.if J J Tne Evening Herald OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY - A. KalUliarjr. Ieatlt, Kockwood Telrphoae X. Hi. Ilr. Wlthrrw, Dratlut, talon lllork. liaiMlnx CITY CORDIALS. Remember the revival meeting in the ' ' Methodist church tonight A move is being made to organize an A. O, U. W. lodge at Wisner, Go "Around the World in Eightj Days'" at the Waterman opera houHe to night "Old dog Tray is ever faithful" but lie sometimes falls into mighty bad company. The Lincoln Call expresses surprise that another Heefsteak Roberts could be found in this day and generation. Governor Thayer yesterday appointed and the senate proptly confirmed Dan Hopkins warden of the penitentiary. ,'. Mr. Kiddle inform us that he lias . been aphorized by Mr. -.Sherman to deny any charges which he may hear made against the worthy editor. Freddie Mulica, the infant son 1 of Engineer Mulica, who died last Sunday, was buried this'afternoon. The cause of death membraneous croup. The company playing "Around tin World in Eighty Days, arrived by No 3 this morning from Lincoln. The will appear at the Waterman opera house tonight. One of Mr. F. S. White's teams broke through the iee yesterday afteruooi where the icemen am cutting ice, and considerable trouble was experienced in their efforts to extricate the horses. The 1 S. ('. will give another grand ball at Fitzgerald's hall on the evening of Thursday, Jan. tflst. This will be tht last ball given by that society for fonn time and a large crowd will probublj attend. tf Many interested parties waited im patiently until last night to be surprised in witnessing the action of the counci in regard to the late street sipuabhh. 'It was the duty of the council to mak an investigation,' but not a word con cerning the matter was heard. , Mr. A. W. Ci ites, a former well known attorney of this city, but win has for some time tilled the capacity o receiver of the Chadron land office, ha brought suit against the editor of . tlx Ilemingsford Guide for $10,000 damage on account of an alleged libelous articlt published in that paper. Mrs. W. W. Wiley, a widow lad living near this city, came to the oflici today and paid another year's sub scription on the weekly. She stated thai she had been a subscriber of the IIeraj.i : -for the'' 7ast" twenty-five years. Th Plattsmouth Herald was the second papestarredV in the state. Manager young is in hard luck of late. He was informed last night that . -the Aronson's Opera Co., to be here Fe -ruarv 5, had canceled date. He could have secured a date from either tin Corime Opera Co., or Lizzie Evans Co. next week, but haying one company ht ha1 to refuse a date from them, and non it is too late to get either of them, the having their dates filled, and from pres ent prospects Plattsmouth will have to do without any plays for the next two weeks. . The W. R. C. will give an entertain ment Thursday eve Jan. 29th at G. .A. R. halL There will be a saw- and saw horse to be voted to laziest man in town. Judge S. M. Chapman and Ami Todd candidates,also a pair of shoes to be yoted to the man with the largest feet in town. D. 13. Smith and Geo. R. Chatburn candi dates. There will be a fishing pond music and other attractions. Everybody come and have a good time. All are .cordially invited, admission free. Supuei will be served in the hall at 50 cents per . couple.. - tf. Our Omaha correspondent . writes that the Amazon drill in "Around tin World in Eighty Days," here last year, was fully as good as the drill inKaralfjV famous "Water Queen" Co. The com ' : pa'ny to be at the opera house tonight, are to !e in Omaha at the Boyd at a Inter date-this season,, and a first-class com pany in eycry respect and worthy of a . good house. They give fully as good an entertainment here as at Omaha and . large cities. Encourage the opera house management by packing the house tonight. Luverne, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Madole, died at the M. E. parsonage on Monday forenoon, aged 8 months and 47 days. The funeral services ' were held in the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon, from which place a large number of lricnds of deceased's parents followed the remains to, tbe Bellwood cemetery. Mr., and Mrs. Madole have the sympathy of their many friends -' Bellwood Gazette, Jan. 26. The many friends of the bereaved parents residing in Platt-imouth extend their heartfelt Byniith1es to tb lUflicted pn-nt riThel family resided in this city for tfome time and only recently took up their abode at JMlwood. I 1 THE DAILY CITY COUNCIL M Eli r INC. A Preposition for