THE DAILY HERALD : I'LATTSiMuUTH, .NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, FiRtlAlVF 2, The Plattsroouth Daily Herald. KNOTTY BBC S., Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK I'LATTSMOUTJI II Kit A LD M outilMied every evenlnn except Sunday ami Wwkly -v-ry TluiiHiliiy morning. Ue tered :t the. iosltlli:e, I'lHltfiiioiit li. Nebr.. : n --!ii1-cI.ih m;ittT. Olllce corner of Vine and Ki f tli i-treets. Tcicphoue Mo. M. TKKMS Pb DAILY. One copy one eur In advance, by mail SO Due copy per month, by earlier f-n One copy per week, by carrier, 1ft TKKMS FOB WKKKLV. One copy one year, in advance One copy nix months, in advance ....$1 no 75 OurlClubing List. WKKKLV IlKKALIt MHtl V V. World $2 N. Y. Tribune. .. 2 Omaha Kep 2 N. Y. I'rei'S N. Y. l'vt 'J Harpers Magazine 4 Weekly. 4 I'.azar... 4 Young People .'1 Neli. r-armcr. . '1 ( Demurest' Mouth - ly Magazine :t Anieriean Ma'zlne :t The Koruni ft The house yestcrdy passed the Oklulio ma bill, which makes the torritorial boomers happy. A okoundium that would go liar k into his hole today is "a liigijor fool than Thompsons colt.." Tiik 'miyht have lieeiis"' is the only the aiiti-siibiiiisfiiunist of the House has to fall lu k on these days. Oes. Hakiuson's cabinet takes tliapt slowly, but it is evident that the delay iii the matter is due to the president, that he proposes to surround himself with those advisors whose lituos will leave no room for criticism. Submission is a fixed fact and now the bucolic liquor press of Omaha will have almost two yeara in which it will be it duty to conyince the public that aubmis sion lias'nt hurt OMAHA a dar d bit 3Ir. Kosewater will take the stand first. If Rismakck does not change hia Sumo:; tactics, the first thing he knows ha will be in the soup, for the 4th of March i close at hand, when James O. Maim becomes secretary of state, and he is intensely American in all international disputes. Tiik German inspector of the military strength of the United States has beer, appointed. Bismarck is at present delib erating as to the most available man tc appoint as president of this country. Bayard, as secretary of state, seems to meet the entire approbation of the great prince and will probably be re instated. Beatrice Express. TnK 4th of March, 19 5, will strike an even balance between the democratic party and the various political organiza tions that have in the history of the coun try opposed it. At the end of Cleveland's term the democrats have held the presi dency just fifty-two years beginning, w ith Jefferson, and at the end of Harrison's term the democrats will have viewed the loaves and fi.shes from the outside just an equal number of years. Democracy can console herself with the Irishman's thought when rolling down hill with tin log, "be jabersl'm on top half the time ony way. Blair Pilot. The spectacle of the young man in charge of the Omaha World denouncing the supreme court of Nebraska on account of its very recent decision, touching the attorney general, is seriously funny; how ever, the article in yesterday evening'' World is but a plagerism from the Omaha litjmbUcan of the day before, and in all human probability was dictated by some $2,500 judge in Omaha. A newspaper that will indulge itself in a blackguard attack upon a court of acknowledged ability is only to be pitied. The ani mus of the attack is so transplant that these journals cannot hide their disap pointment. Omaha does not like the attorney general, hence its press is put out because the decision is in his fuvr. This class of newspapers, if we recollect correctly, have been howling about our present constitution and its hide-bound provisions; yet the moment a court places a liberal construction upon one of its provisions, which fayors a state official against whom they have a personal spite, their mud bateries are at' once opened. The attack is as silly as it is weak. If the young blood of the