The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 01, 1889, Image 1

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    'mo n .
V I I Ii I III ft , T
ill UL4n ra y a y i
J Vf . -r , v '. ar w r L k J 1.1 11 111
Absolutely Pure.
Th s pmv.ler licvi-r varies. A t.iarvel of pur
ity. str-r.;rt h and w lii..iii--iieH-. M rti ccoiio
Iilicxl tn hi Hie or lin.tiy nl-", c;iiii;nl lie
Mold In i-o.-niic' I' i'Hl Willi III-:- inililiuli- if low
tent. sll-Mf Wi-i'll.! :il nil i" J 1 h - 1 1 ! ;l ' iowder.
Sttllt Oltl'f in Cli.l. laitUii i'UUI'KIt
Co.. lj Wail m. N. V.
Ieputy IrcA'tur'T. -
Ileputy l.'Jcrlc,
Kecorder i,t ! .- I-
Uoouty It--? --1 -1-Clerk
of iirtriu: Co ir?,
Sherlil. - - -Surveyor.
tiupt. of i'lih -.c.i :.
County J u.lz.
A. B. Tiri. Cli'm..
Lor 1.4,
A. M. 1)1 v.
- l"HOH. I'lll.l.lX-K
' l i 'hitch ririAi
w. ii. r.M.i
J . C K I K K 1 K II
C ICL'rtSltLl
'KKVISOHH. tsnioutli
WH-piiii; Witer
- K iiiwind
iur. " - t.M. r"irir
rirk. - - - - - vv K Ko
Trf;ii'irr. - - I'a ttkuson. jk.
Attorn-y. ... n u x c i.akk
Kneint-r. - - - A Maixm.k
Io!l- .In t-c. - - S t l.lKKOHl)
Mar-hull, - - i. H. Uuxs
CouDciluicn, 1st w ird, -t v .. A 1iMlII,v
9 , .. ) i M J-'Sm"
. .. t M i5 Ml-IM-IIY
j. a -j s vv ,,,, rf.N
I.I W JnlNS ..I"1IA1H.11 AH
Board rub.Work-( Kit-i ;iciki
f I II II Kt'IiT!l
1 1ASS 'lo:iJ ;. ll. 1 . O. K. Mfft!
V'every Tiit' l iy i-w m:!.: of f.u'li wi-fX. All
traiuitMil brut:;- r-t n- r.-i-pt 'j.ltiily luvited to
XLATrMUUl.;i i:-:.JlP.ESr N.I..1.I.O.
O. K.. m-'.-: y :i:.-r:i:e Krid-ir in
each inula!! n M i a: Hull. Visiting
Brut hers ;sr- i . i o ! ' ::tu-inl.
A. ). U. V. MoeU
, i K. of P.
iit X-.i i.-ii-n l-r.v; itsiifi-tittlly In-
ttodti' i i r. i- r..- 1." viisttr ik-
ni;in;; 'r.K ii:s!,T, '' : - hi. i ; IV H. Stcimker
. Dvi-rst-or ; v . u. V. 1 r. i i: :incUt ; i. K.
llouseworih. Ki i-l- i ; t" .1 MK in. Uecfiv
er ; i:iu.; i ; v n.. I.uiwi, iiiside
Vtcli : I.. l.-t-n, t'liUle V;itc i.
JFBUSKA '::iM T!'.'t NO. .7. K. A. M
11li"t v- ill "i t f.iurr'i ius.l i. .f evh
month iil Triiiisci-iit brotht-is
are invited f nu---l wiiii us.
f . 1". WiUl e, II. P.
1!,ATr iMoi'T'i i.-;i;:: :;. c. v. A. M.
.Vleenon tli" ''1 1 1 'Uilayn of
efh -i"nt:i i; Al! ?i':i'iNieijl broth
ers are cordiiiy . 1. f '' with u.
.1. Ii. itlOlKY, W. M.
