THE DAILY llEilALl) : 1'LATTSMOUTil, atiliUASKA, TttftSDAV, Ai'lUL 2!l, its89... Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. HtlWbar, On tint, Itocknood Baildlnr, Talrphoae Jfo. X. Or. Wither, beatlst, Union Itlork. CITY CORDIALS. Mr. C. M. Homes, who was reported in these columns yesterday as being very ill, is rejorted growing wore this after noon. J. II. Waterman commenced this morning to make good sidewalk im provements in front of his block on Main street. People who are fortunate enough to have liye peach trees in their yards have a beautiful ornament now, with promise of plenty of fruit afterward. There will be services at St. Luke's church every Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock, with one bell of warning at fif teen minutes prior to that time. New telephones haye been placed as follows this week: No. 102. Marshal Dr. C. A. residence; 102. Win. Turner's resi dence; 10.'$. Dr. E. W. Cook's room; 104, Soennichsen,& Schirk's store; 105. Water man & Son's lumber and coal office. The organization of the new cit council was effected last night, and com mittees appointed by the mayor for tin coming year. The city council now con aists of ten members. A president of tb council will be elected at the next regu lar meeting. General improvements all over the city continue to go ahead with a steadi ness and volume that is encouraging and promising to the summer. The number of nice residences which have been and are being erected are generally of first class proportions and beauty. Several small Woys of pugulistic im aginations gathered on a "flat" not fai from the high school grounds this morn ing, drew a ring, into which two whost dignities had been iuulted stepped, and a miuature John L. Sullivan and P. Ryan setto was had. Results were not serious. The marriage licensa department of the county trade was called upon today for permits to wed for the first time since April 15th. "Corn Plantin," seems to keep the boys at home. Licenses wert issued to Geo. J. Stohlmann and Miss Louisa Kupke, from near Louisville; anrl Mr. D. R. Churchill and Miss Nelli. Holmes, from near Rock Bluffs. The first brick since the opening o' the Brick and Terra Cotta works last week, arc now being burned and a visi' there discloses much of interest to observers. These works are among thejnost extensive and complete in the state, and the brick manufactured is completely of first class qualities. F. D. Lehnhoff is superintendent of this exten sive concern. The making of a brick taken about ten days if pushed through the process, which is like this: The clny is taken from the bank on to cars which carry it to the mixing hole of the "mud mill." Ileie it ia thoroughly soaked with water and all lumps softened; it is then ground through the "mud mill" 1 y horse power, and the moulder receives it and fills in into moulds, at the rate of seven thousand a day. A man receive the mould full of brick and dumps jthera on a smooth board which is placed n the drying rack by a third party when they remain from three to ten days (ac cording to the weather) till thoroughly dried. They are then taken to the .oven for baking or burning. Th9 oyen eoutains eleven appartments, each of a capacity of 10,000 brick. The burning is so conducted that one appartment i? filled with fresh and one emptied of burnt bricks each day, making the capac ity 10,000 brick per day. The brick Ha4 at these works is of excellent quali ty, and the orders for this season an large, and dried brick are already being stored away in the "dry shed" to bum after frost next fall. About fifteen men .are employed there now. mwm We will offer for the next Thirty days Lots in South Park to the number ot One Hundred. Cash payment on each Lot 10. De ferred monthly payments 3, with only 5 per cent interest. This is" the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur chase cheap and desirable Keal Estate. The fact that the city is buildino- up for a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east and west sides of the addition is steadily increasing the value of this handsome property. THE OLD AND THE NEW. Tho Old Council of Eight Clves Way to a New One of Ten Petitions, Bills and Ordinances. The council met last night in regular session, present, Mayor Richey, Clerk Fox, Councilman, Dutton, Murphy, McCallen, Shipman, Salisbury, Jones and O'Connor. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. Communication from the reporters praying for the addition of a reporters' table to the council chamber was referred to committee with power to act. A petition praying that by proclama tion of mayor all business houses be closed April 30th, from 1 to 4 p. m. was granted. A petition asking for the location of a water main on Locust street, between Seventh and Ninth, was referred to com mittee on fire and water. A petition of residents of South Sixth streets praying for the opening of that street from Gold street to Lincoln avenue referred to committee. A petition from Second ward residents asking that water mains be extended north on Eighth from Washington to Day street was referred to committee. A petition asking that gas be extended on North Eighth street was referred to committee. A petition asking that Second street be put in repair from Rock street south and water mains be laid thereon, with hydrants at Rock and Gold streetf was referred to committee. The following bills were reported favorably on by the finance committee and warrants ordered drawn on the var ious funds for payment: ii Johnson, labor $ 14 25 M W Morgan, labor 32 DO City Engineer 17 25 L Kildow, labr 1 J W Russell, labor 12 Knotts Bros, priuting 15 W F Melyen, 1 I II Dunn 18 50 45 25 24 00 Peter Merges, rent 10 00 Johnson Bros, hardware 2 85 Weidnian & Brekenfeld, same. . 10 65 Platts. Water Co., 1,125 00 Richey, salary 07 75 The committee appointed to locate the tire hydrants ordered last fall, located them a follows: Corner Sixth and Locust, Seventh and Locust, Thirteenth and Fourteenth on Main, west side of Four teenth and Elm, east side of Spring and Elm. The petition asking the location of water mains on Eleventh street, north from Washington avenue with two hy Iniuts, given to a committee at previous meeting, was referred to new council. Salisbury presented a resolution, where by the city would allow 5 cents per yard for all dirt taken from the streets to fill private lots. A discussion arose which called from Salisbury an explination of the immediate good and en couragement the city would give to lot wnars to perform their duty. The reso lution was left to the consideration of the new council, as the vote stood four to three in fayor and on the raising of a point of law as to the authority of less than a majority of the council to pass such resolvtion, the matter was dropped. Report of board of public works show ed that the grading contracts let last week for filling Fourth and Fifth at Pearl street, and Pearl and Vine streets would be completed within thirty days. The bonds of the contractors were also read, and report received and bonds ap proved. An ordinance from the judiciary com mittee regulating the erection of all tilectric light and electric motor wires, with a communication from Stephen Buz-z-jll, telephone manager, read and refer red to judiciary committee. An ordinance amending the occupation tax ordinance was read and further con sideration laid over. An ordinance prohibiting the market ing of goods from a wagon on the streets in paving district No. 1 was laid over. An ordinance for the protection of the curbing on Main street, wag passed. : A petition from Hannah Blake stated mm A Rare Opportunity to j UCDDMABiy ftlBEPl House-Keepers, Boarding House Furnishings. As the House-cleaning time is now at hand Ladies should not for get that we are headquarters for everything pertaining to inside House Decorations. Taped Lace Curtains .1 yds long, 41 inches wide, Guipure Border at $2.00 pair. 3i " 44 41 " " " " " 2.00 oiiir. 3i 3 3 44 5 1 44 50 y " 60 " 44 4 9 4 4 3 3 Oriental Chenille Portiere's 3$ yds long, :)3 inches wide at $7.50 a pair. These come in combinations of Cardinal and Gold, Sipphire and Gold. Oriental deniHc Portiere's 3$ yds long, IS inches wide at $12.50 a pair. Com binations of Cardinal with Sapphire, Gold with Sapphire. Fancy Figured Cotton Plushes 25 cents a yard. Large Line of Plain and Fancy Scrim9 from 10 to 25 cents a yard. We carry a large and complete line of Fancy D ido Shades in all the latest col ors with very handsome borders from 50 cents to $1. each. Our Stock of Cornice Poles comprises Ebony, Cherry, Oak, Wal nut, and Brass with mountings in Irass, Nickle, liroiizo and Wood. Brass Vestibule Hods with ends, Bracelets and flings to match. I'.rass Drapery Chains, Brass Drapery Hooks, Lambraguin Hooks, Curtain Pulls, Curtain Fixtures, Curtain Hods. Largest Li ne cf Carpets in Tapestry Brussels With Borders, Body Brussels With Borders, Velvet Brussels With Borders. Moquettes With Borders, Fred Herrmann, One Peer EisI 1 si lif I feist i i ii ijiumni in n mi ii ijjiiw tLjuaiEpai.aMMnpi nnmnm imiotiiii juuumjji that two dwelling houses on lots 12 nnd 13 in block 47 had been damaged by grading Second street to the amount of $500 and prayed for an adjustm Matter referred to committe on claims. McCallen presented reports of various officers for the pa9t year, which w.