World wu to be asked to apply his argument to the dis trict bench of the Third Districh, he would be in a pretty pickle! Such men as Judges Wakely, Doau and God inut come within the rane of his criticism because they accept office under this con stitution at precisely the sunc salary as that paid Justices Ileese, Maxwell and Cobb. The Herald is of the opinion that, in order to get a supreme court of culture and tone that the World can ap preciate, a few men like VihA'tten and Judge Cooley will have to be advanced to the supreme bench. it BUM A X Y ATT A C KM T 11 E UNITED STATES If the dispatch from New Zealand l.c correct which announces that an Ameri can ibip haa been atoned and searched while entering a Samowi port by a Ger man war vessel, a serious violation of in ternal law has been committed by the German officers. Tho right to search a neutral merchant vessel not suspected of attempting to defraud the revenues is permissible only when the nation own ing the searching vessel is engaged in war with another Power. There has been no formal doclarntion of war by Germany against Samoa, nor has Ger muny, if it seeks to place the Samoan ports under blockade, given the notifica tion of this purpose to other nations which the laws and usages in such cases prescribe. In the early history of the United States the right of search was resisted by this rountry. It was the persistence of Great Britain in searching American ships against the protests of our govern ment which was a leading cause of the war of 1 is 1 2. Although there was noth ing said about this question in the treaty of peace between the two countries after the war hau closed, the practice was never resumed by England. Indeed England, in the Trent affair, which oc curred in the first year of the rebellion, committed itself against the principle which it had formerly practiced, and thus indorsed the position which the United States had hitherto occupied on this question. The course of Germany throughout this whole Samoan controvery has been charactiri.ed by a brutal and arbitrary disregard for the rights of the people of the islands as well as for the privileges and prerogatives of the other treaty powcis. The compacts which it had maib; with Samoa on the one hand ami with the United States and Great Britain on the other have been coolly and con temptuously set aside as unworthy of consideration. It has conducted itself as if no such obligations had ever been en tered into. In the entire matter it has displayed the insolent, arrogant, spirit which has gained it enemies in every government of Europe, ami which has made its attempts at colonizing the Afri can continent such a compelte and con spicuous failure. Toward the United States in particular it has been especially offensive. Its sailors have wantonly attacked American citizens in Samoa, torn down American tligs, destroyed American property and placed American lives in peril. In the face of all these enormities our government has shown a weakness and timidity which is as un dignified and disgraceful as it is injurious to American interests and discreditable to American courage and pitblic spirit. This latest outrago, however, carries the matter beyond the limit of forbear bcarance. The United States will now be compelled to demand a promptand complete apology from Germany, and a failure to give it must be accepted as equivalent to a declaration of war. Glob;' Democrat. Effects of Climate. We hear a great deal said about the beneficial effect upon invalids of the climate of Colorado and other western localities, but when a man changes his place of residence in the hope of improv ing his health without first trying Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, he mak s a great mistake. In nine casta out f ten he might save his time and ni'ny. This great remedy owes its power over all affections of the throat and lungs, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh and even consumption, which is lunr scrofula, to the simple fact it purifies and enriches the blood and invigorates the debilitated system. About Horses' Feet. Perhaps the weakest joiut in our raiid breed of cart horse;? is their feet, particularly if we include their coronets, which are apt to be aiilicted with side boiu-s and ring bones, says The Saturday llevii-w. In paved cities and over stony road:i good feet are of the most impor tance, yet there are imcii of no little ex-jh-: ii'iice who art of opinion that the feet .