iff tt '" . M SIJC'O.NI) YKAtt iL,ATTS3IOUTir, STKIiRASK A, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APKIE til, 1SS. MJ.ISDEU 11M) i 3 u it4 u n :i m tnn m s n m m i s w.1 f ROYAL SiS'JiS j Absolutely Pur TIi h .v.ilt-r iii'Vit v.nifs. A matvel ef pur It i r -re-M n ;im lioir-oitifie's. Mum eeoiio lii! .1 til ii t!i- ordinary Mini". ;iiul caiinol lie sold iti fi:itc' ii ion with tlie h i i i 1 1 ; r u I . nf low t f. vli -it w -i r 1 1 ii ' : it or (ilio-piia'e ixiudfl". .SiM iiiilii ill f.lu.v I'uv.ll, iUhlMi I'llWUKU t o , !; Wail . v. Mayor. ... I". .M. Ui HKY Merk. - - - U K Kox Tr-ii:rr, - - J.. :.( :-: I' r tkiwox, .i ic. trri:, ... nvsc n chiik Il'll!' r. - - II V MIl.MinT I olio- .I't - s Cl IFKilllll Maii-haH, - - I. II. i)LSS Counci:i...M.. 1st war.!. J Kkk ks ... 1 A Si 1 1 I'M AM III M .lM'.s ) M i' M I'll imi v . I('ll.. II r M ri.E. t i on i Ton 't. I ' M O ' I !.! N. t .1 D -ilMfftD.N, I I. " N" 1 . 1 1 .. 4th Si ll ( .1 V ,!aN II I Hoard Ptifo.V.'or: i- khki ;!. m!--.ic ! 1 11 Hawks .Voi: i ii I W.Io-'NS ,' ' II A I HM AN (IVIG SOGIKlM-'tS. CiA'ss I.orniK . li;. !. . . F. Mei-ts vo!y TiW-il iy i-Vl'iii ii c.u-!i nc'.i, Ali tr:iii.j!'i.t bit'l.i": ;i:o li-iif-c.liMy invited to LLATrMOL'TIT i:C .MV!K'T Nn. 3. I. O. o. !".. !i-i'; v''y ;:!t.iT'-ii Friday in e:ih ii'i -.mt ii hi M.i--::;.-t Il.ill. isitiuj; ItrotheM artr i i ;'.c-l :o aitviid. C'ASH C.VMF NO. ;;.'!, M')I)K!:N WdOllMKN 1 of Atm ic i Ie.-!' M'CiH'd ;.n l f":irt'l Mon d ay ev-iiu: at K. of I'. Ii ill. All trnsieiit I-rotlit-r are r'.iin-M ! ! l.-i'-et wi'li u. I,. A, Nowctrner, V.-!if;i 'lt( C ivsul ; . Nilec Worthy Adviser ; S C. ilde, iiaulier ; W. A. Bueck, Clerk. VKHlCA'sKA ii i'TKIw M. 3. U. A. M. MetMs stoul :i-id lourt'i lii 'sla- f eadi monlli al AJa-oi'V itull. iraiis'it nt brothers are invited to iiu-;-t v. u!i tw. V. K. IV HIT K, II. P. Wm. I'v. Secretary. jJb.vTrvtyuii L')U(ir: sn.c, a. f. .t a.m. .Meet-? i-a t'l.' tim ;rn 1 sliird Mondays ol each ii!!t'i ;.l 'hir imli. All traosi'-nt oiotb-i-ta are cor'! sally ini:ed ti ni-ei with u. .i. ii. lUciiK.v, V. M. V.'M. 1! ivi. Secretary. iL rr:-:.MOurii r.ju(;i-; no h. a. o. v. w. itcetf every -rijaTo Kr'r! -y cviviiai; at K'lCkwooi! ; t 4 o'eimN: , Ail Ifeisielil Iiloth ers are fiMW'if i:!'y j.ivil-.l in atwnd. b. . I.rro::. M." V. ; (". !-!. Koiei-i.-iu : S. V. yt:de. ilecorder ; be n.t.-.i Amb-rs hi. ! net. seer. ASr'c"ri!.V ld.'l. it ) Y A b MtOVNL'.M J iiitjel t neo 'id aii.i l.'ariil :.Io:idas of iiea luoatii at Arcanuui ila'.i. i:. N. (JMixx, lijeat. P. C. Miv'oa. Secret ry. Liquor Habit, Positively Cureci by ioaiaiSTsr.o ta. haiscs' ccLCin s?ec!f;c. It can be given In a cup c! coffee or tea. or in ar t'iCljSof food, witnoui il-.c kiio-.vledfre f the ier rn taking it; It i nt.-.o!utelv harmless and will fBect a iermanent r.nd si.eedy cure. Avhcther the patient U a moderate drii.kcror.ni nleoiiolie wreck, it NEVFS FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure . u every Instance, is page book FREE Addres in confidence. . CCLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St., Cincinnati. 0. Or ths 5 j 3i'.Ll:3i3 Suits SI. I Cliilds Siig Pants 25 cts. Soys Wool 2vons !Blacls Hons Caps T aImi-J S?flais S tiie Greatest Slaugliter ale ever seesi In Cass county. If -you want t &avc S ceiat it every, dollar feuy your (Soods of IX Til i; (jOI.I) COUXTItY. AN OLD MINER TALKS OF THE EARLY DAYS IN THE CLACK HILLS. An Iiit-r-(tiiig Tnlk Over u Camp Fire. ItiK'kHkiii Jack' Hunt for the I nil inn. Mow Wild Dan Ilrouglit In a Coach Load of lieitd I'uiwx'iirrfi. As 1 was traveling through Colorado and Montana on a trip for my health 1 btruck tlu town of I5ig Sandy. 3L T. Tin little city was all excitement over tho rt'jMjrled discovery of gold and silver in the Sweet Crass hills, a distance of sixty iiiihvj northwest of I Jig Sandy, and the town was filled with rosectors of all descriptions, from the old timer of "4'J to the youth fresh from tho east in , fearcii of his fortune, all bound for the new Kld 'l,' silver fields. As I had plenty of time on my hands and wanted a little excitement. 