V -4 SECOND YEA It PIjATTSMOUTII, NEBIiASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN U A It Y Hi, 1881. PLATTSMOUTH'S NI7MHEK lO.' nnn.-.. .. ... zzzr7T--" - f lavaBBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaBBMBaaaaaaBMaa. A Review of Her Advancement and Growth During the Past Year Forcibly Portrayed. thus wore likely derive a benefit from their earnings. Money can be withdrawn from tbo association at anj time by giv ing a months notice. Our citizens have late themselves upon the raising of the ,1 ..r .1. - . . . - Hon. R. B. Windham's Address Be- gra,de.of the P8tffice to that of the sec- fore the Board of Trade Jan. 14. .CIaM Uur,n Pw ; year, a result Gnitlemmnrt n , ,n , pf the movement of the board of trade UmtUntn of the lbmrd of Jrade : in the spring of 1 88 to secure what the As the old year relinquishes its hold city has for a long time been justly en- upon the business activity of our city n,lca to- The othce being placed in a and the new year u,hers in a broader !,undjnSusel exclusively for the purpose 10 to the fifth one-Mxth. 10;V to the sixth one sixth. This to apply to curbing and district paving. Dated January 14th, A. D. 1889. Rock County's First Wedding Newport, Neb., Jan. IB. The initial marriage ceremony of Rock county, the baby county of Nebraska, in which Cer tificate .No. 1 was issued to the parties took place at the residence of Henry Sex- Notice to Lot Owners District No. I. in Paving field in which to cultivate our commer- ad cohort Toti-lT CD"aCe l7. ?.e P'' y&W&Mt. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of, me city 01 naiLlliloutn : mat ull li t. imiirn iii ravn b Di-tnct i. of iIib city of ilaitx moiith. between east .side of He v. mil street and ii nme ui scciiiiu ureei ie ami tney are hereby notified tliat on iebrii:;ry ninth. A. 1). iKftl at H o'clock t. in., we. tlie said Alavor and Council will sit hh a it' iird uf Kin;iliaiinn to Hear any and all eom;Waiiits apiiinst HHSfeeiiii; miu if t) iik ppeciai taxes in pay ine cost ol paving and ruiiiinif in staid DiMiict according to had by the following rule to-tir. 1 the First one-clxtli abut t in j; upon Main str et XH percent of nie-li;ilf of the tot I ei.t. i ne mcoiii oiie-slxtli, '.'( per ceut of one half JJ(DIjS Ik OfieFnce lofhior oeing wuiiam A. riauts and Marv E. Lane. J udge Fred N. Morgan performed the ceremony. The bride is still in her teens, and the groom scarcely inore.while Judge Morgan is said to "be youngest judge in Nebraska. The ceremony of making the twain one was bis first oflicial act as judge. ciai advancement, I deem it a duty, as I had hoped that at this annual meet wi ll as a pleasure, to make a few obscr- WS ot le board to announce the advent rations touching the progress our city new railroat "to our city but regret, has made during the year ls8 and to !!'' If UD8bl? ? '1o 8' but ,Can ,aJ , rr - .- , .. ' that the prospects for more and greater c" "o iuiuw imiirtfiiLi facilities in ttie near future are J mo man-rial advancement of I'latts- Rood land that the board of trade is mouth durint; Jsm-s is not onlv crratifvinv holding itself in readiness to encourage 1 . . . . lnrw ..fTr.rto nf . 1 . . " out. in.ueit surprising when we consider ' "4 - ."umuic ruau to enter UWUCHI and COUCH! and COUCH! how our interests were handicamied pari I t i i i . What jn the world is the reason vou in the year by the strike on the' C A LC. Ui l S'"' .wil1 ch aud kP ughing and still i?f ..... i - i 1 1 ui''"i uicmwrs ui ine ooaru as 2fe K bulneM men of 7",.' V',c ycrj i'lattsmouth the necess ty of star ,.w.n, ..r 7.',. """"-":7 geiiier mall matters pertaining to the "l i d nV C rcu.ru.iig oi welfare of the city. The yery purpose i nr nnp nrraniTarmn i n ... n..i.ii: 1 