tHE DAILY" HEilAlP i iPJLATO6IIOUTHt NBKASa, M O.X 1A V, KEBJJ U A 11 V 2, 18S9. -2 Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A.' Kali-diary. VtalM, Itockwood Uaildinir, Dr. Wither, Drat lit, L'niua Block. CITY COllDIALS. We should like very much to aee tie tramps tramp. A newspaper is the root of all evil, so many men believe. There is one thing that Plattsmouth can boast of and that is tramps. Miss Selmu Larson, aged 18 years, is reported today as being quite ill with diphtheria. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor meets tonight at 7:30 at the Presbyterian church. The I,adie' Aid Society of the M.E. church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the koine of Mrs. Beale, on Pearl street between 10th and 11th. John Robbins, the contractor, un loaded the first two carloads of lumber today, which he will use in building a line large barn for Mr. John O.tvin, four miles south went of this city. The Y. P. S. C. E. gave a sociable at the home of Mrs. B. Loverin last Sat urday night for the purpose of raising missionary funds. About $ 6,90 was col lected. A very enjoyable evening was spent. The ladies of St. Luke's Guild will give a masquerade party at Fitzgerald hall next Wednesday evening, Feb. 27. Admission 2-icts, children 15cts. Dance tickets, including admission, $1. No supper will be served. tf A young man was so deeply interest ed in a game of high five which was in progress the other evening at a party, that he became so unconsciously excitable over the game as to exclaim at his voice's limit, "Give me them pack." Miss Halle Wendall, who has been in the employ of a prominent law firm in Omaha a stenographer, will resign her position tha latter part of this week. After returning to this city for a short visit, she will take a trip to New Jersey, hor old home, to be gone several weeks. Mr. J. R. Cox, while wrestling with a frozen pump this morning, "received a severe blow over the head which inflicted an ugly mark on his forehead. When he found the pump frozen, he pulled on the handle so strongly that it gave awav, and came in contact with his head with great force. The Turner's Society of this city will give a mask ball on Monday next at Fitzgearald's hall. The event is looked forward to with great anticipations, and will undoubtedly be a grand success as no pains will be spared by the committee in charge, to make the event the most enjoyable for those who attend. lw "Mrs. Hannah Buttery, mother of J. II. and Edward Buttery, deceased, is reported to be lying at the point of death. She was one of the old-st settlers in this county, and is well know.i in the city. She has suffered fur some time from an internal cancer, which a (feet s her lung-. She is about HO years of age. Mr. Win. Nev'lle, who h is ! en c: gagi il for some months in rpul'ng nd j building on the B.ittle Oeck, Mich.. .railroad, in wh'ch Mr. Jolia Fitzgerald. ! t. Lincoln, has a con ro'inir intense, j returned to t)it city 1-is-t IV" day visit I for a slnrt time tv'ih' I T - family. lie j informed n tii'it he !i 3 yraiL- 1 over 17 inibw of ro.-t i. bs-sMcs ti:f work of buih' ing brides on rn;l--s f rnnd, a i i that ; lit: li is iii:i'K a nice litis-- profit fro: 'sis wrkt T'te bankruptcy w'iI- Ii v.s r . p xtK a -iio't l:n: i only ; T or i : ir work t--inpr tril v. -in i t --I--S '!nt Mr. ', Fitz -erald will re-iliz.- :2j0,f'J-S vhen the j road is completed. M:tnv who attended the old district school which was held at the opera house some time ago, will have no difficulty in recalling to their minds, the stars or the twins Ami and Willie. For the benefit of those were to see the pair in their concert costumes, the boys had their pic tares, taken shortly after the district school was let out. When the ladies of the Catholic church were shown the photographs, a brilliant idea struck them, and that wa, ''the pictures would sell well, and we will buy a good stock for bur fair." The likeness of the boys was purchased and we have since learned that the ladies have realized over $10 from the scheme. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered Mr. Vanderford and wife at their home on Granite street, by a large party of brotherhood engineers and their wiyea, last Saturday night. The party, about thirty in number, met at the home of Mr. McCauley, witli all necessaries, preparatory to inarch to the home of BIr. .Vanderford. The- surprise was com plete and the event proved as si ccessful as all intended, as a more delightful evening could not be imagined. Card playing was the order of amusement, and the crowd did not disperse entil a late hour. An oyster supper was sened, shortly before they took their departure," by the party who had the management of the affair. I PERSONALS. Mr. John Patak, one of the Omaha tailor strikers, spent Sunday at his home in this ity. . Mr. Sain Patterson, who is attending college at Bellevue, spent Sunday at his home in this city. Mrs. Margaret O'Keefe and daughter, Mrs. R. C. Cushing, of Omaha, arrived in the city this morning. Mr. Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, came to the city Saturday night and remained at his home over Sunday. Mjhs Annie Russell, who has been vis iting relatives at Weeping Water for the past week, returned home this morning. Mrs. Ed. Donelan, of Omaha, arrived in the city last niht to visit at the home of her father, Mr. McGlynn, for a few days. Miss Maggie O'Rourk left by the flyer yesterday afternoon to visit for a short time with her sister, Mrs. McIIugh, at Malvern. Messrs. Frank Dills and J. D. Thomas, two ex-strikers, take their departure for St. Louis tomorrow morning in pursuit of employment at thfir vocation. Mr. Gus Ryerdon, of Missouri Valley, who for a long time was in the employ of Mr. M. O'Rourk here, came to the city yesterday to spend the day with his friends. Messrs A. M. Rager and F. II. Callicut two brotherhood men, left last night for Kansass City to secure positions on the Mobile & Missouri road. We wish them success. W. Bringman, who eloped with Miss Johnson, at Louisville last week, had a hearing at Louisville before Judge Cleg horn last Saturday afternoon. He was placed under bonds of $300 to appear at the district court. Revival Meetings, At a meeting of the members of theM. E. church and congregation held at the close of the service on Sabbath morning, the pastor was authorized to invite Mr. E. F. Miller to come and assist them in a series of revival meetings to begin next Sabbnth. The vote by which the invita tiou was zxtended was quite unanimous and hearty, indicating a strong desire for and faith in, such a work. Mr. Miller is one of the evangelists who have been for some weeks past holding meetings in Omaha, and is a successful worker in the line of revival meetings. lie is a fine singer, having for several years conducted the singing altogether in the great meetings held by Mr. D. W. Potter. lie will come to the city with the best of recommendations, and only needing the hearty co-operation of the Ciiristian people, so far as human agencies are concerned, to insure a successful reyival. Although this meeting is projected by the M. E. church, they desire to extend t the members of the other churches a most cordial invitation, to share in the labors, and also in the benefits of the meeting. Every devout christian in the city rejoices, no doubt, over the good work dons already during the past few months. and it is bedeved that all such desire to see it ! on until multitude who are yet unsaved shall come to tha 9 ivior, win. invifesail to com; unto him and l save 1. It is hop-i therefore that 'v y- iiodj iv'io can w 11 unite their iniluenc t'J Hi ike til- 111 - tioS II irr.-at suc-css. Tstardrvy at Y. . C. A- The roo )i of the Yo.ui Mea's Ch:i- tian Ass e5-ttio i iver..- tuviI' ! -j the attendant'. ' t the n n's -g isp ;l uvctinu vest rda afternoon. T's.