THE DAILY HERALD': rLATTSMOUTlI, NEP.KASKA, TfJKSDA V, FEBfttfAftY suc. The Plattsnjouth Daily Herald. KTOTTS BKC8., Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK I'LATTSMOUTH HERALD Is nublltlird eyery evening eicept Sunday and weekly every Tbuniuay morning. tered at the ixmtofflce. t'lattitnioutn. Nebr..s , eeHidelas matter. , Ofnce corner of Vine and film iiirrM. icicruuuc av. TRIM! FOB DAILY. One copy one year In advance, by mall. ...f 6 no One copy per month, by carrier - M One eopy per week, by carrier, 15 tiihi rom wksklv. v si y " 'J One copy oae year. In advanee,. .....$l ro tinecopysli month". In advance .... .75 OurZCIublng List. Wkrklt H kb alu and N Y. World $2 -in " N. Y. Tribune. .. 2 M - " Omaha Hep 'l 30 " N. Y. frees 2 35 " N. Y. Poet 2 30 HarperM.Magazine 4 weekly. 4 ' ' Bnzar... 4 70 ... w Youdk People 3 35 : meo. farmer 2 ou "j Deaiorest g Mouth- . . - ly Magazine.. . v 3 in " American Ma zlne 3 So The Forum 5 ou m ' ' From some unaccountable reason there seems to be an idea afloat in regard to the prohibition amendment which is tle submitted to the eople a year from next November that it will require a ' three fiftlu rote to carry. This is a mistake as it snly requires a majority to adopt. The high wind of yesterday did con siderable damage all over Nebraska, in blowing down and unroofing buildings. Omaha suffered the most, n number of persons were killed and several wounded. The wind was general all over the North west, it also reached to - the - Atlantic coast. GEX. IIarkisox has signified his accep tance of an invitation to attend the an niversary of the destruction of Atlanta next October in that city. He has some curiosity probably to know for a cerain j whether "Tecump" Sherman burned the town or whether it was set on fire by the confedsso that he couldn't run back and hide there when Jo Brown of Geor gia got after him .with militia. They will tell the bottom facts at the anni Tersary. Lincoln Journal. "CHIC" AND 8LANQ. To be "chic" in conversation is an at tribute much admired in either the man or the woman of society.' A generous sprinkling of slang is permitted to en liven the small talk of the hour, and a new phrase that is suggestive is welcomed with positive delight. The latest that falls on the ear with somewhat odd effect is "All in the soup.,, The expression is an elongated form of the hitherto popu lar "left." The unsuccessful 6uitor, the defeated political candidate, the "ex ploded" financial venture, the overturn ed market basket; in short mishaps and disappointments of all kinds are de scribed as "All in the soup." The phrase, which is claimed ' to t be novel, savors strongly of the old-fashioned "pickle," into which the good dames and sires, of long ago, used to be thrown, descriptively, in cases of discomfiture, or the "etews" by which they expressed their hot moments of anxiety. February Table Talk. be jurymen. The names of all of the electors of a -.county written on slips of paper are placed in a box, shaken up, and one tenth the number drawn there from by two commissioner?, who are ap pointed by the judges of the courts. The names of thosa drawn will bo placed in the "jury-box,", and as jurors are wanted nunes are then drawn at random to serve. If the judge finds' them dis qualified in aay" way he can discharge them and order more drawn. Doubtless many unjust verdicts can thus be dene away with, but whether it will be the panacea for all of the evils will be a question for future consideration. , The Illinois legislature will soon cnsiler the bill. Equity. GITY; OKKIGJIliS. Mayor, - r :lrk( . -. rreaturer, . - ' ' nUomey, KBKineer, - j I'ohce Judge, tlareliall. F.M.' isn HF.Y - kW K Fox Jam n 1'atth'bhon, jh. By,ko Cuvk i A...MADOLK 8 ('I.IFKIKU (iKoBilK I'OISALI. Councilman. 