The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 19, 1889, Image 1

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    'S.' !fff
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numiiku i.s;
$1 P fa in h a
- rfhr 1.
AbsoJuteSy Pure.
'I'll" jxuvd.-r never varies. A marvel of ptir
!t tl r--ii'C ii and hole iinenes-i. M.irn t-rouo
Iii'imI In hi t'i- t ril:i::i v K i im and cannot he
sol. 1 in fitnii'ct jl i.iii with tin- iii :ilr IT :i-1- if low
t't. sh-el v.fiulit ;i!iiin itr I s i I t t'- oowih-r-Suiil
; ill r.l.iM. i'.iVAI, iilHI ,i i'lWIlhli
IV, l-W Wall M. N. Y.
Folic .Ju,
Councihueu, 1st ward,
2. id "
3rd "
itii. "
1". M. .i i:i:v
- '.V K Ki'
II. C. r-' iiMiiT
T. 11. DU.N.N
I .1 W '- I'Kl'. M'U
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) .M 15 Ml ill'MV
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,, ICilNl ' i IS N l ill.
I ! M -C LI.KX. I'ltl'.-
f .1 V .Inji .,,'haikma:.
P.o;ird Ptib.Vorl;-( ( iti'.i ;. i ::-. t
tiAS.-? l.oijdK ii. ii;. i. o. o. I". Mi-tt-'rvrry
A" n I i" 'Vt niiI-r of fn 'l Wi'rii. ai;
trHii.'iiMit"rs are rei fclluily ii.U'ii to
11 LATTM')L7TI I KNCA'I i'M '"NT No. ".. I.O.
1). K.. iiiiM iJ -vry :i';-rii:i' I'lid ir in
e-.ich liiimlU i:i M i-"iui 1 1 ;kll. V'i.ntinn
llrotlisrs are i ivited To tu-iid.
CI ASS CAM I N. '!;!.'. M-tKi:N" vi )l M KN
' ol An-.erie.t Mn-s M-co i.i :ii. i fo irrli M-.n-Auy
ffUi.i at K. i'- U:i. Ail t Ihiissch t
lirMtlifr- art." r'iii.'s:' d to ini-ef witii 11-. I.. A,
Neri'ii:iif r, Vi-'iorilil t' i; ; i',. I', N
Worthy dvU-r; S. . '. ii.!.-, I'.r'.n'Kvr ; W. A.
lioecit. Clerk.
' KBKASJC.Y '"I! 'J':i:. No. il. A. M
Mt'i'ls m'imiuI a'ld f'-.ur:1! I ii'"- l i-. id '-acll
month at Ma-oii'H Mall. I ransi'i. j:t t.T.ithers
are invitt-U to iur-t v.itu ii i.
K. 1-:. Wiiitk. II. P.
Vm. I'v. Serr-'t.iry.
I1T-AT I -"ViO! ill I. M'.iiK X.. i;. A . I ". .v A.M.
A Met-t i tin' Hr-t a i.i lli r.l . -n .1 iy of
eai'li limiiCi :iT Iii"ir lia'l. Ail ir.ins;i-E,t olotli
erx are cordially i.i , lied t. im-fi v. ii !: iw.
J. (I. Kl.'ilr.i , V. M.
ffM. II r'. Si-civiary.
tLTi".-..M)L" i Ii ;.i '!i K !.s, A.ll. I. W.
Mt , !' fV-ry a!t 'T-iato Ki id tv - v--:i mir at
Uo-'ivwood; :.l o'l-i'K-K. Ail :ran-i'Mit Sroili
rs are r -pi-i-t f al'y i n v i t I n a'ii-ri.!. . .
I-.r-i iri. d. V. ; ('. i'..y i. lou ina'i: S.
Wlide. U.-tforiW ; Lcv.iurd An I t :i. '. v. rseT.
iiii'.-t t.'. a.l :ind t iiii tii Mun I ivs of
t ach in iutii at ArvM M.m H i I.
::. N. iii.;:.vx, l--. tit.
r. C. M IN. lit. S.-
x'l.M.M'ti lirst a-.d r.-.ird V-d!.'-i lay i:i,'!ir of
pacli montii at ! i-i-i's ii:il!. Vnia !r t !n.r.i
?r cordially i'.i.L 'l i inrf v.;i ii us.
wm. ha vk. Kcc. i . i:. n in i k. r. r.
