The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 15, 1888, Image 1

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    -yT-jv) O ft
The Mahdi's Prisoners wll be
Killed Unless Suaklm Is
Caiko, Dec. 15. If the lettern-cc-ived
at Suakiiu from Osman Digna, and which
is supposed to have contained the an
nouncement that Kmin Pasha and a
v white traveler presumably Stanley) had
fallen into the hands of the mahdi, were
cnclo.tcd copies of a dispatch from Der
vish leaders at Lado to Khalifa Pasha,
giving the date of Emin Pasha's sur
render at Octoher 10, and a letter to
Tjuin Pasha from the Khedive which the
latter handed to Henry M. Stanley when
at Cairo. It is rumored that Osuian
Digna, in his letter, expressed willingness
to surrender Emin Pusha and his white
companion provided Egypt would aban
don Suakim. If this proposal is not ac
cepted it is believed that both captives
will be killed. The Uritisli cabinet is
now discussing the situation.
IOnimn, Dec. IS. The Emin relief
expedition committee are doubtful of the
genuineness of the Osmun Digna letter.
They suggest that the khedive's letter
may be a c py stolen at Cairo, but they
thiuk it in re likely that Stanley sent on
runners to Emin with letters, and that
these runners wen captured. In any case
they are hopeful that even if Emin is a
captive, Stanley is still free.
Lo.ndox, Dec. 15. General Orenfell
recognized the letter which Osman Digna
enclosed as the original one which he had
drafted for the khedive. Thus Stanley's
capture is virtually beyond a doubt.
IJkcssels, Doc. 15. The king of Bel
gium is greatly agitated by the news
from the Soudan. He admits having
been the largest subscriber to Stanley's
Suakim, Dec. 15. Osman Digna's let
ter was a reply to Major UundleVjrequest
of last August of Emin Pasha. The letter
asserts that the mahdi has conquered the
whole of the equatorial provinces and
that one white man escaped.
The Dread White Cups
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 15. About six
months ago three southern Indiana fami
lies moved to the neighborhood of Agra,
Kas. Soon after a "white cap" organiza
tion was formed and within a few weeks
several people have received notices war
ning them to mend their ways. No at
tention was paid to the warnings and two
weeks ago missives with red fingermarks
and signed "Kan. Division White Caps"
were received. Wednesday night a farmer
who is noted for his slovenly appearance
was taken from his home, treated to a
rinsing with twenty buckets of water.
Monday night a citizen of Agra named
McDonald, accused of cruelty to his wife
was seized, bound to a telegraph pole,
and given sixty lashes. Steps are being
taken to secure an arrest of the regulators.
Kiiraln Accepts Sullivan's Chal
lenge. New York, Dec. 15. Kilrain has ac
cepted the challenge of John L. Sulliyan
to fight to a finish for $10,000. An un
known friend will cover Sullivan's money
today. The fight is to couie off within
six months or not at all.
Charley Mitchell will act as Kilrain's
manager. The parties will probably
meet in Canada to arrange the prelimi
naries, or in some other place outside the
jurisdict ion of the United States govern
ment. Kilrian is positive of his ability
to best Sullivan, although he is very
modest and does not claim to be able to
defeat his antagonist without a hard
fight. Kilrain's backer is unknown.
km Obnerver of the Subject TelU or Uli
Own Experience.
This interestinir Question has boon
Fires at Lincoln.
Lincoln, Ne!. Dec. 15. Yesterday
afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock the
handsome suburban residence of Mr. J.C.
Williams, and the two residences that
' adjoined him on the north, were discov
ered to be on fire. It occurred in the
absence of t' e family, but hard work
of the neighbors enabled them to save
t everything on the first floor. Before the
ui rival of the engines, however, the
J lines cngulphed the entire building and
the sharp south wind drove the fire into
the buildings on the noith, and dispite
the Viilit nt efforts of the firemen, they
too were soon doomed. The great
streams of water thrown upon the burn
ing building seemed to have no effect.
The household effects in the dwellings
on the north of Wiilliams' residence
were all saved. The loss is estimated at
$12,000. Two of the residences were
among the finest in that part of the city.
The origin of the fire is unknown.
At 4:15, just as the fire in the ruins of
the residences had been extinguished, a
second alarm of firs called the fire de
partment to the gai works. The fire was
started there by tlu bursting of the pipe
attacht-d to the oil pump in the south
part of the building. Tthe oil from the
bursted pipe was thrown to a burning
past jet and the interior of the building
was soon in a blaze. The winds drove
the fire rapidly through the main build
ing, and when the engines arrived it
seemed impossible to save it. Great dan
ger followed the firemen in their efforts.
