The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 03, 1889, Image 4

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A. fUllnbsrjr. Datlt, Uockwood Baildlng,
Telephone N.. 33.
Dr. Withers, Deallet, L'aloa Block.
Do not forget the grand openiag at 8.
& C. Mayer's the 5th inst., at 8 o'clock.
- -The ladies of the M. E. church are
preparing to give an Easter enteitain-
' ment the Friday before Kaster.
The sewing society of St. Lukes
Guild will meet at the residence of Mrs.
Eaton, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Trains No. 1 and 5 were several
hours late this morning. A bridge thin
side of Chariton, Iowa, is reported
burned, which caused the delay.
The sky was so full of sand and
dust last evening as to almost complete
ly hide the sun an hour before sunset.
The cool, clear air this morning was a
great relief.
A. brickmaker named Ililliard has
established a brick kiln at Wabasb, and
that town is ready to go ahead with her
boom this summer. A creamery was es
tablished there last week by F. M. Cur
yea, of St rawn, III.
A prominent republican on beirg
asked for enlightenment as to the ''re
turns' replied, 'I have none, and don't
want any." All Herald readers who
desire to know them will And them in
another column.
Two petitions arc before the Gape
county commissioners asking for a ntw
court house. One wants a $1.0,GC0
building and the other one that will curt
$i'00,000. There is nothing small about
the wants of the Gage county people.
The first installmeut on the paving
tax, which is unpaid, will from today
draw one per cent per month and bear a
penalty of five per cent. The payment
became due fifty days ago (that length
of time is allowed for each payment to
become delinquent after it is due) and
all remaing unpaid from today bears the
penalty and increased interest.
Mrs. J. A. Connor returned yesterday
afternoon from Ashland, where she had
left the bedside of her little niece, Mary
Madden, thinking she was recovering,
but in the afternoon a telephone message
came stating she had died. Last evening
Mr. and Mrs. Connor left for Ashland to
attend the funeril, which occurred today.
The deceased had membranous croup.
Articles of incorporation of the
Omaha Cable Tramway company and
the Omaha Horse Railway company intr.
the Omaha Street Railway company wen
filed with the Douglas county clerk yes
terday. The capital stock of the new
corporation is placed at $4,000,000, with
shares of $100 each. The articles are
signed by S. R. Johnson, president of
the cable company; Frank Murphy, presi
dent of the horse company, and D. II.
Goodrich, acting secretary.
" A special untruthful dispatch ap
pears in the Omaha Jiepublican today
ascribing the defeat of Mr. Dutton to
postofnee difficulties in PlattsmoutK
Mr. Dutton was not defeated forsiuh
reasons, although certain republicans in
the Third ward did vote the democratic
ticket because they could not control tn- j
caucus." Mr. Hemple's popularity with :
the shop men and the dissatisfaction of I
the Knights of Labor were taken ad
vantage of by the saloon mun and Mr.
Dutton's defeat was thereby encompassed.
Mr. Dutton made no effort to secure an
election and did not even visit the pollin g
place until evening. Tuts Herald can
scarcely understand how any candidate
for a good, fat federal office like the
Plattsmouth postoffice can expect t
boast his claims to an appointment bv
showing t hat he bolted his party and
roted the democratic ticket.
wing to
Emzst sacrifice
TTruults and "Willises, for Spot (DasEa only,
33 IPIHdEi
Chlldrons Suits $1.
Childs Sine Pasrts 25 cts.
B073 Wool Suits $2.65.
Meno Jeans Pants 85 cts.
Mens Slacls 'Wool SCats 35c
2ens Caps UTivo cents.
TThis is the (Ripeatest Slaughter Sale ever seen in Daos coranity. If yon vyaiat to oave HD
cents on every dollar tony yoair (Koods of
Th Democrats ooop all Ward
Nominees and One School
A Republican Defeat.
The outcome of the election yesterday
was just what Toe Herald predicted
last evening, and space will not be taken
here to repeat the disgraceful defeat
which the republican party has suffered
in Plattsmouth. Only one redeeming
feature is found in the election- for re
publicans to look to and that is the
unanimous choice of the voters of J. I.
Unruh as member of the school board.
The ward vote as submitted to us is as
follows, though not official, it is correct
unless it e a matter of one or two votes:
Republican. Democrat.
CM Holmes 80 C Brekealeld 127
L'nruii ,
.. SSI Patterson
..143 I Wintersteen...
... 73
Majorities : Brekenfeld, 47 ; Tatterson. 4S ;
Unruh, 70. in tliis want three vots for Brek
e nfeM ami two for Holmes were cast la the
school board box and were discounted.
Sonnelly 82 Jones 171
T8 1'atterson 18
Jones. 89 ;
Tatterson, 110; Ua-
run, 7.
