o THE DAILY 11EUALD i PLATTSMOUT11. NEBRASKA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, ISs'J. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER-OF THE CITY. A. SIM.urj. Ilrnti.l, lt'.rkMoyl I'-ulJiuif, Telrpboae .. III". Wlthrrt. Irlil, I'nlon IHork. CITY CORDIALS. The regular meeting of tlic citv council will be held tonight. The pay-car is in the city today. "Who knows wh.it a day may bring forth Trumps are jtit nr.iiicroiH enough in the city to le a great unnoyunce to the public. Anti-prohibition is the all-absorbing topic in many of the business places in this city. The ferry is running now between lierc ami the Iowa side us regular as in the summer. Mr. Fred St id .liii win and family will move into Mr. Win. Neville .s house, on the corner of Vine and Sixth, this week. It may be possible if the weather continues as changeable, to jump fiom a ineailow-fu ld into a snow drift in an ad joining Held. llev. Ilirt, paUor of the German Meth odist church, to'-k his departure fr Kivcrton, la-, where ho will hold revival services this week. Mr. .la-;. Antill has converted hi place of business into n restaurant and will in the future serve meals at all hours. 3Ieals only - cents. The mayor announced a spec ial meet ing of the council for Saturday night, but as a quorum could not be secured. U meeting was held. Tlu I. idies" Aid society of the M. E. church will meet Tues lay afternoon at J o'clock at the home of Mr. Cooper, corner of Maiden Lane and Vino streets. Tiie churche- were all well attended yesterday. The fruits of the revival meetings of the pat few weeks were admirably manifested at the Presbyterian church. The Christian church was also well tilled at botli morning and evening services, and eloquent sermons by Evan gelist Everett, of Omaha, were listened to. A 'urge attendance was h id at the 4 o'clock trospel meeting at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association These meeting: are conducted by the young men in such a free manner that it is pleas mt for all who attend, and much good influence with one or more conver sions has been the result of each meeting this year. It is said tliTc ii a man in Chicago who possess such muscular power over the drums of his ears that he can become deaf at leisure. Such an advantage would Imj a blessing to those who trv to sleep and are obliged to listen to the pow-wow made by the thousands of canines that are harbored in this city, each night. Th; K. of L. will hoi 1 their masque rale b ill tonight at the opera house. The ball will doubtless be well attended, as many ti .k.-ts have alr-aly be-'U dispos d of. Tii3 s )ci-ty of the K. of L. here have grown r.ni l!v of late, and by then assistance of all other labor organizations which will a't n 1, the house will proba bly be filled. Mr. Carl. wh wis "supposed to be dead" I as Friday night, prc; nted hiin-p-.'lf to Mr. Sherman Saturday afternoon in such a manner that the editor I e'ieved ha v.a- r..r :ic; a livelv corp. e. Mr. Sher man vH5 accu-.-d of ruling a d'r-patch t ill li . : ami i:ieo r the death of the scrapper," which, judging by bis tone f voice and strong Ian ;t"a;e. he did not altogether approve. - Ai e 1" tor's life is tvuly 0112 of much con.' :il r-'.tion. He is continually obliged to think of thumping. which he ha. promised him from day to daj. If he would occasionally mee t with an oppor tunity to display what little science he has and gain a little information from an opponent, there might be some possible chance for one to defend himself when any serious trouble might arise, but as a rule, the suspense a man is kept in is harder on him than the battle would be. The number of young nu n of Piatt: -mouth planning to attend the first con ference of this (the Second) District of the Nebraska Y. M. C. A. has grown cjuite large." ' The association as accom plished a great deal of good in this city and it will take a large delegation to fairly represent the success of the work h-'re. From the present outlook fifteen or twenty will be atth? conference, which m;eis h. Pawn -e City, Feb. 1"-17. to rep resent the a- jciatiou of this city. A grand time is in store for all who attend. We were informed that it is the intention of Mr. irc I