THE DAILY 11EKALD : PLA1TSMOUTH. NEHKASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, Tho Hatlsmouth Daily Herald. hZ I-J O 'l"!' ri I 3 TZ C f 3-, Publishers & Ii oprietors. Till I.Air.SMOUTII IIKKAl.O It iilUsln-il -Ty ev-iiHiu r-. SiimlaJ and W-vkly i-v-ry I liuril;iy nioriiluK- KK-li-rr.l !t tll -lnii-r, I'tHlI'llioulll. NHr.. .-ihI--I ih matter. HUv oilier uf Vine ant! t r Lit Mr fit. T-i-liim No. 2. TRIMS FAB UA1LV. Due copy out ear In advance, ly m;ill. ( 4tiiciiy per mouth, I'jf can Iit . One copy wr week, by carrier 1 TltXS FOR KKLV. one copy year, in advance........ 1 .V One. copy sin luonlti-. in advance. ........ 75 Our Clubin List. vrKi.v l(iiMi ii:ui,l V. V. Woiu ? i " N. V. Trilnine. .. " Onlilll Ke :i ' " N. V. rre-H i' N. V. lo-l . ' " lijjjteri MaKliic 4 W .y - " Weekly. 4 7' l;.i;ir. ..47 " VniiiiK I'eopl.; : " Neb. Fanner -J It " JleliioreM's Month ly ,M;ialiie .1 l Americaii M.'lne :i .' 'I lie 1-or ii in 5 ( THE INC A PA UL ES. In two months more this ineligible ilo nothin congress will have vaui.-hul from the e:itth, and the country in:.j hope never to see nnothcr like it. On Sat unl.iy, aiiin. demoentic lemlors foulit nil (lay to prevent anything lie in; ln , aiul their only excuse is thut th. y weie anxious to prevent mischief. If they in sist upon it, no one hns the riht to cli-n that thW tlemoi-Tiilic house is inc:i;ilU of doing anything without loin mis chbf. Hut each day thnt pusses must lessen the of uccouiplishin eithei of the many iui)ort:int or needful tilings Which it is the clear duty of this congress, tw accomplish. If its failure or refusal makes au t-itra session unavoidable, the responsibility t ill be placed by the peo ple where it belong. Two months of hard work and the present house has nt shown itself capa ble of working bard at any time would uot suffice to accomplish all that ought to be done. There has been an incompe tent do-nothing house for so many years that needful public business has f;dhn far behind. The question whether nn extra ertihn is desirable or politic is therefore not unlikely to be solved by such failure of legislation as to make it necessary. Even if no fcreat appropria tion bill should tail, there are now man measures of such importance that it would be unsafe to defer action on then for another year, and the more dangerou:- because, with the Iigiuc very, close! divided, and with democratic leaders in clined to filibuster on the sliVJ.'tCit oc casion or no occasion, it would be by n means certain that auy wise measure could be passed within two or tbre months after tho next house should bi orgauized. Whether one looks at the Interstatt law Irom the point of view of the western producer or trader, or from that of tin eastern shipper or investor, in eithor cast it is equally cvideut that the law needs to be modified. It is defeating the pur poses of those who urge its enactment, and yet the majority in the present house is tolerably pu re not to confess, by such amendments as sire needful, that tht leaders who framed the measure were in competent. Still bss is that body likelx to eliminate from the; liw those fiatun which threaten tho solvency of r.rin railroad companies, without any rurivs ponding hem-tit to producers or shippirs. But there is reason to hop that the nc-v. congress, composed 1-ss largely of dema gogues of the democratic strij e. wouki have the sense and the courage to do something that ought to i-. done. I is only the truth that results mre serious than many imagine results even mine hurtful to western business men t:nt; farmers than to investors are likely tt come within another year, if the act in its prtsent blundering form remains in force so long. Much has Icu said of the importance of reducing the revenue, and the situation has been modified only liy the extrava gant appropriations of the present con gress. By the time this short session has passed the appropriations for another year should be made, it is true, but then is a strong probability that a partisan majority will be disposed to m:ke le.-s liberal provisions for the lirst year of President IIarrin"s Administration than wn made for the last year ot Presidei t Cleveland's. A change in the nmouut of revenue may therefore become essential, aad not some time next year, after mis chief has been done, but before the next fiscal year begins. Unless some change is made at the present session, of which there is now little prospect, this matter nlons may render an extia fi ssion expedient. But there arc tunny otlu-ri; the admission of states, the pre partion for the censu. the provision for fortign mail service, the provision for tnore h.iuest elections. Delay s on all these matters will involve some "Serious loss, u tint a session of the new congress, for si edy attention to the public busi ness, maj be .eurrally welcomed unic-i needful legi.