-if a thoroughbred horse will generally bear more battering ujion hard and iuuIi surfaces than thoso of a draught hor-ise. Willi regard to their heels nnd legs it may nut be generally known that, while Englishmen like to see them well covered with long, wavy hair, tlio con trary taste prevails in many parts of Amcrit-a, where the sudden and severe fronts are apt to freeze a superabundance of w l hair into a solid muss It may be worth mentioning that the monks at the iUispice of St. Bernard prefer the 5!iioth coated dogs to the rough for pre cisely tho KiniP reason, ji'though English log fanciers are foiulcxt of the rouh coated St. IVrnarvL A Vote of Thanks. A village i;i New England iutc posstr:-i.ii i f a v.'.-vl and much needed town hall, the gift of pubiio spirited citi-;:cn:-.. When completed a meeting v.r.a l:c! ! to dedicate the new building. Xn.-t ches wen- made by prominent citi zi n :, ::nd siecial reference was naturally r.;.u'.o to the chief benefactor and to those who had been most tit-live in forwarding the enterprise. One speaker mentioned the names ol five or hix of these citizens, and sug gc: t d that a vote of thanks be tendered them. Tin's was done. A moment later a little wizen faced old man t:rose in the back part of the hall, .md, in a sharp, penetrating voice, call.d: '?.Ir. Chcerman! Mr. Cheerman!" The- rpeaker being recognized, he pro rerded: 'I jist wanted to ray that there's them cz huir.'t ljcen mentioned cz hez done c2 much ez thenj cz hez." outh s Coin- naiaorv iionA Mayor, t.leik. Treasurer, Attorney, hlltfilieer, I'oiice Juile, Main hall, Councliineii, 1st w; 2nd 3rd 4th. F. M. Kli li KV W K Kox J A M K i I A I TKllSO N , .1 it. liVKO.N t'l.AICU - A MADOI.K S ( I II KoltK ( ; !-:i!:; k I'oisA 1.1. t .1 Y t 11 i. e..i u '( A SAI.IMil! iiv ) 1 M .Jon ks I UK. A Mlli'MAN ) M li ill t II I'll Y I St Y i L' I Ti i N I I 'ON ' ON NOR. I I Mt CAl I.K.V. I'ltKH ru. 1 .1 w o K N S i v , Hoaid Pub. Works-? Kit k i ;n::-." t U U IlAWKSW (.11 A ill. MAN Old It GOLTjWY OJlIGlcliS. Treasurer, Uepuiy Treasurer, -Clerk. Deputy Clerk, lteeonler of Deeds Deputy lteeonler Clerk ot District Coart, Sherilf, -Surveyor, - -Attorney, Supt. of Tut). Sehoulf, County J udite. HOARD OK 3U1' A. H. TODIi. Cll'iu., Louis, V. H. Dii ksox, . A. Cami-hki.i. - Tikis. 1'oi.i.ock Kikii Ckitcii ki r i.u KXAl'lillCIIHKUl V, II. Pool. .Jo 'I x M Lkviia W. (.'. SlIOWAl.TKK J. C Ki k knuahy A. Mahoi.k A J.I.K..N l'.KK.SON JlAV.N ltli SriNlv C. KUSSKI.L, F.UVISOKS. l'lattsnioutli Weepiiii? Water - - K.iiivmioiI GIVIG SOGIJ?Il.KS. Cl ASS l.ODUK No. 14U. 1 . F. -Meets 'every Tuesday evening of each week. All transient brothers are respectfully invited to tttciul. IJLATTMOUTII KNCAM I'M IS NT No. 3. 1. . I (. F.. meets every alternate Friday in each iiioiith in the Masonic Hall. Visiting heis are iuvited to attend. 'IMtlO I.OIXJE NO. si. A. O. V. W. Meets every altertiau- Friday eveui:i'' at K. of 1. h.ill. Transient brothers are respeetrully in vited to at lend F..I Morgan, MasK-r Workman ; F. I'. F.ueii au ; (J. li. Kenisfir. Over seer; It. A. Taite, Financier ; i. F. Houe worth. Kecorder; M. Miiyhriidit. Ueeeiver ; 1). 11 Smith, Fact M. W. : 1. M. liowen, Guide ; I. J. Kunz, Inside Watch. (ASS CAMP NO. 33.?. MODKKN W'OODMKN v of AmeritM Meets second and fourth Mon iay eveniu,' at K. of I. hall. All Irmisient mothers are reine.sted to meet with ws. A, Newcomer, Venerable Consul; !. F, Niiew Worthy Adviser ; is. C. Wilde, Hanker ; V. A. Uoeck, Clerk. 