THE DAILY HEUALD : PLAtTSMOuTIl. NEBKASKA, WEDNESt)At, iAKUA& The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTSi I3EC S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTII HEKALD In publWhed every evening except Sunda) and Weakly every Thursday morning. Kegis tered at the iMntofllce, l'lattsmoiith. Kebr.. h ne-oud-clas matter. Onioe corner of Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone Ko. 38. TB1MI VOK DAILY. One copy one year In advance, by mall.. ..$6 on line copy per month, by carrier............ f" One copy per week, by carrier............. 13 TKHi roB WEEK IV. One eopy one year. In advance, $1 nr One copy ill months. In advance 7f Our:C!ubing List. WtiKLV JIkkal.ii and N Y. World '. .$2 If N.Y. Tribune. . .. 2 V) - " Omiba Kep 2 3f " N. Y. Pwm 2 ' " N. Y. Fot 2 ' .... Harpers MagHziite 4 ' .. .. .. .. Weekly. 4 7.'. " " lUar... 4 TS ' YounK People 3 W - Neb. Farmer 2 ic- Iiemorekt' Month ly Uapaine .1 If American Ma'zine 3 U " The Forum 5 Ir the democrats were really anxious to reduce the surplus in a sensible way, why don't they take that part of both the Mill bill and the senate bill that provide for the removal of the tobacco tax and part of the Miar duty such a bill may be passed. If this were done it would abolish all tho surplus which cun lc ppared. The senator from t'ai has found a sort of a defender in the editor of the Journal. While that statesman does nol approve of the senators course, it con demns the IIekai.d for not approving of it and thinks we should have publicallv pledged our senator through the column of the before election. That would do for a democratic sheet, but tin Hkkald does not think or, did not think, that course either prudent or fair toward tho senator. We supported him belifv ing him to be a square republican win. would represent the party, not one oi two individuals who are with the Jour nal on the whisky question. We knew he hid made repeated pledges to republicans in favor of submission, and we did not believe he had pledged tin alnon his support on the other side. Hence, we treated him fairly and trusted him, and now we can't be expected U square ourself with the Journal's stand ard of democratic morals on this or any other question; neither must we be ex pected to place any further confidence in the political pledges of the senator from Cass. Against the senator personally the Herald has no qua:rel but with his political advisers and wUh him as repre sentative republican, we beg to be 'ex cused. THE LABOR QUESTION. An exchange, discussing the question of labors progress, holds that poverty it relative: that the man who has learned to live within his income, be that less than a dollar a day, is richer than the man whose habitual wants call for more than he earns, though his earnings reach thousands yearly. The writer adds: The habitual concealment of this vital fact in all social problems, work fatal harm, because it leads men to believe that they are "ground down" into pover ty by some power outside of themselves. Whether they suffer any injustice or not, the power which fixes their habitual wants is that which in the end determines whether they suffer from poverty or not. Concealment of this helps thousands to forget that their actual condition is intt Eately better and higher than that of men who performed similar services in the past. This is all very fine, but admitting its truth, the poor man will not get much consolation out of it. Human nature is pretty much alike whether a man is rich or poor. A man may live and keep his family on a dollar a day, but is it right that he should do so. Would he progress i He owes to his wife and children luxur ies and privileges that would co!