The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 18, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DAILY liE&ALb : i'Lui lki3AiouTi, niJKASK A, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1S88.
Tne Evening Herald.
A. NalUbarjr. Dratlnt, JlorkHOod Itaildlntr
Telf phone . 8..
Dr. Kll.., Offire In Cit-rimc. lirnir Storr, UpI
4eace tor. SlitU aa-l Craaltr, Tt-lrihone .So. 42.
Dr. Wllkara. Dral'at, t'nlua Itlork.
The city council will meet tonight.
School' out.
Mr. Joe Kelly is rejoicing over tie
arrival of a boy at his home.
No cases of diphtheria have been
reported on the city register today.which
information we are Rial lo impart
The following named couples were
Hennaed to wed yesterday: Frank
Swecm and Nellie Walker, and John W,
Colbert and Lucy Frerbco.
The nine year old sou of Mr. Frank,
a German, died last night about o
' nVloek of dinhtheretic croup. The
fun?ral will occur tomorrow.
Sheriff Eikcnbary was allowed an
hour by the Judge of the district court
today. When he quitted the court-room
a man handed him $2.00.
scheming for a lay-off.
lie is now
-The IIekald announced a meeting
of the council for.last night, and ut the
time we supposed the district school had
been let out, but have since been in
formed to the contrary.
There will be no meeting of the St
Lnke's Guild this week, but the ladies of
that society are requested to meet tomor
row (Wednesday) afternoon at the rectory
for the purpose of tying greens.
Pat JIuldoon's band inarched
through the streets today noon and at
tracted much attention by their rendi
tion of sweet music. The company will
appear at the Waterman opera house to
The four year old daughter of Mr.
Burk, living at Suuth Park, died last
night of membraneous croup. Tin
family is m destitute circumstances and
the county will be at the expense of the
Mr. Ed Morley has removed his bnr
ler shop from its recent location in the
basement of the Carruth block, to mon
favorable quarters on the second floor ol
the Dovey block. lie requests all his old
patrons to follow him to his new rooms,
which he has furnished with every ac
rommodation suitable for a barbar shop.
Put Muldoon and his comedy com
pany will appear at the Waterman opern
house tonight. The company is strictly
first-class and they carry their own band
ami orchestra. As comedies are, as a
rule, well patronized by Plattsmouth
people, this company is entitled to a
good house. Seats on pale at ttie usual
Arrangements Lave recently been
made by parties who, a short time ago
indulged iu a horse race on the new
race track, for another occur on the
new course, one week from next Satur
day, and will be between the Shreve
horse O'Xeil, and "Sap Billy," owned
by Kctchum. Forfeit money amount
ing to $00 has already been deposited
and the race will be for $30 a side.
Shreve's horse came out victorious in the
previous race. The race will be cn
half mile dash.
The proprietor of the Riddle house,
who is recognized in this city as a cracked
shot and a first-class game-chaser, nearlj
ended his career a few days ago while 01
one of his usual hunts. In compan;.
with a guest he drove west of the city a
few miles and entered a wood in which
the owner had forbidden anyone to trcs
pass in search of game. The leader
tnatksman trusted to his elocutionary
powers should they run agaiost the man
who had nailed up the forbidding slab.
No experience has ever been revealed to
us by this expert hunter, and we an
obliged to accept the statement of the
man who was imposed upon. lie in
formed ns that he followed the intruder?
with a gun and that he would have stop
ped short of nothing had become within
good range of them. He is laying for
him now, a-xl siys he will Riddle bim if
he ever goes there again.
Mr. D. II. Wheeler, of ()ma!i:i, rn
oil reiJent of Plattsmouth, found
ed the riattsuiouth Lodge, No,
A. F. and A. M., about thirty-five
years ago, anil labored under many dif
ficulties then in behalf of the order to
establish a lodge here, attended a meet
ing of the lodge at th eir hall last even
ing. Since he has taken up his abode in
Omaha, he withdrew from the lodge
here, aiid for some time has filled the
office of master-mason in Lodge No. 1 at
that city, the oldewt lodge in the state.
He was cheerfully received by his
brother masons here I it night, ami made
the recipient of a very handsome
Pastmaster's Jewel, which is valued at
" about $10. The pin bears the embb m
of the or ler, and i very handsome. A
beautiful diamond is net in the centre
and illuminates its handsome bed. Hon
F. E. White made the presentation speech
which was responded to by Mr. Wheeii
twafew.well chosen remarks. Hon
Geo. Smith, of Omahi. a former citizen
g,jnyttmoutli. and Mr. 31. B. JInrphv
. .'"'Vvfin'! upon for speeches, and
ployed hi t Bt, remarks. '.
