THE DAILY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTII, NERHASK A, WEDNESDAY, FEI5RUAKV 13, US,. The Plattsrnouth Daily Herald. IPC IsT O rl' TV i-1 33-RC E3., Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK I'LATT.SMOUTII H Kit ll ulll-lii-il every evening except Siiik1:i ami Wevkly ev-ry 'rliui-lay morning, t'.ryi--V-reil :it tli misi!1Ii -, riai'innitli. Nelir.. m K-eoinl-el.n-. unit' r. oiiiee corner of me a;il Fifth tr-eii. 'I deplume No. 1KKM1 KOK I.AII.V. One copy one jear lit advance, Iy m:iil ; ( l)n:i.y per inonl li. Iy earner. One copy M-rvf-k, ly earlier ... 1.r 1KKMS lUir WKKKI.V. 0" 0"ly year, in advance l .V One copy nix niiiiin-. in advance 7.' Our Clubing List. Wkkki.v III-h ai.i. an. I N V " N. V World Tr lu:i.-. .. Omaha l:) N. Y. I'r-s :. v. r.-i Harper-.' Magaim; W.-.kly. " l'.:'ar... " Young ifir.-Ni-h. Fanner . ... Iienion-M's Mmt li ly M:ai.i' . . . AnuTH-an Ma'iue 'I he Forum 1 e Wtt Jrive no objections to sliakiii'.' linnls with Uisinarck, 1 1 1 1 lu; will please take off the 1v; lirst. Tiik electoral vot mm eoiintcil tndnv in congress, ami nothing now remains t make (ten. Harrison prc-iili-nt except tin niliniiiiterin of tin; oath of olJice. which will le done on tin; Ith of .March. Tin: l itest m wH in rcanl to tin? rahi uc-t is to confirm tin; general impressim. that tin; only man who has positiv knowleili about it is li-io-cl to ker it a scen t until after tin; 4fli of March. Tiik course of Mr. IJ iyanl in tin; Sa moa matter h is h en s mibl that it ha done ii iircat deal to reconcile the enemies of Mr. JJlaine to tin; ilei that he is peril liarly fitted for th ollice of Secretary o' state. (k.N. Ill'lMos was jiresenteil tin other day with a costly Mid elegant hihle II; will find n jret deal in tlio hoo! whieh will ;ive him anipb reasons fet reiiiviii; democrats from oilier as lapidh as possible. A dispatch from Iierlin siys: "The re cull of Mr. S.-well, the American consul in Samoa, has produced an excellent im pression here."- We think about sis jod a tiling as (icn. Harrison can do is to re appoint him, a he only did his duty a an American. CJkn. Iioi'UMiKii is the tln nie of cos sip aain on a far different topic than of a week ago. Now it is alle.lgcd that if he secures a divorce from his present v, if he will marry a St. Louis woman, tin divorced wife of Joseph 1). Lucas, who ever he may be, of that city. IJoulangei i a schemer. He has drawn on his wife'. fortune until there i nothing left to draw on, and then on the purses of hi; wife's American relatives until they have be come weary, and now he propot-s to iret rid of his first wife, hi preknt compan ion, and mairy a rich American widow. It would be strange, but not beyond tin range of possibilities, if an- America! woman, a St. Louis widow, should br rome the queen or empress of Franco. Jloulanger's ambition knows no bound and with financial backing In; will doubt less even attempt the resurrection of tin empire. It will be a ?irry day fo; France when this soldier of fortune ac quires the ascendency, but no one can fail to admire the dash and brilliance cf the "man of the people." Just one more step and he will be another Nn jioleon of France. Lincoln Journal. Won.n you like to be transported to New York ("icy some bright Su:nla morning and make a muml of the differ ent places of wor.-hip. and see jut how New Yorkers worship, from the IVotcs tauts to the Jews? To get an idea of them all. taking in Catholics and Chris tian Scientists, would n quire niar.y Sun days; but -worst's Monthly Mu;;r:hn for March ( received h is Mii.plif.ed matters bv bringing " IJ--iignus Nov Y'ork" to us. and ilhi-tr ti:iir the article so beautifully and profu- 1 v that a strnn ger can g-. t more information from it . than could bp giui.