7 J Ti!E DAILY UEKALi): ilATTSMOOTli, ftl3UASiCA, I'HUKSDAY, D, The f lattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS 33 R C S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE ri.VITSMOUTJI 1IKUALI) It iullilil ewi-ry evening ix''i't Sunday k Iv i-v.-rv f iiiuil:ir initrii t inf. ltcuis- terctl at tliw postolllri'. rmitimoiitli. N'ebr.. : s n-riiiil-cl.H ni;itlr. o;ilr corof r 01 mc miu PKlli lrtrts. 'I cit'plioue JSo. an. TKkHS FOK UAILV. One copy oiib ;ir in advance, by mall $6 oo One copy per mont li. by i-arrlvr W itimiToiiv iht week, bv currir 15 tkkms roa WKRKLV. one eopy one year. In advance fl V OueCJpyaix iiiont&s. in advance Our Clubing List. Wkkklv 1Ikhai.i and X. V. World ? 40 " N. Y. Tribune. .. 'Z ' " " n:itia l:i 2 30 ' x. Y. I'rei-s ' r " " N. Y. I'ewt 'l ." " " Harpers Maxniue m Weekly. 4 75 .. .. .. ISazar. . . A 7P Young Hi'ople 3 '' " Neb. Farmer 2 00 lemoret' Month ly Magazine 3 in Tu Kit K is a iiiov't'iiu-nt on foot now to .liviile both New York and California nnel make four tttatea out of the two. It won't be done as we can't see as yet any good reason for dividing the states. The sennte is proceeding with a con siderable degree of speed, to the consiel tmtion of the tariff bill. The democrats can hardly contend now that it was in troduced merely for campaign purposes, Hank clearances last week were 18 per cent better, taking the principal cities of the country as a whole, than they were in the corresponding week in I $87. Out side of New York City the increase wa9 ??. per ecu'. This In the In-st showing that has been made in many weeks past. Speculation is nt.t brisk, but legitimate buiuesd of most kinds is about as active now as it has been in this season at any time within the past few years. The dirert tux levied on the states in 18fl and W1 should either be refunded by the goveriiii-it to the utates which paid it or the state which failed to pay it should be compelled to rail at the cap tain's cilice and settle. The former plan is the preferable one, but common justice and fairness demand that the latter s-hould be adoped if the other be defeated. (Jlobe Democrat. Mr. Cleveland will veto the direct tax when it is presented to him and it will serve as another proof that the peoph made no mistake when they elected Harrisou president of these Uuited States. Atlanta is in a state of social upheav al over the discovery that one of the del egates to the Forestry Congress there last week was a negrr, and that he was treat cd, both in and out of congress, on the same footing as a white man. Even ai the hotel where- lie stayed he was not discriminated against. What would have happened had the discovery been made that he was of African descent before the congress adjourned, it is hard to conceive. Now nothing seeminglv can be ilone except to take vengeance on the hotel keeper. Poor man! Life promises to 1 made a burden to him, and it is possible that he may be tlriven out of Atlanta, if not out of the state. ONE YEAR CLOCKt. An important improvement in cloels ha3 been shown the British Association for the advancement of science by Mr. W. II. Douglass. The new feature is the torsion pendulum, which, with lever and escapcineut, may be applied to ordinary works, ai.d by its slow rate of vibration " makes practicable the conversion of an eight-day clock into one requiring wind ing only once a year. permit Cleveland to gain fortlicm. And now, when his defeat makes it safe for the democracy to openly declure the dis like and contempt for him which had hitherto been concealed, the semhlaucc of discipline and coherency which the party had previously maintained is cast iifcidi. Another and perhaps the principal cause of the democratic demoralization is the hopelessness of the outlook for the party, lieforo the next presidential elec tion takes place the apportionment based on tlu census of 18510 will have been made, and this will show a large relative increase in the strength of the republican sections of the country. The gain in pop ulation in the north is greater than it is in tiie south, and this gain will be aug mentcd by the admission to statehood of three or four