TUE DAILY IIEUaLD : f iSaM u fn, -nigintAijK A, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12 1SS8. V. Th3 Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS 13 XI C 3., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOUTH 11EBAL1) U nubtMicil every vmi1iik xipi jiua W-uklv virv Tliur-I;iy iiniriiliig. l.tusis- svery ry Tla ncroiid-cl iit- matter. Ollii;e oi.rurr ol N me ami t lllll trtet. T-i;liue Mu. a. TKKMS fttn DAILY. One copy on e:ir In dviiiic. by mall. One ciy per mouth, by arrli;r One copy per week, by carrier, TKRMS ft WKKKI.V. ...$0 00 ... Ro ... 13 - - vor In ml valine ........ ....$1 Uuocv; :. ... ,nni,i lii :ul vnui-e. ........ Our Clubing List. w,ki v IIkhai.O ant f. V. World... 41) N. V. Tribune. OillHllU K 2 :io N. Y. VrurH. N. Y. 1'iwt 2 Harper .MaKazlue 4 Wpi kly. 4 T llaar... 4 75 " Young People 3 .' N-h. Farmer 2 W) I Inlu nrest's Month lv Maudlin 3 10 N'kw Mkxico U troubled with what the settler invite vpurtauifii there to shoot the little things M it. 1I.ikki.ion will be Ihe thirly- third lady to ret.i.lexver the executive minx-nn. altliounh Mr. ) larrison is only the twenty-third president. TUE suprcui J court of the state has de M.l.l nn iinixirmi.t ouetioti involving the navment of taxc ou U.insferrcd ren estate. The court holds that the yesJer who soil the real estate after the 1st o Ai.rit iu the absence of a contract to the t i!l.l f.ir the taxes on th property for that yee.---JZx press. Ah as illustration of the gigihiic tr'ides which the steel rail inanufactur in industry lias advanced under th policy of protection in the United States during the past twenty years, u:z jouow In" figures will be of great interest In 16C7 the United States bad Imt one steel rail rolling mill. In 1SS7 we had thirty eight. The product had increased from 2,277 tons in 17 to 3,101,001 tons in 137 the mileage of railroads increasing daring the same time to 150 000 mile IIayti has illegally seized one f our merchant ships. Canada has illegally seized about 200. IIayti is a poor little waif of a country. Canada is a great empire with the greatest of empires be hind her. Four American men-o'-war are going down to IIayti to blow her up or do something similarly dreadful. But as to Canada and the empire behind her we are not going to be so vicious. This is an Administration which looks before it leap?, and if. the leip looks bad it docsn t take it. But if there is nothing to leap over, why, then, itmakea a brave, bold, resolute dash. X. Y. Trib. JIEF EATERS. The gravel trains voted their men at South Oai dia, PlattsmoutU. Lincoln and Omaha. WHO DID IT. From its Omiha correspondent The Call receives information coucerning Dandy's spasm of virtue in prodding up the illegal voters. It seems that his sug gestion to the grand jury that he would furnish information concerning fraud in Lincoln was based on the fact that ia the First ward in Lincoln there were 1,300 votes cast 400 more than there should have been. In examining the witnesses in Ocaah the fact leaked out that many men had voted who had no right to vote. It was claimed tint the gravel train men of the Burlington first yotcd in Plaits mouth, then iu Lincoln and finally in Omaha. It is said that the B. & M. had four hacks running to the First ward polls. That the train was run in on the track at the foot of "J" street, jujt two Mocks from the voting place. The fel lows who were voted Mere mostly Hun garians and Italians who willingly, yet ignorantly, swore in their votes. Local railroad official t-tood at the First ward voting places to see that their repeaters voted. The First ward outrages should be in vestigated, and if the stories in circula tion are true, the participants