The chances were against saving any
portion of the works. If the fire shou d
penetrate the walls of tha east wing of
the building or reach the retorts or res
ervoir, several livss hung in the ballance.
An excited throng hung around the
burning building The suspense was
'great. An explosion was talked of and
expected by many, but the steady stream
of water an I bravo work of the fire bri
gade prevented a greater catastrophe,but
the main building was ruined. The en
gines and machinery, however, escaped
injury. The loss is fully $10,000. At
times it seemed as if the water supply
would not meet the demand.
During the time that the fire depart
ment was engaged at the two fires above
mentioned, a small frame house near 12th
and Wood streets was burned to the
Nebraska Postal Changes.
Washington, Dec. 15. Charles Bryant
has been appointed postmaster at Rock
ford, Gage county, Neb., vice James L.
Allen, remoyed.
A postoflice has been established at j
Coxville, Dawes county, with Eva Alli
son as postmistress.
Executed with Rifles.
Atoka, I. T., Dec. 15. Lyman Puslee,
a . fratricide, was shot Thusday near
Tushkahomma in the presence of several
hundred Choctaws, in the execution of a
judicial sentence. His death was instan
eous, three bullets from as many Win
chesters piercing his breast near the heart.
recently discussed in Germany, among
others by Dr. F. Scholz, who has given
wjuitj biniung examples trom his own
experience and observation. It is very
certain, however, that the majority of
dreams are only of momentary dura
tion, though extended occasionally to
the length of a minute. In proof of
this Dr. Scholz tells the following
story from his experience:
After excessive bodily fatigue and
a day of mental strain of a not disa
greeable kind, I betook myself to bed
after I had wound up my watch and
placed it on the night table. Then I
lay down beside a burning lamp. Soon
I found myself on the high 'sea on
board a well known ship. I was again
young, and stood on tho lookout. I
heard the roar of the water, and golden
clouds floated around me. How long
I so stood I did not know, but it seemed
a very long time. Then the scene
changed. I was in tho country, and
my long dead parents came to greet me ;
they took me to church, wliero the
loud organ sounded. I was delighted,
but at the same time wondered to see
my wife and children there. The
priest mounted the nulnit and preach
ed, but I could not understand what
he said for the sound of the organ,
which continued to play. I took my
son by tho hand, with aim ascended
the church tower but again tho scene
was changed. Instead of being near
my son I stood near an early known
but long dead oflicer I ought to ex
plain that I was an army surgeon dur
ing the maneuvers. I was wondering
why the major looked so young, when
quite close in my ears an unexpected
cannon sounded. Terrified, J was
hurrying ofl when I woke up, and
noticed that tho supposed cannon shot
had its cause in the opening of the
bedroom door through some one en
tering. It was as if I had lived
through an eternity in my dream, but
when 1 looked at my watch 1 saw that
since I had fallen asleep not more
than one minute had elansed a much
shorter time than it takes to relate the
Dr. Scholz has collected many other
examples of a similar kind. True
She Dropped the H.
A few days ago an English actor had
Living OIT the Pretty I .
"There are now a number of men,"
remarked tho head of a big printi.ig
house yesterday, "who lu-tuul! v make
a living oil" the society girls U'hcther
it is a legitimate living or not the pub
lic can judge. The girls don't know
anything about it, but they are a
souroe of nrolit all the same. To Ifv
gin with, there are the scurvy scrib
blers of the society papers who sell
their paragraphs about New York's
pretty women at a cent a word, and
who manage to eke a more or less
twisted and unsatisfactory living out
of the pastime. Then there are the
lithographers and tobacco and soap
box decoiistors, who take the faces of
the pirlly women of New York, color
thrm into allegorical shae, and serve
them up to the boundless millions of
the country for the purposo of deco
n.Iiii'r llieir wares. The instant. nm
oi t.n;i gu Is becomes at all notorious,
like the Duchess of Marlborough,
Lady Randolph Churchill. Mrs. Pot
ter or any one of the others who have
jumped into fame, the cigarette man u-
tacturers send a co'inlr-r frit i-rcix-nt
nieut of their faces broadcast through
tho world. Then there is the sale of
their photographs by the shopkeepers
along Broadway. A further illustra
tion of the profit is seen in our wceklv
papers, which devote a groat deal of
bpace anu some mighty good engrav
ings to describing tlio beauties of New
York, so that there is a good side after
all to tho society gossip of tho Ameri
can press, since it puts bread into the
mourns or so many hardworking and
industrious dealers in personalities."
New York Sun.
