The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 15, 1888, Image 4

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- Tne Evening Herald.
A. Kllbry. ra tUt, Korkwood UmlUlii,
Telrphoae .. &.
Dr. Klla, nf la (erinc' lira Store, R-U
tor. ftisth aa'l iiranitr. Trlrpliuae Sa.
Ir. Witbrrs, Ural lot, I'aloa Klork.
CATJioi.H-.-St. I'aiirs Church. Oak. in-tweeo
KlftH and Mxtli. Father Carney, I'antor.
Hrrvleen: Mast at 8 nl 10 A. .M. KuliUay
Hclioul at 2 :M, wttli benediction.
Ciiiihtian. Corner lxcust and Eighth Sts.
Hiiuday School 10 A.M.
KPltcoPAL-St. Luke- Church, corner Third
mii4 Vine. It. ltnri!fH. parlor. Ser
vice! : 1 1 A. m . a d 7 v. M . Kuuday School
at 2 :3 r. M.
r.iunAV Mr.TiioiUHT. Corner Sixth St. and
(irunil. lie, lltrt. l'artor. Services : II a. M
and 7 :30 r. II. Sunday Kchool 10 -TO A. M.
pKMUYTF.iciAN.-Malii. between Sixth and
.Seventh. lit: v. .1. T. llulr.l. pastor. Services .
iiMiial hour, morning and evening. Sunday
Schol 9 :J.
FIK8T MtiiodiT. Sixth St.. bet wen Main
and Pearl, lie. W. H. Alexander, pastor,
hervlcen : 11 a. M.. 7 P. M. Mimlav school
2 :'M P. '31. J'raytr ineeti B Wednesday eveii-
r.ntutv PittsiivTur.iAX.-Corner Main and
Ninth. Iv. Wltte. pastor. Services : usual
hours. Sunday fchool ! :'M A. M.
Swkkkihii ( oMiitu; ationau-(Jranite, be
tween 1- if l It ami Mxlti.
Mrs. Morgan's condition is said to be
much worse today, and little hope is en
tcrtained for her recovery.
Prof. Giynore, of Omaha, held his
regular danciug school last night at Fit
ircrald hall. There was a large attend
City attorney Clark returned from
Lincoln this morning bringing 20,000
bonds. Fremont's bonds were rejected
by the state auditors.
The regular meeting of the Chautau
qua society will be held at the office o
Byron Clark next Tuesday evening. A
full attendance is desired.
Mr. E. L. Scofield, assistant superin
tendent of the Hume Life Insurance Co.
of New York, arrived in the city yester
day and will renviin a few days in the
interests of his company.
A gold cuff button, bearing a
Knights of Pythias emblem, was picked
up on the streets by a son of Mr. S. E.
Joiner. The owner can secure same by
calling at this office and paying for this
Newton Beers and company arrived
this morning. The company will present
" Lost in London at the Waterman opera
house this afternoon and evening. Tick
ets are for sale at; J. P. Young's for the
eyening's performance.
Grace Hart, a girl aboutnine years of
age, who has been a victim of diphtheria
for the past three days, died at her home
home on Third street last night at 11
o'clock. The funeral will take place
tomorrow aftenoon.
The ladies of the M. E. church gave
a social last evening at the home ot Rev.
W. B. Alexander. There was a large at
tendance and a very enjoyable evening
spent in the usual way. The party did
not break up nntil the threatening of rain
dispersed the crowd.
Judge Russell issued ra-irriage
licenses to the following named rouph s
during this week: Mr. Jos. Brandt nnd
Miss Barbara Frauendorfer, Mr. Albert
F. Sterzbacli and Miss Nellie Thomson, of
Cedar Creek; Mr. John Cooph and Mis.
Nakman, of this city; Mr. Dclbert W.
Greenslate and Miss Laura Fowler, of
Elmwood, Mr. Wm. A. Swearinger and
Miss Bertha Greenslate, of Elmwood.
The little seven year old daughter
of Mr.'P. C. Peterson, while in company
with other children and while ' playing
with a barrel hoop, met with an accident
the other evening, the effec's of which,
it is greatly feared, will prove serious.
The hoop wna thrown so that the sharp
edge came in contact with one of her
eyes, injuring it so that it is feared she
will lose the sight of both. The shock
on her system may also be too severe to
The editor of the Weeping Water
Ea'jle has made an estimate of the num-
ler of cases of diphtheria in this city nt
present, lie states there are two hundred
cases of a serious type and informs the
people that the situation is very alarm
ing, lie has no doubt exaggerated so
much in estimating his scanty subscribers,
that he has formed such a habit in count
ing, and it is sticking to him. The
number of cases reported here has not
reached much over thirty, and only about
six of those hive been fatal.