-t more than a dollar a dar if he can get a great er sum honestly. No man ha3 a right to be content with barely sustaining life in those dependent upon him, anil it is for tunate for the human race that very few men are thus content. It is right that the poor should want more than they get, but'of course it is not right that they should get more than th?y can pay for. Ambition to improve one'9 condition is the mainspring of- pro gress, and when you find a man who accepts his lot with contentment you have found a mm who is either exceptionally fortunate in his surroundings, or of no use to himself or anybody else. Lincoln Journal. STL'EXOTHEX THE NATION'S DBF ESSES. The movement in the senate to create a g.00,000 fund whereby the United States m-iy t". enabled to strengthen its position and afford protection to the interests of A. A 1 T its citizens in me an.oan islands is a ; wise one so far as it goes, and probably j it could not be made to go much further j in the manner and by the means employed. I The proposition is to add this amount to i the diplomatic and consular appropria- j tions, the specific sum here n.inud b;-ii:g ' designed to 1e immediately available, and to be used in Simoa according to the j judgment of the president, without any special directions or supervision by con gress. Unfortunately, however, tho sum. here sought to be appropriated will not go very far toward enabling the nation to protect the interests of its citizens either in Samoa or any other place outside the country. A carefully drawn and wise system of coast defenses should be adopted, and our navy strengthened. This work ought to begin at once, and liberal appropriations should be author ized, to be made immediately available. Congress ought to do this now. Discus sion of the tariff and finance questions can profitably be postponed to the next congress, as notlwng practical will be ac complished on these matters in any event On the question of . strengthening the nation on the sea. however, delay is dangerous. The builders of the Vesuvius, which has recently been added to our nivy, and which is the fleetest war vessel afloat, say they could construct a dozen like it before the year ends if work should be Ijegun on them soon. Vessels of this class are what the country needs now. Thev are for more serviceable than the huge and unwieldy ships which form a large part of the navies of the other great countries. It is within the power of the government to have a moderately formidable fleet of war vessels ready for service within twelve months if a start be made now, Within that time, also, the harbor de fenses could be so strengthened that even the most powerful and arrogant of for ign nations would hesitate long before entering into a contest with us. We have the money and the skill to do all these things. The surplus could not be put to my other use which wouh1 bring in such valuable returns to the country as this, Let congress show the public spirit and patriotism which the emergency de mauds. Globe Democrat. Effects of Climate. We hear a great deal said about the beneficial effect upon invalids of the climate of Colorado and other western lociiitics, but when a man changes his place of residence in the hope of improv ing ins health without first trying Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, he makes a great mistake. In nine cases out of ten he might save his time and money. This ereat remedy owes its power over all affections of the throat and lungs, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh and even consumption, which is luns scrofula, to the simple fact it purifies and enriches the hlnod and! invigorates the debilitated system. We will give a good silver watch to anyone who sends us twenty-fivo yearly subscribers to the IIekam). A clear skin adds to the beauty of a fine face, and often lends a charm to homliness. To beautify your coinpiesion you should purify your blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. As a tonic and alterative medicine, it has no equal. Price' $1 Six bottles, $3. .n tame crow belonging to a farmer near