-d by tw-nty Sundnv visit-. E;.ch number of this beiutifi 1 fami'v mria.'i.'ej seem to surpass its pr. decesso-: and now tiny hive ftut-d ii i Mrith a n-. w feature, i: coru.-r for littl. ones, an 1 ceit un'.y fie eiiil ;,-, ; will I delig' ted w-fs Yo :ng J i; hi at Fl.iy " (haad-onie'y iliu -tiatcd ). fur i; v. ill iv t only te.icli th-:n some new g nr.. s, bi.t show the n h-:v th yo'trg. Japan - play sniu of th -r eau: K. rry bculy will beint- rv ' in ".-li r.v d l"n tier for Si Monf.s." 1 .- Fid,ri- d Sehwat'.i-i. n 1 the wa r-c '..) j ietu v and fine engr iv'n . s: n I if '-ar s;. TVOUld pe o-i'. v.? co lid -i n a 5-rie-i o ;.tt;act:.'j.s ia t'.- v. . .. r; 3Urc!i n'ltnb-i-. 15- Fi' Iishel ! W. b.n i'ngs I) e.i ..-.-t. i: ?t 1 (th ftrett. New York. Fr;"e - 1 s!?. TIIK EDM USD nEsuLUTiGX. The opponents o t!,: : in 'i I'i:;i ma canal rev luf.o: b.e- t:n-'r uv.t-n im to tliat!.ec on two gro-n Irintipal!yf viz: First, the 31 nroe dec laration docs Dot ajlj to private enter- j prises, and, ace. ndly, the resolution, if adopted, would ac t as an obstacle against the investment of foreign capital on the American continent, in interoceanic waterways or nny other project. For a few other reasons the resolution is com bated, but tin; chief opposition offered is outlined in the two propositions given. The reasoning of the enemies of the resolution can readily be shown to be fallacious. The resolution is not directed against the l'anama Canal as a priyate enterprise. If the old company having that project in charge or any new com pany should complete it without govern- mental aid this country would place no o'istai le in the way. It is against gov eiiiun-ntal aid and the governmental control which that would imply that the resolution is directed. With France in contiol of the canal across the isthmus of Daiien a contingency would certainly aiise in which that nation would be con strained to interfere with the domestic allairs of tin country through which the canal is designed to run, and this would produce the condition of things against which the Monroe doctrine protests. The pretense that the resolution would discourage the in vestment of foreign capital on the continent is even more silly than the oth r. Capitalists will, safely being assured, put their money in a country where there is a promise of the largest returns. Neither Americans nor foreigners are likely to put much more money in the l'auama canal project in the next few j' ears, whether the resolution pa-ses or not. They will keep out of the sc heme simply because they saw, or be lieved that they saw, long before the Mdmunds warning was thought of, that she project was doomed to failure. The passage of the resolution would not les sen the flow of foreign money to this country or this continent to the extent of i single cent in a year. Nor is there any valid reason wh- it should- There is no particularly urgent necessity for any more than one interoceanic canal on this con tinent. That canal will be built at Ni caragua, and there will not be the slight "t ditliculy to jjet all the foreign capital .vhieh will be asked for to puh that iitcrpiise. (Jlcbe Democrat. Instinct in EJrutes. Few things are more wonderful than the instinct that guides the brute in the ehoice of its food or medicine. In India i he mongoose, when bitten by the dead ly cerba, is said to seek among the grass lor. some unknown herb or substance whic h it swallows and is thereby enabled counteract the effect of the poison Mai;, when his system is deranged by the iceuiuulated poisons engendered by con -tipation or a sluggish habit of body, dmuld seek relief in Dr. Pierce's Pleasant I ell.