territories which will choose republican electors. Cast their eyes in whatever direction they may, the democracy can discover no sign of en couragement in the coming time. If there is any ray of hope for them in the near future the party watchers on the lookout are unahle to discern it. Under similar circumstances men with greater fortitude aud broader and grander philosophy thah the Clcvelands, Millses, Carlisles and Vests possess would feel something of the same apathy and discouragement which the democratic leaders experience today. Globe Democrat. For Sweet Home's sake. Mothers, wives, sisters! why that patient. hopelc-S3 suffering, those pinched melancholy faces that sadden home and cause anxiety to loved ones, while so potent and harmless a remedy as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription enn be ob tained of your druggist f It is a panacea for all "female complaints," of marvelous cliicaiy and health-giving ejualitus. The dehilitated, and sufferers from t luise ex cruci:iting pe-iiodical pains, "dragging down" feelings, backache and kindred femide disorders, should use this certain renu dy at once, and be restored to the blessings of health, for home's sake. Of druggists. Notice. All persons kneiwing themselves indebt ed to the estate of Dr. K. it. Livingston for medical services, are requested to call en l s' ttle with undersigned. F. R Wiiitk. 1 ;v Executor. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain mil e-oiigli anel calmly say: "Uli: it is only a little cold." and keep giving then cliea; and dangerous medicine's, until they 'ire down with lung fever or eon iiimpfion, whe-n they Cn.it be so easily re Sieve I by TJEGGS' CIIEKRY COUGH SYIJUP? It has no superior, and few -qua'-i. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. T!i latest Xoyelties of Ncckilcs and Mu filers at Joe's, The Only One Price Clothier in Plattsmouth. tf COU 3H! and COUGH I and COUCH! V!: it in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keen trying inferior meelicines when UEG'.SS' CIIEKRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no Atlpx-rtising scheme, but an ictu.d fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggises. Why go to grocery and dry goods stores for arctics when you can get them for 8.;e at Sherwood's ? PARTING. L'oiuev Irft U3 shaUe linndn and say Rood by 1 (There Is no need to cry; All eh o'.d wotiiilHnroli-.iit.il; thaare but scar. ; bet the uieridiutiM rw like iron l,nrn Twlxt tbe freed ea;tive uml t.i rinon cell TUut he hud almost leui ix-d i -v. too wclL Twill Kl'0 bl-4 lieei!iiii .est; I to the east will go. if ) i'." v-'t-l ' Through varlotiH Keeuex. in Mtortn aud sunny weather, Ww've Inn n loirelher; Yet now we are lo iiud Lhtso things seem The fragment of u divuiii Wliieh eonies ut duwu, vit'id and warm, and still. Setting luo passionate pulses ail at li rill, Hueli dreams the senses Rate; Let us awake before it is too latu! We loved, or thought we loved. Tis all the same There's eohody to blame; Our wasted tears but briny water were. Our tiinht but empty air All was as idle as a twiee told tain. And words of yours or mino cannot avail. Or restitution make. It was it Is "twill btill be a mistake. Clara L. Maclean In The Connoisseur. GITY OFFICERS. Mayor, Cieik, Treasurer, attorney. Kuiueer, foltce Judjfe. Marshall, Ccuucllineu, 1st ward, 2nd " P.M. HH MKT V K FOX JAMES "ATTKRSON. JR. - BVHON (JUHK - A Madoi.k t'LIFKOUIt W it ma lick 3rd 4th. Boaid rub.Worke I 1 A CAIJMHl'UY 1 8 W U M JeN K.s ) I1(. A Sill I'M AN M it Ml'UPHY 11UTTON ' 1 J W KKK ID It i to.v O'Connor. I f McCallkn. I'kks W JOMNSON.CliAIBMAN HKII eiOHDKK IIawkhWokth GOLTj0Y OFFICIOS. The Old Ox Team. An ox team on tho streets of St. Paul is said to bo quite an unusual sight, but tho resident of Minneapolis who cares to bo reminded of his old New England farm days with the sight of a yoke of oxen doing yeoman service in front ef u wagon needs but to go down in the vicinity of the city market er over to the city hay yard on Lyndulc avenue ami ho will be pretty sure te find ono latere on almost any pleasant day. The farmers who drive !ioi'i'( (l hteers into tho metropolis are usually e.f the regulation clown cast pattern, typical Yankees, who ore .