, 1 pllifttteiiiifmiii) ; 5 , l'l.ATTSMOUTlI, NEI:ASIvA, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 1), 18S1I. NUMIUCR !( ' A 1 ! I ' f I! in It -51 4 ft J ! I -I i I ! 1 i! f F,0YALrr,":3 J N ''"-'v-r Absolutely Pus-e. Thi kv!'T never aries. A marvel of pur It, st r.-nl h arol u holc-oni'-nes . Mum ccono laical In in lli- r 1 1 rj ny kin i-, and cannot hi boih in co:ii;:eUI o I -aii:! the uinlir.ii.lt or low text, sh rt weight alun nr ;-. Ii - ; it;L t no.vdel Sttllt lUlly in CituK. I.'.pVAI. B'.lvlSO I'OWllKI CO.. loo Wall M. X. V. Treasurer. Oeputy rre;tsurer, - Clerk. Oeputy Clerk. Recorder of Deeds Douutv !i-i!'r..r Clerk f Pl-tuc: Co if. Sheriff. Surveyor. -Attorney, Supt.of Pith. Schools County Ju l HAiti cr hi; A. B. T.ii. Ch'in., LOUI.1 Im'I.IZ, A. It. Dl KMON-. i. a. cami'hkl.1 - Tiim. I'i.i.i.oi'I iti rrn 1 1 km I'.w Cm rrm IKM W. II. &oi Jo I.V M I.KVI). V. C. Hmr.rAi.TKl .1. C. KlKKS KAIO A, Maimii.i A I.I.KS HKK1I' M '.v..A!cn Skim C. BL'SSKLI KRVI'inilS. Plattsmoutl Wee pin Wat" - K mwoor Mayor. Clerk. Prea-ujrer, Attorney, Fnulne'-r. Police J ii Ip, - " P. M. .i nr.) v K Ko - Ja.m;:i I'a ttkusom, ,ih. Hvim.s IIIAHI. A M linn S Cl.ll-'K'I'I) M arrii.il I. I. II. lLN CouuciUue... 1st w..r.I. iH .. . .. y ,h. i-.s I lt. Sill I'M AN 4. -r., .. ) M l ' II I'll 1 I s u; i"x I l n i 'or. nor. r1. I'll i i." I'uir 4::$. 1 .) W'.I HNS .V'llAIllMAS Board Pub. '.Voile : i:i'i i.Mi 't 1 II H A WKsWoItTU vss i.oi, s.. l i . - h.-Mi-et Vverv Tue-"!.; V f v.-: mi . of v !i --k. Al trirnteut iTi'tii' :s :i.t- r---f 'ii i IttonJ. 1LATr.!.?r s-s: ;; v?u".f!-:r n... :i. i. o l. K.. ii.-' j "v - v .s. is - Kr'.l.i? il e:icli ij:::.:':i ': " M !!. :s: '. liif lirotht-r-. ar . i t ). ; 1. A. . h. V. .Meet.' i'. i i.i i 1 . of I . virv i . Uidt-:. I 1 I ' I'. I;- i. M : -'rr lnali:- i:'t li. . 1' I m- I ; !' 1 !. SteiiiiK I OverHet-i ; ' . Ii. r, ', .- ;i!n-i.-r ; ;. . 11 miMew ' : 1:. -i-. ! -i : i . .1 .'.I -v p. Ii r;v cr ; win ii-li;.!!.'; I : V. ... I.ti-l-.M-. li - t- t ;iti-il : I.. -Im is. ' ;! - ! W;il':i. X! 'K!li:iKA !' I. .N . .:. It. A. V I -..i - :.,,! -.i.l r-i.-.'l I 11 : . i ; . of e i- ! month;.' I:i-oii'-- Tr;i:isc: nt broth -r are invitnl to iU'i-i v. :::i in. r". V.. White, II. P. W'M. V vs. SfPrt-5 -.ry. Iji,ATf-?V!)rr:i !';.;:!-Xi'.ii. a a.v Mei-tt o'l rii-t :!ur l MmHiiys each mo-itli :it ,::-.r !-.!'. A is ;i;i;i-;'at lloth er are cordi.i'.'.y i.t-ii to ih-.m wt;li ui. .1. ti. :.:i:;ikv, W. M. V.'M. IIH,Sec,v!:i;y. (i ASS CVill' NO. M.ir:i:X VVOMMR of Amerit- i ?: -: -.. :unl fotsrtli .Mon dayeveninu :it l;. ? I, ii:- 1 Ail trnvU'ii t'.rothtrr are r I t nu ' vit; u. I. A Nowco.-iier, Vi:ii".'..'''.'' ":! 'il ; 'i. K, ?!;';' Worthy 1'lvWft ; S '. V i;.:-. I! i:i-;er ; W. A Boeck. flrlt. 1LTTsvo.: r ii :.!. :i. n . ,. o. v. v Meet- i'Vi tv -;: t.-r. ;... i"ri.! ;v cvi-nin a Kockwn:xl hall ::t i ;. 'l ir; ;is'nnr t.r )t! rr are ri'sp"i-tf is! y ir-vit'! io :t'i:-:;il. 1 . I,arln. M. W. ; F. i:yj. 1''m-i:i:.ii : S. V. Wilde, llcoriler ; i.c'.iiiril Ainit-rs i i. fvi-r-e'T. (iASsrorjN'i! N" n-'..''VAi. .uunl" J merti tns "cc 1 1 in I f 'ir:h Momluvs o .acli mouth at Ar;.i iu-.i M t-I. It. X. lil.KXN, KK"'. P. C. MINOR. S.!.T.