-ts, which will at once establish a term aiu ntly healthy action of the liver, ilotii.u-h and bowels. h morett's- illustrated monthly maga zine for Maic-h, ISW, will bo published it noon on February 15, in nil parts of the Tinted States. II dl's Hair TIenewer eradicates and nreveiits the formation or dandruff, thickens the growth, and beautifies the iair ::s no other preparation will. Th ; Wkkkly IIeuald s-.-nt one year free !o anyone sending us two yearly sub--cii' ers to the Wkkki.v Hkualu "My little son, three years of age, wss terriMy afllicted with scrofula. His head was entirely covered with scrofulous sores, and his bod y showed nianv marks of tie; disease. A fe-.v bottles of Ayer's Sars iparilla cured him." W. J Ueckett, 1 lynn ra. IlcI. February the th was the coldest morn ing W-? have cvpericnccd this winter, the iner :iry standing at 10 below. Many women find great difficulty in a rr: r: ;ing their hair becomingly, because of its lirs!i and coarse texture. Hy the use of Ayer's Hair Yigor, the hair be comes soft, pliant and flossy. Thr Vigor is the most cleanly of all hair pre parat ions. Best Cough Cure. Fur all diseases ot the Throat and Lungs, no remedy is so safe, speedy, and certain as Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. An indispensable family medicine. " I find Ayer's Cherry l'eetoral an invaluable remedy for colds, coughs, mid other ailments of the throat and lungs." M. S. Kandall, -0i Broadway, Albany, N. Y. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung: Diseases, for which I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world." James Miller, Caraway, N. C. " My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. Wo tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." Robert Horton, Fore man Ib. wllight, Morrillton, Ark. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my luugs. My wife says the Pectoral helps Lor more than any other medicine she ever used." Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FBEPARED ET Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. u".i ly all DnjgjfUu. Price Jl ; 5x bottle, 4 IlornrHlwM-a of Iltihlx-r. Tho proposed substitution of India rubler for metal in the manufacture1 of horseshoes is based ujmim various mip jKjsed advantages, one of these Ix-ing that tho former enables the horse to go easier over all kinds of roads and roii,!i or slij pery ground without slipping. According to this design, the shoo con sists of an India rtibbt-r bottom piece molded to fit over or around the frog of the hoof, with a ledgo or protecting rim rising up the front and around tho level where tho nails aro clamped, the protec tion having a ledgo under which a steel band or other appliances can bo drawn and nipjed tight to retain tho rubber shoe. The band i.s connected by studs. which pass through the heel part of the ( i,,, ti,i3 being cut away from tho inner side for tho purpose, and the stud or studs may work eccentrically to obtain grip or fixing. If the rubber shoe is used with an iron shoo the frog portion, or pad, has a front plato ami two side wings partially imbedded in it to hold tho rubber shoo in place. If the rubber shoo bo divided or mado dthin in the center a swivel or other bar can bo con tracted from the rear to rcduco the width of tho pad, so that it enters easily and also expands sons to fix tho rubber bhoes in position. New York Telegram. Au Unfortunate Recognition. The minister's wife sat on tho front porch mending the clothes of one of her numerous progeny. A neighbor passing stopped in for a social chat. A large work basket, half full of buttons, sat on tho floor of tho porch. After various re marks of a gossipy nature tho visitor said: "Y'ou 6eem to bo well supplied with buttons, Mrs. Goodman." "Yes; very well, indeed." "My gracious! If there ain't two of tho saino buttons my husband had on his last winter's suit. I'd know 'em any where." "Indeed!" 