The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 15, 1889, Image 1

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A Petition Praying for Municipal Suf
frage for "Women.
manaerson and Mcshans Nomi
nated in Caucas By Their
Respective Parties-
The Senate.
Lincoln, iSeli., Jan. 14. Senator
Roche repoitiil from the committee on
joint rules, recommending the joint rules
governing tiic last sessyon of the. legisla
ture, nnil the report was adopted.
A petition of the Woman's Temperance
union of Nebraska, asking the legislature
to grant women municipal suffrage, was
rend and referred to the committee on
municipal suffrage.
A repuMicaii caucus of members of the
legislature was called for this evening in
the hall of the house of representatives to
place in nomination a republican candi
date for United States senator. A demo
cnNic caucus to nominate a candidate
forVnited States svnator was called for
this tit niHg. to be held at the Windsor
Mr. Lindsay moved that a committee
of three be appointed to arrange for
for holding the joint convention on
Wednesday for the election of a United
States senator. Mtssrs. Lindsay, Ilurd
Dt-rm were appointed.
The following were among the bills
introdnced and read tne fiut time:
Jiy Mr. Kansoin To empower cities
and villages to acquire real estate by gift
or devise fr parks and public grounds
and for the protection of such real estate.
Uy Mr. Xorval For a joint resolution
to amend section 'J, article 15, of the con
stitution of the state of Nebraska, en
titled "Amendment," and providing for
the manner of calling constitutional c m
ly Mr. Raymond To amend section
351 of the code of civil procedure com
piled statutes of concerning the ob
ligations of witnesses to attend trials in
civil actions, and to repeal said original
The sen ite ad journed to 10 a. in. to
The Nominees of Their Respective
Parties for the Senatorehlp.
Lincoln, Neb., 14.- The republican
members of both houses met tonight in
the house for the purpoua of nominating
a candidate for United States senator.
General Cannon was elected chairman.
He aid that there is but one way to have
a strong representation in congress first,
to select good, able men and then to
stand by them through thick and thin.
"Let us stand by our representatives so
long as they are able and trustworthy."
There were 119 present. Messrs. Ran
som and Home votod for Van Wyck,
after which Mr. liansom moved that
further balloting be dispensed with, and
Hon. C. F. Manderson be declared the
unanimous nominee of the convention,
which was carried.
The chair, under instructions from the
house, informed Manderson by telegraph
that he had been unanimously nominated
by the joint caucus as representative to
succeed himself. After an effort had
been made, in vain, to introduce a resolu
tion pledging the republicans of the leg
islature to submit a prohibition amend
ment to the constitution, the convention
The democratic members of the legis
lature met this evening and nominated
McShane as their candidate for United
States senator.
A Passenger and Freight Collide on the
Nypano With Fatal Results.
The Wreck Consumed by Flames
r-Many Passengers Injured
List of the Killed.
Eloped With the Footman.
Montreal, Jan, 15. A great sensation
has been caused here by the discoyery of
a romantic elopement, the parties being,
it is said, the daughter of a wealthy New
York stock broker and his footman. The
young lady is a strikingly handsome
brunette, and gives the name of Jennie
Stuart. Her lover is a commonplace
looking fellow, evidently an Englishman.
He claims his name is Thomas Jonson.
All efforts to discover identity have failed
since their arrival a few days ago, but
the police have communicated with the
New York authorities. The young woman
has plenty of money and considerable
fine jewelry.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 14. The house
met at 5 p. m., with nearly or eyery mem
ber in his seat. IJrink, of Boome, intre-
. duced a resolution increasing the number
of paper wrappers trim ten to twenty.
Dempster aked what necessity there was
for such an increase. Brink replied that
the papers come seven days in the week
while w rippers were only furnished for
the davs the house is actually iu session.
D.'Ianoy moved to lay the motion on the
table. Lost by 34 to 3'J.
Deinjwter then moved to amend, extend
ing the allowance of ten wrappers to each
day in the week, which was accepted and
the amendment prevailed.
Mr. liiWt-r, jrom tne committee on
nrnes and mining, reported that they had
house bill No. under consideration and
reported it back with the recommenda
tion that it pass iu amended. The bill
as amended authorizes the professor of
geology of the ftate university to co-op-crate
with the United States geological
survey of Nebraska, and appropriates
$5,000 per annum to support the work.
Ou motion of Mr. McBiide the Iiou9e
went into committe of the whole for the
con.-idrrai'n of house roll 10 Morris
sey's j.nti-pinkirrton bill. After discus
sion, offiring and rejecting amendments,
tha bill was referred to the judiciary
2!.use roll No. fJ4 Keiper's bill was
then taken up. The intention of the bill
is to compel county boards to pay the
expend s f tin sheriff iu serving p ipei
in cas; at of ii.l-nieino:s, a matter now
left to th-ir titiM-retina. After discussion
til 1111 WJ3 defeated.