-i-iry. PL ATTS MOUTH SOARDOFTrt ADE President Kobt. li Viinl!i:m 1st Vice lr'-i'lv.it.... A. H. To-i; 2nd Vice .'resilient vV;n Neville Secretary Mrr-nani. Treasurer F. K. nmlimai J. C. Kichv. K. i-:. Whir?. .1 0. I'atter-toi J. A. 'on'r. H. l":-"!i, C. W. Slierinan, F. (lor dr, J. V. AecHbH ii. O-: ffi.t. W. A. Pin; - ..v inlander Hkn.i H'Mplk v.r.nr ic 8. CAKHl'aN' I n:ior i4o. Sll.t-t Ij la - . A SHirM IN s r!?. ILznkv suswir ... ...-.... v. A. T.bsoii ':!.-ro. t'.:? iir. jAMt H'ckhj:.- " " :;'l d . "--er-rt .I.i.r. ASPtOV Fit V.. .. ir r Mu'er S-rtl. L. lCl'Krn Cl!-sIa:n teetin-s -5.aruril.ty rveii -i z Notice of City 1 ;ctlon. Notice I- lier.-ht- uiva :t ir Tii"t I ' Apr I 2tl l. A.I t :. an e'ecti .-. be li-'l I f the f 'llovvinii city m l i:'.i 1 '.:Y -vt of t!ie City of Plattfinouth : First Ward. oat ' f'. tei'ni i't. ec'l'l Ward. Oie ' '.irf!!-naii. Third Ward. Hi.- '"o i-.eiha i'. Fourth Ward - l'n ri-.-iiiu in. Firth Warl. I"v. (? i i I " t?f on ' n-eei v tnic the hiilKr-t n i n -; "f v : -ta ttie Hdli vrd to i-err .r f.v . .-.i " i I itn on re cetviiir ft" ii.-xt 'Mi i t.?r of vote-; t erv t r l he thi ..f i v . T- M.'iiib'rs t!i ' liJird to the tenu f thi-f- ye u - i , ,. 5atd el-e-ii wi'l n-1 following poJlin p a"-s ii e i of ii I wird-i : Firs Ward at 11 ' 1 r's of;: Second Ward at a ' t if v Ir-'ii Work". Third Warl at o li'.'c of Uic'.t.'y ii.os. lumlcr yard Fourth Ward a "a'i'r.n l i:e.l.?r o.Tlje. Fifth Wrtr-i l.ri -k ho l ii "is. And sai 1 J Alius "I e wi'l If i-en at di' o'clock a. vt. of sai I : i-, and cl.i-e at 7 o'clocn p. in, a id no I'ht. IAtedat Claris iti.ii't.N' .'I irc!i9. V!).l9. F. : i. Kichkv, .Mayor. W. K. Fox, City Clerk.. A i'ROMISCUOU I PRIMARY. Second Ward Democrats Make a Punitory Assault on Their Power. Poor Municipal Nominations. Tlio deiuocritU held their primary iiuitiiiir lust niirht as was announced and tuiiile iiomiuatioiu for their ticket fur a couiicilmin fruui each of the old wards to succeed the retiring members The couticilincu whose terms expire this spring are Mr. J. V Weckhach, ot the First ward; D. M. Jones, of the Second; S. W. Duttan, of the Third; and 1. Mc- Calleu of the Fourth. The retiring mem bers of the school board are Watth. Smith and L. D. Iknnett. AT TUB FIKST WARD. The democrats of the First ward held their caucus in the council chamber. lLnry llerold was elected to the chair for the occasion and F. Herrmann made secretary. For their candidate for coun cilman J. A. Connor moved the nomina tion of A. Clark, the grocer, and Fred Herrmann moved the nomination of C. Brekenfeld, the hardware merchaut. The vote resulted in 5 for Clark and lit for Hrekenfeld und the chair declared Brekenfeld to be their candidate. For delegates to the convention tomorrow evening to nominates for school board the following were nominated: W. II. Cushing, Ed. Stamm, J. A. Connor, F. IC Guthman, A. Clerk, Fred Herrmann, J. V. Weckbach and J. It. Cox. On motion of J. A. Connor the delegation vm instructed to vote for A. Clark as on?, candidate far school board. A SKCOND WARD SPLIT. According to the report given us from the Second ward the democrats cooked themselves