T-IC DAllA" Hj::ALD : ftATiolrOuTOl, NEBRASKA, FJltDAY; FSBntJAIii Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalUbary. DealWt, Ttlrpaoa Hm. 3.. Uork wood Baildlaa-, Dr. Withers, Deallat, I'aloa Blork. CITY CORDIALS. - The funeral of the late Mrs. 4 Turner occurred this afternoon. The Misses Houseworth will enter tain a small party of friends tonight. For the first time this season the ice spans to the other shore of the great Missouri. Mr. J. IJ. Chase and wife entertained a small party of friends at their .home last night. Many nags are teen floating over the business blocks tod at in memorv of Washington and his birthday. A jailor is a tramp's greatest friend The majority of tramps sine "thereH no place like home" when they get in jail. The gun club will hold a meeting tonight at the office of W. S. Wise. Business of importance will be transacted and a great secret revealed. The Standard Theatre Company will present "East Lynne," at the Waterman opera bouse tonight. The company should be greeted by a full house. The funeral of the late Mary Bach who died yesterday at 0 o'clock of diph theria. occurred this morning. Thre wee a good many teams in the cortege. Mrs. Vallery. widow of the late John R. Vallery, has taken up her aborh in the vicinity of Jled Cloud. She took her departure for there yesterday morn ing. The drop curtain at the opera bouse presents a more attractive appearand? since the artistic work has a glimpse f light, and the dust which clung to it ?o long can no more be seen. The ladies of St. Luke's Guild will give a masquerade party at Fitzgerald' hall next Wednesday evening, Feb. 27. Admission 2.cts, children IScts. Dance tickets, including admission, $1. No supper will be served. tf The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor will give a s'xnal at the residence of Mr. B. A. Loverio, Sat urday evening, February 23, to celebrate the national society day. All members and their friends are cordially invited to attend. A tramp who was on the search for grub yesterday, approached a fellow as he passed by the Riddle House and asked for assistance. The man, who presented about as rough an appearance as the firrt man, told him to cross to the other eid, that be was "working" that side of t! e street. Those who attend the Sunday after noon gospel meetings for men at the rooms of the Young Bfen's Christian As sociation will find it profitable to attend the com'ng Sunday's meeting. A fine organ has been placed in the rooms (as a gift from C. E. Wescott) and this will aid ni iteri illy in the music As the reporter was attacked today . on .account of an article which appeared in the Herald last night criticising tlx author of two scurrilous items wliicl appeared in the "ted reg orgnn" of th night previous ridiculing tlu editors the Herald, we wish it to be understoo- th.it the item was nnly inteiule I for ti - mtn. whoever he mav be, tli-tt wrote the items. Tlie man who supposed the jit err referred t.- him, leni. d having ha 1 an knowledge of ths articles which appeared in the Journal until alter that paper w e printi'd. e d no? nim t do any person un injustice r.nd o ily aim to strike the man who wrote th- articles, but we do not ak nny ore to wrar !i e fit does not tit. Mr. 8 icrninn has stated that he wrote the trash, hbuself. No names were mentioned, and no offense can be taken to the items by an innocent party. PERSUNA.S. R. S. McBride, of Council Bluffs is in city today. L. P. Sine, representing the Weeping Water Republican, made ns a friendly call today. Mrs. Ruth" Smith, of Oakland, Neb., arriyed by the flyer yesterday afternoon to visit with her old fri-jnd Mrs. A. T. Withers for a few days. The Colored Church The Colored Baptist church of this city, known as Mt. Olive church, by the help of God and the good citizens of Plattsniooth, have accomplished a great work. They have built a church, and thank God it is all paid for. Services will be held there next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Feb. 24, to which the public Is cordially inyitsd to attend, and see what has been accomplished. A. Boswell, Pastor. Mrs. L. E. Karnes, a teacher of long experience, would like a class in music, and will be pleased to state terms to any on calling at her residence on Granite street, between 5tb and Cth. tf I Be wise and buy your overshoes of If A POWER FOR GOOD. That Is What the Young Men's Christian Assclatlon of this City is. Presented