The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 14, 1889, Image 4

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    nSHimSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. l,v.
Tne Evening Heraldn
A. Kallihary. DeatUt, ItorLwood IJuildlnff,
Telrphoae .
Dr. Wither. Ilralint, laiun Klork.
A largo crowd is expected at the
fair tonight.
Tlie coining theatrical company will
play at the Waterman six nights.
A blue day is not generally welcomed
by many people who are nascrptiblc to
The friends of Mrs. J. Patterson, jr.,
will be grieved to learn that the has
bcon quite ill for the past few days.
The crude chronica flinch will be
distributed tod ly will do great service
for the purpose of tendering under
handed insults to many souls.
The many who invbt their dollars
in the Louisiana lottery invariably any
they do not expect anything, but still
they keep right on "butting" it.
To the ex -secretary: Give the coun
cil a rest, wash the back of your neck
and pay the gun club their money! There
is no Shattuck business about this.
The Gospel Hill people have laid
aside the gospel for a while and taken up
arms against the bovines which frequent
ly intrude upon their sacred premises.
The only reason attributed for the
"write up' Mr. Slieinian gave Council
man Dutton but night is the fact that
Dutton was the man who was instrumen
tal in making him pay back $230 he ob
tained from the city by false swearing.
Mr. "Waugh's child who has been
suffering from membraneous croup for
several days aud was considered beyond
all hope by two physicians, is at present
thought to be out of danger. Dr. Shild
knecht, who is attending the child at
present, deserves much commendation
for his success, as the recovery will be a
Mr. Jos. McCoy will move his family
to western Colorado the latter part of
next week for the purpose of recruiting
his daughter's (Miss Mamie's) health.
She is said to be beyond hope of recovery
unless a change of climate can effect a
favorable change.
Mr. It. Hyers, of Lincoln, was in the
city yesterday calling on his numerous
friends. He eas not yet decided on his
future locution, but we believe I'latis
mouth is the most favorable place in hi
estimation. "Wc will be glad to
Mr. Hyers and family to Plattsmouth
should they conclude to return and
make this place their home.
The popular gentlemen who were
voted upon at the fair last night were
more numerous than was expected. He
sides Mayor Itiehey and Dr. T. P. Liv
ingston, who were contestants for the
oil paintings, the names of Messrs. Jo?.
Gitmore aud Doty, were pUced before
the voters. Mayor Itiehey received 137
votes, Dr. T. P. Livingston, :, Jos.
Gilmore :;t) and Duty 3.
Two prizes were given at t!i fair
last night for the best lady an. I gentle
man waltz. T. Mr. Fred Murphy received
the g 'titli.-in m's priz ! 1 Hatchet bag.
an I Mis; G.-orgie Oliver secured tin
l.tdv's iri3 which consisted of a hand-
)int J rind-worked npru:i. Tlu judges
were M"s. J. A. Cou-ior, MU Miry
Wec'.ibich. M;ssrs. T. P.itt rsi. Sun
Hiaklc and Ju.lj: Sullivan.
Uud-T t!ie direction of "lii; sisters"
a first cl is-, music il programme will be
..,... 1 tii.. f.,,1. f,...;,rt.f i,v tii . ii. tf
t . t . 1. . . ... e .. . 1 . .
local ini.-ni. j-.vcry pit ce oi iiiusil- sc-icci- 1
ed is Sirs: cl i-s .1:1 I f;il: oT it I in
and the "Prof-.sor at Howe." a ( h ira. :t r
fpj irt'.tte to bj sung by Mi-s-js C'agiu v
and Simpson and Messrs Ibh;us and
Derrick, is very amusing as w: 11 as
musical. A lartrc crowd is expected and
a good time is in store for all who attend.
Manager Young made a contract last
night fbr a date Saturday March 16th for
the appearance of the famous 'Boston
Stars" comprising the folloing Eminent
artists. Medora Henderson Emerson the
distinguished Prima Dona Soprano,
"Wa ter Emerson the greatest coronet
player living Rudolf King, the brilliant
Pianist and composer; Wclla F. Brown,
America's most gifted and popular Rea
der. This will be a rare treat fwrPlatt
mouth people.