Cady introduced a bill to punish the
selling of intoxicating liquors to minors,
drunkard and others, by parties no'
authorized to sell.
Caldwell introduced a measure for the
rcgul ti n and government of banks.
The bill is a very elaborate measure. It
provides for a gra'iuatetl and paid up
capital bated ou the siz ; of the cities in
which the bank i to be located. An
examiner is also to be appointed to sup
ervise tli" banks, and other stringent
provision are mule for the protectioi
of depositors. The bill was drafted by
committee and will receive strong sup
A resolution instructing th committee
on public lands and buildings to prepare
a bill ext. n.linsr time on pynn nta of
contracts for school lands that fi ll dne
in 18 ?0 and lS'JO, was passed.
Father and Son Fight.
Valparaiso, Neb., Jan. 15. C. J.
McFarland and his sou, Narm, got into a
racket yesterday evening over a livery
bill Norm had collected, but failed to
turn over to his father. From words
they soon came to blows, and Norm got
his father down and was choking him.
whin the old man drew a pocket knife
and opening it with his teeth commenced
cutting the boy, inflicting slight gashes
on his hand, arm, side and leg, and one
in the face before the boy could get
away, llje old mqn left before daylight
this morning, driving a team to Lincoln.
No arrests.
Another Railroad Disaster.
Cleveland, O., Jan. 14. A frightful
wreck occurred on the New York, Pen
nsylvania and Ohio railroad near Tall
madge, O., this morning, a passenger
train colliding with one section of a
freight which had broken in two. Eight
persons were killed and a dozen injured.
The list of killed is as follows :
O., passenger engineer.
passenger fireman.
J. F. RUSHFORD, of Gallon, freight
WILLIAM LUNDY, of Salamanca,
N. Y., express messenger.
MARY ANN LYON, of Idaho, aged
six; ticketed second class to Cherry
Creek, N. Y.
Four of the injured are in a serious
A Leader special from Akron gives the
following particulars of the wreck:
At 2:27 this morning train No. 8, east
bound, while rounding a curve one and
a half miles east of Tal inradge, came
suddenly upon part of freight No. 81.
There was a dense fog, and this conspir
ed with other things to make the accident
beyond human power to prevent. En
gineer Huntington had just time to reverse
his engine when the terrible crash came.
He was instantly killed.
The freight was heavy, and while it
was climbing a grade a coupling parted
about the middle of the train. It was
decided to resort the common expedient
of doubling up. Flagmen were immed
iately sent out, one east and another
west, to warn any approaching train.
Brakeman Bradley was sent ahead to flag
the east bound passenger, which was
known to be about due.
Meantime the first part of the broken
freight train was tftkpn. to Talniadge
The Itifi-IPricfi lofhier
Mario M a Stage Lover.
About 1850 tho famous tenor Mario
was at St. Petersburg singing in a com
pany which numbered, umong others,
Lablacho and his daughter, then only a
girl, but who afterward became tho cel
ebrated Mile, do Caters. One dav. in
some opera and during tho usual duo of
passion, to her amazement and indigna
tion sho beard Mario, whilo he
sang alone, whisper bo low that
tho words reached only her own
ears: "Mia caral Mia bella! A m.i mo!
Io t'adoro!" So offended was she that
after leaving the stago she refused to
listen to the tenor's explanations, and
refused to sing with him again. Some
days afterward, however, from the
wings tho heard Mario 6ing tho same
uwvs. unu mm uiuu wnn a very ugly
woman, who had assumed tho aban
doned role. Again did tho tenor fill in
JiJ lhjlt ery Oarmcut sold by him is lower in Price than
alio understood. Tho burning avowals v quality ami make can be bought elsewhere in the city,
v.-ero only a means of kecpincr himself
tn train of retaining the emotion neces
sary lor tho continuance of his rolo.
ISau Fraucieco Argonaut.
with your inrch.c Joe will tako it hack again within thirty ihiyn ami
will cheerluliy rlund the money you paid for it. Joe is proud of hi.
reputation he lias earned and
It Makes No Difference
Advantage of liolu u Jiloude.
