1 It J Tbs Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BBC fcl., Publishers & Proprietors. THE FLATTHMOUTII IIKKALU 1 published eery evening except .Sunday and Weekly every liiurday morning. iej;l3 tered at tlin potofTlce, Fiato-mouth. Nel.r.. 8 fie-oiid-eUi mutter. OIII-e corner of ilie and If IttU lr-ts. Telephone No. :. TKHM run DAILV. One copy one year in advance, by mall.. One copy per month, by carrier One copy per week, by carrier TERMS FOJI WEKJtLV. One oopy oue year, in advance One copy gn mouths, in advance .?; no . lb OurlClubing List. Wjckkly Hkkai.ii and N. Y. World.. X. Y , 1 plume. Om.'ilia Hep . . rre! N . Y. Poet Harpers Magazine Weekly. l',;iz;ir... " Young people Neb. Farmer j :w 4 I, t ir, 4 7 ". :' 2 on Demorest'.t Month ly MHjiaine American Ma'.lne ; The Forum , in Mi i Tiik Lamont biily is said to lu a very little one. '"In tUU respect," says the To jieka tJummonrmalth, '"it resemhles the president's ilca of civil service reform." The colored people are leaving South Carolina at a rate which is quite ularminjr to employers aiul land owner. As to the cause of their goiii;f it is suflk-ioiil to cite the fact that they have nothing to take away with them save the clothes on their hacks, In other words, their lahor has brought them barely dough to avert starvation; and they very sensibly pro loe to seek a field where they can secure decent wages. Tiik United States, according to the latest ktatistics, imported during the cal endar year 18S7, oS:,83G grog tons of tin plates. From statements of Mr. 1. P. McCIure, in his article on ''Dakota," in Ha inter's magazine for Febnury, there is reason to believe that hereafter the United States will obtain its supply of tin from the Iilack Hill, Dakota. The deposits of tinstone there yield a larger percentage than ore from the mines of of Saxony or Cornwall; aud now that 'jigging" a simple and inexpensive process of separating the tin from the encompassing rock has been devised, the proper working of these mines will not be prevented as forme: Iy, by the in surmountable barrier of a lack of money to erect the old ftyle of separatirg plants. WHO PA YS THE TOLL ? Senator Vest, of Missouri, in a recent speech on the tariff used the following argument in an effort to prove the doc trine of President Cleveland, that the amount of the duty is added to the sell ing price of an imported article: I cross a bridge and it cobtJ me five cents a pound upon my produce in order to get a market upon the other side. Does anybody mean to tell me that I do not put that toll upon the price of ' tin article "when I get across? I jt not a much a part of the cost of that article to me in that market as if it were my ltlor, my toll, my sweat? Yet we are told that nothing becomes of this tax; it mt-lts siway; it is put upou the importer, and tiiat is the last of it. Mr. Vest makes no account of the fact that after he has crossed the river the price of his rommodity is regulated by the competition he meets. "We will say that the article he deals in is t-iioes, and that he brings them from Council IJluff. into Omaha. The price of his shoes ol the Iowa shore 5s $1.00, and it cots him live cents to get them aero the river. Does he sell them for $1.05 on this side? Not at all. He finds '"protected" shoe makers in Omaha who are selling tin article for $1.00, and he must sell for the Kame price or take his goods back with him. This he does not wish to do, so he sells for the local price, and, deducting the toll, has 9." cents left. It is therefore, the man who brought the shoes to Omaha, and not the person who bought them, that pay the toll. The same is true of every commodity successfully grown or manufactured in this country. If not grown or manu factured here, then the amount of the tax is added to the article. An illustration is sugar. The people of this country are paying nearly $00,000,000 a year the price of tie "protection" of the Louisiana i sugar plantations. The republicans pro pose to cut it down one-half, which is well so far as it goes, but it does not by any m?ans go