-dow in iiiiuiuloning Iho customs ef their early days. Many of the f:u inn's and f'.rder.Oi K abejut the shores of Miin:etoi:i;a u:e ld settlers fremi vay hack, l-'or years after their rd vent in ll'o lerriinry ef Minnesota the ;x team was the e'id t tai:l by in all the various details ef farm labor, and ror many a yeyr was even the favorite mode tif hx.oinetion. Those old farm . i:; in later cnya have become gar ivne-rs as well, and either out of defer nee to old traditions or beeatisc tliey ind him proiitulde, they sliil continue .. i:i::!:e u::e of the j.uticnt ox. and re ;l t. heeletencd l y any n:eti'oj;diUiii i:sti-,:ns or bifnlutin notion;, from :;-.;:li:i;j thc.r j:i'o;:uct! i:;to thee-ity lx i:d Iheir faithful ti. team.i St. Van' 'ionee-r Pr--ss. Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, -Jlerk. -Deputy Clerk, ttecorder ot Deeds -rtluty Kecorder Olerk of District Court, iheiiir. -Surveyor. -Attorney, Siivt. of Pub. Schools, County JudRe. HOARD OK SOPERVISOHS V. R. Todd. Ch'm.. - - I'lattsmoutli Louis Koivrz, - Weeping Water . 15. Dickson. - titnwooa D. A. Campbell Thos. 1'ollock BIKU CltlTCHFIKMI Kxa C'KITCHUKI.U W. H. l'ooi. John M. j.kyua W. C. SHOW ALIKK J. C. KlKKNIIAUY A. Mauulk ALLEN liKESON Mavnakd Spink 0. liUHSKLL GIVIG SOGIKTJiS. 1AS.S beJDOK Ho. 1 o. O. F. -Meets '-'every Tuesday evening of each week. All :ransient brothers are respectfully Invited to itien.i. flLATTMOUTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3. 1. O O. F.. meets every alternate Friday in each month in the Maeonic Hall. Visiting Brothers are invited to altena. Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is preferable to any other for the cure of Blood Diseases. Decause no poisonous or deleterious ingredients enter into the composition of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only the purest and most effective remedial properties. .Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prepared with extren? care, skill, and cleanliness. Ayer's .Sarsaparilla is prescribed by leading physician's. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for sale everywhere, and recommended hy all iirst-class druggists. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, and not a beverage in disguise. Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to effect a cure, when persistently used, according to directions, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con centrated extract, and therefore, thsj most economical Ulood Medicine In the market. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has hr.J a suc cessful career of nearly half a century, and was never so popular as at present. Thousands of testimonials are on fde from those benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. TRIO LODGE NO. 8i. A. O. U. W. Meets everv alternate Kridav evening at K. of r h:ill. Transient brother are respectfully In vited to attend, tf ..j. Morsau. Master workman K. P. P.rown. Foreman ; ei. 11. Kemster. eiver- eer : li. A. Taite. Financier : a. F. House worth, lieeorder ; M. Maybright. Keceiver ; l. It smith. Pact M. W. : I. N. Bowen, Guide ; P. J. Ktiiiz, Inside Wii'.cu. MASS CAMP NO. Mr iv:i!N WOODMEN of America Meets i : ho. I fourth Mon day evening at K. f p. ";:!( All transient brothers are requested to mn w ;iis hk. L. A, Newcomer, eucraiuc :-!ii:;i ; ;. , JNiies Worthy Adviser ; S. C. ilile, Itaukei ; W. A. Boeck, Clerk. ULATTSMOUril LODGE N. 8. A. e). U. W - Meets every alleruate Friday evening at Itcckwood hallatMo'clocK. All transient broth ers are respectfully invited to alien. I. L. S. Larson, M. W. ; F. lioyd. Foreman : S. C, Wiltie. Kecorder ; Leonard Anderson. iverseer, rJLATTSMOUTH LODGE NO. 0, A. F. & A. M. Meets oil the liivt aud third Mondays of each siieiitli at tlieir liui!. All trausient broth ers are cordially invited to meet witli us. J. G. KlCHKY, W. M. Wm. Hats, Secret?: ry. VEHUASKA CIIAPTEII. NO. 3, It. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of eaeh month at Ala.