og., fiaily .DAILY HERALD : iJLAl'TSMO UTH , KEB it ASK A , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 217. 1R?8. Herald. . 1-1 . 1 Air J I1LIJ OTTB BBC S., T-T TST O Publr ubllshersA Proprietors. 2Y 1 ,,5ullislieI every evening cxrept Suii'btY Is nnUI Wevklv ev-rv Tliumilay iiioriiliin. lU'Kif- ia,WVl at tlitf Mittnitf, I'.aUnnoulli. Nfbr., -h te- TTond-cla matter, t corner vl Vine and ,-r-r'lUli MrteH. Teleplioue .No. 38. TKRMft WOH DAILV. One copy one jear In advance, by mall.. ..$6 m One coy per month, by -n Irr M One copy per week, by carrier 15 TUMt FOR WEKKLV. One eopy one year. In advance $1 ' One copy alx moiita. in advance Our Clubing List. WXF.KLV llKRALIt and N. Y. World S2 l() N. V. Triluiiie. .. 'I m - Omilia Ke t 3 N. y. "re-! 'i v " N. V. Toot. 2 3" Harper Ala;tzliie :' V eekly. 4 7" v li.i.ir.. . i : Yoiini; eoif ; :;n Nel. Knrnier 2HJ leinrct' Voiith- ly Mujit'.e .1 l' " Ameririiii Ma'ine ;: TO .. 'J be Forum & 0 tin Department of Agriculture is now in a conference com mittop of ihf two houses, and will un doubtedly become a law lj the middle of January. . This will give General Har rison eight cabinet members instead of seven, the present number, and we think I the happy possessor of one inay rest as- M-Oovernor Furnace, of this state, is the surcd she has indeed a treasure. Rek right man for the place. A sample copy of the Forum will be ' s t free to any one who will send us the mime of a library or reading-room where it is not now taken, or who will send us the names and addresses of six educated p i sunn who read thoughtful literature. A Real Necessity We presume there is hardly a lady to be found in our broad laud who, if she does not already possess a sewing ma chine, expects eoiiic day to become the owner of one. IJut after the mind lias been fully made up to purchase one of these indis pensable articles, the qmstion arises as to what kind of a machine to buy. It should be to (imply constructed that the most inexperienced can success fully operate it. The other points main ly to be considered, and which are the pio-t desirable, are durability, rapidity, capacity for work, ease of operation, regularity of motion, uniformity -f ten sion, ami silence while in operation. The "Light-Hunniin New Home" fills th j above requirements, and is said to combine the good points of all sewing machines, with the addition of many new improvements and labor-saving devices. The price is no higher than that of other machines, and every lady who is wr it r CITY AUY EUTISR.M ENT. THE FINEST YET. We refrr to The Russell & Morgan Printing Company's calendar for 18S0, copy of which is now before us. The calendar consists of twelve sheets (one for each month) of coated board, c!t0 io x 7? inelies. urinted in nine to tn-flvi. fnlnrs nml fold from engraved metal plates costing over $2;000. Eacl pa we is entirely different from the others, and all are new and original designs il lustrating the origin and use of playing rards, etc. Jannnrv nuen.s with the storv of tlifc j - L - ilaYin? cards its birthplace: "Midst austere walls of a convent "rav." which is carried through by different represen tations and descriptions to the end. I)c ccinlier showing the "house of cards and a view of The Uussell & Morgan Printing Company's building, the largest playing-card factory on earth. This is the most elaborate calendar ever produced, and while the Russell & Morean ComDanv have not forgotten to C7 V ' work in a fair amount of advertising pertinent to their business, the calendar itself is a most practical one. The figures are large and plain, and on the back of the December sheet is furnished a full commercial calendar for the years ISS'.t and 1890, with the consecutive figures so useful to business men and book-keepers who wish to make a "note" of time. A notice printed on the Jace of the calendar advises us that sample copies will be mailed to any address upon re ceipt of twenty-five cents. Nasal Catarrh is a u&ngcrous disease. from its tendency to extend to the Jhroat, bron chial tubes, and finally to involve the lungs in consumptive disease, it should be promptly