1 1
. He Had to Walk Home.
An interesting story wus related to
the reporter this morning concerning a
young man of this city and a little love
drama in which he is the star. . As severe
a trial, because he only loved a girl a
little, he should not have been obliged
to endure, but as such is the case with
many under similar circumstances, he
must practice patience and tolerate
the joke and the many jests
now brought to bear on account of
it. We can only sympathize with him
and offer a helping hand to bring the
conspirators to task for their unbecoming
conduct. The young man's name is with
held for fear that if it were
given away his patience would be tested
still more. This fellow loves a lassie
about eight miles south of the city
and his regular trips in that direction are
numerous, so much so, that he is not the
only person who knows the whearabouts
of the attraction, and several of his
friendsjin the city, through curiosity,
have enquired ana learned that a
young lady lives about eight miles dis
tant and that she is the attraction. As
the boys found this city too quiet for
their entertainment last Sunday, they de
cided on a course which they did not
miscalculate on affording them much
amusement. At the regular hour
Sunday evening he started out for
the young lady's home, and was
followed a 'short time later by some of
his friends. When they arrived at his
destination they found his horse tied and
it appeared to be under the impression
tha it was iu for an all night stand, and
it would not have been mistaken, no
doubt, had not the boy interrupted the
faithful animal and moved it on. They
found more favorable quarters in a neigh
bor's barn, and tied it there, without
uotifjing any one or asking
any questions, to await the arrival of
its thoughtless master. The desire work
was then complete and the boys
returned to the city to await
the results. When the clock announced
the wee sum hours, the young fellow
then attired himself preparatory to tak
ing his departure. He reached the spot
where he left his faithful horse many
hours before, and the first disagreeable
thought of the night passed through his
head. "Some sinner has stolen my rig,
and what am I to do now?" After a
thorough search of the premises, the only
thing left for him to do was to walk
lump, and the distance seemed much too
"Long" to suit- him, but he made the
host of his misfortune and started out.
Yesterday he secured another rig and
start I out in search of the other. He
scoured the country in that vicinity, and
muc'i to his delight, found the animal.
As the fanner could not explain how the
rig c une in his barn, the young man is
yet puzzled to know how it got there.
Xsnxs Slippers at Merges.
Have you been in to see Warrick's
stock of Holiday Goods ? He is going
to give away a beautiful lot in South
Park, every person buying $2.00 worth
of goods from now until January 1st
will receive a chance. dGt
X'tia? Slippers at Merges.
Ro't Anderson of Cedar Creek is in
the city today.
Mr. C. II. Smith was a passenger to
Omah 1 this morning.
Mr. E. II. Wooley, of Weeping Water,
is attending court today.
Mr. S. F. Rockwell of Louisville has
business in the county court today.
Mr. W. II. Malick rejoiced la6t Sunday
over the arrival of a girl at his home.
Mr. John Buckingham and wife, of
Weeping Water, arrived in the city this
Mr. T. B. Gordon, of Glenwood, who
has business in the district court, is in
the city today.
Messrs. S. Waugh, cashier of the First
National Bank, and D. A. Campbell,
county treasurer, returned from their
southern trip last night. They visited
Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia during
their tour and have many amusing stories
to relate in connection with the trip.
Everybody says WillJ.I. Warrick fells
Doll , Albums and Plush Goods cheaper
than anybody. Buy now while there is a
large assortment to select from. dGt
The regular meeting of the fire de
partment which was advertised in yester
days paper to be held tonight, has leen
postponed until Thursday evening next,
as the city council will occupy the coun
cil chamber tonight. All members are
requested to be present at the next
Xmas Slippers at Merges.
Hive you seen all the pretty things
Sim? 4 Plum Ihij- loft ut Wnrriz-L-'a ? T?
will do you goo I to see them. Go and
look them over, you don't need to buy.
"Why freeze or starve?' is the pointed
question asked by the manufacturers of
"Garland Stoves;' and we would add:
Why buy a poor imitation when for the
same price you can get the genuine
Garland? Sold exclusively by
JonssoN Bbotoeb s.
uia Slippers 0 'Merges.
Holiday G-oodls !
Look over tills Litt and to. if
looking for.
Our Line of Linen and Silk Iladkerchiefs comprises everything New and
Novel in these Goods.
We are showing a very pretty line of Brocaded, Embroidered, Pongee and
China Crepe Silk Handkerchiefs at Exceptionally Low Prices.