6aid tho minister's wife, calmly. "I am surprised to hear it, as all of these buttons were found in the contribution box. So I thought 1 might as well puL them to some use, so I what I must you go? Well, bo sure to call again." "West Point Alliance. The Highest Waterfall. A recent traveler in New Zealand de scribes the great Sutherland waterfall. "The water," he says, "dashes over the cliff in three grand leaps, and constitutes aliout one-half of the entire volume of the Arthur river. The first leap is over a dizzy cliff into n rocky basin 815 feet below. Jumping forth again, it makes another leap of 751 feet, and then goes tumbling and leaping in one wild dash of 3o8 feet into the pool at the foot of the precipice. The total height is 1,90-1 feet, making-the waterfall the highest yet dis covered. When the pun is shinir.p: r;::: bows of all sizes hang over the fall, and tho effect is indcscribablv beautiful." MIKE SCHNELLBACHEH, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and FIo'v III A Specialty, lie uses the Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast U-iving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M. Schnellbacher, JothjSt., Plattsmouth, Neb. umber THE OLD RELIABLE. 1 L WATERMAN k SON Wholesale and Retail Dealer tn Shingles, Lath, Sash, oors.Biinds. Can supply every demand of the trade Call and get terms, fourth street lo II ;ar of ()4era House. For "run-doxrn," dpbilitatrd and overworked women. Dr. Pierce 'a Favorite Frescri ?tion is the best of all restorative tonics. It is 8 potent fpecitlc for all those Chronic Weaknefses and Diseases peculiar to Women: a powerful, fren eral as well as uterine, tonio and ner trine, it Imparts vijror and strength to the whole fystem. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, rutiseu, Iniiigrgtion. Moating-, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sc.v. It is carefully compounded by an experienced fhysician. and adapted to woman's delicate orjranization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the svstetn. Mtavorue rrcicnp tlon" is the only medicine Warhahted. for women, sold hv drucirisrs. under a pokitire cuar- antee of satisfaction in every case, or price 1.0( refunded. This g'lnrantee hat, beon printed on tho bottle-wra(Spcr, and fa-th fully carried out for many years. ' For larjre. illustrated Trentise on Disease of Women (lfiO paires, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address. World's Dispensary Medical Association. tit3 Main Street. Buffalo. N. 7. e will give a good silver wutc-li to anvone who sends us twecty-fivo ycirly subscribers to the IIeiiald. 1 an n s BUS W?UOS5U me mm TtiV: C IT i Z S 11 t V ' .2. '-Vi VrTSM.);:-! il. N 1. 1 ' ItAMi A. CAPITAT, fjTO' :i: 17- 7 IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, 0!OO,OOO. J" KAN U ('A W . Frank I';::: i J. v. .i.,:j . . " We Nil", 'res-. lent . T;-.l! ! - i. . : i . !. A. . , ; s !'. K. (Jul! ii'-fii.n .),!.?: o'Keele, I I, W. Tn ii-.;!-?- : W.'m ' .-. v are i: v: I : ss A I ;i:.-a.-l I I I ! : : i :ii:e i;r -ue i ! -res! ii-liii- , Co KASK A, r i lie ;:roiint i ):. .'11. i. -J k.ij -:t( 1 :::.' -r ; i: l ei-. ii !.- ...;.1 :!:;'. !e 'l! .o - ;.:i.l ail : iie i v- .'uniy War I'.... Vlr. !; nvri li :iite. County ft. jr t r. M: I' A I ! i ; I ' : si!;i'i.r.s ;tio::(,ul!i. A I ! IA : .".. i no -.'."..-(JO l- .. :. I:s : '. 