The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 27, 1888, Image 4

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Jpv Jemnq Herald.
C De.U.t,
Uuckwood ISbiUIbk,
. Fuji?' 85
XT'". Olflra la (Irrlnc'i Draff Storr, BI
.r. Sl&Jli aa-l UraBiu, Telephone .So. 42
1 Wither. Deatlt, tiloa Blork.
- A large nuinlxr of tlic boys are en
joying gooil skating today where the
hand does not interfere, but their space
is somewhat limited.
Christ Strtich and Wm. -Dorscn were
arraigned before Judge Clifford yester
day and lined f 3 and costs each for
righting on Christmas day.
Toinorrow'evcning a meeting will
lw held in the Presbyterian church. All
who are desirous of having a revival in
this city should be present.
Judge Kussell issued marriage licen
ses today, to Conrad Vallery and Mis?
Louisa Neman also to Mr. Wm. II. Bo
gard and Miss Mary E. Carlisle.
The advance man for Ilaladay's
minstrels is in the city today making
preparations for the appearance of thai
company at the Waterman on Saturda
evening next.
Mr. C. 11. Peterson the proprietor of
the ferry, informs us that the river if
about blocked today, and should anothei
night as cold as the last come on tonight
the river will lc entirely blocked and he
will be obliged to cast anchor.
The new electric motor line be
tween Omaha and Council Bluffs ap
parently has a charm for Plattsmouth
people, the city being represented there
by Messrs. C. II. Smith, L. C. Mercer and
Harry Houck, who all have lucrative
Daniel Creemer, a young man who
informed the police that he was on lib
way to Iowa from the west, was arrested
and lodged in jail for being drunk. He
was brought up before Judge Clifford
yesterday morning and fined $3 and costs.
The police found 181 on hU person, of
which some roughs had attempted to re
lieve him.
The twenty-third annual meeting of
the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture
will be held at the State University
chapel, Lincoln, commencing on Tuesday,
the 15th day of January, 1S89. All per--ms
and other kindred associations in-
tercsted in the welfare of the society and
cause of agriculture generally, are most
cordially invited to attend, and with
their presence and counsel aid in the
work of advancing agriculture in the
state. This is the business meeting of
the board.
As a well dressed young man leisurely
sat in the office of Skinner & Ritchie
this morning, he apparantly was deeply
interested in thought on some subject,
when a venerable old gentleman crossed
the street in that vicinity in the direction
of his office, when all of a sudden an
idea flashed across the young man's
mind which caused him to ask, " Is that
Mr. Russell ? " Upon being informed
that it was, h asked, " Is that the place
where you get the licenses 1 "
We have made arrangements where
by we will receive new subscriptions to
the Forum with a subscription to the
"Weekly Herald for $5.00. The price
of the Forum alone is $5 a year. It is
"the foremost American review" of living
subjects, and among its contributors are
200 of the leading writers of the world.
It gives authoritative discussions of each
side alike of every leading question of
the time. The New York Herald sa? s
of it. "It has done more to bring the
- thinking men of the country into con
nection with current literature than any
other publication." This is an ex
ceptional opportunity for every reader
of the Herald to secure the Forum.
Last evening at a regular meeting of
Rebekah Lodge, after initiation of
candidates, the remaining part of meeting
wa3 taken up by the presentation by
Bros. Bates and Larson of a very neat sec
retary for filing books and papers of the
lodge; then following this a very neat set
of officers jewels were presented as a
Christmas present from ihe Brothers of
Odd Fellows. The regalias which were
ordered two weeks ago and were expected
here for this meeting did not come.causing
a disappointment The brothers retiring
from the room one at a time only to re
turn from the anti room as soon as Gavil
nnnounced lodge closed, bringing with
them cake, sandwiches and hot coffee,
CTgalunch to all that were present
acu brother wearing Urge white aprons,
anil smtlt Urger in proportion. The
entire party lea vlnflT nt ft late hour for
their homes well pleaaed.
