tup: daily herald plaitsmoi) til nki iia.sk a, .Monday, KEnrjiAizv li, lb,.. The Plattsroouth Daily Herald. stTueiure ::iul wo; ;::n; Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK I'LATTS.MOUIll II Kit A I.I Ih published evi-ry vrnliiK pi Suiid.i miU Wrukly i-vi-ry Tiiuril:iy iiiriiin. e;is-t-rd :tt tin! .otlilllr". I'latn-iiimiih. Nehr.. ...s niM-iMul-rl.is" iii.ill.-r. Olllri; .riuT ol Vino ami Fifth lrret-t. Te!epliiui; . 2. TKKMS FOR IlAII.V. One copy on- -;ir in advance, ly malt. I MK ';)' e.r lllotitll. t'y earlier One copy t-r week, ly o::n i-r TKKMS FOK WKKkI.V. Onecotj.y oc year, in advance 0:e c-jpy ill moiitiiM. in advance... .... in ... hi) 15 Si .v Our Clublng List. Wkkki.v IIkk.vi.o and N V. World.. N. Y. Tr.lii'in . I Om:ili:i Ki' N. v. rreps. - N. V. lost -J Harpers' ,M;t;t, inc I i: v,..-klv. I l:.i.:n . . . 4 : " YmillK t'eofil.- : Neti. Fanner -J. 7e Demurest' Muiith ly .M;i:iifM- :i it Alili'I'iraii Ma'jlii- ." .'! Tim l-'unnii "i i CONSUL U EXE HAL HE WALL. The removal of Consul (ie-neral Sevvnli 14 in perfect liai inony with the pa.it .-iets of the " Cleveland lulministration vvitli reanl to tin; S.uno.m matter. It simph completes uml emp'tasize a recur J ol truckling ami iinlx-elity which is n national scainlal. Then? is no room fin just complaint as to il.e matter in wliiel: -Mr. Sevvall has jierformcel hiii duties, lh I'ouuel himself in a position where he was bound to protest against the practieai cou.iiiest of an independent power ti. vrliich Iii.s tCoverumeiit had pledged it. good olliees " in fauch u coutiii'Jiicy; and lie made the protest in a dignified jin I reasonable way. The sum of liib oft'emliu extends no further than tin, utile we are to understand that it wa wroii! for Lini to tell the truth as a sworn witness before tliu jfcnate con.mittee ti. foreign relations. His removal is equiv alent lo a. censure of his couri uud air jipoloy for it to Germany. That is to say. li loses his oilice because .he incurred th. displeuaure of Mismarch. 0;5ei misju. may be given in the case, but tliis i manifestly the true one; and it iila.es tin United States in the humiliating iittitu.lt of seeking p-ace with Gvintuuy i.y fel'u.-. in to sustain an ollicer who has Miii'tiv done w hat was required of.hnn as a faith fill public servant. It was aniiounceJ some days ago thai the administration was not di.-posed t. send Mr. Sewall back to Samoa in vicv of the co.nplaints which had been mid. by Uismirck concerning his acts. Thes complaints, as indicated in JJisin.-irek.-letter to the German minister at Wa.-h ingtou, were to the effect that lie ha.i pursued an " anti-Germ m " coiusj din ing the pr. feedings against the king. -Malittoa. As a matter of fact, he did m more than to deny the right of Germain to seize .Malieota and install a new rub. of her own choosing, by force of ninu- and in flagrant violation of the terms oi a formal agreement with this country Perhaps it was an anti German step on hi part to interfere, even by a re.