1st wrd. A a.Vhx" 2nd 3rd , 4th. U Al Jo. l.H A tSHII'MAN id: I I'H t M a Mt jt i'ii v I ('C)N O'CONNOII. -F MOaM,KN; Pftirn I J W Johns i .Ciiauwan Board Pub. Workup Kkrd Ooiikk I U II llAWKSWoKTU Treasurer. Deputy Treasurer, -Jlerk. Deputy Clerk. ttocorder of Deeds - Duputy Recorder Jlerk of District CoaiT, Sheriff, Surveyor. Attorney. Supt. of Pub. Schools, bounty J mine. I. A. CAMi'iirr.r. TlllM. i'ol.I.IK'K BIKH ('KITCII Kl l-.I.O Fx A CKI rent I Kl.l W. II. I'lHII. Jon n M I.mvia W. C J. C. KlKKNHAKt A. MaImii.k ALI.IiV ltKKHON MAVNAHIi Sl'l.NK 0. KUSSKLI. LEGAL,. YJotico jto Lot Owners In PvlnQ it-- h -IV OistrlctHo.l. r:; He ir i , Hired by the Mayor and t'eoneil of i ne piiv oi ri:itt-inoutn : inataii K-t owners in ravi ii li-iii t .. i. of the cur of PlatU mini Ui. lu-i wi cii ;t-.t side of Seventh street ad w ft Mih- ui Sfcoiiii street be and they are bereby i.oUliil tliHlon February ninth,- A. l. lKt;u Hti'rltiek v. in., we. the said Mavor and Council will sit ax a Board of XqnaJIzaUon t hi aiaiiy and ;i) eompliiiut1 against auettlac anil l. v in peehil taxes to pay the cost of pavintr sino nmimirm' said zmtrict according iu .tnu ii) i in- iiii'iiniiic rule lo-wil, jo il:i- I'irsi one-i'ixth abuttInK upon Mala . 5i r i iercMii n one-nail oi the ti Tin- si-eniid one-sixth; 20 per cent of ous-kail BOARD OF 8UPKUV1SOH3. v. 1$. Todd. Ch'in., Plattsinoutli "He most lives who thinks the most. Acts the noblest, feels the best, And he. whose heart Luats quickest Liyes the longest, lives in one hour More than in years do some whose Fat blood slerjn as it slips along their Louis Foltz, veins."- ' v' TI., .1 ... i t.. l r I nivnc lints ucoiiiii; uiut tuuiuuuil Ul OTTrn C? f T 1 T ill 1 C perfect health which all men and women 151 V 1G 1 'X 1 I'lO. IttixK tit oniff ' TVi lia al.lo ,v tlilnlr .1 : "J J.. , . . . . I1AS8 LODGK No. HO. I O. i-i'iiij, tu iuciiuc 10 no nooie acts, 10, I u i ii" : i'ir.1 oiif-Hixiii, igh per cent ot one half of llw total cost. tin- l'oiirih ou-fUtti,lO percent of one-half (if I lu' Ul;il co"t. . The Klitli one-Kixth,-10 percent of oae-haU ol tin- total eo-t. and 'I sixth one -sixth, lo per cent of one-half al I iif tnll eo.t. and : savi fi.t oxvni r are requested to be and appear nia.iiii ii'iiriubiiiiw cauxe, u any, wuy aaia ;issi s-iiicnt sliuiild not be so mde. .-. i Iiis.u.sseioii.ent to be o levied to extend to all luls and block' where the lots (ace on Mata street amt to extend to the alley and In liioek to include lots Kos. 1. 2. 3. 1J, U.14 and north line-half of lots 4 and 11 In block 82. ii it niriuer oruoreu mat this renoluUon be Weepini; Watei I piiiilished as a notice each day until s&ld 4y K.mwooil I of heuiiu. Date. I thin Hih dav of Janunrv. A. TV lu Allen W .. K. Fot. - M. B. MuKmY. CiiyCeik. . Actirg Fretldent. O. F. .Meets everv Tuemdav evenini of each week. All live long and joyously, we must be feer rannient brothers are respectfully invited to ,1 .:..: ..t .i: T..l. I bll . AUI11I II ILIU II 111 LllHl,', iV LUlV- ing Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical' Discov ery wa may,- by .purifving .the 'blood, escape consumption, general debility, and