Ma3C:IK! POST 45 C. A R.
ft.i-. ik.':.
M. A. P-l'-.viv " :'.r:aii U-r.
liKN.I. Ml- .M;!.!C '! I'T YiK
i. C'.vimihsav ir ' " ;
iip.n. Ml.r.H A-.iJ-lt-ir.t , :
A. Hi! I i'M as S-iri;. '
lljvin MtK!;:ir !. l.
a. Tit.t it :;ii-.'i rof tiic i iy. I
Jam its uicivw.v i until
. S,rt Major.
A3ruB!s-'f Fkv.. ..iJuarLt-r i-r Si-rt.
L.. t'!"Kri' I'o-i !Jiii':ila:ii
M-ftinj- .atrdy rve::'j;
A cr?A.riD MOVE.
It Is Proijosod to Extand tre Stracst
Railway and Run It by Electric. ty.
There is now a movement on foot
wliicli, if it nn.'cH tin; Iicu ty ujiirol:ition
nml suj'port of nil titi.i-nx, -i)n so. in lie an
i-li-rti ical liuoni- r for i'lattsinoutii. Ki-;ir-in-y
lu.s slici t car ni;tll- l y electricity
aiul street.-? ami buililins lighted ly that
iowt r, and this city lias an ojiportnnity
to soon he us well ti.vd. In iiiTe.Htiirat-
iny; nil i)oit;t3 necessary to (-stabliah-
ing such a plant here, notliing hut busi- J
ncHi is meant, ami it is h ied all things
will prove f.ivoruble. Tlie plan is this :
To estalili-ih a 1 uge tleotric plnnt lu-re,
v.ith dynamos fur lihti.'ig and motive
purposes. To cvtcnd tin; street car line
to furnisli reason.'tlle s -rvice to all purt.s
of the city and prop ' the cars by elec
tricity; t plant poh.-s and supply the
whoh; city with complete electric lighting
facilities. Tliis is an eiitei prisj whicii, if
carried through, will !.; a source of rich
benefits to the city, and l'lattsmouth has
surely come to that point where such i in"
provemetits would b;: will supported.
IJ-jfore going ahead with this work, how
ever, the feasibility of the scln-im; is being
well considered. I'lattsinouth's qualifi
o.itioiH hava been considered, and th.
cost and ways of conducting such an en
ti-qtrise are being thoroughly investigat
ed. O. II. IJ.tllou, who is at the head of
the street car facilities, and interested in
the light for Plattsmouth. accompanied
by lil. D. Polk, are today at Kearney in
vestigating her system. If it proves a
practical scheme to establish t.imilir
motive and lighting facilities here, defi
nite movem iits will soon bj made and
the cnterorisu will djvdone.
Wiortnjj it Flatwvr.
Tlio universality of plant worship in tha
c.-iat in former times Ls eviiJenetil by tlio
liereo 'lcniineiatious found in various parts of
the Li bio against tlio adoration of trees, but
it is somewhat surprising to lin.l in oi:r own
times a system of (lower worship still kept
up in various parts of Persia ami India. A
recent traveler in India K'v'es tlio following
description of flower worship as practiced ly
tiio Persians in Bombay: "A truo Pertian, in
llowin roi of blue, und on his head u siieep
skin hat black, glossy, curly, tlio lleeeo of
Kar-Kal would wiunter in, und stand and
meditato over every llower he kiw, and al
ways as if half in vision. And when the
vision was fulfilled, mid the ideal flower
ho witn seeking found, he would spread liis
mat ami sit before it until the setting of the
sun, and then pray leforo it, and thou fold
up his mat aain nnd go homo. And tlio
next niht, and niht after, until that
particular llower faded away, ho would ro
turn to it and bring his friends in t-vi-r in
creasing troops to it, and sit and play the
guitar or into before it, and tli'-y would ulto-
Eclncr pray there, and after prayer still sit
before it sipping sherbet and miking the
most hilarious and shocking scandal into into
too uioouliglit, and so aain nnd again every
evening until tho flower lil. Sometimes,
by way of a grand linale, tho whole company
would suddenly ariso before tho (lower and
serenado it, togetiier with an odo from llaiiz,
and depart." Folk Loro of Tlojita
Odd Follows Visit Omaha.
