iff -1 ,w. -T ft '4 III 'W4 ah 1.1 J' ! I.YTTSAIOUTII, NISIiJJAHJvA, 310XDAY 15VJ5XIXO, APRIL JT-J, 188!). MJMISHlt 18S l skills ft 11 Till NIPS DANMARK'S CSEW. PERSONALS Absolutely Pure. 'rliTo ........1... -- . : . t . . jii'.i ji in'iri im-xt ari'". j iii.irvri u pin- t !t . ."tri-uf li ami vlioleoineurs-. Mure econo- ) taincd. liiienl tu hi tut- ordinary kind-". :nnl tMimol le no hi hi co-niieillloi wlllt tin mill; It u.- r.f low left, fill it weight ilium or .ln-ii,:t'c imwiler. No.'tl ntll ill CllllM. PoVAI. liAKIXi I'uWbKK Co.. lot; Wall fet. N. . GIY 01TiaGl'cJS. Mavor, Clerk. Trea-airr, Attorney, t nju'iiieer. Police .In. Marshall, Councilmen, 1st ward, 2nd " 3rd 4th. " 1. M. RiniRY W K Fox - jAMK-i PATTKItsON, .IK. It V HON Cl.AltK II. C. M ll.MIDT S ('I.IFKOlin i. II. Duns I .1 WfCKBAI.II I A SAI.ISV.CHV I) M Jovks I !:. A SlllPMAN Board Pub. Work I M i Ml ii I'll v I S W I H.TI'n.N I Co.v V ) P M-Cai i .1 w Johns . ! KBKI) OIUF' I 1) 11 IlAWKSWl l Con o't'oNNore. I' M- Cali.kn. Pkks .1 W Johns ,;h aih.m an OltTII GIVIG SOGIJ'i:II.I55. C1ASS !.)t;K No. IjtJ. 1. O. ). F. Meets 'every Tued.ty evoniu.? of each w-ek.. All transit-tit brothers are n-f neclfully invited to utteuii. iHjATTMO'jril KNCAMI'MKN r X. 3. I. O. O. P.. every iilr-rii-'.f i-'riday iu each moil t li in !!'. M.i-'oi:r 11 ill. Visiting Hruthertare i ivile-1 ro attend. ASS CAMP NO. 3.:.' J of Ainerica Mi M) K" N vi nlDMFN Mi.-:s iivnn,! a :i! i. un til Mon day vi-:iiiiii at K. of P. hail. All tranMnt bfiilticr;' are r-;t: -t'i to im-.o wiili ii-1. L. A, No'.veo ner, Vf !iTa!!t! ' t . : j 1 1 : "J. K, NrieM" Worthy ilvie.-; S. i'. Wiltie. ll.ii.Ktr ; W. A. Hjec?c, Cierk. kiip.aka '-.i rr;:::. A" mou: b ::t .Mao;i" are limits! to n; W'M. I' vs. St t vv;t.i uy. N':. P.. K. A. M I't'-.t.iv of t-ai-li aasi'i. lit iit-is It Landed Safel at the Azores, and a Part of tho Passengers Aboard the Missouii, Bound for Philadelphia. Xkw Yoiik, April 21. Tho agents of tho hteainer D.inmurk leceirctl the fol lowino; cabkgrain from Lishon this even in";. "Tho passengers anil crew of the D.inni'irk were landed at the Azures. Three hundred an.l forty of the passen gers are on the steamer Missouri, bound for Philadelphia. The rest are to fol- i low ly the next steamer." Lisison, April 21. In an interview with a newspaper representative, Peter Kabsen, third mate of the steamship Danmarlc, related the circumstances of the loss of that vessel. Her engines, he stated, broke down on April 4, while the vessel was MJO miles from Xew Found land. Engineer Kaas was found lying dead on the tloor of engine room an 1 the cause of the accident could not he ascer- On April 5 the Danmark was spoken by the Missouri, which towed the Danmark until April H. "The Danmark j was then settling down," Rasden 6tates. "when we asked the Missouri to take our passengers. Tho Missouri, as she was loaded, had room for only twenty ad ditional persons, but she jettisoned her cargo and took ns all on board S00 of us landing us at Azores. She then pro ceeded for Philadelphia taking 340 of the passengers, besides the captain and sailors. Three of the engineers proceeded to London on board the Demorara steam er. 1 lie nrst and s.cond mates are still at Azores and the remaining passengeiB and forty-two sailors sailed for Lisbon on the steamer Acor. Pittsbukij, April 21 A special from Philadelphia to the Times, received i.t 1:50 a.m., says the steamer Missouri with part of the passengers of the steam er Danmark, has just arrived at the Del aware breakwater. Grand Closing at Wescott's- K. V.'mr; II. P IL AT! v.i iuh;e v . .;. a. p. & a. m. Mr-"t-t ti l iir-l :i.;ii .on:l :ys iI t afli !ii'j:i i ; Ail l:.iMsi.