The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 01, 1889, Image 4

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    d inerald.
4. Ssllnbarjr. DeatUt, Bock wood Baildlag,
Telephone u. Hi.
Dr. Wither, Deatlst, I'aloa Block.
- -The Riddle house is being decorated
n front witk a twentj-foot sidewalk.
James B. Higley and Miss Nannie
Turner were granted license to wed Sat
urday afternoon,
The ladies' aid society of the M. E.
Church will meet Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. 8. A.
Davis, on Pearl street.
The Christian Endeavor will meet
in the Methodist church this evening.
A full attendance of members desired as
it is a business meeting.
-Robt. A. Mitchell, who went to
Denver last week, returned to Platts
mouth yesterday, in search of his wife,
who accompanied him to Omaha and
there deserted him.
A professional mover was seen on
tuo street today, lie bad bis canvass
backed wagon sealed with oil cloth and
gunny sack, and securely set in the front
part of the wagon was' a small wood
The infant child of J. L. Minor, of
South Park, died Saturday afternoon
after a severe attack of diphtheretic
croup. The funeral occurred from the
reticence at 10 o'clock this morning,
Rev. II. B. Burgess, officiated.
The concert to be given by tha
Philharmonic society (formerly the Zitli-
era club) will be the event of the week
The entertainment will be given Friday
evening April 5, at Rockwood hall. Ad
mission, adults 25 cts., children 15 cts.
What do you think of the whole n
publican ticket? "It is as good a ticket
as was eyer submitted to the ptople to
vote on," is the general reply that comes
from political wise-heads, and that is
what the voters will say tomorrow also.
The Presbyterian church will be oc
cupied this evening by the members for
the purpose of transacting business in
connection with the purchase of achurcl
lot. For that reason the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor will mett
in the M. E. church.
Lidies, you can vote tomorrow
provided you are a taxpayer or have
children of a school age. If interested
enough to go to the polls you will hayi
the privilege of voting for two members
of the school board. See republican
candidates elsewhere.
"Shadows of a Great City," a play il
lustrating all phases of life in New Yor
City, and depicting their worst and Lett
forms thoroughly true to nature, is to h?
played by a good company with fin
' scenic effects Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday afternoon, at the uranl opeia
house, Omaha.
Siturday evening at 5 o'clock
tlrt residence of Joseph McCoy, corner
Main and Fifth streets, occurred tin
wedding of Miss Maud L. McCoy and
Albert V. Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg is an
engineer in the corps of engineers fo
Rosewater & Christie, of Omaha, and
since leavincr Plattsmouth last fall has
been employed at Hastings by that com
W. L. Breen, business manager for
'The Little Nuggets"' company was in
our city today completing arrangements
and billing his company which appears
it the opera house next Monday night.
For fun this company can not be excelled,
besides having a very fine band and
orchestra. Tickets on sale tomorrow
morning at the usual prices 33, 50 and
75 cents.
In district court this morning the
rase of Thos. B. Gordon vs. Edward A.
Iljder, suit to abtain judg mcnt on a
mortgage, was heard and $1, 99.44
found due plaintiff. W. S. Wise for
plaintiff and Covell, Polk & Beeson for
defendants. The divorce case of Ellen
Metzgar vs. Gotlieb Metzgar followed.
The parties are from Louisville and the
following were in court as witnesses
P. Boedaker. - Mary Boedakcr, James
Hoover. Geo. W. May field, Andrew
Deetrick, Frank Deetrick, Frank Stand
er, John Bringmaa and Marion Ruby.
G. W. Covell, of Omaha, was in the
city toil ay.
Violet Lukes is visiting at the home
of II. "J. Straight.
Mrs. Geo. S. Smith, of Omaha, arrived
i j the city this morning.
G. W. May field, editor of the Elm
wood Echo, was in the city today.
Mrs. M. B. Fuller and Mrs. E. Elliott
are in the city representing the American
Building and Loan association.
Mrs. S. P. Alderman, of Johnson,
Neb., arrived in the city Saturday eve
ning to visit with her parents, Mr. and
Sirs. Frank Morrison for a couple of
wfeeks. ,
HcCourt baa just received a car load of
choice ettir-j tad K9d potatoes. Will be
Two Worthy Republicans Reoely
tho Nominations for Mem
bers of . chool Board.
. A Harmonious Convention.