-pectful protest, with such a scheme of arrogano and violence; but tohavedone otiitrwii woulil have been anti-American, a rut In very properly preferred to assert tin rights of his own country in the matter. There is reason to believe that his com si . backed as it was by popular sentiment in the United States, caused Germany t. halt in her project of conquest. And now comes his dismissal, not on account ol any wronger harm that he has done, but simply because it is desired by Uismarck. There could not be a more disgraceful exhibition of obsequiousness and want oi respect for the obligations of diplontatu honor and propriety. Xo decent c.v.-usi can be offered for it, and no palrioti. American citizen can fail to feel the s-tinj. and shame of it. JJut fortunately, tin administration which is capable of perpe trating such a scandal is rapidly Hearing its end; and it is to be hoped that tin country will nevtr be aiHicted wit I another so feeble and so pusillanimous. Globe Democrat. Tli- ll.i-i i" r ii 1 mli.iiti il in tin ttvntv of ' 4 j year nun i.. cm ui';,i:i: :;. ; i i Washington fur the G ileva tribunal . jM) u-rnn-d t!io U-U .f i presented tlie Aii.erican iloetrine of, houso draimr.i-. neutrality npplica'-le t such cases, i work, though in i i 'I"!iese rules are : . j I. To u-e due diligence to prevent the I lifting out, arming or en nipping, within j its jiirimlict inn, of any Vessel whic h it i has reasonable grounds to believe is in- j tended to cruisv or cany on war agiin-t j a power with which it is at peace; and j also to u-'i: like diligi-nce to prevent the departure from its jurisin t ion of any Vessel nitcndi'd to cruise- i.r carry on war as above, such vessel having b.-i n adapt ed, in whole- or in part, wilhiii Mich juris diction, to warlike use. II. Xot to lx rinit or suffr-r cither bil- ' - -. . . i llgi-reni in luaKi; Us,; i n puns or water is tin- l:isi- of uav d op--ralioiis against tin oth' r, or !nr tin- pin po-e of augnw n tation of military supplies or armsj or the ii-eruitni nl of men. HI. To exercise due dilig- nrc in its own ports an l waters, and as to all ports within its jurisdiction, to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligations iinl duties. These rule, it will be observed, pro hibit not only the fitting out of privateers an 1 ve.;;e!s of war in neutral waters, b.tt also the employment of neutral ports, "for the purpose (if augmen'aiion of mil itary supplies or arms or the recruitment of men." Tin- ( 'arotidelct was not de--igned to be an Alabama, but it waj load ed with military supplies purchased for I lyppolite's forces. I f its clearance were not illegal under the neutrality acts, the high ground taken !.y the Tinted States before the Geneva tribunal woimi prc lude the conversion of New York harbor into a hae of supplies for the forces in ;;;.sunc( tioii. t 'omi-i.aints are coming in daily from 'he south of the insolence of the colored pcopbi down there since Harrison's elec tion. A white man 4.0. ( 'aitoai.iu in Georgia, walked into the