-nt I.TOtli- ri? are to: d.u.ij ;.i , i.e.l to im L li 'is J. ti. K. mki. W. M. Wm. Hat--, -i.-i.- ary. It i. vtism.h; s :i i.'m);ic .'.i-'f:- every KonIvv 1 li.iilal i ti'.-i.i.-K. ers r r.Nj. :.C ..!!y in' ii ! Ltr-.m. M. . ; I . ' 1. N .. A. O. V. W. l'ri.i i viiiM at A 'A :r.s"sit-m hrotli ;o :im--:i.. K. S. I "tu t in. i n : S. C. YV'lltU. ii.'i'orJii ; I.oi Audvrsoa. Overseer. CASSOUN"CIi. N' Mil,KYl. M.TAXUM ' Liiiit-i t-io ". i'l aad f nirt'.l .Mou.lavs of t ach in mill at Ar :u him il.t'I. i:. N. CiLK.vx, Kejjnt. P. C. Mi nob. S. crtMr .-. Piattsmouth's Celebration- This morning's Omaha Bee has the fol lowing complimentary remark about the coming Inaugural Banquet: "Plattsmouth makes a commendable show in having already, made arrange ments to celebrate the centennial of Wash ington's inauguration, on Tuesday week, with a reception and banquet. A nntri ber of Plattsmouth ladies and gentlemen are to represent the dignitaries of tho revolutionary period en costume. The gentlemen will respond to patriotic tonsts. Among the prominent Nebraskans who will be present and take part in the fes tivities are Governor Thayer, Hon W. J. Broatch. Dr. J. Ilarsha, Rev. J. G. Taite, Dr. S. Thain, and Hon. J. B. Strode. Preparations are being made for an elab orate affair, and if the order of exercises sent out in advance, is any criterion, it will be a most enjoyable and elegant celebration. COMV.VMHRV, NO. S. K. T. -.Meeirt first an 1 t!i;f.i V eiiries t-iy iif'iit of each moat ii at M k ' li ill. Visii iuij brat hern are cordially invketl to m wiili us. W'M . 1 1 a vs. P.ec. b I-:. W ii i r k. E. C. McOO.'ii.SIE POST 45 G? A. R. KO.tlKK. Mr. Vaiiarnaman, of Omaha, was in the city today. Judge A. X. Sullivan was out to Avoca today. J. M. Patterson returned from Cedar Creek this morning. W. A. Derrick, came down from Omaha yesterday to visit. W. A. Keithley and wife, of the Ash land Leader, visited in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Billanee, of Lin coln, visited yesterday at the home of Win. Billanee. ir o,l r.-. av it r...M..n .o.l ...1. l.UV, .IlLO. 1,. ... .f.t.lt..' II, t.l.V . . , . . i.t, f i i . .i i music (hi the air) children, of Ashiand, visited at the home v of J. A. Connor yesterday. M. O'Rourk and Dr. J. 11. Hull, left this inornipg f.r Butka, Loup county, where they have claims, to tiuish the lust planting. Mrs. Bird Critchticld, Mrs.M. Hague, Mrs. Jus. Pattee and Messrs. W. H. New ell, C. II. Parmele, Dr. Ed Cummins, Phil Krouse, J. A. Connor, M. I). Polk anil W. S. Wise, were Omaha passengers this morning. O. II. Ballou was a passenger this morning for St. Joe, to inspect the work ings of the electric motor there for infor mation in regard to the plans for estab lishing such a motor hi re. Eikenlary in cliarc oftiioclos. mir. Ao uaiMis ol iiiibic, no souvenirs for the ladios, no hoquets for the ofntlemen. Just a coin nion every-ilav closiiio, which will occur at the bewitching liour of 'J o'clock on each week day even i n;, for weeks and months to come. In the meantime, and at all other times duriii": remilar business liours, there will be no lack of sweet music, too, to all thoto who are trying, these hard times, to make a dollar go a goud ways in buying clothes. The main point in this pet;fe and the one to leiucu.oi u tne tact that Wescott, the 'IJo?s" Clothier, lias just returned from the East, where' lie bought the Stuff in Clothing, Hats, Furnish ing Goods, Szc, that will suit vor. His line takes in che i:st Guadks and the best stvles. lie owns the iioods for cash and will make you He was ac- j prices (quality and makeup consid- fell !l HE ilC BUSINESS OPEN I NG Ever seen in Plattsmouth. Everybody pleased with our Exhibit ion. It was the universal expression of everyone that examined our Suits tli Well i Made i hm Fiiti. 