-i.n'e Hall. Transcieiit brothers aie invited to meet with US- f . E. Wiiitk. It. P. Wm. H vs. Secretary. "IfT. ZION COMMA' DA it. NO. 5. K. T. ".Meels first Mid third Wednestlay night of each month at M i ;o i's hall. Visiting brothers are cordially isnittd to meet with us. Wm. Hays, lice. F. E. White, E. C. (ASSCOUXUILNO 1021.11OVAL MiCANUM J meets the tetfond and fourth Moiulas of ach month at Atcauum Hall. Jt. N. GLENN, Kegent. P. C. Minor. Secretai-y. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President 1st Vice President.. 2nd Vice President. Secretary Treasurer ...Eobt. B Windham A. P.. Todd Win Neville E. Herrmann F. K. Gutlunaii PIKKCTOKS. ,T. C. Richev. F. E. White, J. C. Patterson, J. A. Cornier, B. Elson, C. W. Sherman, F. tJor der, J. V. Week bach. McCONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R. ROSTKB. SffiZEIT! GRASPIT! HOLDIT! We are openeJ up in t!3 L:iif;o.t and J'ost Lilited Jiooin in the County. We have a Trenientluous Stock in anticipa tion of a long winter. We propose to cut it elown anil will Give You th Benefit! Of it now before the IToIielajs. In order to accomplish we will give you this Per Off f On Every Dollar's Worth of Winter Goods bought of na. Our Stoclc of ciorHiira, Fimmsmm goods, Hats a,m.a. Caps Were bought as Low as Cash could buy them from .New York manufacturers. If you have been waiting for the Lowest lVie:cs STOW IS TQUB, Tim: Call and convince yourselves. We are the Wide-Awake, Hard- Working, Kever-to-be-Forgotten, Low Price, Square Dealing Clothiers. ifitff 1 Clip -e l A. J. W. Johxsok.. H. I WISS HTKS 1 KO. NIIjKS rTNKV STRKIGHT. ' : Loie Dtxox I y-r-- arlks Ford ; ' oF.itsox Fry I ... on Oouur.KMAN, o. CtntTts, ! T'cetiuir Saturday evenluc ..Commander. ...Senior Vice " ..Junior " " Adjutant, Q. M. Ollicerof the Day. " Guard Sergt Major. ..Quarter Master Sergt. rost vnapiain rUKPAEED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 41 ; aix bottles, $5. Worth $a a bottle. CAUSES OF DEMOCRATIC DES POXDEXGY. The mt experienced ami ele.ir-hr.nleel observers at the National Capital ileclare that within the past forty or fifty ycais the man ites of no Ieaten party have been so demoralized and disheartened as the elemoeratie party chiefs and eon irressmcn are at this moment. The lead ers do not consult with their ftl lowers, the members of the two branches of con gress do not confer together, while there is no consort of action in either senate or house in the initiation of any sort of leg islation. Democratic senators sit dumb and spiritless while their republican an tagonists are passing their protectioni.-1 tariff bill section by section opposition, it is true, is made when the vote arj taken on the provisiors of the measure, but it is of tlicmeist feeble anel perfunctory sorr. Charles Xordho.T. one of the oldest nntl best-known journalists in Washing ton, and a elemocrat himself, calls the democrats in congress a "meb," an 1 says "when a mob is beaten it elo -s not pick itself up." Testimony from otl cr demo cratic sources is of a similar tenor. I'n tloubtctlly one cause of the elemoeratie apathy is the aversion and elistrust which the party h'l:ls for the president. He was never popular among his m;j orters. Democrats roted for hint in because they av that hiscindidacy offered them a chance of restoration to power. Ihey voteel for him for th.? rake of the apojls and patronage which a ic.jublicun can didate r.eak in the p'vutal state would Don't let th it cold of yours run on. You think .t is a tight thing. Uut it may run into 3ut;..-.r'i. Or Into p.'jenmonia. Or con- ump! ion. r..f . .1. ,i;.-,r.,t I'liniinnnlri is dangirous. Consumption is death itself. ft IT 14 WEALTH i rIl . t ! .m filing l.i cat f- O -klict' 1 L it I - l.t' lUL.Illlill UllUI in Of healtby and clear of all obstructions anel olTcn.'ive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the eliseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes anel lungs, can be delightfully unci entirely cured by the us.' of I'oschee's German Syrup. If yit dwii't know this already, thousands and tl .uisands of people" enn tell you riu'V li ive been cured by it. and know how i is, themselve-s. Uottle only 7 cent.