colored cur I:e other day in a train passing through that state, ami tiu'ii:". :,o .seat vacant that suited him to smoke in, ttirectcjl il col oivd passi ngei to rise and give him hi.r place. The colored man refused and the iiit-. ::;:in was compelled to shot him h:- -ugh th-- hea-i. 7.' W:ls ;in insurrec-:-i, n and it is evident that tin- ;;,i'itia vii! ,- )- have to be called out iuGeogia ;o iot jit Hie wi.il. i from the unpleasant fleets of race war. KSm oi Jo:ir?ial. liet'i.i, i ; pr:;- ll. , : main purpose trow i:i vi e very iinne'ccs: ar , every trap or e-c .i::!.i::;.: .1 i !: .to i :i el itiake all Mounts;.; iu .: com ; ;. j i I jl i . to n.-e i.i:.U . !.;1 ";i : s it 4 inerit.4 uml ii'.l ! r, : l l;, t':.;. tio!l:4 ns to ils lii:ie.:-; i-i :. word, the mutter :i a f :t-i i I. : -i ;. neiioii, 1 lliiuk. waiu.'Up i:i lb direction. Mid the res:::; ; . i,t::nd the te:,t of ;ie tu::! ti . 'i Ik; : ;:'iit::ri;'n of to .!..v h;:.; i contend with th::n 1 ie;!,' tr:;p. t; I i;.-:.;e(! ;.o i ' t -f .;.:.. i.o .!, l vt Vh: i e- ri-bt (). rrr: Auvli i S100,CGO. SLb H1" ml t it h o f f t;i I) i jelit ::.po..e. One !' the ;. rogress i ; custom, i i ; '.'il Willi !il i U IV io ('. iiiv I. . i : e! I .;.anli li.: O'He-i-u-, In iiiiK i- to 'u! "linwii iir I.irg-c stock ol -.i-t 1 ! F United. It is with I cntil::t i i. i. il !l l:io.-.t bli: ili i k;ses. rit'..- froni tut re in 'A u.o NEUTRAL OlilAUA TWSS. The government has confiscated "Tie Carondelet" which was loaded iu Xev York harbor with munitions of war f: Ilyppolite's forces in Ilayti. Tliis v.a right because the government h is r:i ni7.e-il Legitime as prcsid-. ut of ilayti. If th. validity ol" L -itimc's ei-atb)-as precedent of Ilayti was an op n pi- tion at th? outset, the administratis jdainly recognized his au hoiiiy when i sent Aelmiral Lute to his c..;.-!t:.l t-i d iai;d his surrender if the i.'i,;bi; j:, public with a suit .!!.- in t. salute tlic :!g. Minister IV ;i re o ents that goverilim nt, th st it.- d jrtrtni(nt holds official r tt;i ;t;s -. it: him. For all practieai purpos e. itiu.-H-cunyin t ? cupital of ifij. ti an I mp tri-Asing an irfsiirrection ngninst tin- ' faelo government, holds the same r,-ia tioci t( Jfyjipolite which bir.coln su-taii. d to JefTere.4j Uti j.. During tin- Ahit ican civil war our g'w n.i.'ieiit r. qnlri t: foreign o.vers to tnf rcr ti.elt u'-J'.r-.i'.i' luxvf, an I bitte rly resealc 1 the rcnivr sion of Ilritis'i porta into Confederate ele jots of naval anel military stij-plies. T::C bill nmnieuding the license law las passeel tin-ic:? de It provides that in applicant for a silooi. 'icviise must lit;!:;i the consent of all propert v-houieiv .11 tin? block fronting in the same d i:c ticii. It also provides that whefc there ire b-ss than sixty freeholders a 15cen-e shall issue en tlie ji'-tition of a majority. "faxor. in." "I used often to read ;l:e ii; ..p loers a on I to my wife." said IJ-.-rt Iiol'inson, "'and once I was f-dily taken by ) it' nr inedieiiie advertisement. The seiluelie paragraph began with a l;.ode-t .