1JLATTSMOUTH I.ODOE NO. 8, A. O. l. W. Meets every alternate Friday eveniiiK at UockwoodhallatSo'eiocK, Al! transient broth ers are respectfully invited to attend. I.. S. Larson, M. V. ; t . Hoy.l, Foreman : S. C. Wilde. Kecorder ; Leonard Ander.mii, Overseer. IILATTSMOCTH LODCR NO. . A. I". .V A. M. Meets on th first and third Mondays of each month at their hall. Ail transient broth ers are cordially united to meet with us. J. O. KiciiKV, V. M. Wm. Hays, Secretary. r KIJKASKA CHAI TKit. No. 3. It. A. M. Meets second and fourth luesda of each mom ii at Mason V Hall. Transeitiit brothers are invited to meet wall us. F. K. WiilTK, JI. P. Wm. lr vs. .Secretary. r. ZION COMMA DAKY. NO. 5. K. T. A" Meets first and third Wednesday niht of each inontli at Mason's hall. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to meet '.villi i:-:. Wm. ilAYS, Kec. F. K. W ihtk. K. V. pASSCOUNCILNO lnjl.KOYAb vKOAXL'M meets the second and fourth Monda'iS of ach month at Arcanum Hall. II. N. (jLK.nx, Kegeiit. P. C. Minok. Secretary. PLATT5WSOUTK BOARD OF TRADE President Kobt. Is WUidhaiu 1st. Vice President -A. J'. lodd 2nd Vice President V in Neville Secretary F. Herrmann Treasurer F. li. (iuihinan ulltiCi i Oita. J. C. Kichev. F. K. White. J C. Patterson, J. A. Conner, B. Elson, C. W. Sherman, F. Hor de r, J. HVeekbacli. McCONIHIE POST 45 G. A. R. HOST IC it. J. W. Johnson.. Commander. 0. S. Twisd,..,. ,. K. a. Baths liKU. NlLKH (IZNHV STliKIOUT.. Malon Dixon ClIAHLKS FOUO, Andekson Fky- J ACOH GOBlK.KMAX. . ...Seplor Viue ..J.inior " Adjuf.c v. ; . OUk-er of the i 'a . " " (iuaiu S'eij.-! Major. ..Quarter .Mas'cr Scil:!. L. C. CUKTlS... .tost (Jllapia:!: iV'eetiuif Saturday evening THE CITIZENS S JSJ I PLATTSMOUTII. - NEIUtAnCA. CAPITAL STOOK PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFF1CKUS I'itAN'K CAKKUTH. JOS. A, CONNOU, President. Viee-President W. H. CVSIIINa. Cashier. DI11KCTOKS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. K. Guil'.inenij J. V. Johnsoji. Henry lsteck, John O'Keefe, V. L. M;Triam, Win. Weteccamp, V. 11. Cuslnng. Transact? a Oeneral Hanking Bu-im'ss A 1 who have any Banking business to transact are invited to call." No matter h'"" large or small t lie transaction, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour tcuis treatment. Issues Certificates of De osits hearing inteii si Buys and sells Foreign Exchange. County and Citv securities. FIRST NATIONAL :b .a. 3sr jz i OF PLATTSMOUTH. NKiillASIiA, O.lersthe very besr facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BTJSINES Stocks, Ronds. (!old, (.overr.ment and I.oci Securities Bought and Sold, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Drafts drawn, available in ai:y part of the United States unci all the principal towns of Euroue. Collections made & promptly mr.HU- Highest market prices paid f-r County War State ai.d County Boiids. DIRECTORS t John FltZi;er.-.ld John It. ( lark. D. Huks.wt.rih S. VYa'iirh. '. '-'-nie. JoriN KITZUKRAI.D. S V.:. President. rsiw. Bank Cass Count 7 Cotner Main and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOUTH 3ST3D , O. H. PAKMKLE. President, 1 1J M. PATTEKSON. Cashier. ( Transacts a General InWii Umm IIiailEST CASH PRICBj Paid for County and City Warant COLLECTION" SI AJK and promptly remitted for. DinKOCTOR : O. H. Parrrele, J. M. Patterson, Fred (iordor. A.H Sr. ib. ft, B. Windbam. h. Morrisey, James Patterson, Jr. . LEGAL. Notice to Lot Owners In Paving District No. I. Be It ordained by the Mayor aud Council of mi' ciiv in i-iaiismouiu : mat an in owuers in Pavnx Dl-tiict No. 1, of the. city of PUlU mouth. between east side of Seventh street and v i-t side of Second i-treet be aud they are hereby notified that on February ninth. A. l. lxiai Su'eloek p. in., we, the said Mayor and Council will sit a a Hoard of Kqualizatlon to hear any aud all com;. lam ts against asseviluK Mini levyiiiK special taxes to pay the cost of paviiiL' and eurbiutr in said District according lo aud by the lobowiiiK rule to-wlt. To i he First oue-idxih abuttini; upon Mala st n et per cent of one-half of the total eot. I he Second one-sixth, 20 per cent of ODe hall of t lie total cost. 