liidgeway, Ont., has been taught to distinguish colors, and will pick out front a pile pf articles of various col ors one of any nolo? asked for. ithout the means of combating it, a cold may prove more dangerous than the small psy. No family is safe unless provided for such is emergency. In sudden attacks of cold, croup, asthma, etc, Ayers Cherry Pectoral is an inval uable specific. William Perkins, f Qwensborough, rvy.. is blind and ingenious. Tho result of his affliction and his genius is a writ ing machine for the blind, which the boy has Just perfected. It is said that a Sail l-Yanckco firm has paid him $3,000 for the right to manutacture.arjd sell t!u machine in the United States. Ue Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer and your tliio gray locks will thicken up and be restored to their youthful color, vigor and beauty. Statements and bill heads a specialty at the Herald oflice. Dress the. Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor. Its cleanli-ni-i, betieuVial effects on the scalp, and lasting prfniu commend it-for uni versal toilet use. It keeps the hair soft ami silken, preserves its color, prevents it from falling, anil, if the hair has become vc;ik or thin, promotes a new growth. 'To restore the original color of my hojr, which had turned prematurely pray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with en tire suceess. I cheerfully testify to the Efficacy of this preparation." Mrs. P. II. David s' i!, Alexandria, La. I was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair .was falling out and what remained turned gray. I was induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my hair resumed its original color." (Kev. ) S. S. Sims, Pastor I". II. Church, St. Uernice, lud. ' A f;w years ago I suffered the entire I., a of my 'hair from the effects of tetter. I hoped that after a time nature would repair the- loss, hut I walled in vain. M.tnv remedies were suggested,- none, however, with such proof of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began to us it. Tiie res'dt was all I could have desired. A growth of hair soon came out all over mv head, and grew to be as soft and heavy as I ever had. anil of a natural color, ami firmly ' set."J. 11. Pratt, SjMiiford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. GIIPY OFFICIOS. Mayor, Clerk.. - ;.' Treasurer, -A Attorney, Kniuecr, Police Judge, Mars It all, - F.M. Kit HKV W K Fox Jamks I'ATTKKHON, JH. - - - ItYKON Cl.AHK - A Maiolk - s ixirroHU (iKoltliK PoISALL. Couucllmeu, 1st ward, " 2nd " " ' 3rd " 4th. " I J V WK KKACU I A SAI.ISIlUaV I 1) M Jon us i Kit. A SlIIPMAN s M rt Muuniy 1 !S V Duttox I Con o X'on.nok, I r McCallkn. Phks (J WJor KRKU J t V H Ha W Johns n,Cmaihman Board Tub. Work s okdkk WKSWOKTII COIjST-TY OFFIGJilS. Treasurer. Deputy Treasurer, -3lerk. Deputy Clerk, Recorder of Deeds Deputy Recorder Ulerk oi District Court. Sherlir. - - -Surveyor, -Attorney. Supt. of Pub. Schoole, County Jude. I). A. CAMPBELL THOS. 1'OUl.OCK Hikd CitrrcHriKLa Exa Ckitchkikld W. U. Tool John M. 1-kvoa W. C. MHOWAL.TKK J. C. KlKKNBAKV A, Madolk allen hkkson Maynako Spink C. KU8SKL.L HOARD or BUPEB. VISOH9. A. B. Todd. Ch'in.. - - Plattsinouth Louis Koltz, - Weeping Water V. U. Dickson, - Kunwood GIVIC SOCIK-TJTCS. 1ASS LODCitC Mo. 110. 1. O. O. F.-Meets Vevery Tuesday evening of each week. All 'ransient brothers are reepectfully invited to tttend. IILATTMOUTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. . K ineeif every alternate Friday in each month in the Masonic Hull. Visiting Brothers are invited to attend. rWilO MJIXJE NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at. K. of P. ball. Transient brothers are respectfully in vited to attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Workmau ; F. P. Brown. Foreman ;J. H. Keinster. Over seer : K. A. Taite, Financier : i. F. lloue wortli. Recorder ; M. Maj -bright. Receiver; I). B. Smith, Pit M. W. : I.N. Bowen, Guide ; P. J. Kunz, Inside Watch. flASS CAMP NO, 332, MODERN WOODMEN Vv of America. Meets second and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient brothers are requested to meet with us. L. A, Newcomer, Venerable Consul ; 'i. F, Nileu Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Banker ; W. A. Boeck, Clerk. PLATTS.MOUTII LODGE NO. 8, A. O. IT. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at Uockwood ball at 8 o'clocK. All transient broth ers are respectfully invited to attend. L. 8. Larson, M. W. ; F. Boyd, Foreman: 8. C. Wilde. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson, Overseer. IJLATTSMOOTH LODGE NO. 6. A. F. & A. M. Meets on the flrt and third Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially invited to meet with us. J. G. RlCHKV, W. M. Wm. Hats, Secretary. VEBRASKA CHAPTER. NO. 3. K. A. M. 1.1 Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Mason's Hall. Transcieut brothers ne invited to meet with us. t". E. White, II. P. Wm. U vs. Secretary. 41 T. ZION COM M A DA R y t js o. 5, K. T. "tl-Meets iirst and third Wednesday night of each month at Mason's ha(l. Visiting bruthers tre cordially invited to pieet ilh ps. Wm. Hays, Rec. F. E. Write, E, C, ("1ASSCOUNOILNO. 1021. ROYAL UiCANUM J meets the second and fourth Mondays of . ach month at Arcanum Hall. R. N. Glenn, Regent. P. C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President Robt. B Windham 1st Vice President A. B. Todd 2nd Vice President Wm Neville Secretary F. Herrmann Treasurer..'.. t ,.F. R GutUman DIKKCTOIU. J. C. Richev. F. E. White, J . C. Patterson, J. A. Cornier, B. Elson, C. W. Sherman, F. Gor der, J. V. Weckbach. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. KOSTKK. J. W. Johnson Commander, s. twiss, senior vice ff. A. B A V.. tRO. NlLKS.... . . .. Hznky stkkioht MauiN Dixon . Adjutant Ofllcerof the bay. Fokd, 4i:aru Anukkson Fky ferfjt Major. IacohGoubleman.. ..Quarter Master Sergt. L. C. Curtis, post Chaplalu. Saturday evening THE CITIZENS PLATTSMOUTH. N KHHAbii A. CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $100,000. JRANK CARKUTH. JOS. A. CONNOR. President. Vice-President W. H. CUSHINtf. Cashier. PJUECTOiiS Frank Carrutb J. A. Connor. K. K. Gnthmann J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, Jolm O'Keefe, W. D. Merriain, Wm. WetencMnp, W. II. Cushing. fraimacts a General Hauklnir Bufiness Al who have any Hanking business to transact are Invited to call. No matter lare or small the transaction, it win receive our careuu attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment, lisues Certificates of Deroslfs bearing interest Buys and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Cltv securities. - . FIRST. NATIONAL IE3 .A. 3ST IEZ I OF PLAITSMOUTB. NEBRASKA, O.fersthe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. stocks. Bonds, Gold, Government and I.oc Securities Bought and Sold, i)ejosits receiv ' ed and Interest allowed on tnoe Certifi cates, Drafts draft-n, available in any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Euroue. Collections made dr promptly remittee nighest market prices paid tor County War State aud County Kocds. DIRECTORS I J hn Fitzgerald John K. Clark. " D. Haksworth S. Wamrii.- f.v. White. JoBH KITZOKRAM1. S Vi;i;'. President. Cahi Bank Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets. -. u. n. rAKJULE, 1'renldeiil. 1 I.J M. PATTKKSON. Ca-shier. f Transacts a General Banking Bnsine niaiiEST CAsn price, Paid for County and City Wairvn COLLRCTION tIAIK and oromptly remitted for. ' ' DiitcccTOKa : C. H.PamW. , --J. M. Pnttfrsor.. Kred (rdpr H St. ith. ' R. B. Windham. 