JOE, Ti One no Clothier
And Dtvtroyer ot IliIi Prices, wants to et into
the rool graces ot the i'uhlic, and lie is hound to
L't-t there.
U N DEVI ATI N(i I'olitene
LL Goods as Kt'iresentol.
Reason a hlk Price.
Underhand Method.-.
jJllUTII at any CWt.
VERY" Customer a Frien.l.
VERY Article :i
SSrSlSSSSSSSSS LSPP?1 iad averted a panic at
K'hletheSmo EnS her stjwy .he
Ice oresident. Thurmnn. .. An7. h.13 quite an 'ero."
Danied bv his wife. n. thorn o-h TVilnn
. . . 1 t
who in her conversation dropped and
supplied her h's as many dwellers on
rrrsidenta Kanx-a. I tne isle no. ine mivsician introduced
It is a singular coincidence that there fuo to, mother, who prides
Is only one exception to the rule that herself on her knowledge of ancient
candidates for president whose names history and who had also been ac-
end in N are elected. Tilden is the only quainted with tho husband. While
exception. There have been a surprising the gentlemen were transacting their
number of presidents with the N on tha business, the ladies carried on a lively
lenmnauon or ineir names w ashing- chat The actor's wife told in her own
ion, jetierson, Madison, Jackson, Van vrav of an inst.nipft wlirm l.n,!
Sfei" hal displayed great bravery, and by a
cnance, Decause i
names end with
m,m-.m.m,-s V -viVtW m-r vwlUvlllla 1 UUI UlHli. I . . .
could not overcome 'such heavy oddi IPed the doctor's mother,
The presidents elected without an N at apparently greatly astonished, "I knew
tho termination of their names were not " played a great many parts, but I
pitted against the unconquerable N. The never neard that ho had played the
firesident-elect, according to superstitious fiddle. "
racljtions, was lucky to have only one It took several minutes before all
given name. This recalls (he fact that could appreciate tho point of her re-
hf teen of our presidents, and Harrison ply, but the doctor said that she had
wnl mike the sixteenth, have had only recently read a great deal about Nero
Dna even Pame.-Cmcmnati Enquirer. tue Roian empror.-Cincinuati En-
m . A I
Some of the greatest orators the world
ever produced have shone their brightest
when some incident or impertinent ques
tion drey them put. The eloquent ari(J
erratic Tom Marshall, of Kentucky, vaa
once delivering an address in Buffalo,
N. Y. As was usual, he began in a low
torse of voice. Some one in tho rear of
the hall yelled -Louder, louder," several
times. Marshall stood thp interruption
some time, then advancing to tho front
of the platform, he raised his impressive laughed at the idea .hat a fori should
voico to a tone that evervbodv could tor a moment think of holding tht
Physician in this citv whom lie had" EomS .n ,n. the .,louse.
known quite a while. He was accom- ffi"c?; ly, lhe, s,ieen putting on
Can Animal Count?
Ilouzeau de la Haio tells of n wKp.m
living in a fisherman's famil v at Santo
Domingo that was fed upon the refuse
of the tish cleaning. Looking for its
rood, it went to tho shore everv day
and waited for the boats to come back.
The fishermen rested on Sundav. nnrl
the bird acquired so clear a notion of
Hie return of that day, when it had to
fast, that it would not stir from the
iree on which it was accustomed to
vvuu its moo. ii is no;, necessary to
upposu mai uic pelican tiacl learned
count the six days at the end of
trnicli its masters would not go fish
ing; out, while it really estimated
uany mo time when U must
make its excursion to tho shore,
n was informed of the return of
fcmnday by observation of what was
for in-
irders Truth
Who pays lie can heat tin's (J u.trantee. On tin's
hasis JOE expects to huild hi record, and he is
fast doinir it.
Don't Show you one thing ond pell you another,
lie will always show von goods at such low price
his competitors can't meet.
their Sunday clothes: in the samn tv.-v
OO 1 1 .
MurevmsMJt-w ftiien us master was
going to hunt by seeing him with his
gun and game bag. In such instances
animals show that they have the fac
ulty of associating ideas, of observing
consecutive facts and establishing a
correlative connection between them
things winch lmvo been proved Ly
auunuanco: or other evidence, and
vvnicn demonstrate not less intelli
gence than acquaintance with the ten
signs exposing tho first ten numbers
" use oi a system oi numeration
to express larger numbers. Mme.
Clcmence floyei- in Science Montiilv.
Ask Joe's Customers
And Joe will stand by their testimony.
Don't Forget to Guess on Joe's Beans.
Ability Required (.o Ce a Dude.