. A couple of urchins were arrested
this nroraing by city marshal Poisall
charged with stealing a box of tobacco
from the B. fc M. depot. Last Monday
n farmer living near Murray went to the
JJ. & M. depot and-after securing a box
of tobacco which he had ordered from
Omaha, left it standing on a truck
outside until he would go and secure his
team. Upon his return the box could
not le found, and no information could
be obtained concerning it. Nothing was
known of it until this morning when the
boys were discovered trying to sell the
tobacco nt the rate of nine plugs for a
'nickle. The city marshal was informed
and the two boys were arrested nnd
placed in They gave their names
i, Peto Iiilev and Rudolph Sanson.
They are both' about twelve years old.
Birmingham (Ala.) Horald.
Thie Newton Beers combination ap-
. .. r- 1 , , .
pcarcil in mo Miccessiui mciouraum
Lost in London ana played to a very
good matinee audience yesterday after
noon and a large patronage last evening.
The scenic, spectacular and comic
features of his show nre really excellent
and met with hearty appreciation. All
tlie characters are in good hands. As
a scenic nnd spectacular representation.
Lost in London" probably excels any
thing ever seen here. Mr- Seavey has
done admirable work and every one of
his pictures were abundantly recognized
as meritorious by the spectators. Es
pecial mention may be made of the
"Heart o' Blcakmoie" the "Streets of
London," with the snow-effects, the con
servatory, nnd the transformation of the
cottage into the tableau and apotheosis
of "Job's Vision." which last was the
This excellent company will hold fortl
at th Waterman ooera house tonight
in the popular and fascinating melo
drama, "Lost in London". We feel cer
tain that the commendation received
from those- who attended the matinee
this afternoon will be sufficient evidence
of its merit and secure a good house to
nifzht. Seats now on sale at the usual
Warden Hyers Resigns.
Warden Hyers tendered his resignaticn
yesterday to take effect on the first day of
Jnnuary, and asks leave of absence until
that date. Deputy Warden Hopkins was
appointed to act as warden during the
absence of Mr. Hyers, and he will have
tern porary charge of affairs at the state
penitentiary. No reason has been given
for the resignation and the cause is
matter of conjecture only. Parties who
pretend to know say that the step is due
to th-3 well known differences existing
between him and the governor. The
truth will doubtless come to the surface
in a few days. Omaha Bee.
Mr. Hyers and family are well known
in this city, haying residedjhere for sever
al years, lie tilled the office of county
sheriff here for a time, nnd all who form
ed the acquaintance of the family speak
in the highest terms of them. Since Mr,
Hyers has resigned, we trust that he may
decide - to return to Plattsmoutu and
make this his future home.
Tiie latest style in young men's col
lars lias taken a raise compared with the
lower and more comfortable one intro
duced a short time ago. It would be
impossible for a man with a short Deck
to wear this latest style ns it extends
nearer to the ears than any we have yet
seen, and a man who is liable to turn his
head suddenly is apt to receive injuries
when dropping his chin against the sharp
edges of these sideboards. A young
man who came in from the country yes
terday and apparently entertained great
fears of diphtheria since the report of its
prevalence has been circulated far aud
wide, noticed a young man wearing one
of ths tall collars, when he immediately
became alarmed and inquired if the fel
low had diphtheria because his neck was
done up in that shape. at Warrick's and see the largest
and cheapest stock of holiday goods in
the ity. lie has nearly double the stock
he li -S eyer carried before nnd prices are
lower. Don t spend a dollar until you
see Lis display. dlw
Brother Sherman of the Journal, is
always on the lookout for a reason ol
some kind, no matter ho.v trivial, to
howl. The county clerk, in giving the
proceedings of thi County Commis
sionors meeting a few days ago added an
account of 12.73 for a sheriff's chair, in
stead of making a statement of nine
chain for the poor house, and a witness
chair for the court room, which in all
aggr. jjated that amount. If the worthy
cdiio. was as particular with his own uf-
faiisns he is with the business of others,
he would occasionally make a true state
ment of things.
Remember yon get a chance on a beau
tiful lot in South Park for every $2.00
worth of goods you buy of Will J.
WiirncK irom now until Jan. ist. lie
hns more holiday goods this season than
ever before and prices are lower. Ion
will I e sure to be satisfied if you buy of
him. dlw
Guarding Against Future Evils.
Sheriff (to doomed man"): 4,I must oow
conduct you to the scaffold. Will you
have : drink of whisky to stimulate
"No, thank you; when I drink whisky
I always have a horrible headache next
T!:-' finest line of Albums. Dolls, Christ
mas Cards. Odor Cases, Dressing Cases.
To s. in fact most anything you want
suit.ii'le for a holiday gift you will find
at Will J. Warrick's. Prices down to
lowest notch. - dCt
The Sarcastic Man Again.
Yu are a fish dealer, I believe, Mr.