by their nomination there, and thjir nomination for council man was effected against a loud protest fro n the minority. The meeting was held at the school house, J. N. Wise wai made chairman here and C. W. Sherman secretary. Geo. Wcidmann nominated D. M. Jones, -the retiring cr.incilmlra of that ward; Win. Holly no nioate.cl J. J. Dworack, the broom factory m m and someone else nominated S. F. Osborn, the carpenter. The Jones- saloon faction of the Second ward dem ocracy knew the slim recommendation loues' councildiip entitled him for nn- ither term, and anticipated the ignoring f his candidacy this time, also knowing th : attendance would not be very large, acked the houso with voters of the kns calibre and also doubled up on ome of the Jones tickets This created a m!-bu!, and a grand old tint 3 was till but Jones came out ahead ifter the double votes had ;en cist out, but a great deal of dissat isfaction va expressed by his opponents ind mtay declare opjnly, they will sup port the republic in candidate. C. W. Sherman was at the caucus and when the v:ller repartid a double ticket for Jonas td t!u pow-wow aros3. ha ro?e and u 'ckly suggested it was not goo I demo :ratic policy to wrap two tickets t gether; ut .Mr. Weidmm, who voiced the Jones n;n, made it very warm for his editor hip in a hettsd rply. To rjprjsant : lat w trd at tha damicratic sj'a ol con vention Siturday night Messrs.' J. J. Do- ick, Wm. Holly, Hirry Rjese, J. II. Patterson sr., D M. Jonei, G. Turner, C. W. Sherman, Chas. 31'iller were nomin- ted. THIRD WARD. Th3 democrats of this ward net at lichey Bros, lumber yard. Here har mony prevailed compared to the circa it fie Second ward. Dr. Siggins was made chairman and Dive McEatje sec retary. Chis. Ilcmple, a boiler inak-r, was na ninited for candidate for council by acclamation. The delegates apiint ed for the sc'j joI bo ird caucm are M. W. Morgan, Dr. Siggins, Matt Gerfng, W. II. Miller, Jas. Grace anJ J. M. Johns, V. D. Despain. FOURTH WARD. R imxey's offica was the place of the ourth ward caucus. Wm. Winterstein presided with W. II. M ilick as secretary. dcCallen, foreman at the boiler shjpf, utgoing iU3mb2r of the cou icil from that ward was renominated. T.ie dele- gites ti tha school board caucus are Wm. iVinterstein, Ben Ilcmple, F. D. Lcn 'loft", Con Connor, W. II. Malick, Henry Butler, John Blake and Henry Mirt;n, instructed to vote for W.n. Win- tersteen and Walter White as democratic md: dates forschot)! board. Wintersteen ras renominated chiirtnin of t:is city V-mocratic central committee. Tirj Fiftli ward democrats met eight li onij at the school house, but were afraid o d anything, and adjourned to meet At th-'. same place at 7:30 tomorrow even hoping for a better representetion, t:d tUt school board convention will be equ 'ited to wait till they make their nominations. No Sunday Saloons in Omaha. Mayor Broatcli, of (Jjuuha, has been '"in the soup" for about two . wri-Un, on accouut of the Sunday saloon law. No matter which way hi turn-d eotmone had hot words for him, a conliug to newspaper reports. From the Ji'jtubU van's view Mayor Broutch, at the last organization of the council, to secure the