Last evening a party of Odd Fellows
from this city, as follows: L. G. Larson,
L. 11 Karnes. Frank LSovd. John Cor v.
L. A. Anderson, A. F. Hunger and J. E.
Williams, went to Omaha to witness the
degree staff work in the Patriarchial de
gree. All report themselves well pleased
with the work as will as treatment.
After degree work, all retired to an
adjoining room to a well spread table;
following this, ret tin red to lodge room
and passed a few hours in social ad
dresses from tn my of the old tiin! patri
arch members, returning this morning
well pleased with tm-ir visit.
Tur.Vs Hall.
"Tho Harp that Once Through Taras
Ilh"' commemorates ono of tlio most terrible
and far reaching curses that was ever pro
nounced. The curso was laid in :")., or 1 ,:.
years ago, and Irish politics has feit tho iu
Uuencoof it ever since. It was done i;i the
reign of Dermid, who was lapsing back to ac
tive sympathy with the Druids, and who, un
liko his predecessors since St. Patrick's con
stitutio'n had been instituted, violated with
impunity tho immunities that instrument
had patented to the clergy. At lost he com
mitted a most flagrant act by seizing a pris
oner at the altar of Te::ip!j lUiadan, comity
of Tipperary, dragging him from tho protec
tion of the sacred precincts and putting tho
victim to death.
St. Iluadan, tho patron priest, was exas
perated, and gathering his immediatj clergy
men journeyed to Tara. Marching .slowly,
three times around tho royal rath or king's
palace with awful solemnity, they excommu
nicated the aggressive monarch, and chanted
a malediction against the rath so terrible that
when, two years after, Dermid was slain by
Black Hugh, of Ulster, the placo wasdesertod,
and has never been occupied since. It is said
that his favorite bard clung to tho halls for
rah stood lliot-ity ly the sea.
Teeming with health und life.
Till fever In lea tha air
A ail pestilence was r:fn.
By scores and Inmdreil.; ?,:oj-la fi,vd
Some refuge safe to lind.
While helpless, tiotM'les, .A-or and snd,
Tho many stayed behind.
A few stood bravely in their place.
Daring tho fever's bn-uth.
Sending the printed record foi-th
Of each day's woo uud deatlu
A litthi lad eamo to them there.
And told his sobs between.
How "brother Jim" had did that morn.
His brother, ued seventeen.
"pli.asr. p!;t it in the paper, sir,
For he was always good,
And. sinee our lather's dath. to us
In father's plueo lias stood."
Ne::tilay lie caaio with wistful face.
"i'his time '!i:i liieU and Joe;
They will he buried in one grave,
For they nr.) twins, yoa know."
A week p:issed by; ho came again.
With faint, "Kicuso me, sir,
IJut baby's eono' I couldn't help
But tell you ahnii? I r "
Once more he came w ilu w eary sli p,
(,'limtK'il tlio steep stair, and said
V.'ilii quivering hp nnd falterhiK' voice,
"I'le.use tell tiieai mother s dead!"
He turned about w ith puzzled look.
As if soiiie fiiestion vexed.
Then mu null red softly to himself,
"1 Wonder w ho'll yoiiext?"
"IIo-.v many still remain i" said one.
Who spake with kind intent.
While on the poor boy's troubled face
A pitying lor.k he bent.
Tho well worn cap was pulled to hfdo
A face 'twas pad to see
On one so younc; cii.i' his sobs.
He said, "There's only me!"
Mrs. C II. N. Thouios ia Good Housekeeping
Ca fTH
Kver seen in Plattsmouth. Evitrybody ile.tsed with our Inhibition.
It was the universal expression of uveryone that examined our Suits
!!i- ': ('-, -!',)l' v
Jiirs of Money.
"I onco saw a novel method for collecting
money," says a musician in The Cincinnati
Times-Star. "It was at Lar's Station, out on
tho Kentucky Central, forty or fifty miles
from this city.
"It had been decided by tho good Presby
terians of that vicinity that an organ was es
sential for the complete enjoyment of their
church services. But .the leaders of tho church
hesitated about purchasing one. They knew
that their list of members was not an ex
traordinarily largo one, nor was tho congre
gation noted for any remarkable liberality,
especially when their pockets wero touched
for church moncv.