With an Organ. When any society or association, ia organized with a definite aim it ia not necessary for a person to be directly in terested to note its success or failure. Such is the case in this of the Young men's Christian Association. The earnest, zealous efforts of those immediately con cerned in the association here have been rewarded with such success as to win the merited notice of many prominent busi ness men. Since organizing in their rooms last October (which were partially by donations and from the funds of the association) the Y. M. C. A. has accom plished much in its work that of hav ing comfortable parlors and reading rooms for men ouly, open day and night, where young men can spend their time, free of cost to them, and in a profitable manner, instead of wasting their time and money in places of no good influence or benefit to them; and not the least in holding men's gospel meetings Sunday afternoons, at which a lare attendance has constantly been had, with many con versions. The need of an organ in the rooms has been felt for some time, Lyt all planning for it was happilv ended, and in a mo ment most unexpected, a few days ago, Tuesday Jlr. C. E. Wescott a prominent liusineus man, handed t Secretary Both well, of the Y. M. C. A., a communica tion to the board of directors of the as a ciation, in which Mr. Wescott acknowl edged the power for good in the associa tion and offered to manifest his appre ciation of it by presenting to them a fine fisty organ. The proposition was most thankfully accepted and yesterday after uoon a bran new Eaty organ was delivered it the Y. M. C. A. rooms and placed in the parlor where it will remain as the property of the association, to be an attractive and helpful feature of all meetings, and a subject far kindest regards towards Mr. Wescott by all in terested. With a Young Men's Christian Asso ciation in Plattsmouth ucb as this town is capable of supporting with good business material in it, an unlimited amount of lasting good will be accom plished. It is a good home for young nen, and the influence there is only such as is good for men in public or private life, and every movement to advance the in'erest of this organization in Platts mouth deserves the hearty co-operation of all. The attention given the Y. M. C. A. by some of the business men of this city in aiding the secretary, is what has brought about its success thus far, but the work is great enough for all to p ti ticipate. The following is the proposition made by Mr. Wescott to the Association: Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 19. 1889. To the UJJleers of the Y. M. C. A., Plattsmouth. Neb. Gkntlemkn Appreciating the good work that the Y. M. C. A. have done iad nra doing in PUttsniouth which en lists my warmtjst syni;nthy, aid, realiz ing :li it an organ wculd prove a useful ind attractive fe;itur in the ro ms, I herewith take pleasure in offering to 4 pply the apparent need, and with your permission anil good will I will place in the rooms a fin-j E-si'.;y Orj in, presented ind dedicated to the u;e of members of rlie Association. Trusting th.it my proposition m ly re ceive favor nt your hands. n 1 assuring you of my best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours. C. E. Wescott. The Association acc.-pt.id the proposi t on in the to low ng wordt: Pi AiTSMOUTir, Neb.. Feb. 20, 1S89. C. E. Vecott. Esf., Pluttmn .-wh, JYeb. Dnn Sik Your tavor of the ith iust., proposing to place in the rooms of the Y. iL C A., a line Eitey Organ t. be dedicated to the uae of the .V-jcia-liou July received, and the executive committee at a meeting last night inos: gratefully accepted your generous offer, and directed the secretary to conyey to yon the assurance of their high apprecia tion of this substantial evidence of your sympathy with the Association and its work. The want of an organ in the meetings of the Association has been greatly felt, and various plans have been proposed to supply it. Now, without any agency of our own, an instrument much better than we hoped to procure is presented to the Associa tion, and we thank God asd take cour age. That God's great gift to man, see John 3:16, may be yours by your per sonal acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ that you may become a' co-worker with us in His service is our earnest de sire and prayer for you. Very respectfully yours, J. II. Watermax, President, Y. M. C. A. A first-class