1 i'attcrsoi M. .Morrisey, Jr. LEGAL. Notice to Lot Owners in Paving District No. I. Be it ordained by the Mayer and Council of ine cuy oi i-iattsnioiitti : That all let owners in ravioi; i Jim net ao. 1, or tlie city of PUtU mouth, between east side of Seventh street and wHt side of Second vtreet be and they sre nereoy noiineu mat on February ninth, A. It. lxMil at 8 o'clock U. m.. we. the until Mnvnr and Council will sit as a Board of equalization to iicmi any aim ah cfinipiainin against Mseatioi and levyini; Kuecial taxes to uav the coat o paving and curbing In said District accord lux to aad by the following rule to-wit. jo i ne r irst one-ixio abuitlnjr upon Main street per cent of one-half of th total dml The Second one-sixth, 20 per cent of one-half of the total cost. 1 lie Third one-sixth, ICS' per cent of one half of the total cost. The Fourth one-tdxth, 10 percent of one-half of the tolal eost. The Fifth one-sixth, lo percent of one-half ui me mini cuki, auu The Sixth one-sixth, 10 per cent of one-half af the total cost, and said lot ow ners are requested to bo and appear at said time to show cause. If any, why said assessment should not be so made. 1 his assessment to be bo levied to extend to all lots and blocks where tbe lots face on Main sireei una to extend to the alley and in Block 32 to include lots Nos. 1. 2. 3. 12, 13. 14 aui in. i iii uue-naii oi iois 4 ana 1 1 in diock sz. It is further ordered that this resolution be published as a notice each day until said day Dated this 14th day of January, A. D. 1889. Attest: W. K. Fox. M. B. Mukphy.i City Clerk. Actirg President. Notice of Sidewalk Taxation. riattxmouih. Neb.. Januarv lit h. iftsa Tlemtlved. Bv the Mavnr unrl '. f tH city of Plattsinouth. that there will be held on tbe nth day of February. 1889. at the usual hour a meeting oi tne council lor tbe purpose ol auditing and charging up to abutting lots for taxation all sidewalks which have been ordered built and constructed by the city as per list ut-iuw auu property owner are Hereby notined ,r," Miuperiy uwiiern are iiereDy notinaa h:it they may attend and show cause, if ny. . Iiy such charges should not be mad. -oi3 Block 3. Young & Hayes Add.... $ 11 M iii.iL me w Lo 20 lAt 4 Block 34. YounK & Hayes Add. 1-ot l Block IS, Young Si Hayes Add. Lot 2 Block 18, Young & Hayes Add lt 2 Block Youug & Hayes Add. Lot 3 Block 19, Y ung Hayes Add. Lot 4 Block 19, Young & Haves Add. Lot 2 Block 17, Young Hayes Add Lot 3 Block 111, City of Plattsinouth. Lot 4 Bleck in. City of Plattsinouth. Lot 1 Block 12, Mly of Plattsmoufh. Lot 12 Block 3. City of Plattsinouth. Lot6 Block lis, Oityof Plattsinouth. Lot 1 Block 27, "ity of Plattsinouth. Lot Block 27. City of Plattsinouth . Lot 5 Block 14, Young fc Hayes Add. Lot ; Block 14. Youm; & Haves Add. 11 20 1ft M ! 00 10 O 10 00 10 OS 00 6 4 48 22 40 22 40 7 04 43 00 15 40 9 CO 9 60 Notice as per above to be given by rublica tifin. Attest : W. K. Fox. M. B. Murphy. City Clerk. Acting President. Notice to Lot Owners in Sewer District No. I. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Plattsmouth that all lot owners in Sewer District No. 1 of the city of PlatUmouth in the follow ng blocks to-wlt. Nos. 28 and 20 s neicuv uuiuieu mat on reoruary ninth. A. D. 1889. at 8 o'clock p. m.f we, the Mayor and Council will tit as a board of equalization to hear any and all complaints against asietsing and levying special taxes to pay tbe cost of District Sewer constructed through said lota and blocks accord 'ug to the number front of feet abuttiDg upon the alleys through said blocks. ? Kaid lot ownerg are requited to be and ap pear at said time to show cause, if any, why said mse smpnt should no$ be so made. It is further ordered that this resnlut'an b published each day until said day of heating. Dated January I4tn, A. I). 1889. Attest : W. K. Fox. M. B. Mtjbphv. City Clerk. Acting President. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF ANTJ ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Mor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagoii, Buggy, Machine and Plow JA Specialty. He uses the Ilorseslioe, the Best Horseshoe for the Fanner, or for Fast Driving and . City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads,' or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M.jSehnellbacher, 5th St, riattsmouth, Neb. H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUNTY SURVEYOR.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &c. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB. Thoroug-hly cleanse the Wood, wbtob If taw ; rountain or neaitn, oy usina; tir. nerce'a oom- en Medical Discovery, wf rood directioa, fair skin, buoyant splriU. and bodily mmkk and vigor will be established. - Golden Medical Discovery cures' all hamon, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption. to tbe worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Ke : peciaU Uv has It proven It emcacr In curing . Pslt- rneum or -letter. Bcxema. Ssrofutous) fever -Bores. Hln- Joint Utteaa. Sores and Swellinffa. Enlars-ed O lan da. Ottl tre or Thick Keck, and Eating Bora Wt Ulcer. - . i Golden Medical Discovery cures Cowi tion (which la Scrofula of the Luiin), by At : wonderful blood - purlfyinr, lnvhrorarlac. . ehitia. Severe Coughs, Asthma, and Ma oral affections. It la a sovereign remedy. It promptly cures the severest CougHM. copiayaf neDfoK S"8 fat i XUEFAXXIXXTC. Horseshoeing Ed in In order to cutldown our laro-c stock i Dry GoodSi Notions fec, we are offering We have Silk and Cashmere M And bilk Handkerchiefs at very low fi G-FeaiA (DljDak Sale In this Department we are showing all the latest style 1' CLOAKSiPLUSH SACOU at prices that is sure to 6ell them. Call and inspect 1 Ik m be convinced that we carry the best stock in riatt.-inoiill HAS THE LARGEST FURNITURE, ST THTWAHE AHJJ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In tbe city, which he is offering at Prices that will malxo tl. m m-I1. A complete line of Window Curtains at a sacriiici.'. J'i( tine Frames in great variety. You can get everything you n !. You can buy it on the installment plan, pay to much ( h month and you will soon have a line iurnixhed liou.-o ' and hardly realize the cost. Call and hi-e. X. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND Robert Donnelly's n and Blacksmith Wagons, BuKKiea, If achlaa's Quickly Repaired ; riows nnrpna ana ueoeru Jobbing Done. Horseshoeing A Specialty 1 USE TBE Horseshoe, wbieh abarpeu luelf as it wears way. so mere is nT suit cancer OI your jiurse snppint; mo nuning; useii. t an and exaiwine this shoe and you wilt ... Uavenootber. BstShoe inde. ROBERT DONNELLY SIXTH ST., - - PLATTSMOUTH R. 6. WlNDHAV, - ' JOUM A. 1A VIM, Notarylfublle. .JJietarjr "Public WlSVsUMADAVim, at offle!eTeflitajaufiraM Cantr omce.eTerin .oqLa (.oanty. PLATT8MODTH. - NkBFAJKA - TTTT T ' f T? V 12- IT LAm V IT Al. JEfy LAW omoE. Parsonal attention to all Business Entrust to my ear. . IOTABT IH orricK. - Titles Kxamlned. Abetarets Complied, In oraace Written. Seal Estate ctola. , Better Facilities far making Farm PLoans than - . , Adj Qthcr Achoy PUtt.HiOtli Kcbraaka Wago Underw Unexcelled nr'i:ns in llicn; ( a fine line ot irurc AND FINEST STOCK OF 31vdl -Z, UnT, ri.ATTf 3 ( I " I ' , M V. VINE. !5 THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchaAonsfwinir mac h1m-, ask ourarcnt at your ilnce fur term aini prices. If you cannot find our ayc-nt, write direct to nearest address to hi Ix-iow iintncl NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.(Wi$. i? "JKIUN fJUUARE.NY.- DALLAS, w anil i n.jn. st THE iLV liOMh i.Vi;., CHINE CO.. Oniuiia. Nl. -MA- B!SS 1)1 H KCTOI.y. TTOKNEY. S. P. TlHt A v Attornev-at-Law and Notjiiv I'ni.ji, Fitzgerald Block. riatiMiiuui li. .( i ATTOHXfcY. Attorney-at-Law Will (ivi- t n 'h I lllHtftl f . . 1 . to all buKiiifH intiuKtoi t inn union Block. Eastjidf. I lattMim: i, n.i:CIiiIKs " , Mi:is v. 1 1 1 r . : ir Maple and Funcv ;- o-i . (, Crocker)-, Flour ai d Fevd. in . 1. 6r p as , OVES, i sm tus mi mi mi 8ta -jtitiaeai V