V"M. IlYd. S r! .ry.
J of A" cr'K-1 Mit.'i r-.T.:ul 1 fourth Mon
day evcr'm: -if "f A" transient
lotliiTK re re-i ! ? ?-v wit-U u.-. L. A.
Navvcj (, t:-.;i -.
Vrtlsy Uvist.r ; r
Boec'ii. Cifik.
t ' ins ii 1 1. K. Nue
iMc. it.iiiker; W. A.
1)LVTT:M)!I ; il !.-'. t;'.i N ' S. A. O. V.W-
Meels er. iv "--!-:;ui' l-ndy M
liocKw'sii'l haii hi . ' : i. .VU trii.'.si.-nt broth
er r r.'SW'-'f'i' i -vli'.J 10 iitteii.I. I., s.
I.:rs.m, :-S. 'iV. : I". Kori-iucn : h. 1-.
Wilde, ll rcirdi-r ; i:i:i;;r-i An Jersou. vcrser.
AS3t-'"u n; ""' ii.-i.k-)v m. uoanu.m
t- ineet- the ,,'--,l ;t'-l f unii . M j;idas of
ach month at v - .1 i
r. C. Mivr. S.i.-ff iry.
FreMdent - ""H. B W!ii.lh:i!ij
l4t Vice rf:t!-:ir A. 1.. lo-UI
Sud Vice Nevn.e
Krretrv - Herrmann
TrSrer K. it. Uathman
J C Kl'-hev. V. Whit-. J C-Tattcrson,
J. A. 'nii-r, B. u. C. W. .-SUerjaau, V tJor
d'er, J. V. ecktrit,
r'cJJIHii OSr 43 Q. A. R.
M A. DifKiiv 'oiniander.
Bkv.i tlfMPLK Senior ice " .
BCabkkian... fu;nr "
iim. -iu.KM Adjutant.
A Shiivmxx s 'rtf.
liZKY SrKF.Hjlif , ....(). M,
A TKrif nierof the Iiy.
JAM HICK4DS- ' ,T'J;,rd
erirt Major.
AXDIKn( . FaV.. .. J lir er M;isrr erirt.
t.'O. Ci'f i"J i Clnp!a:u
"ee4n arurday 'voniti
Notice of City Election
Notice I he-ciiy iriori tit r "ii Tuesday
Apr I 3ii I. an e'rrcri i 1 vi ji! be iiel t f r
the f Howinr -Ity aiid .;.U'nl o.ilcer of the City
of Flatt-ioouth ;
Kirn ,nii 11 n iVutrl'in.':!.
MM-niiil aril.) e 1 'o'Hi -lloinil.
Third Ward, "no Ci:u?'i':aai.
,F''rt Ward . ( -tit.
Fifrh Wart. Tw?. C iu'lme i. !i- on rfcIv
Inic th hinlie-t number "f vile- in the Fifrh
Ward to erre r t w vfar. -in I ilirt one re
eetvt 'K th next ht-i'i-ii uii b -r of votes to
erre I-r the t-nn of on y-ir
Tirn Meruheri of th S Iri )! Bo ird fir the
term ol three yeat e.i"h.
tid e;--;iii t'leheM u'- the following
boiling p ntetn ch of ti l warm : '
First '.'ard at i"?.der' ofli 'e.
Second Ward t ."in:y Irn Work. '
Third VYt-l at olU-e of Hichry Bros." lumber
- yard
Fourth Ward a o-'errr. lumber office.
Fifth War. I n hii.rli cho l lions'".
And said p iIMnj I i-ya w;!l be r-ppn at nine
o'clock a. in. of h:h I da. . a.rl clie at 7 o'clock
p. m. 'id no l-niT.
JJated it Hatts.sio:ii'i.N''..r ir-li9. AO.B33.
F. M. Kichey. Mayor.
Yi. K. Fox, City Clerk.
Tear Fill Wreck of the Jiaral Vessels
at Samoa.
