THE DAILY IIEKALD : WiATTSliOmMl, NEKASKA, TUESDAY, AjVRLL 10, 1SS9. Tne Kvening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. K.INb.ry. DeatUt,' Uock wood Itaildlag, T.lrphoa So. 2Z. Dr. Withers, Dr. I lit, laloa Block. CITY CORDIALS. The jewelerj store of B. A. McEl wain received a neat dress of wall paper yesterday. The Clair Putce Co., opened a three eight engagement ut the opera house last evening. Mike Schnellbacker is illuminating the roof of his wagon and blacksmith fchop with a fresh coat of pnint. The case of Gering & Co. yi. the B. & M., winch was to he heard before Justice Pottenger today was postponed till April 30th. 'The young people of the Christian church are requested to meet, at the church, Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of transacting important business. The store of O. P. Smith & Co., which was closed last week by the sher iff uuder mortgage liens, was opened this afternoon with Dr. E. W. Cook as agent for mortgages. The retailers of Beatrice have organ ized a business nu n's association as a branch of the state organization, . the same as Plattsmouth's association. W. C. L. I lane is secretary of the Beatrice branch. F. S. White will have a bran new ice wagon on the street in a few days, to deliver that precious relic of winter to his many customers. It was made at J. M. Behnellbacher'a wagon factory, and artistically dressed by John Leach. According to the latest advice to President Harrison where he shall rusti cate, Plattsmouth cannot well invite him to come here. Several editors have pre scribed rest for the president, and in le sponsc an enterprising republican sheet states that if rest is needed, Mr. Harrison had better take up quarters at some store that does not advertise. Plattsmouth stores pass on that point. The county board of insanity com missioners held a meeting at the district clerk's office yesterday afternoon, in re sponse to filed complaints, and examined and pronounced R. A. Mitchell of un sound mind. Mr. Mitchell is about seventy-four years old and is well known in Plattsmouth. He has been feeble health some years, and reversed circum stances and troubles seem to have unsta bled his mind. He will be sent to the asylum at Lincoln. Attention. Tickets are now on sale at J. P. Young's for the Washington reception and banquet. The ladies will esteem it a favor if those expecting to attend will procure their tickets early. Banquet tickets 75c. Gallery tickets 25 cents. - tf C. J. Inskeep, is at Geringfc Co's. to attend to the optical defects of all classes and eyes of people: if :Your Eyes are Failing: " do not delay seeing hi in. He has optical instruments and is a practical and manu facturing optician. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! F. S. White's wagon is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw F. S. Whith. It is a very important thing to have glasses properly adjusted for defective eye sight. Gering & Co, offer special in ducements to those needing glasses this week. d-6t Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Millet for sale Enquire at Burke's implement store. F. A. PES. O Chlldrens Suits SI. Childs Eneo Pants 25 cts. Boys Wool Suits $2.65. Hens Jeans Pants 85 cts. Hens Slack Wool ECats 35c. Hons Caps 2Tive cents. ITIiis is tlie Greatest Slaughter Sale ver seen in Cass county. Ef you want tt save cents on every dollar buy your (Roods of FIRE AND WATER. Dees Considerable Damage to a Second Ward House. Last evening a few minutes before six o'clock the fire alarm sounded for the Second ward, and smoke rolling up in that direction was proof that there was really a fire, and a good number of fire boys soon had the Second a Third ward hose carts on the t cene. Tne house from which sinckc was pouring was the property of Mrs. M. A Doyle, but by the time the hose was ready to throw water the fire was uuder control, although the Third ward hose was used some. The fire caught apparantly at the base of the chimney in the front part of the house and when discovered by a man laboring neur by, had gained quite a start. Hard fighting was done, and all the furniture was removed from the