- - . '- ; ; r irria I si;com l'J.ATTS.MOUTII, NiSI5KASivA,TIIUKSIAY KVKMMi, Al'UIL '.M, 188i. IfHllS rV '1 f Rr.'ALJ:r:;-3 j . J.' ..' Absolutely Pure 1 II. s mv lT never v:iries. A marvel ef lir it V. M r-n't Ii :iml u linle-utn.-iif 44. M n-t eeouo lilioal l:i in tin- (.iilii,.irv l.iii'i-. :i'Hl uiuot li !! I' ":iiif)r i; i.i'i v.j:i tin imilril u e if low l f. sh "l t ;!.im j.ln.-i.lia'c !vilT. N,'f imlii in r,-,i. I'.H.M. l;KlMi J'OWI'KIC Vu.. In; Va aj. S. y . Mavor, Tr;-i:rer. jtlrii' . h iiiruu pi.iipM .r i-u--. Mar-h ill, Councllmen, I- ."rd -sr ft ti Si tli F. Rxkwiil, of Green woo -l, was in town tiitl.ty. 1'iU-r Stand' r, of Louisville, was in t-w!i today. E1 Tilit, of Wee'-iii Water, visiti-d in Plattsmouth today. Hob'. Doom, of Ashland, was in town Htttudiiifi county court to lay. Mrs. Mary K. Sharp, of Louisville, is TisitinliLT daughter, Mru. Mart Gushing of this city. Mr. Oppcrnian, representing the western agents of the Sjirnguc electric company, was in the city today, anions the leading luines:i men with Mr. liallou, who is at the head of the eltctric movement in this city. The prospect is good for a grund electric enterprise in this city. The Opera. To add to her distinc tions, St. Louis has procured in Miss liensoerg a singer who is destined to add a great deal to "M ,.i'iu- ' happiness of this world by the c harm or ikt rare voice. i ms was iiiny niiowh last evening, ami, as the new soprano is uKo gifted with every attraction of suc cess, in manm-r and temperament, she enters upon her career well equipped to win a world wide fame. We only speak the universal sentiment of her fellow townspeople in congratulating her upon the surcess sh lias already achieved and upon the greater success which lies easily witliin her reach in the future. St. Louis I'o'-t-Dispatch. Don't fail to hear this grand company in tin; beautiful opera IEclair, at the opera house tonight. ! S'.LT.TJG A TZNDEHFOOT. An IlliiHlrutiou if liic I ;i-t T::tt I'rov!-ilfin-c Vtrk.H in h 31 ster-oiis '. u. A dfi.i'ii years ago. wlion cristorn teii e'erfoot npituli.-.ts wen; its thirl; as blai.k iM'rries ia the we,.t, antl every single man of them was ready to buy a silver mint? before breakfast, four of us who bad jumped an old claim in Nevada put up a job to catch a sucker. We went down about twelve feet with a shaft, struck "indications," and then raked and scraped for specimens to ".salt" with. We sold our revolvers and everything else wo could spare, and when we had the bait ready not one of us could have put up enough money to pay a week's board in advance. ' We placed our figures at $'JO.O0O, and as l was the binootliest talker ol the 1". M. Hl'MIKY V K Kox .H)!i'. l'.rrKiiiM,.iH. If. IC V I 'I. It K i! C M IIMIDT r t I I KKilHK i. n. inxx , . - l ' e r i: v it i i:hmi n. :. - ! l-M ', : -.i io vH ' ,; M 'te-iv i ' ' . ! i ' Ml'I.K. ( ' n I ' N M ;t. I M ' I l w N . 1 .1 1 - I XT l-S N, l I. I-. 111.. i , .1 W I i' ii i; .' .1 -. I KM AX oil I II ! .. : Meets I List ot Letters Uemaining unclaim"d. in th-j I'ostofiiee at IMattsmoutU. Nebraska. April i4. lssfj, for tlu week ending April ltf, iss: C vsh i. )' ; - . i 'every : v tr;:iiieiit brolle .s aie iUe:nI. -i:i...;y n..tej ti 1L.TrM'l'r! it. K.. Ill-e VM :-xi:- r x .. a. i. o. i!'. T ' 'e I ri'l w in e:t!Jl iimnrll In 'lis..-,,- Mill. 'lsiti:in hrDt hers are i i i; o 1 ' at ;.!;.!. 1 1.VSS CVM ..I Axer.. lay veninj tiriither ri- r.-.j' N'ewiM iier, V" Wort My Ivisc. ; Btieci. Clerk. Me -t . nmiilh as M - are ia: .i.-m i i '' N '.":!. "!! "i:N .vi),i)M.;N . i ;. . t .. . i f..if. ;, M .n - :il ri. i f I' I' i''- Mi liaiireii' , i . .a -,-r xx ii - M-. I.. . r ii! : :;. , ie-- '. ii :e. I. ...... T ; V. A. i1hhix. I?'