David Ramage.inanager of the Stan
dard Theatre Company is giving away
1,000 Complimentary tickets for Ladies
only and good only when accompanied
by one paid admission ticket, or in other
words th'i tickets are not go-d unless the
person holding the ticket is accompanied
by a person hohling a iaid admission
ticket, these complimentary tickets can
be reserved free of charge providing yuu
buy one reserved ticket, these tickets are
good only for Monday night next. The
reason for giving out these complimen
tary ticket, ito get the theatre going
public to coiik; out and s:e and judge f..r j n;Khtt in honor of Mr. Milton Griffith,
them lvCH tint the pi formanre,rdiy bing his twenty-second birth
Kiven by this company are us represented jay Ab.'mt twelve couples were present
rt tlM enteru;.....e,, popular prices (1 cven? Wft, thoroughly enjoyed
witoin r-ach of the Iao rmg class. Pi ices , ,, t- t 1 1 r
23 nd S3 tents w extra charge for re- h " IrC lt- huchre uml h,8-ve
acrving. j
Nebraska Jottings.
Ash ford is in uccd of a good barber.
Union's greatCBt need at present is a
A mirried folks dancing club haa
been organized at Wymore.
A dozen new buildings are being
pushed to completion at Crawford.
An A. O. U. W. lodge has been organ
ized at Ohiowa with twenty-five mem
bers. A grain elevator is to le erected at
Valentine immediately by Mr. Cook, an
Omaha miller.
It is said that the "Union Pacific will
build a much-needed depot at Sidney
the coming season.
A resilient of Niobrara captured a
half dozen young grasshoppers in his
front yard last week.
A number of Tecumseh people are
preparing to go to the Oklahoma coun
try when it is opened for settlement.
F. C. Reed is to erect a flouring mill
at Ashford, and will have the building
completed in time to care for the crop of
Martin Mallard, county attorney of
Dawes count v. died at Chadron last
week. He had been a sufferer with
Hright's disease for many year.
Two tombstones have been received
by the government for the Grand Army
post at Long Pine, to be placed over the
graves of two veterans.
Sixteen converts, the result of a' re
vival, have united with the Methodist
church at L0112 Pine. Among the num
ber was a gentleman 103 years of age,
and his son aged 83.
August Krail is the champion egg
eater of Butler county. At Dwight on a
wager, he put himself on the outside of
forty-one head of raw hen's fruit, pick
ing twenty-six eggs off the floor without
breaking the shell.
The ice cream for a Good Templars'
sociable at Tecumseh last week was fro
zen with ice donated by a prominent sa
loon keeper, and the Republican remarks
that vou will not find a more sociable
people anywhere than at Tecumseh.
Daniel Ptcgomani, otherwise Walking
Hawk, the Indian deacon of the Santee
Agency Congregational church, was
found dead last week in thef timber near
Niobrara. He was subject to fits, and
it is supposed he died while Ssufferiug
from one of them.
The Misses. S tyles, of Cedar Creek, at
tended the ball at Fitzgerald's hall last
Mr.jThomas Babb took his'departure for
Burlington. Ia., this morning, 'where he
goes in search of employment.
Mrs Smith, of Omaha aunt of Mrs. Jas
Patterson jr. visited in the city yerterday
and returned home last night.
Mr. G. B. K-mpster, who has been in
Grand Island for the past work on busi
ness, returned to the city this morning.
Mi-s Anoic Inhelder, of Cedar Creek,
attended the dance given in connection
with tiie fair at Fitzgerald hall last
MIjs Lizzie Ye iger, who has been visit
ing li r cousin, the Misses McCoy, for
sever d months, leaves by the flyer this
aftc: coon for her home in Pennsylvania.
T- 11 t.r f "Ti. T)l ........... t T..
! this corning. After a short visit he will
cont'!iui his journey to Burlington
wher- he intends to reside permanently.
j Mr. J. !?. Strode of Lincoln is in the
1 city I ! ay. lie has been fighting a severe
; att
of rheumatism for some tini", and
j his m my frcinds here arc pleased tv see
1 idiii h Pl.ttmouth agin.
Mr. Ch srles Campbell and wife, were
in t'ri-- city yesterday visiting friends.
Mr. Campbell U a brotherhood engineer
and lie and his wife are well known here
having resided in the city for some time.
They now make their home at Omaha.
The first conference for this district
of the Nebraska Y. M. C. A. opens to
morrow evening at Pawnee City A very
profitable and glad time for the young
men is anticipated, and the interest
awakened among th men of this city in
the Y. M. C. A. work, and the success of
that association in PUttstnouth, has led
a lare number to plan to attend. About
twenty young men will leave by the 7:47
train in the morning, and arrive at Paw
nee City at 3:23 in the afternoon. Noth
ing but a royal experience could result
from the coming together of so many
young men interested in this great and
good work, and thoe of Plattsmouth
who possibly can go and do not will
have much to regret. The conference
lasts till Monday, and valuable talks will
be given by nun of experience in this
work, who are able to expound from the
scriptures plainly. Plattsmouth is entit
to all the delegates she ran send.