-iccouut of tin- s--a-serpent, but t-ndetl with tti.'ig forth the virtues of a certain Dr. I 'ieicc's Golden Medical Discovery which, it w.ai alleged, was a sure cure for all throat md lung troubles and would even cure "onsumptiou, if taken in time. The way was taken i:i. was thds: 1 had a lung rouble and I bought ,i bottle of the ei:iiilv. 1 was a stranger u i ock me in and cured me. ! li,- hi-.,- ; I-..o!i.- iu , . A j o I ge.Uion is iiKtdo .r ilevico i:ive..;.d irrespective of actual nie'iii.s i: i oiten thru.l :;.sii.:e in ih-fcre'iico to l!: i;i:ia way of eluing thin;;. ptTuc t e N i : i ; v a t i s :.; . IVople are muurnliy t.-.e-r:- e-r le ; conservative even in the t:i::tt(-r of rem edying evils whicli e'liktil si: Jne.:::, :;:i l.oyance nnd e: peii.se-. Sew ersoi eiepeisit, ior iiutanct. have no pkiec- in e::iiin:ry work. Cities are growing iiioruhmtely in comp;:i-:s:ot) with rnraJ t'.i-t: i; 5 ?. Vh'.v: in i very metropolitan city b'!- !, or'.. s 'Hole :iud mule- i-sscniiall y ai !;.i ial, arid j no adequate luoeisioii i-: i:i;:oe lo la u- j iraiie tliis ftyo-A-iug ' i i ! it-'-: :i'y in 10 i si eel to its inliuein e on heakh 'i h: n- j -:;;ids live in e-raniped ijiiai U i.s tv.; r I hri- rooms with ejisolute'y i:o regard !'"! light, ve'ltilation, w;;ter suepiv, house drainage or ars l biiii .f the sort. The one aim, apparently, i.s lot..- with the crowd. In the business portions .f his city, where hind is very c:q-.ensive', '.uKb'i ere rim up e-xcessiv eiy high, and il ia only m tin iiL-..vt,i a;:d be-.-t structure's that aeU-ijuatc piuvi.ion is made' for liyht. smoke laden atmos phere is a constant uienaec, ;.n e vii in the inanulta-turing and bu.-int .:s di- iri is i.o Jess crcat than I lie viiialid, !t bre-athed air ii; oiny pri v ale dwellings. And stiil the masses s.ei :n ouliv ions to j their nee-ds. i i in a large ini-a.siirc l':e re ..er :.ii n I oi banitaiy comiiiion i imist re-main ui.it te i- of I'l'reiy private intcitsi a:a! precaution, and in a e-eiuntry like e.i:r... where' the citizens have saeii power in gelling laws enacted and i -n ion t. d, k be hooves the masses t wal.c up to a I I St V. A ury n lj n - ff P ft 5 S 4 3 erwear Xotioiis Arc, we -m o oll.-i ing I'nexci lied Ihtrj;a!iis in ilici-c Goods. 1 ! J .s H A , :' c- i'1'on'st it c liavt' ;i line line o .1 Hi. I or; lt ll.it , in- -.V War dm ami h3a&ittmm& SffiliiSlGIo And bilk Han-lkci-chi. is titve rv low iigiircs. n 71 JS. ' ?.mt Cloak ! V V t a i ? 1 1 i a rcali.ation ea' th-. i:ci ils e f a:nl posi themst-i ves as to the of ae e'oinpbshit'g their po1 e, t I; ;iiols i'; e c i;.").(i(i(i -.ili-nt . s!i ill -ili ier ! 'r,-. I Cer.Ii r. .s. ia.ic.si-y, T'p.-,,, r. f, , j r.-.' c-:.i)r.-c!iil tiielmlii!;. itiibfclhl ;:.::e! st peroi- oi e'lini,: eoiisistio-r u;' thirty f:.:! I':i bearers, thirl v gvsi:.s, sg'Vent v five; nd it seven ciuef cooks ami sixty pt-i.-.-.; . Wagon anel Dhicksmith SIiop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine niul lfkr "TT? "fr TJ a. ?",Yr! N3B Aii k' drOtS Lara W-w d 'u 7.