!i i: r'er. .J ( "vi ier. M r Mary lyrr. I M I i r ltow ill. .Tolin lliitimi. Samuel Ii MaTiie.'fi'ii I" M Kia oeli ill. .1 ieol 1'lii, A;i1s..ii iii Miy. Miss Mamie iroj I. u ill jr. Ka-s. Join -ni 1 v. rs V K Viet'.i. Mr -Wiliu Atkiii-mn. Kirby .1 'idy. W K ll.iu. Carter. Mrs Mary c;.iil.l. Win HaiiMii. J llopklti-. John l.lle. Wiliie Ki..rat. .lolm Murphy. Wni 1. I'elltii.iu. Mrs Kace. W S Smitil. KuhtT Sli:tniion. .losepli ( Wiiiterholtom. Win IVrsnns calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." J. N. Wisk, P. M. i l i : V.'m. - Se.-r.-t.irv. . .1, !:. A. M I 'I -s! l'. )f .Mi'll I r ! ii. I'rollleis '.' ::. v. nirK. ii. i. Iti.vr ;r r i M- -t -. i t:i- I each i;;.n.' a a: er arc ..ill.i'.;y 1:1 W'.n. II.'-ts. SecrL'iary. ..i: v. . . v. I-, .v A. M. ! . xj , i i)f V 1 I r r. :s. ..,! l.hitli it t iji . i; 'i us. J. i. ili.MEV, W. M. Proclamation. Pursuant to request and as a duty in cumbent upon all loyal citizens, I h' reby : request that all places of business in the city of PI ittsmouth be closed and all business suspended from 1 o'clock, to 4 j o'clock, p. m., on Tuesday April :5oth, 18-";). that all may take part and partici pate in the. celebration of the centennial anniversary of Washington's inaugura tion. F. M. Hiciiey, Mavor. iLATrs.?oi:;:: :.i.;;: v Kockxv.Miit ti 1! - 'e, pr jir-. rsn".-; : . y i. I.xirson, .M. v. . ; h . Wilde. KL-coriU-r ; i.i A. O. V. W. eve-iitei at - . .t rr.i isii iit lii.ith t T I :;''e!i l. 1.. S. I: I. i in. ai :n -. S. V. .ia.-1 Aa.i i-s .u.)erseer. Ciassc-)i:n"!-i . v i d :.': y w. ;:c;NtTM J lllte: t!lf -eo 1 1 t.i I fiit:i M l.l.l ivs of tacaia nitii at Area iu. ii il ::. N. Ul.K.vx, Urgent, r. C. MlXOK. Si?eretary. Mc30?4IHlE POST A3 G. A. R. (lsl fc.ll. ?t. A. I)H'Kov 'o ninander, Hk.nm I1mpu: s. -.u.r Vice 8. CAllXKiAX laalur " .. x,ii,ks Adjutant. A. Shi l-M x Surtr. IliSVKV sritKii;:i r . M. a. T a itscH ':;ie-r of the iay. JamiW iIu khjx -- " " 'Juard . srt Major. AxDieisix KitY.. ..Ouarrer M.is'er Sericr. L. CT. C:;i:ris Tost Chaplain I Meet ia z Saturitay evening Business Man's Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Business Men's Association at the parlors of the lliddle House Friday evening, April 2i5, at 8:3") p. m. sharp. By order of the president. F. Carruth. F. IIekrmaxx, S.-c'v. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! F. S. White's wagon is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw F. S. White. C. E. Wescott is agent for Muager's Laundry, Chicago. SVashing sent and received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing and have it done right, it costs no more than iuferio work. tf Wescott e- V tli' way. yii.Jii min, have you seen those lu-autit'til I'riiice Allieit fcuits at Vrescott'c. They are about as perfect in Fit and lakeup as tailor-made, and at a great saving1 in cost. Vou know tliey are the correct thing this sea sou for business or -dress, and make a man walk like a prince. Vor will appreciate them, voi r ma will like them, and your wiki: or bkst quartet I was belecied as the spider to ; oi mi. will adore the excjiiioite beau ty and shape of them. If you wear Flannel Shirts this walk tho fly into our parlor. I went up to Virginia City, and after a couple of days I got hold of a Boston man. lie was not only green, but jh.wciI til mix- J sulnmcr We have th Ut." ions to lio taken in. lie was loaded down with money and overllowinir with ctmfi- ! interest VOU. lliucc cj t dence. Our iirs,t conversation ran about j f:imoU3 Manhattan trhirt Company as follows: i , are ar excellent in styles ami lit. i ! n 2ti ira