'I he third one-sixth, ICS' per cent ot one liaif of the total cost. '1 he Fourth one-rlxth, lo percent ol one-hall of (he tolalCuxt. Hie Fifth one-sixth, lo percent of one-half of i he total cot, and I he Sixth one-sixth, 10 per cent of one-half af the tot nl cost, aud said lot owner are requested to be and appear at said lime to show cauiie, If any, why said assessment should not be so made. i his asses.-mcnt to be r?o levied to extend to all lots anil block- wheie the lots face on Main street and to extend to the alley and In Block 32 to include lots Nos. 1, 2. 3. 12, 13. 14 and north one-half of lots 4 and 11 in block 32. It is I urt her ordered that this resolution be published as a notice each day until said day of hearini;. Dated thi 14th day of January, A. D. 1889. Atte-t: W. K. Fox. M. B. Muhphy. City Clerk. Acttrg President. Notice of Sidewalk Taxation. Plattmoiiih, Neb., January 14th, 1889. Ilrsiilrtil, By the Mayor and Council of tho city of PlattHinouili. that there will be held on the !ith day of February, 18S9. at the usual hour a meeting of the Council for the purpone of iiuditiiiK and charging up to abutting lots for taxation all sidewalks which have been ordered built aud constructed y the citv an per lit iieiow ami property owners are hereby notinnd thai they may attend aud show cause, if any, why such cli;iiLren should not be made. l.oi :i Block 34, Young & Hayes Add.... $ II 20 i.ot 4 i.i.jck 31. lount; a uayes Ana.... 11 20 Lot 1 Block is, Vouug & Hayes Add 10 00 Lot Block is, Vouug & Haves Add . 1 00 lAt 2 Block 111. Young & Hayes Add 10 00 Lot 3 Block Ui, Y ung .v Ha' es Add 10 00 Lot 4 Block l'J, Voting & Hayes. Add.,,, 10 00 Lot? Block 17, oung Hayes Add ... 0t Lot 3 Block 111. City of PlaMSliioiltll.... 6 48 Lot 4 Block in. Citv of Plattsmouth ... 8 48 Lot 1 Block 12, Cily of Platt-mouth 22 40 l ot 12 Block 3. City of Plattsmouth 2i 40 i.ot r iiioek lis, :ityol Plattsmouth 7 04 Lot 1 Block 27. 'ity of Plattsmouth.... 43 90 Lot 2 BlociC 27. Citv of Plat tMniOUtll .... 13 40 Lot " Block 14, Young & Hayes Add.... 9 0 Lot Block 14. Young & Hayes Add... 9 60 iMiuce as per aoove to oe given ny fUDiica tion. Attest: W. K. Fox, M. B. MCRPBV, City Clerk. Acting President. Notice to Lot Owners In Sewer District No. I. Be it orl.-iined by the Mayor and Council of the city of Plattsmouth that all let owners in Sewer District. No. 1 of the city of Plattsmouth in the follow ng blocks to-wit. Nos. 28 and 29: Are hereby notified that on February ninth. A. D lsHii at 8 o'clock p. in., we, the Kfayor and Council will tit as a io;id of eoualiiatiau to hear any and all oimi jil.iints against assessing and levying special taxes to pay the cost ol District Sewer constructed through said lots and blocks accord'ug to the number front of feet ;i butting upon the alleys through said blocks. fc i id lot owners are required to be $nd ap pear at said time to show cause, ll auy, why s;iid asse sment chould not be so made. It ie further ordered that this resolution be published each day until said day of hearing. Dated January 14th, A. D. 1889. Attest: W. K. Fox, M. B. Murphy, City Clerk. Acting President. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF ASD WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Ftor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds PULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. !KE SCHNELLBACHER. ft Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow rsesiioeing 1 JA Specialty. He uses the j Ilorst'shoe, the Best Horseshoe for the Fanner, or for Fa9t Driving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat coks as needed for wet and slippery roads,' or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M iSchnellbacher, 5th St., riattsmouth, Neb. H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUNTY SURVEYOR.