The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 08, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. Kllbry. Itnatfet, Korhwootl JlaiMIa,
T.mvKiBx, nif ia Uerln' lro Store. KI
! for. lxta aa-l Uraaltr, Trlrphoae So. it.
Ir. Wither. Itcalint, talon IUM-k.
Mrs. Onirics Whitney went up to
Omaha last niht to visit with relatives
there anil return with Mr. Whitney to
this city tonight.
All those taking dart in the District
School entertainment arc requested to le
present at the Pnt-bytcrian church this
evening at 7:."0 p. in.
3Ir. 51. B. Murphy, who has been
HCTerely afllicted with rheumatism for
several weeks, is able to make regular
trips 1 3 his store and attend to business
Some one was kind enough to leave
n. table and desk furnishings at the Y
M. (.'. A. Kogiiis for the use of the mem
ln;ra. The secretary is ilesirou.s to know
who to thank.
5Ir. J. 51. Muir, agent for the "New
Home Sewing Machine Company," was
obliged to buy a box of cigars for his
frends yesterday. lie says It's a girl
She gets a ".New Home."
The seats are now on sale nt J. P,
Young's for the District school entertain
ment Tucsd iy and Wednesday evenin".
Dec. 11 and 12. Call and secure your
seats early and avoid the rush.
It is reported that several of the
wandering canines died a horrible death
yesterday because they were not the pos
sessors of muzzles. It is to be hoped
that ahdut five thousand more of them
will keep on dying, for the benefit of the
The board of directors of the Y. 51.
C. A. have authorized Secretary Both-
well to announce to the members that
the one bringing the most members into
the association between now and the first
of5Iarch next, will be awarded a fine
Bigster bible, valued at $11.
A training rlasj meets at the Y. 51.
C. A. rooms every Thursday night for
the purpose of searching and studying
the scriptures, but this week, owing to
the meeting of the board of directors on
Thursday evening nt the rooms, the class
tlid not meet until last night.
The lithographs for Xewton Beers'
'Lost in London," are being posted up
today. Manager Young informed us
that the coming company have had their
late secured for this city for more than
a year. The company w ill appear at the
opera house on the evening of the 15th.
There was a grand gathering of
young ix ople at Cullum last night. Tin-
younjf ladies of the 51. K. church there
gaye a b.isket supper for the benefit of
the pastor, to which the young folks
gathered from the county about and a
uurolx-r of couples were present from
Cedar Creek. A jolly time was had.
The "Two Twins," Ammi and Wil
liani, will meet with their excellent com
pany at the Presbyterian church tonight
for rehearsal. The District School," in
which they appear at the opera house
two evenings, Drem!x r 11 and 12, will
surely be the event of the season as a
genuine comedy. Seats are now on sale
at J. P. Young's, and are selling well
Prof. Gaynore held his dancing
chool and social hop in Fitzgerald hall
last night. The pupils, and there is a
good number at present, are progressing
rapidly in the world wide amustment
With the exception of a few mis-steps, or
the idea that some of them possess that
they belong at the opposite end of the
ball from where they are dancing, one
would say they were well versed in the
The hoodlums that inhabit the
'nigger heaven " at the opera house and
generally keep up an ear splitting pow
wow during all entertainments, should
exercise a little better judgment and show
a little respect for people who would like
to hear something. It is the intention of
the management to station police con
venient to the wosrt of them. Some of
them apparently pay their money for
admittance only to annoy people, and
nothing at all seems to interest them.
5Iore complaint Ims been raised by
theatre-goers on account of this than
lerhaps anything else. People do not
rare to pay out money for an amusement
which they are unable to enjoy.
The plaintiff and defendant in the
school case, appeared before Judge Clif
ford this morning for trial, but as one of
the defendant's attorneys was urgently
culled to Oanha thi morning on busi
ness, the case was necessarily continued
and was set for 5Ionday morning next a!
ten o'clock. The following gentlemen
were selected as a jury wn the case: Messrs.
