tf TilK DAILY HERALD: PLAlTSMQUTiL iEliitASKA, WHNE36aY, JAJiUAll ne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kllbrjr. IeUl Kockwood Bmldlaff, Telrphoa . 35. Ir. Wllkrnt, leotlt, I'aloa Blork. CITY CORDIALS. Attend the revival services at the M. E. church tonight. Married ly Jtev. Geo. 1$. Murray at hi residence in Murray, on Jan. 21, 18'J, Mr. Kobcrt Shrader to Miss Jennie Wolf. One pony engine and crew were laid off from wrvicc in the B. & M. yards here list ni-'ht on accouut of the slack, of busines-j. Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. S. A. Duvi. on Pearl street. A good attendance is desired. The attendance at the union revival meetings being held in the MethodUt church ha thus far this week been large, and the interest is sarely increasing. .Mis Exii C'ritchfield, who was called home to Weeping Water a few days ago on account of the sickness of her mother, returned to the tity this moruing as her mother has improved considerable. The bill given at Fitzgerald's Hall last night was well attended, several visitors from a distance being present. The ball was under the auspices of the .St. Luke's Guild, and proved to be o very enjoyable event. The ilinor vs. Holloway case which has been before the county court for .some time, came up again yesterday morning for hearing. As the jury hung after a long siege of argument, the case oas continued until the 13th of next month. The icemen have found an ice field in the vicinity of the pump houao and arcjhauling today in large quantities. The ice is fully a foot thick and as good as can be found anywhere. The ice men are now brightening up. A good portion of the business houses situated ou lower Main street were about left in diirkuens last night owing Jo some defect in the gas pipes. For some time several of the merchants were quite uneasy because they had no lamps in their possession and they expected every minute to be left in darkness. Judge Xewell returned from Kear ney this morning where he has been can vassing for the company in which he is interested, for the coming season. He informed us that the company has never yet introduced their material into that country, but he was appaic-nMy much pleased with the success he met with dur ing his trip. Jules S. Murray, advance agent for W.-J. Fleming's ''Around the wold in SO days'' is in the city today miking ar rangements for the coming of the com pany on the 20th. The same company - was snowed in here lat winter during the blizzard ami failed to get arouDcl the world in 80 days. Sheriff Eikenbary, was in Council Bluffs yesterday investigating the work done by the two forgers. Dunn aud VYil son. The sheriff secured a first-class si 1 ver watch belontrinir to Duun's father which he had pawned for a trivial sum. The sheriff informed the chief of p dice that they had captured the two fellows, this being the cause of his visit to the city today. Chief of Police Lucas, . of Counci1 Bluffs, came to the city this morning to secure Wilson, who is now in prison here charged with forgery. The police at Council Bluffs have good proof that he is the man who forged the notes on the two banks. It is also lelieyed that Dunn had something to do with tha handling of the same notes. Wilson has conseuteii to return with the chief tonight without a requisition. . Occasionally an" item appears in the Journal which would lead a person who was not posted to believe that that paper has a special correspondent stationed at Lincoln. Every other day a lengthy Lin coln letter appears under a manufactured : bead 'Sijch as '"Our Lincoln Letter," and 'Special to the Journal," which would , leave eric under the impression that the Journal was really enterprising enough to pay a special correspondent for his services. Nearly every day they come at and solicit subscriptions on account of their Lincoln letter. The Lincoln let ter is all right, we admit, but whafs the " me of waiting on the tardy motions of the Journal when a person can read the same letter in the morning lire. Every one will admit that C. Whopper is a champion iu his line, but wh it's the us in trying to deceive people who kn 'w as well whLre he gets his Liucoln letter as he does. Building and Loan Meeting. The stockholders of the JJvingston Loin and Budding Association are here by n itifieJ to m?et at tire oHee of Skin ner and Ritchie, Jan ''th, at S P. M. for the purpose of adopting by-laws and the transaction of such other business asi .may properly come before the meeting By order of the president. W. If- Miller, S.c'y. OUR LINCOLN LETTER Notes From the Capital as Seen By Our Special Correspondent. THE HOUSE RUSHING BUSINESS Plattsmouth and Lincoln Water Systems Compared Items of ' Interestto This Locality. An interesting Letter. Lincoln, Jani'2, 1880. Editor Herald: While glancing over one of last week's Journals we noticed an attempt of the editor of the Journal to make it appear that County Comiuisssouer Todd had been alone in recommending the abolition of county attorney as at present provided by our laws. As it happened, your scribe le- ported that meeting for the benefit of the commissioners and can show by the record that commissioners from other counties than Cass reflected very severely on the usefulness of the county attorney as at present elected. The attempt of a small majority of the senators to hold the senate in session on .Saturday proved a failure. A short ses sion was held Saturday, just long enough to entitle the senators to five dollars