No one desires to have Tailor-Made Garments'who has fitted on one
of our Suits.
are to sell only the Uftst Clothing. The Confidence of all classes al
ready gained is a Feather in our IJusincss Cap that will continue to
wave gracefully in the balmy day3 of U" present Spring, lb-mcmbcr
also that
Ced from it ia terror. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
. ii;:e.
I".:"'. I.;: f'le-. c::s v. o::e 01 t.o mo t, re
r.: :r;: I-.-' i:ie:i .f Lis lime, or of a::v ;i:::e.
L-. i.ig l-is !o;i ; career in tli-- boa. of ivpro--itr.tives,
he the cel;::o . lodged I.uilor
of Lis party, c:: 1 1:0 on? over thought of dis
puting Lis primacy. Tor qtiickucss of wit
c.u.1 sarcas'ii, he had no equal, and any ono
who locked horns with him in debato was
ouito certain to como oif second best. It is
related of -Mr. Stevens that, when a young
man practicing law in Perr.isj lvania, ho was
trying a causa beforo a judgo who v.-.ns uis
pete.l to rulo on every ciuestion against him.
TJr. Stevens boro this for soaio tim. and
then, hastily feathering up his book.; and
prp..-rs, started for the door. Tho judgo.
somewhat surprised at this, hailed l.Im and
ask.xl if ho meant, by leaving in that manner,
to t Low contempt cf court. "Ko," replied
2ir. Stevens, "I cm 1 -aving in order that 1
may not show my contempt." Saa Francisco
Curiosities of Funot nation.
Tho following specimens of curious punct
uation aro given by The Printers' Iiegistcr:
A man who was suddenly taken sick "has
tened homo while every means for his recov
ery wcio resorted to. In spite of ail his
efforts, ho died in tlio triumphs of tho Chris
tian religion." "A man was killed by a rail
road car running into Boston, s;:pjosod to be
deaf." A man writes: "Wo have decided to
erect a school house largo enough to accom
modate oOO scholars five stories high." On a
certain railway tho following luminous direc
tion was printed: "Hereafter, when trains in
an opposite direction are approaching each
other on separate lines, conductors and engi
neers will bo requested to bring their resjK'C
tive trains to a dead h:dt beforo the point of
meeting, and be careful not to proceed till
each train has passed the other." A steam
boat captain, advertising an excursion, says:
"Tickets, 2oc. ; "children half price to be had
at tho oliico." An Iowa editor says: "We
have received a lasket of fin-a grapes from
our friend V., for which he will please ac
cept our compliments, some cf which are
nearly two inches in diameter."
"At las.t, after various expedients for
years, and that, so thoroughly ostracized was raising the organ money had been suggested
tho place that his skeleton was found besido j and rejected, a bright idea struck avisitor
Lis faithful but broken harp by a wandering j who lives over tho lino in Bourbon county,
bard who visited tho spot years after having Ho suggested that they purchase 100 little
stone jugs with mouth just largo enough to
receive a quarter or lesser coin and to put
these novels little banks in tho hands of 100
girls, little and big. Tho girl who should
collect tho most money was to receive a fine
"Well, sir, the natives went wild over it.
Nickels, dimes and quarters showered down
the hungry mouths of the little jugs and re
mained there, for they could not have been
taken out if tho collectors had so desired
without breaking tho reoeptaclo in which
they were put. At a certain date the mem
bers all collected at tho church. There were
exercLes of various kinds, concluding with
the breaking of tho jugs. It was then found
that nearly had been collected by the
"Tho organ was purchased anil tho church
nau money to spare.
any prices quoted to you in anything in our Line of floods.
Tiio leading Clothiers, - 5tlr& Main St.
ea :jT
Tho Modest Newspaper 3Ia:i.
sectas strango that, nowsparer r.:ou, so
r.ov.s, or
to advert iso mid make fa
!i..t rici'.P, ail manner of men
tili-tively shrink from see
n::r:'.o ia print. It matters not who
!v;ere;ieo to them bo short or long
r-jintary or otherwise, tho vast m.-.
journalists 'I ir.-i. want themselves
ir. '' '.Vl.y is it Lei thoso wh.
i::; :v.II.:e upon c:: J :'.:..-.!.. .-.. tha re
:;.!si.: .; r fact. Ixwc!l ( 'ritic.
and Ihiu-'s, ia- !
Tho Iron Crown.
Tlio iron crown of Loiubardy consists
of a broad circlo composed of six equal
plates of beaten gold, joined togetiier by
c lose hinges of the same metal. Within
is the iron band which gives it a name.