1 joined ! a pris-Hfting party. Wo started for tho I promised land the next day, anil on the I (second day out we were in sij;lit of the Kast I Suites. 1 rode on in advj-.nce ol the party, and as it was e;ettin;; lail I was UniLing for some shelter in which to pass the nilit. A Tier riding haphazard , for nearly an In i:r 1 saw the welcome j li:;lil of pro.--pi di .".' c:trn; liru and rinle toward it. Tit.ii.i::j a rrKY Indian. Tin ca::;; provel to U- a party of I. lull'. giMM t:at u.-i J miners, who had hccn in ti.i.-i s(-ctioi and the IH.n l; llili.s for a n i i s i ! .- r of years. In answer tomy inquiries ::s to sectirin;; a place to put up with them, one of tliem said. "Wal. stranger, uur Vomniod:!tin:is are party prior. Iu:t I reckon if you kin stan' it we kin." A fli r c ::ti:ig a s:;pp r .f j:rrl;ed hcef hard tack an. 1 coliei-the hoys hegan t:i Hi! stories of t!i ir cxr.oriences in tho days of tli; front ht. went by Ike name said: -Wal. bovs. tliise: ne of them, who of P.i:ckski:i Jack, e rush makes a f 1- ler thin!; of tin' early days of tho I'lac k iliils. The Indians wur purty goll durp.ei! mad ai.d wur u;:d;in" it middlin' lively for the hoys. Ther wuz eight in our party when we struck camp in a gulch in tho west part of the Hills. 1 he (irst night we thot it would bo a purty good plan to set it guard. We drew cuts ter see who would be Tected, an" of course; I wuz ther lucky man. "As we wur not bothered that night an' had saw no signs of any of the jesky Indians we did not set any guard the next night. We all turned in purty early an' as we wuz all purty tired wuz sKn asleep. TSout 12 o'clock, as near as I could reckon, I wuz waked by a noise as if some one wuz uiovin' 'bout ther camp. 1 got up purty easy an' took a look 'round. At last I thot I seed some thin movin. I thot I wouldn't 'sturb the boys until I fouii out what the rack et wuz. An takin' my rifle, I walked to'ards the place whur I seed the tiling movin', an as ther wuz only one, 1 thot I would foller him an' fine out whar ther camp wuz, so that we could come down on them an s.erminate ther wiole outfit. "Wal, ter make a long story 6hort, I follored ther pesky Indian, as I thot. fur 'bout an hour, an' I found myself in the 'cinity of our camp again, an' I'll be goll durned if 1 won't bo kicked into the middle of next summer if my Indian didn't turn out to be one of our boys who wuz a-walkin' in his sleep. I wuz purty mad, but I sneaked inter my blan ket, an' hev never sed a word 'bout it until ter-night." DAN DRIVES THE OLD SHE3ANO. "Wal, I gass it wuz a purty good thing that you didn't say anything 'bout it or else you'd never heard tho last of it," said Wild Dan, "but 1 gess I'll teil yer a little 'sierience I had in Cheynne in "G3. "A lot of us loys came in from the range ter blow oursel's an' paint tho town red. an' I gass wo did it in fine style. I v-roiaralv i.td fur bo.ut two d:;is.aja' 0W"HSTG- TO JL. MUST SACRIFICE HIS .$o0,000 STOCK OF Suits $2.65. Wool Sats 35c. Fivo cents. when i fmly tunflned tcrmywir i lounc: I wuz busted an didn't hev a penny an' tjiat I would hev tor , had; on tho. range fur tix months, s:n' wuz kick in myself fur bein' bueh a chump Just then 1 t-aw a crowd of fellers goin to'ards ther Cheynno and Dead wood i.tage orfice an' I joined ther crowd. The stage wuz drawn up before the orfice an' the six broncos were a chawing ther bit an' a wantin' ter bo o!T. The driver of the stage bed refused ter go, as ther road agents an Inguns bed stopped an roblxnl every stage fur a week, an' not a driver ever turned up tor tell how it wuz done. Ther stage agent wuz wild. As ther wuz the Wells-Fargo treasure loxnn'bix passengers thet wanted ter go thro' to Deadwood ho offered $oU'J ter the man that would drive the stage thro' to Dead wood. "1 tho't ter myself, "Dan. old boy, here's your chance.' an' 1 stepped out from ther crowd and hit.. 