"1 ! ' ' X PLATTSMOUTH, XKIiU.VSKA, AVi:i)Xi:SI)AY 12VI2XIXU, MARCH 27, 1881). numiikk hh; G2EAI SALE 5f?i I Ityfo rift ,7 vwmap yw'V'U OUT - r J; r 1 VCy Entire stock of Boots, Slioes, JrtioblDex's anvl ISlipPers Must Be Sold By April 1st. Whoever Wants to Buy Cheap, Come. Now is the Time, I thank the 1'uMic for their past generous patronage, and will be pleased to see all 1113' old customers and others to avail themselves of this rare opportunity of Cheap (Joodri. All those knowing themselves indebted to me must come and settle by April 1st, ua all my accounts will be placed in the collector's hand, and costs added. 2 S 3SS8 im. GIVIG SOGIKT-MS. "Vw w... w ww w www w " - - ' CI ASH I.OUtls. No. It'i. 1 . o. I . -.Meets 'very liicsdny evening of ech week. Ail transient brothers aro re j' -elf nily iuvited to fcttrml. IILATTMOI I'H ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. O. F.. meets (ry a'tcrov.'e Friday lil each inoii'li In lh M. if. in- II ill. Visiting Brothers utu loviicd ! ;tit-ml. TWO AtWW. NO. Hi. A. (. L. W. Meets every attentat Friday evening at li . of 1". all. Transient brother art? re-pcctiully lu lled to attend. F. 1. Brown. Vaster ork lil an ;i B.K- ins'er. K.-reiinui ; K. II. Steimker Overseer; W. II. Mli'r. I maiii'ier; C F. liousewoi III. Keeordci ; r-'. .1 .Moigin, liecelv er ; Win. I'rcli.-iii. ;.:!. ; Wii.. I.udwig. Inside atch : L. ob.cn. mt.vidc Watc i. AT EBKASK A CHM'TEIi- NO. 3, K. A. M. i' Mfft.H :;i i-hikI I fourth 'lu.sd.iv of each mouth at MaoiiV l!::!l. Transcii lit brothers are Invited to meet watt us. f. !".. Winn:, H. I. Wv. It v. Secretary. Ih.atthmo'tth li.cf. n.. a. p.. a. m. Mceti in the I'm -t :iu.l inn. I Monday of each month at their !.;;!!. All transient l"ro:!i et are cordially In-, i ! - 1 to nn-ct wit ii s. .1. J. Kk sikv, W. M. Wm. Hats. Seri-tary. CiASS CAM J No. nrj, moukkn vo(:mkn ' ol America Mri-!t -wiX and fonrlli !nn day eveniiiij lit K. of 1. Ii.i'.l. All tr.iiisiuiit trother are r-;:-si.'il to mr-t witli iih. K. a, Ntwid hit, Vupernble t'oiiial ; S. K, Niifn Worthy AdvUiT ; S. (.. V.iMf, J'. tnker ; W. A. Boeck, C'lt rk. JULIUS rEPPEHBEIIG. MANUFACTUKKU OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DSAI.KU i:i TJIii . Choicest Brands of Cigars, inclu.tir!"; our -Flor do Pepperbergo' one! 'Buds kl:i.l line of TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stork. Nov. 2f. 1SS5. PUo)EISi Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength t'Kl wnoieeomeues. More econ mii'al Hmu the ordinary kindiK, and cannot be Hold in competition with the multitude nf low lent, sh'rt weight al'iiu or iiiphate powders. Sold imlij in can. Koyal Uakimo I'owueh Co., ltw Wall t. N. Y. : DRESSLER, The 5th St. Ierchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of Foreign 4 Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by Giving Dim a Ca SHERWOOD BLOCK Tlrtt-m.-vxt'h.. - TOW- Our First Spi ing Surprise! With Wew Goods at n In II ft .iTifafi outlier Men's and Voaths Suits, $1.93, $7.85, S 10.00. For Business, 12.30, $15.00, $10.50. Boys' Long Pant Suits to IS years, 2.95, 3.45, $5.45 to $13.50. Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $1.4-5, 1.95, $2.45, $3.45, $5, $0, 37, Boys' Kneo Pants 35 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., $1. Men's Merino Underwear 23 cents to 2.50 a suit. Calf SIujs $1.20 to $5.00 a pair, Men's Latest S.yles of Stiff Hats from $1.50 to $3.50. All the Latest Styles In Shirts and Neckwear. HERALD STAFF HONORED. Made the Rec9lpionts of a Basket of Delicious Viands. Thu forenoon as tlic dimur Hour was i drawing ni;h, that time of l;iy wlion an inward fueling of vacancy causes tl.o compositor to watch tho h ind of the clock impatiently, a modest young lady eutered