should br promptly jailed. Charley Maroon, who came from Omaha t xlay, says that from what he can learn there will be wonderful revela tions when the grand jury gets to work investigating the matter. THE OR .WEI. TRAINS. "It's all right to talk about the Injodlc in thr last election," said an old time re publican last night, "but the reason that Dandy is going to investigate the Lin coln election is because the gravel trains were voted in Lincoln in defiance of all Uw and decency. I know who made the complaint. While I am not at liberty to say anything about the matter, in par ticular, you may in ike a general state ment that the practices of voting train loads of men by railroad companies i about at an end in Nebraska. You ju-t look out, if Dundy proceeds, ns h has intimated, and you'll s.-e that I know what I am talking about. I know that there was lots of money used in the last election that is, I am morally certain that there was. Of course to prove it would be impossible. You will notice that th object of the investigation in Omaha is to see if there were not many fraudulent votes cast. If the federal court wanted to convict men of using .money to influence voters on election Jav it need never com? to Lincoln nslong a Oaiaha blasts 103.000 population. r.'.nviln would have to enlarge the nenitentiary to hold 'em all. penitentiary iCm, the Lincoln stutcmnit for vc do not hccIiow 400 men cotil J vote in one 'lay in the three cities. Although we hnvc heard of a good denl of t:ilk there Neiuudonc in the different itiiM, no we think, if Judge Dundy pro ceed in has been intimated, if there lias been any repeat inj done, those w!u did it h id best lay low, for there id no tell- ng wiiere the lightning will strike. 77 E ELECT 11W AO F. I'rof. Klibha Orav remarks that elec- trical science has made a greater advance in. the-last twenty years than in all the 000 historic years preceding. More is discovered in one day now than in a thousand years of the middle ages. We find all sorts of work for electricity to do. We make it carry our messages, drive our engine, ring our door bell, and scare t he burglar; we take it as a medi cine, light our gas with it, sec by it, hour frvm it, talk with it, and now we are beginning to teach it to write. For Sweet Home's stake. Mothers, V-iY's, sisters! . why that patient, hopeless suirenng, ir.ose pincueu mtUiiclioly laces tnai sauuen nome mm . . . i .... i ratine anxiety to ioveu ones, iot-iit and harmless a remedy as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can be ob tained of vour druggist i It is a panacea for all "female complaints," of marvelous efficacy aud health-giving qualities. The debilitated, and sullcrers irom moso ex rrmirttin" iciiodical i):i:.:i!i, "dragging ' feelinns. backache and kindred fern ile disorders, should use this certain remedy at once, and be restored to the f hpulth. for home's sake. Of druggiats. fjotice. All oersons knowing themselves iudebt rd tn the estate of Dr. 11. Ii. Liyingston for medical services, are requested to call and settle with undersigned. F. E. White. lw Executor, HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain n.1 ....nrrli mid r:llmlv Sav: "Oil! it IS only a little cold." and keep giving their, chehi, a;;d dangerous medicines, until thov are down witii iur.c fever or con sumption, when thev can be so easily re lieved by HEGGS-" CHERRY COUGH cvnTrf Tt lina no sunenor. and few equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co druggists. Tli.i latest Novelties of Neckties ana MniiWa at Joe's. The Onlv One Price Clothier in Plattsmoutb. tf COUGH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What iu iLe vorld is the reason you will cough and keep couftti'iMg ijnd still keen trvintr inferior medicines wlien BEG OS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This ia no advertising scheme, but nn atnl f:irr and we sruarantee it. Sold by O, I, Smith & Co., druggists. Wool boots with libbers relucl to S2.0 J at Sherwood's mens arctics only sr. o at Sherwood's sold elsewhere for $1.2:-. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it ,l lcrht. thinr. But it mav run into tai rh. Or into pneumonia. Or con um.'lion. C.tarrh is dissrustin". Pneumonia dan'-erous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept heallhy and clear of all obstructions and ffV. Jv matter. Otherwise there is tronMe ahead. AH the diseases of these parts, head nos throat, bronchial tubes and lungs can I.j delightfully and entirely cured hy the t -e of Boschee's German Syrup. you don't know this already, thousand and thousands of people can tell you TU. liavo hern cured bv it and know how it fs, themselves. - Bottle only 7 cent?. Ask any druggist. Notice. Ali narties knowing themselves in d,.!i I to me. are ren nested to balance tlu-ir neconnts on or before the first dn of January 1SS0, as, after that time, eri::its will nositivelv be left in all th haiid - of a collector. Dit.. Scinr.DKXEciiT. Nov. 2G. tf $500 Reward. Vi- will pay he above reward for any r-. . ..f liv.-r riimnliimt. tlvsnepsia. sieit he i.I ijhe. indigestion, constipation o roati vencss we cannot cure witl w. Wwtuble Liver Pills, when the d'rr ci'ons" are stiirtly complied with Tii-y -ire purely vegetable, and neve fail to give satisfaction. Large boxc vt.-hiinfr HO sucrar coated pills. 25c, For s i!e by all druggists. Beware o counterfeits and imitations. I he gen faetured onlv bv John O. We & Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicngo.and Sold liy W. J. Warrick. Wltvpaybig prices for sewing ma chin.-s when you can get a New Howe at K. Sii rwood s for f 25,00 WHAT ON EARTH Is th-; reason oeonle will not. can not. or . g I r do n t see any difference in cheap nos trnim nut tin lv Chean John houses or irre;i-nsible parties at enormous profits, rath'-r tli in take a medicine ot woric wid-i reputation and one tlrat is giving universal sitisff.ction at equal price? No medicine iu the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying th hh,. l as BEGG'S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle tha dm' not do its work will cost vou noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. druggists. - Notice. he annual meeting of stockholders in tin Plattsmoutb Loan & Building Asso ciat on will be held on Meiiday Jan. 7th 15S: . in G. A. R. hall, city of Platts m ; tli, for the purpose of electing a bond of directors for the ensuing- year a-ul for the transaction of such other bu- ness as may properly come before the me. tin J. H. Y rof ree.4,-av tf :c'y. GIWY OKKIGJiliS. Mayor, , clerk. K. M. ! II K V Iamks Pattkkson, jr. HVKO.N C'UAllK - A Madoi.k S Cl.IKKOUI V U MA1.1CK ) .$ V V.'K1ACII 1 . .- Al.l!-l:l KV I) 1 ,(N KS 'i i n. A Sliir-MAN 1 M ii Ml t. I IIY 1 f, w iu1 i f a l ON ti'lONNOB. 1 r mCai.i.vk, I'kes re.murer. Attorney, MljMliei-r, Police .Iii.Ikh, Marshall, Couuullinen, Isi ward 2i-d " 3rd " 4th. " I J W JonNS , Board Pub. Workup Hiko Cokpkh I 11 HaWKhWi W Jon ,CHAlltMAN OUT II Treasurer. D. A. Cam i" hk 1. 1. Thos. l'yl.IJi('K P.IKO I'm TCll 1 1 Kl.O KXA I'KI H'HHKIJ) W. II. Pool. John M I.kviia V. C. KllOWAl.TKK J. C. ElKKNKAH A. M AUU1.K ai.lk.n ijk.kson Mavmauh Si-ink C. ltL'SSKl.L. Deuuiv Treasurer, - Clik. Deputy C'li rk. Iteeunler of Peeris Pnuiitv Uemrilr Clerk of Divliict Cojrt, SlierilT. Surveyor. Alloruey, Sunt, of I tit. Suhooli1, County J udno. IIOAKI) or surKiivisons. A. B. Todd. Ch'in. riattsmouth WeepliiK Water EmwootI Louis Fot.'rz, A. B. DICKSON, CIVIC SOGIKIJIuS. i 1 ASH I.OUtIK No. 110. 