'Say, mister. Wild Dan's the man thet kin take ver old shebang thro ter Deadwood.' Vith that 1 jumjM-d inter the boot and yelled, "Uet in here, you fellers t.het's going with me," an' the agent an' six fellers jumped inter the'eoach. picked up ther lines, cracked the whip an' we wuz o!F on our journey. Just as we started some one hollered, 'lhree cheers tor brave Dan.' an' they wuz given with a will. "Things went all right until we struck Deaduian's Cuich, when out from be hind some trees twelve men jumped, with rilles pointed at us, an' ordered me ter halt. " O.'ot by a durned site. sez I. "An" 1 gave ther horses a cut with ther whip, an' pickin' up my repeating rifle I opened up on theni, an" in less time than it takes ter tell it six road agents bed bit the dust. 1 bed not been hurt, but mv hat bed been s hot oii'n my hod. "I picked up my lines an' tried ter Etop ther horses, but there wuz no stop ter them, an they run until I hey pulled l'p in front of Iher orlice in Deadwood I he; opened ther stage door, an' ther stage agent stepped out. an' 1 looked in ter see if ther passengers wer safe, an' ther they wuz. every one of 'em dead, killed by the road agents' bullets. "The stage agent sez: 'Three cheers for Dan, ther only man that's 'brot a stage thro' fur a week.' " 'There's the idea r,' sez I. 'if I can't bring 'em alive I'll bring 'em in dead.'" New York Herald. An Anecdote of Drlcsson. One good story of Ericsson is missed from the hundreds that are now going about. It was told many years ago that the famous inventor was invited to hear Ole Bull play the violin. II is reply was that he had no time for such frivolity, as he had lieen taught to regard music, that he never bail an ear for it anyhow, that it would be a waste of his valuable time and a breach upon his staid daily habits. LSut somehow his friend man aged to bring the two great geniuses together. The meeting was said to have occurred in the inventor's shop. A violin was produced and Dull began to play while the inventor worked. Pretty soon Ericsson paused in his work, then he dropped his tools end listened spellbound to the magical tones of the musician. lie said, so tho 6tory ran, he had always felt that something had been wanting in his life, and that he had never known what it was until that day. Musical Courier. Buy a Refrigerator. That is what to do to keep your vic tuals from all getting stale this summer. The most improved and economical pat terns for sale at Henry B.ieck's Furniture Emporium. He has all furniture supplies required for homes and oliiees. Parlor Furnishing, Dining Iiooni Furnishing, Bed Room, Hall and Oiiice. Furnishings. See them. Oar assortment of ladi".s hose is by far the largest in this citv. Silk riaisl; li.-le- thread hose at 23ts 'i pair, cheap at f.O cents. J. V. Weckhacji & Sox. The largest stork and lest selection of Wnll Paper and I a:nts in the city at Will J. Warrick's drug store. d-w-lm CONTTEnvrIljLTEID CHAKTG-E IIST CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS Worizing Wool Blacls Worsted Suits $7.65. Mens Working 2ens Scared Shoos, Button or Laco, $1.65. "We Iiv the you seen way, vo'd'ig- man, nnve those heautil'iil i'rincc Albert fcnits at Weseott's. They are ahout sis perfect in Fit ami .Makeup as tailor-made, and at a great saving in cost. Vou know thev are the correct thm this sea son lor business or dress, and make u man walk like a prince. Yu' will appreciate them, yoi k ma will like them, and your wifk or bkst oikl will adore the exquisite beau ty and shape of them. 1 f you wear Flannel Shirts this summer we have the line that will interest you. Th'"-e 'M' famous Manhattan .inrt isuuipuuy are par excellent in styles and lit. A lull complement of shades ami grades just received. Spring and Summer Underwear and Hosiery for men, in all grades. Handker chiefs, JN'eekwear, Collars and Culls, latest styles. Reliable v o , i ; i ,i in clined to small margins. C. E. WKSCOTT, The "Boss" Clothier. Ice lce--lce. We have started our Ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any fpuantity. Having the best Ice in the city, we guarantee satisfaction t- all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMaken & Son. Gravel and Sand. The undersigned have opened up a good sand and gravel pit and are now prepared to furnish screened gravel or in sand any desired quantities. Give us a call. 22-It Hatt & Martiits. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! F. S. White's wagon is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw F. S. White. NO SMOKE OR SMELL To tltc new Cl)4b Oil. Stove juxit receivedat Jliii302i It ion. Call aiil sec tliciu. Tliey will not explode. Elegant Suit of Booms fop. Rent. Convenient to business, city water, gas and other conveniences for family; those I now occupy. Apply before may 10th to tf John It. Cox. Ice lce--ice. We have started our ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver ice in any quantity. Having the best ice in the city we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMaken & Son. I have HOO acres of good pasture, and any one having horses or cws to pasture will do well to call on me. J. B. Skater, tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Attention. - t Tickets are now on sale at J. P. Young's for the Washington reception and b mquet. Th" ladies will esteem it a f iyor if those expecting to attend will procure their tickets early. Banquet tickets Toe. Gallery tickets 2.") cents. tf Suits $3. Snoes $1 JL I Mil fF R g an d;est B TP u 1 (J8IN L J)VJ Ever seen in PUttsiuouth. Everybody pleased with our Exhibition. It was the universal expression of everyone that examined our Suits that they were Cut (Jrncef nlly Well ri far No one; desires to h ive T.iilor-Made binnents?vho h is fitted of our Suits. OUR HONEST ENDE are to sell only the B ?st Clothing, ready gained is n Feather in our wave gracefully in the balmy days also that WE Will any prices quoted to you in The Leading Clothiers, JULIUS PEPPERDcRG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAiL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, j including our Flor tie Pepparbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2'. 18Kr;. Cf7-; tf Q' i A MONTH ean !e in:f!e O ' r $)" vtMUhr,' i..r lis. AK'-nt preferred wln can furnish a lior-e ami give ilieir whole tiiiiu ti t'le husinss. Spare iimiu ent, lii .y he piMfiiatd v employed also. A f-vr vacancies i,, t iwis .-md eilis. B. F. JOHN SON' Cv: CO. . l:w.) M;nn-t.. it elimoud. Va. A", ii. ljulie fiiijiliiiti'l a!i. .Vrvrr mind oliiiut sending slrt-tp fur rr.pl ij. Come tivirk. Your or )iz, li. F. J . t- Co R. Windham, Joii.v A. Daviks. Notary Public. Xotary Puljlic. OiHe over Rank of CasCounty. PL VrTSMOUTH, - Neukaska a?I3:E FIB MT. AND VALISES, FOR SPOT CASH ONLY, in Mens Ovosalls 35 csats. Mons "Worisiiig Skirts 35 cts. 2ens Blu S'lannol Sh.irts 75c Xens Calf Boots $1.S0. Mens Snirts and Drawor 6 w w w w m p n n mr mjr OPENING on one AVORS The Confidence of all classes al Busineys Cap that will continue to of tl' present Spring, Remember anything in our Dine of goods. X'- if 5tl & Main St. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Preservation of tho Natural Teeth it Specialty. Aiie.-t ;n lies given for Pain less Filling oh Extraction ok Teeth. Arlilicid teeth n a on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid I'lat s, find inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de tired. All work warrant-id. Prices reasonable. ;'i iv. at t ij-Vs It j (.. rr 4 vioi; rn, Nkh 3. &. Tim a Tabl'3. (iOIMi ',VK'! 1. : a mi. g a; ,,. hi. .n x rot a. pi. T.--7 :' r mi. !l --G :(H p. at. li"IV'i KA'. No. 'J I :l 1 p. in. . t. I.i -;n a. Hi. So. e, 7 :L' . Ill " . S 10 : !). in. No. 10. y :.M a. in. NO. v .. Ni, No No j A'l traia nri daily ly w 7:i'id 8 uii'cli niu'ti i daily exceil Sauday. ivof 'i'.i.i!ia. except a.ii fr.j.n bcl.uyler PSIOB i I i Pmifii Fill mmrstu 1 1 I ; 1 1 1 " 'I