20 per cent discount on Silk Handker
chief Mufflers anl all winter Goods at
& & C. Mayer's the leading Clothiers.
. .i tli Sin nth I'firk lot nt
' I1J UIltn'i'E, "
"V Warrick's takes place tno evening
-r Year's. Every person miying
--c-jNf Holiday goods. Drugs,
d - J from now until t:me
tl:"li'- --- ." chance on this
A Democrat Pants for his Pants
On Christmas day the startling infor
mation was forwarded to Mr. Errd Mur
phy of Cedar Creek who wus then in
this city enjoying the luxuries brought
to lear by that day, from one of his fel
low citizens named Vet Draper who was,
judging by the impression the dispatch
would make upon a nervous man, in sore
distress and that the whole city of Cedar
Creek, which had so long harbored him,
had then shunned him and he had been
turned upon the streets that cold Christ
mas day in such a predicament as we will
later relate. He requested Fred to 6end
the sheriff immediately, and he, thinking
that a lion had broke loose in the town
or a band of outlaws had struck it un
awares, started in persuit of Sheriff
Eikenbary, but upon learning that he
was absent from the city, sought the
whereabouts of deputy sheriff Miller,
whom lie informed of the distress of his
friend at C-dar Creek. The deputy then
prepared himself for the worst, attach
ing himself to several bulldog guns, a
couple of pairs of handcuffs, and all
necessaries to face an army of cowboys,
started on his way, thinking of the dan
gers he might encounter before his re
turn nd that he might never return
the unkindest ' thought of all. The
r ad seemed a long and tedious one as
he drove along that cold day while the
wind whistled through his whiskers and
his thoughts were the 6addest
When the deputy arrived at thelonely
burg, the darkness was fast creeping
but with little trouble ho succeeded in
inding the troubled man, who, when
questioned as to the source of his annoy -
-inco, answered that some ouc had stolen
Iu3 (Draper's) pants. Draper is a staunch
demtcrat, and nine people out of every
ten can guess accurately the quality of
the material in democratic pants 6ince
election day.
Cleveland has made many of his fol
lowers wear overalls, and we do not
state that this was the only kind Draper
possessed but we know of many demo
crats in that predicament at present. It
is yet a mystery how he navigated with
out froinjr to bed until the deputy had
tn a
spotted the thief and returned the
heaviest part of his apparel. Whether
he attired himself jo a bed quilt and
started in company witu the aeputy in
search of the thief, we know not, but
the two men, after learning that their
victim was enjoying himself at a ball,
proceeded thence,
Mr. Drbper spotted a pair of pants in
the ball room which he recognized as
his, when he and the official approached
the man who wore a mountain houster
strapped to each hip for protection. The
officer then asked Mr. Draper if the pants
were his and he answered, "They look
like mine , "Uut 1 want you to say
whether tuey belong to you", lue em
barrassed democrat who scarcely knew
what he had said or what he should say,
then replied: "I dont know, they look
like mine." The officer then told him
if he would say that the pants belonged
to him that he would arrest the fellow,
but the deputy was obliged to throw up
the job and return home dissatisfied with
the fruitless attempt to do his duty. All
overalls IcoJc alike, ana we do not con
demn the man for not claiming the pants.
Moral Mark your overalls.
20 per cent discount on Silk Handker
chiefs Mufflers and all winter Goods at
S. & C. Mayer's the leading Clothiers. Gt
Success of Hallen & Hart In Later
On" at Heuck's.
" Later On," a musical and farce come
dy by II.' Gratton Donnelly, which Hallen
fc Hart produced Sunday afternoon and
evening for the first time in Cincinnati at
Heuck's thearte, achieved a" decided and
well -merited success. Seldom has a mus
ical f:irce by an American author been
fireeted with more laughter and enthus
iasm. Form the time the characters were
thoroughly introduced the fate of the
play was never for a moment in doubt
and the interest first awakened was held
ip firmer and firmer grasp until the final
fall of the curtain.
