the daily Herald plattsaiouth, akuraska, Saturday, aitjl 20, isst. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. MalUbary. DeatUt, Uorkwooil Biiililliiff, Telephone .No. a.. Dr. Withers, Drntlat, In Ion Work. CITY CORDIALS. Eight hands in the planing mill at the shops are reported laid off yesterday. Two young men aspiring to a school-lnast.-rship were examined by Supt. Spink litis afternoon. The breezes which have blown brisk ly today are richly perfumed with blos soms from Nebraska fruit trees. The machinests have organized a base ball nine, and elected Geo. Copeland manager, Charley J Jell captain, and Sol O'Neil treasurer. - -C J. JLtrtin. who is preparing to erect a brick block at AntilTs old stand moved the frame building ovur to an ad joining lot today. All men are invited to attend the gospel meeting at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association at 4 o'clock tomorrow. All boys from twelve to sixteen aie invited to attend the boy's gospel meet ing at the Presbyterian church tomorrow atternoon at 4 o'clock. Seryices will be held in St. Luke's fhureh tomorrow as follows: communion jit 'J a. m., divine services at 11 a. m., baptismal at 3 p. in. evening service at 7:30. Services of more or lea special na ture -will be held in all the churches to morrow, it buing E.ister Sunday, com memorating the resurcction of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. Ed Morley, who lias beer pro? prieting a barber shop in the Dovey block, has purchased the Riddle house shop and will move there Monday where lie will be prepared to receive all of his old customers. A bran new delivery wagon painted in an attractive style, drawn by a beauti ful tef.m Oi da"k ponies, was an attraction on Main street today. It bore the in scription "Whiting & Wicher, cash grocers. Main afreet" who vtriJJ open their store next week. The Easter entertainment at the M. E. church last evening was a plesaut affair. The church was decorated in the front and on the windows at the sides with eycrgreen and roses,beauti fully arranged. Tables of flowers and Easter symbols oc cupied the center of the room. The so cial opened, with beautiful songsand an thems and recitations. A representative of the Herald ws today called into the clothing house of C. E. "Wescott and his attention invited to twelve beautiful banners, handpaint ed, and in colors which blend to make r.n admirable piece of art. Each of the mottoes bears nn inscription indicative of the square, but cordial business prin cipals with which the "boss clothier" deals with all.- The Herald job rooms have jiui completed a nice forty-four page manual entitled "Rales and Regulations of the Plattsmouth City Schools," adopted by the board of education. One thousand of them have been printed, and exhibit a skill in the line of printing which w!i be a standing invitation and recommend ation for job work to be brought to tin Herald job rooms. Buy a Refrigerator. That is what to do to keep your vie tuals from all getting stale this summer. The most improved and economical pat terns for sale at Henry Boeck's Furniture Emporium. He has all furniture supplies required for homes and offices. Parlor Furnishing, Dining Room Furnishing, Bed Room, Hall and Office Furnishing. See them. , Ice Ice Ice. TVe have started our Ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any quantity. Having the beat Ice in the citv, we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf IL C. McMaken & Sox. PERSONALS. C. II. Dill, of Lincoln, was in the city today. Mrs. Fred Short, of Omaha, is visiting in the city. O. U. Bodeker, of Louisville, was in town today. W. H. Pool returned from "Wabash this morning. A. L. Timblin, of South Bend was in the city today. I). W. Shinn returned but night from a visit in Kansas City. F. M. Young, a prominent farmer near Rock Bluffs was in town t ulay. Mrs. Niles, and daughter, left this morning to visit in Council Bluffs. County Superintendent Maynard Spink of Weeping Water, was in the city today. R'iV. Hirr, of the German M. E. church returned from Culbertson this morning. Mr. Otto Mutz, of Keya Paha county, is visiting at the home of his father in law. Judge Russell. J. P. B. cker, J. L. Craves, Milt Wolf an I Geo. Bunis, represented Union in Plattsmouth today. E. J. Streight, assistant inspector of the S. of V., was in Omaha last night in specting Camp No. 2. Miss Clara Palmer, of this city, passed through this morning on her way from Omaha to Kansas City. Mr. Geo. Oliver, a typo of Council Bluffs, and well known here, arrived in the city this morning on a visit. Mrs. Claus Bivkeufeld returned this morning from Louisville, where she visited her mother who ha3 been sick. Father Carney, of tl;j Catholic church, returned this morning from Sinsiwav, Wis., where he went with the remains of Sister