THE DAILY iltitALl) : i A TTdMO U '111, N IJ K A &k A , fiUHfej)XiVi . . . .. -i i . M - mm M -MM T T Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalUhary. UralWI, Uuckwwod Trlrpkoae X. lr. Klla, OlDrt la irrlii lrir Klorr, Il 4care t or. tilth aa-l Uraaltr, Trlrphone .. i- Dr. Hithrrw, Drai!t, I'alaa Hlork. CITY COKDIALS. Word has just ln-tn received as we go to press that the depot at Pacific Junction U on tire and that the fire cannot be kept under control. Full particulars tomorrow. The Board of Health oflicers are holding a meeting tliis afternoon at the office of Dr. Cook for the puiposc of making arrangements, if possible, to check the fast spreading epidemic the city is infested with at present. The little daughter of Mr. Dave O'Brien, hix years of age, died this morn ing about 7 o'clock, of diphtheria. The child haa only Imh-ii ftick about two days. A little boy about three years of age, lm longing to the same family, is similarly affected and is not expected to live but a khort time. The funeral of the little irl will take plate tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the father's residence, corner of Vine ami Sixth streets. - "His Natural Life," which will be played at the Waterman opera house to night, is one of the most fascinating of plays. Several have read the play and no one have we ever beard denounce it. An the company was obliged to ..too over a day some place before reaching their next town, they stopped off at Platts mouth, this being the reason why the last company has lnen followed so closciy. They deserve a good house. W. K. Paul, who was arrested at Seward on the charge of cmlnzzlemrnt of $7. from the Metropolitan Manufac turing company while engaged in selling goods in this city for the above company several month ago on the installment plan, is bting tried here today before Judge Potteng. r. Mudt. Mvnster & Sea brook, of Council Muffs are ptv.i.'cuting. Mr. W. II. Isard. a member of the Metro politan Manufcturing company, of Oma ha, is the chief witness. A commercial man narrowly escaped a neck-break this would say who was acquainted with the eircum nt&nrcs we have reference to. The man we speak of weighs about two hundred pounds, at least. Early this morning as he was about to descend the stairs at the Biddlc house he missed his step and started at the top and rolled like a heavy ball to the last stop, striking the floor with a thud. With the exception of loosening a iew boards at the bottom of the stairs no damage was done to the bouse. He was surprised to be "able to pick himself up and walk away unin jured. If IJarnum had not retired from the show business the man would surely stand a good chance to secure a situation with him as an extraordinary tumbler. The dogs will no doubt suffer today nt the hands of the police. All foun running loose on the Ftretts withou muzzles or tags, will be hrtu upon iy our city protectors. It is to be hoped that about rive thousand of the sleep in terrunters will be allowed to run loose a today for the last time. The death of about five thousand of those useless canines that nrowl around durinir the a night, and keep up a continual howl would be a great relief to the community, This will rclieve"many individual who have sworn to be avenged, on the dis turbers and were about to commit tin deed themselves, llequiscat in ptace. Mr. W. II. Pool's little bo v. about three years of age, who has been sick for several djys with the prevalent disease here at preent,diphtheria,died last night about eight o'clock. Every possible aid Was securctl to in sure Ins recovery but all efforts were in vain. Almost every day of late new cases of this dread epidemic are reported, and it remains, as yet, unchecked. The funeral has been arranged to take place tomorrow morn ing from the residence of Mr. W. II. Pool at 10 o'clock and proceed to Eight 31ile Grove where interment will take place. Rev. W. B. Alexander, of the 31. E. church, will conduct the obsequies. All the county offices here will be closed tomorrow afternoon on account of the funeral. A fire occurred yesterday afternoon in the store of Mr. J. V. Week bach, in -which a house was destroyed, value.I at About $2.. The building was about thrfc.- ft-'ft square, built on the latest plan. and on fhc top was located a tine steeple. The window were enclosed with red tissue paper sj they wou'd throw out a red reflection vLaj the house was lighted up. Miss Anna Wekbach had just completed the decoratioC and tad fitted it for the window for a ijrand Nebraska Jottings. Omalia IU-e. 