Hundred and Forty-Six Men Lose
Their Lives Six Ships a Total
Loss The Commander of the
Vandalia Among the Drowned.
Auckland, March 31. Later advices
received lure regarding the huricane
which'deVAstatcd Samoa and wrecked a
number of German and American war
shijw, nays the atorm swept over the
inland on the Kith inst. All the war
ships attempted to put to si, but only
the English steamer Calivpe succeeded
in ircttintr out. Merchant vessels suf
fered severely. The hark Peter GodclT
rev. one other bark and seven coasters
were wrecked and four persons drowned
The CViope sailed for Sidney. Tiie
Peter Godeffrey was a German bark
which had arrived at Samoa from Sid
Washington, March 31. The follow
inr cable message was received at the
navy department this morning:
Auckland, March 30. To the Secre
tary of the Nayy, Washington. Hurri
cane at Apia March 15. Every vessel in
the harbor is ashore except the Eng
lish man-of-war .Caliope which got to
sea. The Trenton ana vanaaua arc toiai
looses. The Nipsic is beached and her
rudder gone, but may be saved, with
chances against it. Will send her to
Auckland if possible. The Vandalia
lost four officers and thirty-nine men.
All were saved from the Trenton. The
Trenton and Vandalia crews are here,
with the Nipsic's on board. All stores
possible were sayed. The German ships,
Alder and Eber, are total losses. Hie
Algo is beached, but may be saved. The
German losses are ninety-six. It is im
portant to send 300 men home at once.
Shall I charter a steamer? Can charter
one in Auckland. Lieutenant Wilson
will remain in Auckland to obey your
orders. Fuller accounts by mail.
Hard Time Nomlnatlng-the
Fifth Ward Nomination.
Going from the republican convention
iu Kockwood hall to the democratic
met ting in the city hall Saturday night
a great change of atmosphere was exper
ienced. . At the latter place as the re
porter entered a man arose and an
nounced that his name was Johnny Blake,
and, convention or no convention, pro
ceeded with loathsome language to de
mand that an imagined insult from the
chairman be rectified. For several rrunr
utes this strain of eloquence was contin
ued, regardless of all interceding, for
his cliguityliad been highly insulted, but
finally he was induced to go out into the
street, and the convention went about its
M. A. Connor was chairman, and Fred
Herrmann secretary. D. M. Jones and
C. M. Butler acted as tellers. The name
of J. D. Tutt, Wm. Wiutersteen J. M.
Patterson. Walter White, A. Cb:rk and
J. V. Egenberger were presented for the
votes of the delegates for school board
candidates on the democratic ticket. On
motion they proceeded to ballot.
Ballots were collected. Chairman:
'Gentlemen, have you all voted whp
wish? If so, X declare the polls closed."
Count showed Wintersteen 22, Patterson
16, and the othar candidates inferior
votes. Chair: Dr. Wintersteen having
received a majority of votes U ypur
cho pe for candidate,"
Second ballot collected. Chair: Gentle
man, have you all voted who wish? If
so, I declare the polls closed." Count
showed highest vote 12 for Patterson.
Chair; No election; prepare your bal
Third ballot collected. Chair;
G entlemen haye you all voted whfl
wish? If so, I declare be pqllsclosed.
Count showed Egenberger's pame drop
ped. Patterson was again the highest
with 14 votes. Chair; "No elocii jnj pre.
pare your ballots'
Fourth ballot showed Patters an ahead
with only 13 votes. Clark withdrew.
Fifth ballot, Patterson ahead with 15
votes. Johnny Blake returned to apolo
gise and straighten things out. Sixth
ballot collected, Ciair; "Gentlemen,
have yon all voted who wish? Jf so, j
declare the polls closed.'' Couqt shqweij
Patterson 21, White 10 and Tutt 0 votes.