Not a little ability is needed to be a
dude. It takes considerable force of
character to be willing q pass for a
fool rather than to give up one's con
victions. A striking illustration of the
fact of what a dudo may be is fur
nished by Prince Ferdinand of Co
burg. W hen he ascended the much
disputed throne of Bulgaria the world
Racing on tho Upper MlsKiK;r.p.
There is one phase of sleamboathi"
luai it wm oe interesting to touch on
onedy, ami that V tbe racing. There
was a good deal of this, ami snmo r i
.i . . . -
me contests were decided Iv hot mid
exciting. George llazzard says he has
sawed wood I'.Vo steam mid bv the
f . a - e . .
uour 10 iec-M vue lurnaccs of a steam
boat m a race, and doubtless olhei
steamboat men ramember similar e-
penences. There was a great race be
tween tho Itasca, from Prairie du
Ciuen, a.nd tho Gray Eagle, from Du
buque. ut the time the laying of the
oost was the bearer of dispatches re
lating t: the matter, and the captain
of each was mixious to get the news
asnore nrst. At the bend just below
tho city the twt.i b:aU were neck and
neck, their engines ;:iv::ning and theii
stacks belching forth clouds of smoke.
They came ui the river ":i-f!ii!:ino-
and there is still a question a: to v. hf-Y
an incurable case of Catarrb
lie Head by the proprietors of
symptom of Catarrh. Headache,
obstruction of nose, discharges falling into
throat, sometimes profuse, wutery, and acrid,
at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent,
blood v and nutrid : eves weak, rinu-inir in on
deafness, difficulty of clearing- throat, expecto
ration of offensive matter: breath i,irpniv-
amell and taste unpaired, and ireneral debility.
Only a few of these symptoms likely to be preg.
eut at once. Thousands of cases result in mn.
sumption, and end in the grave.
uy its mild, soothing-, and healing properties,
Pr. Sage's Remedy cures tho worst cases. 50c.
The Original
Waterman Opera House
c:ti win A-.a Cathay matisse.
.SATUIiUAY, -;c. 15,
Or.iml Lyric :i l Hj.rct: -ii!nr I'r xii .c i..u of
All w Swnf-ry l y Lafayette W. fc'r avy.
Tlie Heart 'o Blei k moor,
Homo of Hie SwartKiim.
Fete of Com u '
Illuminated Snow Sensation
lurifi of Dissolving Bemity
UnenualedasaL.lTer Pill. SmalleBtLcheon.
est, easiest to take. One Pellet a Done,
Cure Sick Headache. Hilioua lleadar h.
pizzlneaa. Constipation, Indigestion.
jOillous Attacks, and all deransremenu of
be Momacta and bowels. 25 eta. by druggists.
lioar, and said: "When the last great day vexed seat Now it is dawnino- on tho
comes and the ancel Gabriel blows his I nublic that Pn'nro Vo!;n,fi
( pump to waten tho quick and the dead, as good a grip of his scepter as be had landed llraL 11 wis ppubahlv ont-t
G lobe-Democrat,
Iteaaty of American Women's Feet.
American women have made Paris
tlu-ir second home for so long that there
U little to be said about their demeanor
here. They are exeat favorites with
dressmakers, and especially admired tot
tht ir little feet. The French shoemakers
say that they shave down the lasts of
even tho Spanish women to fit the beau
tiful American foot. A well arched foot
loots better in a boot than in a shoe, and
it 1.; sau to see a foot crumpicci pp in a
tiIit slipper and a too high' heel, a peer
fet t piece of Chinese deformity. To do
Americans justice, they do not have to
Gqueeze their feet to make them look
f-tuall, and the only advice to give them
I j to go to England for their walking
nnx-3 anu to learn to wain more. -1 aria
Guide de la Mode.
would sufflqe. He has gon6 quietly
and detefininedly' forward, and, with
the persistance and concentration he
learned as a dude, he has made him
self master of the situation. He may
be regarded as a type, gnxl, -while there
must still be those tl ho consider the
energies of one of these elegant crea
tures as misapplied, in the face of
tacts it seems foolish to deny their ex
istence. Boston Courier.
KSrVw t-,Wl Choicest Brands of Cigars,
Without Food or Shelter.
Norwald, Conn., Dec. 15. Three un
known men have been on Conkeen island,
three miles from shore, since yesterday
without food or shelter. They went there
Thursday to shoot ducks, and their boat
got adrift, It is impossible to reach the
island on account of the heavy gale.
Men's Drew Don't Salt Her.