W. IL Cushing. Peter Merges, James
Donnelly, John IL Cox, Frank 5Iorgn
and J. 51. Patterson. Xo one can find
fault with the selection of this jury, and
we feel certain that justice only will le
dealt by them. The case has aroused
much excitement and it will no doubt
he very Interesting.
As Played by Newton Beers.
We copy the following from the Kan
sas City 1 lines:
The management of the Gilliu i i.rn.
Bcniui" mis week" somctliinir unnsiml
and to say that it is a success but mildly
expresses the enthusiasm with which it
was received last niirht bv mi ini,i;i.r-..
that completely filled every portion of
i ne mcaire. -Aiom in liondun. ' naitn.
cular melodrama, wmh trivi-n bv Vi.ui.m
Boers' excel lent, company. The drama is
oi use 1 1 a strong one, possessing all the
points which go to make up a complete
play, and the climaxes being so admira-
inj wrrangeu as io stamp it at once as a
fine production. The urniin, rf tlw.
play, however, make it eloubly interest
ing, the scenery being grand and the
effects simnlv marvelous. Tim
scene in the fourth act, the streets of I
London, were beautiful. Nothing like
it lins ever been seen here outiln iho
extra high-priced attractions. The stars
interpretation ot the wronged husband
was a stronir and viirorons nieen nf ff.
l-r - r - v
nig. and snows a rarelul study and com
plete mastery or the dramatist's idea.
'M J . .
i nere are a numocr oi specialties intro
duced, the "Pan Pipe Quartet" bein"
particularly popular, Job's vision was a
neauuiui view oi jjmivnns in a h I.nnd
which to view, was oi itself worth the
price of admission.
This company has been booked by
Manager l oung for over a year for Dec.
15, one week from tonight. They will
also give a grand family matinee on Sat
urday afternoon, prices 25 and 50: for
night performance :$.), r0 and 75c. ,
An Incident With a Moral
Last night as a certain younir man of
this city was wending his way homeward,
sometime after dark, picking his way up
one of the back streets over the loose
boards of an imitation of sidewalk
guided by the faint rays of light fre-ui a
corner street lamp, he was startled by a
suddvn rustling anel running sound across
the street, and the animal causing it was
comirg towards him. His first thoughts
were of mad dogs and most evervthin"
of that description that can be imagined
when one thinks he is standing in immin
ent d niger of something but he don't
know what; his first glance in that
directum calleil to mind an unmention
able animal, but as the rustling, running
iniir. a or animals drew near 1p
liscerneel by the elim light that it was
i common house cat under full headway
ifter a rat, and they were making straight
for him. With an understanding of the
circumstances he recovered his senses.
I'll give that cat a lesson in rat killinf.'
he thought to himself, just as the rat
bounded across his path towards his
right. lie swung his left font, rioht
thout, intending to lift the rodent into
ternuy with one effo:t. Oh undesired
issistiince wed to hasty miscalcu'ation.
thi:e !:ily children are sore di.sappoiut-
ncnt and cluigrin ! The rat ran awav.
he ci't ran away, and the young man ot
lome after many a painful sten. lii
tight ankle bad projected into the pnnru.
of his left heel, aud today he wears an
iristoeratic step not altogether pleasant.
5hi:.u.: Don't nionkev with ntlir
4eepl.:'i business.
m Our Odds ar.d Ends of
OnG Half Original Value.
Odd Pieces of
Disss Groda
Marked Way Below
Our Odds and Ends of
Silks, Velvets
Remnants of Above Goods
One Half Original Value.
Colored Velveteens
Reduced to 40 cents a yard, worth
G5 cents. Full Liues of
Cut Odds and Ends of
Ch.ild Ton's Ssrtra
Hoavy nibbod TKTcol
Hoc o, Sizos frcm 6 J
to 9, reduced to 50c.
a. 2Fair, worth, from
75 to 90c-
Extni Good Values in LADIES'
per Pair.