Dutton IIeiiiple 174
Sm'lh i5 1 Patterson 62
Unruli 200 Wintersteen 80
Majorities He in pie. 76 ; Smith, 101 ; Unruh,
Ballance... .112 I McChilen 1M
kiinith 84 I Patterson.. 151
Unruh 77 Wintersteen 156
Majorities McCalleo, 41; Patusrou, 67;
VVlniersteeii, 78.
Ooalidire 27 I Simpson 44
Palmetur 22 O'A'eil 60
MacKay ... 7 Short 12
Smith 3G I Patterson 45
Unruh 3 I Wintersteen 47
Majoriti.'8 Simpson. 17 ; t)Neil, SI ; l'atter
sou.u; Wintersteen, 16
The city council as it now stands is:
First ward, A. Salisbury, C. Brekenfeld;
Second, A. Shipman, D. M. Jones; Third,
M. B. Murphy, C. Ilemple; Fourth, C.
Connor, P. McCallan; Fifth. Lafe O'Neil,
J. D. Simpson. The school board now
consists of S. Waugh, C. W. Showalter,
Win. Hayes, D. B. Smith, J. I. Unruh
and J. M. Patterson. - Mr. Unruh was
elected by a majority ef 18;), over Win
tersteen; and Mr. Patterson received a
majority of 12S oyer Wash Smith.
Railroad Officials In Town.
Attatched to the rear of the K. C. train
No 10, passenger, tuis morning was
special car No. 51, eccupicd by a number
of C. B. & Q. and B. & M. officials. The
car was detatched and sidetracked and
the day was spent by the gentjeraanjy
managers of the "Q" in visiting the shops
and the corapaney's property in this city.
Anions the company of officials were
Vice President II. ft. Stone, Second Vict
President J. II. Peasley, Win. Iryin g,
general purchasing agent; Q. W. Holdrege
general superintendant of the B. & M.
and J. T. Riyett, superintendent of car
pentry depot building, etc, These
visiting officials arrived here from Omaha
and are going eastward.
The Weeping Water Election.
The Weeping Water election yesterday
was for a mayor and city council. There
were no party tickets in the field; but the
citieus nominated a non-part wan ticket
and tliers were several independents. I).
A. Gibson was elected mayor on the citu
zens ticket, S. W. Orton, councilman
from First ward, E. L. Reed, councilman
from Third ward were elected on tho
citizens ticket, and W. A.. Flower, of the
Second, run independent and was elected.
All of these men are republicans.
T; nnt ftiriTft th crrftnil nnenincr at S.
I 9 j
& C. Mayer's the 8th inst., at 8 o'clock.
a contemplated change lira tltoe lirm9 lEILSCD) tike (D1E-1PELIII(D1E DILC)rLl1IlIIIIEIHIf
his tOS, Stock of dothlng, IHIats, (Daps, JIBoots, Shoes. IFancy (Koods
lino aILDl IrSoILiLcEitolLo
"We have just received All-wool,
Double Fold Newton Suitings, in
all the Hew Spring Mixtures, only
30 cents a yard.
35 pieces Rutland 36-inch La
dies' Cloth, in all the latest Spring
Colorings, only 45 cents a yard.
New Combination Novelty Suit
ings, 54 inches wide, only $1.00,
worth $1.25 a yard.
Our Line of Uenriettes and
Serges cannot be duplicated in
this city in quality and price.
We are showing an Elegant Line
ol Koechlin's Best Goods.
Domestic Sateens.
75 Different Patterns to Select
from; the Colorings and Patterns
are equal to the Best Imported
White Goods.
Our Line of Above Goods is
now ready for inspection.
Full Lines of India Linons in
White and Black.
Observations of ths weather taken at
Weeping Water for March and reported
for the Herald, observations taken tri
daily: Mean temperature, 42.1; highest,
75, on 14th; lowest, 8 on 10th. Totsd
precipitation three fourth inchea. Bain
or melted snow fell four days. One
thunder storm. Eight clear days with
out clouds, seventeen fair days, thirteen
quiet, four days with northwest winds.
The month was especially noted for the
quiet clear days, warm weather and Jack
of rain. The ground is in fair condi
tion on the surface, but very dry beneath.
On digging a well on his premises, the
observer found roots of a crabtree at a
depth of 24 feet, alive and fresh.
Mrs. Owen wishes to announce to the
ladjes of Plattsmouth and vicinity that
he is prepared to do fashionable dress
making at reasonable prices. Rooms
with Moore A Studebaker.
Fo bunt A he use of four rooms and
basement, on Granita street between Qth
and Chicago avenue Enquire at Kin-
ser's, adjoining premises.
d 3t C. a Twist.
Mens Worlxing
All Wool Slacls Worsted
Suits $7.65.
l&ens Working;
Mens Sewed Shoes, Button or
E,aco, $1.65.
Our Spring Steels of
Is Now in and re are Showing- some Special
Good Values.