Tl.,.r.. ... : 1 , , I V1SUI.HUH 13 IU tl BiaillB UUU' i ill. nt:u Li ii'e-ii l li i iiih nirpr More ll lIKDts I . ..l it- : .... ..... i. aivi ,.u. ,.c ....prove- ment of public ends. It is gratifying to US lilt? Vfr 111 l'!IIW'.l nn , ir..A - J . j - . VlUlllll.ill.i: i n rr A IhA n ..m i . . a. ii. . i tn..i- ti . i . t i i . , . z. uuc " luuutuw nun. ii mo ooara nas an I ' n n.h 1 J"u.,,tt,,ini1 t,m,dlt exerted during the last few years in mat- ai .1 I l.j t,..,.,ut h Liter in the season as- ters pertaining to the city's interest. In Mimed its a,, u o.ned push and energy ortler that we may prove' more eecti Keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve vour coutrh at oncer m.: s -i , " . . ruib 13 uu uu Ycmsing scneme, uut an actual fact, and we guarantee it. SnU fy U. V. bmith & Co., druggists. nau oi I lie loial cost. The Kourth one-fixlli, 10 percent of one-half Of the tolalcoxt. Ilu Filth one-sixth, o percent of ooe-half of the total cost, and 'I he Sixth one-sixth, 10 per cent of one-half af i he total cost, and said lot owners are reuestrd to be and appear at fuid tin e to Khow cause. If any, why said a.vscKMiic lit should not be so ni:id I his aKseofir- ent to be t-o levied to extend to all lots and blocks wheie the lots face on Main street and to extend to the allev uml h. lilock ui' to include lots Nos. 1.2.3 l- i:t 14 and nortli lie-half of lots 4 and 11 in block It is .'uri her ordered that this resolution be published as a notice each day until said dav v urniiu. Dated thin 14th day of 'aru:i-y 1) i?P3. AtteH: W. K. Ko. Ju. ,i Aittii-HV. City Clerk. Actii (f f resident. Sam THE OliKJIXATOIi OF LOW PlilChS POSITIVELY GUARANTEES Uiat everv fJarmpnt. cr.ld bif 1.:... ;,. J " "J iiin io niti C nnalifiT k..l . . . .1 ii i.i - .j-mny auu niiihu niu ik; uougiic ejsewjiert in the cily in Price than tlm ED i 3'our jiuroliaro Tn he Notice of Sidewalk Taxation Flatt-Miiouih, Neb., January Hth, 18k9. littitlvid. ItV the Mavnr hiiiI I'liiniz-ll ..r ti city of J'lattiiiiiouili. that there will be held on ine am uay or tebruarv. iksm r thunv.. .i i.... a nieetlng of the Council for the purpose oi audit ngand charuliiK up to abiiitiuji lots for taxation all gidewalkM whiirii Iivm i 1 .... 1 1 lil.iluvn.1 .... ..r. ---v.. ...... n ., and th result sIkiws luring the present r.f ; r I . . . . is vci jriiesirauie inai ine :.J. ; : 1 . i , lur ?"? membership be enlarged and to this end ....... ..mu iu..j ...ulii ciuai iet us unite our efforts dt in.- i--i-ii in vi'.ik i m iiuiiuings. I year. M, . ";'t"'' "r" ' JLya.T W a,J1ut..t"e In thus closing up the years work, I ex- .. vu, I'uiiuiaiiou tend to the members of the board my now timiili, rj rli. .. i uui i:.i ... I .... iiij f ". . ' " "v manics. ior tne uuitorm courtesy with follow fli. examiile of m-mv otlier tnwnc I t.:u ti 1 . . .. ' in . i . , . r ' M J I -" "een ireaien, ootn as your ------ - "associate ana presiding otticer. 'U II ..Illl .'J.lliJ VI. II III 1IUII1 J i,UUU to i I, (till). Our school census, as I THE CTY COUNCIL. fin ill.Iicutor of lioimlation. irrnnna I .. .. us along si.lu of Nebraska City, Proceedings of the Council at Their Ttrand Maud, Heutrice, Kearney I Meeting Monday Evening. nn.l Mitms l nlik.i many other I The council met last Monday :n.i i.iiii i i;u ISIIIOUIII lias iottoiiiic.-.s real e.tHte "Iwoni," with which to contend, there having been nothing but a steady and permanent ad vance in the price of realty. Um' Invention of" tha' Telegraph. 'I don't remember" writM Cianaa in Olbers on the 20th of November of th year 1833, "my liaving made any pre- piece of mechanism that we have de vised. It consists of a e-alvanio circuit conducted throuch wires stretched throueh the air over the houspn nn tn tb steeple of St. John and down aerain. and vvuucviiuu ilia ouservaHirv wit n rno i . . --? Physical laboratory, which 'is under the XiliZti. uucvuuiim eoer. xae entire lencth ut himk hi. uiiv of r atismnntii or wire may be computed at about 8 U0o ! i :Jl.Vl'K. 12-' !' "! 