Our Odds and Ends of
7Ti Order to clear
"tip Odd Oar
merits in tin's De
partment we havo
marked them at a
figure that will
make tlieni o in a
hurrj. Call early
and et best choice.
All JDepartmen ts
LLi3.CiiOS? I f Tol0r?S;ir!S' O'Slianters,
Jocky and Alpine C'ps, Children's
Undo F WGHT Casl,mere ud Hood... chn-
drens Zephyr !ind A ngora Hoods,
Ladies' Hoods and Facinators.
Our r0c White IMerino Vests ami Pants
are the best value in the city.
Our 75c Camels Hair Vests aud Pants
sell elswhere at $1.00.
Our $ 1.00 Xational Wool Vests and
Pants well worth $1.25.
Our $1;00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the
best goods for the price offered.
Our $1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants
worth $4.00 a suit.
Our $ 1.50 Scarlet Vests and Pants are
our regular $2.00 quality.
Muffs , Boas,
Our Stock in above goods is
very complete, and we are show
ing some very Rich Goods in Eni-
I broidered Silks and Linen. Full
j Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal
loped, Initiel and plain white.
.Black Coney Muffs, only (5 cents.
Black Hare Muffs, only $1.25.
Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only
Black Real Monkey Muffs, only $5.00.
Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00.
Opposum Muffs, only $2.50.
Lynx Muffs, only $5 00.
Imitation Seal Muffs, only $.J.50.
Beaver Muffs, only $0.00
Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50.
Full lines of Black Coney, Nutria,
Silver Hare, Opposum, Lynx, Raccoon,
Chinchilla Fur Trimming, at very low
Best Quality Feather Trimmings, only
40 cents per yard.
Blankets ih1
White Blankets from $1.75 to 7.
Grey Blankets from $1.50 to $5.
Scarly Blankets from $3.50 to $!.
Extra Good Values and Quali
ties from SI. 00 to $-l.0.
Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin,
Knit, Cotton Flush and Cloth, at
very Low Frices.
Miss Edith Waterman. Ultlo ci
year o d dauirhter of our etoA-moil .;!.
ztu, Mr. II. Waterman, started out Thurs
day .-i. tornoon on a shopping tour. Since
ihe c.:r oads of holiday goods have ar
rived .t the different toy stores, she has ; very anxious concerning herself,
.vond ring what kind ot a Christmas
present Santa Clau would leave in licr
jtocki.i r. She did not propose to he
4ight-.d ly him. and for fear th at s-me
t her children might he shown a little
purti.ility, she made up her mind to go
:o he.i.hpjtrtcra and investigate. She
hrst vi ited Mr. J. P. Young, and looked
iver li:s stock of many nice Christmas
pr senN. She then inquired of the clerk
f that was the store where Santa Glaus
bought his Christmas presents. She was
told th it it was. after which she ordered
Jiout .i car load, leaving orders tn Snnfa
Clans t. bring thera along when he came
Christmas eve.
Til'J tWO moil who vrt nrrotr1
Th ursd.iv afternoon as susnicions rhnr:ip.
ters. add for carrying tools npon their
persons supposed to he burglars' tools,
were brought up for trial tliis mornin
befoiv Judire Clifford. Tl.o 111 An unro
r-y 3 " ti V
1 . . .
cnarge.i witu carrying concealed weapons,
rh.i in lire fined them 40 anrl tuta f,r
carrying concealed weapons, and as they
wer unable to pay the tine, were jailed
igaiii. They gave their names as Charley
Brown and J"hn Ilickie.
Rock Bluffs
Amos Chase caught a large wild cat
last week in a steel trap.
George Ilendrickson has repaired tin
old brick parsonage by putting on a n' -roof,
and new windows, and is keepi:. .
bachelor's hall there.
Our fall term of school -lord last
week on Wednesday, and tin wint.
term began this week on Monday and i
taught by Mr. O. W. Curtis.