1 resident Vice l';c!leiit Ciisl.icr i ;: -.s't Casliiei !;:'( "i'nirs : i. !-:im. i-..n. i-ied ;.n! V i-i, 1; S. ilamsey. C. I ? . l'.i:-M !.. 1: ! ( O : o i .1. y. 1 i I i i;-..: .1 as. I "A ii ! i:s-- N i-: .i. -: t; !'. '. II. i . I'.. ; .las. A Genera; E AeccintS Nl-li ! Mjil i ''---r t'p Trail actco ! allowed t i nit .!!:;: Liven to a:i r-i'-! nimliiess ei.l !te.i 1. JtoBort .uoaneiivs Z V 1 AS C5 rt Z fi si? ay Uli iitiiA ; --a -1 ft LT C 3 i) Wagoiis. I'll '. .i.-ie!!i:e.N l,!i:ek v i.'epaireil s : i -t i m-ii ainl :.-liei ill .!!i'- D...:e. li 1 wOJilUUiSiVj O C U I D. 1 i j i s:: Tin-: lltrseshie. u liieil sliiil ;e av:ty. so t he, c is r : II. us- .s:ip.i.".; ..'.Ml i:i: e..-i :i. i ii - lie- si IS i"sel N jt (-arS ! V iii-c-r ol v nil' ill -j; ii. if. ml veil will i.uiUlier. Hi-.-1 -shoe luad H U ii L SIX TH ST.. DT ii i DONNELLY PLATTSMOUTII V I N i A. !. vii'.s, e!;iiy I'liliiic KM. Oiliee ever'!', in!;;. n..m.-M.)i"i:;, Xebkaska JULUi M.vsi'i-.UTn;i::i otr axd WHOLESALE & RETAIL DK.VI.KU IN TIIK Choicest of iars, 11 tn iiiclinlinj; our Flor c"o Pepperbcrgc end 'Cuds KUI.I. LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKEUS" A1JTICLES always in sti . Nov. (. 18.". THE LADiSS FAVORITE. KEVER, OUT Or ORDER. If you c'.eeire to purchase a scwinfr machine, ask our aar.t at vour pluce for terms and prices. If vou cannot tinJ our asrent, write direct toncaret ndilrc-jistn you 1k.-iow named. NEW HOME SEWi'iG MACHINE Q.GRAIOTS. Chicago - 28 UN1GN SOUARE.Nx- DALLAS. II I . TCY JIL AjTA lM. 1 5sr0AlaEC3CAL THE NEW uu.,,.. .-j. CHINE CO., Oavma, Xcb. . I rrnve llllNC Mff rill I N U till i M M H LI Pi In ordt r to out.jlown Dry boods, Notions etc., we arc oilering AVe liave Si c Gss And bilk Handkerchiefs at very low figures. bCl In this Department we are showing all the latest styles of LOAKSSPLUSH SACQUES it prices that is sure to sell them. Call and inspect them and he convinced that we carry the host stock in Plattsmouth. ipsa HAS TIIK LARGEST D1 oJLj JLe n RN T RF r u 0 ii i u I b l HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is oilV-ring at Prices that will make tliein sell. A complete line oi" Window Curtains at a sacrifice. Picture Frames in great variety. You can get everything you need You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each month and you will soon have a fine furnished house and hardly realize the cost. Call and see. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND CO TO FURNiTU Parlor, Dining Ecss "STTv er? HE OWNS HIS OVVN HLTLDING, And thoref'ire c.i!i i:) vou crouds tr less Monev than any other deiler in tlie citv. HE ALSO HAS A OMI'L UmmtAKtWB GOODS, IIEAIiSE FL'IIXISllEI) FOIi ALL FUNfJlt LS. H J JNT R- Y Oil. v.-Asi liilD TTOIJXEY. S. F. T:;"M AS Attornev -at-L:iw and i!-;iry t'i.1.':-?. Fi:zgeraUI Dlojk. l'l.ittsiat.u;!:, cb. CfiV-C: A TTOKNl.Y. & A. N. SF! I.IVAN. AT''-l.Ji'.V '! ! IVe tt--it;vn tn ail iMjt.inef1 nitns-teil t ': ii;.. :. r . ju Union Bl-tCk, E-it ;!. i'i ttsiuout!:. ,cb. GKOCEIUKS t'HKIS WOHLFAIiTH. Maple and Faacy Groceries, Glaosware am1 Crockery, Flour aud Feed. - vor'f"' ana looErat tnr cndfde y&izT our largo stock ol nderwear. Unexcelled bargains in these Goods. a fine line ot simere Mufflers oak Ssbi "mitr A TXT AND FINEST STOCK OF 1 VINE. IT AITf- JXL'J I!, M P. BOECK'S STOVES, EMPORIUM! Room and Kilchen m J. r ASSOKTMENT OP 13 O ECK. EET". f" VTl J T:-1 A i f i V ' r 17 AW OFFICE. j i rsonal attention to all nim!iic Eutrust- I fo my care. X9T.U5Y IV OFFICK. Titles Fxamined, Ai.starctw Comnlled In Written, l eal KMate Sold. ' USE l-elter Facilities for making Farm 'Loan than Any Other Affcnc' I'lattttiaoutli, - Xebrrf ' L CK1 I. t ill I ' i i , i i -v. .ail'il tiu