Chair: "Gentleman, Mr. J. SL Paitorson
hi vinjr received a majority of the votes
cast iduly nominated for niemb.r of
school lo.ird:"
The nominations then beiii made tl:
meeting changed.
C. W. Sherman: "Mr. Clriirman,
think the (central) committee men otigh
to le announced here."
Dr. Siggin (misund trstand'ng): "fa
Chairman, we elected our member of com
mittee at the caucus."
Sherman: "I did not huV 'elect 1 salt
announce.' "
The committee was then announced us
follows: First ward, J. A. Connor
Second, II. K. Reese; Third, Matt Oei ing
Fourth. Dr. Wintersteen, chairman;
Fifth. J. L. Minor. Convention adjourn-
id. The nominees of the Fifth ward for
democratic council candidates are J. D.
Simpson and Lafe O'Xeil.
Is Supposed That the Sun Will Harden
the Human Skull.
One of the most interesting things men
tioned by Professor Virchow in hid little
book, entitk-d "Medical Remembrances
of an Egyptian Journey," in which he
describes an excursion up the Nile us far
as the first cataract, is that the broken
bkulld on the first great sepulchral fields,
dating from Koman times, are as thick
and hard as Herodotus sa3-3 those of the
slain Egyptians were in comparison w ith
the brittle ones of the Persians. The
Greek historian explains this by attribu
ting it to the early exixwurc of children
to the heat of the sun; and in many parts
of Upper Eg3 pt the German travelers
actually found young children thus ex
posed during their parents absence in
the fields in immense clay bowls, resem
bling in shape a champagne glass with a
stem, into which they wc-ro put without
This discovery by Professor Virchow
is interesting, because it at once suggests
the question whether the proverbial
thickness of the skull of the negro has
not been caused by exposure to the sun,
and whether it is a peculiarity of savages
of tropical countries that their skulls
are thicker and harder than those of the
inhabitants of temperate and coldei
countries. Students of craniology have
never made any investigation to ascer
tain whether the skulls of different races
vary in degrees of hardueiis. It would I
be almost impossible to make such al
inquiry. As is well known, the IiumanX
skull increases in hardness from cluld
hood to maturity and age. A miscel
laneous collection of skulls of any given
people would therefore be of no value ir
such an investigation.
To obtain a collection of skulls of a
number of nationalities, that should be
taken from subjects all of tho same age,
to have them all similarly prepared and
in sufficient numbers to make it possible
to draw any general conclusions from
their comparison with each otherwould
be manifestly impossible. Ipra atten
tion has been given to the relative thick
ness of different skulls, or rather to their
wcight, from which their thickness may
be inferred.
Of the large collection of crania in the
Army Medical museum at Washington
the thickest are those of nesrroes and
Alaskan Indians. The skulls, of other
Indians, both pf North and South Amer
ica, in tropical or temperate climes, and
of the Eskimo, do not appear to be par
ticularly thick. Among the ancient Peru
vian skulls recently received by the mu
seum, and the ancient crania collected in
Arizona last summer., there are .frequent
individual variations in thickness, but
no tendency to unusual thickness. The
conclusion from these facts is that expos
ure to the sun probably does not cause
thickness of U19 .humm skull. In con
nection with this, subject, it is interesting
to note that among the Australians the
sinus frontalis is generally found to. be
solid in the males, instead pf being hol
low, aa in the skulls of other races. Tliis
bone in the male Australians generally
extends straight across the head, the
lower 6ide overhanging the eyes bo that
they seem to look out from under it,
while in the North American Indians a
modification pf shape deprives them of
that heavy look about the forehead. The
heavy sinus frontalis of the Australians,
of course, increases the weight of tl.c
skull.- American, Analyst.
One On the Rabbit.
At Calera, Ala., as a dozen of us were
waiting for tho train, two colored men
began talking in loud tones, and one of
them finally exclaimed:
"You is dun wrong, an I'll bet seven
cents you is!"
"Izeduri right an' I'll kiver debet!" re
plied tho other.