The city convention in Rockwood hall
Saturday night of the republican ward
delegates to place in nomination two
men as candidates on the republican
ticket for members of school board, was
short and quiet one. The Fifth ward
was not represented. Order was called
at 7:55 by A. N. Sullivan, who said.
Gentlemen of the convention, accord
ing to call the convention is convened
(or the purpose of nominating two men
for the school board. What is the
pleasure of the convention?"
On motion of D. K. Barr, M. B. Mur
phy was unanimouslay elected chairman.
Motion from Judge Newell for IL C.
Ritchie as secretary carried.
On motion the chairmen of the various
lelegations were authorized to present
the credentials to the secretary. The
names of the delegates were read as pub
lished in Tub Herald, and on motion of
Judge Newell the names as read were ac
cepted, including proxies. On motion
from Waterman, amended by Barr, the
convention proceeded to nominations.
Wm. Ballance, of the Fourth ward pre
sented the name of Wash. Smith. D. A.
Campbell, of the First ward presented
the name of J. I. Unruh. P. D. Bates,
of the Second ward presented the name
of Capt L. D. Bennett. A. B. Todd and
Rot, Donnelly were appointed tellers.
The first informal ballot resulted:
Wash Smith 47, L. D. Bennett 29, J. L
Unruh 22.
On motion of D. A. Campbell, Mr.
Smith was declared one of the candi
The next ballot resulted: Unruh 27,
B -nnet 22. The chair announced that
Mr. Unruh having received the highest
number of votes was nominated.
S. C Green moved that the choice of
Wash Smith and J. L Unruh be made
unanimous, which motion was unani
mously carried.
The question of city central committee
then came up and D. A. Campbell
moved that Judge Sullivan be elected
chairman. Carried unanimously.
The wards reported their members of
the committee elected as follows: First
ward, J. II. Waterman; Second ward, P
D. Bites; Third ward. S. C. Green;
Fourth ward, L. S. Hasson. On motion
the members of the committee as given
were accepted.
Convention adjourned at 8:20.
With tho Y. M. C. A.
Yesterday afternoon the rooms of the
Youu? Men's Christain association were
a ruin crowded to standing room. A
street meeting was held on Fourth and
Main at 3:30. Several songs were sung
iccompanied by the cornet; followed by
a short address and a hearty invitation
to the crowd which Gathered to come to
the rooms and attend the gospel meet
ing. The rooms rapidly filled up and
one noticeable feature of the attendance
was the presence of Cass Lode No. 146,
T. O. O. F. At a meeting of this lodge
last Tuesday evening it was decided to
attend the gospel meeting for men yes
terday, and about thirty of the members
met in their hall in the afternoon and
marched to the rooms in a body, where
w&U had been reserved for them. A
song service was heartily entered into
for about fifteen minutes. The meeting
was led by Mr. Alick Clark, who made
i pointed and plain talk. A little time
jv&s snveu to testimonials and Secretary
Both well closed the meeting with an ad
dress to the Odd Fellows present, from
the iiospel of St John, on the funda
mental principles of their order Friend
ihip, Love and . Truth. The presence of
the lodge as a body was a mark .of -re
spect and interest highly appreciated by
the association.
In the evening the young men of the
association, in respons? to an invitation
from Rev. Burgess, went in a body to
the Episcopal church. Rev. Burgess ban
been giving a series of lectures Sunday
evenings on the "Prodigal Son," and last
evening made a special effort on that
subject, which was highly appreciated
bv the young men.
The party who took the briar pipe with
bonv amber mouthpiece, from table in
postoffice this morning, is requested to
return same to place from which it was
taken, as he is known to me.
It R. A. Mitchell.
Attention Y- W C. T. U
A meeting of this society yill be held
in Miss Cranmer's rooms, Wednesday at 4
o'clock, and every member is requested
to be present By order of president.
Foit S.U.E One cuter section of
good land near Oneill, Holt. Oo., Beb.
Some improvements. Will sell cheap;
part cash. Address by mail or call at A.
P. Campbell's Wintersteen hill
d w-1 m O. T. Wood.
All parties wishing to contract with the
Plattsmouth Canni&g Company are re
quested to call at once, and stata number
of acres they wish to plant. d-wtf
Agents Wasted.- Active young men
t canvass the city good wages. Call
at Mrs. Smawly'a, corner 4th and Vine
sts'this evening.
-rU l, C' rra ri fr:!rit
"We have just received All-wool,
Double Fold Newton Suitings, in
all the lMew Spring Mixtures, only
30 cent3 a yard.