St idlemann, who is real 1-liiig th,-.buil ling a Ijoiniug An till's confectionary store, to run a first class restaurant :issoon as the work on the buildiiig is completed. This is an accommodation the city has not h id for sonic time, and it appears that 11 man with as much 1 xperi. iu- in that lino of bas'n-ss as Mr. Stadlem ai has, would fl .id no didieulty in m -j ri.ig sue : -s. We ur .r!1 to know that he U looking to Iia iiiterest3 of the people ok well as his own. --Seventeen converts of the late revi val services joined the Presbyterian c burch yesterday. Their names will be published later. Mr. Rasmus Peterson was thrown from a wagon yesterday afternoon and had his ankle seriously sprained. It was reported at first that his limb had been broken. Mr. S. Waugh's youngest boy, who I as been ntllicted a short time with mem braneous croup, is in a critical condition although somewhat improved since yes terday. Iud-'c Russell issued marriage license this morning to Mr. Conrad Stoehn and Miss Lizzie Mesinger. Edward McComb and -Miss Josephine McMullen, and Win. F. Hurtsook and Miss Lizzie A Foster. The Omaha amusements this week in- Lizzie May ami Geo. T. Ulmcr Mon day 11 nd Tuesday evenings in "For Con gress;" "A Postage Stamp," Wednesday and Thursday; "Terry the Swell," Friday and Saturday, and Saturday matinee Tiie latter two are both very amusing plays. Mr. Byron Clark received a dispatch from Ouinliti hist Saturday night, that bis brother, J. W. Clark who wwnt there a few days ago for treatment, was dying As he was too late for the Saturday night trains, he left here yesterday morning. The news of his brother's death is mom entarily expected. Mr. John Robins succeeded in stop in.r ! riin.-iwnv team this morning as it was coming along Viuc street at a yery speedy rate. The team pulled a light spring wagon, and had it not been for the nerve he possessed to attempt such .1 fete, some damage would doubtless ha . e resulted. --Mr Jno. Saddler, who ha been in the c: nolov of Mr II. Uojck, furniture dealer, for the past eighteen months, has pur chased the furniture stock of Mr. John Chase, of Weeping Water. He will take tha first of next month. "W' 1 '- have be ;n informed that he ha a splen did opening there. Many of the Omaha Herald readers entered a kick yesterday because of the advanced price on that paper. Notice was given in yesterday's issue, that the rice woidd be raised from fifteen to I 1 .vent v cents oer week. It was stated - a that they would publish the best paper west of Chicago, which would-necessitate the advance. The B. i: M. was supplied with new lime cards which went into effect yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock. The trains will run as follows: Going west No 1 4:3; a. 111; No. :5, 5:-l p. m; No. 5, 7:4' a. in; No. T, (:2 j; p. m; No. ., i. m: No. 13. (freiirht) f:4o a. m Goini eat No. 2, 4:"J p. m; No. 4 lO.-.-'O a. m; No. (, 7:13 p. in; No. 10, 9:43 i ni! No. 14. ('stock exnre?s) 8:'7 p. m Iv the appearance of sme of the express teams doing service in this ity our; would be led to believe that their owneis placed green spectacles over theii horses eye- and turned them out on the gray pastures in this vicinity. Th dried up blades may look green through the glasses I ut the taste cannot be as repre sent t 1 cr tlu-y might have an oppor t miry to fatten a little. The following converts have been received in the Methodist church as pro l:;tio!i;T5 witaiii the past three weeks: 2-21 i 1'Iorer, Sigel Green, .1. W. Bridge, J. I,. F.. : th;ug, llachael Green, Ed Barstow. .Mary iJ.irsto .v, May Kichey, B:ella Leech. Mary i: lwar.Is, Leila Pine and C. W. Inga'.!.. The f.dlowing Christian.