The money was put up. and then the
men approached the colonel and ex
plained: "Kunnel, dis. ar a bet on how fur a
rabbit kin go in a week. I say fo hun
dred uiiles. Dis yere pusoon cay3 three
hundred miles." Kin you tell?"
"Why, no. How could any 0110 decide
such a thing?
"Didn't ye eLbcr see a rabbit trabbel?"
"Yes, but I never saw 0110 travel for a
" Y6u didn't! Whar on rdrth has you
lived all yer days! Julius, we'll draw
dat bet. "White fi.lks doah know more'n
uLrrrer.s!" Detroit Free Press.
viu ch pot cal Information.
Freddie Papa, why do they call Cali
fornia "the Pacific SlopeF'
Papa (reflectively) It must be becitje
a good many bad cashiers and other Lv
breakers peacefully slip out that way.
Pittsburg Bulletin. -
An Ordinance
LevvlnK a special tax and tesiiietit on all
'loi-4 wit bin paving Ul-tnct No 1. In Iho city
of riaMs-oouth, In oincr the cost 01 pavtni;
.1 , iiili ii'' : a il HMcer. uei ween mu ran
nutiol eveiiiil -ie:iuuu .
III. 113 ti i CU"
oinf srieel In ivlu eny.
IL11L..1.K llll;ivl-llf
been, liiid bi lMj; hrre-
by MiliuitKed, detei mined and established that
the several lot hereinafter referred to have
each been specially belieilred to th lu 1
amount hereiu levied ttud assessed against each
of Maid lots respectively, by rea-on of the pav
iuir and curbing of that part of Main street be
tween the east side of Seventh utreet aud the
weit fide ol Second street. ....
I hneUne, or the purpose of paying the cot
of paving and curbing
He it I'll the Mayor and Council of th
I ity ot I'tattxiiioittli
hKc i N 1. I hat I he cost of paving and
curbing lhat pari of Main street wlihiu pavun
I'M net .No. 1. in I he city of I'latt-moutu, irnin
the east side of J-eveutt. street to the west side
01 w-rii d hired. . said cost beinu the nuiu of
ilSMM.iU. be and the hame Is ln-rehy levied and
a si h.srd 111 proportion to the feet fro t along
hai'l iaving and curbing and according to
pe ial ht-iictils by reisou of Raid paving aud
euibin upon the following desi-ribea
lots ; -aid cost being -o levied ou said lots re
spectively, as follows, to-wit :
l'.li.alietn 1.. vv alei man. 101 i, uioca z(. ? im
tie.i K lovey. lot, block 27
James .Ionian aud Win L Browne
block .7, '
47 ii
lot a.
47 52
47 f2
Ceore 1'roiiger. lo- lo. do-k 2
lnihtees i'n-.-by terlan cho :'
block 27
fred Mauelinann, lot is, uiutnii,
lohn Fitzgerald lot 7 block 2. . -
John l-'iizuer. Id lot 8 block 2
il. 1. Cooiedge lot a block 2
I'ettr -Merges we-l Vt lot 10 block 2
V. V. . east loi 111 block ...
liabeth Herold weM ', lot 11 b ock 8S.
Am. Ilt-rold ea-i i bt II block 2S
AI. 1. Folk west , lot 12 block 2)4.
uneila tsbei wood ent 't lot 12 block 28.
4 si i2
i'Jl IV
4ill H2
245 ii
? 5 !i
iMA !;
2V, y;;
M '.hi
245 !i
245 Uti
245 1HJ
245 SW
245 90
245 W
41 112
24-5 IW
Hank of Ca-s 0-. west lot 7, block 2U .
.1 It ox. east '4 lot 7 block 2'J
Kinilv iTTw west Vt lot 8 block 2!
Levi Goldinic al V lot 8 block 29
rredijtadelinaii wes-v lot 9 bio- k 29
C J, Martin rast Vi hloiK 29....