A very pleasant party was given by
Mis Laura Shipmati at her home last
were the order of the evening.
Oress Goods !
Thrty-Six Inch Henrieltes:
In all the Newest Shades, only 35 cents a yards, 40 cents. Colors
Light Grey, Gobelin, JJismark, Dark Tan, Jilaelc, Mahogany, Navy,
Myrtle, Wine, Brown.
Thirty-Six Inch All-Wool Henrieltes:
In all the New Colorings only 50 cents a yard, worth C0 cents. Colors
Havana, Myrtle, Gendarme, Olive, Saphitv. Tan, Black, Cardinal,
Wine, Mahogany, Seal, Slate.
Red Fern Suitings:
40 Inch Red Fern Suitings, in all New Mixtures, only CO cents
per yard.
Rutland Broadcloths:
54- Inch Rutland Broadcloths only 85 cents a yard, well worth $1.
Ramona Suitings:
54 Inch Ramoa Suitings, all New Mixtures, only 5 cents a yard,
worth 75 cents.
Striped Suitings:
40 Inch Striped Suitings only 35 cents a yard.
Lenwood Suitings:
40 Inch Lenwood Suiting?, Broken Stripes, only 00 cents a yard
lankets, Cloaks, and
One Door East
The Costa Rica Earthquakes.
Panama, Fel). 14. The details of the
recent earthquakes in Costa Rica, as pub
lished in the Costa Rican papers, which
have reached here, corroborate the report
sent out in the Associated press dispatch
briefly several weeks ao. Tiie city of
San Jose and other cities were terribly
damaged. "Whole streets are blockade I
with ruins and people camped in the
streets and public squares, fearing to re
enter the shattered houses on account of
the constantly recurring shocks. The
monetary loss in the city of San Jose
alone is over 2,000,000. At Lacuna n
extraordinary geological phenomenon
took place, the earth assuming the ap
pearance of a rough sea. A father and
four children were buri-'d alive in a cre
vice, while the mother and one child
were thrown a distance of a thousand
meters. All over thj district the hills
have changed tlu-ir position, and tin
ground is full of cracks. Irazu volcano
is in a state of eruption.
The Barb Wire Patents.
Sr. Louis, Mo., Feb. 1 4. A most im
portunt discovery h is been iui I j lure
that the control of barbed wire patents is
not vested in any American firm or cor
poration, because the device of the barb
ed wire was patented in France by Louis
Janen on April 19, 1805. The law of
this country, as declared by the United
States supreme court, is that "a foreign
patent for the same thin or a description
of a thing in a foreign publication is as
effectual to void a patent ns if the
patentee had seen the prior invention,
notice to him not being important." If
this decision holds, and there is no ap
peal from it, the claims ot certain persons
for royalty under the Glidden and other
barbed wire patents are void, and all
money payed to them by barb wire man
ufacturers who had interest in the Glid
den patents, is believed to be subject to
White Caps In Town
The following note was received by
Mr. Donnelly last night, who has for
several days furnished a number of "the
boys'' with "fast mail" chewing chac-co.
but yesterday he cutoff their luxury:
Pi-attmouth Fkb. 1:.
J. II. Donnelly: Get a little "Fst
Mail" for the boys or get out of town.
White Cacs.
Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at
Merges' cheap. tf
All members of the Y. L. R. R. A.
are requested to meet at the home of
Miss Margaret O'Rourk, Friday afternoon
February 15, at 3:30 o'clock promptly.
Goods !
First PJat'i Bank,
The residents of the second war1
were startled by a blaze about five o'clock
last night which was discovered to be it
l.orn n-mi.'l litr Afr "Word en. The old
: hell was burned to the groun I and not
a fireman was called to the scenj. A few
dollars would cover the los.
- The young people of Cedar Cre -V
will cive a ball at that place on th
evening of Friday F.b. 2"2d. Invita
tions hive been rxten led to Plattmoutli.
and a jrood number will rrobaMy attend
from h"re. Their dances ar.1 goneia'ly
marked bv n good t'ni".
If you consult your own interests yu
will buv vour lout-wear of Mergt.6.