35 pieces Rutland 36-inch La
dies' Cloth, in all the latest Spring
Colorings, only 45 cents a yard.
New Combination Novelty Suit
ings, 54 inches wide, only $1.00,
worth $1.25 a yard.
Our Line of TIenriettes and
Serges cannot be duplicated in
this city in quality and price.
We are showing an Elegant Line
ol Koechlin's Best Goods.
Domestic Sateens.
75 Different Patterns to Select
from; the Colorings and Patterns
are equal to the Best Imported
White Goods. ,
Our Line of Above Good is
now ready for inspection.
Full Lines of India Linons in
White and Black.
The Republican Ticket-
When the republicans made their nom
inations for members of council and
school board the good future of the city
was the object in view, and the men nom
inated by them need no recommendation
to the voters of Plattsmouth, or any ex
planation that their qualifications be cou-
tidenced. Here they are :
First ward, C. M. Homes, proprietor of
the checkered livery stables.
Second ward, Robert Donnelly, owner
of the Sixth street wagon and carriage
factory and blacksmith shop.
Third ward, S. W. Dutton, chief time
clerk in the shops, and of worthy exper
ience in the city council.
Fourth ward, Wm. Ballance, chief
tinner in the shops.
School Board. J. L Unruh, the popular
furniture dealer, and Wash. Smith, fore
man of carpenter work in passenger
department at the the shops.
All are respected and honored citizens,
and better (men could not hare been
sought out to place before the people
tomorrow. .
The election will be held at the follow
ing polling places in each of said wards:
First ward at Recorder's office.
Second ward at Cass county Iron Works
Third ward at office of Ricuey Bros,
lumber yard.
Fourth ward at Waterman's fumber
Fifth ward at brick school house.
And said polling places will be open
at nine o'clok a. ra. tomorrow and
close at 7 o'clock p. m. and no longer.
Call for Republican Caucus.
The republican of the fifth ward
will meet at the school house Monday
evening April 1. at 7:30 p. m., for the
purpose of placing in nomination two
republican candidates for councilmen.
Harbt Nkller,
Member Central Com.
To the Public.
I hereby tij&oznce myself as an inde-
tvnHcnt candidate for the nfuce cf coun
cilman from the Fifth ward, subject' to
the decision of the yoters of said ward,
Tuesday, April 2, 1839.
nx. O. OHOHT.
Johnson Bros have Two of the tnest
Gasoline Slovm in the market. Call and
ee them. d-tf
Wanted. A housekeeper or a girl to
do general house work, - Inquire at the
Basx. tf
To the new COAL 0L. Stove
Jut recelvedat Johnson Droa.
Coll ADd are Uaom. They will
p tto
Our Spring Stock of
Hosiery mi fllnderaeir
Is Xow in and xre are Showing1 some Special
Gootl Values.
Ladies' Full Ilegular B.ilbrirgan Hose only 15 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Quality Balbriggan Hose only 25 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Balbriggm Hose only 35 cents a pair.
Premier Fast Black Hosiery, Warranted Absolutely Stainless, at
40, 50 and (55 cents.
Ladies Extra Quality Lisle Hose 50 cents, worth C5c.
Ladies Silk Plaited Hose, 85 cents, worth $1.00.
Ladies' Jersey Kibbed Vests, Perfect fitting, only 15c, worth 25c.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Lsle Vests Extra Value only 50 cents.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan, made from the finest combed
Egyptian Cotton, High Neck, Long Sleeves, only 60 cents.
Ladies' Summer Weight Merino Vests, French Neck, only
60 cents, worth 75.
Full Lines ot Balbriggan and Gauze Vests at popular prices.
rm nn
Main Street
Of the Photograph Gallery formerly
owned by Mrs. Cutler. I wih to an
itounce to the people of Plattsmouth and
vicinity that I have bought the Photo
graph Gallery of Mrs. CutW, and am
prepared to do as fine work as can be had
in the State. I havo secured the services
of Mr. I. F. Kennedy as operator, who
has had twelve years experience in the
leading galleries in the east and west,
We make a Specialty in tiking Babies
Pictures. Cloudy days equally as good
as sunshine for sittings. We invite you
all to call and examine our work, wheth
er you have work done or not.