Ladies' Full Regular B.ilbrirrgan Ho6e only 15 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Quality Balbriggan Hose only 25 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Balbrigg'tn Hose only 35 cents a pair.
Premier Fast Black Hosiery, Warranted Absolutely Stainless, at
40, 50 and 65 cents.
Ladies Extra Quality Lisle Hose 50 cents, worth 65c. .
Ladies Silk Plaited Hose, S5 cents, worth $1.00.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vesta, Perfect fitting, only 15c, worth 25c.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Lisle Vests Extra Value only 50 cents.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan, made from the finest combed
Egyptian Cotton, High Neck, Long Sleeves, only 60 cents.
Ladies' Summer Weight Merino Vests, French Neck, only
60 cents, worth 75.
Full Lines of Balbriggan and Gauze Vests at popular prices,
Main Street
Miss Belle Wendell left evening
on the flyer for La Port, Ind., where she
goes on a visit.
Harry Miller, of Albia, la., who has
been visiting at J. C. Eikenbary's, was a
passenger to Omaha this morning.
The adjourned meeting of stock
holders in the Plattsmouth Loan and
Building Association will take place this
p. m. at 8 o'clock in Rockwoed hall. All
stockholders are requested to be present
as important business will be before the
J. H. Youn, Sec.
Y. M.O. A. Business Meeting.
All active members of the Young Men's
Christian Association are requested to
meet at the rooms Thursday evening.
The object of the meeting is to incorpo
rate the association under the laws of
Hundrsda of cases of catarrh annually
terminate in consumption and a speedy
death. If affected with this loathsome
disease don't fail to call upon Dr. P.
Janss. By his treatment a permanent
cure is effected in 85 per cent, of all
eases. Consultation free at the Riddle
House, Plattsmouth, Neb., Thursday,
April 4, 1880.
Suits $3.
Shoes $1.
in m iMi
One Door East First Nat'l Bank.
Of the Photograph Gallery formerly
owned by Mrs. Cutler. I wi-h to an
nounce to the people of Plattsmouth and
vicinity that I have bought the Photo
graph Gallery of Mrs. Uutl'-r, and am
prepared to do as fine work ng ran be had
in the State. I have secured tlie services
of Mr. I. F. Kennedy as operator, who
has had twelve years experience In the
leading galleries. in the east and Wfst,
We make a Specialty in taking babies
Pjpturei, Cloudy days equally as good
as sunshine for sittings. We invite you
all to call. and examine our work, wheth
er you have work done or not.
A fded or gray board may be colored
a beautiful rfnd natural brown or black,
at will, by using Buckingham's Dye for
the Whisker.
To tbe new COAL. OIL, Store
Just receivedat Johnson Dros.
Call and (hcia. Ttiey win
not explode.
2& as Ov3alls 35 oezits.
Mens Working Shirts 33 cts
Hons Z31uo Flannel Shirts 75c
Mens Calf Soots $1.90.
Mens Shirt3 and Drawers 25
Spring Wraps.
We have opened an Elegant
Beaded Front and Bfck, only 35.
Lace Sleeves, GiVl Trimmed
at 57.50.
Very Heavily Beaded only" $10.
Spriiig Jackets.
Good Values from $2.50 to
Peasant Cloaks only $10.00 in
Tans, Gobelins and Blacks.
We arc wfiowing a very largo
line of Black Jerseys, comprising
everything new ranging from 75
cents to $5.00. Jersey Blouso
Waists for Ladies and Children in
Navj, Gendarme, Cardinal and
The finest line of Swiss Floun
oings ever show in this city, at
extremely low prices. Full linea
of Hamburg Edgings, Insertions
and All Over3.
Wall Paper, "
Wall Paper,
; Paints, Paints,
Varnishes, brushes, lead oij, etc. We
guarantee the quality of everything we
sell and prices are the very lowest. One
hundred and fifty samples of wall paper
and 18 beautiful colors of mixed paints
to select from. Our ) sints have been
used in Cass county for four years and
give universal sntiMfsctJon. We guaran
tee them to lust longer and look
better than any other paints,
and not to fade or 'chalk off. See our
stock of wall paper and paints before
you buy. m28-w3w dlw
WiLr. J. Warrick.
Energy will do almost anything, but
it cinnot exist if the blood is impure
and moves sluggishly in the veins. There
is nothing so good for cleansing the
blood and imparting encrw t h ....
tem as Ayer's 8armiprilla. Price fl.
Six bottles, $.. Sold by drnggists.
$75 tO 250 MONTH can bemade
referred wlia ean furnish horte snd v2
Iheir whole time t the hnslne,.,. Knars irx.m?
ei.tra:y be profitably employed hU. a w
vaeanelPs in Mwns nnd citi;. H K JOHN
SON & CO looM,lH-.t.. UlH,mon,l. Va? N
JPf. U.-Ladle$ inplmi aUn. Ktvtr mind