'fThe farmers around Burwcll are work ing hard to secure the building of a creamery. A clothes wringer successfully ampu tated one finger for u Niobrara infant the other day. It is claimed that $.",0,000 has been paid out for city property in Norfolk during the past week. The people of Broken Bow are being urged to wake up to the importance of securing a canning factory. Madison county claims the neatest and most conveniently arranged court house in the Seventh judicial district. The Brewster News Bays the people of that town expressed their thankfulness for a full harvest, by feasting and anight spent in devout cotillion and the sacred waltz. Sneak thieves are so thick at Brewster that a man can't take a chew of tobacco out of his mouth and turn around to get a drink Imt vhat sotuc whelp will steal the end. Sol Draper is the sleekest looking man in Niobrara, togged out in a $0 suit of clothe:, a $100 watch and chain and a $10 silk hat, all won on the result cf the late election. The new proprietors of the Norfolk New signalized their advent to the con rol of the paper by giving it a new head and changing the make up, all of which is for the better. Tonight. The play '"His Natural Life" aa prc sente.l by Chas. C. Manbury and Neliie Boyd, supported by an excellent com pany, with a full line of original and special ccenery and mechanical stage effects, should have a liberal patronage from our citizens. A genuine "Ram Storm"' of real water, with other special seem s introduced during the play of real merit will be worth the price of admis sion alone. Their advance representative Mr. Ilolloway, who is a relative of the Dovey Brothers, and who has been here on several occasions in advance of good attractions, assured Hun&ger Young, that the company and play is just as. reprin ted, mid that he can recommend it with out any hesitation to the opera house pa-trv-iis. So go to the opera house tonight and Y-xi w'JJ be well pleased. PERSONALS. Omaha. Our Odds and Ends of GOODS REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS AT AKOUT One Half Original Value. Odd -Pieces of IDreGS G-oods Marked Way Below COST PRICE ! Our Odds and Ends of Silks, Velvets Remnants of Above Goods AT ABOTT One Half Original Value. Colored Velveteens Reduced to 40 cents a yard, worth 05 cents. Full Liuesof AT POPULAR PRICES. sole I Cur Odds and Ends of HOSOERV! Children's Esitra Heavy Irtibbod Wcol Hosa, Sizes frcm 61 to 9, reduced to 5Co. a .Pair, worth, from. 75 to 90c- Kxtni Good Values in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE at c. per Pair. Our Odds and Ends of CLOAK 7Ti Order to clear -up Odd Gar inentt in this De partment we have marked them at a iijrure that w i 1 1 make them o in a hurry. Call early and et best choice. CLOAZTS I euaniaii t Sale in All epart mucin!; s SPECIAL VALUES I.N Ladies' Underwear FULL STOCK Of ToboTJ:l!is it ( J'r-' haulers, :h, Children's Joefcy and Alpine C Cashmere and Plush Hoods Chil drens Zephyr ami Angora Hoods, Ladies' Hoods ami Facinators. Our .0c White Merino Vents aud Pants are the best value in the city. is in .Mr. JI. 31, Sloman, of the city. Mr, J. P. Greene, of Chicago is in the city today. . Mr. E. M. Wesner, Burlington, la., is in t'i:: city. Mr. J. D. Strode, of Lincoln, is in the city today on business. V. O. English, trainmaster of the B. & M.t was in the city yesterday. Mi. Chas. George and Mrs. F. George, of Luromie, Neb., brother and sister-in- law of Mrs. Dr. biggins, arrived in the city this morning and will visit for a short time at the home of Dr. Siskins. They are Lovely. The 1: ithorne family In large anil very l-ul. Am! of iiermauy children Mrs. II. Is very proud. She -fohes tlieni with care, ami 011 them I. pps an -ye ; lint i:t to her heart, are her tw in, but six ! t t hij;h. S. i tlK-m at the opcr.i house Tuesday and Yt'edncsdsy evenings, December 1 1 and 12. Our 75c Camels Hair Vests and Pants sell clswhere at $1.00. j Our Al.OiJ Katioual Wool yests and ! Pants well worth Jfl.'Jo. j Our $1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the best goods for the price offered. Our $1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants WwJJ1 f 4-00 a suit. Our if 1.50 Scarlet Vests ana are our regular i?2.00 quality. HeMteMfifs. Our Stock very complete, in goods is above and we are show ing some very Kich Goods in Em broidered Silks and Linen. Full Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal loped, Initiel and plain white. Muffs , Boas, FUR TRIHHIftGS S Black Coney Muffs, only 65 cents. Black Hare Muffs, only 1 1. 25. Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only $3.50. Black Ileal Monkey Muffs, only $5.00. Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00. Opposum Muffs, only $2.50. Lynx Muffs, only $5 00. Imitation S "1 Muffs, only $:.50. Beaver Muffs, only spti.00 Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50. Full lines of Black Coney, Nutria, Silver Hare, Opposujn, Lynx, Raccoon, Chinchilla Fur Trimming, at very low pi ices. Best Quality Feather Trimmings, only 40 cents per yard. Blankets smhI Comfortables. White Blankets from .$1.75 to $7. Grey Blankets from $1.50 to Scarlv Blankets from 3.50 to COMFORTABLES ! Extra Guod Values and Quali ties from 1.00 to 1.00. FUJJl, ZIITE OF Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin, Knit, Cotton Blush and Cloth, at very Low Prices. FRED HERRMANN, OlfB DOOR EAST PIE? NATIONAL BANK. FRED HERRMANN, ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANE. VvT.l J. Warrick's Holiday Goods are all in and by the last of this week he will 1' able to show one of the largest and f.ust stocks ever .brought to this city. d-w2t 1. D. Dickenson, n blacksmith in the IJ. & M. Shops, and a step-father to Jcdd Vance, the boy who so narrowly esrap.