Respect t n Uv,
Wall Paper,
Wall Paper,
Paints, Paints,
Varnishes, brushes, lead oil, etc. We
guarantee the quality of everything we
sell and prices are the very lowest. One
hundred and fifty samples of wall paper
and 18 beautiful colors of mixed paints
to select from. Our paints have been
used in Cass county for four years and
give universal satisfaction. We guaran
tee them to last longer and look
better than any other paints.
and not to fade or chalk off. See our
stock of wall paper and paints before
you buy. maa waw-aiw
Will J. Warrick.
Wantkd An offer on Lots 6 Block 22
L 5 B 23, L 12 B 54, L 5 B 38, L 8;B 58,
west i of L 9 B 28 Plattsmouth.
d-l-w Wihdham & Da VIES.
John C. Boon, the Fifth street barber,
has employed a competent assistant who
will attend to the tonsorial demands of
Mr. Boon's patrons in first-class style.
If otioe to Contractors.
Sealed l)ids will b received by the Chairman
of the Board of Public Works until noon oo the
17th day of April. 1889. for filling the old creek
Deu lue iuiiowiiig itK-a luwit ;
Contract No. 1. 1.378 cub. yds. more or leis on
Vine street between tth and 7th street. Con
tract No. 2 1.625 cub. yds. more or lew on Pearl
at between 6th and Tth Sts. Contract No. 3
868 cub. yds. more or lees on K ist ol 5h St. be
tween Main and Pearl Sts. Contract No. 4,744
cub. yds. more or less en east side of 4th St.
between Main and Pearl tfts. Two classes of
bids will be receiTed for said work : Cla A"
the Contractor to furnish earth from private
grounds - Class "B" the contractor to tak
the earth from ai,li places 'a the public streets
a the Chairmau ot the Board of Public Works
may direct. "
Engineer')! Estimate Contract Xo. 1. Class A,
124 cts per cubic yard.
Kunineer's Estimate Contract No. 1, Class B,
35 cts, per cub. yrd.
v Engineer's Fstlmato Contract Xo. 2, Class A,
J2;4 cts per cob. yrd-
'hugineer's Estimate Contract bo. J, Class ,
25 cents per cub. yrd.
Kngineer'3 Estimate Contract Xo. 3, Clais A,
124 ts. per cub. yrd.
Engineer's Estimate '- on tract Xo. 3, C ass B,
20 cts. per cub. yrd.
Engineer's Estimate Contract No. 4, Class A,
125 cts per cub. j rd.
Engineer's Estimate Con ract Xo, 4, Cla B.
25 crs per cub. yrd.
-VVoU t b copiple'ed within thirty days
fr"n :Uie icttfuk': uu:ict fo W Ipt to tfie I
lowest anu oesi maaer. ' iu rigut is reserved
to relect any and all bids. .For particulars en
quire of the Chairman Board Public Worbs.
, or tnnuonki'
l2tft CVkj Board rot;Ic Works.
ra sj) rn5
One Door East First Natl Bank.
Our First Spring Surprise !
With Pevv Goods at
The One Price Gislliier
Men's and Youths' Suits, $.95, $7.85, 510.00.
For Business, 12.50, 15.00, $10.50".
Boy' Long Pant Suits to 18 yea s, 2.93, 3.3.15, $5.15 to $13.50.
Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $L.45, $1.95, $2.15, $3.,.$5, $0, $7.
Boys' Knee Pants 35 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., 1.
Men's Merino Underwear 25 cents to 2.50 a salt.
Calf Shoes $1.20 to $5.00 a pair,
Men's Latest Styles of Stiff Hats from $1.50 to $3.50.
All the Latest Styles In
Shirts and
EKfllll ThD nno
iiuuuii. iiiu uiiiriniiii .in
Hard Worker
Plattsmouth, -
m li
Spring Wraps.
We have opened an Elegant
Beaded Front and Back, only $5.
Lace Sleeves, Gimp Til mined
at 7.50.
Very Heavily Beaded only $10.
Spring Jackets.
Good Values from 32.50 to
Peasant Cloaks only $10.00 in
Tans, Gobelins and Blacks.
We are showing a very large
line of Black Jerseys, comprising
everything new ranging from 75
cents to $5.00. Jersey Blouse
Waists for Ladies and Children in
Navj, Gendarme, Cardinal and
The finest line of Swiss Floun
cing. ever show in this city, at
extremely low prices. Full lines
of Hamburg Edgings, Insertions
and All Overs.
Brinn Pin fliim
for Your Trade,