Ohry;ostom last Tuesday. Mrs. Byron Clark, Missos Livingston, Miss Fossler, Mrs. Engineer Thorp, and Messrs. J'ewler and Jas. Patterson were Omaha passenger this morning. Mrs. W. A. Davis arrlyed from Arupa hoe, yesterday, to make her home in Plattsmouth. Mr. Davis is employed in the boot crc! ihue store of W. II. Schild-knecht. Will be a Jeweler Himself. A ojan stood in front of the postoffice last evening, and if the jewelers of the city had been there to hearjiitii talk they would doubtless have turned the key in their doors and closed up today because of competition. From his accent would one would haye sized him up as a com bination of all European nationalities. "I'll start a jewelry store meself," he sai1, "It's robbery ! I wiut and had a crystal put in me watch and he charged charged me fifty cents. The villians! its a scheme of thairs to keep (lie poor, poor. It could be dofle in the old country for three cent. And for a spring the price was a dollar and a half, and they make 'ur,j here and send 'em over there and put 'cm iii for ten cents! And for clean in a watch the price wsvt a dollar and a half. I'll do it meself for a dollar, aad Fll show 'cm. Yessir, I've sent for a doz en doer. springs andcrystals.and mewife '11 bring 'em wheu the .comes over, and I'll get rich "meself." The irritaied, bet not intoxicated foreigner, here seemed to realize he was wasting his eloquence, for thj small crowd which gathered failed to respond with regular rings of applause, and having struct a ponveuient stopping place, left the stump. :3 4 P M r, a b t u 1 f House-Keepers ioardinq nQl ise ana IT u (9! P 9fS. House Furnishings. As the House-cleaning time is now at hand Ladies should not lor gx't that we are headquarters for everything jiertaining to inside House Decorations. Taped Lace Curtains : yds long, 41 inches widt " " " :n M 5ii " " " " nl " " " " " " :H " " 4i) " " , Guipure Border nt $2.0. pair, " " pair, " .3.o() pair. 1' ino Mottmiraam .Net S JL 18 1 Lin Wid?: Guij.ure Bi-nb-r Fin.- X.tttin'ia!!! Xct ;..'.) pa:r. 1.0 ) pair. j. (I!) pail" These Cora- Oriental Ciienille Porti-m's :? vds long, '-Vi inches wid.- at :?r.."iO a pair. come in combinations of Cardinal and Gold, Sipplii. Mnd Gold. Oriental deniHe Portiere's :H yd: long, H i: Ii s wide at Si.VJ a p-iir. Uinations of Cardinal with Sapphire, Gold witn hipphire. Fancy Figured Cotton Plushes 2 cents a yard. Large Line of Plain and Fancy Scrims fi;n If) to cents a yard. We carry a large and complete lino of Fancy Dado ShrU:s in all the latctt col ors with very handsome borders from 51) c ,;nts to $1. each. .ii i:)f!i i0 .")'- r,i Of) 5 ; 115. Our Stock of Cornice Poles comprises Ehonj, Cherry, Oak, "WaL nut, and Brass with mountings in I5r i-s, Nickle, lro!;:e suul "Wooil. Brass Vestibule liods with ends, Bracelets nnd IJiii; to match. Bra.-s Drapery Chains, Brass Drapery Hooks, Lrimbraguin Hovikp, Curfain Pulls, Curtain Fixtures, Curtain Hods. wide Tukey R.-d, Fi-t Colors, onl I!" cents yard. wide Turkey R-d Als..lutcl.v Fast Colors, .,() cents yard, worm t-i'. wide Best Impoite) Turkey Ked, T"i cents, worlh .'s-l. wiile Null aeiied Loo:n Dae only 2 cents yard, worth ::.". " " " oxtru quality, only ')' cents yard. " Cream Dam a k good value, a birgtin ntl"i cents a yard. " ' " extra value, good patterns, at ."( c nts a yard. :,: 11 ' " " very line and a li u gain :it ti") c ents a yard. .Vi " " Creaiii with R-d Border at " cents a yard worth JiO, .") " ' " ' U') cents a yard, good value, o : " ' ' " " " (i" cents a yard, vi th 7o. o:i " " Black Satin Dania-k nt cents a yard, woith To. " " "' " nt 70 yard, well worth ?1. ) "' " " " at $1.," chetp at .1.'J.). Full Stock of Napkins and 1 ).yl it :n at Lw Prices. Our Entire Stock ot Matched Sets in Table Linens worth from 7.50 to $.1.00 re duced to 5.00 a Sett. The he.-t Ilaro-ains ill Towels ever :iH'urdel in the citv. Dress Groods and O-loves ! La rgest Linec f Caroets in tne uity To ihote wl.o have not hdcen ad vanlne of i;i in Dress Goods and Gloves we shall continue tin week longer. Do not lorjet'that we are selling- A Ilatton Very I-ow Prices 9 eale on them one Simj son s 5 S, 5 the Very Tapestry Brussels With Borders, Body Brussels With Borders, Velvet Brussels With Borders. Mcquettes With Borders, Ingrains, Etc. Pulton Pon Match-', and S Put ton lion Marche Suedes at j Low t'tice of 1. 1U a pair, worih almost doiihif. Ijoiilde Fold AH-lwo d I) iv .-s; Suitings at 27 cents a yrd, worth i35. I iii inch All. wool Snitii:.-. i'o dil'ercnt colors, at worth G5. i ' 40 Inch All-wool lied Fern Suitings at 50 cts., worth 05. These Goods come in all the New Spring Shades ami Mixtures, and at those figures are a decided bargain. 1 Ril inn p. ii la muim . -i l.