SECOND VIJAIi lLATTS3I()UTIIt NEBRASKA, FJU DAY KVKNING, 3IAKCII 22, 1881). NUMHK1C KM TO & rara out 1 i IB n Q "21? S - IHL 0 IES Si. 3?T U2 - - TUT S IS IES IES 9 s n 4 f . . 4 r si i i i 1 ! i- J f : i m : i i r ' iil i t j :i ts r.l tl M 11 i i J ri. j U i U J'i '.4 I ?! 1 r, i ' J M!y Entire stock of Boots, lioes, !R"u.bbei?s axivl SSlipPe rs Must Be Sold By April 1st. Whoever Wants to Buy Cheap, Come. Now is theTi'me. I tliank the Public fur their past generous patronage, and will be pleased to see all my old customers and others to avail themselves of this rare opportunity of Cheap Goods. All those knowing themselves indebted to me must come and settle by April 1st, as all my accounts will be placed in the collector's hands, and costs added. CIVIC SOCI1STJSS. .W1ASS LOIXiK No. 1M, 1 O. O. K. Meets Veyery Tiiilay evenlui? of each week. All transient brothers are reapectfully invited to attend. PLATTMOUTII KXt'AMI'MKN T No. 3. I. O. O. I'., meet every alternate in acll niontll in I tie Masonic Hull. Visiting Brother are iuvlte4 to atlemi. TRIO LODUE NO. 8; A. O. U. W. Meets every alternat-i Friday evening at K. of 1". all. Transient brothers are respectfully lu lled to at tend. F. P. Brown, Master work man ; B. Kmster, Foreman ; F. ll.Stelmker Overseer; W. II. Miller. Financier; O. F. Houseworth, Kecorder : F. J Morgan, Receiv er; Win. C'relian. ;ulitef Wiii. Ludwig, luslde vVutch : L. Olseii, Outside Watcti. NEBKASKA CHAPTER. NO. 3, It. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at MaonV Hall. Transcielit brothers are Invited to meet with us. F. E. Wuite, II. P. W. If v. Secretary. PLAT rSMOUTH LOP.GK NO. 6. A. F. Jt A.M. Meets on th flrt and third Mondays of each month at their l::ill. Ail transient broth e f are cordially Invited to meet with us. " J. G. Kichkv, W. M. Wm. IlAyu, Secretary. f 1AS4 DAMP KO. 303, MODKItN VViHtDMKN J at America ?deta second and fourth Mon day evening at K. nl I, hall. All transient brother are r.q nested to meet with u-.i. I,. A, Neweo-ncr, Venerable Consul ; . F, Nileit Worthy Adviser ; 3. C. Wilde, Banker : W. A. Bocck, Clerk. ViAKUFACl CKEK OF ANQ WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Florde Pcpperborgo and 'Buds FULL LINK OF ' TOBACCO AN I) SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in block. Nov. 2tf. 1885. Our With l9ew First Men's and Youths' Suits, 81.03, $7.85, 10.00. For Business, 12.50, 15.00, 1G.50. Boys' Long Pant Suits to 18 years, 2.95, 3.45, $5.45 to $13.50. Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, 1.95, $2.45, $3.45, $5, $3, 7. Boys' Knee Pants 35 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., $1. Men's Merino Underwear 25 cents to 2.50 a suit. Calf Shoes $1.20 to $5.00 a pair, Men's Latest Siyies of Stiff Hats from $1.50 to $3.50. All the Latest Styles In Shirts . and Neckwear. ELSOOe Oi-Pri Hard "Worker Platismouth, - Absolutely Pi -.s powder never varies. A marvel of pur n. . Mrensth and holeHoinenes. More econo utieal luan the ordinary kind, and cannot be sold m competition with the multitude of low jewr. short weight alum or phosphate powders. V'f OM.7 f, f,r;w. KOVAL liAKI.XU l'OWDER Co., lot; Wall St. N. Y. H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUNTY SURVEYOR,) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plaii3, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &c. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. pring Surprise ! Goods at Svl fro PQ D J for Your Trade. - Nebraska. Cloiiier. I) THE CHIN-KIA NG RIOTS. A Detailed Report Received at the State Department. Washington, March 22. Tlie depart ment of state hag receiyed further details concerning the recent riot at Chin-Kiang, The trouble arose out of the stoning of a policeman in the British quarter by a crowd of boys and young men. It occur red on the Chinese New Year, when bus iness was practically suspended and the streets thronged with idlers. The quarrel of the boys was assumed by the men and a general fight ensued. The report was current that a Chinaman had been killed by the police. Immediately an enraged mob attiu-ked and burped the police stations." i-he roadway was thronged with 20,000 rioters, who surged towards the United. Stateg ftod Biitish consulates,, Yvheu n Lotauio. a'-' situation ..iing 3o0 soldiers from the neighboring barracks appeared upon the scene, but their presence only served to excite the derision of the mob. Unde terred by the soldiers, the gates of the United States and British consulates were assaulted and the British consulates burned. "With muoh difficulty the. two consuls, with their families, effected their escape and reached the mail steamer just in time to erade the fury of the rioters, who were in hot pursuit. The mob made various unsuccessful attempts to board the vessel, but was repulsed in each instance. The arrival of a brigade of soldiers in the evening and of a British man-of-war the following morning, had the effect of restoring quiet. Dead on the Prairie. Red Cloud, Neb., March 22. Alfred Brussord, a Frenchman liviug near Camp bell, north of this city, mysteriously dis appeared from home January 10 and all efforts to find him resulted in failure un til yesterday. Tuesday evening John Hansen, living ten miles northwest of this city, discovered by accident, lying on the open prairie about one hundred rods from the road, the body of a dead man. Coroner Schenck was yesterday notified, and at the same time a courier was dispatched to Campbell to notify the brother of the missing Brussord. Ac cordingly yesterday the coroner's jury and witnesses went to the place and were met by the missing man' brother, who immediately identified the remains. The jury, returned a verdict of death from fatigue and exposure and the remain were taken in charge by the relatives. The only clue ever obtained in the many searches made for the man was the finding of his boots, a lantern which he carried and a coat he had worn in various places on the open prairie. From his home to where he was found the distance is nine miles. He had b,een observed to act strangely a few days previous to his disappearance, but no watch was put over him. He was twenty eight years old, well-to-do and married. Nebraska and Iowa Postmasters. Wasaington, March 22. The follow ing Nebraska postmasters have been ap pointed: William L. Jackman, Alcove, Sheridan county, vice. O. F. Vanuleck, resigned, and Nathan T. Britton, Wood River, Hall county, vice John O'Connor, resigned. . Joseph F. Cole has been appointed postmaster at Compton, Lee county, Iowa, vice W. W. Gilmore, resigned. - John P. Yost has been nominated post master at North Bend, Neb. America's Wheat Crop. Washington, March 22. The March statistical report of the department of ag riculture gives the result of investigation regarding the weight of wheat. The general ayerage weight is 5(5.5 jKHinds, the lowest average for six years. In the spring wheat region the range is from 53.5 in Dakota to 53 pounds in Nebraska. It makes the crop equivalent to 391,000, 000 bushels f 60 pounds each. Naval Changes. Washington, March 22. Secretary Tracy has ordered Commodore, Benham to take commany of the navy yard at Mare Island, Cab. Which position was made vacant by the departure