Lucmda hillings lot 10 block 29
K V. lte west Vm lot 11 i ZJ
Jason strelght east li lot 11 blixrk 29 245 aa
. 1 Folk west 20 feet lot 12 Mock 2i .. zza w
U V. Mathews eart K4 f et lot 12 olfjeK? 208 32
li:i-tiitt A W heeler, lot 7. liloeK 30.
Count v Cominiss (iners, Oass county, lot
8 block 30 491 92
County Commissioners. Cass county, west
i lot 9 block 30 245 90
l.elia L. 'I hniiias, iuist !i if lot 9 block 30 215 9G
II. K. I'alim-r, wet 'i lot 10. block 30 245 yi
i- red Homer, east lot lo bio k 30 215 9u
Fied 1 order west ',i lot II block ?0 215 9ii
I oli 11 HartiuHii east '4 lot 11 ohxk 30. .. 245 9t;
Kreil (ions, lot 12 block 30 491 92
Frederick Krug, lot 4 block 31 124 19
Ulnliip rrthch, 1101 tn 't lot 5 liio k3l... 124 19
1 J K tt J K K CO.. S'.i Lot 5. Llock 31.. l ,'l 19
B & Ii K It Co.. Lo G, Block SI S97 22
I". & U K K Co.. Li 7, Hloes 31 749 ii
I'luliip FritHch, K i feet Lot 8 lliock 31. 114 25
vuuui-t 15a-k. 25 feet Loi 8, lllock 31 i:it 02
It (, W1', Lot 8. Uiock 31 30 50
K (iuthinan. 24 feet Loi 8. Block 2!... 13j 5
I'luliip Kiitsch. h 21 feet Lot S. Block ai. -1.134
Au list Bach. 25 f-.-t Lot 9. Block 31... 77 98
s K liu'liknan. Vi Iit 9. Kloi-k 31 fri 97
K (.Ulhu.ail. 24 feet Lot 9. Block SI.. 75 99
fiiilllp Frtseh. K ;M leet Lot 1 . Blood 31 SI 71
ukiisi baoh. 5 teet Lot 10. Block 31 37 05
Henry Aiiiisou Estate, W!i north 21 feet
Lot 10. Block 31 52 2C
f K (ittthiiian. 8tt'i l-otlo Block 31... 5 as
F It iiiilhnian. 24 feet lot 10, Block 31. .. 3.i 24
ilenry Aini-ou's Kstate, Lot 11. Block 31. 153 5o
: B & O It It Co.. Lot 1. Block 32 1
U 11 (C O K K CO., Lot 2, Block 2.
B & i It it Co., o3, Block :U f
B & l: l: Co.. Lot 4. Block 3-2 1
It titii hinan. lot 11, Block 32 J it u
Frank Gayle. 24 feet net to E.48 feet
Lot 12. Blfti-k XI in 01
F L Cale. 22 feet w of Frank CJayie's,
Lot 12. Block 32 . . 32 04
Allie" V liobei ts, K 4. fpet Lot 13, Block 32 72 4s
K It Uiulmi n, S3 feet 0$ wesfy end Lot 12
imuviv OA 34 04
O O F. 23 feet Lot 12. Block 32 :a 114
Frank (iayle. 24 teet next to E 4a feet
Lot 13, Block 32. , , 75 99
L. tiajle, 22. te-t W of Frank Gayle's
Lot 13. Block 3' i 99
AUie V Koberts. E 48 feet Lot 3.Block32 151 9
It (iut li:i:an, 23 feet off west end lot
13. Block 3: 72 99
O O F r.i feet Lot 12. BlfCk 72 99
Frank Cayle.24 feet next to E 4 feet Lot
14. Block 32 130 58
L hayle. 22 feet W of Frauk Gayle's
Lot 14. Block 33 119 43
Allie V Koberts east 48 feet lot 14 blot k
32 2C1 10
It. G ut Hhian, 23 feet en west end lot U
block 32 J24 4t
O. O-. F. 2. teet lot 14 block 32 i m 4. .
do'ph Kosenba -in east 'i lot 1 block 33 245 !