-t Fa i sa & :J J fciSS Al W "7 1) 1 B r r y p ft Nil ilia L'Eclair. Mr. Robt. Bensbt-rg, the manager of the Kate Bensbcrg opera compauy, v. ii are to appear here on Thursday next i;; a conversation with our repp.-tcr, s i.'; 'ilis3 Bensberg has probably madu her In short we claim we have t'se finest musical attraction in this country, and wherever we have appeared the pre-saud public su;-t:un our claim.'" Tliey will ajipear at tlie opera house rbmiday rf'ght April io. This being self a greater favorite with the public in just after the lent n season they th.wuhl the space of one short season than i;:,y other star traveling, and that without the ercesive advertising and puffing usually resorted to. i:e J::is a soprano voice of the most exquisite quality, rich, e.vible and of great compass, her execution is iiu greeted by a large house. C. J. Inskeep, is at Gering & Co'a. to attend to the optical defects of all classes and eyes of people: if :Vour Eves are pure and chase, reminding one forcibly j of Iatti; and, added to all this, &he is, j what you so seldom fiiid in a singer, really fine actress. The company is composed of the beet Euglish speaking artists c n the stage. failing: j do not delay seeing him. lie has optical i -i . i ?: ' instrumenrs ami is a pracueai ana in mu- if factunug optician. m b .-4? 11 fl Li 3 U U ,f "" A 'r V7?- f? Ran TO GET YOUII A b 4 :r 1 Jfjour trade c mtiiiucs in t!u ii-.t Ninety Days is it has in t'i' pat Tlilrty Days wo will soon bo oil' for l5u--bI-, Colorado. So Grasp th. Op'Ddrtunitv Call at Gering & Co's this week and j jDS aiJd mounting of the operas, and th have your eyes properly tested and fit-1 public can i-ciy or, Uaiu2" an absolutely ted with glasses They have secured the J correct production. Wc have started our ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver iic in I inv ii:int!tv TT:iv!nrr tll hr-xt. if' ill t!lP We have taken great care in the centum- i dt we!intee satisfaction to all. tf Ai.d Su4tly fcYc-urs.jlf vath fc:iugh to Lust j.'..u T.'o Years. your Footwear nt a "Uuji"' gacii.'jr.-i;. ' ' whiie "ycu can fcj; services of a practical and manufacturing optician tor this week to fit glasses for them. Remember no eit,- charge for this advantage. d 6t. Wanted: A. good competent girl for general housework. "Wages $3 per week. Aply at office or residence ot W. S. Wue. d4t Easter Hats, Bonoet nd Flowers Mrs. J. F. Johnson's, at Spectacles at Gering A Co's. 'L'Eclair,' the opera we will present here, is by Ilalevy, and the book is trans lated and adapted for English production J;j Lawrence Marston. The opera was duced at the Theatre Comque, Paris, jjnd subsequently iu iV.Q principal cities of Germany and liuglaud. "Wc give it for the first time in this country. The book is exquisite light comedy, while the score abounds in musical gems, .d the costumes are simply immense. ! Cull and Telephone 72. Our Eeducsd If. C. Mc"MAKrN & Sox. Jt js a very important thing to have glasses piopeiiy ii;iji;stcd for defective eye sight. G-erin? i Co. ofrer special ii;, elucements to those needing glasses this week. d-Gt LADIES5 RUBBERS ONLY )5c A trncfl3. PAIR. to Ci: NO SMOKE OR SMELL To Hi? new COAL O Ij Stove jus! rccc$ve3at Jolm.tioii Bw. Csiil asI si?e tficni Tliey will nut explode. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Ileisel's mill, tf m n Si IK , r-r- m. h3 13 6& save exoensc. Ail knowlijjj Ihimeelvc- i:de!,f! i de;i-e Ci:Il n 1 Fettle and, vr. a. n. W V-- L-J 6ssj &4 3 m m rnrn ssg mi m f r& -if A Rare Opportunity to Purchase Desireable Lot w "We will offer for the next Thirty (lavs Lots in South Park to t1i lmmlwr nt Onp Hundred. Cash Davment on eacu L.ot slv. De ferred monthly payments 5, with only 5 per cent interest. This is the tinest opportunits ever given in Plattsmouth to pur chase cheap and desirable Ileal Estate. The fact that the city is building up tor a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east and west sikes of the addition is steadily increasing the value of this handsome property. If you are not a freeholder you ought to be, and there is no excuse, bave half the money yon usually expend each month and ap ply it on a L jt. If ou desire a pleasant homo iu the future invest now. If you wish t build this season buy a Lot in South Park ami have money furnished yon with which to build. If you will make 3'our home in South Park you will be convenient to troud schools. Il you wish pleasant neighbors make your home in South Park. If you live in the country and intend some u.iy to move to the A city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap. ' You can save money by investing it in South Park. Remem ber th:it tills lovely addition to Phitt.sniouth is no longer a speculation. "Whether you wi.h to purchase or not it you will call ou Wind ham & Davies you will be shown this pirt of th'e city free of charge. Windham & Davies, Over V Bank County. oi bass