the sanctum with a lare market basket on her arm, handsomely decorated and of a general appenraueu that imme diately excited our curiosity. With admirable courtesy the basket wkh placed ou the desk with the remark "TLi is from the W. R. C. to the IIkbald." Ac cepting our thank the iiH'fcaeiigor took her leave. Removing the coyeiing from the basket there was revealed an exten sive assortment of good things, in generous quantity, and urranged in an attractive manner by some tasteful and artful hand. The following note: PIjATTsmoutii, March 2G. At a regular meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps a resolution of thanks was offered to the IIekald staff for their many kink word and favor given. Ac cept the basket and contents from the cowmittte of entertainment. The basket contained n large six-layer, beautifully fros-ted cake, of most delicate flavor, t urrounded with oranges bananas nuts, caramel and candies. Here was a feast fit for the president and his cabinet But without an invitatioa to those dis tinguished parties the IIicit.VLi prints and editor laid the contents on a stone and then set to work to "clear the deck" with a hearty good will. I he treat was greatly enjoyed, and the IIekald staff will always entertain pleasant memories of the occasion toward the ladies of the W. It. C. Methodists on the Move. At an official meeting of the trustees of theM. E. church on Monday evening it was decided to offer for sale al the church orouerty on Ctli street, including the church bui ding, and in the event of a tale, to construct a new church edifice further from the business center of tne citv. The business committee were al9() instructed to pay the paving tait recently assessed. It benins to look as if the churches in Plattsmouth meant business. Let the good work go on. Our city is far behind in the matter of good churches. A Card. We desire to retnru our sincere thanks to our friend and neighbors who so kindly rendered us assist mce in the care of Q'ir late son, Qeorge, during U:s locg pell of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. S. L.. Furlong. Timothy Clark has purchased the .John sop acre in ths north part of Jiil lings town, on Sixth stre. For Sale The M. E. Church proper ty on Ctli street, about 92 feet front, for term? apply to 1 w d w Windham ce Daveis -Just received at assortment of spring the Raz iar, hats ana tnmins. a large Hard Worker for Your Trade. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska, Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will i.e received l.y t'ue Cnainum of the Board of fublie Works uuiil noon ou the 17tli day of Apr I. 1o, for fining the olJ creek bed at the following plavs town : Coutract No. 1, 1.378 cud. yas.more or less on Vine street between 6th and 7lh street. Con tract No. 2 l.GZ" cuh. yd, more r le on Pear! tit between th and 7tli Sts Contract No. 3 ug cub. yds. i;orn or less ou E ist :f 5-h St. be tween Maiu and' Pearl Sis. Contract 4.741 cub. y.i-tv- more or less on east side of 4li rt. between Main and Pearl Sts. Two classes of bids will be received f r s ii l work : Class "a" the Contractor to furnish eartii from private grounds ; CJas "IV the contractor to tnki; the earth from such plaees iu the public streets a the Chairman of tiie Uoard of I'ublic Vv'ork may direct. Engineer's Estimate Contract No. 1. Class A. 12!i cts per cubic yard. Kocineer'u Estimate Contract No. 1, Class B. S cts. per ci'b. yrrt. Enstiueer" fcstlmatft Coijtrac?; So. 2. Class A. 12'i cts pvrr cub. yrd. Ekrin.'er'8 Estimate Contract o 3, Classy 25 cents per cub. vrd Engineer's Estimate Coutraet No. 3, Class A 12' j ft, per cub. yrd. Knffiueer's Estirnats Contract No. 3, Cass 20 cts. per oub. yrd. Engiueer's Estimate Coutraet