apiece. Monday morning found only a few of those who clamored for a Satur day's session on hand. The real work of the sonate is about to commence, i. e., to look over and revise the work of the house. The house is pushing along as rapidly as any legislative body of its nature can Im expected to progress; it has passed house rolls is and 11) amending the pro cedure u actions of replevin, whereby tho defendant is perused to retain pos session of the property replevied uppn executing a good and sufficient bond to the sheriff for the return of the property if it shall be adjourned on the final trial that the right of possession yas in the plaintiff. This is an excellent move, as, iu most instances, the defendant can use and keep the property at loss loss than the sheriff or plaintiff, while tho security 4iven under the bond makes the officer or plaintiff safe without compelling him to care for and keep property until the termination of a tedious lawsuit. The question of damages to tho defendant resulting from detention of property is also out of the question under this bill. The house has also had under considera tion au important measure, house roll No. 4, empowering city and county treasurers, whenever they have an aiuoutU tc exceed one thousand dollars, to the credit of any inking fund for the redemption of bonds issued by their city, county r precinct, to mvest such amount in United States, city, town, precinct or scUqqI district bonds, flueh investment to be made after public notice has been given for tweuty days by advertising in .some newspaper of general publication and circulation in such county. A measure similar to this would in the past have been of great benefit to the citizens of Cass county. House roll So. :j has been passed by the house and now waits the &ctiou cf the senate, it provides tor the escheating of lands held by non-resident aliens to the state upon the death af their owner, and forbids any such aliens to hereafter acquire title la any land within the state; there is one exception to Jhebillin favor f railroad companies that requires some intendment in order to make it useful to i majority of the citizens of our state. House roll No. 17 is of the greatest im portance to the citizens of Plattsmouth and other county scats situated In coun ties where a small portion of the residents persistently right all efforts to erect suit able buildings for the preservation of county records and a decent place to hold district and county comb This bill per mits cities of the second clas, having more than five thousand inhabitants to' vote bonds to aid In constructing, build ing, erecting, repairing and furnishing county court homes, when so authorized by a two thirds vote of the legal voters of Mjcii city. House roll No. 22 author izing the expenditure of nineteen hun dred and fifty dollars matriculation and diploma fees, now in the hands of the state treasurer, for books for tle use of the University library has pisseit the house. Sen ite file No. 7 as originally proposed woul I have taken a judge out of. the Second judicial district, but thanks to the vigilence of the senators from Otoe and C is?, this objectionable feature was amended so as to leaye two judges, as at present' 1 in the Second district. Senate tile N . 8(3, introduced by Polk, of Cass, is a meritorious bill, and should be passed; it provides that assaults with intent to do great l o lily haiii, (siicl; as the assault on Wile Black) shall be deeincd a fel ony an I be punished, on conviction of the osnlv, by imprisonment iu the pener.entiary not less than six months nor more than tw J year?. 4 s the. law now stands, assault and battery is uH that can be made of the most brutal at tack. Therj is no record of any person convict ;d in this district for assault -with intent to kill, the next grade of offenses against the person. Last night ic Bo'iannan's hall wo cotic- ed J. K. Pollock, formerly of Plattsmouth, take the honors in the amateur's hour dash,beating all competitors three-fourths of a mile, making seventeen and three fourths miles in an hour. Speaking of Lincoln and Plattsmou'h reminds usj Lincoln's water works c:m not compare with the Plattsmouth system. Last night at the little blaze on L street there was not sufficient pressure to throw a stream of water sixty feet, and that with the combined efforts of all the pres sures HlQwn tq the Lincoln fire depart ment, stand pipe, direct pressure and steam engine, A correspondent of the Ute was inter viewing representatives on the floor of the house as to what they thougnt of the articles published in the Bee on " Prohi bition in Iowa. We can rely on it Rose water will hot publish all the opinions as giyen to his pencil &hovc. Yesterday we shook hands with C. M. Wead, of Plattsmouth, and shortly after wards noticed that the articles of incor poration of the Livingston Loan and Building Association, of Plattsmouth, had been filed in the office of the secretary of state, amount of authorized capital, five hundred thousand dollars; incorpor ators, C. M. Wead and J. II. Waterman. We also noticed p. A. Campbell and Ami Todd, of Plattsmouth, and II. D. Travis, of Weeping . Water, around the capitol. Transient. If you consult your own interests JCJ will buy your foot-wear of Merges. tf Died. On Thursday the 17th inst., at the home of Mrs. Drost iu IJock Bluffs pre cinct, Mrs. Ina Haneardied, aged twenty three years. She was buried on Sunday the 20th, iu the Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Mrs. Hanear