"Yes, sir."
I suppose that, having so much to do
with iish, you seldom ent any?"
'Oh, you're wrong; I eat fish nearly
ev ry day."
Well. hw singular! I h ive always
believed tint fish is an excellent brain
fo d."
Lincoln was badly scorched last
"Why freeze or starve?" is the pointed
ustion Hskea by the manufacturers of
' Gnrlan i Stoves;" and we would add:
Why bu a poor imitation wlien for the
same price you can pet the genuine.
"Oarlanl'r" Sold exclusivi ly by
Jounsox Bbothek's.
lanigIklhF Sail I
Our Odds and Ends of
One Half OriRinal Value.
Odd Piecos of
IDress G-oods
Marked Way Below
emmaiitSale in
Our oOc White Merino Vests and Pants
are the best value in the city.
Our 75c Camels Hair Vests and Pants
sell clswhere at $1.00.
Our $1.00 National Wool Vests and
Pants well worth $1.25.
Our $1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the
best goods for the price offered.
Our $1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Tauts
worth $4.00 a euit.
Our $1.50 Scailet Vests and Punts are
our regular $2.00 quality.
Mr. E. A. Stopher, of Elmwood, is in
the city.
J. W. Magnet, of Nehawka, was Is:
town today.
Mr. Dave McCaig ot EIii:wo;d, is in
the city today.
Mr. S. J. Riggins returned from Wahoo
this morning where he has been spending
a c u;le of days.
Mr. Porter Foster, an employe of the
B. & if. shops, leaves for Denver by the
flyer tomorrow morning.
Mrs. J. M. Johns, took her departure
for Red Oak this morning where she will
visit relatives for a few days.
Mis-s Mackey, of Omaha, arrived in the
city this morning. She will visit at the
home of Mr. W. J. 1 lesser, for a few days.
Mrs. Manchester, of Lincoln, president
of th Woman's Relief Corps, arrived in
the city today to inspect the corps here.
ills. S. P. Holloway and daughter. Miss
Exie, who have been visiting relatives at
Lincoln for a few days, returned last
Mr. D. II. Pratt, general western agent
of the Home Life Insurance Company, of
New York, is in the city. He intends to
remain several days.
M'ss Florence Murray of Mary ville,
Mo., arrived last evening. She will
spend the winter at the home of her
uncle, Mr. Joshua Murray, of Eight Mile
Miss Ilattie Chapman, daughter of
Judge Chapman, returned last evening
from Fairfield, Iowa. She has been at
tending school there and comes home to
visit during the holidays.
iliss Ann:i Bines, who has been visit
ing at the home of her uncle, Mr Fred
Gorder, for several weeks, returned to
Bianington, Minn., this morning, where
she is now making her home.
Mi-s Elizabeth Kennish, who has been
visiting her cousin, Miss Etta Shepherd,
for some timf, returned to New York,
her home, by the llyer yesterday after
noon. She was accompauid by her sister,
Miss May, who has also visited here, and
Miss Marian Crowthers, who will spend
the winter there. The young ladies were
accompanied as far as Pacific Junction
by Mrs. Shepherd and her two daughters.
Plattsmouth Canning Company.
The annual mcetingof tlie Plattsmouth
Canning company will be held at the
county judge's office the first Monday in
January, Jan. 7, lWsD at 7:30 p. m
F. R. Gcthman,
Fkkd Gordek. Pres.
dlUvr Sc. j
Our Odds and Ends of
Silks, Velvets
Remnants of Above Goods
One Half Original Value.
Colored Velveteens
Iieduced to 40 cents a yard, worth
G5 cents. Full Liues of
Of ToboffKans. T-.m ( TShanters,
Jocky and Alpine Children's
Cashmere and Plush Hoods, Chil
drens Zephyr and Angora Hoods,
Ladies' Hoods and Facinators.
Our Stock in above goods is
very complete, and we are show
ing some very Rich Goods in Em
broidered Silks and Linen. Full
Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal
loped, Initiel and plain white.
Now is the time, secure your Holiday
goods, J. P. Young has his complete dis
play made, and would respectfully call
! your attention to call and look oyer his
-tock, select your goods and have them
.narked and put aside until you get
ready for them. Phil does not offer any
schemes to give away, in order to induce
uu to buy goods, but will sell you the
goods on their merrits, at lowest living
prices. He unhesitatingly claims the
best and finest line of Dolls. Albums,
Xmas cards, Books, and Plush goods,
and our other lines are complete, call and
look through our stock, and see for your
self. ' w-f-s
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arcticts when you can gtt them
for S5c at Sherwood's?
See Joe's Goods, get his Prices, and
then let your own Judgment decide
whether you can do so well anywhere
else as at Joe's. tf
Tlie City Meat Market is the best place
to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry
and game of all kinds. tf
The light running Howe at Robert
Sherwood's only $25.00.