v p fa La all iliSii iiy CliANI)K8T BUSINESS U.LJJ ii . , IN J IN Ur ll...i..o t 1 i 1 V "Are you looking for an investment in mining property':'" "I am, eir. Have you anything in that line?" "Yes, fcir. I own a one-fourth interest in a claim which wo believe to be very rich." "One-fourih? Oh. I want the whole thing. I don't want no part ners in this enterprise." "But i think you can Luy all of us out." "That alters the case. I'll look at your claim and imiko you mi f fVer." I took him out t!i:':e. 1 don't believe ho knew the first thing abo'.it ro, but be descended tho f-!ia!'t, looked around a bit, and when wo had haul.-d liii:i uplienaid: j "Doesn't wem to he overly rich, but j I'll chance it. I'll giveyoi: 'lG.OUO cash , for your right, titk and interest." j We closed on that, transferred our ! rights, and almost brokeoiir necks to get ; out of the country before any climax i came. The old chap was tho butt of rid- i iculo fur several weeks, but people then i began to laugh the other way. lie got i men and machinery to work, sunk three or four shafts, ami inside of a year he took over 8100.000 worth of ore out of! that claim. In.side of three years he took out half a million, and then .sold to ' a syndicate for double that sum. I met him after be bad drawn g'.'OO.noo in Den- j ver, and be held out his hand and said: j "Why, in dear man. I'm glad to see j you. Have often wondered where vou I went to. It was a pity you poor fellows were obliged to sell out so cheap. lien.?, take a coupiy of hundred to get a clean shave nnd a new suit of clothes!" New York Sun. A full complement of shades and grades just received. Spring and Summer Underwear and Hosiery for men, in all grades. Handker chiefs, Neckwear, Collars and Culls, latest styles. Reliable goods, lowest prices. AVe are in clined to small margins. C. E. WJiSCOTT, The '-IW Clothier. Buy a Refrigerator. That is what to do to keep your vic tuals from nil getting stale this summer. The most improved and economical pat terns for sale at Henry Hueck's Furniture Emporium, lie has all furniture supplies required for homes and ollices. Parlor Furnishing, Dining Hoom Furnishing, lied IliMun, Hall and Office Furnishings. See them. 1 k . 1 Well Ever seen in Flattstnoutli. Everybody pleased with our Exhibit :on. It was the universal exiiressi n of everyonu that examined our Suits ., ; , . fe.! . Ml so Pffl ..I 111. Xo oue des'res to h ue Tailor-Made iarmentsrvh'j his fitted on one of our Suits. 1 sr E" Pa a Tr 51 LP FA Attention. Tickets are now on sale at J. P. Young's for the Washington reception and banquet. The ladies will esteem it a f iyor if those expecting to attend will procure their tickets early. Iiauqnet tickets Toe. Gallery tickets are to sell only the E st Clothing. The Confidence? of all classes al ready gained is a Feather in our Business Cap that will continue to wave gracefully in the balmy days of t' present Spring. Eeiiieinber also that any prices emoted to you in anything in our Line of goods. cents. tf I'oison iii Eels. II. 3Io.so, of Turin, having-carried out a F.orios jf experiments with the blood of eels liuds that it possessed marked poi sonous properties. Even to the tongue? it has an insupportable) acridity, and a very small quantity of the serum is suf ficient to kiii a dog. Half a cubic centi meter injecti-d beneath the skin of a dog weighing thirty-five pounds killed it in four minutes. At this rate, an eel weighing live pounds would contain enough poison to dispatch ten men. The blood of animals thus poisoned cannot be made to coagulate, just as after the biteof serpents. Fortunately the blood is inert when introduced via the