1 U. u. r.-.ieeiH I ju..urii Tnumhiv vfniiii. of f;icli week. All transient brothers are npecUully invited to ittnl. IlLATrMOCI II KNCAMPMKNT No. 3. I. O. O. K.. meeis every iilternate Frhlajr In eaeli montU in tUe Masonic Hall, v isiiuit; Brothers are nivlteu to atteiui. 11KIO LOIXIE NO. 81, A. U. U. w, .-ueeis 1- every altertiat - Fr'.ilay evening at k. of P. hall TiaiiSlbi'.t brottiers ar respeeifuiiy in vited to attend. F.J. Morean.MasterWorkinan ; F. P. Brown, b oreman ; ii. i. enisc-jr. ovcr- eer : K. A. l aite, f inancier ; w. r. mmr-v- worth, Uecoruer ; M. Siajungm. ueeeiyer; l. 15. Smith, Pat Si. V . : 1. . Uowen, l.uie.e ; P. J. Kunz, Inside Vi ate n. 1ASS CAMP NO. 332. MOI1HKN WOODMEN V' of America Meets second mid fourth Mon day ever.ir.tf at it. of f. kali. All transient brothers are requested to meet with u. I.. A, Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Banker ; W. A. Boeck, Clerk. LILATTSMOUTII LODGE NO. 8, A. O. V. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at Rock wood hall at H o'clock. All transient broth ers U' respectfully Invited to attend. Lursoii. hi: W. ; F. B.,1, Foreman i S. C. Wilde, liecoruer ; Leonard Anderson, overseer. 1H.ATTSMOUTH UllJllE NO. C. A. F. & A. M. Meets on the first and lliird Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially invited to meet wun in. J. G. Kichky, W. M. Wm. IIaxs. Seeietary. F.BKASKA CHAPTER. NO, 3, K. A. M- k- Meets second and fourth Tuesday oi eaen inonlhat Maon 'e Ilarl. IranayitC i,roiiieis are invited to meet with us. F. E. White, II. P. Wm. If H's. Secretary. Ifr. ION COMMA I Alt V, NO. 5, h. T. JA.Meets first and third Wednesday msrht of each month at Maso'i's hall. V'isitin brothers an cordially invited to meet Willi us. WM. Havs, Kec. F. E. Whitk, E. C. CASS COUNCIL NO. 102I.KOYAL OICANU.M inri.-tx the t-econd and fourth Mondays of ach mouth at Arcanum Hall. If. ir, Mi-E'i.', T,e jut. P. C. Mixok, fsecrstary. PLATTSWOUTH BOARD OFTRADE President Robt. B Windham 1st Vice President A. B. Todd 2nd Viee President Wm Neville Secretary F. Herrmann Treasurer F. K. Guthman DIliW-TORS. .1. C. Kichev. F. E. White, J. C. Patterson, J. A. ( onae,-, II. Elson, C, Y, Sherman, F. (.or der, J. V. Weckbach. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. BOSTElt. J. W. .TohvsoK Commander. Q.S. Twiss Senior Vice F.a. P.atks Junior Oko, Nilks Adjut: HZNHy Strf.ioht Mauis l)i ion Ofilccrof the t : CHAKLKSFOKD " " Gi:i"- ANDERSON FltV ?f rgt Miiji.-.. jAOOiiGOKKf.F.MAJf.. ..Quar er -,er Ser;j:. L. C. Cuutis I'o I Chail- Meet Un; Saturday evening HEALTH IS WEALTH ! A) Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Braln Treatment a guarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Ilcad aeht. Nerveous Prostration caused by the use of a'cehol ortobaceo. Wakefulness. Cental He-pre-iion. Softening of the Brain reMilting in in satiitv and leading t misery, ilecay :nd death. - reseature old Ate. Barrenness, Loss of Pow er in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sper m:.t iihea caused by over-exertion of ihe brain, gelfabuse orovef-indnlence Each box eon'ains one month's treatrnt-nt. .?1 (Hi a box orsi boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure an v cane. With eneli order r ceivecl by ns for six boxes, aeooisipan-ed with S5.00. we will send the purchaser our written siiiaran tee t return the money if the fr atineiit does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole a rt. Plattsmouth. Nel J. C, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. FURNITURE Parlor, Dining F!I The Largest aud Most Complete Stock in the