1 Iiavc VFatclies from $3.00
to $7.00 for Gentlemen and
am able to suit any one in
price and qualify and war
rant all goods Mold to Ie ax
represented, f.ive me a call
and see for yourseif.
II. 91. GAI LT.
If you want any Dolls, remember J.
P. Youig cau Supply them at low prices.
Wives? Buy your husbands a pair of
those beautiful plush slippers at Slier
wood's1. - tf
The finest" and largest stock of holiday
goods ever brought to the city at W. H.
Baker's. tf.
Xmas and New Years Cards in endless
varieties at J. P. Young's.
Don't be mislead by so-called Reduced
Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
you can buy better goods for less money
at Joe's The One Price Clothier. tf
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arctics when you can get them
for 85c at Sherwood's ?
Stop and price the Ladies'
Cold Watches at H. IW.
Gault's. He Has a large stock
to select from at prices to
suit any one.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me, are requested to balance
their accounts on or before the first day
of Januaiy 1889, e, after that time, all
accounts will positively be left in tlie
hands of a collector.
Nov. 2C. tf
Ladies! Call and see the full line of
genta velvet and plush slippers at Sher
wood . tt
Cur Odds and Ends of
Ch.ildrrL'i3 Eztra
Hsavy nibbed Wcol
Ho sa, Sizos frcm6i
to 9, reduced to 5 -c.
a Pair, worth, from
75 to 90c-
Extra Good Values in LADIES'
per Pair.
All epartmeiU;
Muffs , Boas,
Black Coney Muffs, only JJ5 cents.
Black Hare Muffs, only $1.25.
Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only
Black Real Monkey Muffs, only $5.00.
Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00.
Opposum Muffs, only $2.50.
Lynx Muffs, only $5.00.
Imitation Seal Muffs, only $.5.50.
Beaver Muffs, only $0.00
Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50.
Full lines of Black Coney, Nutria,
Silver Hare, Opposum, Lynx, Raccoon,
Chinchilla Fur Trimmings, at very low
Best Quality Feather Trimmings, only
40 cents per yard.
Christmas Sacrifice
A Chance on the Fine Doll
W. A. BOEGE cgs CO.
Sherwiu & Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, atFricke& Co's. drug
store. 8-tf.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Wool Boots aud Rubbers complete,
$2.00 at Merges. tf
Why pay big prices for sewing ma
chines when you can get a New Howe at
It. Sherwood's for f 25,00?
Clocks at II. HI. Uault's from
Si OO to $20.00, warranted lo
give satisfaction or money re
funded. For Rekt--A pleasant front room
neatly furnished, only one block from
Main streat. Inguire of J. 1. Unruh. tf
J. II. Donnelly has a fine display of
silk and satin suspenders, plain and em
broidered. He also has a fine line of
fine initial handkerchiefs. tf
A house to reut in a god location, and
at reasonable terms. Call at this oflice
or corner of Marble and Sixth streets.
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood's. Men's arctics only
85c at Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for
There is a fine stock of holiday goods
at W. II. Baker's. Those who wish to
make selections before the finest grades
are old. can have them laid away nntil
they are ready to buy. tf
Hobby norses. Shoflys, and Express
Wagons at J. P. Young's. w-f-s
A New Year's Gift. '
R. Suerwooo will give to every Cash
purchaser of $2.00, or over, one chance
on the beautiful doll valued at (1S.C9.
Cur Odds and' Ends of
7 Lai Ar u a
7i Order to clear
ut) Odd Oar-
incuts in tins
partiucnt we liave
marked tliem at a
Jigure that will
make them o in a
hurry. Call early
and get hest choice.
Blankets Piul
White Blankets from $1.75 to 7.
Grey Blankets from $1.50 to $5.
Scarlv Blankets from $3.50 to
Extra Good Values and Quali
ties from 31.00 to S4.0O.
Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin,
Knit, Cotton Plush and Cloth, at
very Low Prices.
Dr. C- A. Marshall
Resident Dentist.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
less Filling oh Extraction ok Tkj tii.
Artificial teeth made on Gold, bier
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
The annual meeting of stockholders in
the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Asso
ciation will be held on M nday Jan 7th
189, in G. A. R. hall, city of Platts
mouth, for the purpose of electing a
board of directors for the ensuing year
and for the transaction of such" other
business as may properly come before the
meeting. . j. IL Youxa,
Dec. 4, '88. tf Scc'y.
?,LaV.d ,ook at tI,c " "on Raxm
PtaKi,Vi,iCLl,,,,rl4 Holders.
and Pf n. II. pldl4 S-iirtmiJIt T
Jewelfrjr torc. via
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only
85 c at Sherwood's sold elsewhere for
W. H. Baker baa the most complete
stock of toys in the city. tf