the Erection of a $23,000 Hotel Discussed by the Council. A Committee Will Confer With Board of TradelAbout It. the Considerable Business Transacted A regular meeting of the ci ty counei was held in" the council chamber last evening. Acting Mayor Fat McCallcu took the chair. Roll call present, Couu- cilincn McCallen, Murphy, Dutton, Salis bury, Jones and Shipman; absent. His llouor Mayor Richey, Councilmen Week- bach and O'Connor. The minutes of last meeting were read, and no objection be tng raised, thee were approved. At this juncture of the proceedings, Councilman O'Connor put in an appear a uce and took his seat. Luder the head of " Communications and Petitions," the register of Gering & Co., druggists, for the sale of whisky for the past term was presented, and referred to committee on license. '' , Claim of llrtuboiisA Suelton for $l&7. 74, for sewer work, was referred to com mittee on claims. A communication from Spitz & Co., capitalists of Boston, was then presented ind read. It was in regard to the non eceipt by them of $5,000 of Plattsmouth paving bonds. Through some, misunder- scanning me city treasurer had not forwarded the same, and, on motion of 'ouncilman Murphy, the treasurer was instructed to do so immediately. At this stage of the proceedings Mayor Richey, having arrived in the city on the J 40 train, appeared, and took his scat in the chair. ; : The vote on Mr. Murphy's motion tood: Ayes McCallen, Dutton,Murphy, Shipman, Jones and O'Connor. Nays Salisbury. . . The following claims were allowed: Miniate of dist sewer in B 20, II C McMaken contractor $19G 45 I II Poisal, handling dead clog. 50 as Grace, sal 4."J 00 no Fit.patrick, sal 45 00 ' M Holmes, wood 5 00 Jas Co., gas for Oct, sundries. . . 201) 70 Iouthly estimate sewer work in dist No 2, Haubensfc Shelton. 187 75 Veidman fc Breckenfeld. . . . 1 . . 25 50 iim Oo.f gas for Dec 1 67 50 'as Co., gas for Nov. .'. 167 50 Jyrou Clark, completing title of bonds ; . . . j 225 00 Police Judge co.-ts 232 00 It was moved that the water company e notified to lay the pipes necessary to nake connections with the city water roughs so that water may be supplied or horses. The city attorney presented a claim of J250 for extra servicjs rendered the city a the transaction of business during the .ear 1 8N8. After considerable discussion i motion was made and carried that the ity attorney, be allowed the amount sked for as an extra compensation. J. Riley then made a proposition to he council that he would eject a hotel vherc the StadJelmann house stands, to ot not less than $25,000, exclusive of rurnislnngs, provided the city would lonate the property adjoining on the west, now owned by the Presbyterians it was moved ana carried that a com nittee of three be appointed to confer vith the board of trade in regard to the mrchasing of said property. Messrs. Conner and Carruth were pre sent and after being called upon for ad vices offered strong words of encourage nent stating that it certanly would nake a vast improvement to the city botl n appearance and the property in that vicnntv. . . The mayor and clerk were authorized to draw warrants for the payment of the vork contracted by Mr. Riley, holding a reserve of 10 per cent of the whole cost, $30,000. At the Funke. 'Around the World in Eighty Davs was played to. an audience that filled every seat in the house last evening. The dramatization of this popular work by fules erne has wonderful- drawing qualities and the audience that greeted Ins company was amply rewarded. Apart from the two leading characters. 'Plimeas i ogg and "John Archibald which were admirably taken by W. J. Fleming and James P. Fleming, there 1 11. A .'. was consmeraoie interest mam tested m the minor parts, particularly that of "Passu Partout," assumed by Arnold Wolford. The scenery was a prominent feature of the play and was, in many instances, new ana attractive. The play also abounded in spectacular effects and in cluded a grand Amazonian march. Lin coln Journal, Jan. 20..-" The above company will appear at the opera nouse tonint. i iiey nave a special car, carrying their own scenery which is said to be very fine. Seats are on sale at J. P. Young's. The rumor comes to us from Omaha that (Jermany has declared war against the United States, owing to the troubles growing out of the Samoa Inland affair. If this report should prove true, the sur plus in the treasprywhich has been giv ing Grover and his 'Cabinet so much un easiness, will be in demand, and a little balance In the bank will not injure the PtSfulin,of Lncle fcSamuel. 