The Anglo-Indian official swelters jn
scarlet cloth under a tropin sun; the Jar
ar.eso wears a tall hat under his tulin
tries; me farmer oi Illinois cuts I113
v!eat in a rusty surtout; the Italian
peasant spires m a cneap ulster; the
Kuglish statesman snoi es under a black
chimney ot; they pre al as II clad unij
aa thoroughly uncomfortable as men can
l.-o. Who will teach them tle supreme j
tmtn tj!."t l.?f man alone is well nrcssed
wt.o is irii5-- In hfrj-jii with his bta
tioa and hi: txu ijiatjo;), find t!iat uhilo
mak' dre i f.s w"iiM-a. u-j lily :iid
usf-less r.s it i:t i:rt:rr.t is. it 'is absurd to
prate cf the t:'..;lo t X fl 1 ti:st t-f the wis-
iuwi Lare ZUln.
In San Diego there s a man who Is
supposed to bo a full blooded Zulu and
who goes by the name of Stephens be
cause no one can pronounce Ins Zulu
name. He says he was a member of
cetewayo s body guard during the Zulq
war, and was jn the skirmish In which
Prince Napoleon was killed! lie shows
numerous scars and relics' in proof of his
. : .1 k 7
ooou uuu uuu ia.i&s u iiiuevus jargon tnat
may be Zulu or Choctaw for all any
nna Via nn M Cnn T t V
Tlie Wrong Woman.
There is a legend told n a great York
shire town to the etf ec$ that, after peyr
eraf couples had been simultaneously
married at the parish church, one bride
found her bridegroom walking away
with another lady on his arm. The
curate, summoned to her aid, remon
strated with the defaulter and besought
hm tq fake i(s prpper partner. "Nay,
said he, "aw was married to tlus un,
and I loike her t best." There is no
reason why this should cot Le sober
truth. The Comhill Magazine.
ExTinmution iJcN Should He Sto;pro.
Vienna is said to to undergoing 1
craze of c-Miuciutipii, Lately vast pit:
of bodies of those fchct in durinr.
the revolution luive been opened, am'
the rotten masses have been removed
to other pits, to Lc honored witJi mon
umerits. Tliis ort of business should
be stopped, bcth-ou the small scale
and the large scale. TJiere is deathly
poison enp.y,gh from our 'present sys
tem of biiryuig, without oixjniug the
graves and moving tho contents. The
onj important matter for the living is
to escape being slain by the dead.
English clergymen tire agitating the
need of bu.rying in ight boxes, with
out casUets, to hasten decomposition.
In this country the contents of ceme
teries are frequently moved. It ,3 a.
useless and detestable act. It is high
time that civilized and Christian peo
ples gaye over reverence for bones.
The description of affairs at Yieuna ia
purely revolting. Jt is niiher respect
for the dead por regard for tho living
t-'aat governs our treatment of decay
lag corpses. SL Louis Globe-Demo-
Tapa TV a tirawlfig -i'tui..
"That baby pf jaurs is growing fat,"
remarked Jlprritt. "I guess he sleeps
well." 1
"No. he doesn't." replied CobwiTet
with a weary sigh, "nor 1 either." New
xork LTemng bun.
including our
Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. Q,
The Boss Tailor
Main St., Over Mergrs' Shoe Slot.
Has the Uest aud most complete stock
o,? samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Rusiness suit
from $1 to $$r,t tlresa suits, $25 to $45.
pants ti, $5, $Q, f 3,50 and upwards.
CWill guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy Competition.
TO ! HROfp,
P-rsnnal aten.tla K fc!l Oulnere Entrust
to my care.
A Great Company
All ih. New Soeiierj- will I'nMrivei'y
i-' jourfiiy. A,nS Manatllr "
rise Man with Oue iridr-4l X.lw, nw
A On-at Pi-ifPi-rnance 'rw,.leie in trfry Uf.
tail 13 NewK.ii Ueer' '
Kemeiner Urand Ladies' au Clillflrei.'s
I Matinee Saturday Afternoon
raicts - anu ic t At iiieht 73. i a.
J. C, BOOUJ53,
All work first-class; went Fifth Street.
iNonn Itohert Sherwood's St
Titles Examined. Abstain Onmuned Ia
surance Wrirtea. heal Etai Ud. P '
Better Facilities tcr maklu? Farmlxiane thaa
Any QtUer Aeacy.
PlaftsmmDt I1iraika
K. B. Wlxr.HAM, JoIlx A. 1AVlfo4.
t'y rubllc. Kotary ful.;,.
-.ttoraoys - at - Law.
rjfliee ovr JianV of;cat- County.
Practical Piena s&d onan fcflsr
First-claa work guaranteed. Also deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Oflice at iioerk'a
furniture store, Platteniouth, Nehraktw