election of Mike Lie to the presiden cy of the council, won the votes of Councilman Kasyar ami Snuder for Mike Lee by making a positive promise that he would not issue a Sumlay clwsing order. The trade whs distinct and both councilman claim that they will inuko allidavit to Uroatch's language. Viheu the mayor took the opposite couise both Kuspar and Sander went to him, charged him with it, and stated that if he did not modify his order so as to allow the saloons to run Sundays, they would have nothing further to witli him. The mayor . said then that he would not modify the order publicly, but he would allow the back doors to be open. Then tlie saloonkeepers met and the account of the proceedings was published in all the papers, with the fact that the saloons had given money for his campaign. This excited his pride and he has decided not to allow them to open at all on Sundays, and is sued an order to that tffect. Although ilayor Broatch won the hearty disapproval of the saloon clemeut he has made warm friends othfrwise.nnd if ho stands firm will lm--e tiie support of all respectors of law. Tuesday a dele gation of most all the ministers of the city called on him and expressed their pleasure at his legal stand. The mayor, without request, stated to them that he was going farther and would stop the sale of liquor Sundays at houses of pros titution and clean out Hades Island. (Hades Island is a strip of land north of Omaha in the river, which is probably the place-of darkest crime ami lawless ness in Nebraska.) If Mayor Broatch lias taken the dtcid- cd stand which it appears that he has. Omaha has the man at the head of her municipal alfairs which she has long been in need of. Natural Gas st Hastings. The newspnpers of the st.jte have recently been paying some attention to the reported discovery of natural gas at Hasting?. The following is what J. J. Wemple, a citizen of II i.-lings, is credit ed as saying about it by the Omaha Republican : "There is natural gis at Hustings. Just how much there is it is impossible at present to tell. The well as it now stands will furnish a fl w RulHcieut to boil water and burn wood. The com pany being organized to develop the well has not vet begun to push down the large hole, bui it will be ready in a lew days to begiu. The striking of gas in a well in that locality was no surprise to many of us. I have known for several years that there were oil and gas springs alons; a small stream south of Hastings. There is " a farmer living on the stream who has often dipped up this oily water from the surface of the springs on his farm, and burned it in the stove or in a pan. There is evidently an oil belt across that part of the sti.te. North of Grand Island, at a place called Dannebrog, there are gas and oil springs that are quite remarkable for their strength. One German there has a barrel turned upside down over a gas spring in his pasture and he can t;ike gas from it at any time ami burn it like the gas that comos from the factory in Oma ha. If the rind proves to ba ns great as it now appears, Hastings will oon dis tance all towns in central Nebraska. The people are not going to grow wild over it. however, but