far enough. Sugar should be put upon the free list, and a bounty for the.American product substituted. Omaha Republican. JUll I'd YtiTEIf AHUSES. In the course of the discussion of the jur7 fe : bill on Wednesday it was ct ve!o,"ed tint a great nuisance in connec tion with our present system was the ten dency of the professional roustabout juror to "hang" jurie on which he got himself placed, for the purpose of pro longing the session and drawing his two dollars a day while the jury is "hung.'" This and several ether nuisances con nected with a jury trial could be abated very ewily by providing that nine out of twelve jurors sh ill be empowered to make a valid verdict. Twi reform baa been needed a long time and has been adopted, it is- said, with satisfactory results, in some Wn The old unanimous system udopt-" by our fathers for the protcM'ti'-of the weak agninst the strong wfi'pjohger nec essary. It used U brthotight that the powerful loriUprvbi'ron cotifd always manage to'get'a majority by his influence, but that if it took a unanimous vote to nwtke a yerdict the weak litigant would have a better show for his side. The re is nothing in that view of the t:nc these days. The iwrage American citizen isn't afraid of the king, or the jult;e, or the baron any more, and espe cially deli .hts to "suck" it to what is left of baronial powers in the shape of great corporations, when he sils ou a jury. Hence the majority c:yi he generally trusted to do about the square tiling cm a jury, and the stinging tyranny of the one or two or three chf.ps who are hired not to agree, or who want to display their temporary importance or their natural mulishness, will be ove rthrown. The Journal can think of no reason why any litigant in this country, er lit least in this state, should fear, if his case is just, to l i.-k the opinion ef a two thirels majority eif the average jury that is called to sit in his qunire1. Vhat he really fears, always, is the ugliness or ig norance of a follow or two who from constitutional defects or corrupt influ ences can never agree; to anything that appears fair to the other nine, ten or eleve-n gentlemen. Now the occupation of the roustabout juryman would be gone to a great extent if ho had no longer the power to 'hang" juries. Nine are e nough for a fair ver dict em any ortlinary case in our courts. It is the litigant who knows he is wrong who hangs all his hopes on the twelfth man who wiil hold outgto the crack of doom against the either eleven obstinate fellows, from pun? cusseelness, ignorance or the expectation of boodle. Lincoln Journal. A l.iblical Opinion of Slan. Wife Tho Bible eay much in favor of women, John. I thought that the Israel ites l-:ept their women in the background, but if they did tho Bible, which is their history, doesn't. Husband Humph! The Israelites did well by keeping their women in the back ground; that's where women should be. Wife Dut elil! tho Dible says that IJiuband O, I know there arc a few women mentioned in tho Ilible there wr.s Jezebel, she was a woman. Wife "it's; and there was Ahab; he was a man. And there was 1 1 1:. .band It is no uso talking, Mary, The I'ible is a history of men. Women are mentioned only incidentally as they had influence on the actions of men. Tlib looI; tsays little about women compared to what it eloes about men! WiTe (musingly) You may be right, John, now when I como to think pt" jt. There is one thing, at any rate, it says about men that it does not say about women. Husband (smilingly) I thought you would come to -our senses, Mary. What is it the book says about men that it docs not 6'i y about women? Wli'o (placidly) It says all men are liar;. Then the husband arose and nut .on his hat and went out to see what kind of a nigl.t it was. London Tid Bits. Itow They Do It. T-.e maimers of women in public con veyances vary, but they all get off a tire; t car in the same way. Watch any pan icular one. She motions to the con ductor and slides to tho edge of the scat, on which she sits perfectly still until the car cciflcs to a full stop. Then she walks