THE DAILY IlKUALUi l LATTSMOUTH. NEBUASKA, THURSDAY, DECEilBEfc 20, is88. Tha Plattsmoutb Daily Herald. KNOTTS 33IiC 3., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATXSMOUTil IIKKAJ.I I published every even!nj excfpt Sunday ami Weukly every ThiirHiiity ifirniK. tffgi.t tered at the postonire, I' HltMiii.iiili. N't l.r.. -1 f:oul-iun iiiull-T. Olliire corner of Vine and Jflltli rtrteta. Teiepliune o. 31. TKHMS r DAII.V. One copy nn e:ir In odvai.ce, by mail $C tx One ctiy p-r iiionrli, ty i-arrler, ..... An One copy per week, by carrier 13 TKKMS FOR WKKKLV. One copy oue year, in advance i m Ouecjpyais iiioiud. Inadvauee 75 will be more pressing four or live months hence than it is r.t present. To give tint j fur t lie deliberation ami dicusion win; h thin ii(Stiii demands the extra hinsioii of the Fifty-first Congress, if nn extra hcv-ioii U eillcd at all, tliould met t within n month after President Harrison takes the reins of power. tllolni Democrat. Our Clubing List. VFEKLY II:pai.i ami V V. World l " N. Y. Tribune. .. 'i ro " iii:iha l:ep . " N. Y. Vrt-H a r N. . !"o-t :wi That Deadly Scourge! Tubercular consuirptiou in simply luiiji ht-rofula the nrtiee and dangerous development of a taint in the blood. The ;rund blood-cleansing botanic piin ciphs contained in Dr. 1'ierce's Golden Mediod Discovery specially lit it to puri fy lh'- blood, and prevent the formation ul'-crs in I lie luns and hionchml tubes. Liver complaint, (-.kin diseases, and sons, arc idvo cu-cd by it. All druggists. I'jtKsiiJicNT Ci.kvklami declines to at tend the Uoston tariff reform dinner. It is natural enough as he does not like to feast over his own funeral. I his is just about the time of year that the sun may be expected to come up nny morning accompanied by a sun dog, Then will the dealers in overcoats and coal rejoice. Hub. Foil expensiveness and rigidity cheek there is nothing that equals the democratic papers. They are more anx ious that President Harrison shall enforce the civil service law than they were th it Prebi.lent Cleveland should. The liiiht 11111111111 Howe at Sherwood's Harpers Alau'azii.e 4 m nl,iy L5.()1I. V. eekly . I 7 3 ' ii;iur. . . 4 1 (Itllll' PeilM" .'I .'HI J V-itx Am I Tn nnO Ni b. tanner 'l Mi I iiioreM Moiitii- 1 he symptoms ol hiiiousnvss arc nn- I.. VI...... . ...I J 1 American MaVin'e a ai happily button well known. They differ iti different individuals to some extent. A oilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of u morning. His tongue will hardly hear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate, There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence oi and tenderness in the nit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Or; en's An just Flower, it costs but n tnllc and thousands attest its enicacy city uQvmcj&$s Way or. 'erk, Treasurer, attorney, njjiiiet-r. i'oiice Jude, IHIrllHIl, F.M. Kl HKT XV K FOX - James Pattkhhon, jk. - ttvtto.v Clahk - A Ma do Lie S t'l.lKKOKO W H Malkk TIi-; latest Xoyelties of Neckties and Mul'il-rs at Joe's, The Only One Price Clothier in Plattsmouth. tf Tri v uf n i in t ! r ti rtiiin 1?. lio j ""J iru"'"' WHAT ON EARTH i l i i I ueeu g.veu to us owners, auu nas ueen Is the rcason people wiU not can nQ, or aiiowea to sau ior nome living ine do not see any difference in cheap nos American tlafj, which leaves the Ameri- trums iiut up by Cheap John houses or can navy without anything to do. It looks to us as if the great navy had been burning coal for nothing. Thk busiuess outlook is exceedingly blight at present. There are gains over last year, although last year's totals were unusually high. All luiness is picking up, and the bank clearings and railway earnings in the past three or four weeks have been highly satisfactory. Two lovelorn youth, one at New Orleans and one at Gurnett, Kan., com mitted suicide on Tuesday because their sweethearts would not marry them. The young women hava certainly escaped a worse fate than old maidhood by this timely action of their lovers. Etjuit-. South Carolina is much agitated over a bill which is about to be passed by her legislature establishing an educational qualification for voting. This will dis franchise a considerable number of white voters, and some of them do not like it irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world . 