simply wait and hope for the best results.'' Capt. Iwidd's Long Diseuibmlicil Spirit. A ghost in tho old Rock Hill estate at Medford is the subject for gossip in that vicinity. It i3 said to be the spirit of Capt. Kidd, and this belief is founded on an old tradition connected with the estate. It is one of tho numerous places where the fabled treasure was bidden. Many have dug for it, and it is said that some struck tho cover of the chest, but it had a trait of sinking lower whenever touched. Another theory is that the midnight visitor is the spirit of a New Hampshire farmer who was robbed and murdered there. The majority of people, however, have no story at all and will believe in none. The visitor has the usual characteristics of a ghost, and has disturbed all the inhabitants in the vicinity. Springfield Republican. The 13 in poror's French Cook. The expulsion of French cooks from his household by the present emperor of Germany recalls the fact that his im perial grandfather long employed M. Urbain Dubois as chef. When the Franco Prussian war broke out, M. Dubois re signed his post, but Emperor William would not permit him to depart. When the fortunes of war had placed the chefs native village in the emperor's power, the latter issued an order that the people of that vicinity should not be compelled to pay an indemnity. San Francisco Argonaut. An Ordinance Levying a fcp.'clal t;tx and a m'liient 'i n a!l bus v.iilim .Yin,' tl-i net No 1. In the ciiy of I'lat Is nun It. lo cover tie co.it of paving Kiel i ll li HA Main slieet. b 'lween the ea-l riiiu of Si'veiilh n n et and ve. si !e t:f : c ond Si i eel lu s.tb: illy. WllKKKAS, Il havi'm hern, lilul bel;; '.K i e by aitjtnlKeil, itete-mined and established that tii several lots l:'reinaf ter referred to have each been specially benefited to I ha lull amount herein lev ed and assessed against each of said lots respectively, by reason of the pav ini; and curbing of that part of Main street be tween the e. si side, of Seventh reet and the wet lde id Second Mieel. I'hr.rifurv, -or the pm poHe of paying the font of nd paving and curbing ' it Onlitinr.il hy the Maunr and Council of th ( Until I'lnllxiiiiiiUH SKc-i. x 1. J hat Hie. cost of paving and curhliig ill part ol Main street wiiliiu nvm U'sil lei Nil. 1, in the city of l'lattsinouth, fin in the east Milf el revt'iitli s'reei to the west side ot .-.'-co il street said coi-t benig the mi in of a:i,-lal.0i. be and the same is hereby levied and a s.-.-.snl in piopni'1 i-iii to the feet fro t along baid saving and curbing anil acc nlini to Hpt clal benefits bv revsou of iaiU pavinti and ciii'biiiK upon the following des. ribea lots ; aid cost being bo levied on naid lolti re spectively, as follows, tu-wit : MialK'ta L, Wateiin ui.lot 7, block 27,. $487 .V tie li iJoyey, I0I8. block 'il James .KnUaii and Wm 1. Browne block .7 Oeorne. l'ronger, lo lo, o k i',.. 'J rusU-KM l'ieb lelian eh!' ea. .. 47 lot D, 4H7 I 4X7 I block 27, - - Fred ."liaUi-liuaiiii. lot U, mock Zi, . ... .lo'iii 1'itZKcrald .ot 1 block 'J John Fitzaer. Id lut 8 block M II. I". t 'ooiedge lot 'J block 2S Peter Merges wei-l !i lot 10 block 'JH. ... V. V. L oi.hid east 14 loi 10 block 28 ... Hizabeth ilerold we-t V lot 11 h ock 28 Wm. llerold eas, Ji lot 11 block 23 RI. 1. I'olk west 'i lot 1 2 block 2.... 