Fred Hallen and Joe Hart have one of
the strongest musical companies that has
visited Cincinnati. Hallen & Hart have
every reason to be satisfied with the
talents of these people, which were fully
appreciated by the enthusiastic audience
last nijlit Applause was abundant and
encor s numerous. Mr. Hart as
Todd n is well suited to that character.
and bis ability as a comedian was made
manifest. His banjo production in the
last act was a special feature of entertain
ment. Mr. Hallen, as " Jack Plunger,
acted, sanr and daneed most effectually
and Lis little terpsichorean in the last act
was applauded to the echo. Ihecuarm
ing medleys, beautiful marches, the
superb dancing, and nallen and nart as
the drum majors, completely capiureci
the h use.
The company and play have, scored a
triumph, and they will be very snccessiui
liprn nd elsewhere, for they cannot fail
Cincinnati Commercial Ga
The citizen of Plattsmouth will be al
lowed the rare opportunity of seeing this
excellent company tonight at the Water
man opera house in "Liter On." This
city ahould'surely afford a good house
tonight, no one can say that the town
has b-en outshowed of late. Seats on
sale nt J. P. Young's book store.
Whr freeze or starve?" is the pointed
qnfon seked bv the manufacturers of
"Garland Stoves;" and we would add:
I Why buy a poor imitation when for the
i . - -"vri t1- c"
by Cv P. b..' Co v
Look over this List and see if
Our Line of Linen and Silk Iladkerchiefs comprises everything New and
Novel in these Goods.
We are showing a very pretty line
China Crepe Silk Handkerchiefs at Exceptionably Low Prices.
Fancy Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs put up in a Fancy Box from 75
cents to $1.75 each.
Special Good Values in Ladies' Fancy Embroidered at 35 cents each or three
for $1.00.
Alsoga Bargain in Ladies' Initial
Full Lines of Ladies', Gents' and
The Largest Line ever shown in
$5.00 each.
Everything in Silks, Pongees, Brocades' Cashmeres and Silk Mixtures.
Call early and make your selections.
Benefit for Holiday
We will beat our Record from
Cloak Department. Mild weather has ruined the prospects for Cloak Trade. We
want to sell what we have on hand before
this we have still further Reduced Every
at a further Reduction of 20 per cent.
Plush Sacques, Modjeskas, Wraps and Jackets
at the Same Reductipp. Muffs and Boas,
Of Cass County for the Year 1888.
The county clerk and chairman of
county commissioners have prepared t!u-
following report of expenses of Cus
county for the year 1888, for which war
rants have been issued on treasurer, whu I.
will probably be of interest to our tax
Amount paid for keeping the poor,
including the boarding at poor house,
medic il aid, and burial of paupers and
transportation of same, $3,884,84.
Books, printing and stationery, includ
ing the printing of court dockets and
delinquent taxes of 1887, $2,120.50.
Fuel and light, including all county
offices, $G05.U5.
Court expenses, including all costs in
felony cases before justices of the peace
and district court, $6,233.00.
Amount paid to county officers includ
ing salary and expenses of county clerk,
making tax list, preparing road overseers'
books, tabulating and correcting assessors'
returns, etc., etc., $2,202.95.
Coronor's fees in cases of inquests, in
cluding witnesses and juries in said cases,
Amount paid for general election held
Nov. 6th, 1S88, including canvassing and
making returns thereof, $234.20.
Cost of special election for removal of
county scat, $400.60.
Jailor's fees, including sheriffs fees for
guarding prisoners, boarding prisoners,
etc., etc., $1,627.00.
Collecting delinquent taxes, $604.11.
Repairing county offices and furniture
to same, including poor farm. $723.18.
County superintendent as salary and
t-xpenses, $1,528.31.
County attorney, as salary and ex
penses, $1,064.61.