calmly to the platform. On the lower titop she. hesitates, leans forward, peeps up the street, looks across the street, gathers up her skirts, looks down and back to see that they aro not too high for propriety, glances shyly up to see if the im pertinent men are staring, takes mother look around the horizon and de parts. Tho conductor jerks tho be J strap with pernicious activit, glares at the woman until she reaches the side walk, and then hastily scans the faces of tho m, n on the platform. He is looking for sympathy. Hut he gets none, pvery glance is sharpened at the fair creature who has iust alighted. Philadelphia Press. St. Paul'x, Hoston, for e-aly. Am offer of 730.000 has been refused for Sr. Paul's church, lklon, because the ov.-ner3 hojie to get S1.0C 0,000 for it. Thi j church is tho largo pranito one, with a pillared portico, which stands pn Trcue-nt street, opposite the common, almost at the corner of Te-mple place. It l.as long divided elown town church hon;rj with King's chapel. Under its gier. front steps lie the bones of 2.C00 former citizens of Dostou. Durial there has teen stopj.-d on!y within a half doze n years. Hie total area of the prop erty is 20,000 square feet, and its assessed vf-lvjUion is $oL'0,000. Chicago Times. Scvemy Ytr:rs a TIScf. Mary F-itzgerald, now in priorj in Phil adelphia for picking the pocke t e;f a wel to e'.j gentleman, i? said to ix; the oldest sneak thief in the Unitexl Mtates. She is V'O y ars old, ami si;;ce sow v. r.s 10 has lvC:i a thief. She was a convict before she wes 12, and in ret-rnt ycarj has not been out of juil raoro than five months at a time. Chicago Tribune, TIiero tlio Timber Goes. Lv"m cross ties have been tried on C.i'j Pennsylvania railroad and found lcsi d sjj-,).b!3 than those ef gxxxl, hon-c:-.l wLita o:dr. "Jhis will bo unpleas ant rows for treo lovers. The most relentless consumers of thei forest treaj ute tho men that must have trees for cr.";.ss ties, anel uicj. straight young tvc?i for telegraph poles. Two thou sand lies for every mile of ttecl rails laid l eans a fearful gan in some fair fo;e f, anel a r.iilo e;f telegraph poles lucrv-.j u goodly grovo cut dmvii. Net until railroads can lind a tulstituto for cal: tics, and can lay their at tendant wires iinde:,g:ouud, will tho fr.j;.ls of this country Liaud any c:.i.:o caim:t the v.'codmaii'i a;c. i'itt. Uullotiu. FAITH IN THE SHAMBLES. lck Children Ilatlic-d In the Viscera of Newly Killed Animal. What is kuown as tho slaughter house euro is one ef t!io newest freaks of mctrojjolitan life. ll adopts aro persons alllicteel with tormenting bod ily maladies, more espexially those of a cutaneous nature;, anel tho form ef euro which the-y pnictico may bo wit nesseel at some of tho cattle slaughter ing places which alounel in tho neigh borhood ef First avenue anel Forty sixth stree t. Strange, and what would bo cemsidorcd repulsive iipectacles, weio it not for tho motive ef them, are frequently prestnteel in the places dining the hours of butchering. Mothers aro to bo seen with young children, troubled and sick with phys ical infirmities, cngageel in bathing the sullVring ones in the viscera ef freshly kille-el animals, w hile they aro yet warm anil palpitating with the an nual heat. Tho belief prevails that these immersions in tho carcasses ef animals are eUieacieHis in restoring health anel strength te crippletl, weak and allVcteel parts of the boely, more particularly to tho extreniilie.-s, like the hands anel feet. How this rjueer lcliof originated those ncepjaintcel with the subject cannot tell, but that the baths are stranger anel more outre than the inuel baths of the ancients may bo reaelily unelerstooel. It is only on pleasant days that the believers in tho slaughter house cure make their appcaranco at the abattoirs. Mothers are to bo met with on such days on their way through Forty-sixth street and the adjacent thoroughfares, bringing their, little ones with them to the cattle pens to undergo the treat ment. "Give us a bath," is the usual form of request, anel the permission is rarely