47 6; 4111 )2 4".tl r VIZ 'M ZV, 9.1 i'ir hi Amelia Sherwood eat !i lot 12 block 88.. 2vs 02 liank of Cass C . west .- lot 7. block 2t :.. 243 Dii .1 K ' OX, east 'i tl 7 block 20 24" M IClnlly lrew west ii lot 8 block 20 24" Mi Levi Holding asl !i lot 8 block 20 245 !M1 biedatatleinian west 'i loi i! ! k 29 21- '.m V J. vialliu tast li lot 0 blok 20 ii-IO ! !i L'li Lucihda Hillings lot 10 block 20 F. K Wi.ile west ii lot U block 20 Jason Streight eas 'j lot II block 20.. '. I I'oik west 20 feet lot. 12 nlock 20 U V. Alatiiews ea-t 24 f etlot 12 oloek'.9 2i :i2 ha loite A ,W lieeler. lot 7, block 30. ... 401 J Comity I'liininissionuis, Cass county, lot s IIIOCS 20 401 02 Cuuiity (.'oiniiossloners Cass rounty, west It lot 0. block 2-i 2ir, 0(1 I.elia 1,. I lloinaH, east ! i of lot 0 block 30 215 M 11. li. Palmer. W.-i-t !- lot 10. block :il) 245 M ! red "ioioer. east 'i lot 10 bio k 30 245 M l'.eil order west i lot 11 blociv :y0...... 245 00 lohn llartman east 'i lot 11 olouk 30. .. 24" oi Kred tSoos. lot 2 biocK 30 .... 401 92 Fre-ienek Krua. lot 4 block 31 124 10 Phdiip t r.l.eh, iiol tli ', lot 5 bio k31... 124 lo 15 . O K It Co.. n i Lot 5, i;ioe;i 31.. 121 10 V. li i1; IJ K K Co.. bo . I5l.ck3l 307 2J C h & Q it It (.lo.. I. t 7, hloc 31 740 0s 1 hillip l-'i il-eli . K 21 feet IHS lilock.'Sl. 114 2" lUlist lia' k. 2 leet Loi 8, ItloCK 31 i:i 02 li ; ul It .! au, W!i Lot 8. Plock 31 30 .Hi V 11 Guihinao. 24 leet Loi 8. KlodkSl... Lit fih Philip -ntsch. K 21 feet Lot 9. Plock 31. i 4 Au iut Bach. 25 feet Lot V. Block 31... 77 OS It Cutinnan, Lot 0. "lock VI 221 07 K t.lltii ..an. 4 teet Lot 9, Block 31.. 75 90 l-hdli.) Fr'tsch. K 21 leet Lot 1 i. Bh.e.i 31 SI 71 Ul"list I'acil. 2" ieet Lot 10. Block 31 37 05 Henry Amis.iu listate. W north 21 leet Lot 10. Block 31 52 2G f2 20 30 24 153 5U U Citthiuan, SJi Lotlo Block 31.. It Ctl'.liUlan. 24 feet i.ot 10, Block 31... Henry .imi-ou's tate. Lot n. Block 31, V B it i It it Co., Lot 1, U.ock 32 C B & ii ii li Co., Lot 2, Block 32 i O B & li K It Co., Lot 3, Block 32 C B & O K U Co.. Li.t4. Block 32 . ! loots GO J fr ii tinihinan, Itt 11, Block ;2 153 50 Frank Uavle, 24 feel uet to E 48 feet I.ot 12. Block 32 30 24 F L ;ii1 22 feet vv of Frank Gavlc's. L-.t 12. Block 32 32 AUie V i.i.heits. K 48 feet Lot 12, Block ."2 l' It tSuthni n. 23 feet oil west end Lot 12 Block 32 31 04 ; 4 04 I O O 23 sect Bot 12. Block 32 Prank t;;.k 24 feet next to K -18 feet Lot 13, Block 32 L ti i le, 22 le t v of Frank Cayle'u Lot 13 Block 3 ' 7i 90 oo so Allie V Roberts K 48 feet Lot 13.BIock32 151 O.s it ; ni h i.au, 21 feet off wo-t eni; Lot 13. Block 72 90 72 00 I f) i" i3 ieef Lot 12, Bi ick 32 Prank Cayle.24 feet fext to E 48 feet Lot U. I. lock 32 L Ca le. 22 feet W of Prank Giiyle's Lot 1 1. Blocs 32 130 58 110 40 201 1C Vl'de V lioberts e;ist 43 feer lot 14 block li. (iuiliiiian. 2j feet off west end lot 14 block 32 124 41 I. . . I'. Si leet lot 11 blo-k 32 )24 4 . veiolph Bo-enba in east ii lot 1 block 33 215 9; Hannah Biiike, we-t it h" 1 block 33 225 00 C. reteisen ct Bro.. west ii lot 3 ul .'Cit 33 225 00 Ilerm in Spies east ii lot 2 block S3 215 W li s. V . eckbach est i i lot 3 block 33 . 