of Rear Admiral Belnap to take command of the Asiatic squadron. Rear Admiral Luce has been informed that he will be placed on the retired list on the 25th icst. An Ordi::i.i.cj Levying a special tax and aMsesaiiieiit on all lots w itliin p.iviMn (11-n lot JSo 1. In t!;o eily of I'Jatls outli. lo eovrr the cost ol paving ami mbing Main stieet. tiel ween tlio earn eule of Kevtiiitti reel and wewc si Jo of fcee oiul srien in snitl city. VV hkkkas. It liavi'i bet-n, and being here by adjadgt-d, di'tei mined aiwl established that the several loin Hereinafter referred to have each been specially benellted to the full amount herein levied and asxess-'d against each of said lots respectively, by reason of the pav ing and curbing of that part of Main atreet be tween the esi, side of .Seventh mreet and the wext kidu of Second street. therefore, 'ox the purpose of paying the cot of said paving and curbing lit it Ordaiiteil by the Mayor and Council of tit Citu of 1'lattxiitouth Skcicv 1. lhat the eost of paring and curbing that part of Main street within avin aistiict No. 1, in the city of I'lattsmouth, frm t lie east side of :eveliUl street to the west side ol Second street, said cot being the mnof S!.4Hl.r.'2, be and the same Is hi-reiy levied aid a sessed in pioportion to tba feet fro, 't along said I'avintr ai;d curbing ilnd acc'irdiug lo special Irenellts by re tsou of buIU paviugaud etirblnir ' Upon the. following U'H. :'iuu luts ;'aid cost being no luvtisd uh kld spcctively. as follow VJ-vh ' jot i. block 27, 437 52 ulX. Uloi K it 47 hi .c-s Jordan and Wm L lirowiie lot a. block .7, George Tronger, loi 10, vlock 27 Trustees 1'resbyieriau chuicii, lot 11, block 27, Fred Miadeliiianu. lot 12, block 27,.. Joiiu Kiizgerald lot 7 block 2 Jiiiin Fitzgerald lot 8 block 23 - 11. f. tlooledge lot 3 block 23 l'ett-r .Merges weft V lot 10 block 28 V. V. Leonard east V lot 10 block 28 Kiizabetli Ueiold we?t!s lot 11 b ock29.. Win. Ilerold earti yt lot 11 block 2S .H. 1. l'olk west !i lot l2block 28 Amelia Sherwood east ',i lot 12 block 28--liank of Uas U-. west !i lot 7. block 21. .. . H ox, east V lot 7 block 21) Emily Drew west V lot block 2!) Levi Gohling east ' lot 8 block 29 frrediStaUelniaii west ' lot S) bto k 2 U.J. Martin east V lot 9 blojk 2sl 4S7 52 487 52 48T 5'2 47 ii'i 4LII Mi 4!)1 'Jl 4l Hi 245 ur, 215 IMj 215 !NJ 245 V, 215 M 21-J 0 .' 245 Sti 245 !; 245 'JO 245 Do 245 9C 245 !x; Lucinda milings lot 10 iiiock m l- K W i.ite west V. lot 11 block 2!) 4 Jt 2 245 il'i Jason Streignt esift ' lot 11 block 2!....fc245 L'G M.l l'olk west 20 feet lot 12 block 2i. .. 223 CO U. V. Mathews ea-t 24 f-et b't 12 olock 29 2U8 32 I hailolte A .VMseeler, lot7. bloek 30, ... 4ul 92 County Commissioners, Cass county, lot 8 block 30 491 02 County Commissioners Cass county, west lot 9, block 30 245 86 Leila L. I h .mas, east !i of lot 9 block 30 245 yi; 11. E. i'almer. west Ji lot 10, block 30 245 96 K. i. Oo ey estate, east i lot lo bio-k 30 245 yu John Ilai tmaii west H lot 11 block ?0 245 9t: Kred Goo east V lot 11 olak 30 245 90 Fred Goos. lot 12 block 30 491 92 Frederick Kruij, lot 4 block 31 124 19 I'hillin Fritsch, north Vt lot 5 block 31... 124 19 O li t Q 1C It CO., S'.i Lot 5. Ulock 31.. 124 19 CB&li It K Co.. Lo; 6, Block 31 337 2-' C It & Q K R Co., Lot 7, BIock 21 749 OS 1'biliip Fritsch, E 21 feet Lot 8 Block 31. 114 25 Aui;ut Back, 25 feet Lot 8, Block 31 13tJ 02 F It Guthman, Wi Lot 8. Block 31 3so .'xi F K tiutlimau. 24 lect Lot 8, Block 31... 13j 68 Pniilip ritscb. K 21 feet Lot 9. Block 31- 48 All&Ut Bach. 25 feet Lot 9. Bloek 31... 