Fancy Linen Embroidered Hund kerchiefs put up in a Fancy Box from 75
cents to $1.75 each.
Special Good Values in Ladies' Fancy Embroielercd at 35 cents each or three
for $1.00.
Also a Bargain in Ladies' Initial at 20 cents each.
Full Lines of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Handkerchiefs.
Mufflers ! Mufflers !,
The Largest Line ever shown in this city, prices ranging from : cents to
5.00 each.
Everything in Silks, Pongees, Brocades' Cashmeres and Silk Mixtures.
Call early and make your selections.
Benefit for Holiday Cloak Purchasers !
We will beat our Record from this until the first day of January in Our
Cloak Department. Mild weather has ruined the prospects for Cloak Trade. We
want to sell what we have on hand before the season is too far advanced. To do
thi3 we have still further Reduced Every Garment in Stock. We now offer them
at a further Reduction of 20 per cent.
Plush Sacques, IVodjeskas, Wraps and Jackets
at the Same Reduction. Muffs and Boas, Full Assortment,
The following reasons for purchasing
lots in South Park still hold good:
As a whole they are the finest lying
in the city.
They are shaded with beautiful fo:..-i
They are located between Chicago ;.i..1
Lincoln avenues, the two li:v st drives
about the city.
They are oniy a ten minutes' walk f... m
the business poition ot the town, and five
minutes' walk south from the shops.
Ouly one-half mile from the New Fair
Tiie only addition to the city reached
by two establisheel avenues.
The only new adelition to the cijy
reacheel by water mains and with a pros
pect of being supplied in the near future
with complete water privileges.
Has a new brick school house and
good school.
Will certainly have street car pi ivileges
at no elistant date.
If you wish a fine view of the riyer,
locate in South Park.
If you wish a sightly anel picturesque
view of Plattsmouth, it can be had from
a South Park lot.
To persons in the railroad employ, the
eastern portion of South Park is the most
desirable residence locality in the city.
To persons desiring a residence on
Chicago Avanue, the western porteion of
South Park isuitable for that purpose.
Hie Js. V)M. railroad track runs near
the east line of the addition, furnishing
gooel facilities for manufacturing indus
Over $14,000 worth of this tlesirable
property has been disposed of within a
short period and no part has been sold
to outside speculators which is solid
proof of the growth of this part of the
More substantial houses were built in
South Park in the fall of 1887 and sum
mer of 1888 than in any one locality in
the city.
The projectcel line of the Missouri
Pacific railwav is along the west siele of
South Park.
Terms, one-third cash, balance in one
anel two years, or lts may be purchased
on monthly payments.
Any number of persons, not less than
five, purchasing ten lets in one transac
tion will be given a lot free to dispose
of as they may deem proper.
Any person or persons pui chasing 20
or more lots and paying i cash, may
have one and two years on balance with
out interest.
The title of this property is perfect and
clear from incumbrance.
Stop in at Warrick's and see the largest
anel cheapest stock of holiday goods in
the city. He has nearly double the stock
he has eyer carried before and prices are
lower. Don't spend a dollar until you
see his display. dlw
Xmas Slippers at Merges.
The rase of Pat'on vs. Eikenbarj,
which was pre:ente I to the district court
today, baa been cc ntiiu4d until the next
trrn of court - k
you cannot find what you are
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores ior arenas when you can get them
lor boc at Sherwood s?
See Joe's Goods, get his Prices, and
1 .urn m jipui uu .iueigmenc aeciae
! whether you can do so well anywhere
I else as at Joe's. tf
The City Meat Market is the best place
to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry
auu game o; an Kin as. tf
The light running Howe at Robert
ouerwood s only $25.00.
I Iiavc Watches from $3.00
10 ST. OO Tor Gentlemen and
am able to suit any one in
price and quality and war
rant all ootfs wold to be an
represented. Give me a call
and see for yourself.
II. HI. G ll LT.
Remember you get a chance on a beau
tiful lot in South Park for etrrw DO
wortli of goods you buy of Will J.
Warrick from now until Jan. 1st. He
has more holiday goods this season than
ever before and nrices are lower. Ynn
will be sure to be satisfied if you buy of
mm. cliw
Wives? Buy your husbands a pair of
those beautiful plush slippers at Sher
wood s. tf
The finest and largest stock of holiday
goods ever brought to the city at W. H.
liaker s. tf.
allow their children to cough and strain
.1 1 1 1 1 tt r . . . .
anu cougn aim caimiv say: "uni it is
only a little cold," and keep giving them
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lung fever or con
sumption, when they can be so easily re
SYRUP? It has no superior, and few
equals. For sale by O. P. Siflith & Co.