1 iattsinouti feet. Both ends of the wire aro enn'nect. II V l ie Cltv an r.r liui tielow and property owner are hei-ehv in.tm that they may attend and sh.iw cause, if ny. TfOv'l I aarq why such charge,, should not be inad. oJJ CLJj J fJM Li3J5ock34,ouiiR& Haye Add.... f 11 20 fl BZP v a.' 1 1 n. nil ii v nt. via-uw a nn 11 . w. V.'ill f.".J.:r if linrdr fiffntn vmI,;.. ii.!-, .1 1 Will CilfPrt.lllv rf.,.,.l - .. . . "y"""U r-piitation he lias earned ami 1 It Makes 8!o Difference Lot 1 tlock is. Young & Hayes Add. niocK is. iouiib Hayes Add Lot 2 Mock 1. Youm: ft Hayes Add. Lot 3 15 ock 19, Yniug & Hajes Add. Lot 4 Block 19, Young & Haves Add. read witn a inultiplicator, the one at my ent consisting or 170, that in Weber's labo ratory or oo coils or wire, each wound around a one pound maenet eusnenderl according to a method which J have fie? vised. Bv a simole contrlvftnoA whir-h I have named ft commutator I can re verse the current instanfamf- A fuUy operating av vola i' t T rancn t. - . - .. ' 2f , orenii a mouon or the needle in low ittooratory to take place that Mufti i.oi 12 riioek 3. City of Hattsmouth . i ; r . ul 1 lattsmoutii i i S . Zl lir OI riatt-.imom b Mil I'lUl IV lt Lot niiiht in no I regular session, Absent the Hon. mayor and council ore Weckbach and McCallen. On motion by Jones, Murphy took the r ivc yei.rs an our citv tooK the nrst I chair pro tern. steps i a system of public improvements The minutes o previoug mcctin . .... .. (IIV tl-llblluu J works. Our cily was at once seryice- and RPPrvel: ably lighted and iu the light of the ben- Tt,e ??g'3ter p.f liquor sold by W. J. cats oi thih ilrst pui.iic improvement, our Warrick was referred to the license cam city council deemed it essential to the mittee. property of the city and the comfort of , 't!4i - , , , its people, that we tliouM have an un- . A uelltlou trom I'eterson, ask- limited supply of water for all purposes, ,n tor 'oad to be opened from the whir h resulted in the estaldisliment of bridge around the first point, known as one of t!i finest systems of water works Rock point, to connect with Second noa,SfHtTlthi7St,rltO.f$10i); sfeet at the mouth of Happy Hullow, 000. of out-i.bs capital. The benefits , l J Mlvlly t Uvzs derived and the copstnt increase of ' j.cpul iti,T e ius' d a demand icr other u mQoa t was referred to special improvcmr nti. and during the year committee consisting of Jones, Connor, which h ijut closed we have seen the and Shipman, who were instructed to cim.wWau.p,fflVI .u.rm water confer with the railroad company and sewerage and the paving with Sioux I , t"uJ "uu FalU icianite of our priucipal business thoroii'jlifare, together with th establish .nnt cry and the gra liu t down of a number the ensuing year vance has been made in educatingr the of our most prominent streets. The r, I u" over wiiaj was aone in ancient whole, m ikin' nn exinnditurs of :bn.,f Uli raollon. oe appointment was con- times. But you are mistaken, for even the .lfn),?o. in cooncctiou with this re view it is a matter worthy of note that io oo will always he lower lo oo 10 oo l 00 S Oil C 48 22 40 2 40 7 U4 43 HO ami his inducement more liberal. No Dot, Nn IWi Mn 9hnrl Uanrl I1U UIIUIl IIUIIU strikes a bell, the sound of which Is audi ble In the ad ioininir rnnm 'rt.Tl. r 1 .