77 98 f 11 Guthnian. WVi Lot 9. Block 31 521 97 F It Gutiiman. 24 leet Lot 9, Block 31.. 75 09 l'liilhi) Fritsch, E 21 feet Lot 10. Bloca 31 51 71 Augnst Bach. 25 feet Lot. 10. Block 31 S7 05 Henry Amison Estate, WJJ north 21 feet Lot 10, Block 31 5" 20 F R Gutiiman, W)i Lot lo Block 3t... 52 2o F K Guthmuu. 24 feet I Ait 10, Bloek 31... 30 24 Henry Amisou's Estate, J.ot 11. Block 31. 153 5o V B & Q li li Co., Lot 1, Block 32 1 U B & Q It It Co.. Lot 2, Block 32 f C 1J & i li It Co., Lot 3, Block 32 J 15C6 CO C ii & i li K Co.. Lot 4. Block 32 J F li Guuiman, IaH 11, Ulock 32 153 50 frank Gayle, 24 feet next to E 48 fet Lot 12, Block 32 SS 24 F L Gavle, 22 feet vv of Frank Gayle's. Lo"t 12. Block 32 32 04 Allie V liolieits, E 4S feet Lot 12, Block 33 72 48 F li Guthni n, 23 feet oil west end Lot 12 Hlock 32 34 04 IO F 23ieet Lot 12. Iiiock 32 i4 04 Frank Gavle. 24 feet next to K 48 feet Lot 13, Block 32 76 99 F L Gayle, 22 let-1 V of Frank Gayle's Lot 13. Block 3' , 69 99 Ailie V Koberts. E 48 feet Lot 13.BIock 32 151 98 f It Gufli-nau, 23 feet oil west cud Lot 13. Block 3? 72 9 I O ( F 23 feet Lot 12, lil ck 32 72 u Frank Gayle, 24 feet next toE48fet Lot 14, Block 32 130 5S F L Oayle. 22 feet V of Frank Gayle's Lot 14, Block 32 . 119 I) Allie V. lioberli east 48 feec lot 14 block 32 2C1 1C F. II. Guilimau, 23 feet fit" wet end lot 14 block 32 124 4iJ I. . O. F. ii feet lot 14 block Vi 124 4 Ado'pli ea-H !i lot 1. block 33 245 9-j Hannah Blake, wet yt lo:. 1 Mock 33 225 06 J. C. 1'eteiscn fc Bro.. west ' lot 3 oIock 33.. - 225 0C Herman Spies east i lot 2 block 33. 245 no J08. V. V eckbacii w est !i tot 3 uu.-ck 3:1. . 225 03 Emily Drew e im i 1-t 3 block 33 215 9 1. V f-geuDerger wesr i 101 4 liock 3;;.. 245 4ij Ii-s V. Weckb tcii ea-t i lot 4 bloc 33.. 210 4i William Wetencmp lot 5 I1 ck 33 491 92 AdolphUS BllSCll lot 0 block 33 491 92 Jotin waterman lot 1 oiock 34 4 1 92 John Wa'.erman east V lot 2 block 34 245 itc John Fitzgerald west H lot 2 bloek 34 245 9G Julia Fitzgerald east ii lot 3 block 34-... 245 ! J. Giuck w est ii lot 3 block 34 245 9t Jonot lian Halt and J. v . .Alartlus west V. lot 4 block 34 245 9i5 Robo Wliie Y lot 4 block 34 245 9 . J. II. Waterman e;tst ii lot 5 block 3 .. 245 9C Win. Weiencamp. west ijlotu blck 54 245 95 Peter Mumm west ii bt (J 1)1 ck 31 245 m F. I). Lehulioll eat ii lot 6 block 34 25 8d Frank Carrutli east ii tot 1 block S5 245 9 K. P. Kockwood west ii lot 1 block 35 225 06 Walter White lot 2 block 35 12 Ira A. Myers east 'i lot 3 block 35 215 tc C. H. Panuele west ii lot 3 block 35 245 93 Alice FeinierbeiK east ii l"t 4 block 35. . 245 9fi E. a. Dovey & Son w eel ii lot 4 block 35 245 9G E G Dovey .S: ?oii lot 5 block 3j 245 9 A. W. White, 20 feet lot 8 block 3" 204 60 Henry Boeck. 24 feet lot 6 block 35 240 00 John Black uorth 48 feet lot! block 36.. 209 99 M. k. church center fi lot 1 block 36 227 60 fohn Black north 48 feet lot 2 block 36... 2i.) 9a JI E church center i lot 2 block 36. 227 50 JOf. H. Hall lot 3 block 36 474 32 K. Livingston lot 4 block 36 4S7 52 Krant Carrutli lot 5 block 36 ... 47 52 V. H. Scliildkuecht lot 6 bloek 33 4t7 52 Sfction 2. Tbat said specki' tax8 levied aforesaid on sud lt resjiectively shall be come delinquent as follows : One tenth of the total amount so levied nn each of said lots sball become delinquent In fifiy days from the pass age and approval of this ord nance, one tenth in one year, one tenih in two years, one tenth in three years, one tenth In lour year, one Yh Are ResnEctlnlJy TO COME TO 1111 g ON THE EVENING OF Friday, March AT 8 1 Will Play. Every Lady and Gentleman slnll receive Eea,"U-tI"CLl Present