- r : -3 tJ 7 J in : . -. -k,- . ; w.; 4 2 : i In this iApartmt iit wo arc .-huwinj all llio latest sta les of AKSfPLUSH SACQUES at. prices that is sure b sell f!: ;:). Call and inspect tlit-m and lie cotiviiK-cd that we ctifry tin; lx st stock in I'ltittsnionlli. t-?2s r, fr-y v n Wagel, v. - i Li i U t 1 y 3 iilUlu s A 1 ti .: ; - X I r: a A SKIUOUS QUESTiOX. THAT RELATING TO THE PRESER VATION OF HEALTH. A Specialty, lie us -s th v Ts r?1 'r"s fi the U'st IP 4. fcJ-j-J 1 loiseshoe it-J has Tin; l.mk;i:sV axd finest stock of nil 7 ELL i ATTS.MOUT1I t h (.; S:iiiiiury I'liiiiilii:! in tlio l.:ir;c Cities, las;. ill i-rore.-s ..!;ido hi Tliis r3:'ter in llio I.asi li;itt iueii Vt-ars It H; hooves tli-. ."Vlii.-se ti Wake l"j. Within the h'st ten or twelve years : his eoiintry has wittiesH-. d t'.vo distinct rtts in the method of plan:! irg. About .sT.Jilie- -lumbing done i:i the Unite-ii states, and perhaps I miiit say .-.pi cially ;:i l i.'cai;.). ha-.l ln-eome so bad, with oiii; .-Litioa and othe r causes, that there was a j-eiij-raj oiovement all over the ll ike try to e i'ee l sii.i.1! 'b.'-J better. t:r misfortune, how ever, u ia i-'ss throti -h mistakes. The pi pes ,ht as eo orogr.'s through hen used were of such li.i;ht vvci irse:.:iioe in; Farm! r, or for Fast I".-:v:a aa i purjiosi s, ever in vented. It is m.id. anyone can can put en sharp or ll it eorlo as nei-ded for wet and slippery roads, ; -mooth eli-3 roads. Call and Kin:i:: thece-Shoes and you will have no other. j. ffl. Schnellbachor. ailSt., Plattsaiouth, Xe b. . v v HOUSEHOLD GOODS. oiiVi itio- at I'rices tliat will make tlicm soil. ravrr 'a h 9 "3 B i ! S- u I a a n u c 1 i L JDS e4 - . " ? ZS g g 2 g 9! THSi OLD REL:A73L:. ( ,U1!' V. i : i ! t F a:-; IL i WATERMAN I E( R Wholesale Hnd Hetall lie iter In not lol eof service, the traps failed of i heir purM)M'. an-.i the. old ehoi pan chi li sort elicits were- praet ieaily worthie ae.i today Ia f v.ork. i!i :.; tv'a! lire ::u ii-et: iwpcete VI. ;ar-nl! P n-.i. aii-v a mount cf ti ; i: -t ;d;out the time of the prior. As might have , lae e i;r:-t tloii I these stakes no less grave in re-i.-;. .-'.'d una; ee-ssarv ev il li i mil to I I! rim mm i 1 f 3 5 5 8 6 Shingle, Lath, Sash, .- Can supjily every demand of the tr.u ('all -lin I iet teinis. Fonrt'i :-tr-;-: In li ,-tr of O.i ! .v.s -. tr:: I' ' l ie -- i I -'-' : v . '' i::-. I . ;: oat i a . - ' . . . ; . . . i e. i I: ih- i I l..i io I -e : th: Ml Jl a x .J ; 1 ' r co 'OiiAf'CO e T ft! A ?r .1 ' i VdijUi ;diag our rbe-r-o' and 'Buds . of -.M;i-::;ns' aiiticli:4 I-'ov. i-t;. l s,."5. f;i tlie citv. wliich !f i A coti! jilete line' oi'' Wiiidnw C'lftaitis af a sacrifice. Picture Frames in gtetit variid y. V ui -a;i et everything yon neei. Yon can buy it on ti-e iii.-tal.'inent plan, pay .so much each month ami yeti will soon have a Jiite iurnisheil liemse and harelly retilize the ce.