weakness, and all blood and skin diseases. and verify the truth of poetry as well as tact. Another Learned Sboetuaker. Mr. John Mackintosh, author of "The nidtoryof Civilization in Scotland," who will write tho volume "Scotland" in the "Story of the Nations Series," is in many respects a remarkable "man. lie vras sent to work on a farm in bis native county of IJanfT at TD "yer.rsof age, and was subsequently apprenticed to shoe making, at which trade lie worked in various parts of Scotland for fourteen years. In 1G9 beoieiied a small station ery shop in Aberdeen, "and there, on the shopcouncer, lieonco wrote, "amid all the noise and bustle of a stirring thor oughfare, the three volumes of uiy his tory were written and tho proof sheets corrected and revised, all being done while customers were coming in and out and constantly interrupting me." Mr Mackintosh's shop is passed daily by the professors on their" way to the university, and ', at ono time several of them were in the habit of calling oc casionally and having a chat with the literary shoemaker, llo was accorded the privilege, too, of using the university library. His history consists of four portly, tho last and best dealing with tho moral and material advance ment of the country. Mr. Mackintosh has leen in tho habit all his life of rising before 4 a. m. lie saj s he finds the early (LATTMOUTH ENCAMPMKNT 'o. 3. I. (). - O. F.. ineeia every alternate Friday In ach month in the Masonic llalL Viitiii; brothers are invited to attend. rttIO LODGE NO. 8. A. O. V. V. .Meetv every alternai- Friday eveniu at K. of I, nail. Transient brothers are respectfully in vited toattend. F.J Morgan, MasterWorK'iinu ; F.P.Brown. Foreman ; ii. B. 'ieinstsr. Over seer; It. A. Taite, Financier ; u. F. H"tic orth. Recorder ; M. May bright. Receiver; D. B Smith, Past M. V. ; I. N. Bowen, Guide ; P. J. Kunz, Inside Watch. 1ASS CAMP NO. 332, MODERN WoODMFN of America Meets second and fourth Mon lay evening at K. of P. ha!!.- All traiisieni rothers are requested to meet with up. I.. A. v'ewcoiuer. Venerable Consul; !. , Nile.-' vorthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Bauker ; W . A toeck. Clerk. Mt lLATT8IOUXII LODGE NO. 8. A. O. U. W - Meelu every alternate Friday hvoihiik ai tockwood hall at so'elocK. All transient broi!. irs are respectfully invited hi attend, i,. f carson, M. W. ; t . Boyd. Foreman: S. .' V'llue, Recorder ; Leonard Andersoa. vcr-; '-i I1LATTSMOUTU LODtl K NO. (1, A. V. ."i A. M Meets on the firct an.l third Mondays ..; ;ach month at their hail. All transient I r I -r are cordially invited to in.-ct wiili .is J. G. RlCiiV. W'.'.M. vVm. Hats, Secretary. SKA CIIAITER. NO. :J. R. A. M leets second and fourth Tuesd.u of -a-i. nont h at Mason 'e Hall, franseimt hiotiici re invited to meet witu us. F. E. Wiutk, II. I'' Vm. It v. Secretary. 'l ". ZION COMMA M)AUV. NO. 5. K. ' "AMeets llrst and third Wednesday nilu o: ?ach month at Mason's hall. Visiting brellier. ire cordially invited to lneer. wit h us. AM. Hays, Rec. , .F. E. Willi k. E. 0. 1 ASS COUNCIL NO 1021, ROVAL RCA NC.V v meet" the second and fourth Mondas ol ach month at Arcuuum Hall, R. N. Ulks.v, Ketjent. - P. C. Minor. Secretary.. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TR&DE Notice of Sidewalk Taxation. Flat tsiiioiiih. b.. January lith. hum Hi Mitral. By the Mayor and Council of tb city f rlattsinouih. that there will be hfd on the nth day of Feliruary. the usual hour a i ii t 't 1 1 1 !, .'I i ne i omicil lor the numfliit oi au.iiiiii and chariiin; up to abutting lots Tot iaa urn all f!dewaiks which have been ordered built ami constructed l-y the city as per lilt In 1. a. i.l tiro-.ici'i v owner are herehv nntlflarl tit. ti tiicy niiiv attead and show cause, if av. 20 ao : 10 oo 10 oo io oo 10 oo s so S M 44 40 2-40 7 04 43 W 10 40 S M 0 I..-, :s r.lock :n, Youmk Ss Hayes Add.... f II Lu! A :;i .; .ii. Vounir& Hayes Add.... '11 I.oi 1 i;iiwk t-, Youiij? Ss Hayes Add 1 10 j.oi j inui'K is. outif; & Hayes Add . L..t - ..l'i.-k if). A'oimi & Hayes Add.... I.o: i liliH-ic i:, Y ui.w Hae Add Lot I ; 1 . .-:-- 1:1, Yoi;n jt Mayen Add.... Lot 2 Ifloek 17, YoiiT tr Haves Add ... Lid :: r.lock Hi. city of HaMmuth i.o; 4 Block 111. Oitv of PlattHinoiith ... Lot i i'.i.ik 12. fily of l'latt-mouth I.oi 12 i lock City of Plattsmouth.... Lot r. ill,,-; us. 'uiy of I'lattsmouth.... I.oi i Bl.jcl; 27, 'ivof liattstnouth.... i.t - ;:!o.-ic 27. C tv of Plattumouth..., Id r. ii'.iek 14. YouiiK & Hayes Add.... !.! Block 14, Youiii; & Haves Add... as vt aoove io oe given by rubllca M. B. Mcrpry. Acting Fresident. iti.:i' t Kill . itlvst W. K. Fox. City Clerk. Swr Notice to Lot Owners in District No. I. Be ii or lrined by the Mayor and Council of i.cci.j ,M i-.a-.imouin mat an u t owners In twi instriet No. l of tne city of Plattimouta in tLi tviiiow lilrn ks to-wlt. Nog. 28 and 2 : vaii-ii-i- ny iio.iiK"! tnat on February ninth . i i.vs at s o'clock p. in., we, the Mayor and liinii will fit as a hoard of equalizatiau to ii' ; ;u.y una an complaints agalmt -astraaini a::-l ! v neciai taxes to. nav the t-nmt o I iwt net s- wer on-trueted through Raid lots Mi oiocks aecoru'uK to tue number front of ic. t MiMittliip: u;ua the alley throush aaid blu'-ks. ! :! id lot owneis are required to he and'ap fear a? said time to show cause. If any, Why s . id ass- smeiit ntioiild not be so made. It N further ordered that this resolution be -li-lied each day until uaid jiay of hearlnie. Date-i January 14th, A. I. 1889. Attest: W. K. Fox, Al. B. MUBrHY, City Clerk. Acting President. lrirloit ' lfulit IVtii.lhu... morning hours tho best for literary work. I 1st. Vice President .......A. It. To.i; Pull Mall fJazettn. 2nd Vice Fresideut Win Neville secretary F. Ilerrmani' Treasurer F. R. Guthinan Actors' Fan. ' I DIKKitohs. k I T i 1 I .. 13 If U'l. "I This happened in Chicago once. . Nat j. A. Conner, b! Elon, c. w. ihenuau, F. tior- ijoouwin was at liooley s a few year? j ar, j. . necKDacn. ago. and presented a pohlen ball to Ar McCONlHIE POST 45 C, A eon ana mo cincacro team who occunie I kostkh, R. the boxes. It was a gala uight and ever V Vwiss '. one was in good humor. itolon and Crano wero playing over at tho (Jrand a. baths iF.O. NlLKS Suddenly the two Droinios dashed past I Haws Dixok','.',,,. rVv.l Whito fit tli Ktncro Annr unit .von I "-HARLES fORO... THE JURTS YSTEif. In spite of all that has been said agaist the jury system, its detractors have , as yet been unable to suggest a more feasible plan for accomplishing the ends of justice. That the system has many shortcoming and is sometimes a veritable farce cannot long remain concealed from . a person who has occasion to visit the courts of any town or city. But as long as the ingenuity of the indomnitable yankee connot devise anything better it is apt to stand for many years to come. The worst evil that the system has to contend with is the prevalent impulse to . pack