was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cable, and leaves an in fant boy sixteen days old. , Try Merger fgryour winters footwear. To The Public Having purchased the interest of J. V. Egenberger iu the grocery business of Egenberger & Troop. I shall from this time on be found at the old stand in the opera house block, and shall at all times be j;lad to meet and wait on my many old friends iu Plasmouth and vicinity. " -." If KHIU Hepel, - Our firm solicits all the old business and as many new customers as may favor fib with their patronage. yours Resectfully, 2t . TjltyQE- JJempel. The City Meat Market is the b t place to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry and game of all kinds. tf HERRMANN 'B MM Prior to Invoicing Feb. First Vie Will Give SPECIAL LOW PRICES! Ill Order to Clear Up Our Odds and Ends in our Different Departments. S;pecisul IE3a,rgra,i:r2LS lira. M JO ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. PERSONALS. Mr. O. Guthman of Louisville is in the city. Mrs. John Duke, of Omaha, arrived ia the city this morning. V. O. English, B. & M. trainmaster, was in the city last night. The Misses Kemball of Omaha, are the guests of Mrs. Geo. Doyey. Mn Fred Murphy of Cedar Creek came to the city last night to attend the ball. Mr. Cliff Shepherd, of Lincoln, at tended the ball at Fitzgerald's hall last night. Major Wheeler came from Omaha by the flyer yesterday afternoon and returned last night. Mr. John McArthur, of the firm of McArthur Bros., Lincoln, attended the ball last night. Dr. Ggok and O. M. Streight drove to Nehawka this morning, tho doctor being summoned there on professional business. Mr. C. II. Smith, who is now employed on the Omaha and Council Bluffs cable line as a conductor, arrived in the city by the flyer yesterday afternoon to viait with his family here during the kal lance of the week. Mozart Academy of Music. Crowded jn every part was the Mozart last night to witness the spectrcular play of "Around the World in Eighty Days." Spectacular is an attractive term, and in tiiis instance was richly deserved, for the stage settings were &11 picturesque and characteristic, giving a good idea of the scenes and adventures a person, would experience in such a rapid journey, to be undertaken at all hazards within a limited space of time. There is more ia tho play than mere spectacle for there is tome really fine dramatization. Take, for ia stance, Phineas Fogg, the cool, deter mined Englishman, who undertakes to win his bet. Mr. W. G. Fleming if the faithful impersonation of that character always csoj and self-possessed. Then there is Mr. James f. Fleming, Who, as John Arcibald, the American, truthfully typifies his countrymen, with their reck less brayery, generosity and gallantry and Mr. Arnold Wolfred as Passe Par tout. Fogg's servant, was very comic. The march of the Amazons ehowed a precLIoc drill which always brings rounds'of 'applause. This piece will be presented again to night and at the matinee and evening to morrow, and it is believed that a play of such interest, merit and display will un doubtedly dragr crowded houses Rich mond tyfrig. 'ffo?. F.' " Will appear at the' Waterman Tuesday Jan. 29. , : Sale mace ojloipn ami n Inl UVJ UYJ Cleaimmce Sale I .At a Great Reduction in our Complete Line of He will give you "CASH" Trices that will dety Compe tition for THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS In order to make room for Spring Goods, Men's Arctics for 85 Cents. Other warm goods in same proportion. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING Pone at a Lpw Price. W. A. EGK & CI THE ASTRONOMERS; ASTONISHED ! It Is Believed the Earth Will be Des troyed Within the Next Six lyforjths. THE CHINESE IN CONVULSIONS They Believe the Earth Will Burned into Ashes. Be Tremendous Comet In the Heavens ' A terrible ball ef fire haa recently been discovered in tho Heavens, and ia said to be approaching the Earth at the rate of one hundred and wyeamUiion mfce. pej pej day. Astronomers are somewhat alarmed as to the direction in which it is centered, and tell as that if it does not change its course, it will surely be the destruction of the earth. It is estimated to be twelve times larger than the great planet Jupi ter, which is the largest planet of the niyerse. Astronomers tell us it will soon he f isiQI to ihe "peppjd pf tins con tinent. . It can be easily observed by the people of China and it is said that the Chinese by close observation have dis covered upon the tail of the great comet printed in roman letters Gaorre W. Van. the only tcleotlfle Jeweler ravldlnc la nattamoutn. Citizens, I am yours Fraternally, Gbokob W. Vass, tf. Astreuouier ud Jeweler. V b-.;i: :ftT, ,.;. , Timothy Clark. Coal sad Wood. South rJ street. Telephone-13. Wtgaf cheap r-r;.., p I Dr. C- A. Marshall. Resident Dentist. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less Filling on Extraction of Tekth. A"nl teeth made on Cold. Silvi-r, "bp f'"ulold J1 rted j sired. I All work warranted. Prices reasonable. , Kitzoera li'h Block Platthmouth. Nb H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUNTY SCKVKVOK.) Civil Engineer. Surveyor and Draftsman Plana, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps Ac PLATTSMOUTH, - . NEB January 21st. Vup.iRte orcerg f0r Cubinrts will prlated for t2.0U perozen for &.j air, vuuer uauery. All, having ticket are requested to use them at once. d-St Bring your job work to tho IIeralo