Every year we g?t Iho cry from fashion
writers, "Blondes uo longer in stylo: they
havo been superseded by their darker
sisters," etc. Now. that's all nonsense,
You cannot do away with the blonde, nor
voix iuuuu away w m frizzled, ban rod I l i . , - ...
hair. Fre-eminently, the blonde is the JUW l i'nte olllcr ciotiiidrs may ask, or what extra inducements
beauty of civilization. She is among us, tuey may offer for your iatronav
ta Ktav na nnrh onrl cli nonnt i,j.: I k J I '
j " .... u vtnii iuh uvj x AVKU I
away. A brunette now and then may "1 TTT 1 L.'
rise supreme over her by reason of
wonderful loveliness, but we are speak-
inn insri roiv A wjv-nnn s l n i
mSroefferively-with bloTde hair th lU'S be ,OWer an1 his inducement more liberal.
with dark. It bghts up better and is
more youthful. A well kept blondo has
ten years' advantage, in point of youth
ful looks, over the average brunette.
Once in a lifetime or bo there arises a.
miraculous brunette who completely suit
passes her, but for steady, ordinary good
looks that make no pretentions of great
ueuuvy, m uionue carries the palm.
You cannot expunge her in favor of the
brunette even In literature. In the novels
turned out during tho pas year thera
fiavo been 883 blondes tolOO brunettes.
American Hairdresser.
A Girl'a Easay on the Cow.
The following is a little girl's essay on
the cow: "A cow is an animal with four
legs on the under side. The tail ia longer
than the legs, but is not used to stand on.
The cow kills flies with her tail. The
ppw nas pig ears that wiggle on hinges;
bq does her tail. The cow is bigger than
the calf, but not bo big aa an elephant.
She is made so email that ehecango
into the barn when nobody la looking.
Some cows are black and some hook. A
dog was hooked once. She tossed the
dog that killed the cat that wor
ried the rat. Black cows give white
milk; so do other cowb. Milk men sell
milk to buy their J jttle girls dresses, which
thev put water In and chalk. Cows chew
p uas, and each finds its own chew. That
t all there is about cowa," chance.
Dot, No Dash. No Short Hand
Crytogramic, Private Cypher business with JOE, hut
Price Only !
.Prices are always the
Best id
station. I he en cine then returned tn
the second part. A sitrnal was criven
on an m ivi a I '
Wagon and Blacksmith Shop.
Wagon, Buggy,
Hachine and How
News Concerning gtqnley.
JjONdon, Jan. 15. The Chronicle says,
with reference to the telegram concerning i
Stevens, who rode through Europe and
Asia on a bicycle, has started to "find
Stanley:" 'We may say that Stevens is
now in London, having arrived at the
Umbria on Saturday, and that the gov
ernment will have information of Stan
ley's safety long before Stevens can reach
the east coast of Africa. Recent letters
from Stanley will be published in , Lon
don. There are, meanwhile, certain reas
ons why the exact whereabouts of the
famous traveller should not be made
Found Dead in His Room.
Grand Islakd, Neb., Jan. 4. J. II.
Iiohn, a traveling salesman, was found
lead in his room at the Pacific Hotel
this morning. He retired last night at
)S:30, leaving a call for six o'clock, in
tending to go to St. Paul on the early
train. The porter rapped on the door at
6 o'clock, but getting no response called
the clerk, and together they broke open
lit; door and found him lying on the
floor dead. He leaves a wife and one
child, who reside at Clinton. I a.
wmcn is sam to nave oeen to summon
back the flagman stationed at the east
Flagman Bradley took it to be for him
also, and started Wack to the freight.
The engineer of the freight engine
says that no recall waa sounded, but, at
any rate, Bradley beard it apd sd went
The freight had just got under motion
to go to Talmadge when the exprsss came
along. The momentum of the fast train
was somewhat checked by the reverse.but
the crash was terrific, nevertheless. The
freight engineer and brakemen jumped
and escaped serious ipjvry: The passen
ger engine w3 crushed into bits and
and mingled with the wreckage behind Farmer or for Past Driving and City
it Tl f:i j puipusci-, ever invented, it is made so
it The freight engine reared up and anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks
stood almost on end. Engineer Hunt- as needed for wet and slippery roads., or j
ington and Fireman Walters, ot the ex- smooth dry roads. Call and Examine
press, were terribly crushed. . The brave the8e S-Np ar,d you will have no other.
engineer was disemboed, bis head ! IW . Qh n pi I ha ohor
i wiitiwiiiuyii -
Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen
A Specialty. Jfe useg the
Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe for the
And therefore can sell you goods for less
Money than any other dealer in the city.