second-hand piano which has been in use for seven years, can hi bought for $150. Is in first-class condition. Best Ner York make. Ap ply at this office. tf A Potent Reason. "Have you anything to say why sen tence of death should not be pasted upon you ?" "Yes. your honor." "What is it." "I have always been, and I still am, trenuousiy eppostd to capital punish 16) ill Press Goods ! Th rty-Six Inch Henriettes: In all tha Newest Shades, only 35 cents a yards, 40 cents. " Colors Light Grey, Gobelin, Bismark, Dark Tan, Black, Mahogany, Navy, Myrtle, Wine, Brown. Thirty-Six Inch All-Wool Henriettes: In all the New Colorings only 50 cents a yard, worth CO cents. Colors Havana, Myrtle, Gendarme, Olive, Saphire, Tan, Black, Cardinal, Wine, Mahogany, Seal, Slate. Red Fern Suitings: 40 Inch Red Fern Suitings, in all New Mixtures, only 00 cents per yard. RutLnd Broadcloths: 54 Inch Rutland Broadcloths only 85 cants a yard, well wortli 51. Ramona Suitings: 54 Inch Ttamoa Suitings,all New Mixtures, only 05 cents a yard, worth 75 cents. Striped Suitings: 40 Inch Striped Suitings only 35 cents a yard. Lenwood Suitings: 40 Inch Lenwood Suitings, Broken Stripes, only 00 cents a yard Blankets, Cloaks, and A One Door East A Fight With Tramps. Early this morning six trumps entered the B. & JiL. depot waiting room, present ing bold fronts and brazen faces. Every man who entered the room was tackk-cl by one or more of the gang for a "quar ter, and he was greeted by the usual statement, "I've had nothing to eat for four days." Mr. Connor, who happened to drop 1 :to the depot, took sympathy on the aang and paid for a lunch for the puty, who covered it in a very short time. Officer Fitzpjitrick was informed of the presence of the g:ing, and went into the room to Iiu-tlo them nut. They showed 8igii3 of fiijht. and Mr. Connor, lc-ause he had jmt paid ftn-th. ir breakfast, thought his influence over the pirty woultl rule; Iut he was surprised when he ordered them to be quiet, to see them turn on him. Thfy niu-'e th rtepv.r their headquniters this forenoon. About 2 o'elock the same crowd tiok th ir de parture from thi; depot and man In d ui street insuhii; very ;-is-m who cis'-e K Oftie-r Fi zo:itrick n--siu tol l tli.-i.i they would haVJ to !oavt v:i iii!:iieil' ntely. when th-y tunn-d u.io:i hi.u. . O t the corner of M tin and -Third thj riij'it commenced. ThcJ officer clubbed right and left with his billy, inflicting some severe blows oyer the heads of the bums. He dropped his weapon in the scrap, and started at one of the toughs witli bis fists, pounding him so severely that he gave himself up. With a little assistance he succeeded in jailing three of the party, which satisfies them too well. He Didn't Llks E;s. . "Why did Mr. Biggs, the actor, leave us so suddenly !" You made some reference to eggs. Mr. Biggs is a very sensitive man." When the Quem'i Ilead Wai Cat Off. prcpoa of. the recent articles on the amount of feeling experienced by a vic tim cf decapitation, tho following ex tract describing the execution of the Queen of Scots from tho bulky catalogue will interest scientists: At last, while one one the executioners held hir streightly with one of his hands, the other gave two strokes with an axe before ho did cutt (off) hir head, and yet lef te a little grissle behinde. She made a very small noyse, no part stirred from the place where she laye. The executioners Lifted upp tho head, and bade God save the queen. Then hir dressinge of laune fell from her head, which appeared as graye as if sheo liad been three-score and ten ycares olde, powled very short. Hir face much altrcd, hir lipps stired upp and downe almost a quarter of an howef after hir head was cut off. Pall Mall GaaetU. - Ew n) fnl Til ITT i3 vLt vLL Ji Dress Goods ! FE&EED First Wat' I Bank Cars tor tne Dead.' Tho Brill car works at Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, have just finished three street cars designed to transport the dead in Buenos Ayres. The cr.rs aro unique in construction and art the first of the kind made inthis coun try. They arc first, second and third cLiss. tho first being designed to carry the body of a wealthy individual, the last the corpse of a pnuper. The first clat;:. ear u very handsome. The body L a rich black, toned with purple, with pas sion (lowers painted on the sides. The wi:n!ow3 lire of French plato glass. The sc-ats. folding up against the sides, are upholstered in Llack blush, and the win-tluw- curtains are black cloth trimmet". with -old bullion. I:i t!u- forward end of tho car is an ..liar, with silver cross and candelabra, v'.ik- on cither side the altar art vc-t'iv-dral purple stained glass windows. V::: i;it; rior of the car Ls finished ir; v.