'Especially, when Mr. Tlarrison and his administration have to build a navy with which to de-v fend American commercial rights. HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, On all Cash Purchaceo of Winter Goods. j . En order to make room for oar IvJew Sprflnrr Stock we w5Si save Cloaks, Shawls, CLOAKS. Special Low Prices. ' If you need anything in the "Wrap Line lont fail to look over our Stock, for we certainly will save you money by doing so. Only a few more plnsh garments left, which we are offering at-Iiediculou:s Low Prices to Close them out. Plushes Velvets, Fur will not 0 PERSONALS. Architect Voss, of Omaha, arrived in the city this morning. Mr. Fred Black took his departure for Kalamazoo, Mich., to visit freinds for u short time. Mr. R. Rivett, an old citizen of Platts mouth, arrived from Lincoln this ing to spend a day in this city. moin- Mr. D. Delaney who has been running west on the B. & M. for some time, re turned to the city by the flyer yesterday to visit his friends. Mr. Wm. Walker returned from Sid ney, Iowa, this morning accompanid by his wife. Mr. Walker is tinner for Weid man & Breckenfeld. Mr. Robt. Smith, a former well known citizen of Plattsmouth, who now has a run as engineer west of Lincoln, arrived in the city this merning to spend a few days. Mr. Will Holland, of eastearn Iowa, is the guest of Sheriff Eikenbary for a few days. Mr. Holland is en route to Denver for which place he will resume his jour ney the latter part of the week. Mayor Richey returned from Des Moines last night, where he lias been for the past" three weeks. It is said he acted as correspondent for the Bte during his visit to Iowa, but he denies the charge. An old farmer who entered the IJ. & M. depot this morning, l3 his many ec centricities reminded several bystanders who witnessed his many mistakes, of Ezra F. Kendall, the comedian who re cently visited our city and impersonated "The Old Countryman" in "A Pair of Kids." Xo actions afforded more amuse ment than did those of the man referre'd to who approached the ticket agent this morning and asked a hundred questions or more. Say, you station man, do yer know where Anderson is?" "Anderson, Iowa, you mean? Yes sir." "Well how much der yer charge fer a ticket to that place?" When informed on the price the man said "Well, I want yer to give me a ticket ler two, there s my daughter, she's goin' with me. Do you charge as much when a feller buys two." "Just the same price" replied the agent. "What time Hom the cars go?" '"Your train will leave here at 10:30, sir," an swered the agent, who became a little perplexed,' as he was busily engaged. The old man then started out for A crip pled walk around the waiting room and tfcen returned with another load of ques t'ons to relieve himself of. He 'then worried fie ticket agtnt ever-and-anon until the arrival of his train. Per NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, ANtTAHr iiwerni ciiBcoantt on all off tme Iress Goods, Skirts, Flannels, lanKets, Underwear, Toboggans, Comforts, Dress Goods. It would be impossible to enum erate all of our Bargains in this line, but here are a few of them : 40 inch Broadcloth Suitings now 48 cents worth 00. .'52 inch Broadcloth Suitings bow 63 cents worth .. o4 inch Imported Suitings now $1.32 worth $1.60. 40 inch striped Flannel now 52 cent worth 05. 40 inch French Plaid Suitings now 80 cents worth $1.00. 40 inch Serge Suitings 52 eta, worth 65. 40 inch Ilennettes now GOc, worth T5. Trimmings, Bead and Braid Trimmings, at tile Same Discount as on "Winter Goods, last Ion, so come soon and get the benefit of the Low Prices and Good Selection. Wl Nebraska Jottings. The great need of Valentine just now is said to be a first-class flouring mill. Eight ladies of Stratton hare organized brass band. Three of the ladies are M ri'i On1 fira o atttnlA George Briggs, of Cody, has been held for trial at Valentine under $300 bonds for selling liquor without a license. The young men of Union hare formed a fire company and christened it the Union Fire, Hook and Ladder company. The Fairbury city council has appoint ed a chief of the fire department, and ap pointed a committee to solicit members for a fire company. The board of directors of the Gage county Agricultural society has selected October 1, 2, 3, and 4 next as the date for the county fair. New buildings will be erected and other improvements of the grounds made. It is a wonder to many who hare heard the report that the two politicians who have been roasted by the Hkkald I on just grounds, can start a daily fpaper I in ins city ana mane it win, as tney are trying to