I't: wise and buy joiii'
oversuoes o
'IV v Merges lor vour whitei's footvear
:! Ci!
A in t:
:i! (. t.!.iii:.:;i.
of C.'oiojubi:
: r
iV( t
, 1 .
v.i. i,c::::. i!!;;!v. i
.;;iv t.:!;ii!'.4- iri-tvdti:;-;
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here :
:-.;. o:u o ;-.'.:iLi 'u ;ia in nc
evif til oi'
i i . i
s lountiillg. Ill l.i-. it 1."
:t I ! ove t:: :iiiiards set out
with tiiu piii i'oso of sck cting a capital
for the new vice royalty of New Ore
nada. One entered tho territory
Ui rough Venezuela, a second ascended
Lite Magdalena, while the thirds gate
way was by the Pacific coast. All
meeting on the spot where the city is
now located on the same day, with
true Spanish superstition they hailed
it us an "omen," and with great for
inality founded the present city under
the name of "Santo Fe de Bogota."
Lute,- Ilia "Santa Fe" was dropped
and it remains simply Bogota. Its pop
ulation is estimated at about 60,000.
Detroit Free Press.
Miss Davenport Was Pleased.
Miss Fanny Davenport went into
one of the largo dry goods establish
ments recently to look at the um-jrc-llas.
While examining the assort
ment the clerk, who had been eyeing
acr with some curiosity, remarked:
I think one of the new 'Tosca'
puHisois would suit you, ma'am."
"Why?" asked the" actress.
"Well, i hardly know, but I think
vou loo!; very much liko Miss Fanny
Davenport, and 1 think a 'Tosca' para
sol would be becoming."
The compliment so pleased Miss
Davenport that she made a purchase.
New York Herald.
A New
woman, writing on
fiKTii.-it imii societies which 111
societies which in this
country are largely composed of wo
mengives it as her opinion that a
perfected list of those who believe in
cremation would include the majority
of the prominent women writers of
that city and a largo percent, of the
wolleo bred women of the nation.
wash G
We Have received a case of
Patterns copied from
nly 15 Cents Per yard,
Also Full Lines ot Solid Colors at the same price. Colors Seal,
Myrtle, Black, Olive, Wine, Havana, Cream, Gohelen, Saphire, Tan
This undoubtedly will be the the
est earoaio
in Wash Goods this season. Call
for it will be dillicult to tret Good
Winter Goods at Cost !
,-,V.-. -; v. , A
liire is Qear: ana leet?r too.
Lively lively beasts w-
JMitiiutact uri;i ami Ki'j'. - m
B. & Til. Time Table.
N'o. 1. 4 a. in.
V. 3. :51 p. in.
N'O. 7 :4T a. III.
N'o. 7.--0 :-') i. in.
No. . 1 :i"i p. in.
o. 4. Id :.''.n a. in.
iS'o. . 7 ::;i !. in
No. 10. : A') a. m.
o. v. i :u i. iii.
All train mil d:iily !y way of Oi;i;i'.ia. except i
N'os. 7ainl 8 v!ik;:i run to aad fr:u celiuylur j
il.iilv Gtcf lit Sund:iv.
No. 'J. i :17 1. lii.
Civil Engineer
Surveyor and Draftsman
Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu-
jpecincations ana ii.siiin.'ii
nieipal Work, .Maps &c.
J.ILE3IJI0NS, 31. i.
Physician I Surgeon
Ofiice over WescottV utore. Main street.
Residence in Dr. Sf hildknecht's ro;ierly.
Chronic Disease' and Diseases of Women and
Children a specialty. Otllce lioure, 9 to 11 a. m.
2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m.
tSfeleplione at botU OJBce au 1 Itesidence
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at lleisel's mill, tf
13 s
Wash Goods!
the Finest French Good,
iver Offered
early before the selection is broken
Patterns later on.
Plattsmouth. col
- ii g Dvii at a Low l'rice.
A. Marshall,
PrePei viition of the Natural Teeth
S.itciahy. Au sthetic, rdve n fr Piw.
('Artiricinl teeth nnd" on Gold, Silver,
: Rubber or Celluloid I'l it.w ..r.,1 t
a.s "on :l3 teeth are extracted when de
oil . t
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Firz in lii. x;k. Hi.vrr-.iiiJTH. Nkb
Tii3 5ih t. Msrc hant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Glvm Him a Cal
TPJ "mouth. - InT
Dr. C-
. d'
; i
7 'T 1