A. B. Todd, as county commissioner,
salary per diem and expenses, $328.25.
A. B. Dickson, same, $401 .SO.
Louis Foltz, same, $357.77.
Costs in insane cases, $421.68.
Amount paid assessors for 1888, $2,
058.70. Amount paid Cass County Agricul
tural Society, as per Sec. 12, Chap. 2,
compiled statutes of Nebraska 1S87,
Amount paid for sundry expenses, in
cluding insurance on county buildings,
refunding eroneous taxes paid, county
surveyor for making plat books, etc., etc.,
Total amount of expenses on .General
fund for the year 1888, $26,541.41.
Amount paid out for Inmber and
building bridges, $10,538.81.
Amount paid out for roads on road
fund, $2,958.09.
Total amount of warrants issued on
all funds,- $10,038.31.
The barber shop of Mr. John
Kuhney, located in the basement of -the
Csss County Bank building, has; been re
moved to V.i3 bsement of the , Carrutb
you cannot find what you are
of Brocaded, Embroidered, Pongee and
at 20 cents each.
Children's Handkerchiefs.
this city, prices ranging from 35 cents to
Cloak Purchasers !
this until the first day of January in Our
the season is too far advanced. To do
Garment in Stock. We now offer them
Full Assortment,
Mi. Phillip Kraus is in Omaha today.
Mr. W. II. Baker has a fine lot of sleds
for sale. .
Mr. E. H. Wooley of Weeping Water, is
in the city today.
Mr. Jerry Farthing went to Lincoln
this morning on business.
Mr. E. Clizbe and son James, of Weep
ing Water, are in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. James Clizbe and son,
of Weeping Water, are in the city today.
Mrs. Kessler is visiting with the family
of Mr. Good Oldem, ten miles south of
the city for a few days.
Mr. Wm. Neville, who has been in
Michigan for some time, is visiting with
hi3 family for a few days.
Mr. C. N. Hands and wife, nee Miss
Lathrop, returned to Lincoln last night
after spending Chrstmas here.
Mrs. Plumb, of the recorder's office,
returned this morning from a week's visit
with friends at Weeping Water.
Mr. Van Cleve and wife, who have been
visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. Hesser,
for a short time, returned home this
morning. "
Mr. C. H. Cook, professor of the short
hand department at the Iowa City uni
versity, is the guest of his brother, Dr.
E. W. Cook, today.
Mtssrs. Felix Kennedy and Frank
nawksworth, of McCook, who spent
Christmas at their homes here, returned
to McCook this morning.
Mr. J. M. Leyda who Spent Christmas
at his home in Weeping Water, returned
to the city this morning. His wife will
remain there for a short time.
Mr. John Jennings, who spent Christ
mas with his family here, returned last
night, to Scott City, Kan. nis many
friends here were pleased to shake hands
with him,
Mrs. Beall, of Atchison county, Neb.,
arrived in the city last night and surprised
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peterson.
She was accompanied by her sister-in-law,
Miss Cora BealL They will remain until
Mr. Fred IIelert, formerly a mem er
of the Jour naltorce here, but who now
has a lucrative position on a Sioux City
journal,' arrived in the city this morning.
He will remain until the first of next
week, when he will return to Sioux City,
but he will visit Plattsmouth " Never,
never, no more." ' ; ,
IV Ik inaiiivi
Look over this list and see if
Gold and Silver Mounted
Fans from 5 cents to $35.
Table Linens in Sets from $0.00 to
Table Cloths from $1.00 to $4.00 eacn.
Full Line of Table Spreads in Plush and Raw Silks, something now, from
$1.50 to $0.60. ,
Fancy Plush Piano Stool Covers only 75 cents each.
Silk and fancy M dra's Drapes from 35 cents to $1.50
Full Line of Fancy Towels, Piano Covers, Tidies, Baby Carnage Bobcs, etc.
Dress Goods.