refuscel by tho butchers. In some special instances tho applicants are favored with tho privilege of bath ing their young in the carcasses before they have been dressed anel while they are hanging from tho hooks. The proprietor of one of the slaugh ter houses visited by believers in the cure for the purpese of undergoing the treatment said that he could not account for the origin of the custemi. It was first heard of subsequent to the mania for drinking blood, prevalent here for a long time, and which he thought might have sugge-sleel tho present remeei. Tho notion that th;;:;a engaged in the killing anel dressing oi' cattle 'are a robust ami vigorous lot e!' men may have had something to e! with the belief. The heat and vitality of the freshly killed cattle was ne doubt impartcel to these indulging in the singular baths to semie extent, and where they were taken regularly beneficial re sults, he thought, might be tleriveel. He said that he knew of one case ejf a child that had been saved from death by tho agency of tho baths, and con cludeel that there were other caseo ni' successful cure. Another butcher saiel that the baths were not likely to become popular and that the owners of the slaughter houses would not like to see them so, as toe many demanels for the cure ops-ration would interrupt business. As for himself, he did net have much faith in it. Moot of those who partook of the baths were the children of parents residing in tho vicinity, and who were doubtless at tracted to the- supposeel cure by the ac cessibility of the shambles, aud !. further fact that it eotrt nothing for ; treatment. The idea of the b. might have started with tho hutch . themselves, anel very ::'- '.' !y di Both bullock anel sheev. t are a. .vr used by tho believers in the straa ,. cure, but tiie prcierence was lor uu vines, as 1 hey were thought t: possess greater health giving qualifies. A incdjcul man whe) was told of th'j cure thought that t he bel ief was a mere mania. New York Mercurv. A Substitute for Craee. One Christmas I spent up on the mountain sielo with tve or three others, anel there we aul our holiday dinner, and it was u wholesome meal, but wanting in those delicacies that a mother or wife can best prepare. A snowsteirm was raging along the mountains, but with our cheerful fire and warn cabin, we cared nothing for it. "If we had some flowers for the wisn table, saiel one ot tiie beys. We all wished the same. "Get out your old letters," said one. Vv'c all knew what that meant, for many a flower from the old house hntls its way in letters to the boys out west. One found a rose bud, another a violet, another a daisy, and then an other rose was founei in a mother's letter. Withered and faded were these tokens frenn the olel homes, but novel djd men value flowers more than wc did that withered bouquet. "Can't some one say grace?" saiel one of the boys. No one volunteered. "Tho closing lines in my mother's letter," saiel a boyish fellev, "might do." "Read them," was the response that came from all. Heads were bowed arounel that fru gal Christmas board, and the young man read: "God bless you, my son, anel God bless us all." I then looked up and saw tears on the cheeks of weather beaten faces. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. lo Couldn't Catcii lTp. Pennock Pusey at cne time had a tenant who was verv slow in the pay ment of his rent. i'he first time the gentleman went around to collect of him he eliscovercd this. The tenant said he had no rcaely money, gave various excuses for his impecunious condition, and finally referred Mr. Pusey to Judge Chandler, who, he saiel, would certify as to his good char acter and general honesty of purpose. Judge Chandler was lolling back in his office chair when Mr. Pusey went around to see him regarding the ten ant who couldn't pay. "That man is all right," said the juelge, after hearing his story ; "the only trouble about him is that he was bcrn about $50 behind and ho has never been able to catch up." SL Paul Pioneer Ptess. J- A SERIOUS MISTAKE How Near a Wealthy Huiktr Cam 4 I 'ring StafTeel with Straw. A rich fe)reigner, named Sutherland, naturalizeel in Kussia, was banker to the court, anel in high favor with the empress. Ho was roused one morning bv the lnlonnation that his house was surrouneleel by guards, and that Re- liew, tho minister of police, desired to speak with him.