No. 4, Class 12'i cts per cub. j rd. Engineer' Estimate Contract No. 4, Class 25 cts per cub. yrd. Work to be completed within thirty days from the lettinx. Contract to b let to the lowest and best bidder. Th right is reserved ro reject any and all bids. For particulars en quire of the Chairman Board Public orhs. .1. W. .IoHNSO.. d20t Ch'm. Board Public Works. B. B, An Orclf r. r-.cs Levying a special tax aid ,;. d.niit a!i lotswitliiu pavmg dixinct No 1. in the city of 1'lat Is i outli, lo cover the cost of paving and i urbmg A'aln slieef. bL'tween the eal Mile of Seventh street and wen; iJe of t-.co-ontl siieel in Hail city. Y hkkkas, It bavi'jg been, and being here by adjudged, dutetiniiied and established that the several lots Hereinafter referred to have each been specially benefited to the full aiiioiiDt herein levied and assess -d against each of said lots respectively, by reason of the pav ii.g and curbing of that part of Main street be tween the est side of Seventh street aud the west fide ! Second street. therefore, s'or the purpose of paying the coHt of Huld paving and curini.g lie it Ordained hy thr Mayor and Council of the L ily of I'UUtxmoulH SKt.-TliN 1. That the cost of paving and ' curbing lh.it pail of Main street williin paving ' (i slilel No. 1, in the city of Piattvuiouth, from the east siilo of feveiith sireel to the west side ol second street, said cost beirg the sum of I 2D,4sl.t;'i, be and the same is h. retiy levied aud I a sessrii in proporiion lo the feet fio t along said l aving aud curbing aud according lo special benefits by le isoii of said paving and curbing upon the following des-ribea lots ; said cost being so levied ou said lots re spectively, as follows, to-wit : hllabeMi L. W al man. lot 7, block 27,. 94S7 52 (ie E Uovey.lotS, block 27, 4S7 52 James Jordan and Win L Browne, lot 9, block .7 487 52 Ceorge Pronger, lo: 10, olock 27, 4s7 -2 Triisieeu Prunbyieriau cliuicli, lot II, block 27. 4S7 52 Fml StaUflmann, lot 12, block 27.. 4S7 52 I John Fitzgerald tot bluek 28 4y y2 I John Fiizger.:ld lot 8 block 2i 4!1 02 j II. P. Cooiedge lot J block 2S 4iil '.! ! Peter Merges west !i lot 10 Mock 28 245 .M V. V. Lou;. id east ' loi 10 block 2 215 ; I 1 Iiz:ibeth ilendd wesl lot 11 b ock 28.. 215 !; in. lierold easi !i lot U block 28 215 tXi M. It. 1'olH west i lot 12 block 2.S !IC Amelia Sherwood east !i lot 12 block 28.. 2v.it 02 Bank i.f Cass C west i lot 7. block 2'J .. 245 in; J K ox, east Vt ot 7 block 2i) 215 Emily i.ivw west lot 8 block 2:) 245 00 Levi tii-lding rasl ', lot 8 block 2'J 245 'Mi b red siadt lman west 'i lot 9 b o k 2? 245 yr C J, Martin east lt lot 9 bloik 2J 15 M Luciuda killings lot 10 block 29 491 92 F. E W. ite west ii lot 11 block 29 245 i Jason SLreight easi lot 11 block 29..,. 245 l'ti i , 11. l o.U west 20 feet lot 12 olock 29 . . 22i U V. Mathews ea-t 21 f et lot U olock 29 2J4 32 t ha'lottv A , heeler, lot7. block3t, ... 491 U2 Cotiuiv Coiniuissioucis, Cass county, lot 8 block 3(1 491 92 Coubty Commissioners Caascouuty, west ! i lot 9, block 30 245 9i Lclia L. I Ii .in. is, c.ist 'i Of lot 9 block 3u 215 II. K. Paliiier. west yt lot 10. block 30 245 9u I' red i oioer. east ! lot 10 blo-.k 30 215 'M Fit-d ;orier west i-i lot 1 1 block ;Jo 2i5 !u John llartisian east ' lot 11 olouk 30. .. 245 !; Kied tioos. lot 12 bloek 30 491 92 Frederick Krug, lot 4 block 31 121 19 Phiiiip Fr.lscli, north !i lot 5 blok 31... 124 19 O 1 J: ii it K Co., S!i Lot 5. Block 31.. 124 l!i C Ii & 1 K 11 Co.. Lo C, Block 31 397 2J C 15 iS; Q ti U Co., L it 7, Block 31 749 ti Phillip r'litsch, E 21 feet Lot 8 Block 31. 114 2"i August Back, 25 feet Lots, Block 31 i:w 02 F i: .(iattt iiau, V!i Iot 8. Block 31 0 50 K li tjuttman, 21 feet lo( s. Block 31... l.W rs Phillip ."iitNch. E'Jl feet Lot 9. Block 31- ; 4s Aiuust Bach. 25 feet Lot 9. Block 31... 