-d death by being struck on the head by a locomotive last summer, has made himself very notorious in this civ- iliz Vi community by the depredations he committed yesterday morning at his home in B; bngs town before starting to work. Mrs. I ickenson'-s little girl, and sister of Jedd Vance, caught a very bad cold a few d ys ago and Tuesday night took a severe lit of coughing and caughed near ly tin- whole night. The coughing an noj'ed Dickenson very much, and in the mcrniiig when he arose, he told his wife to throw the d d girl out of the hous:-, and insulted her for some time tints. She told him that the girl would rem;;::i in the house as long aa did. This statement seemed to infuriate him. when he at once commenced to pound iff s severely in the face as to mark it up outrageously. Her face is now com let 1 !y covered with bruises received from Mows dealt by him. A man who would treat a women in such a brutal nwin:vr as that, in a civilized community. shouKi be treated by tie law to it fullest exttiir. The autlr rities are anxious to arrej-: him and would immediately do so if a i.implaint were tiled. We trust that this ;.:;m may yet be brought to account for i'-.ji brutal action and be dealt with Board of Health Proclamation. Pi.ATTiMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 1, 1888. To his- Honor the AJayor and Council of the City of Maltsmouth, JSeb. Ukkti.emex: As your Board of He.;! 1:1 in view of the prevalence of diphtln :.. and other infectuous diseases, ve do ! spectfully recommend that the public schools and all other schools within, 0' limits of the city of plattsmoutj), incluu ing Sunday schools, be closed until such time as all danger from contagion h--:s passed. So we do further recommend that all residents known to have cases of contagious diseases be quarantined and placarded until such time as danger from infection is over. Also that all fumra's where the patient is know to have diid from contagious disease be strictly private. F. E. White. Theo. P. Livingston. E. W. Cook. J. D. SlMl'SOX. Attest: W. K. Fox. Tle Poor of Mexico. 11 10 peon laborer wJiq earns 37 A Word to the Wise Sec. . If you want to see a fine display of Holiday goods, Toy3, Books, Albums, Xmas cards, Plush and fancy goods, Dulls &,c, don't fail to cali In at ,7. P. Young's,who extends a cordial invitation to all his friends, customers, and the public in general. It will cost you nothing to examine the goods and get prices. We are ready to meet our com petitors, in a fair and honest competition, in our line of goods, (quality and style of goods sonsidered), although we do not claim to buy our goods in car load lots, we will give you value received and low prices in good honest goods, just the same. Allow me to sincerely thank you for your liberal patronage durinir the pact year, and trusting I may merit the con tinuance of your patronage, by fair and honest dealing, during the coming holi days and the year 1889 I remain Bespcct fully Yours, J. P. Young. The light rutufuu only ?2".00. Howe at Sherwood's Bailed hay will be for sale at the Holmes stables from now on, sold by the ton or car load. holiday display, when one of hf-r younger i accordingly. brother LajipeneJ along, and being -desirous of viewing the house by night, lighted a match and was about to put it inside, when the blaze caught wme of the light, fancy decorations, and in au instant the whole thing was in a flame. The fire wm extinguished belofe any damage was done to the store. It Will be Funny. It l verv, very (r.nay, r!) it takes a Utile money. 'Joeta t?af District School. Sj&ts on sale at J. P. Young's. resci ved seats ".c. Ad- Down Co The Prices. From now on we Mill sell Garland and Radiant Home base burners at greutly reduced prices. Johnson Bkos. '.ll'is NatcraJ houv. t'. night. Life" at the opera Still Hope for Him "I'm very much worried about my son." What's the matter" "U by, I've spent thousands of dollars educating him in elocution and oratory, end he can't make a living, after all." ''Wiiylon't he start in business as a prize figter'J-'-' Wool boots with rultbers reduced to 2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only tfd c n Shrrwood's, sold elsewhere for cents will not grudge a third of his r.ay to soruo unfortunate comrade. ; Vhat rich man with an income of i ' 100 a day will with equal readiness i i..;nd out $33 to a poor fellow mortal? 