Positively no goods sold on that evening, but oil C3 Wants everybody to come and inspect the Lirgist, Nicest, Finest, Neve3t and Cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Furnishing Goods, Hats and Cap?, Trunks, Satchels, etc., ever brought to Cass county. AD JOE'S tenth In five years, one tenth In six year, one tenth In seven years, one tenth lo eiht ye.irs. ouc tenth in nine years after said levy, and be ing irom the passage ami approval of this ordi nance. Each of naid installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of efveu per cent p-fr annum from tiia time of the levy afoi'eaid un il the saTie shall become delin quent, and after the same shall become delin quent a penalty of five per cent together with interest at the rate of one per cent per mouth 1 'all be paid upon each delinquent install ment. sKf!. 3. That tli entire aniouat of tax si levied and assessed on any of said lots may be pa 'd by ths owner ofaiiy lot. or the entire equal pro rat proportion of said tax on any of fai l lots, may be paid by any person on any part of nanl lots within fifty days from 'aid 'evy. and thereupon uch lots or parts of lots shall be exempt from any lien or charge there for. Sko. 4. That tbis ordinance shall take effect and b '. In foiee from and after its passage. .Passed and approved Kebniary 1 '., A. Ii. 1S5:. ( at i ks r) K. M. RICH IV, Mayor. vv. k Uityuierk. TUe above tax is now due and payable at the office of the city treasurer, and will beo;ne d linquet't and t-ear interest after April 3rd. 1S43, as seen iu section 2 of the above ordinance. JAMK-i PATTEitSD.V. City Treasuier. Notice of City Election Notice Is hereby itiven til it on Tuesday, Apr 1 nd. A.D. m, an election will be held for the following city and school officers of the City of Plattsinouth : First Ward. One Connci'ttun. Second Ward. t).ie Councilman. 'Third Ward. One Councilman. Fourth Ward. One Councilman. Fifth War l. Two Councilinen. the one receiv ing the hihet number of votes in the Fifth ivard to serve for tw years, and the one re ceiving the next highest uu nber of votes to serve for the trin of one vear Two Members of the Siiiool Board for the term of three years each. Hald election wi'l be held at the following polling peaces in e ch of said wards : First Ward at Recoder's office. Second Ward at Cass County Iron Works. ' Third Ward at offlce of Ricliey Bros, lumber yard. Fourth Ward at Waterman's lumher office. Fifth Ward at brick school house. And said polling places will be open at nine o'clock a. m. of said day, and close at T o'clock p. in. and no longer. . Dated at Platismouth. Xeb .March 9. AD.1W. F. M. Richky. Mayor. W. K. Fox. City Clerk. Fine Job "Work Cheap at Tue Herald, in! M. THE lEa" LAR jE BILLS Or. C- A. Marshall. Preservation of the Nitural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics L'iven for Pain less Filling oh Lxru.vcriox op Tkutii. . Artificial tectli m ale on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plat s, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when do si red. All work warrant:'!. Prices reasonable. C. F.SMiTH, The Boss Tailor! M tin St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete 6tock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Ii usinet-8 suit from $10 to 3o, dress suits, 25 to $45, pants 4, $3, $8.-00 and upwards. CST'Will guaranteed a fit. . ricas Defy Comoetilion. R. C. Wijtdham, Johw a. Uaviks, Notary Public. Notary Public. WIXIM1AM A AVIKt, A.ttor2iy3 - at - Law. OMce over Bank of Cats .County. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA Iif 22nd, 1889, nothing I 1 t 1 k;