-) were admitted to thes church by letter duriiiL' h.at tl.ise: Mm. Carrie Green, A. P. Ct.ur.bell, Ella Campbell. ! '.miplaint comei to us from out rub i ibers at Cedar Creek and other local points in regard to the delivery of the HiCKAi.D We must say that we are done an injustice by the mail service, and we a:c not at fault. If the Journal ar rives at Cedar Creek before the Herald there is surely some partiality shown, as this paper is d. liver ed at the office here neail3 every aftcrnon before the Journal. If this negligence is still continued the matter will surely be investigated. A new sidewald is being laid to the curbstone in front f the lot adjoining Fitg Tald's bbck. There are many other plac.s which present a doplorable condi tion en account of the negligence of piopcrty owners in laying a respectable walk. The city council should take steps to see that the w-'rk of laying side walks to reach the curbing is immediately commenced, as the sidewalks in the con dition they are now in, are a disgrace to the city and more so to the business men who have pkid no attention tosuch work. " Uncle Tom's Cain " was present ed to one of the lirge-t assemblages seen in the opera houss this season, on Satur day night last. There were many pres ent who were n -ver inside the doors of the opera house before, and consequently much appreci it:on of the old and popular play wis manifested. The company could not be termed exceptional, as there are se er.al on the rocd surpassing them in ihe situ lay. Ill: receipts at the fit tbc evening ma' in e w re $G-"5, and performance, $173. 1 E Dress Goods ! Thirty-Six Inch Henrieites: In all the Newest Shades, only 35 Light Grey, Gobelin, I'istnark, Dark Tan, IJlack, Mahog-any, ISavy, Mvrtle, Wine, Irown. Thirty-Six Inch ftll-W ol In all the New Colorings only 50 cents a yard. Havana, Myrtle, Gendarme, Olive, JSaphire Wine, Mahogany, beal, blate. Red Fern Suitings: 40 Inch lied Fern Suitings, in per yard. Rutland Broadcloths: 54 Inch Rutland Uroadcloths Bamona Suitings: 54 Inch Ilanioa Suitings, all worth 75 cents. Striped Suitings: 40 Inch Striped Suitings only Lenwood Suitings: 40 Inch Lenwood Suiting-!, Ihoko:i Blankets, Cloak M. 1 One Door East PERSONA.S. Mr. Fred Gorder was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Mr. Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, va.s in the city yesterdBy. Judge Chapman went to Lincoln tins morning to bold court. Mr. Cliff Shepherd, of Lincoln, spent Sunday at his home here. Hon. F. E. White left for Lincoln this morniug to attend legislature. Mrs. O'Brien, of the state fisheries-, arriyed in the city thU morning. Mr. L. C. Mercer, of Omaha, spent Sunday with his family in this city. Judge Xewell took hit departure fr Waverly, Neb., this morning t. be gone a few days. Mr. Sam Patterson, who is attending college at B-.dlevue, spent Sunday at his home in this city. .Mr. Harry Minor, cousin of Mr. C. M. Wead, arrived in the city Saturday night from his home in Vermont. Mr. Ed Threlkeld's child, who has been sick for a few days with diphtheria, died this afternoon about 1 o'clock. Mr. R. II. Claiborne, and son James, of Aboline, Kas., returned home this morning after spending Sunday in this city with friends. Mr. C. II. Smith, who is now engaged on the m ter line between Omaha and Council Bluffs, spent Sunday with his family in this city. Mrs. C. Schlater, of Louisville, arrived in the city this morning. She will visit at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Ed Fitzgerald, for a few days. Mr. Harry Kuhney, who a short time ago lefc this city an t went to Corning, la., returned to I'lattsmouth yesterday morning to spend a few days with his friends. Messrs. Pettegrew and II. P. P -lter, in the employ of the express company at Omaha, paid a vi-it to their old friend, Mr. W. G. Ilonn. manager of the express office at this city, yesterday. Joe will surprise you on his grand opening of spring and summer goods. Nothing in his line that Joe won't be able to show you goods that his eoni peditors won't dare offer to the public. Joe's low prices will make his competi tors wonder how h-j can sell so low. Plenty of feel, flour, graham and meal at I level's mill, tf Joe will hare all the novelties in his ;ine in the market. He will be able to -ait the most fwtidioug. 5-lw i ill i to- t-M cents a yards. 40 cents. Colors Henrieites: worth Tan, CO cents. Colors ;k. Cardinal, all Xe.v Mixtures, only !() cents only 85 e -nts a v.ird, 11 worth yl. .New Mixtun e-, on! v . cents a vari ,. crtrs a v;;i(l tri pes. o nly 00 cents a yaul 3 1 :j V 01 a I La i L Joe the )'ie Price Clothier is connected with four of the largest retail clothing houses in Illinois and Missouri, which nables him to buy cheaper than any of Si's competitors. 