Jam-s Chalfant and wife got back
from Wyoming territory last week and
have moved into the old home again
fully satisfied with the western 'ho busi
ness. Mr. Frank Lambert is down sick in
bed with an old trouble that he contract
ed while in the army, and his recovery is
Byron Young came down from Keya
Paha couny a few weeks ago and thinks
he will winter at the old home this win
ter. By the way, his father, Mr. L. II.
oung, nas sold nis farm for $2,500. and
he intends to move away in the spring,
but has not yet decided where he will
Last Tuesday night, after the services
at the Methodist church were over, a
wagon from the Carroll farm was upset
by a bad place In the road, as they started
from the church. Mrs. Charles Carroll
was ouite badlv hurt, and Miss "NVtM..
L,ampieu nau an arm badly sprained.
The road was repaired the ucxt day.
' Tim Sir a feu.
Children, (especially girls) don't fail
to see .j i'. loung s display of Dolls.
ets., in his show window. It contains
the finest line and assortment of dolls
ver seen in the city. It
The annual meetinirof the Plattsmontli
(" inning company will be held at the
county juages omce tne tirst Monday in
: iitiary, Jan. v, i?y at 7:3W p. m.
F. U. Gcthman,
Fued Gokdek, Pres.
dlt4w Sc.
Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils
in music, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living
ston's residence, corner Sixth and Oak
streets. Plattsmouth, Nov. 19, 1888. tf
Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the
oesc in tne market, at J"ricke & Go's, drug
store, 8-tf.
It Will Be $i 5 in Yaw'SMe Pflcr
The City Meat Market is the best place
io buy iresii meats, pork chops, poultry
nu game o; an Kinds. tf
1.000 China nlates. and 1 nnn Phi,.,,
cups and saucers arriyed at the Tea Store
n .
an ureseuis. -t
Thelisht runninsr Howe at Sherwood's
only sjo.uu.
CIi irley Spencer who was so seriously
mjure.i in a railway accident at Omaha
5frv.-id weeks aco. is now a bin to nm
iron u l on crutches. He intends to eat
i I hn-'.mas dinner at his honu here.
T...norrow bein;? the last Snnrlnv
Mis- ! .td will take part in the sinwinw
'eior rie returns to her home in Ohio,
tliere will he a full choir at the Presby
terian Iiurch in the morning. A beauti
ful a:.t:iem will be sun"-.
Tiic- little daughter of Mr. .Lis
Ritchie, who has been afflicted for several
lavs with dinhthpria. rihxl TPsh.rdn
afterncon. Tlie funeral took place this
alter.. urn at two o clock.
L. C. Creamer, of Cedar Creek, is in the
city today,
Mr. J. A. Connor and wife are spend
ing the day in Omaha.
Mr. Mauriee O'Rourk w.-is miwi tr
Omaha this sioruing to see a sick coqsin.
Mr. Chas. Marshall aud family nf
Syracuse, arrived in the city yesterday to
Visit at tne Home of his cousin, Mr. Phil
Miss Elizabeth Kcnnish. Miss "Xbirinn
Crawther, Misses Ettic and Mamie Shn-
herd, were passengtre to Omaha tills
Mr. Carl Kinsr. who has been wnrtmn
I in a jewelry store at Glenwood for sonie
A . -t .
time, is in tne city and lie will visit his
friends here for the next week.
Wool boots with rubbers rprlnpvl tn
&2.00 at Sherwood's mena nrrtina nnlw
85 c fit Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for
Plenty of feed, liour, graham and
meai at iieisei s mill, tf
Wool Roots and Rubbers complete.
x.vv at Merges.
That Frank Carruth & Son lias before purchasing Christmas
1'resents. Trices are such that it would not pay to cross the
street, let alone going to Omaha, this year. All thev ..L- I.