Matur-th Blake. we-t i los 1 block 33 m:
J. C. Feteiseu it Bro.. west '4 lot 3 blocs:
33 225 m;
Herman Spies east lot & block 3a 245 iki
Jos. V. Weckbach vet;t Vilot 3 block 33. 225 Ofi
Knit I v IJrtv e tst J. lot 3 block 33 215 90
V. ';:eiibeiirer w est 14 lot 4 block 33.. 245 4i;
Jos'. V. weckb-ch east i lot 4 bloc 1 33.. 2io ic,
William Wetencanip lot 5 Id--ck 33 491 92
(ioipnus buscn lot 6 mock 33 491 9'
lohn Waterman lot 1 block 34 4 1 92
John W a'eiiiiaii easi lA lt V block 34 245 96
John Fitzgerald west Vi lot 2 block 34 245 90
Johu Fim'erald east ?-4 lot 3'block 34 245 96
J. Giucit west Vx lot 3 block 34 245 SW
Jouotliau Hatt and J. W. Marthis west
lot 4 block 34 245 on
K bo Whire e.nSt Y lot 4 block 34 245 9
1. ii. watertnau east V4 lo' s Diock 34 .. 245 9
Win. Weteucamii went '.4 lota bb-ck 34... 245
I'eter Tdumin west H bt 6 bl ck 34 245 9fJ
. D. l.ehuiiort east H lot 5 block 34 2-5 96
rank Carruth east '4 lot 1 block 35 215 93
V.. P. ltockw ood west 14 !or. 1 block 35 2V5 06
Walter White lot 2 block a 4"o 12
a A. Myers east 14 lot 3 block 35 243 96
C. H. Parmele we-.t V 'ot 3 block 35 215 9-.
Alice Beppeiberg east ! l t 4 bloob 3i. . 25 00
E. G Dovey t- Son em lot 4 biock 3A 225 (N
E G Doyey A 011 lot. 5 block 35 i. 4."x la.
W. W bite, 20 feet lot 0 blot k 35 204 6!)
Henry iioeek, 24 feet lot 6 block :15
240 IK)
John Black- north 43 feet lot 1 block
;6-. 259 9.1
1. church center V lot 1 block 3d
227 50
259 99
S27 50
474 32
487 52
487 52
487 52
ohn Black north 48 leet lot 2 blcu-k 36.
M E church center i lot 3 block 30. ..
on. 11. nan 101 3 oiock 30
Livingston lot 4 block 3i......
I-' r.nk Carruth lot a block .U ...
w. 11, seuitUKnecni lot o block 36.
Hectiok 2. Xtiat said soecia' taxes levl d
aforesaid on said lot- respectively sh il be
come delinquent as follows : One tenth of the
total amount so levied on each of said bt t;hall
become deliuquent in fif-y da'jj from the pass
sge and approval ot thii oid nance, one tenth
in one ye r, onj teftth iu two years, one tenth
in liire.i years, one tenth In four vear. one
teath In five years, oue tenth in six years, one
tenth In seven years, one tenth iu eijjht years,
oue tenth in nine years after said levy, and be
ing from the passaKe and approval ok this ordi
nance. Each of aid in-'tutiinents, except the
first., shali urawr interest at th'a rate of seven
per cent per annum from the time of the levy
aforesaid un'il the eaire shall become delin
quent, and after the same shall become delin
quent a penalty of live pex cent together with
interest at tha ' ate of one per ter,t per moiit h
s-iall be paid, upon each dejiuif.ient install
ment. mcc. 3. That tlv entire amount of tax s
levied and assessed 011 any of said lots may
be pa d by the owner of any. lot. or the entire
equal pro rata proportion of said lax on a y of
ai 1 lots, inav be paid by any person on any
part of said lots wittiin fifty days from said
evy. ana ttiereupon sucti tot? or parts of lots
shall be exempt from any lie 1 or ?u&i'g there
for. ' -
iK 4. TiiHt tins ordinance shall take effect
an-1 In in Lotce rrom and after its passage.