-Ja'.iotigoes forward far more rapidbr tbas itf tjectcd. . "i- Tribua. CALLED HACK. Vh n the great republican victory of November lasf w as achieved, the individ uals now representing the United States government at foreign courts, were prac tically culled bar-k, and after the 1 tit of M uch they will no longer Wo allowed to linger upon the diplomatic horizon. The people have declared that thfj policy of honoring confederates and copperheads with such positions sh-dl be discontinued, so there is nothing left for them to do but to pack their trunks and buy their tickets for their native land. Those two sedat; and venerable sympathizers with the rebellion, Kdward J. Phelps anil Kohf-rt M. McLiiie, will soon vanish from I. n. Ion and Paris, and (Jeorge II. iVndleti.n will retire from Berlin and Uiehard B. Hubbard will disappear from Japan. The inebriated B. W. llanna, will wander home from Buenos Ayers. in short, they will come from all quarters of the globe. The country will welcome these retiring characters with feelings of profound relief and thankfulness During their absence it has been impossi ble for any patriotic and self-respecting American citizen to look abroad with-out.Mu-hing for the government. In the whole list there is not one who served in the federal army, or who gave it a word of support or encouragement. To have them called hack is to have a standing shame removed, and you can d pend on tin people that they will never again allow the foreign service to .e so dishon 'red and degraded. SEAL PIRACY. It begins to look as though the horri ble stories of the atrocities of the Alaska c mpany were the invention of the Ihitish and Canadian seal pirates in or der t; throw du.-t into the eyes of con gress and prevent the renewal of the company's contract. Then the seal pirates probably thought that they coul 1 soon rule the roost and deprive Uncle Sam of hi plantation. It further more looks as though thee pirates hud retained Secretary Bayard to contest the right of the United States to Alaska, any way. The sixty thousand seals that these oi rates have stolen during the past season have furnished them with funds, and 'possibly they may turn around and buy the United States and thus Jjave a free run hereafter. Bayard has reconciled the c ountry t the idea of "Jim Blaine" in th-; state department, sure as you live. Lincoln Journal. The submission question is being dis cussed by the senators and within a few days a canvass will be taken, so we will then know just who are the friends of submission nd who are H enemies. Tho Burdens of Womanhood Thousands of women are silently suf fering untold misery, simply because they shrink from consulting a physician in those numerous complaints arising from functional irregularities and disorders. Many a modest girl and woman prefers to bear her heavy burden in silence rather than to go to the family physician for adviee. All sufferers from this class of dirorders can, h -wevtr, find prompt and sure relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It is a specific in such case-5, and has brightened the lives of countless women by restoring them to perfect health. Rnia'ir? Lnre In a Collin. A B. u.-.r.;Ls lace merchant hnd received fro l .". Belgian, residing in Paris, c:i cr-!c-r fcr a l.:rgo quantity f Haiinc3 The gr.oJj v.cro carefully packed in a L-ad coHin, which was dispatched to the Paris address a 3 containing a corpse, says a Pari ; exchange. Tho Paris uicrcliant had to wait so long for the arrival o: the "body" that he at length complained to the manager of the Northern railway, who Liformed hiru that the collln had been detained at the frontier owing to tho on-compliance with certain pre scribed formalities relating to tho trans itu?: icn of corpses. Our merchant at onco t jok train to Quievrain. dressed in Eolcnn black nnd with a mourning band rou- .d IiL bat. and wearing an expression of po.'ound sadness. But in spite of his c-rni h; .tic protest against such an act of dcoL oration the oflicials insisted on open ing the coffin, when the truth came to light; and the ingenious smuggler was taken into custody. New York Tele gram. raying Dearly. In a Email village of New England, a fow years ago, some of the young girls acquired halits of eating starch, coifee, cloves and the like, to Improve their complexions. Tho habits increased by indulgence, and the girls consumed large quantities of these substances all good in tin ir place, but very harmful when taken alone, and in excess. In 1 .ss than a year four out of the six girl i a. ere imder the doctor's care. -The colFce cater became the victim of insom nia, and was so nervous and timid that littlj things made her cry and tremble as v. itli terror. The clove cater had be C0E..0 a victim to hysteria, and was in a i deplorablo state. Those who had the I ;,t;ucl. habit learned to the full extent j the 1. :caning of dyspepsia. Youth's Comr ..nion. .... i a i t i .. ....1 ii i., now lioie'ia iiiuL tuts u uvjm.ii-' U vi the car stove will make a clear gain of i the- ji-.