It ia about throp-ei;:,hthsof an inch broad
and a tenth of an inch thick, and is said
to have been made out of tho nails used
..!p.. q I ttt the Crucifixion, and given to Constan
v Lh to I tne n's lnot!lt' tlio Empress Helena,
-as for j to protect him in battle. New York Telegram.
: u- own
nor tho j
. com pi i-
3Iusio In tho Air.
"I see," said Hollo, as ho glanced ur from
his Eagle, "that an Indian band has left the
Sioux reservation. What does that mean?"
"Why, it means," said Hollo's Undo George,
"that tho Sioux couldn't stand 'em 3113
longer, and run 'em off to tho mountains to
starve. And there's a new band practicing
about two blocks down this street ought to
be served in tho same way, and if wo had half
the good tasto and nervo tho Sioux nation
Las we'd soon run 'eia out. I'm ia for it."
"But," said B.0II0, "the paper says they were
followed a short distance, but disappeared in
tho direction of tho Buttes." "Well," said
his Uncle George, "that's it tho boots
tho outraged Indians threw after tho beg
gars. 1 never heard an Indian band, but 1
once heard an Indian sing, and a baud must
bo just as awful." "Do they play tunes?"
asked Hollo. "No," said Hollo's mother,
softly, "they play Lairs, just simply hairs."
And Hollo said he thought he caught tho
malady. Bob Burdette in Brooklyn Eagla
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo and Buds
always in stock. Nov. 20, 1881.
B. u M. Time Table.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
No. :. -jr, ;. in.
:t. c, :i p. m.
No. .- s mi a. in.
No. :l i 1 1. 111.
No. u. B : 9 p. in.
No. 2. 1 A I t. 111.
No. 4. 10 :Ltl a. 111.
No. i 7 :liS i. m
o. 8. 10 :H0a. 111.
No. 10. !) :54 a. in.
.asidont ID elitist.
Preservation of tin: Natural Teeth a
Specialty. A u-. sl betics given for Pain
less Filling ok Exthaction ok Tkktii.
Artificial teetli made on Gold SiU-.p
I Rubber or Celluloid Plat-s, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warrant ; !. Prices reasonable.
Frrz'jjcmno's ii4vrrsM'UTH. Nkk
AU trains run dailv by wavof )'i:aha. except
Nos 7 and s whieli i im to and from behujler
daily except Sunday.
Fine Job Work Chean at The Herald.
TTs t f) Q4."i0 A MONTH e m be ma
O ''0-'' ivorKiai' mi- us. A-'en
p eferred who can fiirnl-h a lnre ami Kivo
nicir w note inae to tlie inisiiiesj. .p ire 11111111
eiif .1 may he profitably einp'ovcd also. A f-v
vteani-ies in t-iv.iis anil eili i. ii. I-'. .IOII.N-.-i.
&('(., I110.1 lfbi-d.. Itielimoni!, Va.
A". IS. Istiilt fini)iiii:d hIm. Xrnr hiind
ill :r tut tiilliluirj xt'l) 1nr r-'plj. V'llltl; mvUU.
Four fur hiz. It. '. J. t Co.
o"wiisrc3- to -A- coisrTEJjvciii.TEiiD oh:.itc3-j 'ijst the izi,
(S r. Ui 1 J w A
Mm M o
Civil&rczis Suits SI.
Guilds Knoo Pcmts 2S etc.
3cys "vVcol Suits 2.65.
Iens Working Suits &3.
.11 Wool Blcck Worsted
Suits $7.65.
uLto vr Ma. wr. n Za ti i '
1 J
m . Tl L FT J 3
iv'issss .3 u cans ranis as? oxs.
Ivcns 31acls Wool SSats 3o3
IIons Caps 2Tivo cents.
2ons Worlsing Slioss 1.
Srlo'ns Sowed Shoes, Button or
Z4 I.. "
Zvlcns Overalls 35 cents.
Hons Wor2sing Siiirts 35 cts.
2ens Sluo Flannol Siiirts 75c
Z2ons Calf Soots $1.90.
Ivlsns Snirts and Drawers 25.
rjTIs5 5k "tfSa (Epcatest Liiiglaler iIe ver'scess Ii county. SS yon want to save S
cents aa ercry clo3ls2H' tony ye fioods S