a jury in the interest of individuals or corporations. This has certainly worked great wrongs at times, and it stands as a blight upon the fair -name of the American judiciary, r Thj existence of this evil has long been recognized and it has often called for a remedy. Whether it could ever be successfully remedied or not was a matter of much doubt, since human energies were alvays directed towards getting the best of the other fellow, whether it was by evading the Isw or otherwise it did not materially . matter, only so the end was accomplished. Disrepute was consequently cast upon juries, and their verdicts were often wholly at variance with law and evidence and unsatisfactory Jto a great degree. Doubt long existed as to whether the jury system was the best iu ans of finding justice, and its miny crooked workings naturally set wise men to thinking. There is doubtless in the regions of the un knowa a better plan for judicial pro ceedings than the jury system, but until it is discovered the people will have to he contented with patching up the old shell and making it look a little more respectable. Judge Prendergrast, , of this city, is just now-engaged in that laudable enterprise, and he has succeed ed in framing a very good bill calling for reformation. The. principal, of th bill is that no man shall have the power to say who shall or who shall not upon the stage in a moment. Nat was in the midst of a recitation tVhen he was tapped on both shoulders.-' Turning to I the right and . left he saw the Dromios grinding at him. It was the only time NattJooUwin was ever at a loss for a word. Tho audience howled with de light. In a moment more tho two come dians were oil and on their way back to tho Grand, and it was fully five min utes before! tho bewildered Nat could find his tongue. Chicago Herald." Vadekhon Fkv. f AOOB CrOUBMCMAN. . L. Curtis, Meetlnir Saturday evening .. Commander .Senior Vice " Junior " ' Adjnta- ..... 1 u llicer of the i. " lina.-. , Sertrt Majoi Quarter Master fScri l ust uoai'la; THE CITIZENS FLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRA6KA. JULIUS PEPPERBEftG, MANUFACTURER OF AJTD 1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK Choicest .Brands of Cigars, including our c Ticr do Pepperbergo' and 'BuAa FULL LINE OF t OBACCO AND SM0KER8' ARTICIS 5 - dways in stock. Nov. 28, 1885, MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon,- Buggy, tv I ,. WE & Drv In order to cutjdown our large stork t Goods, UnderVie Notions Ac, we arc offering Unexcelled Bargains in ll. We have a fine line ol iillc and Gassimere And bilk Handkerchiefs at very low lit; lire " '5 In this Department we are showing all the lahvt iPLUSH SAC6 CLOAKS "C ... t J at prices that is sure to sell them. Call and iiisj t ct t!.;:: i l be convinced that we carrj the best stock in Pl-ilt.-i l'l,t I, PB11L1A1 HAS THK LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF FIIRIITIIRF s 1 1 a 't S I v TXNWAIIE AI7D Y T V-N T T T 1 T T -V T T v Christmas Trees In England. It 1 KtdtfiJ that the princo consort first introduced Chrirttjnas trees into England, but this is quite a mistote, for they had been t-stablished for many years when the jtrincii cam to this country. They wero originally brought into fashion by tho I'rincess Lieven, through whohi Georcre IV was induced , to have one everv year at tlw pavilion. Mr Charles OreviMo was pleuaantiy-: struck . by the novelty when ho was Ktayin with Lord and 1 J.dy Cowper at i'an.shangcr. at Ciiristuias, IS'2'.K and tliere also Mme. de Lievt ii gut up and superintended the fete. London Truth. ' Uarbarity and Ciiiimn:i SeuHtf. Tin.' nations which blili cat w ith the fingers def end the practice on tho grounc of cleanliness. A Malay gentleman , regard.