1 .a. a wiue reputation ana one tnat is giving universal satisfaction at coual price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as I J EGG'S IlLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that does not tlo its work will cost ycu noth ing. For gale by O. P. Smith & Co., uruiruisis. JKXD Hie Weekly IIekai.o to some friend in the east for a Christmas present. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason you will rough and keep coughing and Mill keep tryinr inferior medicines when 15EGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? lhis is no advertising scheme, but an cturd fact, and we guarantee it. Sold !kr I I Sinitti ! 1 rn frrrivta The Daily Herald tocts. per week. delivered for $SOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver comnlaint. dvsneosia. sick The governor says it is the only thing Lea(lache indigestion, constipation or mat win save tue country. UMtiv..nM w cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the We notice that there are some very directions are strictly complied with, selfish men in this city; they cannot bear They sire purely vegetable, and never THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a aewingr machine, ask our event at your place for terms and nricca. If vou cannot find our agent, write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.ORMGE.MASS. cmcAeo:- 28 UNION SQUARE.N.1.- DALLAS. "-L. ATLANTA.GA. TEX. ST LOUIS. MO. THE NEW llOMU SEWING CHINE CO., Omalia, Ne b. MA-, 1st ward, XA?tAYcu O...I t li M Jo.nks U I l. A KHlfMAN Jra IS ff DurrnN" lu 1 McCallkn. I'bks V JOKNSON.CH AIUMAN '.K . 'OHTH GOLTjTY OFFICERS. I J V JOKNSfN, Board Pub. Work ( Kkku (Iuhdkk 1 1) It HawksWc 1). A. Campbell Th os. Pollock Riki CKITCHKIFLU KXA W. H. Pool, John M. I.eyiia W. c. Showaltku J. O. KlKKNKAHV A. Madolx Al.LKS BKKHON Mavnahii SeiNK C. KUB8KLL Treasurer. IJepmy Treasurer, -Dlerk. Deputy Clerk, iteooriler of Deeds Duyarv lteeordor Clerk of District Court, Slierlir, Surveyor. -AtU'rney. Supt. of Pub. -Sclioole, 'iunty Judge. HOARD OF SUPKRVISOKS. A. B. Todd. Ch'in.. - - Plattsmouth Louis Koltz, - Weeping Water v. B. Dk ksox, - Kiinwood GIVIG SOGII5TJ5S. itASS l.ODtiK Ho. I4riWVuTo. F. -Meets veverv Tuendav evenlnir nf :u-h wck All Taiisient brothers are respectfully invited to tl.IfUU.- i ft Tori ado r Meeting of. Two Great Storms, TflBBTBBMOFBBDOCTIOH! STORM OF PATRONAGE! HEALTH IS WSSLTH ! IJLATTMOLTTII ENCAMPMENT No. 3. 1. O - O. F.. meets every alternate Friday in aach month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting niiiiuem itiu mviieu io aiieiiu. LI'- II EATMEKT Dr. E.C. West's Nerve and Kiii Treatmeiit a guarantee specific for Hysteria. Dizziness. Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia, Head ache. Nerveous Prostration caused iy 1 lie u;e of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness Mental De-prest-ion, Sof tenintr of tlic Brain resulting M in sanity and leading t misery, decay and death, -remature old Age, Barrenness, boss of Pow er in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sper matorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, selfabuse or over-lndnlence K.ich box ontains one mouth's tresitment. $1 00 a box ;rsix boxes for 55.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure an v case. Witji esieli order r-'ceived by us f ir six boxes, aeenmpatred witli .'JS ou, we will send tlie purchaser our written guarantee-to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Will .1. Warrick sole a nt, Plattsmouth, Neb J. G, BOOKS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Itobert Sherwood's Store. iUtIO LODGE NO. 8, A. O. VJ. W.-Meets every alternate trtday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brothers are respectfully in vited tnat tend. F.J. Morgan, MasterWorkman ; K. P. lirowu. Foreman ; G. B. Keinster. Over eer; K. A. Taite, Financier ; i. F. House worth. Kecorder;M. Mavbright. Heceiver ; i. n. nmiiu, . : i. , . nowen, Guide ; i . o. nuuz, insiue v. ui L. lASS CAM r KO.KK, M'D.:-;. .VilODMKN OI America Meets r r i fourth Mnn Jay evening at K. of P. h;.ii. All transient orothers are rejuesled to meet with in. L. A, newcomer, v enerame t i;sul ; i. ", Kllee Worthy Adviser j ti. C. Wilde. Hunker ; W. A. iioeck. Clerk. pLATTSMOUJ II LODGE NO. 8. A. O. U. W. ftleet every alternate Friday evening at hockwoou uanatso t ioek. All transient broth ers iire respectfully invited to attend, b. S, Larson, M. W. ; K. Bovd. Foreman : S. C. v llde, Kecorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. UL vrrsMOCTH LODGE NO. (. A. F. & A.M. Meets on the first and lltird Mondays of wovu ,n innij jti'.ii. ah iransient urotn- ers are cordially invited to meet with us. T J- Kicuky, W. M. Wm. Hats. Secrelr.ry. VEBKASKA CIIAPTEK. NO. 3, K. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Mason's Hall. Tran.scient brothers are invited to met wj;h u. . D K.E. Whitk. II. P. Wm. If a vs. Secretary. I1rciicli Health Sesimless FOOT WARMERS ! IfT. ZION COMMANDAKV. NO. R. K. I. 'AMeete first and third Wednesday night of each month at Maspa'a hall. Visiting brother are cordially invited to meet wlih us. wm. Hays. Kec. F. E. White, E. C. i ASS COUNCX L NO 1021, KOYAL A RCA N CM meets the second and fourth Mondays ol rach month at Arcanum Hall. li- N. Olesx, Regent. . P. C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President.. .Rout. B Windham 1st V ice President A. B. Todd 2nd Vies President W in Neville Secretary k. Herrinani Treasurer p. R. Guthinan DIKKCTOKS. J. C. Richev. F. E. White, J. C. Patterson; J. A. t iiner, B. Elson, C. W. Sherman, F. Gor Jr, J. . Week bach. - McSONIHiE POST 45 C. A. rT" . nusrrK. i 'V vv,0?JfiQar--" I'ommander, i " senior vice . D.-i i km,.... junior A look through onr Stock of fc?uitinrt. Overcoat, Underwear and "NVinttr Ciijw will convince vou that our discount t 20 Per Cent. From Marked Prices Has caused the stock to melt away like pieces of ice that tjuenth the fire iinparched and burning palates. You never had . such values given you before. A 20.00 Overcoat less 20 per cent discount means $10 00 A $15.00 Overcoat less 20 per cent discount means 12.00 A 2.50 Fur Cap les 20 per cent discount means 2.00 This is the reason why we have been enabled to to reduce our stock, as we do not care to wait for cold weather. OUH STOCK MUST BE REDUCED We will give you the same Discount on all Winter Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. (NAY elii The Leading Clothiers, Cor. Main and 51h. AT - it. It to see incir neiginuirs succeed ana are always interfering and trjing to lircak up the business arrangements of others. As soon as they see a person who has recently purchased anything, they go to him and tell him he has been "robbed,' "swindled" and that if he had just bought the goods at his 6tore he would have saved so much and got better goods in the bargain. This should not be so, as the success of any individual or firm al ways helps the entire community. fail to ;ive satisfaction. Lanre boxes outaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sa!? by all drunsta. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The jren- uine manufactured only bv John O. We & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, and Sold l,y V. J, Warrick. THE EXTRA SESSION QUESTION Congressman Thomas M. Brownp, of Indiana, is reported to have said that he thinks an extra session of the Fifty-first congress will be called, but that it will probably not le summoned for an earlier date than October. The fact that Browne is a personal friend of President-elect Ilirrison wilL no doubt, in the opinion of some persons, give his words on this question soma weight. Still the chances are that the Iloosier statesman is mistaken. It is likely that an extra session will be called, but that it will meet so late as October, or even August, seems to ui to bo decidedly improbable. Called sessions have been more common since the republicans first came into power in the executive branch ot the government than they were before. Only five were held in the present century in the period prior to lS'Jl. President Madi son aummoned two, aud Van Iiuren, Ty ler an l Pierce one each. Six hare taken place sinc2 that year. One was called by JJncoki. one by Johnson, two by Grant, irnd two by Hnyes. Hayes called one for October 13, while Lincoln's came together on Juiy 4. The other four -which have m-t in the republican period juscinbled in March. It is scarcely probable that an extra gissio.T f Congress will be called for any date later than April. The only ques tion which would make an extra session nrcessary U that of the revenue, and this could not lie Mtisfuctoiilj dealt with in any sea-ion whic h would meet .o late as September or OcioVr. . Unless the senate """""""-"Uijll i mid j into l ir in some shape "Jy different from that in jwt the reyenu? problem Railroad Mileage. Tlio number of inhabitants to each mile of railroad in 1SG0 was 2,571, while in INS; this number was onlv 412: and I he dirreaso has been so 6teadv as to .... curait r representation by a curve which seems to be nyperboiic in character, i .ieio was a conspicuous interruption in the curve at the ti mo of the civil war. snd nr other after the panic of 1873, but i.s i!a::ro is not materially affected by these t'.Lsturbances. Estimating the fu tun? in reaso of population on the basis of j ast, the prolongation of the curve v. oui.l indicate for !0 a population of 03 K the mile of railroad, and the limit of the curve would be approximate! v reached in 1898, with a population per pule of C23. It would apjiear, therefore, that tlu normal rate of railroad building for I lie five years from 1885 to 1890 is about L',000 miles a year, and that 9,000 miles w ould be m excess of the limit in clicclod by the curve. New York Tele gram. , ,4pt, Even If Inelegant Th-n is Jn Alburg at least one young ster v3 o knows a fit subject for prayers when be meets it. lie recently heard soinebody use the expression, "gone sue !;er." and subsequently questioned his futlu r ::s to the meaning of the term. "C.'i." said the father, "when anybody is hard up or awful sick folks sometimes I sav be i.t a 'gone 6ucker. Tho toy took it all in and shortly after ward i:-aue a practical application of Ins newly : couired knowledge in behalf of his t-i; brother. Just before going to IkhI .r . right lie knelt to say his prayers, a:; uEii. 1. rud closed his petition thus: ".a . O Lord, bless Jimmy and make him .. .1. for be is awfullv sick, and if you c:.n"t I'm afraid ie's a 'gone sucli.-.'" St. Albans Messenger. Sherwood's. I !ko. Nilrs J l'7NHV STR RIGHT. 1 ALON" 1JTXON I I'liAKLM Ford ' Amikhson Fry.... 1 ."oh oobbiemak Curtis "eetinir Saturday evpniaa . .Adjutant, ....... t, M. Officer of the Day. Ouard Pergt Major. Quarter Master Sergt. .fost Oliaplaiu DafliiK Still Special Sale commencing November 12th, coiitimiing one week, FUMI xiiibu floats and Ulnldren's Wear, Price 20 per cent less the price oftered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove statement. HE .UM- Cloaks and Ladies i cu iui , uuiiiiy nuum ana iviicnen nn iTT 'ttd m The Largest and iost Complete Stock in the City. COFFINS, CASKETS yvaDS PLUSH WRAPS AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. HffiNBY BOECK. EM A WAT I The fJeautiful Engraving of the Celebrated Ficture, . Cautious Apothecary. In vi itin out a prescription the other d.iy t 1 lain well known PitLsburg doc tor v jiqua fontis that is, epring water--in place of tho more customary but f.;i;ivafont term, aqua pura. Th " j .itieiit to whom this prescription wa3 j : -n took it to a druggist who had jtint ; i. into the business of putting up piiiri i::.d ix'tions. The new druggist ran thro:-: Ii the prescription and jiamled it liar!:. :;:iving: "Vou take that prescript futA to Dr. and tell him that he's :t enough aqua fortis into that ' prew:,"" -lion to kill ten men." Lm :.':iy for this village tho druggist Iula i. -lied from tho prescription com-' ncuiiui.; held since then. Pittsburg j t EITXD FOR ? o 1IT 1 vve nave an im mense line and will discount same 25 per! centj as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our PLUSH SEORT WRAPS! are elegant garments. We sell them at $14.50, worth all of $20.00, nctino-: o (20 JJY 34 TXCHES?), BST ROSA BONHETJR, TO VERY NEW SUBSCRIBER OR RENEWAL ti 7 PLOSH PIPS S20 Pliih Cloaks we eU for S20 sell elsewhere at $27. (jJOni'liish Cloaks U)aJwe sell for S25 ell elsewhere at $35. Plush Cloaks we sell for $40 Fell elsewhere at $50. Plush Cloaks we sell for 45 sell elsewhere at $00. A Full Line ot $40 $45 Walking J" aclrot sold at prices. the lowest Comfortables and lankets AVe hae WEEKLY A Fine Selected Line of trom $1.00 up to $9.00 a pair, the finest 15 cent Batting in the citv IflOCRATF N.D E R W E A R In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than anv !, OUSTZEj house in the city, as we are over-stocked with these rood ' $1.00 PER YEAR, call and satisfy youhselves. Postmasters or Iewsdealers will receive your subscription, or . 1 .... V - remit uirect ro me Yours Ilespectiully, TjiTj co-st-lou,s- So Wo .woiiao o 3