cured, that these grave dangers may be averted. So confident are the manufacturers ot vr. cage s Catarrh Remedy of their ability to cope successfully with this very prevalent dis eae?, that they have for years offered, in good faith, ?300 reward for a case of catarrh, no matter how bad or of how many years standing, which they c&nnct cure. Kemctiy oniy ou cents, uy uruggisr. Sund the WpS?ti.Y IIekald to some friend in the east for a Christinas present. The latest Xoyelties of Neckties and MulHers at Joe's. The Only One Price Clothier in Plattsmouth. tf THE FORUZI. A BEVIEW OF LIVING 8CB.IECTS BT THE FOREMOST WRITERS, The Forum ia a monthly review every number of which contains eleven original essays on the most important serious topics of the time, by the best writers of both hemispheres. Its contributors dur ing the last two years included more than 200 writers. (A list of then will be sent to any address on application.) Among them are: Archdeacon F. W. Farrar, President Julius H. Seele, Professor John Tyndall, Justice T. M. Cooley, Professor Emile de Laveleye, President Francis L. Patton, Andrew D. White, Edward Atkinson, Senator George F. Edmunds, Major J. Y. Powell, President Francis A. Walker, W. II. MaUock, President Tim othy Dwight. W. S. Lilly, Professor Frederic II. Hedge, Charles Dudley War ner. Bishop F. D. Huntington, Geo. W. Cable. The range of subjects includes every important field of activity and investiga tion Politics, Domestic and Foreign Social Science; Literary Criticism; Edu cation; Science; and Religion (always within the limits of reverential thought), The subiects are timely and they are treated by authorities. The Foram gives equal prominence to each side of every debatable subject. It is not influenced by any party or school or sect. Its owners are a company of scholars whose aim is to further and to jrnt the latest investigations and the ounde.t conclusions of the foremost tverkers in every department of thought. More editorial discussions in the press are su"e.tl b7 the Forum than by. any other periodica.. The New York Herald says of it, "The Forunl has done more to bring the thinking men of fhe country into connection with current literature than any other publication What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness arc un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A oiiious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. Ilis tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all everts. The digestive system is wholly out of ordi r and diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of b'ood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, it costs but a trine and thousands attest its efheacy. Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me, are requested to balance their accounts on or before the first day of January 18S'J. as. after that time, ail accounts will positively be left in the hand 4 of a collector. Dr. Scnit-DKNEcnT. Nov. 2C. tf WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trunis put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as BEGG 8 BLOOD PCRIFH2R & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co,, drngj.ists. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a aewin? machine, ask our agent at your place for terras ana nrlcea. If vou cannot And our atreitt. write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE Q.QRANCE.MASS.1 cm CAOO - 28 UNION SQUARE.NX- DALLAS. ,Ll" . ATLANTA. GA TEX. ST 1.0OI 5. MO. jj J ii 3AWfRANC1CC0.CAL Mayor, OU rk. Treasurer, Attorney, Kiiff iiie-r. Police Judxe, Marshall, "ouucilmen, 1st ward, 2nd " 3rd " 4th. " OFFIGEIjS. K. M. UK HKY W K FOX - Jamks Pattehhoj. jr. - liVKON C'LAKK - A Madolx 8 Cl.I KKOUP W II Ma lick I J V Wkckijacu I A Halisbubv. i 1) M JONKH ( Ull. A SlIIPMAN I M R MUKI-IIY 1 8 W Mutton'1 Board Pub. Works I J W J Krkd ID H I I Con O'Connoh. 