Our Line of Dress Goods for Holidays is replete with everything in the Line
of Silks, Surahs, Plushes and Woolen Novelties, such as Henriettes, Serges, Broad
cloths. Flannels, at prices that will convince you that we are lower than any firm
in this city.
Everything in the Line of Skirts,
Sacques, Fascinators, Mittens etc. etc.
In order to Reduce our Stock we shall sell all of our $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50
Grades of Dressed and Undressed Glcves at $1.50 per pair. Full Lines at 75 cents,
$1.00 and $1.25.
Everything novel in Bar-Pins, Hair Ornaments, Ear Bobs, Cuff Buttons and
Baby Pins.
Purses and Hand Bags, Full Assortment.
Christmas Sacrifice Safe!
FfiOU 75 CENTS T72.
A Chance on the Fine Doll
It droops and dies in morning light
The roM that yesterday was whole;
"Ah, whither, on thm wind of night,
la borne the fragrance of my aoulf"
It sinks upon the ocean one
The wind that smote the tender rose;
"Ah, whither has the fragrance flown.
And what shall give my soul repose?"
It breaks upon the rocky shore
The vast, -tumultuous, grieving sea;
"An, never, never, never more
Can lore and peace come back to mei" .
It sobs far up the lonely sky,
It faints in regions of the blest
Fbe endless, bitter human cry
And only God can tell the rest.
William Winter.
A New Axle liox.
Some Prussian railways are experi
menting with axle boxes fitted with
bearings of vegetable parchment in
place of brass. The parchment is
strongly compressed before being used,
and it is thoroughly dried to prevent
subsequent shrinkage. An emulsion
of water and oil, any of the mineral
oils, is used as lubricant The parch
ment soon becomes impregnated with
oil, and is able to go a long time with
out a renewal of lubrication. Superi
ority to metal is claimed for it -Chicago
I have Watches Trout $3.oo
to $100 Tor Gentlemen and
am able to suit any. one In
price and quality and war
rant all foodi sold to be as
represented. Give me a call
and see Tor yourself.
D. 11 CitLT.
-The ixrri".e cf IZLzs Lci's I7:r a
f-:'-.r iY:"-rr- ' - - -
you cannot find what you are
Umbrellas $2 to $9.
Toboggans, Hoods, Booties, Loggings,
Call and look at the lion Hon llox,
Match Hoxet. tooth I'lck Holder.
Pie KnlveM. Whlk Broom, rtr., in
Oxydixed Hilver. at It. 31. (AI I.M.
Alao Uold Chain tor hoih Ladles and
jientlenten, Charmn. Iin, old I'run
and Pencils, a aplendid aMortmnt or
everything to be had in a l'it-Mt-l Ihm "
Jewelery tat tore.
J. II. Donnelly has a fine display or
silk and satin suspenders, plain and em
broidered, lie also has a fine line, of
fine initial handkerchiefs. tf
For Sale.
The finest 5-acre tract on LincolAve.
Easy terms. 6t "Wixdiiasi & Da vies.
Don't be mislead by so called Reduced
Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
you can buy better goods for less money
at Joe's The One Price Clothier. tf
Stop and price the Ladies'
Cold Watches at H. M.
Cault'8. He Has a Inrcra star
to select from at prices to
suit any one.
The standard reineriv -fur Mor snm
plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never
disanooint vou. 30 nill 'ir,n At Wn.-
rick's drug store.
See Joe's Goods.
v n - a.aswc, nun
then let your own JudnR-nt Wi,l
whether you can do ho well anywhere
else as at Joe's. , t f
B Clocks at II. M t;u tilt's from
tlOO to $20.00,ivarranted o
?fve satisfaction or money re
The City Meat Market is the best place
to buy fresh meat, pork chops, - poultry
d c-tt.9 of all UnZ. tf
i r tan hi" d .
j . . . f .
- - I
5? -" -""-,-- (
. B .J y.t Jf
-in'"M n'wi