make people believe. How can they do it? It requires money, energy and a little self-esteem - to work up a subscription, run a paper and make it pay. No person who will take either or both sides on any question which may arise and back down on whichj ever side he finds the most convenient and slippery can prosper in the work he has un dertaken. Not a word has ever appeared in the Herald for the purpose of throw ing a suaaow on tne character ot any V 1 . . m man in nn unjust way, but when it be comes the duty of the press to make an exposure of dishonesty, the Herald will not fall in the rear in coming to tbe front with a true statement. Such is the oflice any paper s-hould fill and unless partiality is done away with when duty faces it, such a paper cannot possibly le of any benefit to the city in which it is published. The few who shed tears and became wroth at times because the I truth is chronicled are the first men who nip the men who do not coincide with their views and are the first people to write them up when an opportunity pre- J sents itself. We will make no a nolo vies I i or any statements puuusneu tnat we have good proof are true. Should the f a - . a two canvassers succeed iu their efforts, the Herald will welcome such a journal. Mr. J. A. McMurpby.formly proprieter of the Herald, who has been visiting his numerous freinds in this city for the past week.returned to Omaha this morning. v 2 Moods, Trimmings, BLANKETS. All Wool Red $2.80, worth $3.50. " " $4.40, worth $5.50. u $7.20, worth $9.00. White and Gray Blankets proportion Ally Low. Our $1 Comfort now 80 cent. Our $1.50 Comfort now $1.20. Our $2.00 Comforts now $.160. Oar $2.50 Comforts now $2.00. Our $3.50 Comforts now $2.80. fo) fo) nn UUUUUVL Inl llVJ UVJ D 21 (Per At a Great Reduction 3 OOTS AHTD S He will give you "CASH." tition for THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS In order to make room for Spring Goods. Men's Arctics for 85 Cents. Other warm goods in same proportion. MANUFACTURING Done at a T7 JJ B THE ASTRONOMERS ASTONISHED ! It Is Believed the Carth Will be Des troyed Within the Next Six Months. THE CHINESE IN CONVULSIONS They He II eve the Earth Will Be Burned Into Ashes. Tremendous Comet In the Heavens terrible ball of fire has recently been discovered in the Heavens, and is said to be approaching the Zarth at the rate of one hundred and seven million miles per I a day. Astronomers are somewhat alarmed as to the direction in which it is centered, and tell us that if it does not change its coarse, it will surely be the destruction of the earth. It is estimated to be twelve ft i tynmm 1 . rr..r than 4 . a - .. T : ter. which is the largest planst of the Universe. Astronomers tell ns it will BOta Tihle to the people of this cod- .TO 5.7 Clrtnt by close observation have di9. covered upon the tail of the great comet printed in roman letters Cfeorsw IV resMinc to W.-Vm. tba mIt kcientlSe Jwlor Mine to Plattsmouth. Citizens, I am yours Fraternally, GtOMI W. YAS8, ti. Astronomer and Jeweler. Timothy Clark. Coal and Wood. South trd street. Telephone 13. Lots of warm Sboea acd Slippers at tf Herges' cheap. life following: iemcs s Mufflers. Underwear. Lanies' Camels hair worth 7 '", now 00. Ladies' White Merino worth -Vie, now 40. Ladies' White all-wool l.'2r, now if 1.00. Ladies' Scarlet worth $1.00, now SO cts. Boys and Misses I "ndcrweur at same Reduction. Flannels, All-Wool Western in Checks and Stripes, now ce nts, worth 40 centbi. Best Shrunk Flannels :iscts., worth i. TJ us C5;tle If P II f S3 in our Complete Line of 7 ti Prices that will delv C 1 r J J . AND ttEl'ATRJX'n Low Price. Dr. C A. Marsha!!. Resident TDcrAit 0 Lw .4. Preservation of the Nuti.irJ Tti. n Specialty. Aur stin t i( v n f,.j pux. less Filling on Exthaci h ; i Tj.i.ih. Artificial teeth iimde n V T.. I.I ... i. 11. i , . . " . ' ' ' ' u,, 1 V" "M!?,1 as soon as tec-th ri- . ,j 1 are -.tr:ic ti d sired. All work warranted FlTZOKRAf.n'rt ItLOCK I'i ice s rfa:,Mj)-i!.f, r ! m i n 1 1 . Mj,,, Bring ycur job woik to i!i office. II 1.1!.'. I 1) Try Merges f . or your wijitt-r s foot wear For Sale: Three frc 1 1 enquire of C. M. Holmes. Milcli r, 1 w vs. ' If you consult your own int r sts vou win uuy your Toot-wcar of M-r-( m. tf The City Meat Market the J., st ..l,,,.- w Duy iresu meats, pork chops, and game ot all kind. poultry tf Notice to Water Consumers. AirTillo .;,) t .i " ""me iioui me i:iwn were a ue Jan. 1st. These-bill service paid by Feb. 1st, at our office Boeck's store. liill.-t be n Hnry "WMomMiMMi mm n i i j.iazsjar v V Tite Plattsmovth Watf.ii Co.