- this personage, en tering without further ceremony, at oncej aiiiKmiiceel his errand. ur. uinenaiHi, saiel lie, I am chargeel by my gracious sovereign witii tno execution or a sentence, the severity of which both astonishes and grieve.'.s me; and I am ignorant as to how yem can so far havo excited the resentment of her majesty. "1 am as much in the dark as your self," replieel tho banker; "but what are 3 0111- orelers?" "I havo ikjI courage to tell you.1 "Have 1 lost the confidence of the empress?" "If that were all, you would not see me troubled. Ut)nudence may return position may bo restored. Am 1 to oc seni nacK to my own rountry ? or, good heavens!" cried the banker trembling, "does the empress think of banishing me to Siberia? 'Alas! you rni":ht you mignt some day re turn." "Am I to be knouted?" "This punishment is fearful, but it eloes not kill I "Is my life, then, in peril? I can not I le lieve that the empress, usually so mild, se gentlei who spoke to me so kindly but two days since tis tm- xsHiule! lor heavens sake let me enow tno worst; anvthiner is better than this intolerable suspense." "Well, then," said Reliew in a mel ancholy tone, "mv gracious mistress has ordcreel me t have "SI tilled 1" erie-d i:. horrificel. yem stuffed." j oer banker, "Yes, stuffed with .Ira w." Sutherland looked fixedly at and the minister of police an instant. ex- claimed: "Sir, either you have lost your rea- son er tho empress is uot in her right sense; surely you uiu not receive such a command without endeavoring, at ha.3, to peint out its unreasonable ness, its barbarity. "Alas! my unfortunate friend, I did that which, under ordinary circum stances, I should not have dared to at- tempi; 1 maiiiiesieu invcriei. inv con- stcrnaliem, I even hazareled a humble remonstrance; but her imperial maies- ty. in an irritateel tone, bade me leave her presence anel see her commantls oheved it. enco :ideliiirr fhoun tvnrrlu which still ring in mv ears: 'Go, and forge t not that it is your duty to ao- quit yp uracil without a murmur any commission with which I may deign to trusi you. It would be impossible to describe the horror, the despair, of the unhap py banker; after waiting till tho first burst of grief was over Relicw in formed him tha the would allow him a quarter of an hour to settle his worldly affairs. Sutherland wept and prayed, and entreated the minister to take a petition from him to the em press. Overcome by his supplications, the magistrate consented to be his messenger, and took charge of the missive, but, afraid to return to the p:ilaee, ho hastily presented himself at tho residence of tho English ambaa sudor and explained the atfair to him, Tho ambassador, very naturally, sup sed the minister had become insane, it, bidding him follow, he hurrieei :o the palace. Introduced into the Imperial presence, he told bis story !th as little delay as possible. Oq ioarmg tins strange recitat the erra press exclaimed: "Merciful heaven I what a dreadful r .istauc! Renew must have lost his vvns. lun quickly, mv lord. I bee. and desire that madman to relieve my 1 1 1 , poor uaiiKer 01 ms Groundless tears. and to set him at liberty immediately." The English ambassador left the room to elo as her majesty required, on his return found tho empress laughing immoderately. 'I see now. said bho, "the cause of this inconceiv ably absurd blunder. I had for some years a little dog, to which I was much r.ttaciicit. 