5-1 w Try Merges for your winter's footwear A trump wcut to the home of Mrs. Sharp lat Saturd iv atternoon and prayed for sum thing to ef. "While she was en gaged in pre- ariuga lunch for the vic tor, he m.ide away with an overcoat be longing to her son, w-iich he spied hang ing on the line. A few more lessons and people will let u; '-n feeding vagabonds. Joe's bos" ant Chilian's cloihhig dep'tl'tmei.t will b.' I li st in flu cit -V-ir.-ts,.;a. Spring Oj ei.i; iwo-iiC out lor T.'" you c cii-.ult your o. 11 V.H! I Mi V '.OUT foul wear !'.! II 1!S O vV Cr ail clcsern :ti -us at Snsitli Vherj :-5o Resided. I am ijoiiig to leave this tie iTU:- trv. S nee I w.i dc C-ieet:o. 11 1 1 ,v ! V .1. 'Iii w a I v;ii vol maUe vour horn- :" Iu a stat of innocuous desuetude, Joe's line of white, tancy, siik flannel shirts, will be the grandest finest eycr brouglit to Plattsinouth. and and Be wise Merges. d I.niv Tour overshoes of tf Buy your swcetheait one of those beau tiful valentines at O. P. Smith fc Co's. tf Cood Cause for Cioom. '"George, clear, why are you so gloom now.' You are not the happy man you were a few mouths ago. Tell me all7' 'I'm all right, Naomi." '"No, you'r not. Some secret woe is breaking vor.r le-art. Confide in me.' Well, the f.-i is. I blev. in three mouths wages for .'. fur overcoat lat fall .-.nd I haven't li.-id an excuse to Wtar it vet." Lincoln Journfil. Tie- fi-iest lin- of Yah at ( ). P. Smith Co s. ntmes :n tiic citv tf " L t of wan Merges' cheap. Shoe- aii I Suppers r.t tf Tho AVjckki.y 1 Iku r.i seiit one year free to anyone sending us two yearly mb scii!ers to the Vj-.i-:ki.y IIkkai.ix Bucklin's Arnica Salvo, 1 he B-si Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruise--. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Hheum. Fever Sores, T.-ttcr, Chapped Hands Cidlbbtins, Corns, and all skin ei uptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required, ft is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. , 51 fioocls ! ills (rl'aiKi J . i::t'T"St.S VC-U Efesa6f t Merircs. ti y lip Wash Goods, W'e Have rocoived a case ol Patterns copied from the Also Full Lines ol "Solid Colors Myrtle, Black, Olive, Wine, Havana, This undoubtedly will be the the In lam in Wasli Goods t liis season. Call tor it will be dilli.'uir to ;ct Good Winter Only 15 Cents s?"" "r '-x:-? 1 eTTi rrs" cc& 3 f.a WE fey dpurd -ind rojrd ard roud'v co! Life is dear: an& leevtAr too. Lively lively be&jts are we- tf s cSXr y" szzyr !iiii!u.-h:ri -:r nnd Jloj-ainiig l)oi:- sit u Low 1'r.ce. 3. c;Olv; 'i!J. No. 1. 1 a in. N. .?. j -Jjl 1 1. in. No. :.--' A a. :a. No. :'-'") p. in. TiJ-ne Table. . ; 1 N i IAS No. 2. I :-". ). Nt. 1. 1m .''! in. N-i. .. 7 :'i m No. 10. 1 ::. 1,1. No. 'J. ii :17 i. : 1. AH traia-i r;:n d lily 'ey w.:v of Nos T:iu.l '. liie 1 1:1:1 to aad daily e vcept sun lay. -1! ; : ! .ii ' J't ! ai er , WTDT 7 - JL'NTY VI, YOK ) f 3 r i i'-vil hnarmi-ei QllfQtnr -nn fl ""-? to r-T n : ourey anu ih Si ishicin Plans, Specifications and J-l-ti.n-stt-s, Mu- nicipil Work, 'Taps Ac. PLATTSMOUTH, - - fiEC. J.H.EDIiK'.S,M. IK HOMCEOrATIIIC Physician Surgeon Office over V-eoo ptfirp. Main strpet Reidenc in Dr. S'-!iil.lkne(-iifs ;ro-KTtv Chronic Dis-fai-es aid e im-s i.f Women an"'l Clii!driu a si.ecialty. onice hour", P to 1 1 a m 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p in. ifiTTeipiioae at both O.Hc and IlesUlner Call at O. P. Smith & Co's drug store and look at their choice valentines. tf 11 Wash Goods ! ATIIMES ! Ftne.-t French Goods, at the same price. Color? Seal, Cream, Cohelen, Saphire, Tan Ever Offered carlv before the .-election is broken I'attenis l;it r on. at Cost ! 53 atts mouth. Dr. C. A. Marshall. iR.osidont Dentist. Preservation of the Natunil Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pub. ; i.rss Fir.i.ixo 011 ExTit action op Tfkth Artlfic,id tfeth made on Gold, Silver Rubber or ceii.doid plates, i.n.rinTmS as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable FiTzqgmni's Be. en I'l.xrr-nt.ifTTH. Nun " K. DRESSLER, The 5 ;ht. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of 'Foreign 4 Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by GIvidr: Htm a Cl SHERWOOD BLOCK! Per Yara. TATONS JSiimsmJlL. Tir CO