11 - e f v 1 t con.pan.ed uy Air. upperman ol umana, ower than anyl)0Jy iu the tl AAV At? UCUll IU llllO YJ 144 b 1 tltV U II I J for the Spraguu electric motor company, j Cot Rayena A certain merchant of tills city who has a stocked business of good grain and j which is kept well oiled, has just ex perienced excrutiating revenge at the hands of a life insurance agent. The agent has tried to work him on a multitude of occasions to get to write out a life policy for him, but the mer chant wouldn't work. Fui ing to con vince the man of his "duty" to his family the agent decided to take revenge on the stubborn spirit which resisted his reason ings, anil catching his man on the street as he was hurrying on to keep apace with the calls for his magnificent presence, stopped him and solicited his eager attention while a poetical death warrant a yard long vhs read tj him. The strong coustitut'on of the merchant, only en abled him to resist the fearful shock, but his cast iron build prevailed, and the poetical verses bounded back from the bill board to the reader's ears with a solemnity that was appalling to himself. But it was enough it was revenge. The victim of the poetical assault says it was fearful endurance. town. Your trade is solicited. C. E. WESCOTT, The "Boss" Clothier. SPECIAL ATTZNTIOH- .Con,niauder. ...Senior Vice .. lumor " Adjutant. S-ir. Q. M. i:jifrof the Iav. " onard , St-r-t Major. AXDR".so.v Fitv.. ..yuarter .Master erst. L. C. Cuiiris ron jnpiairj "feef in.r Saturday evening ;T. A. Du Ktov BK.V.I. Ill' MIM.K S. c'akkk; n tir.il. Mf.KS A. SHII'M IX II jlvhy sritKio:: r. . a . T a itsrit Jam s ilit.-KsoN, Kuv.. Attention. Tickets are now on sale at J. P. Young's for the Washington reception and banquet. The ladies will esteem it a fayor if those expecting to attend will procure their tickets early. Banquet tickets 75c. Gillery tickets 25 cents. tf For all optical troubles go to Gering S: Co's ard see Inskeep. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! F. S. White's wagon is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw F. S. White. At Weckbach's Millinery Dep't "We have the largest and finest assortment of ladies' and children's hats in the city. Call early and select your Eas ter bonnets. Infant's white lace caps from 35 cents upward. rices sure to suit. Joseph V. Wkckuacii. Every Gift but Speech. Mr. S. G. Harris, a horse dealer of I Vineennes, Ind., is tho owner of a won I derful dog. It is a Scotch collie and sterns possessed of almost human intelli gence. Mr. Harris and Boz gave a pri vate exhibition in the board of trade building the other morning. His per formances they seem to show too much intelligence to be called tricks amazed everybody. Bank bills and coins of various denominations were placed on J the tloor and the dog was requested to ta.ie his choice. He immediately picked up a 10 dollar bill, which was the largest in sight. "What piece would you give me, Boz?" asked Mr! Harris. Boz selected a nickel and dropped it into Mr. Harris' hand. Mr. S. A. Kent came in while the dog was performing, and said: "Boz, I want you to bring me five dollars and a half." Boz picked up a 3 bill and a fifty cent piece, gave Mr. Kent an I'm-onto-you expression, and trotted over to Mr. Harris with the monev. "Find Mr. Richardson," was the next order. Boz trotted up to that gen tleman, looked up into his face and wagged his tail. "Pick his pocket," said Mr. Harris. Boz grabbed Mr. Richardson's hand kerchief out of his coat pocket and trotted off with it. "I want 15," said Mr. Kent.. Boz picked up a $10 and a $5 bill. "Bring me tho rest of it." Boz barked and growled. His next perform ance was to bring a hat from the window and a piece of paper from the waste basket in the corner, and he also gave an imitation of the way the clown dog prayed in the circus. Chicago News. Xo one desires to have Tailor-Made Garmeutswho has fitted on one of our Suits. 