- att -n:"eri'- xv is th larger for F. h-u i:-y over on inn re an 1 -u . ; v m-n v rnj rs t the ni -t": s w -e it -en , v. : ieh speaks well for t'i". spreading interest iu the mee ngs. A li v-Aj interest w is manif jsie 1 during all t':e services and at the close eight conversions were .had. An after meeting of very much profit was held. The announcement that State Secretary Nash, of the association, would be here next Sunday, was made. His presence will insure a good meeting. The Standard Theatre Company closed a week's engagement at the opera house with "The Long Strike." The company played to small houses the entire week, but Saturday night the audi ence was a little larger than the average. Many were disappointed with the play Saturday night, as the piece was cut in two und what acting there was, was con sidered very "raw." Had all who took prominent parts in the play, known tbeir lines, there might have -been some excuse forclumbsy acting, but the show could not be classed with good amateur productions. About 150 names have already been secured as a guarantee to secure Robt L, Dowuing as "Sparatacus' in the "Gladia tor." Manager Young will secure the services of this great actor for one night, March Cth, with fifty more names. The company will not come for lesi than $300, but Manager Young" will feel safe provided two hundie i names can be secured". A list can be found at J. P. ; Young's store, and those who wish to see a first-class company without paying extra expenses for traveling to Omaha, ci D do to by signing the list, rm fin o) M lyj-iyj iai. uvj Dress Goods ! Thirty-Six inch Henrieltes: In all the Newest Shades, only 35 cents a yards, 40 cents. Colors Light Grey, Gobelin, Bismark, Dark Tan, Black, Mahogany, Navy, Myrtle, Wine, Brown. Thirty-Six Inch Ail-Wool Henriettas: In all the New Colorings only 50 cents a -yard, worth 00 cents. Colors Havana, Myrtle, Gendarme. Olive, Saphire, Tan, Black, Cardinal, Wine, Mahogany, Seal, Slate. Red Fern Suitings: 40 Inch Red Fern Suitinjrs, in all Xew Mixtures, onlv r.O o.p.nt per yard. Rutland Broadcloths: 54 Inch Ruthfnd Broadcloths Ramona Suitings: 54 Inch Tiamoa Suitino-s,all worth 75 cents. Striped Suitings:' 40 Inch Striped Suitings only 35 cents a yard. Lenwood Suitings: 40 Inch Lenwood Suitings, Broken Stripes, only. 00 cents a yard Blankets, Cloaks, and Ail One Door East Over the State. Scribner clamors for more tenement bouses. The water works at Aurora will be in operation in a few days. The general merchandise firm of "Wil liams & Dahl, has failed. The most pressing need of Burwell at present is to be an opera house. Hooper's business men have organized a union and will steer clear of trusts. ' The residents of Pulls City an-1 vicinity are in the throes of smallpox scare. Tin; G. A. It. of Nebraska has decided to hold its nxt annual r-.-uni i i:t Kear ney. . Tli Fremont ilitmifactnrinsr company is rt-cviviujj niHchim-ry for its pbiuing mill. A 0,000 hott-1 is one of th' tnter prisM t he be-juu in th? e.i:ly pjnin at Crete. The Salvation army has deserted B a tr t i t ;v:n'il t!i - r-impaijxn nt II ist ii.s Ir. m S'ii I tout. f nee win ib-r nrc worki i .toiiHir the f.iimers in tiiO vicin ity of Greely Center. The question of license r prohibition for the municipality of North Bend os beginning to agitate the people there. Pierce expect a big boom with the opening of a large cattle ranch near town and the advent of the Omaha & Yankton road. - The board of supervisors of Dodge county is struggling with eighteen separate seta of plans for the new court house. The business men of Mead are alive to the necessity of better fire protection, and the raising of funds for that purpose is being agitated. The people of Lindsay are excited over the disappearance of J. II. Milslagle, the hotel keeper at that place. He left about ten dayf ago. Dr. P. Janss, the celebrated German physician will be in Plattsmouth at the Riddle house Tuesday, Feb. 26. If you are suffering with a chronic disease you should not fail to cousult him. Con sultation free. If yoa consult your own interests you will bay your foot-wear of Merges. . tf Plenty of fesd. fliur, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf . Do not fail to consult Dr. J inss the celebrated (German specialist "late of Berlin" at the Riddle House, Tuesday, Feb. 39. 