Xmas Slippers at Merges.
Don't be mislead by so-called Reduced
Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
you can buy better goods for less money
at Jee's The One Price Clothier. tf
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores fur arctics when you can get them
for 80c at Sherwood's ?
Stop and price the Ladies'
Cold Watches at H. Kl.
Gault s. He Has a large stock
to select from at prices to
suit any one.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me, are requested to balance
their accounts on or before the first day
of January 1880, as, after that time, all
accounts will positively be left in the
hands of a collector.
Nov. 26. . .. tf
Ladies! Call and fee the full line of
gents velvet and plash slippers at Eber-
Look os-vr this Hat and ste if
looking for.
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas $2 to $.
Fans from 5 cents to $85.
Table Linens in Sets from $U.OO to $10.00. j
Table Cloths from $1.00 to $4.00 each. V
Full Line of Table Spreads in Plush and Raw Silks, something iu w, from
$1.50 to $0.60.
Fancy Plush Piano Stool Covers only 75 cents each.
Silk and fancy M .dra's Drapes from 35 cents to $1.50
Full Line of Fancy Towels, Piano Covers, Tidies, Baby Carriage Robes, etc.
Dress Goods.
Our Line of Dress Goods for Holidays is replete with everything in the Line
of Silks, Surahs, Plushes and Woolen Novelties, such as Henriettes, Seigs, Broad
cloths. Flannels, at prices that will convince you that we nre lower than any linn
in this city.
Everything in the Line of Skirts,
Sacques, Fascinators, Mittcus etc. etc.
In order to Reduce our Stock we shall sell all of our $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50
Grades of Dressed and Undressed Gloves at $1.50 per pair. Full Lines at 75 cents,
$1.00 and $1.25.
Everything novel iu Bar-Pins, Hair Ornaments. Ear Bobs, Cuff Buttons ami
Ba'y Pins.
Purses and Hand Bags, Full Ass'-rtment.
Christmas Sacrifice Sate
A Chance on the Fine Doll
W. A. BOBC2S & CO.
Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, atFricke & Co's. drug
store. 8-tf.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Wool Boots and Rubbers complete,
2.00 at Merges. tf
Why pay big prices for sewing ma
chines when you can get a New Howe at
R, Sherwood's for $25,00?
ClOCkS at II. M. :illlf'H frn .
$1 OO to $20.00, warranted lo
five gau&iaciioii or money rc-
J. H. Donnelly has a fine disolav if
silk and satin suspenders, plain and em-
Droiaereel. lie also has a fine line of
fine initial handkerchi fs. tf
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood's. Men's arctics onlv
85c at Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for
There is a fine stock of hnliddir ,.i
at W. n. Baker's. Those who wish to
make selections before the fi
are sold, can have them laid away until
uiey are reaeiy to buy. tf
The standard remedy for 1
plaint is West's Liver Pills: thv
disappoint you. 30 Dills 25c. At w...
rick's drug store.
Will tl. Warrielf . .. i
- . '-
StOCk Of TOV3 in town nn4 of , tL-i
. . I" ivo utttt
defy competition, thse are facts, go and
see for yourself, yon will save money by
buying of him. d6t
A flew Year's Gift.
R. Subrwood will tfve to every Cash
iTt'z'-T cf r2.0, or oTtr, r- f ' y
you cannot find what you nie
Toboggans. Hoods, Booties, Leggings,
Dr. C. A. Marshal
S.esid2it Dentist.
Preservation nf th vini
specialty. Anesthetics piven UrVAi
LEss Filling or Extiiao -tax or Tkktii
Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver'
Rubber or Celluloid PJats, rnd inserted
uu as leeui are extracted when de
5JLwork warranted. Prices reasonable.
FTrgQERAn.-n Block Phtthm.)PTh. Nkb
The annual meeting of stockholders in
the Plattsmouth Loan & HuHdin" Asso
ciation will be held on M. nda y Jan. 7th
in G. A. It. Imll ,.t ,,r ti...
mouth, for the purpose of elect in" n
board of directors for the ensuing year
anel for the transRetion of such other
business as may properly come before the
meeting j. n Youx.
Dec, 4, '8. tf sec'y.
Mii.aM(i,ookt 'h K nnxrn
SewlVr!" store. a irht
o nnl l'ootSTV,, rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood' mens arctics only
85 at Sherwood's sold elsewhere for
r '
1 1
( !
f ,
, 1
1. 1