1 P McCallkn, Phks W JOHNHON.CUAIHMAN UOKDRR HawksWorth COTjNTTY OFFICIOS. Treasurer, Peputy 'Treasurer, -Clerk. -Deputy Clerk, Uecorder of Deeds -Dduuty Uecorder ! Cleik of Dibtiict Coart, j Sheriff. surveyor. Attorney, Supt. of Pub. school. f,ounty Judge. D. A. CAMPBELL THOS. POL,I,OCK BlKIt CKITClIFIRLa ' EXA CKITCHKIELU W. H. Pool John M. Leyda W. C. Showaltkk J. C. ElKKNBAHY A. Madolk Allen Be kson Maynabd Spink C. ltUSSKLL THE NEW uvmk HEWING MA CHINE CO., Omaha, Neb. HEftLTH IS WEALTH ! Hwnvs - 1 BRALt. I Dr. E. O. West's Nerve and B-Din Treatmeni a guarantee specific for Hysteria. Dizziness. Convulsions. Kits. Nptvous Neuralfria, Head aclie. Nerveous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De preion, Sof teninj; of tlie Brain resulting in in -sanity and leading t misery, decay and deat:i, -reniature old Ae. Barrenness, Loss of Pow er in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sper matorrhoea caused lv over-exertion of th,-! brain, seliabu.se or over-lndnlgence Each box contains one month's treatment, SI 00 a box or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To c;,re any cae. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompan ed with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money it the treatment, does not eireet a cure. Guarantees issued only bv WillJ. Warrick sole a ut, Plattsmouth, Neb J. C. BOOSTS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west. Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. BOARD OF 8UPE11VISOBS. A. B. Todd, Cli'tu., - - Plattsmouth Louis Koltz, - Weeping Water . 15. Dickson, ... Eiinwood CIVIC SOCIKTFcS. 1ASS LODOK No. 140. 1. O. O. F.-Meets every 'Tuesday evening of each week. Ah transient brothers are respectfully invited to tttend. LATTMOUTII ENCAMPMENT No. 3. 1. O. O. K meets every alternate Friday in each mouth in the Masonic Hall. Visiting Brothers are iuvited to attend. THIO LODGE NO. 84. A. every alternate f riday eveuins ball. Transleut brothers are respectfully iu vited to attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Workman : seer; It. A. Taite, Kinaucier; O. F. House worth, Recorder; M. Mjh bright, lteceiver : D. B. Smith, Pnst M. v. : . s. Bowen, Guide : P. J. Kunz, Inside Wui.-.. S'frucK iy D Meeting of Two Great storms, TBESTUBMOFEEDDCTIOiN! STORM OF PATRONAGE! A look through our Stock of Suitings, Overcoats, Underwear and Winter Caps w ill convince you that our discount ot 20 Per Cent, From Marked Prices Uas caused the stock to melt away like pieces of ice that quench the fire imparched and burning palates. You never had such values given you lief ore. Si&iaKlofp? r" $20'00 Overcoat less 20 per cent discount means $1(.G0 A. $15.00 Overcoat less 20 per cent discount means 12.00 A 2.50 Fur Cap les 20 per cent discount means 2.00 1ASS CAMP NO, 332. MOD Kit X WOODMEN of America. Meets .secod and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient orotners are requested to meet with us. L.. A, newcomer, vencrauie uonsui ; G. r, JNile Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Banker ; W. A. Boeck, Clerk. PLATTSMOUTH LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets every alfernate Friday evening at Rockwood ball at 8 o'cIock. All transient broth ers are respectfully invited to attend. L. S. i-arson, m. vv.; r-. uoyd. foreman: 8. O. V i!de, ltecorder ; Leonard Anderson, Overseer. pLATThMOUTH LODGE NO. 6. A. F. & A. M. a Meets on the first and third Mondays of eucu mourn hi ineir nan. ah transient orotn ers are cordially invited to meet with us. J. G. Kichey, W. M. Wm. Hays. S'jcreiary. ' EBUASK A CHAPTER. NO. 3, K. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Mason's Hall. Trauscieut brothers are mviieu to meet with us. F. E. White, H. P. Wjt, ITv8: Secretary, Ht. lilON COMMA NDAKY, NO. 5, K. T Meets first and third Wednesday night of each month at Mason's hall. Visiting brothers are coruiauy invited to meet with u. Wm. Hays. Kec. F. E. Whit'k. E. f!. CiASS COUNCIL NO 1021.KOVAL AKCANUM ' meets the second and fourth Mondays of eacu muniu at Arcanum nail, r, a B. N, Glenn, Regent. V. C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President , 1st Vice President 2ud Vice President Secretary , Treasurer This is the reason why we have been enabled to to reduce our stock,. as we do not care to wait for cold weather. OUH STOCK MUST BE EEDUCED We will give yon the same .Discount on all Winter Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. in (Mo rvi M .French Health Seamier FOOT WARMERS! AT- S'ntl your job work to the IIekald office. $500 Reward. "We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes ;onta!ning 20 sugar coated pills, 25c. For s ile by all druggists. Beware of count -jrfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John U. We A Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago.and Sold by W. J. Warrick. j Plciity of feed, flour, meal at Ileisel's mill, tf Sherwoo Bobt. B Windham . A. B. Todd Wm Neville F. Herrmann F, B, Guthman niKElTORS. J. C. Bichev. F. K. White, J. C. Patterson, . A. umuri, i. liinun, yj. y. ssnerinan, if . uor der. J. V. Weckbach. McCONIHIE POST 45 G. A. R. " - , 08TEJB, J. W. JOMJfSOl Cntnmsno. ' Q. b. Twiss Senior Vice F. a. Bates Junior A' : . : :: Adjutant. I ' nittWUHT W. M. I Ialon Dixon Officer of the Day. '. HAKLKS FORD " aiinrd Sergt Major. ..Quarter Master Sergt. The Leading Clothiers, Cor. Main and 5th. . t 3 . ANDKRHON Fhy.... tS I 'aoobGobblkman L. II. CCTBTI8.... wttitotK Bayliiit Store. Weettnir Saturday evening . . . . Post Chaplain Special Sale commencing November 12th, continnin one week', Tea ITT TTJ FURNITUI Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen TXT "W rrn ITT ttd tct J.XJ Ji ii UJ Ala The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City. COFFINS, CASKETS AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ft fi mporium. Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps xiuau vioaKb aim nnaren s wear, 1'rice per cent less the pnee ofiered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove statement. PLUSH WRAPS 7 HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. HKNBT BOECK. GIVEM AWAY! We have an im mense line and will discount same 25 per cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our! PLUSH SEORP WRAPS are elegant fitting) The Beautiful Engraving of the Celebrated Picture, graham am And the Boston Herald, "The Fornm lias taken ; 8torJ the foremost place in public djwassion because it has dealt with important sub. ;ts honestly, impartially, ond at the gf those who know something 50 cents a number; f j a COU 3H! and COUCH! and COUCH Wh:tt in the world is the reason you will couiih and keep coughing and fctill keep trying inferior medicines when IiEtlOS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? Th! u no advertising scheme, but an actus! fact, and we guarantee it. Sold bv (). I Smith & Co.. dru&airfs. S'tcrwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best i i tl:e market, atFrickefc Co's. drug 8-tf. CheurJi lilcv wafne arfir?:-1? 1 nLisniNO Co., Orj-js'(MV York. HOW CAN PARENTS allow ilieir children to cough and f train and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold." and keep giving ihem cheap nd dangerous medicine, pntil they are down with lung fever or con p:ir.'ion, when they can be so easily re liflvrdby RCOGS' CIll5nUVQOUGII SYltli'Pf It has no superior, flnliew orse mr ? o garments. We sell them at S14.50. worth all of $20.00. (20 BY 34 TNCHES), 1 1 v I 1 ! A f i I - $20 PLUSH VBAF8 Plush Cloaks we sell for S2Q sell elsewhere at $27. Plush Cloaks we sell for S25 sell elsewhere at $35. Plush Cloaks we ell for 10 eell elsewhere at 50, Plush Cloaks we sell for 45 sell elsewhere at G0. $25 $40 A Full Line ot Walking J" aclxots old at the lowest prices. TO EVERY HEW SUBSCRIBER OR RENEWAL Comfortables and Blankets A Tinp RdArfv1 T.ino -P r... i nn x on r. ."v Hum pi.uu u io i'.uu a pair. the finest 15 cent Batting in the city. W e have WEEKLY TEN OSVLY flOCRAT U N D E R W E A R in Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Shipe, Prices lower than nnv PAGES, "JSJL, use in the city, as we are over-stocked with these good ' $1.00 PER YEAR, call and satisfy yourselves. Postmasters or Newsdealers will receive j our subscription, or remit direct to the Y GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS. I pi To W Yours TZzcpcctt ully, ire tii Mi i. equau. fur mixs v. f I .xt II I' MHH II AT. 1 T I . i i j j vArIancir .A ' . "ive)y by v I ve to a iiir1;