225 00 Kill! I J- Drew e e-t ii lot 3 block XI 2!5 90 I. V eciht-rger west 'i lot 4 block 33.. 215 40 ios. V.'rt'ockh cii east ii lot 4 bloc-. 33.. 2o 40 Wliliain Wetencamp lot 5 bl ck 'Si 4ol 02 vdolp;iu.s Busch lot 6 ItloCk 33 401 92 John W atei nian lot 1 block 31 4 1 92 John u a'cnnan e&M. li lot 2 block 3 ... 245 o. lohn Fitzgerald wet-t ii lot 2 block 31 ... 245 06 lohn Fitzgerald east ii let 3 idoek 34 215 Oil I. (Siliek west li lot 3 block 31 245 $;i Joiioiliau lla'l ai d J. W. .Mart his west !, lot 4 block 34 245 90 Kobo W hi'e e..St Vi lot 4 block 34 245 9 1. it. waterman east 'i lo 5 block 34 .. 245 oo Wm. W etei.cae.il. west mmsbl -k 34... 245 90 Peter Murom west ii l t C bl ck 34 .... 245 90 1. l eiinhotl ea-t iot 0 block 31 2'5 90 Prank Cariuth ea d 'i iot 1 block 35 245 9i K. P. Uo.-i. wood west li lo- 1 block 5 225 0H Walter W hite lot 2 block ."5 4fo 12 ra A. Myers east lor 3 block 35 i'45 ..0 C. II. Pauiiele we-;t 14 'or 3 block 35 245 o; Alice I eppeibeig east u 1 t 4 block 3j. . 2'5 oo E. i JJovey dr Son v est ii lot 4 b.ock 35 2J5 ei; h. u Ouvov & '(in lot oiilocK 3 4 .i 12 A. W. White, 20 feet lot li bio k 3 2ot C,, Herirv B-'eek, 24 feet 1 it C block 35 210 no Johu'Black north 48 feet lot 1 block 30.. 250 9;i M: K. ehuich ce iter 33 lot I block 30 227 50 loi.n Black north 4S leet lot 'J block 30... 25: !!i M i-. church center lot 2 block 30 227 r.o Of. 11. iL.il lot 3 hloek "0 474 32 K. I.ivii.jrston lot 4 block 30 4S7 62 -rati- Cant ill lot o block 30 487 52 W. H. Schihiktieeht !Ol li hlocK 3t 4S7 52 Shttion 2. lhat s-iiJ fpecia tass levi d aforesaid on said lot respectively sh li be-e.un-.' ileliiui'ient ;is fo'lows : One tenth of the total amount so levied on each of said lots shall become (ieiii;tiient in f.f y days fiom the pass age and approval of this ord nance, one tenth in oae ye r, one tenth in two years, one tenth 111 tarce ye:irs,.oiic tenlli in four yearn, one tenth in live years', one tenlli in six years, one tenth in seven years, one. tenth in ei.-lu years, oietetith in nine years alter said levy, and be ing iroin the pa-sai:e und approval of this ordi na:iCf. Kaeh of said in bailments, except the first, shall dfi.w Iatere-.t at tha rate of seven per cnt i t ai.nirn fiv-ni the time of the levy aforesaid uu' il the na re sha'l become deiln-qut-nt, ard after the sanu shall become delin quent a peimlty oi live per c -lit together with interest at the .ate of one per cent per month snali be paid upon each delinquent install ment. !kc. 3. That th1 entire amount of tax so levied and assessed on any of said lots may be pa a by the owner of any 1 4. or the entire equal pro rut-; proportion of saiu tax on at y of sai 1 lids, mav be paid by any person on any part of caid lots within fifty days from cuid levy, and 1 hereupon stich lot or parts of lots shall be exempt from anv lie.i or charge there for. Sw 4. That this ordl-ance fall take effect and h t- foiee from and after its passage. 