5th St, Fluttsmouth, JfeU,
crushed, and his limbs broken and
doubled np. The passenger train con
sisted of a combination baggage and
express par, an4 a smoker, common coach
and two sleepers. The greatest horror
-.-www v j-vv vvbu WJ tvuiuuuu tuaiu,
took fiie. Engineer Jones, of the Kent m dealer in thk
yard engine, five miles off began to be P.hnirfVQf Rramic nf Pirroro
twn the tmplr saw I o '
including our
Frolght Train Wrecked.
Humboldt, 2feb Jan. 13.
No. 78, from Wymore to St. Joseph, uue
! re at 11 o'clock a. m. was wrecked
ibout two miles west of this place. It
truck a hand car qbout one mile from
where the wreck occurred and derailed
11? car. which ran that distance on the
tics and turned over at a small bridge
jurying with it six other cars. Two
empties, one loaded with merchandise
in.l three loaded with corn are complete
wreccs. No one was hurt
Lieutenant Miles De d.
New York, Jan. 15. Lieutenant Miles
of the United States steamer Tantic,
recently arrived from Port-au-Prince, with
yellow fever on board, f'ied last night
uneasy, and looking down the trapk, saw
through the treee the glare pf the burning
cars. After the accident the two tele
scoped coaches appeared as one, and from
the shattered apd burning coaches came
the groans and shrieks of the unfortu
nates. Then came a terrible scene of terror.
the strong struggling to escape a horri
ble death by fire, and the wounded pray
ing for succor from the flames that were
fast tnveloni
Shaw, pinned in by the wreckage, man- J
agea oy enpernuman ettorts to release
his lower limbs and escape cut and
bruised. Iu the smoker were eight Chi-nam-n.
Five were pulled out alive but
half dead from fright. Three were never
seen after the crash, and bones and bits
of charred flesh gathered up in a bag
were all that were found of them.
One of the pathetic scenes was that at
tending the death of the little orphan,
Mary Ann Lyon, who was being sent
from Idaho on a second class ticket to
relatives in New York. Tie friends
whom she made on the train were com
pelled to stand idly by while tlm unfor
tunate child burned to death, pinned
down ly the wreck of t' e seat in the
smqltlog car. The ps?1 n ars in the rear
sleeper were hardv aroused bj the con
cnsMpns pf the wreck.
Flor de Pepperfergo' and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 26.1885.
Lumber Yard.
Symptoms of Ca.ta.rrl. Headache,
obstruction of noae, discharges falling' Into
toroat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid,
at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent.
piooar ana putrid ; eyea weak. nnglDg in ear,
deafness, difficulty pf clearing- throat, expecto
Satiort of offensive matter: breath Offensive:
(pieU and taate impaired, and a-eneral debility.
Italy a few of these symptoms Dkeiy to be pres-
tit at once. Thousand of cases result In ooi
f umption. and end in the grave.
Br ita tniM. annthinr. and hpallna niiuHea
Pr. Sage's Remedy curea the worst cases. flOo.
Wholesale and Ketatl Dealer tn
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Can supply every demand of the trade
Call and get term.. Faurth street
In It iar of Oti'ra House.
Physician I Surgeon
ironic D.easa- nd Ilease of Wnu,? ,Jd
tSTTelephoDe at both Office and Kesldetft
The Boss Tailor
Main S:., Over Mergt-s Shoe Store.
Has the lest and most complete sfock
of samples, both foreign end domestic
woolens that ever came Wi-st of Missouri
rlve.f. Note these prices: Bunnens suit
from $16 to dr,, dress suits, $25 to $4.
pants $4, $5, $6, $0.50 and tijiwanU
t"Will guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy ComDetition.
cvao-to snag
One Pellet a Doae.
TTneqnaled aa a Liver Pill
at'eaaleet to take.' ' One
jre sick Heaaacne, uuioua fieaaacne.
2ScU. by drugig
Hxxlneaa. Constipation
iilloas Attacka, and ail derangements of
a a aAaAK artil twavala 94 Aat wm Hiioolala'
WW Sjmaaaaajaa fjin rVnwM
"iSJSrt The 5th t. Msrchiut Taiicr
Kee.pi a Pull Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goods,
Consult Your Jteret Vi OIvihr H!m a Cal
. Sl M. Tims Table.
r.OINfl wk-t. noi.10 HA.
l : W- 2 3 P. m .
3 . Hi : .. in. 4. 1 : 10 . m.
No. 6 .47 a. in. n0. c.7 v n,
o. ! c :17 p. iii.
N. 11-6 ;7h. m.
v'i1" orul? u;ly wavnf Onaha. except
J1"- 'and 8 whirti run to aud from Hchuyli-r
daily xueit .Suudity.
1 atuhto Paeine Junction at ft.3oa.m
No. 19 U a stub from faclfte Junctloo at uaTov