-Iiit; an J gold. Tho metal work.fc :i ;:: 1 plated and handsome in design. C:5 the- top nine large sable plumes art I.i'.-'. J. Tho other cars are much simpler .-.!:. 1 plainer in design, and the third clas :r lacrrly a row of shelves for tht iris. These cars are intended to rur; ,in ct car tracks in Buenos Ayres. I bo switched off on a side track the b.ouso of the dead person. :v.l .:e body ia carried on a bier to tho car. placed incide, tho mourners seat them selves around, horses are attached, and the car proceeds on its way to the ceme tery. Philadelphia Times. Women Oug;ht Xot to Toil. I think the women who have been en gaged in tho struggle for equal rights have done some good for women in the direction of obtaining equal wages for equal work. There has also been for many years a tendency among women in our country to become independent a desire to make their own living to win their own bread. So many husbands are utterly useless, or worse, that many women hardly feel justified in depend ing entirely on a husband for the future. They feel somewhat safer to know how to do something and earn a little money themselves. , If men were what they ought to be, few women would bo allowed to labor that is to say, to toil. It should be the ambition of every - healthy and intelli gent man to take care of, to support, to make happy, some woman. As long as women bear tho burdens of the world the human race can never attain any thing Like a splendid civilization. There will be no great generation of men until there has been a great generation of women. For my part, I am glad to hear tliij question discussed glad to know that thousands of women take some in terest in the fortunes and in the mis fortunes of their sisters. Robert G. In-, crsoll. If you consult your own interests will buy your foot-wear of Merges. you - tf Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal it HetveVi mill, tf 0) lill Wash Goods, We Have DOMESTIC SATINES! Patterns" copied from the Finest French Goods, Only 15 Cents Per Yard. Also Full Lines of Solid Colors at tli3 sums price. Colors Seal, Myrtle, Black, Olive, Wine, Havana, Cream, Gobelon, Saphire, Tan This undoubtedly will he the the Best Bargain Ever Offered in Wash Goods this season. Call early before the selection is broken for- it will be difilcult to get Good Patterns later on. Winter Goods at Cost ! I USE NO at m 3 noUrd ard rofa and rovitvl ,-0iJ',': Life is dear: jeatA?r iop; 'Jfy Lively lively be&ri are w'i!' 0 v Alaiiumctunn and ltc-am: ti si B. Sl M. Time Table. going wicvr, O. 1. 4 -J.i6 a. III. f. 3. 6 :51 p. m. Jo. 5. 7 :47 a. 111. 'o. 7.-6 :25 p. in. So. St. 6 :17 p. m. No. 2.-4 :2! p. III. iio. 4. to :3t a. iii. So. 6. 7 :3i p. in .No. 10. 9 ;45 a. in. AU truiu run daily by wavof Omaha, except ios 7 and 8 which ruu to and from fee huyl fil ially except Sunday. H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUKir SUBVBYOK,) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman ' Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu- j , nicipal . Work, Maps &c. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. j:h.eiiiions,m. d. HOMtEOPATHIC Physician i Surgeon Office orer Wecott' store. Wain street. Residence in Dr. Schildknecht's propertr. C.irouic Disease and riie-ei of Women and Children a specialty. Oiflce hours, 9 to 11 a. in. X to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. fjyreiepuoae at oota usee and Kesidence Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at tf Merges cheap. u) Ml u uu m Wash Goods ! received a case ot Plattsmouth. i lyiTATiniiie n - IIVIMHIIUNO !! C NO g iJi-i.e nt a Low i ncy Dr. C- A. Marshall. Hesidont ID o zitio t. Preservation of the Natural Tetk a Specialty. Auestlietics given for Paik les3 Filling or Extbactioji or Tbith. Artificinl teeth made on Gold, Silver. RuIiImt or Celluloid Plat, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when doj sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTZOK)t.4 Hi. ten Pf.Tr-tfO0TH. Urn XDRESSLERT T2i3 5 ;'i t. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Foil Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by GItibc nim a Cal SHERWOOD CLOG Kl -Ms Ilergea.