'UR HONEST ENDEAVORS are to sell only the IKst Clothing. The Confidence of all classes al ready gained is a Feather in our Businet-s Cap that will continue to wave gracefully in the balmy days of tl- present Spring. Remember also that Wt Will any prices quoted to you in anything in our Line of t.oods. ft?.,! F ..- I if TX3 BA The l eading Clothiers, ii is nil, 5th & Main St. I haye 500 acres of good pasture, and any one having horses or c ws to pasture will do well to call on me. J. B. Si.ATF.n. tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Eyesight treated at Gering & Co's. Attention Sir Knights! There will be a meeting of the Platts mouth Division Xo. 9 U. R. K. of P. at their armory on Monday evening, April 2 2nd; at 8 p. m. W. W. Dkcm.moxd, 2t Lieutenant Commanding. JULIUS PEPPEflBERG. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THlti Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo and ' Cutis FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AXD SMOKERS' ARTICLES alwavs in stock. Nov. 2f. 1885. Dr. C. A. Marshall. i v y .r' .... . '-yj John a. IMviks, Notary Public. Inskeep, the optician, at Gering & Co's. K. a. Windham, Notary Public. WIXDilAlIi IIAVIK Attorneys - at - ZiSiw. Oill?e over Bank of Cas;County. J "PL V.TTSMOUTH, - Xebr ASKA O.X f"- Q' "sft A MONTH can he made J l' ' O wui-kiiii; for us. Agents preferred who can furnish a lio!e aml'ive ilieir wIioIh lime to ttie busines--. hpare nitim ent 111 ty he prontablv employed also, a r-.v vaeaneies in towns and cities, li. V. JOHN SON &CO..lonMHin-t.. Uielimood. Va. -V. ft. LrttiVx einijht:arl aJ-ut. AVrr mind ohmit s, ridinu xtnf f.tr rrpli. Com? qicivU. Yiiur for biz, Ii. t J. fc Co. I nosident I3e32ill3t. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a J Specialty. A uesthct it-s given for Pain- less Filling on Extraction ok Teeth. Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver. j Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. F; r. irftAi.o s li.. ii:k I'lorroiourir. Nkk B. Si M. Time Table. ijntvt; wk.st. No. 1. : :im; a m. No. :. fl :ir. p. in. No. r, s Mil a. 111. No. ".--7 :( " 11. 111. No. .1.--G :eC p. in. UfilNfi KAST. No. 2.-4 :il r. 111. No. 1. in ; :i a. tit. No. ; 7 r'js i. 111 f" o. S. 1( :H,u. 1,1. No. ID. a :.-, a. ro. A'l train run dai!y by wuv of onaha. except Nts land k which run to and from scr.ujler daily except Sunday. M 3 i MUST SACRIFICE HIS $30,000 STOCK OF CLOTniNG, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, FOR SPOT CASH ONLY, 3i''.li:3as Sviits SI. Cb.il ds Enee Pants 25 cts. Boys Wool Suits $2.65. 2vghs orlsia Suits JLll Wool Blaol: Worsted Suits $7.65. Mens Ovosalls 35 cents. j Hons 'WorJsiiao' Sliirts 35 cts I IIcris Blue S'lannel Sh.irts 75c JI3)D2TM93I? EfiULgs IHIS: JS'jSJUS1 OIECl,5"CJI"i:is". Svlsxis Jeans Pants S5 cts. 2Ions Slack Wool Hats 35c, Jlons Caps ITivo conts. Ivlons Worlsing Shoss $1. Ivlons Sowed Shoos, Button or liaco, $1.65. Ivlons Calf Boots $1.90. Mens Sliirts and Drawers 25. 'JZii& in 4Bic Greatest IaugIitor.alc iwver seen Isi (Dass - county.". Sf yon want to save 5 (ID cents Qza "c very clolHar bny yorar (Koods of Itno R(Dl - im