-; the umj of a' fork much aa -wc shoul 1 (hink of the use of ,a Iwrrowetl toothj.u k. lie Ls troufjled 'by the reflec tion that it has been in oilier moulln and l!:at some lazy servant may have neglw.'ed to wash it properly. The care of his lingers are in bis own charge, and he knows that Jiey are clean and that they have never bees ;;i any one's vk nioul'i. Popular Science Moj-rLly. , Oncer I'iii.1. A crew of tyen vvoi-king on a road ivhk !i i.-s Ikm:! l:ii.t jiri.'ss llie bar at Utter -reek. riou::t i.';it :ir:d. ?lc.. discovered a iiai. ill tilt' i-;:ud. n J:(( J) lijiil lt n w:ulied iislunviti i stoj tn ; t;ne yl the r.K-n. I'eter I'olituII. picked up the li.-rli ar'.d threw it again.-! t!:e wlieej of a cart fSoincthiiig being seen to fall from its intirvO) ;;jio .f the nu n picked it up. It proved .'. )v two dainty inilver borse shocK (ijuju'd jtOjjj&j'er. rind a gold nail through the c-titiT. inder lias the curnvitv in Iiu ixwst .vo;.Lcviston Juurnai. i .- : ' i .- To Paris by ItaiL Tl:o rtuyjan government proposes to build tho lowest railroad in tho world. It will extend i"rc-i)j St. Petersburg to the Pacitio ocean, n dlsiJirice of 7.00U miles. About one-fourth of tin ine lias already been constructed. It has ln-n suggested that a road be built up the Aikt to meet ft. and that lk.'hrin-, Etrait b bridged ly trner.a of the many It contains. Mraijjcr things havo liap jcned, and v.-e -may ytt go from New York to Par L by rail Ltud villa Ctunn- OAPITALSTOOZPAIDIlf, - $50,00( Authorized Capital, $OOfOOO. OFKICEKS JKANK CARKUTH. JOS. A. CONJsOK, President. Viee-l'iesideii W. H. CUSHINQ. CafUier. niUKCl'OKS Frank Carruth J. A. Counor, F. K. Gutlnrnni J W. Johnsou. JJeiiry Bceck, John O'Ketle, W. D. Merriain, Win. Weteqcauip, W. H. Cuslnng. Transacts a General Baukin? Hiifines. a who have any Rankin)! business to trai;sar are invite.l to :all. No matter I' larie or email the transaciion, it will recaivu our careiul atteii'Jon, aud we promise ahvayu cour teous treatment. itiues Certificates of Dei'oairs bearing ii.)f-i-s Buys and sella Foreign Exchange, Couniy ' and Citv securities. FIRST NATlOMAu OK iLAI ISxMiJUiU. NKKllvA, .'tiers the very, best facilities for the i roi.;; traufaetiou ol ii yiiiiiiy tv BANKING BUSIES- tocks. Bonds, Gold. Crovernmeiit if f! I ( : SecuriOei' Ilou;ht anil sola, D post- reVPi v. ed and interest allowed on lieu v'ertrll : catee, I)rart"drawr.aviiMali!" iii';o:y part of the Unitfd Sr.irt'V-iin.i a'i . ; the princip;-.l towne of Eurone. . - lfoliiii n-nX rlir l 7 wc e " offering at Prices that will lnake r I ,-m - JlclCIIUie cilia tlOWJ A complete line of Window Curtains at a fcamlicc-. I'icti.n orseshoeing IX Specialty. He uses the Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe for the j Farmer, or for Fast Driving and City put-puses, ever invented. It is made- to inyone can can put on sharp or flat corlf as needed for wet and slippery roads, or Miiooth dry roads." Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M. Schnellbacher th bt., I'lattsmouth, Web. i Frames in great varioty. You can get evcrytliinr y n n; , You can buy it on the installment jlan. :ty so nnu li t ; ii month" and you will eoon have a line lui iiili( (l Lou.