Fass-l aud approved Febr-iarv 1 1. A. 1. 18.1.
(attksT) F. Al. KlCllEY. M yor.
w. K. F-X. City Clerk. 1
Tlie above rax 15 co Uu and payable at the
oflice of thcli'y tieasurer, and wili becoine de
linqae t and t'ear Interest after April 3rd. 189,
as feett In section 2 of the above ordinance.
City Treasuier
For Salk The M. E. Church proper
ty on Cth street, about 92 ,eet front, for
terms apply to '
1 w d W WlNDHAAt & Da YETS .
Having Just Il turned from the Eat we are Dailyln Jlcceipt of New
and Fashionable made
Which are
Furnislning Gogc.
We have the finest grades in
QanLap, Jf eamM
In all Colors and. Shades, and as to Price, wo guarantee to sell
Goods at Lower Prices than O.nuhn, or any other city can
quo;e you. Call on us and you will go
away satisfied that
Of us for Less money than you
Guaranteed as Represented
The Leading
1 S f I
Going to Pueblo, Colv and
sacrifice in order
Ladies Glove Grain S. S. Button Shoe will sell at 00c., regular price ft 1. 3.1.
Ladies Bright Grain Buttan Shoe sell at 1, regular price 1.00.
Lfcdies Goat Silk Lining Button Shoe will sell at IJH), regular price Sf2.2".
Ladies Glaz-? Dongola Button Shoe will sell at 1 7, regular price .fa. JO'.
Our Ladies Fine Giaz-d Dongola $3.00 Button Shoe'wiil sell nt .2.40.
Our Ladies Fine Hand Turned $4.00 Button Shoe will se ll for ifif oo.'
Men's Fine Calf Boots will sell at f 1.7 , regular price $2..i0.
Men's Bust $3.00 Boot will sell at $2.40.
Men's Bost.$3.23 Shoe will sell at $2.7.".
Men's Fine Dress $2.25 Shoe will sell at $1.7.5.
.We have a great many Bargains in
Misses' and Children's Shoes,
That we hare not space to mention, so call early andjtake advantage, of
this rare opportunity at
P. S. A.U Gao ls MAU CEO IX PL
be no advertising scheme.
Dr. C- A, Marshall.
Natural 'fec-th
rreservation or tne Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auefcihetics given for Pain
less FiiListi or Extraction ost Truth.
Artificial tiieth nvuis on Quid. Silver,
Rubber or CVUil'5d r'Utt'S, and inserted
as soon as, toeVi are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Kirzas an'n Btj PciTrHitotrTH. Jis
B. WU ime Table.
o.1.-lla. m. tin. 2. 4 :29 p. in. .
No. 3.-6 :0l p. ni. No. 4. 10 :29 a. ni.
Xo. 5 7 :47 a. m. No. 6 7 :t in. 111 '
No. 7.-6 :50 11. in. Ko.3'0. ":4i a, tn .
No. 9. 6 :17 p. in,
Al train- ro-i l lily by wav of Omaha, except
Nos. 7 and 8. which run to and froai beKuyfac
daily axcen Sunday.
ite !
Perfect in Fit. Iu
lirts !
the market. We can bhow you
have ever seen them.
or your money will be
Every Article
lothiers, - 5ti & Main St.
r. m
must be solI it i
to save
UT FIGURES, and you will find this to
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buda
always instock. Not. 26. 1885.
The 5thSt.IercliantTrr
- Keeps a Full Line of ,
Foreign 4 Domestic Zr
Consult Ymir fnr.erent bv ;ivtnt t
n i
. - y ,