- -" "- vvji fto bji amusement. Uur yirn u t0 display the movements with the utmost accuracy. We have already made use of this apparatus for telegraphic experi ments, which have resulted euccessfuUy in the transmission of entire words and small phrases. This method of telegraph ing has the advantage of being quite in dependent of either daytime or weather the one who gives the signal and the one who receives it remain la their rooms! with, if thev desire, Jt, the "shutters drawn, Tne employment of sufficiently stout wires, I feel convinced, would en able us to telegraph with but a single tap from Gottingen to Hanover, or from Hanover to Bremen." "Gauss and the Electric Telegraph" in Popular Science. ActitiK President. Notice to Lot Owners District No. I in Sewer UUOII. Crytogriiuik, Private Cypher business with JOK, hut Figures and Be ft ordained by the Mayor and Cmm-n f the city of Plattsnfouth thtJt all " t V.w er" hi ,n "1;??,0.W,,B 'Hs to-wit. Nos. 28 mid 'M Jire iifrenv nnr i Nad l-. .... , A. D. 18W. af " , LI . . 'J'?.ry.. " 1 n tn: Council will Mt r5Vbo",d,o?e,SKi"ti 2riany.and HU complaints agaui.1 aw. s"lmr K?t f" J?. I'y the- cVt'"1? j -j i i i i"""i;hii iiiioii'ii paid lots f!LcoM' nunfber front '? bfocksf 1 aiteyts through naid Maid lot owners are required to be and an pearatnaidtjmotoshow cause, if any why said asse88ioeut should not be so I made. J .,..kh i '",,,,CV oruereu tnat th resolution he published each day until iri .! r,i ,Li.Vi. mted January 14; h, A. U. Viw. On Price Only I lJrices are always the Attest W. K. Fox. City Clerk M. H. Ml'Ri'iiv. Acting President. Lowes JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTTJHER OF AND t, Best il ilium Price!! G-O TO HENRTT BOECK'S secure a road, The fire department notified the conn- it .t -rudc-H of wr-eu thtoughout the cil of the different officers appointed for the circuaes of today that a great ad and the gra liq ; down of a number the fnmnr wo, vance has been made in educating tht Educated Bones. Doubtless most of you think when you seo the performances of trained horses in firmed. An application was received from most wonderful exploits of the horses of present aav are repetitions of what was aone witn tnem several hundred our tixis are no higher on realty than Jones & Johns for draiolajeri' license 3rearsa:0' In those days horses not only they were before the commencement of wmimiI uri nnmniiAmi,. i- danced upon their hina legs, but fought the improvements five years am, while j i mo'lon the license was mock battles, striking at their enemies WH0LliRETAIL FURNITURE EMPORIUM ! Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen FUM1TITUISS tli r.ttc fiiDHJ an nuTe.ise of about ten j.iilU on thii d l!ar tlie assessed valuation of the property. Although having in-crea-e.I fnitn l'- 'o 40 ;'0' iu value is no granted and bonds approved for the sum of $ 500. juuge L.iittora 8 claim for $232 for uncollected costs was referred to the committee on claims. Vf. IL Malick's claim of 30 for board ing prisoners was referred to the police committee. ICeports from the street commissioners. uuauce committee, clerk and treasurer were read and referred to the finance com mittee. CLAIMS ALLOWED. nessm n of Pl.it tMimuth that they should tncotirage and f ujport to their greatest extent t-ic in mufuctories we now have. The two canning factories of our city are instit:i'i ns of in) sinall importance. In thu ey -lit of extending the paving of our J street- the IJrick ami Terra Cotta Work 5 00 3 25 1,728 00 17 08 1 00 7 501 tions 4- no Byron Clark, salary 62 50 I'lattsmouth Water Co, hydrat n ntal, three months 1,125 J M Woodson higher than it was then. Our city h is nut made the advance ment this year in the rearing of addi tional tnaiiuf:i- turcs thut could have been d sired. The board f trade how ever h.ive tliriMiiili its otliccrs given the matter much attention and are now in correspondence with parties with a view to si-ctiring a locution of other man ufaetoric.s at this point. We hope dur ing the present year to realize the fruits . r . l .re -. - I.. . : .it Ol in. i ii. mis. in uuiieiuuu wuii iuiiiiw . nu1w.t. I...... matter I .1 -ire to impress upon the busi- " m"." i T u,8lor'( . I tir lniP mfo rinn lumrla i A II Knotts, printing. . . A Hosewater, engineering and inspecting district sewer. . . . II A Waterman & Son, lumber Sum Archer handling two dead uogs Af W Mnrrr.n I.Ka. muyi rov.