6Q0DS Dress Goods! only 85 conts a yard, well worth 1. New Mixtures, onlv as Riir :i vnnl. FRE HE First ftat'i Bank The gang of toughs which office Fitzpatrick encountered last Friday am -vas obliged to thump severely befon t!iey could be subdued after being placet! under arrest, and were ordered from th city the following morning by Judg Clifford, were still on the warpath las Saturday night and it is said the parti was on the lookout for Fitzpatrick whom they intended "to do up" shoul a favorable opportunity present itself They were, without exception, the toug est looking characters which the oliicers haye had to deal with for some time There are parties in this city who would gladly furnish r c'.:s .vincli sue!) aii-. couhl leenipioyd on for several day-. When the authorities prov'.Ie a yard anu a rock yile on which to employ tramp? in ir idle u.o iie":i!s, we "will tken I t ikve we will h idieve l 0? such uim.iiie;-. T."i3 Omaha O I Re ub Ic n. Th s i;; v, - a .; r i - row o ii td the ;!. i-.: ;it t he . U 11 i ,r:-- l(-n e!.V CW price .it :? j ; r vo ir, or . ee:s;s i n ont .. The 'iip'l'ii:i-(ti is h 4 pae, 7-e."lu:i n j pei .n week li.iys, ain'i S p.ies (or iiio ' ) o;. .Suii'lays. it is ivw and complete i'ii.'vi'r detail, and is the 'best, cheapest ai handsomest paper published inNebrrska Send for sample copy. The Omaha Republican. Dr. P. Janss, president of the Nebraska State medical and surgical institute doe? not pretend to be a cure all, but claim to have better suocers than the general practicioneer in chronic diseases on ac count of hi devoting his total time to such diseases and the large number he tracts. He has with him about three thousand dollars worth of instrument for all kinds of examinations and opper ations; among them is a microscope costinir $350 in Europe. Consultation free at the Riddle House, Tuesday, Feb ruary 26. A meeting of stockholders of the Plattsmouth Loan and Building Associa tion will be held in the G. A. R. hall. Plattsmouth. at 8 o'clock p. m., March 20th, for the purpose of amending the constitution and for such other business as may properly come, before the meeting. Feb. 25th, 1S89. J. II. Young, tf Secretary. Try Merges for your winter's footwear. Mrs.'L. E. Karnes, a teacher of long experience, would like a clns in music, and will be pleased to state terms to any on calling at her residence "on Granite street, between 5th and 6th. tf Be wise and buy your overshoes of Merges. ' tf A fist-class second-hand piano which has been in rse for seven years enn bs bought for $1.50. Is in first-class ci n lition. Best New York make. Ap ply at this office, tf Wash Goods, We Have STIC rattern. copied from DOME Only IS Also Full Lines of Solid Colors at tho same price. Colors Seal, Myrtle, Black, Olive, Wine, Havana, Crenn, Gobelen, Saphire, Tan This undoubtedly will be the the Best argain in Wash Goods this season. Call for it will be difficult to get Good Winter Goods at Cost ! RS&MAWBL I JJS 1 Life ir Livpfy dear:; an 0 Aianutitctiiriiig and iie;airiiiy um- at a Jvjw i rice 1 B. &. HI. lme Table. uoiso kast. No. 2.-4 :29 p. Hi. 0. 4. 10 :30 a. Hi. No. 6.-7 :3) p. m Mo. 10. 9 :45 a. m. GOIXO WKst, So. 1. i -M a. rn. Vo. a. 5 :5! p. m. So. 5 7 :47 a. m. o. 7. 6 -.25 p. in. No.9.-C:17p. .11. All trains rim daily by way of Omaha, except "os 7auJ 3 wli'cli ruu to and ttom .Sctiuyler daily except Sunday. J.H.EttMl)NS, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIC Physician Surgaon Office over We.scottV etore. Main street. Residence In Dr. Schildknecht's property. Oarouic Diseaj'es and DNe.ises of Women and C:iillru a specialty. Odice hours, 9 to 1 1 a. in. 2 to 5 and 7(i9p. in. "TelepUone at both 0"Qe an! Residence H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUXTT SCKVETOR.) Civil Engine -r Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Map3 &c. . PLATTSMOUTH. - - EB. Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at MeTgtV chbari. tf 18 In Ifti II l II k Wash Goods ! received a case ol SATINES! the Finest French Goods, Cents Per Yard. Ever Offered early before the selection is broken Patterns later on. FSattsmouth. DNS 1 e atr t i oo. $ " Or. C- A. Marshall, Preservation of the Natural Teth a Specialty. Auesthetics -;iveu fr Paik LESS FXLLIXO OR EXTRACTION OF TkBTH. Artificial teeth 'mtde on Gold, Silver. i Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted a3 soon as teeth are extracted when dej sired. -All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZTftKALo's Br. kj '. rToriTH. Nmm i dressler; Keeps Full Use or Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Intert by Giriog Him a Cai SHERWOOD BLOCKI . IT A7 if A f