77 Us ' II Gutliinan, Vi Lot 9. Block 31 221 97 F It t.utliiiiau, 24 teet Lot 9, Block 31.. 75 99 Phillip Frtsch, E 21 teet Lot 11. Blocd 31 31 71 August Baeh. 25 feet Lot 10, Block 31 37 Go Henry Amison Estate, W!i north 21 feet Lot 10, Block 31 51 2f. 8" R (iiithman, SVV1 LotlO P;ocS :it ... 52 2i F li Jitiiti;an. 24 feet Lot li, Block 3L.. 3t; 24 Henry AniKon's Ftate, Lot 11, Block 31. 153 50 ilriiiiil Onng is! Having Just Returned from the Kast we are Daily In Receipt of New and Fashionable made M G ? O Which are Perfect in Fit. In leckwear ano 6 hirts l Furnishing Goods, We have the finest grades in the market. We can show you Donlap, Yeoman and Sieiscn Hats In all Colors and Shades, and as to Price, we guarantee to sell Goods at Lower Prices th in O.naha or any other city can quo:e you. Call on us and you will go 'away satisfied that you - - - 1 ...j feci 150fi Oo 153 50 50 24 32 04 72 48 34 04 :-4 04 75 H J 69 99 130 5S 119 40 V. B & Q It U Co,, Lot 1. Block 32 U B ct Q K It Co., Lot 2, Block 32 ... C ii & i) It It Co., Lot 3, Block 32 .. C li & Q K It Co.. Lot 4. Block 32... K Ii Guihman, Lot 1 1, Block 32 ... Frank Uayle. 24 feet next to E 48 Lot 12, Hlock 32 F L.Gavle, 22 feet w of Krahlt (iayle's. Lot J2. Block 52 Allie V Uobeits, K 48 feet Lot 12, Block 32 K Ii tiuilmi n, 23 feet oil west end Lot 12 Block 32 I O O F 23 lect Lot 12. Block 32 Frank (Savle. 24 teet next to E 48 feet Lot 13, Wjck 3. ., F 1, i.le, 2'J te t W tjt Frank tiayle's lot 13 Block 3 ' Aliie V Koberts, E 48 feet Lot 13,Block 32 151 98 it u tai'ii'iian, 21 ieet oil westeud Lot 13. Block 3i 72 93 I O O F 23 feet Lot 12, Bl sck 32 72 99 I-rank Oayle,21 feet next toE4sfr;et Lot 14, Block 33 , F Ii Oayie, is2 feet W of Frank Cayle's Lot 14, Block 32 Allie V lioboits cast 48 feet lot 14 block 32 F. It. Outhman. 23 feet olT west end lot U IHocK 32 I. (. O. F. ti teet lot H block :i2 Adolph Ho.-ouliM tn east !i lot 1 block 33 245 96 laiinah Blake, we-t '3 lo: 1 block 33 225 00 J. C. Peteiseu ct Bro.. west ! lot 3 bloc 33 Hernun Spies east ' lot 2 block 33 I os. V . eckbach west Vt lot 3 block 33. . Emily Drew e it Vt lot 3 block 33 ). v lureiioerger west 'i lot 4 luock 33.. J"s. V. W'eckb ich oiist ',4 lot 4 bloo-t 3i. . Wiiiiai'.i Wetc.iicamp lot 5 hi ck 33 iluh) ins Busch 1 t 0 block 33 John Watermau lot i block 34 John vva'ermau east ' lot 2 block 34 ... John Fitzgerald wst !i lot 2 block 34 John Fitzgerald east '-i lot 3 block 34 ... 1. (iiuck west Ii lot 3 block 31 Jouotliau Hart a. id J. VV. Marthis west lot 4 block 3 , fiobo v hie e.ist ii lot 4 block .1. H. Waterm iu east 'i bo5 block 34 . Win. Wetencjsiii west Vi lot5 hi ck SI. Pe;er Jluiiim west Vi l 't G bl ck 34 . . . F. I), iehnUolf ea--t l lot 0 block 34 ... Frank Camitli east Vt lot 1 b'ock 35 .. K. P. Hockwood west U lot 1 block 35 Walter White lot 2 block 35 40 12 Ira A. Myers eat 'i lot 3 block 35 245 !; C. H. Pa' inelc !i lot 3 block i5 215 9; Alice Pcpperberg east V lot 4 block 35. . 225 00 E. it. Dovey A Son est yt lot 4 biock 35 225 in; KGOyvey.t "oii lot Sblocic 3" 450 12 . w. v line. X itiec 101 e mo k 3 2-)4 6 Henry Hocuk, 24 feet lot 0 block 35 210 00 Johii Black uoi til 48 feet lot 1 block 3G-. 259 99 M. K. chuich center lot 1 block .30 227 5J Mm Black north 48 feet lot 2 block 3o .. 2: 99 M E church center ?i lot 2 block 3o 227 5,, ios. II H ill lot 3 blnc'4 30 474 32 K. Livingston lot 4 blocs 30 4s7 52 Fran Carrnth lot s block 30 487 52 W. II. Schiidkuecht lot 6 block 33 ... 