1 know a cas-3 where a poor serving ! roman took her little bed and gave t : i a sick woman, and herself slept on iiie hard tloor for weeks thereafter. A uoor naral vtic comes to mv door everv week and gets alms; it is liard to keep a silver quarter in the pocket when a deformed man crawls by on his hands and knees. How many of these poor wretches one sees on ramy afternoons crawling along through the mud and dirt of the sti-eets. Many say, care lessly, that these ioor people should le in the hospitals, but they pre fer, when able to do so, to fret out into the grld of their fellows and trust to .the charity of the fortunats who haye logs to walk on, for a few bits of money to keep them fi-om starvation. J. know a poor woman, paralyzed from the knees down, who, with her babe in her arms, kneels in one of the pub lic gardens and receives the charity people bestow on her. If she gets twenty-five cents in a day, she lives well and has a little meat and possibly a drop of coffee. If she gets but six cents she lives on that, and thanks heaven. In the lottery of life some of us draw prizes sound limbs, good lungs and clear heads, while others, equally worthy, get the blanks. I can not help thinking, as I walk the streets of Mexico, that it is good for the pros perous, the comfortably off, to see these poor cripples, these blind men and women, these strange beings, half human, who crawl at your feet. Shut them lip jn hospitals, and one forgets that Ihey. exist. The "charity yiich one put3 into a plate at church goes only indirectly to the afflicted. Half the pleasure of doing good is lost. For years there was seen around the streets here a dog faced lad, who walked on his hands and feet like an animal. I haye not seen hirn for months, and perhaps he is dead. The stcrr went that this strange, fantastic freak of nature was born the son of well to do 'parents, who. distrusted at his horrid shape, turned him into the streets. On chilly winter mornings he went about in cotton, for he was de cently covered, but his expression of sadness and hunger and weariness went straight to the jieart. To see this poor fellow made one ashamed of being able to walk upright. Those of us wlio gave him small coins now and then do pot, I fancy, regret it, now that ho ljas gone from sight. For tho student of puman development this, lad would have been a treasure". H was human, but he was also brutish. Sights such as these make the blood run chill in the veins, but they also prompt little acts of charity which make giver and recipient feel their common humanity. City of .Mexico ."or. JJoston Herald. - and SPECIAL Sales iu Ladies' Fine Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for onlv 3 m worth ..00. ' UR Three-Dollar Shoes is far better than evW put on the market hi re before. J OR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will rqual ours. IME is going on and our goods must be sold. OW all we ask is for you to give us a call. AND to see the gooda will c.onvince you that we are stilin other dealer. PrICES Low is our Motto. clujipi-r than aoy W. A. BO C CO. get them for The ladies of the M. E. church will I Don't tro o ... . mro on;dl :.. ...... . ""i"mu SIJO ) . W u nwx,l UI . 4 1 1111. V I I I 1 I 1 II 111. I 111. Illl .1 WS iT ... I . - ------ , uis n lien YOU C'tn nnrcilnniTA nnpnn. i . I h1 .1 . 1 i.i. T i , - . r. . r.vuigi, vmiiii i iuniuic nuu "in , o.jc ai onerwood s. streets, jcvery ooay is inviterl to come and have a soeial time. Fiidav evening December 7th. Wanted. A girl for general house work. at corner 5th and Elm streets. First ward school. tf Mrs. G. W. HousEwoiiTfi Inquire Opposite The finest bedroom sets can be found at II. Boeck's. Don't be mislead by so-called Reduced Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when you can buy better goods for less money ..4 T V. T'i r n : i. l ., . Accomplishme nts. Miss Alice Shepherd will commence a class for ladies and geitlemn on Thurs day evening, at her rooms on 4th street, in pencil and crayon drawing, prepara tory a sketching class in the summer. Terms very low. For particulars apply to Miss Shepherd, 4th street, bet jveej) Main and Vine. Miss S. has vacancies for a few additional pupils in vocal and instrumental music, and her classes for oil and water color painting meet twice a week. December 3rd, 1 688. Jwk Plentv of feed, flour, graham meal at Heisel's mill:' tf ' h ' ,; and HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children tq cough aqd strain and cough and calmly say; "QhJ it J3 only a little cold," and keep giving thern cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co , druggists. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people w ll not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits rather thai take a medicine of vorlcl wide reputation and one that ia giving universal satisfaction at equal price V medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for pmifvin" the blood as BEGG'S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. ' Dr. C- A. Friar shall. Resident 2D satis t. Preservation of the a i . . . i-it iv opceiany. Auestutttcs given for Pain less Filling or Extraction ok Tektu Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver' Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FrrroEaAu BM)c Flattsmodth, K P