house by willing hands while others engaged with water in buckets to fight the fire; a well and cistern supplied plenty of that and the fire was quickly controlled, but the house was well soaked. The damage is estimated at $T0, which is fully covered by insurance. Besides Mrs. Doyle and children, two other families lived in the house, and a third had furnishings for another room ready to move in, on the prendscs, when the fire was discovered. PERSONALS. Wm. Shryock was in from Louisville today. Frank Stander, of Louisville, was in the city today. Geo. Hansen, of Avoca. visited in the county seat today. Michael Kennedy represented Manly in Plattsmouth today. Mrs. W. J. Agnew left for Lincoln this morning to visit relatives. Peter Merges left this morning for St. Paul, this state, for a few days. Miss Lily Stockton, of Omaha, is visit ing at the home of C. E. Wescott. O. E. Chandler and John O'Leary were visitors from Mt. Pleasant in the city today. Mr. Frank Cranmer and sister. May, left this morning for Western, this state, to attend the funeral of a cousin. Rev. J. T. Baird, of the Presbyterian church, attended a meeting of the board of trustees of Bellevue college in Omaha today. L. A. Minor, who has been in Indiana during the winter in the employ of the B. & M., returned to Plattsmouth this moruing. Pete Tirylor, roalmnster at Central City, but who used to live at Platts mouth, and has many warm friends here, was in the city last night. A Penitent Prodigal. Not'nng tells on a prodigal son and turns his steps homeward, quicker than hard times. A few evenings ago at the depot the IIekald scribe noticed an ac quaintance, with grip in hand, take a farev.eil parting of a number of jovial shop boys, aud start for the train. "Hello B ! which way now?" queried the scribe as he stepped up to the de parting friend and grasped the hand ex tended. B '"I'm going home." "ILnne? that's a good place to go, but what t--tkes you away from Plattsmouth?'' Unexpectedly, there on the car steps B told a prodigal's tale, in brief as follows: My father runs a big jewelry house in S , Ohio. I don't have to work, but several years ago I started out to see the world and have a good time, and I have knocked around from one place to another, haven't saved a cent and there is no 'time' to it. Last week I was laid off in the shops, and with no show for a job I made up my mind to go hom ; I will be welcome there. I have TO .A. r5 MUST SACRIFICE HIS f 30,000 STOCK Elf. HERP,lflllgPEl81 HouseKeepers, Boarding House Furnishings. As the irouse-clejininj' time is now at hand L:ulics should not for get that we are headquarters for everything pertaining to inside House Decorations. Taped Lace Curtains 3 yds long, 41 inches wide, Guipure Border at $ 2.00 pair. 3 J " " 41 " " " " " $2.00 pair. " " 3 " 0 1 " " " " " $3.50 pair. " " " 3 J M ' 5G " " Fine Nottingham Net 3.50 pair. 3 " " CO " " Wide Guipure Border $4.00 j air. " " " 3J " " 41) " " Fine Nottingham Net $5.00 pair Oriental Cheuille Portiere's 3 yds long, 38 inches wide at $7.50 a pair. Thesa come in combinations of Cardinal and Gold, Sapphire and Gold. Oriental Chenille Portiere's 3 yds long, 13 inches wide at $12.50 a pair. Com binations of Cardinal with Sapphire, Gold with Sapphire. Fancy Figured Cotton Plushes 25 cents a yard. Large Line of Plain and Fancy Scrimi from 10 to 25 cents a yard. We carry a large and complete line of Fancy Dado Shades iu all the latest col ors with very handsome borders from 50 cents to $1. each. SMi&JBlE: TBLJ&M dwars, Our Stock of Cornice Poles comprises Ebony, Cherry, Oak, "Wal nut, and Brass with mountings in Brass, Jsickle, Bronze and "Wood. Brass Vestibule Hods with ends, Bracelets and Kings to match. Braes Drapery Chains, Brass Drapery Hooks, Lambraguin Hooks, Curtain Pulls, Ourtain Fixtures, Curtain Hods. Largest Li ne of Carpets in the City. Tapestry Brussels With Borders, Body Brussels With. Borders, Velvet Brussels With Borders. Moquettes With Borders, Ingrains3 Etc. had a wild goose chase without the goose." The bell rang, the train started, B gave us his hand as a final farewell, and stepped into the car with tears in his