To show you the Fine Goods and Give You Prices on every
thing you could ask for in the line, which will be sold if thL
have an opportunity.
in larmer mis year man ever before. Don't F iil to
call and see the Display of fine goods.
JHAWK CAfmUTttfc sow,
uovzy BiooJsf-llatts2noutli.
Don't lie mislead by so-called Reduced
frices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
VAIl n 1.11" I .... .... .1 . 1 I
"uj uciut t;uuus iur less money
at Joe's The One Price Clothier. tf
Don't Q to Mike's blacksmith shop
for arctics when von can rpt thom fur
- " w.
8jc at Sherwood's.
The llnest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Bocck's. '
Tii j regular Sunday afternoon meet-
;nr f.n- younir men will be held nt. f lif V
M. C. V. rooms at four o'clock tomor
row afternoon. All younjr men are in-
llr. Frank Cranmer is obli-rprl to
conM . himself to a lark room now on
irct::it of sore eyes.
Down Co The Prices.
FVMll HOW on we will sell (iint.tvn
and I1)Ixt IIomk bane burners at
greatly reduced prices.
Johnson IJrok.
Rev. II. H. 13urress. uastor of tre
Episcopal church, wishes t known that
he offers his services, willingly for all
funerals, but requests those dpsirino l.ia
assistance to consult him before thetime
for the funeral js set
The usual Divine s?rvieps will h
held at U3 Eiiscoiul church tomorrow
but the regular Sunday school will be
Mr. Bert McElwain's iewelrv sfnrp
will bo lighted by gas in the future.
There will be no Sunday school t
the Prefchytrian church tomorrow,
See Joe's Goods, ovt his Priees. nnd
then let VOUf own .Tndcrnitnt
whether you can do so well anywhere
else ns at Joe's. tf
Bailed hay will be for sale at the
Holmes stables from now on, sold by the
ton or car lpad.
A nice line of silk and linen handker
chiefs and mufflers just received at J. II.
Donnelly's. tf
IT. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city,
The lijrht runninsr Howe nt
Sherwood's only $25.00.
Fresh Butter. .V.
Feet, Tripe and Game attheEmni'rn M.?t
Why to eTOCerv and drtr crnrwl
9tores for arcticta when you can get them
iorwc hi nnerffoortii
Miss Alice Sheuherd will
class for ladies and gentleman on Thurs
day eveninff. at her rooms nn 4th atrof
in pencil and crayon drawing, prepara
tory to a sketching class in the summer.
Terms very low. For particulars apply
to Miss Shepherd, 4th street, between
Main and Vine. Miss S. has vacancies
for a few additional pupils in vocal
and instrumental music, and her classes
for oil and water Culor painting meet
twixi a week.
December 3rd, 1888. lwk
fefflSS omce,
Attorney-at-i w ii'iiV V ' '
to all tuHirie intrni Livf ,r,on,Pt attention
Union Block. JEt llZ Li V: 0nu-" i
cas sine. I'lattsmouih. Neb.
The annual meeting of stockholders in
the Piattsmquth Loan it Building Asso
ciation will be held on Monday Jan. 7th
15JS9, in G. A. Ii. hall, city of Platts
mouth, for the purpose of electing a
board of directors for the PnRllinor vnar
ami for the transaction of such other
business as may properly oame before the
meeting. J. II. Young.
Dec. 4, '83. tf Sec'y.
All persons knowin y themspl van in rloKt
ed to the estate of Dr. R. It. Livingston
ior menicai services, are requested, to call
ana settle witu qnaerslgned.
' F. E. White.
lw Executor.
"'v,j""ub uotcuonry ior iurnisninz a
house can be purchased at H. Bceck'a.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Hooidoat Dentist.
Preservation of Ihe Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Anesthetics given fur pViv
ui .Itaw ou Extraction op Teeth"
Artificial teeth made on Gold SnveJ
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and liSriS
as soon as teeth are extract when de
I All work warranted. Prices reaaon&M.