stomach, and it loses its toxic prixperties when heated. Brooklyn Eairle. Ice Ice--Ice. We have started our Ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any quantity. Having the best Ice in the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMakkx & Sox. Ice Ice ice. We have started our ice wagon anel are ready to contract and deliver ice in any quantity. Having the best ie in the citv we nuarantee satisfaction to all. telephone 72. tf II. C. McMakex & Sox. Mr 5 The Leading Clothiers, - 5il & MainSt. Gravel and Sand. The undersigned have opened up a j good sand nnel gravel pit antl are now j prepared to furnish screened gravel or I in sand any desired quantities. Give us a call. 22-lt Hatt & Martiiis. Dr. C- I have r00 acres of good pasture, and any one having horses or cows to pasture will do well to call on me. J. IJ. Slater, tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Our assortment of ladies hose is by far the largest in this city. Silk finish lisle thread hose at :!3cts a pair, cheap at- 0 cents. J. V. Weckhacic & Sox. A. Marshall. 'm. v e iff- -r j Special prices in Ladies hose at J. Weckbach & Son's. NO SMOKE OR SMELL To the new COAL OIL. Stove just receivedat Johnson Bros. Call and see them. They will not cIoile. j Elegant Suit of Rooms for Rent. j Convenient to business, city water, gas ; and other convenience's for family; those I now occupy. Apply betore may 10th to i tf John 11. Cox. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less Filling or Extraction ok Teeth. Artificial teeth male on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth arc extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fir. i'tL.i's Ur, icit Plvi'Hiiouth, Neb JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER op and WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Bianlsof Cigars, including our Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Cuds FULL LINE OF TOUACCO AND SMOKE IIS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2'i. 1885. K. r;. Windham, Johx a. Uavies, Notary Public. Notary Public. IVJ)J3 41! 3t n.VVIKW, Attorneys - at - La.T7. OiTi.e over Bank of t'a('ounty. vi vttsmouth, - Nebraska ' Q 7 i Q' "I') A MONTH ' in l.ema.le (iefiTrel wii-i em f'li-ilsh n li.,r-'; anil uive ! ilieir xvli'il.. i i in-: ti t 'ie linsi;ies. S; ire iiinni j eat. in ty ln pruliiaMv Mi!'oyeil a!'. A f'-vf , viea'ieies 111 I i .mi .hi 1 IJ. I". .IHI1X- ' S oi; ;).. M --tin-! .. i:icleii..r!l. Va. i .V. ll. t.nihi . i .'.n."; ni hi. Si r mind ; tilimit m.ntlhuf xliti fur ?ih. C'.a" ijiriili. 1 1 ' fur hiz, ii J . .V Co Tlma Table. OOTVO WW!'. N;. 1. -Jfi a in. V-.. :j. i; :ir, j,. m. N.-. ." k :il a. in. No. T.--7 :' . in. No. :. 6 -.id '. in. lolN; KAsr. No. 'I I :l I . in. No. 4. l'i 2 a. in. No. : 7 i. ni n . A. :( :iei a. in. No. 10. :i :.'.) a. in. A'l Jrai.i- rei daily by wav of t'nati;i. fxcept Nos 7 and whi"!! run to aad from ricl.ajier daily cxirjit Sunday. OWI1STC3- TO j. C025TTEMPLATBD O EC-AliT G-IED 1 1ST TXHTl "TJVC, MUST SACRIFICE HIS :30,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. FOR SPOT CASH ONLY, PEW g3) 11 M CSMT. Suits SI. C-ilds Pants 25 cts. Soys Wool Suits $2.65. JUST Ivlcrts Wording Suits $3. uSlII Wool Blaclz Worsted Suits S57.S5. Xo2i3 Ovosalls 35 cents. Mens Working Snirts 35 cts. Iens Blue Flannel Snirts 75c i Z.I'chg Joans Pants 85 cts. 2Ions Blacls Wool Hats 35c 2ons Ca-os Fivo conts. Hens Working Chocs $1. Mons Sewed Shoes, Button or Laco, $1.35. 2ons Calf 23 oots $1.90. Mens Shirts and Drawers 25. rjT22l 3 lEae 5ealesiL Sa5alste2a alc vei seesi in (Dass .county. yon want to save S cenlss a every dpliar buy yowr Goods of .