4S7 52 Skction 2. That s lid snesia' taxs levl d aforesaid on Slid bt respectively shab be come delinquent as fo'lows : One tenth of the total amount so levied on each of said lots shall become delinquent in fif y days from the pass Mge and approval of this ord nance, one timtii in one ye -r. one tenth in two years, one tenth in three years, one tenth in four yearn, one Of ii4 for Less money than you havo ever seen thm. Guaranteed as Represented or your money will be Every Article refunded. MAYER. ... 2G1 1G J24 4v 124 4 225 0C 245 9f 225 03 215 9ti 245 4t; Sin 4i 4:il 92 4:)1 92 4 1 Hi 245 !5 215 90 215 9G 245 90 245 06 245 9 213 9i 245 90 . .215 m ... 2'5 9;i . .. 245 9i ... 2-.-5 Oi) The leading Clothiers, 5tl. & Main St. tonth in live year", one tenth In six years, one tent1' in seven years, one tenth in eight ye us. one tenth iu nine years after said levy, and be ing lrom the pasae and approval of this ordi nance. Each of said ia-'tallmeuts, except the first, shall 'Uiavv intere t at tin rate of seven per ci'iit p-jr an nun from Cic time of the levy aforesaid tiu'il the sa-ne sha'l become delin quent, and after the s.im.s suali become delin quent a penalty or live per c.uit together with interest at the rare of one per c-iiit per month s'lall be paid upj;i each delinquent install ment. skc. 3. That th entire amount of tax si levied and :isessed on any of said lots may be pa;d by the owner of any lot. or the entire equal pro rait proportion of said tax on any of sai i lots, nviv he paid by any person on any part of said lots within fifty d:iys from said evy. and thereupon such lots or p irts of lots shall be exempt from any lien or charge there for. Sec. 4. That this ordinance nhall take effect and b j in foiee from an l after its passage. Passed and approved Febr irv U. A. I). 1839. . (Tri.;sr) K. .M. UICilEY, Myjr. w. K. F X. City Clerk. The above tax is now dae and payable at the ofiice of the city treasurer, an I will become de liiique t an I ear interest after April 3rd. l8SJ, as seen In section 2 of the above ordi iarice. J AMES PATT E KSo N . j a . City Treasuter. Notice of City Election- Notice is hereby given tint on Tuesday, Dr. C A. Marshall. , Apr I 2nd. A.I. I8i), an e!ecti;n will be hel I for the f Ib-'wing city audclrol oSlO! of Plitmoutli loera of the City First Ward.Oiie riounci'm in. second Ward. O ie '.'o inciiinan. Third Ward, one Councilman. Fourth Ward. One Councilman. Fifrh War l. Two Ctuucilmeu. the one receiv ing the highest number of vote In the Fiftli ard to serve for tw years, and the one re ceivi" iho next highest nu nber of votes to serve f r the trin of one year. Two Members of tin Siiifiol Board for the term o three years each. said elecii:i wi'l be held at the following polling p'acs-s in e ch of s aid wards : First Ward at Header's office. Second Ward at Cuss Comity Iron Works. ThtriAYari at ottce of Kichey Bros, lumber yard. Fourth Ward at Wa'ennai-s lum)?r offloe. Fifth Ward at brick pchoil house. And saiil p illing places will be open at nine o'clock a. rn. of said day, aud close at 7 o'clock p. m. and mo longer. Dated at Flatts:nouti. Neb.. March 9. AD.lsW. F. M. Kicitzv. Mayor. W. K. Fox. City Clerk. Fine Job- Work Cheap at The Herald. n .. ? 1 jL Preservation of tins Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthctics given for Pain less Filling ok Extraction of Teeth. Artificial teeth mid on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plat'-s, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Price reasonable. Ftrz.tti's K . ;;i4 Puvxr ootu. Neb C. F.SMITH, The Boss Tailor Miln Sl Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $10 to dress suits, $25 to f4. parrts $4, $, $3, $0.50 and upward. 3?" Will guaranteed a Ct. Prices Defy Comoetition. R. S. Wixdham, Joun a. JJAVIEH, Notary Public. Notary Public. WIXIMIA3I A IIAYIG4, .ttorrLsys - at - LaT7. Office over Bank of Cass County. rLATTSMOCTH, - NEBRASKA,