eyes. They were not there because he was leaving his acquaintances. No, he was rather glad to get away fiom many of them, but they were there because the self-importance of several years ago had brought humiliation. B is a man of about thirty year3 of age life half gone but he acknowl edged he had just learned a lesson. There were saveral other such prodigal boys in shops, who were younger than B who got laid off, but too proud to return home; and are waiting '"for some thing to turn up" or to "strike a streak of luck." and return with something to show for their wanderings, but lika the prodigal of the bible, and B , better go home while they can with nothing but penitence. Easter Hats, Bonnets and Flowers at Mrs. J. F. Johnson's. For all optical troubles go to Gering & Co's and fee Inskeep. COlirTEMPIjATED OI3I.lSrC3-JS OF CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS OFF, Hens Wording -&.11 Wool Blacls Worsted Suits $7.65. Hens Wording- Hens Sewed Shoes, Button or Lace, $1.65. POB' SPECIAL ATTENTION- At Weckb ch M illlnerv Dep't- Vi"e have the largest and finest assortment of ladies' and children's hatb in the city. Call early and select your Eas ter bonnets. Infant's white lace caps from 35 cents upward. Prices sure to suit. Joseph V. Weckbach. H. Boeck's Furniture Emporium It is a fact that Henry Boeck has as complete a stock of elegant furniture at his block on Sixth and Main streets, as any store in Chicago. Handsome furn ishings for home and office can be pur chased there from a fine upright piano to a hand looking glass; at present, how ever, a great demand is being made on his refrigorators, which are such a com fort during the hot summer season. Do not fuil to furnish your dining room with one. NO SMOKE OR SMELL To the new COAL. O.L. Stove just recelvedat Johnson Broi. Call and nee tbem. They will not explode. JUST SEE Suits $3. Shoes SI. House and Hotel Keepers. Sic ial Values 58 inch wide Tukey R"d, Fast Colors, CO 5S 52 54 5G 50 58 5 56 58 56 58 CO ' wide Turkey Bed Absolutely wide Best Importe l Turkey Bed, 7; cents, wortu N. wide Nubleached Loom Dice only 25 cents yard, worth 35. " " " extn quality, only 35 cents yard. " Cream Damask good ralur, a bargain at 45 cents a yard. " extra value, good pattern, at 50 cents a yard. " " very fine and a bargain at (I i cents a yard. " Cream with Bed Border at 45 cents a yard worth 50. " " ' M CO cents a yard, good value. " " ' " " 05 cents a yard, worth 75. " Black Satin Damask at CO cents a yard, worth 75. " " at 70 yard, well worth $1. " " " " at $1., cheap at $1.25. Full Stock of Napkins and Doylies at Low Prices. Our Kntire Stock ot Matched Sets in Table Linens worth from $7.50 to $0.00 re duced to $5.00 a Sett. The best Bargains in Towels ever afforded in the city. Dress Tloods and Gloves ! To those who have not taken advantage of our Very Low Prices in Dre6s Goods and Gloves we shall continue the sale on them one week longer. Do not forget that we are selling 4 Button Simpson's Best, 5 Button Bon Marche, and Button lion JMarche Suedes at the Very Low Ptice of $1. 10 a pair, worth almost double. Double Fold All-lwool Dress Suitings at 27 cents ayrd, worth 35. 3G inch All-wool Suitings, 25 different colors, at 30c, worth 50. 40 inch All-wool Bed Fern Suitings at 50 cts., worth 05. These Goods come in all the New Spring Shades and Mixtures, and at those figures are a decided bargain. BLY 90 PAYS fl TO GET Boots and Shoes at Cost. If our trade continues in the next Ninety Days as it hai in the past Thirty Days we will soon be off for Pueblo, Colorado. So Grasp th. Opportunity And Supply JYourself with Enough to Last You Two Years, while you can g-t your Footwear at a "Cash" sacrifice. Call and See Our Reduced Prices. No Trouble to W. A. P. S. All knowing themselves indebted to us please call and settle and save expense. -y. A. B. THE ZFIZRJMT, AND VALISES, FOR SPOT CASH ONLY, THE FKIOE Hens Ovesalls 35 coats. Hens "Working Shirts 35 cts. Hens Blue Flaanol Shirts 75c Hens Calf Boots $1.90. Hens Shirts and Drawers 25. herrmann In Table only 35 cents yard. Fast Colors, 50 cents yard, worth CO. YOUR Show Goods. Lin EG&C I& C