-xo in cich car which tho heater I m.-fipies, aud that each train of 6even or light cars will thereby bo enabled to I earn twentv-livo or tlu'rty more passen- ; gersl This "is tho long sought for argu- I i:;cnt to be employed with c-ifect in in- i ui.i.:. mo use oi bu-iaji neai i uer tiiree, times, miiicung i plove ; by the railroads. Itap:.crds to tne woulli. Bv this timo the i co.-i -.c;-.lto iiocketSxok. iue ordinary nr- , , horrun t stamnede. and I r-u.ic-t. l'::std i:ro:i Rvinpaf.Itv lor t.;e 4v , . ..n.:;..-t: ,-Av t the lKi.t-eiiieii w i endless Y.'aihin'- i i i i i -bOIV-.lLJfMilJinould haye a good .... . . .. :..,-' :'itj fcv uw vi WRITING BY TELEGRAPH. laiilm Gray'n Invention for SeiitUnz Let ter by Wire. Electricity is the good genius of this century. Those wb know most about it say that what wo have tlono with it in the p:ist is but a trillo compared with what wo may bojH to do with it in the future. There are peoplo who expect some day to bo nble to call a distant friend by wire, see his imago in a mirror, hear his voice, and, if de sired, get Ids exact signature to a sub scription paper or a check. Theso things may all come. At present wo get along with an inter mittent and exasperating repetitign of the voice over tho wire, having no means of determining tho identity of our interlocutor, no certainty of get ting his words accurately and no record of what lie says. Cases uro re ported whero ingenious rascals have secured considerable sums by cleverly imitating over the telephone the voice of wealthy business men; in other cases orders to buy or sell goods or securities have been repudiated by those who gave them by telephone, while the simple blunders caused by faulty telephonic transmission would fill volumes. ElishaGray, the well known Illinois inventor, recently patented a device to insure uceuracy and accountability over tho electric w ire. The sender of a message can writo it out at his desk, and an exact reproduction of the writ ing will be made at the other end of the circuit. There have been previous attempts at transinittin fac similes of writing, but inventions which de pended upon a variation in the in tensity of the current or upon revolv ing cylinders proved unsatisfactory. Mr. Gray's device consists of two current interrupters at the sending end and a pair of electro motors at the re ceiving t-nd. The sender uses either pen or pencil, near the point of which ure attached two threads running at light angles to each other. These threads are kept at an even tension automatically, and each one passes to a cun-cnt interrupter set into the tele graphic circuit. Vhen the pen moves to tho right tho current is broken a great number of times for a small movement. When it moves to the left the current is reversed and is similarly interrupted. Tho same arrangement prevails on the movement of the pen up and down. Tho writer can write or sketch as rapidly and as freely as if he had no telegraphic attachment. At the receiving end there are two electro magnets fitted with rods set at right angles to each other, so pivoted as to givo any motion desired to the pen which they carry at their inter section. Whc-ii a series of breaks in the current is caused by a motion of the sending pen to the right, the mag net draws the lateral rod also to the right. Similarly upward motion is given by the vertical rod. Left hand ed or downward stroke.? of tho sending pen are l-eproduced by the receiving pen in th3 samo manner. Conse quently every motion made en the paper at one end of the wire is copied with faultless exactness at the other end. When tho pen is taken off or a new line is begun an automatic device operates with tho saino result on tho receiving peii. The telautograph, as Mr. Gray cr:s bis invent.!?11- therefore not only i i Fures accuracy, but ii sO exactly coi ies tho sender's handwriting ns to iiuu him accountable for what he lias writ ten, while he retains for his ov guidance tho original of tho messago