-t. Ctill and see. t-aasr-a t&zii -tVi v. . I SIXTH STliEEr. I1T. V..y AND Vlr. iz nsr7 I f ATI. A ( flf, i i p. GO TO I-IBNP.T EOEGZ'S i a.i i. i . i i. V 1 i .)-.- :.l li:.- I. i. a 1'.' 1:1 I: r- .a:v. pri:.. ia : ii:.l l : p-ies c:j v.-:s:-.-i: v.et.t tvi vi.fa li !:. ! .;: ; by . .. ! ! r. i j ..:!l-i.:, T'e i .0:1 v. eke): i i'e. '"s aa-i cngi the liau :v i.r.lv tliat Ihe :,t :' 'ti.e i:a- i.'-'--o.;h i:l a Thoroughly cleanse the Mood, which is tho fountain of health, by usini?- Dr. rierce's Goia en Medical Discovery. nnJ cooil ditrestion. a fair skin, buoyant ppiritfl, and bodily health I and viror will be established. j Golden Ie-dical Discove-rv cures all humon, from the common pimple, bir.tch. or eruption, ' Jo the worst Scrofuia, or blood-poison. Es-;t-cially has it proven its !ieacy i-i curing fcalt-rheuru or Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, -'evtr - cores. Hip-joint Diseiise. Serol'i'lous nores aii1 Swellings, Enlareed Glands, Goi tre or Thick Keck, and Eating: Sores er Ulcers. Golden Bredieal Di.eovery euros Consump- ' tion (which is Scrofula of the Lunpsi. by its wonderful blood - purifyinir. in vijroratinn, . nd nutritive properties, if taken in time, tor Weiik Limps, Spittinx- of lliood, phort pew ut Hrc&th, C'alnrrh in tlie Head, llron thitis.Stvero Coujfhn, Aolh:np.( nud kindred Sfeetions, - it is a Bovcreiirn romeay. 1. promptly cures the severest Coug-hs. For Torpid Liver, Udlousness, or "Liver ijomplaint. Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it ia n uae.iualed remedy. Sold by driurffistA. JPrlc ilJM, or ix bbttlef for $o.00. r " ---" vi? ,-s ... ,' - - ,r I 5. Ui.lll I W t? 't F'MPfl ti-x: lii SL Parlor, ijjllljj!.! err"-, c a UM! Hconi and Kitchen P A. "Y 111-: OWNS 111;-; OWN' JiriMMNiJ, X .id mmmi Alt'! tli'.-i'e:'-.-:'C ilo.ify than IIM ALSO II V - A 1 1 vi;i r . li'i ! t!e-r iu t!i s for !?; citv. in: ::ki: yj i- . fcSSm C03. k - i t -. i ': U ' T -'ei.Vl.V v - A. J- 1 . I.i i: ;..e I to a lvae :;ov:.:::;::t. W' will jive it lj-'ou .-,:v:r v. o it r anyone wlio sencls ustwc:ily-livu ytaily tn.aary iL.ovea;e:.t a subscribers to the IIkuald. S HI TiE VER OUT OF ORDER. If yen .les f ptii -e! :;:.; :i sevvin-r niaeblne-, c-:ioiir:',-!'i,,: ;i ..i i !:;i-e for terms and p. i. -. ' vi hi e;m:i'. r iuiil our ttcent, write r t. f. i--.' ri.i-j..-.j., ; c ;-. ''.low imncil J TT v a r.N t-riii rn: r cr'j eriii i .'itli f riCCLVi'ixb G MACHINE aGHA'CEmi Chicago - i.i tNiGf. SQUARE, N.Y- DALLAS. ATI sMA CiA. 1 I cm A'i: co., o.o n x j'. A I ToltNKY. i S. I'. Ti: '":...'! v tl, :!!" -Ht-t-iw. ,i!.,l -(-:i:v i'l !:; z i:iNiJ;!i.c.k. i i.it Mi.ee'th. :;.. n.i;-M v. A A. N M ! I t V A v. t:i 'if-y- mi - I.:- vv H i v. - ; : ; o a:l 1 1 usii.esh. hi-; eit re i : . .'.linn iiinrk. East siii. I 1:1 ' -e,,,i.: JUOCFKIE J c fins weinirAUTii, "taple at;. I Fauey Groceries, Gl;t.vjvvare Croekery, Flour and Feed. X--VvvT" office. J- Ml.il Ht'elltioil to e.o all HuHiiien Eutrust- XTAKV I. OKFIf'F ; -,:rVrKte ; 'aeiiiiie lor maklns P'afw -j,, tnjm 'Any Qtlicr Ageacr, j riattsmoulU, - Acbraika