-c :and hkrdly realize the cost. Call and sec I- 3E 32- jL Xj JmL fL, SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AKD VINE. I I All s J i i tw-" wrfB Eotert Donnelly's Wagon and Blacksmith Mlhs. market" price ir1( -r t'etaiiy -,. '. State aud Couiitv Bct,U. - . C. SCHiyCIDT, (COUNTY SURVEYOR.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman P'ur.p, Specifications and Estimates, If u-' nicipal Work, Maps 3kc. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB. WagenfBugrrieii, MaotaiiMaOulokly Repaired ; nowi snarpenea ana uenerai JobbiDc Doae. . Horseshoeing A Specialty -. ; l USI THE - . DIRECTORS j John Fitcgsraid ' .lohn It, Clurli, i. Ualssuci'i- s. Wanirh. , r. e. John KiTrorBATcn. & rrstdent. r.tni- Horebo, whJcn abarpema iUIf as it wears - ivh. ua inera is never uit eanrar or tout : Hers4 clipping and htu-ttaf MeU. Call a examine tn itnoe ana you win Have no other. BevtBbv made. nOBERT DONNELLY : SIXTH ST., - - PLATTSMOUTH f m&M&Mlnj X for an incurable eaee of Claw! la tae Hmm( by the pr K. B. WiAdram. WotaryTf ublle. WINDHAM, Jenx A. lUvtaa. Notary PxiWlc Bunk of ( ass County Cor. Main and Fifth Sfs. riatisni. utli. PAID UP CATfTAL ....-,n Old SUKPLl'S - 2.-.P0': OFFICERS : " C. IT, f A.wty2 T-resiiirr..' Kred (;hiEm... Vice rrc.-iilf nt J. M. Pattkksom... . C;isi.f i JA3. Pattehson, j r .. . . , , 4v.'t !a.liiei " DIRECTORS : . , : C. II. rarmele, J. M. Pattersoa,' Fred (iorder. A.B. Siiiltti. R. . WindliHm, B S. Ramsey, Jas. Patterson jr. "i A ffeneral BauHuSBnsinfss Traa acted Account; S.olleited. Interpst iiliowoil nu tim leposits. auU prompt . ttentioa given to all uietiueas euuuiiea iv hj care. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH E&ZZZh Lttoraovo - at - OfleeJover'BaakSoQCaM Coaaty. nhstruction of nose, diecbargres fallief at otiieii, thick, tenacious, poucoua. puhrjastb ruiTTtiiocTB. . - . - Nkbbaika cioony ana puino ; eye wen, fiRVlDK ja P9W I deafness, ditticulty or clear in throat. ttoeer I ration, of offensive matter: breata ofteaetTai I Bin. ll aim taste lrapai deaf nc-ss. d THE LADIES' FAVORSTE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sowing trachf-K-askouranrent at your plno-u for tcrm unJ ftree. If you cannot finil our H;Ti,i wi iu-ftlrecttoneare'-'taililressto von i-io-.v i n. r - KWHDMESEWiNG MACHINE &CRA!iCE,S pmcaao - 28 uN10N SQUARE, NX- DALLP.o. tVouismo ATLANTA. GA. TEX. Onlva f.-wof these srmDtom entatonee. Thousands of cases recoit la sutnntion. nnd end In the arare. liy its ruil.i. soothinar. and beaiinrr Dr. Snpe's Remedy cures the worst rbj mjf Li. DUO YTXTE mptoms likely to be prsn 1 ..... v J - ; OOVX Fmoaal attention to ail Bostaeee Eatrust- to ajr ear. ItMIT M rFICX. flQee Cxaialned. Abstarete Coaapiled, Id- wrmea, turn snmm mi. D;JJT5 Any O the Aijcney. Uoequaled as a Liver Pill. 8maJkt.e,r. ettw flaettftlM fer est. eniesc to taie. une itiki m Cure Sick Headache, Blllo Dlzziiieea. Coiiatlpatlou. Bilious Attack, and all deranaei & utoiaaca and bowels. 25 ctt. by dnigfma iLoas mas llip SLW in. in. ,-LVv CUISVj CO., Opinjitt. Sih. BUSIXES; DMirCTi- liy, ATTORNEY. , . T s- F. TIU'MAS and .Notai v l'i 1, . t Fitzgera d Block. Plat:moutli. " :' l' i:i AXIOKNt.V, - - A. X. ST'M.ix AV Attorney-at-Law. Wlli givr . ,, to !I buPinesi, to ! ' , i "?";n Union Block; :ast ti.i... p( i , t . : " 1 GROCERIES' ' '' " - ' "RIS ViIl in Staple and Fancy iiroc-rfi i-i '.'.. .. . Crockery, Flour and Itd. ' ,J"- 'e 1 11 v. V w