transmitted. The expei"imcnt3 mad show that there is no dillerenco in tho handwriting at the two ends of the wire, except that which is incident to the use of the stvlographic pen at the receiving end. New lork Herald. Tlie Fine Tree State. The assertion has frequently been mady that the title "'Pine Tree State" has become a misnomer for Maine, and, although there aro lots of pine trees still standing in the northern part of the state, there is some ground for objection to the old time sobriquet. The statistics of the amount of pine lumber surveyed at tho port of Bangor yearly show that the cut of that kind of timber on tho Penobscot has fallen oil' from 123,000,000 feet in 1S53 to J 000,000 in 1SS7. In the four years from 1S53 to 1S57 there was a falling oil in tho pino survey of 47.000,000 feet, and in 1S77, twenty years later, pino had got down to 15,000,000 feet. The total survey of pine at this port from 1S55 to 1SS7, inclusive, was 1,510.000,000 feet, or considerably less than one-half of the spruco survey, and about three times the cut of hem lock, juniper, etc. Pine used to lead all other kinds of lumber, but now spruce heads the list. In 1S55 tho pino survey was 123,000,000 feet, the spruce 73,000,000 feet, but during the war spruce took tho lead, and theso two kinds of lumber gradually changed places, until now tho cut of spruce averages 120,000,000 feet, or four times the output of pine. Nearly all of our largo near by pino has been cut, and most of the logs now driven down the Penobscot are second growth. Thcro is plenty of big pine away to the north, but in tho face of western and Cana dian competition in the leading mar kets it would hai-dly pay to cut it and drive it long distances. Spruce is king on tho Penobscot, and all other Maine rivers now, and this is really more of a spruce tree stato than anything else. Bangor (Me.) Cor. New York Sun. A Border Drama in Earnest. Puring the presentation of a border drama at Sandusky, O., by a travcl- ii T .1 : .1 in? cumuaiiv. iiirtu uiuioua cui;a"cu in a oiuarrol in the dressing room. , jy . , , John Ungerer, the stagp manager, in- terfered. lie was strack with a toma- hawk and shot at, and ho tired m turn at the Indians. Ungerer was forced to retreat, and his wife grabbed, his pistol, discharging a blank cartridge jQ tne f.CQ 0f qxxq Indian, who fired at a siigm audience four ! redskins ! ty prison, wnero tuey were '.wuy. svcn wv pa try. . : THE CITIZENS I'l.ATTSMOUTH. - NEBItASKA. CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $IOOfOOO. OFFICERS I'KANK CAKUUTH. JOS. A. CONNOR, I'resldeut. Vice-President W. II. GUSHING. Caehier. DIKECTOB8 Frank Carrutu J. A. Connor, F. 11. Guthniaon J. W. Jobosou, Henry Bceck, John O'Keele, W. I. Merriain, Win. Weteccamp, W. It. Cuslung. TransHctH a Ceneral Ranking Business. Al w lio liavc any Ranking business to transact are uiviieu to call. No matter b larfjre or email tbo transaction, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. IcMties Certificates of Deposits bearing inteiest Ruy ai'd sell Foreign Kxciiange, County aud Citv securities. John Ki i zokhAL1, S. WA0OH President. Caeble FIRST NATIONAL OK PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, o:r r.nthe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. stocks, Rends, f:..-, (t. vemment and Ioc Securities Koui'.h; M"i f I:e posits receiv ed and inteiesi uiU v nn-p Certifl cate,IraftF"'r:i v-.. M-'aMe in any part of the t r - ;tto;- Md all tlie piit;.-ii ;u f ov. f ot LurcDe. Collections made- & promptly remitted Highest market prices paid for County War State aLd County Bonde. DIRECTORS I John Flt7?er?.ld Joiiu It. Clark, D. Jlaksworth. S, WuuKb. F. E. White. Bank Cass County Cotter Main and Sixth Streets. Xik.,X"x,32wa:oTra?ia: istedb .O. II. PARMELE. President,! 1 J M. PATTEKSON. Cashier, f Transacts a General Baniiiii Business nianEST cash price. Paid tor County and City Warrant.' :OJiIiF.CTIOIVS HADE and promptly remitted for. dibecctobs : C. II. Parrrele, J.M.Patterson, Fred Oerder, A. B. Smith. R. B. Windham. M, Morrisey, James Patterson. Jr. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MAKUFACVTJBER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL t)EALElt IN TUE Choicest Brands of Cigars, inclqding our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LIKE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26, 1885. For "run-down." debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Specific for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women : a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, it imparts viiror and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion, bloating-, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purelv vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. mmmmmmmmm Favorite Prescrip WaRRANTED. tion" is the only medicine for women, sold by drugirists, under a positive guar. antee of satisfaction in every case, or price ($1,110) refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For largo, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (liiO pages, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Ad'lresa, AVorljVs Dispknsarv Medical Assocla-Iion, Co3 Mala Street. Buffalo, N. T. A IV.ltn witTi a History. I n M. Coring, of Wr.ppingcr's Fells, Dntc '.v.: i:unty, l:as a er.e-o ialm with r;uit:' p. I i;;t.i-y.wIiK'h, added to its great n.-ft 100 years tnakt-s it a valuable piar.t. 'iln jialra was originally grown Li, I';-i:i:t Vernon, and was onco ov."ued by (it or-7e Wiisliinton. It was brought licui tiiore by Air. Van Rensselaer and pieced in Niblo's Garden at tlio time that ? Icr.:; rt v-as first constructed. After Foine years it was brought to Clin ton IV. kit, tho Van Rensselaer homestead, cv.d lor four decades was cared for by Edward Downing:, the gardener, to whom ic was eveutuaily given when the Van Renrcclaers left that section of country, and afterward it became the property of tho Corings. Tlie plant stands 10 feet high and wciglis nearly 400 pounds, ICtw York Times. Taints Have Chanjed. In the old days, when Washington waa but a big village, the post of minister to the United States was tho least liked of all tho chief diplomatic appointments, but now that Washington is a beautiful city and tho .Mecca of the best peoplo in the Union, things are very different. With a stipend of lix thousand pounds sterling a year nnd allowances, an excel lent house", good society, a charming cli mate, end no lav3 of the Medes and Peruana cs to entertaining, the Wash ington legation is an enviable billet. Loiidoa VojhJL . J - . . For suitable Ilolidny Presents wc are slu;Aving a fine line of Silk and Cashmere loiers and Silk Handkerchiefs at very reasonable prices. Fancy Linen Table Sets and some pretty dci;;ns in Stamped Goods and Tinsel Tidies. On our CLOAKSiPLUSH SACQUES we have placed specially low prices, low enough to in terest the purchaser. For HANGING LAMPS, FANCY GUI'S AND SAUCFKS and Fancy Glassware Fee through our Queensware Department. DOWEY O -U. Ja JLJsJL HAS THE LARGEST H Rft T RF TIITWAEE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is ottering at Prices that will ..;:.: !! : : - M. A complete line ok' Window Curtains at a sin ; i'.cc. ! ;. !; Frames in great variety. You can get every) Lii:- v. ; Yon can buy it on the installment plan, pay s :n m-i; s i. month ami you will soon have a tine lumihci !i ,: and hardly realize the cost. Call and m-c. SIXTH STREET, BET. WAIN AND ROBERT DONNELLY'S SEO Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow - pairing, and general jobbing 81- now prepared to do all kluds of reo?.iri! g ui i arm sua oiner macniuery, as tiiere is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Make r baa taken cbarge ot tlie wagon shop He is well kuown as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. On?- WMZ BROYfNE, X.-A.-W OFFICE. Personal attention to all Busineee Eiitrusf o my care. XOTARY IS OKKICK. Titles Examined. Abstarcts romDiled. In surance Written, Keal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm 'Loans than Any QthQV Ageacy. Plattsnioutb, - ATebragka R. D. Wl.VDHAM, JOBX A. OA VIES, Notary rublie. Notary Public. WISUH.HI4 I1AVIEH, .ttornoys - at - Law. Office.over BankSofiCast County. rLATTSHOCTTH, - KeBBAJKA Auk.. l.-i Lv.' i r Ti l n U Ml fc i I - -1 .MJ J8 JLi2s, 9 AND FINEST ST C'K oF 15 5 "t. '. .; ;i f- i g r. - . I V. I' '7 j VINE. 1 1 Arnt:.( i ": i . THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDEIl. If you desire to purchase a sewing rmwlrx-, ask our arent at your place for tfrrrn ami prices. If you cannot find our atrcnt, write direct to nearest address t you l-iow nHrn-l. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.OeA!lGE,f.!ASS. . . " Uri!DH BQUARt.N.Y; DALLAS, ATLANTA, GA TEX. THE NEW IIOM,. rEWl.N; CniNE CO., Omaua, Xi b. .'I.V BUSINESS I)! K ECTO Y. ATTORNEY. S. F. TfK'MAS Attorney-at-Law and No'urv I : i; fe C-i.-c hi Fitzgerald Block, riattpnioiith, N.,. TTORNfeY. A. X. KIXI.IVA.V. Aiiorney-ar-uw. v.- a i v 1 1 7. V.'Ui -iv- j i. ; ' Ir.trustt'rt t. 1 I .ion in an Dunne inirusu-c r union diock. i-.asr io. r;.f., ' flKOCEKIES. " CHKIS. WMIJl.F AI.'Tll. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, Floor and Feed. 7 mi' f--i) v 1. i r