-rj ordered placed on file. The official bonds of the recently elected councilmen were read and ap proved. The deed of the B. M. to the city f Plattsniouth for the ground given for second street was referred to mayor and city attorney to, have it recorded. Moved and carried that the newly elec ted council be sworn in. The mayor called the newly elected council to come forward. At the call Messrs. Brekenfeld, Jones, Hemnle, McCallan, Simpson and O'Neil stood before the mayor and took the oath to do their duty. Mr. Dutton, the only retiring member present,shook hands with the new and old members and ex tended congratulations. The new mem ber were seated and the new council pro ceeded to business without even the roll call. Standing committees for the ensuing year were then announced as follows: Finance: Salisbury, Simpson, McCallen. Judiciary: Simpson, Shipman, O'Con nor. Claims: Jones, Brekenfeld, Murphy. If you are not a freeholder you ought to be, and there is no exense. bave half the money you usually expend each month and ap ply it on a Lot. If von desire a pleasant home in the future invest now It you wisli to umiu tins have money furnished you with which to build. If you will make vour home in South Park you will be convenient to good schools. It vou wish pleasant neighbors make your home in South Park. i ii hi! dm 44 44 44 $3.50 pair. 44 Fine Nottingham Net $i;.50 pair. 44 Wide Guipure Bonier $4.00 pair. 44 Fine Nottingham Net $5.00 pair 13 13 Ingrains Etc. Streets, Alleys and Bridges: Murphy, Ilemple, Simpson. Fire and Water: Shipman, Jones and McCallen. License: McCallen, Shipman, llcmple. Cemetery: O'Connor, Q.Neil. Hospital: O'Neil, Salisbury, Breken feld. Police: Brekenfeld, O'Connor Simpson. Printing: Ilemple, Murphy. Salis bury. Clerk instructed to have city officers and standing committees printed on cards. Adjourned till Thursday even'ng, to consider saloon licenses Buy a Refrigerator. That is what to do to keep your vic tuals from all getting stale this summer. The most improved and economical pat terns for sale at Henry Boeck's Furniture Emporium. He has all furniture supplies required for homes and offices. Parlor Furnishing, Dining Room Furnishing, Bed Room, Hall and Office Furnishings. See them. . C. J. Inskeep, is at Gering & Co's. to attend to the optical defects of all classes and eyes of people: if :Your Eyes are Failing: ' do not delay seeing him. lie has optical instruments and is a practical and manu facturing optician. Plenty of feed, flour, meal at Heisel's mill, tf graham and the City. Purchase Desirable Lots, season ouy a iot in ooutn l arK ami 111 Tf "II 1 il CL'il LI K H E M.k I WJH .-:. t-rz. I.M.J Illl U'M'l MflJ House and Hotel Keepers. Siial Values In 58 inch wide Tukey Hud, Fist Colors, (50 5 52 54 50 5(5 rs 5; 50 5S 5'5 58 (5 J " wide Turkey Red Absolutely Fast Colors, 50 rents yard, worth CO. " wide I5est Imported Turkey Red, 75 cent, worth h. " wide Xubleached Loom Dice only 2't cents yard, worth :;5. " " " oxtn-, (piulity, only U5 cents yard. " " Cream Damask good value, a bargain at 45 cents a yard. " " extra value good pattern', at 50 cent a ynrd. " " " vry line; and a bargain at 55 cents a yard. " " Cream with It d Border at 45 cents a yard worth 50. " " " " " (ii) cents a yard, good valti' " " 44 " 05 cent: a yard, worth 75. " " Black Satin Damask (it 00 cents a yard, worth 75. " ' " ' nt 70 yard, well worth fl. " ' at $ I., ( heap at $1.25. Full Stock of Napkins and I).ylies at Low Prices. Our Kntin Stock ot Matched Sets in Table Linen wjrth from $7.o0 to 1).0J re dueed to 5.00 a Sett. The best Bargains in Towels eer all'orded in the city. Dress Groods arid G-loves ! To those w! o have not taken ndv,nf.iige ol'oi;:- Very Low Prices in Dress Goods and Gloves we .shall continue the sale on them one week longer. Do not lorget that we are Pellin 1 Bnllon Simpson's Be.t, 5 Button Bon Marche, .and b Button lion Marche Suedes at the Very Low Btice of 51.11) a pair, worth almost double. Double Fold All-lwo 1 Druxs Suitings :it 27 cents ;i yrd, worth .'Jo. ?( inch All-wool Suitings, -J'i lilVreit colors, at .'iOc, worth 50. 40 inch All-wool lied Fern Suitings at 50 ets., worth 05. Hiee Goods come in all the New Spring Shades and Mixtures, l'llKt at those figures are a decided Fine Four - Lais, Grasp lie Turned 8hoe is Selling For Three Dollars. ,r E'-l If you live in the country and intend some d iy to move to the city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap. You can save money by investing it in South Park. Kemun ber that this lovely addition to Plattsmouth is no longer a speculation. Whether you wish to purchase or not it you will call' on Wind ham & Davies you will be shown this part of the city free of charge. h f j t fro n n fl Rfl r3 TaWe Linens ! only 35 cents yard. bargain. iiloif ! Dollar Hand- 'T-J la 3 Fl 4 Windham & Davies, Over Bank Cass C unty. of