-:. Ask any elruggisr. Notice. All parties knowing themselves in k'bt i to me, are requested to balance hs-ir f:' counts on or before the first day of J uri iiy 1SS:), as, after that time, al! icro'.in's will positively be left in the !mnds of a Ctnlcctor. DR. SCHILDKNKCriT. Nov. 26. tf S500 Reward. "We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. A show of I ltiey are purely yegctanie, ana never Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat niiil a guarantee specific for liysltii-i Oi.ziae.ss. Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neiiralj.'ia, llr ad ache. erve.0O8 Prostration eacsed hy the use of alcohol or toi.iicp.o. Wakefulness. Vent a) l)e uresiou. Softeniuir ofilio Hrstin rcfu'tir-t ia in sanity and leading t misery, deeny sin1 'leatli, reaiatiire ohl Atre. Barrenness. Los of Puw- ; er in ciliisr sex, Involiibtary Losi-fs and Sper mat'.rrliota 6nund hy over-exertion of rlie brain, seifabu-st; or over-iiidnlenee F.scli box contains one nmnfli's treatsiif of, $1 no a l.ox orsix boxes for $5,00, sent by mail piepaidor receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure anv case. With eaHi or!er received by us for six boxes, ac.onipan ed with 55 00, . Will send the purchaser ri:r written titiaran tee to return the money if 1 lie treatment does ; not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only bv Will J. Warrick sole a ' et. Pjttsiiiouth. Meb Carrulh Building, Cor. Main and 5lh. 1 1 A li Sjiecial Sale commencing November 12tli, continuity one week, WecK ad's i ii I dm THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Sri EVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewingr machine, ask our agent at your' place for terms ana nrices. If vou cannot find our airent. write tl irec t to nearest address to you below pa med. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.OeANCE,MASSJ Chicago - UNION SQUARt,N.i. VHW, J. M. MUUl, riattmouth, Neb. fail to jnve satisfaction. Larjre boxes sontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For snlrt hy all elru?oists. Cewarc of counterfeits und imitations. The cen- uine manufactured only !y John O. We & Co., 8G2 W. JIaclison St. Chicago.and Sold by W. J. Warrick. The lig-ht running Howe at Sherwooel's only t-o.00. WHAT ON EAf.TH Is Hit n ason people will net, can not, or do not sec any elifferencc in cheap nos trums put up uy Cheap John nouses or : irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputation anel ene that is piviny; universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the worlel fa giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as DEGO S BLOOD PUMFIEK & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that l cs not elo its work will cost you noth ing. X'or sale by O. P. Smith & Co., FUR FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Ulf USE The Largest acd Most Complete Stock in tli City. COFFINS, GASKETS AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF m mom. HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL IUNERALS. HENKY BOECK: Cloaks ant Plush. Cloaks and Children' offered anywhere in the city. Wear. Price 20 per cent less the price Examination will prove statement. PLUSH WRAPS We have an im mense line and wili discount same 25 pel cent, "as they must be sold before the end of the season PLUSH SHORT WRAPS are eleerant nttini? garments. We sell thein at $14.90, worth all of $20,00, O111 1 ? k-.e V 1 x -mm mm mm mm jNtssa 1 PLUSH ft it 11 11 u 3 20 $nfPluh Cloak uwc teW for S2 -ell elsewhere at $27. d OR Hush Cloaks vpiJJwe He'll for -5 sell el.-ewhere at 3o. m l I III IIIMI VvlOf.es WO. ,iMI . 1 xuseii lor H'jj rl.se where at. XT.d 'MU D Plllsll Ch,;ik Wfi sell for $4.5 pel 1 jeljiowlu'i-p at ,(0. A Full Line ot Walking 'old at the lpives jprieefe. Sankets AN e have UtroSBTAKE Comfortabfes and A Finp Splpefoi1 T.inp nf -ti-rtin t I ff ... i... c.n r. u., to u.oi a t.air 4-1. 1 ? . T . . . . . I ' liic iiue&e. 10 cent matting m the city. UNDERWEAR. In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than any house in the city, as we arc overstocked' with theec goodi, ' CALL AN1 SATISFY YOURSELVES. Yours Respectfully, 1 - ji 1 I V II ' 1 I I) I)