1 called him Sutherland. because that was the name of the Eng lish gentleman who presented him. (a me; "this deg has just died, and I gave lIi'.'w orders to have him stulred: as ho hesitated, I became angry, suppos- I liiat hviii .1 looiiaii ciceisa 01 piiue. he tnougnt tins commission beneath hi. engiuly. That is the solution of this ridiculous enigma." Paris Figaro. Vaiult-rl ilt aud Lord Palmerston, Here is one of the late Commodore Vanthrbilt: When Vanderbilt wont aoroad during the civu war he wa entertained by many notables in Eng land. Among the guests at one of the lig houses beside the commodore was Loru Palmerston. The English pre mier was quite taken with vanderbilt. who -:; one of the handsomest Ameri cans who had ever visited that coun try. but his conversation was not : 1 i ri"id on in nurpict. P7irlicb In discussing American affairs "Lord Palmerston told th' commodore some thing concerning a dispatch he had sent to tho United otates government. The latter listened very attentively until Lord Palmerston had tinisheej, and then astonished everybody by this advice: "Palm, you hadn't orter to writ that. "New York Star. Couvenieut for Travelers. An arrangement has just been made that will considerably facilitate the movement of passengers from America who travel to London by way of Liv erpool, and who aro now detained at the latter port so long as frequently to cause the missing of trains. Tho prac tice is to deposit the luggage in the custom depot at the landing stage, where passengers must attenef to open l heir boxes and fasten them up again. The new arrangement is- that the ex amination shall be transferred from the lauding stage to the London ter mini of the railway companies, namely: - Euston station for travelers, !y the fxmdon and Northwestern line. jinei fct. i ancras siat'oq py we AUU 1 land. New York Homo Journal. ,l!.Q Iri orekr to cut down our Dry Goods, .Notions tc, we are ofk-ring Unexcelled ara!iih in thc-c loh "We have Silk and Cashmer And bilk Handkerchiefs at very low litin-. In this Department we are at prices that is sure to sell them. Call anl iin-j ef tl be convinced that we carry E. C. 0EY F HAS TIIE LARGEST AlSL FURNITURE, TI1TWAXIE .iTD HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is offering at A comnlete line ox "Window Frames in great variety. You can get everything x u You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so nm Ii c, month and you will soon have a line lurni.-he ! heii.- and hardly realize the SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND J T T r W T5lT I? X.-A."W OFFICE. P -rsonal atteution to my oare. to all Business Entrust- XOTA IKY IX OKFICK. Title Examined. Abstarcte Cioinciled. In surance Written, heal Lstate sold. Better Facilities for making Farm 'Loans than Any Other Agency. Plattsmouth, - XeljraKka ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP Wagon, Buggy, MacTiine and Plow r pairing, and general Jobbing v now prepared to e:o all kinds of repilrli jr of farm and other machinery, as there la a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Waon Maker baa taken charge ot the wagon snop He la well known as NO. 1 WORKMAN. Mew WawrwaM and Bmccle oraer 4T7RITflTTOW at! A HA IT R. B. Windham, Jobx a. Uavies. Notary Public. Notary Public W1XUUAX A UAVIEH, .ttoraoys - at - Law. Offlce.orer BankJoffCaf County. PI.ATTBMOCTH, - - NEBRASKA rdock ol Unde wear, a line line ef showing all the late.-1 A 1 of 1I the he.-1 stock in I'iatt.-iniul h ICS : J 9 AND FINEST STOCK OF T A p. u Prices that Curtains at will make II ( in m !':t 1 u: ( ! ' .1 il. a'Tiuc e cost. Call and U' 2uL z VINE. I I ATI S!(d r; V 1:1 ' tl 71 ii eestw THE LADIES' NEVER OUT FAVORITE. OF ORDER. If you desire to purchajwi n sewing rniichlrif, aakourajrent at yrjur ila;e for u-rnn anI prieses. lif you cannot find our cent, write direct to nearest a'i'lrts to yi Ihmow inrin.il. NEW HOME SEWING MACH un ib CMicAeso - 28 UNION SQUARE.- DALLAS, ST LOUH.MO. ATLANTA . (1 A. TEX. TIIE NEW iiu.Mi. H CHINE CO., OniMii i, X.h. BUSINESS DiHLCi S. F. TH "MAS. Attorner-at-I.aw htk1 Sf.n l'v,:-. Fitzgera'd Block. i'lattHmot.i ;, i, e l r uJi 1 ATTOKNhY. a. x. scr.i.i v.a.n. Attornv.at-Law. Win kivh . ,r,:. , t afffl.tJ n Union Block. Ea.st sldi. 'I tf'iniii f I. GKOCEKIF-S THKIS Wf m.rv. Staple and Fancy firoteiK s Crockery, Flour and Fe d. ;ia- s.i.4 large i J '-vJ 0 ?. V mi- ri-i III I'll IMP MAP ) V, ri