1'assed and approved February 1 :. A. I), issa. (ATTK.sr) P. M. KICHEY. M vor. w. K. F X, City Clerk. The above tax is now due and payable at the office d the etty treasurer, and will b. come de linque t and t ear interest after April 3rd. lsso, as seen lu seelioa 2 of the above ordinance. JAMES I ATT Eh SON,. is , City Trea-uier Fob Sale The M. E. Church proj)! r ty on Gth street, abjut 92 feet front, for terms apply to 1 w d w Windham & Daveis I ail oping I Having Just Returned from the East we arc'Daily in Receipt of New and Fashionable made C Which are ' B Sf Of III Furnishing Goods, We have the finest grades in the market. We can show you Doolao, Yeoman and Stetson Hats In all Colors and Shades, and as to I'riee', we guarantee to sell you Gootls at Lower Prices than Dm ilia or any other cily can quoie you. Call on us and you will go 'Ltiway satisfied that 1 PflW BHV I Ijllll bm Of us for Less money than you Guaranteed as Represented Tho Leading Clothiers, - 5U & Main St. jaihj n rmji ec 1 la Isai lass tl 3 ks t-M tea mi i u ii UU I BOOTS cBiicl SHOES Going to Pueblo, Col., and the goods must be sold at a sacrifice in order Ladies Glove Grain S. S. Button Shoe will sell at l)0c., regular price (1.35. Ladies Bright Grain Buttan Shoe sell at 1, regul ir price $1.50. Ladies Goat Silk Lining Button Shoe will sell at $l.f), regular price $..5. Ladies Glaz? Dongola Button Shoe will sell at 1 75, regular price 2.25. Our Ladies Fine Glazed Dongola $:.0' Button Shoe will sell nt $2.40. Our Ladies Fine Hand Turned $4.00 Button Shoe wiil sell for $:j.00. M. u's Fine Calf Boots will sell at $1.75, regular price $2.50. Men's Best $3.00 Boot will sell at $2 40. Men's Best $3.25 Shoe will sell at $2.75. Men's Fine Dress $2.25 Shoe will sell at $1.75. -We have a great Tint we hive not spacj to mention, so call early andtake advantage of this rare opportunity at P. S. All Gao ls MUl'.vE.) IN be no advertising scheme. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given fur Pain less Filling ok Extraction ok Teeth. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubb-r or Celluloid Plat 's, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All vork warranted. Prices reasonable. Fi rzt-t .''s . i:k. Pi. t r M )tT r h. Nkk b. & Tfl. Tlma "Table. OOtVO WK'T. n. 1. 4 r..e a. m. V. 3. U :0l p. III. 'o. S 7 :47 a. in. No. 7. i) rof o. in. So. 9. --6 rl7 p. m. C.'TlXo HAS1". No. 2 4 rl") p. in. No. 4. lo -2J .1. in. No. D-M in. ra Xo-i'0. 9 :44 a. m. A'l train run dallv by wavof O.naha. except Xos. 7 and S which run to and froia Schuyler daily except Sunday. Si'I q O I'erfect in Fit. In m ssm m m 01 cUli 15 ! PCTTPP P10n mil I u UuOBj have ever seen them. Every Atlielo or your money will be refunded. to save movin"-. many Bargains in- PL.VIN FIGURES, and you wiil lind this to JULIUS FEPPERBERG, MANUFACTUUEH OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THIS Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Pcpperbergo' r.nd 'Buds FULL LINE OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. fc'l. 1885. ! ( The 5th St. Herchant Tailor Keeps a Vull Line of Foreign 4 Bomsstic Goods. Consult Your fnfere-t bv (Hvmg Him a C' SHERWOOD BLOCK r'livttsxja.outtli. - lSTo3 3 3 A T hT S "B iv UHlOulLi!,