give the s s:n: l. ti.ce of contour as the heaviest boned t ;s- t. Polaris Summer Cors't at $1.00. The very le.-l Nottingham Nt t M used in doubl.; thickness throughout the corset. Zeph r Siiiiiim r Corbet at i'Aic. This is the best summer corset iu the m uk::t at this price. Good Luc k Corset at 50 The best 50 j co; set in the- city. Tiio Ecjuiline Corset Waist for Young L'idies. Healthful and Economical Gar ment, Adjustable Shoulder Straps and Stocking Supporter. Price 1.00 each. Four- Dollar ohoe is Sell Dollars. mm I ill ESI A 'i