City. COFFINS, CASKETS AND A COMPLETE 'ASSORTMENT OF HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow Horseshoeing "A Specialty. He uses the Horseshoe, the Best- Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast Eriving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made eo anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M. Schnellbacher, 5th St., Plattsmouth, Neb. TM. Iv. BROWNE, I-W OFFICE. Personal attention to my care. to all Business Entrust- SOTAP.1' IN OFFICE. Tliiep Kxamined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Real Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm 'Loans than Any Other Ageficyv 11 Utmut -l, - Vebra ha BUSINESS 15 ! H I-CTOIIY. ATTORNEY. S. F. TIK'MAS. Attorney-at-I.aw j:i"l No'ary Public. Oftlce In Fitzgerald Block. Plattsmouth, Neb. ATTORNEY. A. ?,T. SULLIVAN. Attorndy-at-Lew. Will ei ve prompt attention to a!l buHinest Intrusted to him. Office In Union Block, East tide.. Plattsmouth. Neb. fiKOCEKIES. (I CHRIS. WOHLFARTH, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, Flour aid Feed. G- 33. EEMPSTER, praGticai Fram m mn n AND KEPAIBKK. Firit-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Bocck's furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska R. B. Windham, John A. Davif.s, Notary Public. Notary Public. WlXIHIxVM A IIAVIEB, Ofllce over Bank'cfJCaes County. Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska ALFRED DOLG Celebrated French Slippers AT SHERWOOD'S THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF OKUK. If you desire to purchase a sewingr machine, ask our anrent et your place for terms and irect to nearest aaaresa to you wmw uamcu. NEW H0ME5EW1NG MACHINE aORMGE,K CHICASO - 28 UNION lUUAKt,rLli7 xE3t st'louis. mo. yyTAiiA-sNraAWciEco.cj., J. M. ML7 IK, Plattsinoutli, Keb. EMP0RIU Room and Kitchen E SIEZE IT We are opened up in the Largest and IJest Lighted Koom in the County. We hive a Tremenduous Stock in anticipa tion of a long winter. We propose to cut it down and will Civ Tou. th. Benefit! Of it now before the Holidays. In order to accomplish this we will give you Per On Every Dollar's Worth of Winter Goods bought of us. Our Stock of CLOTHING, FUHUISHIUG GOODS, X3Iats a,:rn.ca. Caps Were bouo-ht as Low as Cash could buy them from New York manufacturers: If you have been waiting for the Lowest Prices STOW 23 YOUR T. Call and convince yourselves. We are the 'Wide-Awake, Ilard-Workino-, Never-to-be-Forgotten, Low Price, Square Dealing Clothiers. 8q IE So. fl u ERp Carruth Building, baeb's Week Sp ecial Sale commencing November 12th, continuing one week, Cloaks and Ladies Plush Cloaks and Children's Wear. Price 20 per cent less the price ofiered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove statement. plus a WRAPS We have an im mense, line and will discount same 25 per cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our PLUSH SEORT WRAPS; are elegant fitting garments. We sell them at $14.50, worth all of $20.00. ComfortabEes and Blankets A Fine Selected Line of trom $1.00 up to 9.00 a pair. "We have the finest 15 cent Baiting in the city. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than any house in the city,. as we are over-stocked with these goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. Yours ISespect fully, PIT! MM! - Cor. Main and 5lh. wm WRAPS PIupIi Cloaks we sell for 20 sell elsewhere at $27. AQDPlnsli Cloaks pa J we fell for 25 -ell elsewhere at 35. 6 JnPlnsh Cloivks we (J)4UeIl for $40 sell elsewhere at 50. - SJPPlush Cloaks we 40sell for S45 sell elsewhere at $00. A Full Line of "W allying1 J aclsots sold at the lowest prices. D ailiili vlni-p wraps i $20 1 j 1 v Wa fin fcllA a'V v- , ; i i. -