-oi great mouieni to our city Jone8 & connM. as th'? lit( l is iieuig demonstrated beyouu tion a dout.t tint brick pavement can be made dumb!-. Tn re are quite a number ol other m.inufii-'-turing inteiotj in the city wiiic'i as a matli-r ;f business foresight, need t-. b? fo-ti-re.l and encouraged; amor:i th in I'.'pri.-rburg's C'gar ni-inu fiicturv. whieli eiin.-lovs a larre number of bun Is. It is the town that can give & c- Green, chief $5 00 cmplovm tit to labor which will advance 11 c Kicthie, secretary 50 00 most r.iiH.llv in commercial importance. James Johns, foreman Kichey hose A little over three years airo there was I team 25 00 ' organized in our city a Loan and Build ing Ass.ici ition which has proved to be of ru re bentfit to our city than most people suppose. Ov?r 800 shares of stock were taken on which a monthly piyment of on: dollar per share is ex act'-d.- It has net only proved a savings bank to a vcrv large number of our citi zens who would not oth-Twise have laid away a dolbir, but has been the means of the city of Plattsmouth constructing a urge nmnoer ot suhstan 1 hat all levies and assessments tial residences in the city, loans have Iwen made at amounts of from three to fifteen hundred ing ru' to-wit: dollars. I h? stork nas a casii iasis and ::Ji"o of the amount to lie levied to i-t now pavinjr its holders 12a. It is tbe first one-sixth of the abutting or ad proposed I believe to open a new serief joining lots, of stork, and I heartily recommend an 20f to the second one-sixth, investment therein, especially by thebojs 16? to the third one-sixth. and young men of the town who would I 10 to the fourth one-sixth. with their forefeet, and showincr what apcucu w u icuuuiutuie intelligence. Perhaps the most surprising feat ever penonnea Dy a norse was in the olden time. A large three sided braided rope was stretched several feet from the ground, ana upon this the norse walked, preserving its balance perfectly. In an old print a picture of the act is shown. wlule another cut represents a horse 6truung the snleld or a soldier with its noors. iwen the elephant, generally considered the most ungainly of animals, was trained in those days to walk the ugn rope, not only near the ground, but, if we may believe the old" write, it traversed ropes swunir above the heada . I I . . 01 me auuience, ana not only preserved us Daiance, dug do re a man upon its 1 . Til.;i 1. m vacs. x-nuaaeipma limes. THE ASTRUWUMtKS ASTONISHED ! It is Believed the Earth Will be Des troyed Within the Next Six Months. Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow HE OWNS HIS OWN BUILDING, PAYS INTO REINTX And therefore can sell you goods for less Money than any other dealer in the city. HE ALSO HAS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF unvmr Horseshoes SALARIES OF OFFICERS OF MENT. FIRE 00 75 DEPART- THE "CHINESE IN CONVULSIONS They Believe the Earth Will Burned into Ashes. Be Tremendous Comet in the Heavens . A terrible ball of fire has recentlv been discovered in the Heavens, and is said to be approaching the Earth at the rate of one hundred and seven million miles uer .1 . . . . r uay. Astronomers are somewhat alarmed Clans Brekenfeld, foreman Whites 25 00 M V d,rect, which it is centered, A Specialty. He uses the Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe for 'the farmer, or for Fast Triving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks i as neeaea ior wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and vou will have no other. J. M- Schnellbacher. inn di., i-iausmoutti, JNel. 6 GOODS- HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. HENRY BOECK. COR. MAIN AND SIXTH STREETS. Lumber Yard. THE OLD RELIABLE. I L WATERMAN k SON Wholesale and Ketall Dealer la Li lteinnacltei, foreman Rescues. .. 