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &c. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB. For "run-down," debilitated and orerworked women. Dr. Pierce's FaTorit Prescription la the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent f pec-1 tic for all those Cnronlo WeaknMS and Diseases peculiar to Women c ft powerful, en eral as well as uterine, ton to and nerTina, t( imparts viporand strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomaob.nausea, indiircstion, bloating-, weak back, nervous pros trution. debility and sleeplessness, in sitber sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced I'hysicinn. and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. "laToriw arrcris tloii " i the only medicine for women, sold by drurariata. under positive smsur Warranted. an tee of tisfaction in every case, or price ($1.0(1) refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper,, and faithfully curried out for many years. For liirt-f. illustrated Treatise on Diseases) of i Women (1(10 pa yea. with full directions tor Home-treatment), sen a Address. WORLD'S ilYuml VfOVEV i Ed 19 D In order to cutdowri Dry Goods, Notions .Vc, we are oflering Unexct'llod I!:ir:iins in tl:( - " "NVro have a Silk and Cashmere Mm im AM bilk Handkerchiefs at very low Jitin s. (GrFeat Oloak Sale In this Department we are CLOAKSiPLUSH S ACQUIS at prices that is sure to sell them. Call and insjuct tl.tiu ; i d be convinced that we carry the best stock in IMiitt.-im -tit T E. C. D'OVEY lo "FE-A3E&L HAS THE LARGEST FURNITURE, TINWARE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is offering at Prices that will t1 . i:. - !!. A complete line of Window Curtains at a .sacrii'( ; . ';. : Frames in great variety. Yon can get everything y.-u . . . You can buy it on the installment plan, pay ho inuch ( ;.( h month and you will soon have a tine iurnished Ln;.-' and hardly realize tlie cost. Call and .--( c I. SIXTH STREET, BET. Mi AND Robert Ponnelly's Wagon and Blacksmith Wagons, Buggies, Machines Quickly Kepaired ; ilown Hiiarpened and Oeneral Jobbing Done. Horseshoeing A Specialty I USB THE Horseshoe, which sharpen iUel' as it wears away, so there is never auy dan per of yur Horse slipping and hurting ltxelf . Call and examine this Shoe and you will Have no other. Best Shoe made. ROBERT DONNELLY SIXTH ST., - - PLATTSMOUTII E.i. Windham. Jwhk a.Havisn, totary?Publle. Notary Public. W1MUAX lAVIKN, Attorneys - at - Law. ' Office;overBank:oQCai County. PLATTBMOUTB, - - NKBBABKA BROWNE, Parsonal attention to all Buslners Entrust t ray cars. KOTART ix orricE. Titles Examined. Abstarets Comnlled. In- saranoe Writtea, heal Kstate Sold. j Better facilities for making Farm flxiaas than Any Giber Ancaey, mm X r-e i ' - i our Lirgc stock 1 Underw fine line ot showing all the lat.-si .-tyK ! 9 ANI) FINEST STOCK OF VINE. 1 1 Al 'I (I ", I , ; - j . THE LADIES' FAVOmTE. MVR OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase aBewiri it mnehlnc askourarent at your t.laeu for t-rm- and Sricea. If you cannot find our nu-cut, write irect to nearest add n-sst you Iri.-ih- iiatin-d NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.CRA!iGE.MASS I l-l-. AT-I AMTA m. 1 ax Loms. mo. . ; r-... t o .jr- - -; . . T F X pmmi 1- r lit - ' -, r lilt, .M.U J.Oij, !;t- CIILNECO., Ouu.iia, ? vb. m . . . . .A- business Jnu:rn ATTOKJJEY. 8. V. TIIom s Attomer-at-Liiw and Notary i i.l ( Hizgera d Block. riat':uoi,i!;. .. .,' ATTOR.NlY. ' A. N. SriJ.l A v Will ?ive ; r. V ; t to all buHli.eM!. intruMed t V i" V Union RWk. Fast p; ; , ' ' riKOCEUIF.S - " cuius wtiiii i-m:- n Staple and Fancy (in cepe. (.;'. Crockery, Fiourand Feu. ' e tu 11. u