25 00 V L Thomas, foreman Wideawakes 25 00 Samuel Stewart, foreman Hooks. . 25 00 Total 200 00 I The following resolutions were adopted: Be it Jiesolced, by the mayor and council of here- and tell us that if it does not change its course, it ill surely be the destruction of the earth. It is estimated to be twelve times larger than the crreat planet .Tuoi- ter, which is the largest planet of the universe. Astronomers tell us it will soon be visible to the people of this cod- A. T A . . iineni. it can oe easily observed bv the people of China and it is said that the C hinese by close observation have dis covered upon the tail of the erreat comet pi LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors.Blinds. in,n-don." debilitated and overworked I Can supply every demand of the trade Women. Dr. Plerrat'a C.nH. Pnu.ii.tMn I . . . . J the best of all rettoiiti. lAnTr. iTT. -ni v,an ana get terms, fourth street BDecifla for all ihnu r.w.niA nr..i,nu... uueaaea peculiar to Women ; a powerful. gca rl u well u uterine, tonfo and nervine. It imparts Ttror and atrenrtb to the whole it stem. In R iar of Opera House. Jt promptly cure weakneei of tomach.nausea. indig-eatioii, bloaUnar. weak back, nervous proa- TratiOn. dbllitV AnH alAAnlAa.riAca in .ilk.... careiuny compounded by an experienced K. DRESSLER, iyn, Forty two nfter made for special improvements shall printed in roman letters 10"o interest in 15 made according to and by the follow- oennre w. Vas. the only onlv seipntsfltf. .lnou. l m ... -v"1'1' icsiuiug iu riiiiinouQ. Citizens, I am yours Fraternally, George W. Vass. tf. Astronomer and Jeweler. nwe or sauar action in every case, or pric rerunaed. Tbia c-uaranteo baa been Printed on the bottle-wnnner. and faithful carried out for many year. For lanre. illustrated Treatine on Diaeaaea of -Bring your job work to the Herald ZTZJ office. I Address. World's Dispensary Medical amociatioh. 83 Mam Street, Buffalo, N. T. Vhrslcian. and adaDted to woman's delinta organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly urmw in any condition or the iritem. I , . , . Keeps a Full Line of Foreign 4 Domestic Goods. Consult Vour Interest by Giving Him a Cat tlon' for women, sold bv drurrlitt. under m poaltlve rair price SHERWOOD BLOCK- Plattsmouth. - Tr-V C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main St.. Over Mergrs' Shoe Store . Has tbe best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came wett of Jlisnouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $1 to dress suits, 25 to $4r, panta4, f5, $0, fO.O and upwards.' C5T"Will guaranteed a fit Prices Defy Comoelilion. J. II. EMMONS, M.I). HOyOiOPATIHC Physician ' Surgeon Oflioe over WecottV More. Wan, str.. Rnlenci- in lr. Sl,lldknechfs proit-i v V ironic Dls-a,. r.d IlMa.e. of Wo lX I i Jj KTelephoue at both Offlre and K s'denee 6. Sl M. Time Table. No. 1.-5:10 a. m. No. 2.-4 AT p. m. No, 3 . -H :40 p. m. Ko. 4. to :m a. in. No. 5 6 :47 a. m. 0. 6. 7 :13 p. in. o. 9 6 :17 p. in. No. 116 ;27 a. m. All train. i run dally by way of Omaha, except Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuyler dally except fcunday. ocnuyier No. 3 U a .tub to Paclflc Junction at 90a. m No. w Is a stub from raclflc Junction i ii2?